Open Thread - 02-09-24 - The Un-Immaculate Misconception

It's agonizingly apparent that We the People are not our government's constituency. Corporations and the rich are the true constituents. Our leaders are selected for them, not you and I. All of the current campaign rhetoric is hot air rising, meant to fill the balloon of hope, until it bursts shortly after the election into a limp plastic dose of reality. We're being fooled again.

Both Biden and Trump, if either are elected, will be lame duck presidents. When their four years are over, then what? The winner won't have to worry about re-election, that is IF there will be another election. Hell, We the People, may not make it through this election. That would make us all lame ducks. Quack, quack.


Hopefully the two houses of congress will stay divided. IMHO, continued stalemate is the better option. The downside of that is the president's ability to enact executive orders. The presidency has become too powerful with congress's acquiescence of their constitutional authorities which allow the president to rule by edict rather than by consensus of the people as wishfully manifested by the supposed tripartite structure of the American form of government. Especially in the matters of war. How convenient for the puppet masters.

The House of Representatives is the vehicle by which lobbyists, who represent the monied class, utilize to propose bills that the corporations themselves write. The Senate is where bills go to die that somehow make it past the lobbyists' purview, or the occasional bill that was but a canard thrown out as red meat to feign concern for the hoi polloi.

The Un-Immaculate Misconception is the misinterpretation that the US practices democracy when in truth it's more akin to a monarchy. One has to wonder when a future president will go full Caesar and pull back the curtain from the political facade and disband the useless congress in lieu of dictatorial powers.

The 2024 Presidential election may very well decide who will be the first American Caesar. Then again the argument could be made that we're already there.

In professional wrestling this election cycle would be promoted as the The Battle of the Despots, featuring a two party tag team of geriatric gemokes. Replete with two villains. And We the People as willingly duped fans cheering on the facade of democracy.

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I've learned to let it all roll off of my back, like water on a duck. I refuse to live in their fear, so I try to live my life as normal as possible. As the Moody Blues so aptly state: "It riles them to believe, that you perceive, the web they weave. So keep on thinking free."

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Socialprogressive's picture

I'm wondering why they're even holding primaries this year.
I don't think we need to worry about a monarch as long as the military is loyal to the constitution. Once the military places it's loyalty behind a person and not the constitution, we're screwed.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

@Socialprogressive killed some unarmed protesters in 1970 at Kent State.
I am not as sure of the military doing their sworn duty as I was before those murders. My distrust of them will dramatically increase if, as rumored, illegal immigrants will be allowed to join up.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Sima's picture

@on the cusp
Dang, that's so Roman. Not that the immigrants were 'illegal' but that, eventually, the only ones in the army (not the officers) were people from outside Italy. They were inhabitants of the provinces and the 'barbarian' areas outside the Empire.

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

@Sima be patriots committed to "God and country"?
What allegiance would they have to the US?
Wouldn't they be fed, housed, and trained to kill for the current boss until the next one recruited them?
I think we will get to observe this crap first hand, and can stop the speculation. It is not necessary to speculate what we see with our own eyes.
Give Jaska a hug for me, if that isn't too much trouble, sima.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

may indeed be our last hope in the event of a rogue executive. Then again, the current state of our military suggests otherwise.

The Constitution is but a speed bump that's easily driven around.

12 users have voted.
orlbucfan's picture

@Socialprogressive It's been rigged for a long time, Sp. By the prehistoric brained 'haves,' who never change, and bring the rest of us down. It's a major flaw in our species. Anywho, hope you aren't flooded out in San Diego. I'm looking forward to the Photo Diary you host. Smile Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

QMS's picture

Caitlin gave me a chuckle..

Voting in western “democracies” is done to give us the illusion of control, like letting a toddler play with a toy steering wheel while you drive so they can feel like they’re participating.

Thanks for the OT!

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

steering wheel.jpg

12 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture


6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

in a military industrial dictatorship, and Eisenhower was right when he warned that it represented the disastrous rise of misplaced power. It is a disaster for the world and for us.

15 users have voted.

@Linda Wood
how the production side of the military industrial complex has been distributed throughout the states. The fear of losing jobs in their districts and not being re-elected because of that keeps the states representatives in line with the military Borg.

Term limits would help to fix that embedded obstacle.

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orlbucfan's picture

@JtC Already tried, didn't work.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

that's why it failed.

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orlbucfan's picture

@JtC I don't know about that one. Picture a few biped horror shows like tRump and Medicare Crook Rick Scott slimeballing/fooling enough clueless voters.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

enhydra lutris's picture

for our actual, as opposed to mythical form of governent. All of them have some degree of merit. A few that come to mind are oligarchy, plutocracy, corporatocracy, kleptocracy, and kakistocracy. Meanwhile, the masses, because there are so-called elections, are led to believe in a "representative democracy" even though, as noted, those elected do not represent the demos, and are "elected" in show elections in which a fraction of the populace is allowed to pick and choose between a limited selection of "candidates" pre-selected by the two wings of the uniparty. The uniprty fights fiercely to keep outsiders off the ballot, and, usually, to restrict voting privileges to their faithful. (There is no "right to vote", as I have outlined elsewhere.) All of those names have merit, each emphasizing one or more specific features of our government that prevent an objetive observer from finding it to be a democracy. It can also be said that we are a fascist country insofar as the government is owned lock, stock and barrel by a a cabal and generally aligns its policies and interests with those of our corporates. (Corporates in the classic sense, though, predominantly corporations.)

All of that is, in a sense corruption. The key element to damn near everything about our government, its governance and activities derives from corruption. It is not an accident that sociopaths rise to the top of government and business, especially corporations, or that sociopaths are actively sought out for top positions. They need not be corrupted by peers and processes, but are ready to go right out of the box.

Accordingly, I propose that we quit focusing on this or that specific aspect of our government and economy and instead focus on the principal unifying theme; we are a corruptocracy, no more and no less.

be well and have a good one

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
the corruption is ubiquitous, from local school boards on up to, and especially, the highest levels of authority. It, from the top down, defines us as a society.

It's a real head scratcher when a politician leaves office with much more wealth that their salary provides. Not!

The rai·son d'ê·tre of politics has mutated from civic service to servicing civic booty, money not butt, but that works too.

11 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris
the obvious influence of the lobbyist hive in whatever legislation is enacted
indicates laws are made for the corporate bodies, not so much for the body
politic. Legalized bribery is not necessarily a good reflection of our system.

10 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

orlbucfan's picture

@enhydra lutris This country has been a craporate fascist police state for a long time. That pattern is a broken record throughout recorded (non-revisionist) world history. However, there's now a major monkey wrench: climate crisis. The power hungry, maggotbrained fascists don't know what to do about that one, even if they have the intelligent (?) courage to acknowledge it!

10 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

usefewersyllables's picture

Saw the PSA yesterday, and thought I'd drop in a few shekels.

Woke up this morning still alive. I've stopped expecting that- I know that one of these white-flash nightmares is going to be real, soon enough. I find myself contemplating Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov and Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, and I'm reduced to the hope that there are still some of their ilk around in the various militaries. Don't have a lot of real hope for it, though; just sort of a vague longing.

I won't be participating in the political process any further, because doing so represents milliseconds of life wasted that can never be replaced. Things have gone too far to be repairable.

So I work, I eat, I drink, and I attempt to sleep. What's left of life will be spent in those pursuits. And when the white flash finally and inevitably does arrive, all I'll have to say is "Well, it certainly fuckin' took you long enough...." Not in a happy place, right now. But your mileage may vary.

How about that big sportball game? Will they be giving out free bread?

12 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

enhydra lutris's picture


but the game itself, being a big time distraction from all things, can serve as an physio-psycho-cerebral analgesic.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

usefewersyllables's picture

@enhydra lutris

fulfills the definition of "circus". Oh, well.

I've been singing a song I co-wrote back in the 70s a lot lately, because I have only just finally come to realize what it actually meant. The primary lyric is this:

They say to get what you can get
But how, no one will tell
They say the best revenge is living well
But if you take what you can take
And make the best of what you're given
You'll find the best revenge is livin'...

It was in 5/8, of course. Haven't played a note of music in over a year- but I still sing to myself.

11 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.


Haven't played a note of music in over a year

Playing music, especially when learning a new song, carries me away.

I'm currently working on this one:

I've just about got it down.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


methinks the opening salvo will be an EMP blast up in the stratosphere.
Shut down all devices, power grid, money transfers, most transport and
then live in the dark. Price to pay for being the world bully. Repercussions.
Piss-off the wrong powers and that will only be a slap in the face. A more
civilized response.

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

as per my opening comment, I'll do my best to go on living my life as normal as possible. My life, as I see it, not as they want it to be.

The goal of the fear mongering and intimidation is to shut us up and to shut us down. The old axiom says it best: Best not to worry about things beyond your control. The threat of nuclear annihilation is the most effective weapon in their arsenal of fear. Fuck 'em. I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying life.

With that said, I understand your angst and appreciate your view point.

Thanks for stopping in and hope to see more of you around in the future.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Defame Carlson for interviewing Putin.

The comments on my local rag about the interview were the same as the democrats mouthpiece media, but I doubt many of them even bothered to watch it. Lots of talk about Putin committing genocide instead of trying to stop it.

Americans are the most uninformed and propagandized people and they seem to be proud of it since they won’t do any research for themselves. Maybe it’s true that Americans have the government that they deserve. Just today I saw comments saying that Biden is the best president since FDR. Just what has he done to deserve this?

13 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

kill him makes him stronger. Oops, maybe I should have worded that differently.

9 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Hopefully the two houses of congress will stay divided. IMHO, continued stalemate is the better option.

I happen to know a self-described "staunch conservative" (whom I somehow believe is closer to my age than to yours) who said pretty much just this, that he likes it best when neither party is in control and the least gets done.

"That government governs best which governs least" - which is certainly true when the government has become an abusive, dysfunctional parent, the kind you live in terror of and only hope will leave you to your own devices while it dozes through its latest substance-abuse session - because nothing good ever comes of it deciding to get involved in your life for a while.

This is the divide; those who still say
"Government GOOD! Government DO STUFF!"
those haunted by the trauma of what's happened when it has.

This is indeed, not democracy; in a democracy, either such mentality would be meaningless.

9 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat
have gotten so extreme that we are better off with as little legislation as possible, in my view anyway.

But then presidential executive orders enter the chat room.

8 users have voted.


Just saying.


12 users have voted.

but it takes two sides to make a mutual agreement. The neocons are locked into a unilateral roadblock position. We shall see.

Judging by those images below the tweet, Scholz and Macron must have cooties.

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BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. gun manufacturers plan to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their bid to escape Mexico's $10 billion lawsuit seeking to hold them responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels across the U.S.-Mexico border.

The planned appeal was disclosed during a virtual court hearing on Friday by a lawyer for Smith & Wesson Brands after the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month overturned a judge's decision dismissing the case.

Mexico alleges in the lawsuit, filed in 2021, that the companies undermined its strict gun laws by designing, marketing and distributing military-style assault weapons in ways they knew would arm drug cartels, fueling murders, extortions and kidnappings in the country.

Mexico says over 500,000 guns are trafficked annually from the U.S. into Mexico, of which more than 68% are made by the eight companies it sued, which also include Sturm, Ruger & Co, Beretta USA, Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Colt's Manufacturing Co and Glock Inc.

Mexico said the smuggling has contributed to high rates of gun-related deaths, declining investment and economic activity and a need for it to spend more on law enforcement and public safety.

The companies deny wrongdoing.

9 users have voted.
Sima's picture

I already know that elections don't really matter, at least, in respect to the 'little people'. Who's Biden gonna have for VP this time? Kamala? A possible president, Kamala??? But it wouldn't really matter, would it? Because TPTB will still be in charge. Same with Trump as president.

This is definitely possible... 'One has to wonder when a future president will go full Caesar and pull back the curtain from the political facade and disband the useless congress in lieu of dictatorial powers.' The thing is, the Roman emperor never did that, at least not at first. The Roman senate kept going. It just had little to no power, but was a great training ground for the buttlickers as they worked their way up in the government. So, the president doesn't really have to disband congress, but... they do have to disband the idea of 'electing' a president every 4 years. That'll be interesting, as it happens, if we are still around and Biden doesn't nuke us all.

8 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so


This is definitely possible... 'One has to wonder when a future president will go full Caesar and pull back the curtain from the political facade and disband the useless congress in lieu of dictatorial powers.' The thing is, the Roman emperor never did that, at least not at first. The Roman senate kept going. It just had little to no power, but was a great training ground for the buttlickers as they worked their way up in the government.

After writing that little tidbit I wondered to my self if it was correct or not, so I researched it and sure enough it was Diocletian that actually disbanded the Senate, even though, technically by definition, Diocletian could be considered a Caesar.

Anyway substituting Caesar with Diocletian in that context didn't carry the same impact so I invoked my artistic license, which I happen to have hanging on the wall above my desk :-D, and left it as it was.

Thanks for the input, Sima.

3 users have voted.
Sima's picture

was perfectly fine! I was just adding a bit from my rather useless (it seems to me, as things stand for me right now) academic work on Roman military stuff Smile .

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

why during WW2 people of color, native Americans, Chinese.....all of us, no matter how treated, still volunteered to fight for America. There must have been some feeling, maybe that being an American was like being in a family, we're all in this together. For me, that broke with Vietnam. For a lot of the U.S. it seems to have broken over the end of segregation. And we've been being broken ever since. We're being churned, always off balance. Our political system worked for us once, so it can happen again, how I don't know. But you're right. We can't stop living. If we value life, we need to value our own lives as well and stop churning. The media, the politicians and corporations endlessly present what we see as the most important thing in the world, for their benefit. It's not. We need to stop playing their game.

7 users have voted.


why during WW2 people of color, native Americans, Chinese.....all of us, no matter how treated, still volunteered to fight for America. There must have been some feeling, maybe that being an American was like being in a family, we're all in this together. For me, that broke with Vietnam.

Me too, Vietnam broke the trance with me as well.

The machine runs on fear. If enough people disavow the fear the facade would crumble like the Wizard of Oz when Toto pulled back the curtain.

Great insight, thanks Snode.

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