The Weekly Watch
Building Anew

There are times when a structure is so damaged or rotten, it just isn't worth trying to repair. That's the way I currently view western governments...they promote the globalists agenda, corporate interests, and deep state directives not the needs of their own citizens. These western governments are, to my mind, irreparable. Changing the direction of the ship of state racing to crash on the shore is simply a task fighting too much inertia. Time to jump ship. My approach is to step outside the system and build for yourself, your family and community.

Last week I featured a Whitney Webb video in which she said, we have to build our own online and real world experience (5 min). I think she is correct. A special thanks to JtC for building a space for our cyber community. If you've got a little extra, share some love with him.
At any rate, Whitney got me thinking about building new ways of living, and of the need to escape this corrupt empire as it is collapsing. As a 70's "back to the land" type, I've built a homestead. Our garden is very fertile after 35+ years of manure and straw. Like any job well done there is a sense of accomplishment in you can see what you've done.
I've been lucky. I live in a house I built with family and friends. It has its issues, but has served us well for over 35 years. The first story today is of a family who has built several homes, building equity as the decades passed. Not a bad approach for people who enjoy building and self reliance.
So much "off Grid" content you see is hard to believe.....while I can't tell you whats real and whats not on the internet, I can show you what it looked like for my wife, Brooke, and I to get started on this journey of off grid living.....the pretty stuff and the ugly.
(24 min with chapters here.)
Building one house was enough for me, but I enjoyed seeing this family's approach in Alaska.
Building can be an addiction.
GET A HOBBY: work with ROCKS and CEMENT like JOHN DUNSWORTH (11 min)
I've done some rock work, and in fact have a couple of projects to do this winter finishing a new fire ring and adding some rock work to the ford down in the bottom. I first became attracted to rock work after reading Scott and Helen Nearing's book, "Living the Good Life" They used the Flagg or slip form method of rock construction. I've build bridge pillars and walls using the technique, creating rock faced concrete - strong, attractive, relatively easy and inexpensive.

However building soil has been my interest for six decades. Gardens are easy using manure and mulch in our climate and ecosystem. The use of ruminants (and other animals) to improve grasslands, watersheds, and soils fascinates me...basically emulating the giant roaming herds that evolved along side the grasslands.
Farmers like Joel Salatin, Will Harris and Greg Judy are reinventing farms and marketing direct to consumers. They have all built thriving farm businesses.
However, Allan Savory is not just trying to change the pastoral system, but is using ruminant animals to prevent desertification. Sometimes reality is counter intuitive.
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory (22 min TED talk)
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes -- and his work so far shows -- that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.
If you have time (47 min) and interest, his documentary is interesting with before and after photos.
This in-depth documentary explores Allan Savory and how he has used Holistic Management to completely transform his land in Zimbabwe.
Allan Savory gives his 45 min keynote lecture at Groundswell 2019. Allan talks about the cause of both global desertification and climate change in which agriculture is playing possibly a greater role than fossil fuel emissions. And he will explain why two new paradigm-shifting concepts are involved in any solution: Management and policy need to be holistic and no longer reductionist and livestock, in greatly increased numbers, are essential to any solution.
He gives a follow up lecture also. The Importance of Managing Holistically (1 hour)
Allan explains why managing agriculture holistically is imperative, and why livestock – properly managed – are essential to regenerative agriculture globally. Based on experience gained on continents with harsher environments and economies, he will share ideas that can help UK farmers thrive.
Chapters of the respective talks are at the links.
I understand most people are not gardening nor raising livestock, but there are many paths toward building community and lifestyles.
Building Thriving, Resilient Communities Guide provides many resources and ideas.
We are tribal animals. E. O. Wilson suggests we evolved as tribal animals (12 min). Building a tribe creates a natural support group, and as the empire degrades into who knows what, having support is likely to be important. No doubt, friends are good for our over all health.
So far the discussion has focused on things we as individuals can do. In the real world much more needs to be rebuilt and designed. Look at the wasteland of Gaza. Who knows what the outcome will look like when the genocide finally ends (will it end?). For that matter, what about Ukraine? Scott in one of his many interviews talked about the waste, pollution, and environmental damage left behind. In Iraq deformed children are born in many areas due to US use of depleted uranium to this day and far into the future.

Somehow we must shift our obsession with domination, power, and control to cooperation, mutual benefit, and support. It seems to me that most people prefer the latter. Bullies are not the norm, but they seem to be the ones who seek and maintain leadership positions. I often hear the idea that we need to hit the streets to promote change, but I personally don't see that being an effective strategy given the jack booted militarized police (many trained by Israel). Consider the yellow vest protests in France. It hasn't accomplished much. Napoleon Macron still lords over the country despite his lack of popular support.
Even people who do drop out of the system will face the coming social changes. Living in the country is a buffer but not a total escape from the "Great Reset". Can there be a great escape of the great reset? I intend to try.
All is not bad in the world at large...Signs of Hope
The emergence of a multipolar world is a reminder that the world has a lot to be optimistic about – despite the ravages of conflict and manifold perilous tensions.
Russia and China’s strength to face down U.S. aggression is one such assurance of a better world taking shape.
Out with the old and in with the new. There is an unerring sense that we are witnessing not merely one year giving way to the next.
The world is undergoing truly historic changes that are related to the inexorable decline of the U.S.-led Western order and the emergence of a multipolar global order.
The United States is still undoubtedly a global power with hegemonic ambitions. Its possession of hundreds of military bases in over 100 countries around the world is a testimony to its formidable military strength.
Nevertheless, the Washington-dominated Western order – or so-called “rules-based order” – is in fateful decline. The emergence of a multipolar alternative order is illustrated by numerous fora, the BRICS with its growing membership, the increasing influence of the G20, and the dynamism of the Eurasian economies. All these developments bear witness to the demise of the Western order.
The substantial move away from the U.S. dollar as the premier currency of trade is perhaps the most consequential manifestation of the global shifts in power.
Empires rarely expire quietly as millennia of history show. There is always a hard-bitten struggle to maintain privileges and monopoly control. The fading of the U.S. is no different. The empire is going down screaming and kicking.
The American empire is cornered by its own corruption and internal crisis. There was a time in history when Western powers could shoot their way out of trouble by starting wars overseas under all sorts of false pretenses.
Those days are over. The U.S. and its Western partners are bankrupt in every way, financially, morally and politically. The world can see that as clear as the fable of the naked emperor.
Russia, China and other nations that aspire for a new, fairer world based on respect for international law and the founding principles of the United Nations are not going to pander to the geopolitical blackmail of the U.S. and its dying Western empire.
Despite the grim circumstances existing in parts, the world has much to look forward to in terms of achieving international cooperation, development and peace. Signs of hope are all around us.
When an empire goes down there is much grinding and gnashing. But it goes down and the world goes on.
...and so it goes. Keep your head down and prepare the best you can.
Perhaps we're better off laughing at the demented nature of the US today.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The president shot back at what he called "Super Duper Ultra MAGA Turbo Titans" Monday as he claimed "you can't be pro-insurrection and pro-American" despite being the commander in chief of a nation founded by an insurrection.
"Can you imagine Thomas Jefferson calling for the blood of tyrants? What if John Adams refused to pledge fealty to King George? England would've nuked us to oblivion. It would've been total malarkey anarchy!" said the unblinking Biden, unflinching in the face of a citizenry increasingly questioning whether he is fit to be president.
"Look, here's the deal, these Capitol insurrectioneserutes are traitors to American ideals because they wanted to challenge the results of an election," Biden confirmed. "I know this for a fact because a traitor is everyone who does not agree with me."
"We saw what happened," he continued, referring to the events of January 6. "Law enforcement agencies were speared with terrorist javelins dripping in blood, surrounded by carnage."
"These are all things that actually happened that I am not making up," he added.
At publishing time, White House officials had advised the president to stop saying "we saw what happened" in regards to the January 6 capitol riots because he keeps describing events that never took place.
It really is a joke...on us all.

I look forward to your ideas about escaping the ravages of collapse and strategies for prospering in the future. Plus anything else that might be on your mind. Have a good Sunday!

Good morning.
Mutual aid will be a good start IMHO.
Neighbor says instead of wasting time & energy in meaningless elections, we all could learn how to preserve food etc and go for the kill - General Strike.
A general strike...
is an interesting strategy. The problem I see is the elite, who are richer than God, can weather a strike for years, but the working people cannot. If there was such an effort, I would happily participate. Being retired and debt free would make it easy for me, but young folks would have a difficult time, to my mind.
Thanks for the good idea, and yes, growing and preserving food is something most people could do. It really isn't difficult. Plus it is fun and rewarding. Thanks for coming by this morning!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If some young folks truly wanted to strike,
The American Dream is completely unattainable now. All young people will ever know is insecurity, so they just might welcome an alternative lifestyle.
I may yet get a few cows.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes, escape serfdom!
...and look for new community opportunities.
Here's a directory of intentional communities.
And some focused on homesteading.
People will need to be willing to step outside the box as the decline progresses. The instinct of survival is strong, so I bet especially young folks will adapt.
Thanks for dropping by. Have a nice day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is another level
Sorry I had to remove the
Palestinian flag at the end of the tweet - else getting error message repeatedly.
That's an interesting story/comparison
The approach of the oppressed vs the oppressor.
I keep thinking the possible solution to the mess is the re-establishment of Palestine...a country of Muslims, Christians, and Jews with religious freedom - one person one vote.
Do genocidal states have a right to exist? Not to my mind. Of course the US committed genocide of the first nations peoples.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hey, good morning
Your life-long work developing the homestead is impressive. Many accomplishments
directly connected to an overarching goal: To live independently.
I share your visions. After rebuilding an old house while working full time, I understand
the sacrifices and resources required. Now, slipping into 'modern retirement' meaning
slowing down the business part, have more time to focus on the grounds of our little
plot. A bit late to the game, but still enjoy learning about soil ph, drainage, native plants
and how to work in harmony with nature. Just wish this old body can keep up with the
physical demands required.
The reduced money generating aspect of this phase has also given me time to become
more community involved. Helping neighbors, volunteering with organizations and sharing
ideas to strengthen community are all rewarding.
A mixture of rain/sleet and snow today hovering around the freezing point. Good day for
a fire and a split pea soup. Good luck and thanks for the watch!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
We're never too old to learn new tricks...
In fact life long learning is the goal to my mind. I try to keep learning about your skills.
(15 min)
I've been looking for a skiff like this to buy. I just don't have the space/facility to build one myself. Maybe someday.
As a young man I dreamed of sailing around the world. Obviously I never did.
Happy sailing through life. Slow and easy at our age!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wonder if there is an intersection
between the settler doctors fleeing Israel (see my earlier comment with a tweet) and this one
Here in the US, hospitals are closed by vulture capitalists
to increase consolidation and profits. Israel doctors asking the IDF to destroy hospitals
in Gaza is a more sinister plan. Results are similar. Does this mesh with the WHO
push to destroy access to health care? Culling the undesirables.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare is hard to believe...
Doctors would call for the bombing of hospitals. What a sick society! The mideast eye provides good insight on their views, attitudes, and stories. Thanks for the link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hooray for us!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning Lookout et. al. It rained yesterday and then
nearly froze last night; the rain is supposed to quit but not the cold.
Meanwhile, some Global this and that:
The Asia Times reprint of a story by PURNENDRA JAIN And TAKESHI KOBAYASHI says Kishida cabinet approval dropped to 17%. After listing a plethora of scandals besetting the LDP, and referencing an ongoing prosecutors investigation, the column opines:
Asia Times also reports that US research firm curbed over alleged Xinjiang spying here: I'm not of the opinion tht it is, on balance, worth a read unless you have an interest in a company named Kharon. (pronounced Karen????)z
South China Morning Post reports on Chinese hospital finds new genetic sequence for rare blood type p during routine tests here: The article is an interesting read.
Sputnik also has an article entitled Epstein, Clintons & Cash: Why Zelenska Foundation is Vehicle to Divert Aid to Corrupt Ends [ ] that may have new content and which is followed by two other Clinton related pieces.
Just in case you're not burnt out on all this already.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for the news!
We've had company most of the week so my news scanning was weak this thanks for the links.
A cool 40F with about 0.1" of rain this AM. A big rain event predicted here for Monday night and Tuesday. Maybe it will break the drought.
Have a great Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hey, been out
all week with a phone
that died after 'update'
not the battery nor the screen
nor the hardware to be blamed
according to my guy
software scrambled still working
on getting data from it-total brick so far
this one? loaner galaxy based not too shabby
might switch up
silly season is gone again thank
the gods
metric shitton of rain now
ice and cold 1" of snow
@ elevation overnight
read three books while
offline ignored the 'newz'
the world didn't blow us up
hope everyone had whatever holiday
they wanted and you're All
happy and healthy(as much as possible)
still scratching and scraping to get by
we'll see if it gets better
in the new year
thanks for the ww and the informational
keep you're head down and
your ass covered
looks like 'fun' going forward
Wheeeeee. . .
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Hope yours is a good one...
2024 that is. For some ironic reasons I feel hopeful...I guess cause it seems many are seeing through the shit show. I think the plandemic helped people begin to see the lies.
No doubt it is going to be a wild ride. At least it is interesting.
good to "see" you today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I received a new year good wishes call
yesterday from an old friend who has moved some 60 miles away, but light years from his old life style of training horses, growing hay, and raising cattle. He still has a few head, still harvests a few acres of hay, but he spends most of his time in the city now.
Well, he was a roper and champion bull rider, and trained horses. He entered rodeos all over the US, Canada, and Mexico. And now, his age has caught up with him and his riding and training interests have dramatically changed.
He rides a gaited horse now. What a shock! He is training mules! Wow!
He asked me if I still had my English saddles. I had been trying to figure out what to do with them. COVID caused barn and training facility closures and I lost track of my dressage pals that might have helped me sell my gear. Well, he and his saddle maker pal can get them sold easily.
I was thinking I had one western and 2 English saddles. Well, make that 3 English saddles. Getting rid of all my gear will give me more barn space, and some run and play money.
Happy New Year, former cowboy!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Great story...
and old friend to have nearby. I rode a bit in my youth, but western only. From my years as a camp councilor.
Have a buddy with a mule. He say it is a four wheel drive horse.
An old (now deceased) fellow from up the valley was asked why do you have a mule?
Cause I need him to plow my corn.
Why do you grow corn?
I gots to have something to feed my mule.
This one's about JU's uncle. He was a great song writer. I sing this one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My Dad was in The Horse Cavalry,
While he was at Ft. Riley, he was trained in jumping, dressage, and polo. Some of his instructors were English, French, and Russian. He said the Russians were the best of the bunch. I do not recall my Dad ever speak of Russia and it's people in less than high praise.
Anyway, he sort of got me interested in English riding, and I switched to it when I was about 38 years old.
The last time he got on a horse was when he was around 82 years old. I had bought a nice young thoroughbred gelding off the race track, was re-training him to do dressage. Dad drove up, grabbed his granddaughter, about 2 yrs old at the time, and said, "I want to take her for a ride." I adjusted the stirrups, handed him the baby after he got on, and they rode around for 15 minutes or so. When he got off, he said, " That's a fine horse, and you did a good job training him."
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
You can develop deep relationships...
...with horses. Even a strange horse recognizes if you are a horse person.
I loved the story you told about your donkey. I've never had a donkey relationship, but think I would like to develop one. If they weren't so long lived I would think about getting one now.
Well on we go. No telling what the future will bring. Best of luck as we go onward!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Change will not happen until a near total collapse occurs.
We are only in control of what is near to us as you point out. One of thee most fundamental decisions on whether we or other nations go to war will not be decided by protests or what is now called direct actions. The ruling elites will decide with no need to follow any constitutional or legal restraints.
The elites can now openly rule without shame or any moral standards and have legitimized their criminality. I read a claim not sure if it is true, but some stock trader was charged insider trading--all he did was buy the same stocks as Pelosi.
Social movements have been derailed if they pose a threat to power structures. AntiFa is an example of that. Through their violent instigation they marginalized the BLM movement. I read about a protest in CA where people got together to protest vaccine mandates. AntiFa showed up and attacked the protesters. AntiFa an anarchist group favored gummit mandates??? What power groups were in fact in favor of forced vaccines? The perfect example is actually Bernie Sanders who sheep dogged almost an entire generation into the democratic party with its horrid policies and support for moneyed elites.
Physical issues have really tempered what I can do, but I am thinking my next project is to clear out my backyard and plant wild flowers hopefully attracting many and sundry pollinators.
Change can happen in the wink of an eye
given the administration's penchant for going into conflict with eyes sealed shut
whatever movements ongoing under the radar may be unseen to the policy gods
an 'oh sh*t' reaction is not out of the question as people wake up to alternatives
strength in numbers can be overwhelming
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Eyes wide shut...
is very descriptive, along with a severe case of selective collective amnesia.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pollinator gardens are fun...
and you hit the nail on the head...
It is 1984 and we have endless war promoted by the ministry of truth...
The whole BLM riot scene just didn't ring true to me....with pallets of bricks arriving in the street and so on. The contrast of police in DC for the BLM protests vs the Jan 6 protest speaks volumes too.
This the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th. Tucker Carlson interviews Congressman Clay Higgins.
Let's keep on keeping on...
Glad you came by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I do not trust any "organized" dissident group.
As for wild flowers, just DO IT!
I was at a grocery store, happened to be standing where they had set up a rack of packaged seeds. I grabbed 2 that were mixed wildflowers.
Well, after a good rain, I walked around my yard, spread them around, just to see if they would produce, or if the birds and squirrels have a snack.
Years later, I am sitting on my porch, admiring beautiful pink clover. It seems I have a lot of the wild flowers growing most all year, year after year.
Take care of you, Mister, and here is to your health! Prost!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In my region... is a tool to promote wild flowers. However, I've had my heart in my throat when a supposed control burn jumped the line. Hopped on the tractor and scraped it out, but scary none the less. Live and learn. That happened 25 years ago.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
While controlled fires happen around the Sam Houston National
It was never hyped as promoting growth of anything in particular, but as a precaution to prevent wildfires by clearing intense underbrush.
We are a state of wild flowers, thanks to the efforts of former First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson. I have forgiven her for marrying a renown crook, and can absolutely say, highly protected wildflowers by the side of everything from farm to market roads, to Interstate Highways, all positively aglow with wildflowers, is her doing. Nothing makes traveling long, extremely long, (we are a huge state, ya know) Texas highways more pleasant than those flowers.
I haven't visited her wildflower center, but might make that a destination this year.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've been to that center in Austin...
and met Lady Bird once. She was a friend of my friend Virginia Durr. Virgina introduced me to many others in my youth who enriched my life including RFK jr (who was about my age working on his Sr thesis on Judge Frank Johnson), Studs Turkel, and Jessica Mitford among others.
Like the adage goes, it is who you know....and I've been fortunate in my friends. Including all of you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hi weekly watchers
Hi all, Hey LO!
Us budding (figuratively and literally) hippies in 1970 thought Dr. Tim's advice was an instruction manual. We did Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out. Actually we dropped acid, not out. We all made it through high school. But we dropped out of programmed money worship living early on. We were too busy turnin' on. L.A. was surely one of the top places for all manner of exotic stuff to experiment in mind and body.
This morning I had a lone (fell out of the flock and lost) Sandhill Crane fly over low calling. They winter 20 miles south where corn grown. We have a whopping ONE Robin here this winter. The Eastern Bluebird pair is singing around its box already. The Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee, and Bewick's Wren have all started singing, barely, but a little. Territorial birdsong is driven by testosterone. Which is driven by photo-period. As soon as the days start getting longer, some species will start singing. You should have Carolina Chickadee there? The titmouse will start in a week or two. Just below 30N.
Thanks for the WW man, it is great!
Have good ones all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
We got the titmouse...
Chickadee, nut hatch, gold finch in muted winter clothing, piliated peckerwoods, phoebe, very few robins and others. Funny how it is so different year to year.
happy birding in 2024. Wish the best for you and our feathered friends!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the WW, Lookout
Lots of juicy stuff to pour over. Will get to them tonight after football.
Steady rain here but mild Temps (40s). Next weekend to bring snow and temps in the teens.
Must prepare.
Planted 40 Noble firs and the deer have started munching them. Spent the day sinking Tomato cages wrapped with plastic sheeting to protect them from further damage. Hope they make a comeback.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I pulled the cages from around our native chestnut trees...
I thought they were too bushy for the deer to scrape down...but I was wrong. Had to prune one back severely and put cages back on all the others. Plan to air layer them early spring.
Time to prune the other fruit trees. Always something...and that's good!
All the best to you and yours!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Anyway, I keep old, worn out bed sheets for that purpose.
Do not take my word for it, or depend on my memory, but see if there are some helpful tips about it out there online. There was a time when I was a fanatic gardener. Not now, but maybe one day...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Change isn't necessarily mean tossing out the old system
civilization has been improving for thousands of years, might as well use the tools already available.
I came here looking to see if the Harvard/Gay thing was being discussed but can find nothing on it. DEI is a pseudo religion to my thinking and is in every university and even lower level education and corporate. I think the D party might not have it on our platform this year.
I see it more as ebb and flow...
or rise and fall.
Each to their own.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Signing out with this one...
Hope the sunny side finds your view!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
First snow of the season
only a few inches but pretty
almost caught this snow ballerina out back
doing a pirouette with a candle
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The snow...
...and ballerina are lovely. Stay warm!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
On the attempted assassination of Lee Jae-Myung
Half way decent article from a couple of days ago (Hankyoreh)-
Opposition leader’s attacker switched parties 10 months ago after years of conservative affiliation
I think the rest of the article is worth reading.
Because the campaign season is upon them, the two major political parties are under pressure internally to put up or shut up on their internal divisions. In the democratic party, the majority party in the legislature, that Lee represents as leader, the problem are the soobak or DINOs about 30 of them of whom about 5 or 6 assembly members have publicly been threatening to split off from because they hate Lee Jae-myun as a progressive. They've tried to get rid of him by siding with Yoon's prosecutors to remove his legislative immunity. It didn't work. They wanted him to step down, and appoint an emergency committee led by someone else to lead the democratic party in the nomination process, so they wouldn't have to leave the party to run for their seats again. Lee Nak-yeon is their nominal leader.
LNY is the former prime minister under Moon Jae-in. Lee Jae-myung met with him last week to smooth over differences. LNY wouldn't play ball meaning "you need to step down as party leader." Other soobak were threatening to leave the party the morning of assassination if Lee Jae-myung didn't meet their demands i.e. step down.
In the PPP nominally the governing but minority party, a young leader, Lee Jun-seok aka Junstone, the former party leader who was instrumental in getting misogynist young males to vote for Yoon in the presidential election, has split from the PPP and has his own party roster, trying to qualify for independent runs at National Assembly seats April 10. That's probably not a factor relating the assassination attempt. The Yoon faction, and the party emergency committee chair Han Dong-hun runs the party now. Yoon and Han have an intense hatred of Lee Jae-myung, and they are petty, spiteful, and vindictive as well. They have tried to put Lee in prison and have had him wrapped up in criminal litigation for years in an attempt to remove him from the scene. Lee had just led his party to pass a special investigation into the First Lady's corruption. Yoon of course, vetoed that. Their hostility toward Lee is palpable.
This is all speculation but would be familiar to students of American assassinations. Primary is the legend of the lone nut assassin. You have to get that out there first. So the patsy has to get sheepdipped as they say, and associated with political and psychological symbolism to sell the lone nut theory. So the suspect still unnamed in the press in accordance with the custom although he was filmed committing the crime also has to be protrayed as a nut. So he was wearing a paper crown on his head, like a kindergarten student.
The crown has several symbolic connotations which go to either sheepdipping, or misleading the public or they could be a genuine clue. The crown is also a parody and mockery of Lee, in a sardonic fashion. It said on the front, "I am Lee Jae-myung."
Yoon had appeared on two occasions in presidential campaign appearances in which had the Chinese symbol for king written on his palm in dark black ink and was ridiculed for it. On the other hand, Lee Nak-yeon had criticized LJM for turning the democratic party into a private "fan club" and "bullet proof vest" among other things. Oddly enough, there is a bizarre cult similar to the Unification Church or Moonies in South Korea, in which the cult leader leader is regarded as "king" or something like that. In addition, on the crown is a green or blue silhouette of a butterfly which is contended to be a symbol of the Sincheonji (new heaven and earth) Church. (The leader lives in what resembles a palace.) Now the tie is that Lee Nak-yeon is alleged to have significant political ties to the church. Sincheonji rank and file work as campaign workers for conservative candidates typically (like the Unification Church has been doing in Japan until the Abe assassination). The association with the Abe assassination is almost automatic when you watch the video but there are key differences.
Some of the press have already planted the idea that the suspect is mentally ill, and therefore, should be dealt with humanely when sentenced, "if he apologizes." In this regard critics of the police or other sources of this idea point out, the calculated movements of the attacker before the attack clearly indicating a carefully planned premeditated attack and the nature of the wound inflicted, said to be one mm from the internal carotid as I interpret a medical statement and other statements on this topic. One observer suggested that inflicting this sort of wound quickly required some training.
The third factor is the behavior of the Busan police. They provided inadequate protection, which by law, they claimed they said weren't obliged to provide. There were some officers in Lee's vicinity at the time of the attack. I've read that there were 41 police total in the area at the time. The fired Chief of the Ulsan (?) Police was with Lee's group at the time of the attack. He formerly was the national association of police rep, who opposed Yoon's reorganization of the police putting it under one of his ministers (of public order and the interior as it was in the dictatorships). He took charge of the immediate scene and gave first aid, restored security, and ordered an ambulance. The press briefings from Busan police released a minimum of information which is understandable, but said from the start that the assailant was a democratic party member, and that a conspiracy was unlikely.
A day passed and someone leaked video showing the attacker arriving at a motel 11.5 km from the scene of the attack the day before. It was a distinctive vehicle, a silver late model, high end Mercedes sedan. Oddly enough the same or identical car model was photographed at the scene of the attack. After the release, the police admitted that someone drove the suspect to the scene of the crime. Their assessment, apparently already arrived at was "nothing to see here" and conspiracy highly unlikely. This is like within 2 days of the attack.
The suspect's small real estate office in Asan was searched, and it was revealed he hadn't paid his rent, or was in arrears for the past 6 months. There were also notices photographed by the press on the door from banks apparently showing multiple loans in default. Unofficial sources also reported they saw a wanted ad or sign from his office wanting to purchase for a building (or buildings?) with 100 one room rentals. Adding to the picture, on Dec. 13, the suspect was seen wearing the same stupid crown at a democratic party meeting to discuss the adverse impact of "jeonse" defaults by real estate investors to their lessees and investors. All of this is from independent media sources.
That the suspect just happened to meet the mercedes driver, who was also a democratic party member, who agreed to drive him to the scene where Lee was viewing the site for a planned airport from the motel 11.5 km away. The suspect was also been photographed at a memorial ceremony for former president No Moo-yeon at a cemetery on Jan 1. He also allegedly visited Ulsan a city in the same region, for unknown reasons.
Han Dong-hun, the de facto party leader of the governing PPP party, was observed soon after the assassination attempt on Lee with a phalanx of police bodyguards around him. It was reported that 240 police are assigned just to protect him.
I think Lee would have if elected president in the future make efforts to return South Korea to the Moon Jae-in course on foreign policy. That is maintain good relations with China, and keep a safe distance, and make no concessions to Japan on outstanding issues without some reciprocity from Japan. There is no way he would have gone along with the Camp David nonsense, or joined a tri-lateral Indo Pacific alliance directed at China. Given the association of religious extremists with the WACL, an ostensibly international organization like Sincheonji, probably does have intelligence connections, as does the Unification Church, so that potentially could lead simply to South Korea's NIS or to western agencies.
It's early to speculate but I'm not accepting the lone nut theory at this point. Also, because the South Korean administration itself and its police and prosecutors are far from impartial, an independent investigation with a special prosecution team is necessary.
Appreciate the OT Lookout. Ms. So has a green thumb among the other traditional food processing skills which I think are exceptional. She does grow some food around our small yard. I understand the younger generation of South Koreans and many Korean Americans may have lost the gardening skills. As for myself I feel totally inadequate in that respect.
There are tit for tat artillery exercises going on in the west sea in an area near some of the South Korean islands off the North Korean coast. Hope no one gets hurt. That's been in the US newsfeeds so I don't really have much to add. If I were the North I would have avoided this kind of military activity so close to the campaign season. It's counter intuitive. Raising the military tension during campaign season in the South hurts North Korea, and is more hazardous to peace, but their internal agenda may be something generating this.
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for the Korean update!
I had heard about the attempted assassination, but didn't know the details. It does sound suspicious and aided by some entity. Taiwan's election next week should be interesting as well as Korea's.
Change is afoot, but powerful forces try to maintain the status quo. We'll see.
Thanks again for the update!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks LO
語必忠信 行必正直
Please feel free to post essays here...
your Korean insights are excellent. Your detailed comment could have easily been a stand alone essay here.
I appreciate you dropping it as a comment here, but would have been happy to see it as a stand alone essay.
Do what feels best for you. All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”