01/01 is Giordano Bruno's Birthday

Giordano Bruno was born in January or February 1548. (I can't recall where I originally got the January first date, but it's as good as any alternative, so I'll stick with it.) At some point early on in his life he began to indulge in the unforgiveable sin of thinking for himself. Naturally this led him to arrive at numerous beliefs and ideas which wewre at odds with Official (Church) dogma. Some scholars go so far as to deem him to have been an early philosopher of science, while others, reluctant to assert that he had committed that most ultimate of unforgivable thought crimes, still assert that he ascribed to a completely heretical cosmology in addition to all of his other heretical beliefs.
The Church, of course, could not countenance the existence of a person ascribing to multiple instances of disinformation and set out to remedy that problem in their time tested manner. Accordingly, the Venetian Inquisition had him arrested on May 22, 1592 and began his "trial" for some of his heresies, but upon the insistence of the Roman Inquisition that Rome should deal with him, shipped him off to Rome in January 1593. His "trial" by the Roman Inquisition lasted until January 29, 1600, when Pope Clement VIII declared him to be a heretic and the Inquisition sentenced him to death. On February 17, 1600 his tongue was pinned to his jaw with an iron spike in order to prevent him from spreading disinformation and he was taken to the Campo de' Fiori and burned alive at the stake.
As a result he is widely considered to be a martyr for scientists, heretics and heresy, free thinkers of every stripe, and such pagans and heathens who chose to fight to the death rather than submit to having every aspect of their lives ruled by jumped up petty tyrants who lusted after the position of global dictator.
01/01/2024 is Long Count Date --
13 baktun, 9 katun, 11 tun, 3 uinal, 8k'in; and may you have a happy one!
On this day in history:
January 1 became the official start of the year in various places in various years, ranging from 45 BCE to 1752 CE
45 BCE -- The Julian Calendar took effect, the year starts on January 1
42 BCE -- The Roman Senate posthumously deified Julius Caesar. This was a BFD
1500 – Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered the coast of Brazil
1502 -- The Portuguese explored the area that was to become Rio de Janeiro
1772 -- The first traveler's cheques (usedful in 90 countries) went on sale
1801 -- The legal union of Kingdom of Great Britain and Kingdom of Ireland was
completed (though illegitimate)
1801 -- Ceres was discovered
1804 -- Haiti became the first black republic and second independent country in North America
1885 – Twenty-five nations adopt Sandford Fleming's proposal for standard time (and also time zones). This uniformity was subsequently destroyed by the pointless creation of Dastardly Stupid Time.
1808 -- The US outlawed the further importation of slaves.
1812 -- The Bishop of Durham ordered troops from Durham Castle to break up a miners' strike. God hates strikes. And miners. Pfui!
1833 -- The UK claimed sovereignty over the Falklands (because they were so close, no doubt)
1863 -- The Emancipation Proclamation took effect but only in Confederate territory
1892 -- Ellis Island opened to process immigrants into the US
1899 -- Spanish rule of Cuba ended.
1901 -- The Commonwealth of Australia was formed
1912 -- The Republic of China was established. (You know, Sun Yat-Sen's China)
1934 -- Alcatraz became a prison
1934 -- Nazi Germany passed the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring"
1937 -- The UK required Safety glass in vehicle windscreens
1947 -- The Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 converted British subjects into Canadian citizens.
1959 -- Fulgencio Bastardo Batista was overthrown by Fidel Castro's forces
1965 – The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan was founded in Kabul, Afghanistan
1970 – The defined beginning of Unix time, at 00:00:00
1971 -- Cigarette ads were banned on US TV
1979 -- China and the US established diplomatic relations
1983 -- ARPANET adopted the Internet Protocol, becoming the Internet.
1989 -- The Montreal Protocol went into force. US RWNJs went permanently batshit crazy with rage and paranoia
1994 -- NAFTA went into effect. The working class wept.
1995 -- The WTO went into effect, formalizing the supremacy of corporate profits over the laws of any and every member state
1999 -- The Euro was introduced
2000 - Y2K - the world ended then rebooted into this ugly timeline
2015 – The Eurasian Economic Union went into effect, creating a political and economic union between Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Some people who were born on this day:
There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the center of things.
~~ Giordano Bruno
1548 -- Giordano Bruno, mathematician, friar, philosopher, poet, cosmological theorist and martyr ***
1735 -- Paul Revere, silversmith, engraver
1752 -- Betsy Ross, seamstress, US flag designer
1768 -- Maria Edgeworth, author
1769 -- Marie Lachapelle, obstetrician, the mother of modern obstetrics.
1769 -- Jane Marcet, science (and pseudoscience) author
1864 -- Alfred Stieglitz, photographer and curator
1879 -- E. M. Forster, author and playwright
1894 – Satyendra Nath Bose, physicist and mathematician
1895 -- J. Edgar Hoover, corrupt, wantonly lawless foe of civil rights who created the FBI's organizational culture
1900 -- Xavier Cugat, singer, songwriter, and actor.
1911 -- Roman Totenberg, violinist
1912 -- Kim Philby, spook
1919 -- J. D. Salinger, author
1923 -- Milt Jackson, vibraphonist and composer, MJQ
1942 -- Country Joe McDonald, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1942 -- Judy Stone, singer and songwriter
1956 -- Andy Gill, guitarist, singer, and songwriter
1956 -- Martin Plaza, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1971 -- Chris Potter, saxophonist and composer
1979 -- Brody Dalle, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
*** He was tortured by the inquisition and brutally murdered by the Church for the unforgiveable mortal sin of thinking for himself. He thus became a secularist martyr in the Church's unending war on empiricism & free thought "heresy".
Some people who died on this day:
One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.
~~ Grace Hopper
1782 -- Johann Christian Bach, German composer
1894 -- Heinrich Hertz, German physicist and academic
1953 -- Hank Williams, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
1981 -- Hephzibah Menuhin, American-Australian pianist
1992 -- Grace Hopper, American computer scientist and admiral, co-developed COBOL
1997 -- Townes Van Zandt, American singer-songwriter, guitaris
2013 -- Patti Page, American singer and actress
Some Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Emancipation Day (United States)
Jump-up Day (Montserrat)
National Bloody Mary Day (United States)
New Year's Day (Gregorian calendar)
Public Domain Day (multiple countries)
Triumph of the Revolution (Cuba)
National Tree Planting Day (Tanzania)
Today's Tunes
The (sleazy no good) Bishop of Durham
Giordano Bruno
Paul Revere
Xavier Cugat
And Back up to Jedgar
Milt Jackson
Country Joe
Chris Potter
Hank Williams
Townes Van Zandt
picture is Bruno's statue in the Campo de' Fiori by enhydra lutris
Ok, it's an open thread, so it's up to you folks now. So what's on your mind?
Cross posted from http://caucus99percent.com
Open Thread, Giordano Bruno, New Year, Milt Jackson, Cuba, Country Joe, Hank Williams, haiti, The Bishop of Durham, Townes van Zandt, Xavier Cugat

Hey Morning
Thanks for the historical perspectives.
Born on this day: 2024
Died on this day: 2023
"The people who are $30 Trillion in debt
are giving you a credit score"
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning QMS. Happy New Year. As many learned
at some point in time, if you have no history of borrowing, then you have neither credit nor a credit score. Those with such a huge debt load, accordingly, must be massively credit worthy and hence expert in scoring.
Love the Rod Sterling Redux.
be well and have a great 2024
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Monday Monday
Hi all, Hey EL!
Happy New Year!
Hope it's all good out there!
I LOVE that Grace Hopper quote. Yes, EVERYONE has been wrong, many times before.
Stieglitz was a monster in early photography. Probably the most important figure in getting photography viewed as art and artistic. And he lived with Georgia O'Keefe!
That Country Joe album is one of my favorites of all the late 60's stuff... Joe was great.
Another fav Country Joe
Have good ones all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Good morning Dysto, thank for dropping in. Thanks too
for that great Country Joe album. Can't wait to sit and listen to it.
be well and have a great new year
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
minor addendum
Sorry I wasn't clear... I meant the album with the song you posted was one my favs. Electric Music for mind and body. World class awesome.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Yeah, I did know that, but also thought you had dropped the
whole "best of" album up there for further indulgence. Agree as to Electric Music, btw.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Update on my comment yesterday on NGOs funding immigrants
Giant Hordes Of Illegal Immigrants Are Being Brought Into The U.S. Just In Time For The Societal Meltdown Of 2024
"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says
Of course once they get here many migrants realize that things aren’t so nice.
This is Biden’s Bideneconomics but he and the democrats are insisting that the economy is going swell for the majority of Americans. And instead of throwing money at the problem they are sending hundreds of billions of our dollars to Ukraine and now Israel.
I agree that people should be asking wtf is going on and what is the long term goal?
For the record I have no problem with people coming here legally and they apply at border crossings, but the vast majority are coming through weak points at the border and still being allowed to continue across America and getting lots of support to do it.
And yes it’s true that California will allow them to have Medicaid while millions of Americans don’t have even ACCESS to health care.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Good morning Snoopy, thanks for the report.
be well and have a great 2024
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
important information SD
Why do you think TPTB are facilitating this mass migration?
more military recruits?
more dim voters?
promote divisiveness?
cheap labor?
dilute nationalism/patriotism?
I can't make sense of the objectives. I wonder what the end goal of it all really is about.
Thanks for the info!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I once thought it was all about cheap labor.
Why are so many of the illegal migrants young, fit, military age men?
Why is this migration happening primarily in the west?
Who or what is expecting to benefit from what might tun into a whole bunch of civil wars in the west?
Happy new year, LO
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
we are becoming conditioned
to imagine all types of nefarious reasons for anything the PTB will allow
just another way to distract attention away from the embedded evil
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I wish I knew why this is being allowed to happen
It could be the points you mentioned that I think it was Durban who said that they could join the military in return for citizenship. Looks like congress keeping lots of people poor isn’t driving them to join up.
I think NYC is going to allow them to vote or maybe that is Chicago or both. I think that would be fraudulent voting and in the past people have gone to prison for doing it.
It’s another way to keep wages low and replace lots of people who were fired for not getting jabbed. Hochul said that was her plan.
I knew about the NGOs funding the migration, but that the government is funding them too is new information for me.
There is another large caravan coming and I think the military should meet them at the border, or the national guard.
I’ll check to see if Paul Craig Roberts has written about it. Or Ron Paul. Obviously republicans aren’t going to do jack about it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You do have to wonder?
I wondered whether it could also be a result of the general decline in national ‘infrastructure’ in every area. I looked for stats on the number of personnel in the National Guard in total, and where they were deployed. There are 430,000 in the force (including the air NG), and it looks like almost all are overseas! Obviously, national security on all levels, in all areas, is secondary or lastly.
PCR does write about it
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Also too
Most of the immigrants are not vaxxed while over 60% of Americans are and some are on their 6th or even 7th jab.
So maybe there’s another reason they are letting so many in. The NYT wrote their article on depopulation in 2021 long before we saw the massive increases of deaths.
If you follow John Campbell he talks about how many countries are seeing excess deaths around 11-16%. Hey I’m not the crazy one here. It was the NYT that said this.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hey LO,
Maybe a bit of several things, but...
The letting in of millions of undocumented has been a policy for decades. Estimates officially were around 10+ million over a decade ago. Which I took to mean 20 million. Now the numbers are astronomical. In general I don't think the reasons have changed. Break unions, to not raise minimum wage, and have an endless source of cheap (sub-min-wage) labor. We have to assume like most things, corporate is behind it, and it is for their profits. They won't be paying the taxes to support them, you and I will.
watch the birdies...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Like I’ve said they get lots of benefits that congress has denied to us. Why should immigrants get free health care and housing when so many Americans can’t afford to pay the ever increasing premiums and higher and higher deductibles that makes health insurance basically worthless and can’t afford the ever increasing rents? 500,000 people who had health insurance go bankrupt every year because of medical bills. And homelessness has gone up 12% just this year and many of them are elderly. That is what disgusts me the most is the elderly not being able to afford living in their homes that they have owned for decades. Reagan made it so people on social security had to pay taxes on the small amount of money they get paid and not one administration has tried to roll that back. Taxes keep going up while SS haven’t kept up. Yeah I feel a rant coming on…..!!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Peaceful drones
This video is actually from a rehearsal for the New Year show over Gwangalli Beach and Gwangalli Bridge in Busan, South Korea. Ms. So and her friends visited there a few weeks ago. I found some of the info below from Wikipedia on the "Korean dragon" custom.
Cintamani is the precious orb often seen with dragons in Korean art and architecture. It is said to be magic and grants wishes as desired. One myth has it that the dragon caught the ball which fell from heaven and granted it magical powers. Dragons are depicted on the eaves of palace buildings, and also appear as stone dragons on staircases. Ostensibly, they protect the kingdom, king, and are a symbol of the king's power. Cintamani has other religious and cosmological symbolic meaning depending on the culture and time period.
The dragon appears on the Chosun royal robe and other court furnishings as a symbol of the king. The Cinatamani or wishing jewel is the translation from the Korean yeouiju 여의주 or 如意珠 precious orb according to wikipedia. Ms. So knew what this was, I had to look it up. Cintamani as a term is derived from Buddhist culture. The dragon as a symbol of the royal court and of omnipotence is derived from Chinese imperial practice. I have a couple of decorative cast iron dragons I bought on the street in Itaewon, they're packed up somewhere in the boxes stacked around the house. A western believer might regard them as pagan.
Got this from a Chinese New Year's greeting web site-
“心想事成, 万事如意” (xīn xiǎng shì chéng, wàn shì rú yì) “May all your wishes come true and go well with you”!
語必忠信 行必正直
lotlizard posted something the other day
mentioned upcoming February 10 is the Chinese New Year
(they are on a different calendar that we)
assume it is the same in the Koreas?
End of the Rabbit year, Starting the Year of the Dragon.
LO mentioned the pearl in the dragon's mouth is taken to
be China, protected by Dragon.
cool light show
thanks and HNY!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Lunar new year
The January 1 celebration is no longer connected with the old age counting practice, where one's age increased one year on January 1. This practice was legally changed recently, and I think it caused some confusion on the age requirement for beginning grammar school.
Ms. So says that Seollal or lunar new year is not the big practice it was at one time. I guess it depends on how traditional one is. The long weekend or three day holiday gives one time to go to the hometown, visit ancestors graves, honor your parents, grandparents, etc. This is also done on Chuseok, the autumn harvest holiday or "Korean Thanksgiving." Part of this may be the redundancy of the two (now three) holidays, the increasingly depopulated aspect of the countryside, and the fact that maybe you did this already on January 1.
My wife brought home several traditional new year food gifts from the local Korean community church, made family calls, and received phone calls from South Korea from friends last night and today. We will eat the customary mandu (dumpling) soup tonight, but they are not home made, but from the Asian market. She received a case of chestnuts, and another of persimmons as gifts. I don't know who is going to eat all this.
Korean New Year
I watch a lot of Korean historical dramas and the dragon is omnipresent in the royal court scenes. I'm not sure about differing interpretations of the "precious orb" but the dragon was adopted as representing China at some point. The imperial color for China is yellow rather than the Korean red when represented on a picture or banner. I'm just learning about this now there are probably many interpretations of the "wishing jewel," which can represent the favor of heaven.
I'm late on posting this "joke" but I saw it today on Carl Zha's twitter feed-
That's it: China's remarkable success domestically and internationally, is "luck."
語必忠信 行必正直
fascinating history
did not know about the annual birthday on jan first tradition
and the precious orb or wishing jewel is interesting
enjoy your dumplings!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning Soryang, thanks for the info and the video.
Be well and have a great new year
edit - corrected typo in Soryang
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Interesting sight this afternoon.
I sat out on the front porch for a few minutes, heard some crows doing some loud cawing. Well, they were upset by the red fox that was running down the highway. I watched him lope along for about 400 yards.
I did my home projects of weeding a section of the yard, tossing some frozen veggies to make room for meat in the freezer, cleaning an office chair, and reorganizing toiletries in the bathroom shelves. Sometimes, it's the little things that satisfy.
The black eye peas are done. Next comes the cornbread. Dear One will do his magic on the pork ribs. If I make a sad face, he will also chop up the cabbage for cole slaw. I am practicing right now.
Have a great day, EL, and do not fall, ok?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good evening otc. Sounds like a productive first of the year.
Thanks for the well wishes. Very good at not falling.
be well and have a great 2024
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This is not good
South Korean opposition leader, Lee Jae-myung, party representative of the democratic party, has been attacked and wounded during a public appearance in Busan. TK says he heard a report the stab wound in his neck on the left side is not life threatening. The attacker has been caught, isn't named so far. Lee was taken to a hospital by ambulance.
Lee and the floor leader of the party have the Yoon administration on the defensive. Yoon and Lee's rivals have tried everything thus far to remove him from democratic party leadership, so far without success.
語必忠信 行必正直
Daily Mail headline
語必忠信 行必正直
The Guardian coverage of the Lee Jae Myung stabbing attack
Hi el
Thank you for introducing Giordano Bruno. His contribution to civilisation and science is fascinating to read about.
Now I will listen to your playlist which is always a musical treat.
Good morning Janis, thanks for reading. Glad you found
Bruno interesting, in my limited experience, I find that he is not at all well known, which is too bad.
be well and have a wonderful 2024.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Wonderful music el!
I enjoyed it all. I'll be replaying the Cuban music and other selections from those artists. Thank you.