The Evening Blues - 12-21-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Baby Face Leroy Foster

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues singer Baby Face Leroy Foster. Enjoy!

Baby Face Leroy Trio - Rollin' And Tumblin'

“In other words, first we rob and then destroy them, and then when they ask for a little bit of help, we kick them in the face. The technical term for this is "Western civilization".”

-- Noam Chomsky

News and Opinion

Anne And Joe Argue About The Child-Killing Murder Robot

“I’m not so sure about the Child-Killing Murder Robot,” Joe said after a sip of coffee while reading the morning paper.

“What??” his wife Anne exclaimed, visibly shocked.

“It’s killed thousands of kids in its latest murder rampage,” Joe said. “I’m starting to think maybe the Child-Killing Murder Robot isn’t such a great thing after all.”

“Well of course it’s on a murder rampage!” said Anne. “Some people tried to turn it off!”

“Yeah the Child-Killing Murder Robot does that whenever anyone tries to turn it off,” replied Joe. “And you know what? I’m starting to think that maybe they’re trying to turn off the Child-Killing Murder Robot because they’re sick of the way it keeps killing children and murdering people!”

“It’s acting in self-defense!” Anne protested. “The Child-Killing Murder Robot has a right to defend itself!”

“It’s been killing people constantly ever since that team of mad scientists invented it back in the forties, Anne! After a certain amount of child-killing and murder, eventually you’ve got to figure that maybe the blame is on the Child-Killing Murder Robot. At the very least I think our government should stop sending it batteries and ammunition.”

“Look, Joe, I feel terrible about all the child-killing and murder, and I wish it wasn’t happening. But this is a very complicated situation; it’s been going on for many years, and I just don’t see what you could possibly expect the Child-Killing Murder Robot to do at this point besides continue to kill large numbers of children and commit murder at mass scale.”

“Well, maybe they could reprogram the Child-Killing Murder Robot so it doesn’t have to kill children and murder people all the time?”

“But then it wouldn’t be a Child-Killing Murder Robot!”

“Yeah I know, it would be a different sort of thing with a different sort of system. But at least then all the murdering would stop and we’d have peace.”

“The Child-Killing Murder Robot has a right to exist!”

“Why, Anne? Why does there absolutely need to be a homicidal android that’s always in the news because it’s constantly murdering human beings? I’ve seen people talking about one possible solution where the robot is programmed to regard everyone else as its equal so it doesn’t view them as needing to be murdered. Why couldn’t we try that?”

“There is one Child-Killing Murder Robot in the world, Joe. One. And you’re saying there should be zero. You just want to commit genocide.”

“What?? That’s the exact opposite of what I want! How can you say that??”

“If you don’t believe the Child-Killing Murder Robot has a right to exist in its natural child-killing murderous state, then you’re an evil, genocidal racist. You’re no better than those kids chanting ‘Nobody should be murdered’ on university campuses!”

“Anne those students are demonstrating to defend the rights of a population who’s constantly getting murdered by a mindless automaton with machine guns for arms!”

“They’re genocidal fascists, Joe. I’m not saying I support 100 percent of the actions of the Child-Killing Murder Robot, but at least it’s not going around college campuses saying things that make people feel uncomfortable.”

“Well call me crazy but I just don’t accept that making people feel uncomfortable is equal to or worse than murdering children by the thousands.”

“You are crazy, Joe. You’re a crazy, hateful man. I’m going to go spend the night at my sister’s. God, I can’t believe I married a Nazi.”

As Gaza Death Toll Crosses 20,000, Aid Group Warns True Number Is Higher

After 10 weeks of Israeli military operations in Gaza, authorities have counted 20,000 dead Palestinians. An overwhelming number of the dead are innocent civilians with no ties to Hamas. An aid group warns the actual death toll is probably greater since thousands of missing Gazans remain buried under rubble. Israeli officials say civilian deaths are viewed as part of eliminating Hamas.

“As the official death toll in Gaza passes 20,000, Islamic Relief is warning that the actual toll is likely to be even higher – as thousands of people are still missing and buried under the rubble and young children are increasingly suffering severe hunger and disease,” a press release from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said. “To see 20,000 people killed in such a short space of time is a stain on the world’s conscience.”

According to Gaza’s Government Media Office, the dead include 8,000 children and 6,200 women. At least an additional 50,000 are injured.

“The U.S. and Israel Stand Alone”: World Demands Ceasefire as Gaza Death Toll Tops 20,000

Hamas leader arrives in Egypt for hostage talks as UN vote delayed a third time

A Hamas leader arrived in Egypt on Wednesday for talks about a possible second hostage deal, as a vote in New York on a UN resolution calling for a lengthier ceasefire and more aid deliveries was delayed for a third time.

The diplomacy rolled on as the official estimate of the death toll in Gaza passed 20,000, according to the Hamas government media office, with 8,000 children and 6,200 women among the dead, and as hunger and disease threaten to add to the death rate significantly.

The arrival in Egypt of Ismail Haniyeh, a Qatar-based Hamas political leader, was seen as a positive sign of a possible truce, as the last time he came it was before the first deal last month which involved the release of 110 hostages and a week-long ceasefire. A leader of Islamic Jihad, a smaller Palestinian militant group also holding hostages in Gaza, was also expected to arrive in Egypt on Thursday for talks on which hostages would be freed in return for how many Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. ...

Meanwhile a resolution put forward at the UN security council by the United Arab Emirates, calling for a “suspension of hostilities” and a significant increase in aid deliveries under UN supervision, was delayed for a third time this week on the request of the US.

Diplomats at the UN said the main sticking point for Washington was clauses in the text giving the UN sole authority over monitoring of aid truck convoys, with no explicit mention of Israel’s role. Diplomats urging a compromise pointed to UN assurances that it would never send cargo into Gaza without consulting Israel, but the Biden administration wanted the consultation requirement codified in the text of the resolution, warning that it could otherwise lead to complications on the ground and backfire.

Gaza & Ukraine Endgame - John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

Fighting terrorism did not mean Israel had to ‘flatten Gaza’, says Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has said that Israel’s goal of fighting terrorism did not mean it had to “flatten Gaza”, referring to its response to Hamas’s attack on 7 October.

“We cannot let the idea take root that an efficient fight against terrorism implies to flatten Gaza or attack civilian populations indiscriminately,” Macron told the France 5 broadcaster.

The French president called on Israel “to stop this response because it is not appropriate, because all lives are worth the same and we defend them”.

While acknowledging “Israel’s right to defend itself and fight terror”, Macron said France called for the protection of civilians and “a truce leading to a humanitarian ceasefire”.

UN Calls Israel To Investigate Allegations Of 'Execution' Of 11 Unarmed Palestinians

UN Office Details Alleged IDF 'Summary Killing' of Gaza Men in Front of Families

Amid mounting war crime claims against Israeli troops, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights revealed Wednesday that it "has received disturbing information alleging that Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) summarily killed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of their family members" in the Gaza Strip.

Citing witness accounts shared by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and journalists, OHCHR said that while raiding a Gaza City building where multiple related families were sheltering on Tuesday night, "the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20s and early 30s, in front of their family members."

"The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child," added the office, which has confirmed the killings at Al Awda building—also known as the Annan building—but not the other details.

OHCHR noted that reporting on the killings in Gaza City's Al Remal neighborhood "raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime" and "comes in the wake of earlier allegations concerning the deliberate targeting and killing of civilians at the hands of Israeli forces."

"The Israeli authorities must immediately institute an independent, thorough, and effective investigation into these allegations, and if found to be substantiated, those responsible must be brought to justice and measures implemented to prevent any such serious violations from recurring," the U.N. office declared.

Euro-Med Monitor said in a statement Wednesday that Israeli soldiers killed 13 people in the building and "kidnapped an elderly man, whose fate is still unknown," according to "horrific testimonies" obtained by the Geneva-based group.

"My sister informed me that an Israeli force raided the house and executed the young men," a relative of the victims told the monitor. "Thirteen persons were shot dead and several more were critically injured. The Israeli soldiers later threw shells at the women, who were being held in one of the rooms."

"My mother, my sister, and my brother's wife were injured along with several others," the relative added. "If they are not saved right away, they might die at any time."

The monitor noted that 27 women and children "trapped inside the house—many of whom with severe injuries or amputations—appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross to coordinate their evacuation and save their lives."

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group in the United States, responded to the allegations by demanding a United Nations investigation.

"While the Biden administration blocks all attempts to end the genocide in Gaza, real people are being slaughtered daily in ways that echo the darkest periods of human history," said CAIR national communications director Ibrahim Hooper. "Our nation must call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to end the killing, ethnic cleansing, and starvation of an entire people—the very definition of genocide."

'I Am For War Crimes': Israeli's Say Quiet Part Out Loud

Houthis Say They Won’t Back Down Even If US ‘Mobilizes the Entire World’

Yemen’s Houthis responded to the US launching a new military operation in the Red Sea by vowing attacks on commercial shipping in the region will continue even if the US “mobilizes the entire world.”

The US launched a 10-nation naval task force, dubbed Operation Prosperity Guardian, after major shipping companies began pausing Red Sea transits due to the Houthi attacks. Bahrain is the only Arab country to participate in the coalition, and no nations with coasts on the Red Sea have joined.

“Even if America succeeds in mobilizing the entire world, our military operations will not stop … no matter the sacrifices it costs us,” Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior member of the Houthis’ political bureau, wrote on X. In another post, al-Bukhaiti said, “America’s announcement of the establishment of the Coalition of Shame will not prevent us from continuing our military operations until the crimes of genocide in Gaza are stopped and food, medicine and fuel are allowed to enter its besieged population.”

Yemen Threatens MASSIVE War As Israel Economy Craters

Meet the Companies Profiting From Israel's War on Gaza

As of Wednesday, a U.S.-based Quaker group's online database listed over two dozen companies profiting from the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces have spent the last 10 weeks waging what experts call a "genocidal" war that sent defense stocks soaring.

Backed by $3.8 billion in annual military aid from the United States, Israel declared war on October 7 in retaliation for a Hamas-led attack that killed over 1,100 people. Since then, Israeli forces have killed over 20,000 Palestinians in Gaza—sparking massive protests demanding a cease-fire around the world, including many led by Jewish people.

The growing death toll, displacement, destruction of civilian infrastructure, and difficulties in delivering humanitarian aid to the besieged enclave have also increased scrutiny of a $14.3 billion package for the war that the Biden administration requested from Congress as well as criticism of the U.S. weapon-makers and billionaire donors who are arming and enabling the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

"The scale of destruction and war crimes in Gaza would not be possible without massive weapon transfers from the U.S.," said Noam Perry of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the group behind the tool, in a statement Wednesday. "As global resistance to war and apartheid grows, it is important that the public know exactly who is making this violence possible."

As the AFSC webpage details:

Shortly after October 7, the U.S. government started transferring to Israel massive amounts of weapons. Among these weapons, Israel received more than 15,000 bombs and 50,000 artillery shells within just the first month-and-a-half. These transfers have been deliberately shrouded in secrecy to avoid public scrutiny and prevent Congress from exercising any meaningful oversight.

Some of these weapons were purchased using U.S. taxpayers' money through the Foreign Military Sales program; some were direct commercial sales purchased through Israel's own budget; and some were replenished U.S. military stockpiles in Israel, which the Israeli military may also use. A list of known U.S. arms transfers is maintained by the Forum on the Arms Trade.

The webpage notes that the list is based on reporting, social media, and other open sources, and "focuses on weapons used by Israel because all Palestinian militant groups are already sanctioned and receive no support from Western governments or corporations."

For example, Boeing, the world's fifth-largest weapon manufacturer, makes F-15 fighter jets and Apache AH-64 attack helicopters used by the Israeli forces, as well as "multiple types of unguided small diameter bombs (SDBs) and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits" that have been used "extensively" during the war, including in a bombing of Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp.

After decades of Israeli occupation forces using Caterpillar's armored D9 bulldozers to "demolish Palestinian homes and civilian infrastructure in the occupied West Bank and to enforce the blockade of the Gaza Strip," the machines "have been crucial in the Israeli military's ground invasion" of the enclave, according to AFSC.

While both of those war profiteers are based in the United States, the list isn't limited to U.S. firms, also calling out the world's seventh-largest weapon manufacturer, the U.K.'s BAE Systems, and Israel's largest weapon manufacturer, Elbit Systems, "one of the primary suppliers of weapons and surveillance systems to the Israeli military."

Other companies on the list include weapons giants such as General Dynamics, General Electric, L3Harris Technologies, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and RTX—formerly Raytheon—as well as vehicle companies AM General, Ford, Oshkosh, Toyota, and drone manufacturers AeroVironment, Skydio, and XTEND.

The list also targets U.S.-based Colt's Manufacturing Company, which makes firearms including the M16, and Emtan Karmiel, an Israeli firm that "delivered some 12,000 rifles" to the country's forces within a week of October 7. It also includes Israel Aerospace Industries, a state-owned manufacturer that "makes multiple weapons systems specifically for the Israeli military."

Other Israeli firms listed include Plasan, which makes the SandCat light armored vehicle, and MDT Armor, which is owned by the Israeli company Shladot and makes the David Urban Light Armored Vehicle used by the military for patrols and reconnaissance.

The other foreign firms on the list are ThyssenKrupp, the German company that built four warships for Israel, and Nordic Ammunition Company, which makes the M141 Bunker Defeat Munition, a shoulder-fired "bunker-buster" rocket.

"As a Quaker organization with a long history of work in Palestine and Israel, including in Gaza, we support a full arms embargo to both Israeli and Palestinian militant groups," Perry stressed Wednesday. "War and attacks on civilians will never bring safety or peace to Israelis or Palestinians. We need a permanent cease-fire and to work toward a just and lasting peace in the region."


Rite Aid facial recognition misidentified Black, Latino and Asian people as ‘likely’ shoplifters

Rite Aid used facial recognition systems to identify shoppers that were previously deemed “likely to engage” in shoplifting without customer consent and misidentified people – particularly women and Black, Latino or Asian people – on “numerous” occasions, according to a new settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. As part of the settlement, Rite Aid has been forbidden from deploying facial recognition technology in its stores for five years.

The FTC said in a federal court complaint that Rite Aid used facial recognition technology in hundreds of stores from October 2012 to July 2020 to identify shoppers “it had previously deemed likely to engage in shoplifting or other criminal behavior”. The technology sent alerts to Rite Aid employees either by email or phone when it identified people entering the store on its watchlist.

The FTC said in its complaint that store employees would then put those people under increased surveillance, ban them from making purchases or accuse them in front of friends, family and other customers of previously committing crimes. The facial recognition system was largely used in New York City; Los Angeles; San Francisco; Philadelphia; Baltimore; Detroit; Atlantic City; Seattle; Portland, Oregon; Wilmington, Delaware and Sacramento, California, according to the settlement. ...

The federal complaint also said there were “numerous instances” in which the technology incorrectly identified someone who entered the store and Rite Aid failed to test its accuracy before using it. For instance, Rite Aid did not ask one of the two private vendors it worked with whether its technology had been tested for accuracy, according to the settlement. In fact, the vendor explicitly states in its contract that it “makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy and reliability” of its facial recognition system.

The FTC also said the company “failed to take reasonable steps to train and oversee the employees charged with operating the technology in Rite Aid stores”. Civil liberty and digital rights group, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (Epic), said that facial recognition can be harmful in any context but that Rite Aid failed to take even the most basic precautions. “The result was sadly predictable: thousands of misidentifications that disproportionately affected Black Asian, and Latino customers, some of which led to humiliating searches and store ejections,” said John Davison, Epic’s director of litigation.

the horse race

Dem Primary Challenger Marianne Williamson RIPS Biden After DNC Leaves Out Candidates On Ballots

Trump lashes out after Colorado ruling removing him from ballot

The Colorado supreme court ruling on Tuesday that bars Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot has kicked off a firestorm among Republicans and legal scholars, and fury from Trump himself. ...

Republicans have largely lined up behind Trump, railing against the ruling for allegedly infringing the right of Americans to choose their leaders. Elise Stefanik, a Republican representative from New York, said in a statement: “Democrats are so afraid that President Trump will win on Nov 5th 2024 that they are illegally attempting to take him off the ballot.”

The Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy pledged to drop out of the Republican primary in Colorado, piling pressure on his fellow candidates to do the same or be seen as “tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences from our country”.

The Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, who is also campaigning for the Republican nomination, voiced an unusual theory that the Colorado decision was in fact a move from Democrats to incite Trump’s base and deliberately help him win the primary. ...

The Colorado court postponed the implementation of its ruling until 4 January, giving room for Trump to make an appeal to the US supreme court. Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesperson, said on Tuesday night that the campaign has “full confidence that the US supreme court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these un-American lawsuits”.

the evening greens

Mountain Valley Pipeline Gets Two More Federal Approvals

Frontline climate campaigners renewed pledges to continue fighting against the Mountain Valley Pipeline on Tuesday, when U.S. federal regulators decided that MVP could raise its gas transportation rates and have more time to build an extension.

"The federal government claims to recognize the urgency of the climate crisis while allowing the fossil fuel industry to further it," said Russell Chisholm, managing director of the Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights Coalition, in response to the pair of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) orders.

"During the past decade of repeated delay, budget increase, and environmental violation, thousands have resisted the reckless Mountain Valley Pipeline and its Southgate extension, and we are never going away," he vowed. "Our resistance is the fossil fuel industry's greatest nightmare; we are only growing more powerful."

MVP is set to cross 303 miles of Virginia and West Virginia, plus the Southgate extension into North Carolina. Largely thanks to outgoing U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), language to expedite construction of the partially completed gas pipeline was included in the debt ceiling law that President Joe Biden negotiated with congressional Republicans this year.

The new FERC order allowing the rate hikes—which critics worry will be passed on to customers—notes that MVP now estimates construction will cost over $6.6 billion, rather than the earlier estimate of $3.7 billion. It also says that MVP, ajoint venture involving five energy companies, "asserts that the primary drivers of the increased costs were permitting delays caused by ongoing legal challenges to the project, which have persisted since construction began in early 2018."

Jessica Sims, Appalachian Voices ' Virginia field coordinator, responded that "the Mountain Valley Pipeline's delay and ballooned construction costs are owed to the company's insufficient planning and choice of route, deficient permit applications, and lax construction practices. The resulting violations, fines, permit vacations, and consent orders are of the company's own making and they should not have been granted permission to financially pass those mistakes on to consumers."

No sheep’s clothing needed: Colorado reintroduces five gray wolves

In an effort to restore an endangered species, Colorado just released five gray wolves in the western part of the state.

On Monday, Colorado parks and wildlife released two female and three male wolves on to remote public land. The predators were captured and brought over from Oregon, after Wyoming, Idaho and Montana refused to share their wolves citing interstate migration and financial concerns.

In a 2020 ballot measure, Colorado residents voted to reintroduce the species after it was eradicated due to government-funded killing programs.

“For the first time since the 1940s, the howl of wolves will officially return to western Colorado,” Governor Jared Polis said in a statement.

Environmental campaigners filmed, threatened and harassed at Cop28

Incidents of harassment, surveillance, threats and intimidation are creating a climate of fear at UN events including the recent Cop28 climate conference in Dubai, experts have said. Indigenous campaigners, human rights defenders and environmental activists say they are increasingly afraid to speak out on urgent issues because of concerns about reprisals from governments or fossil fuel industries.

“In the last few years, we’ve seen Indigenous representatives being filmed by people related to government institutions while giving statements about human rights at UN events, or photographed just for being present at a UN event,” said Lola García-Alix, the global governance senior adviser for the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. “We’ve witnessed people working closely with governments physically corner and encircle Indigenous representatives in UN meetings. Such acts of intimidation have drastic effects back home, where Indigenous people sometimes face reprisals, including being questioned, harassed or detained.

“While many of these incidents happened in UN human rights events, such as the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, this worrying trend is expanding,’ García-Alix said. “We recently saw intimidation tactics at Cop in Dubai, where several Indigenous people from one country were intimidated by people working closely with that country’s government. “The brazenness of governments is spreading into international spaces to suppress any voice that goes against their narratives. Over the last decade, there has been increasing alarm over the severity and frequency of such acts. Governments now feel they can act without suffering consequences.” ...

Activists, Indigenous and otherwise, have reported being filmed and photographed by people connected to governments or fossil fuel industries as an intimidation tactic. “Many individuals who made speeches during actions for Palestine or West Papua had reps from Israel and Indonesia taking closeup shots of them,” said Neeka Jun from the Climate Alliance for Palestine. “This intimidation causes extreme fear. There are many people who simply wouldn’t speak their truth publicly for fear of being targeted later.”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Blood Money: The Top Ten Politicians Taking the Most Israel Lobby Cash

Why Is the Media Ignoring Evidence of Israel’s Own Actions on 7 October?

ICC Given Names of 40 Israeli Commanders to Investigate for War Crimes

Israeli Jails Must Not Become Execution Facilities for Palestinians

Palestinian Girl, 12, Lost Her Family and Her Leg in an Airstrike. She Was Killed While Recovering at a Gaza Hospital

Half of young Americans think Israel intentionally kills civilians, survey says

The cost of US fighting Houthis in the Red Sea just went up

US, Allies Opening New Front in Middle East With Escalation Against Houthis Over Shipping Lanes

What do Western politicians mean when they call for a 'sustainable ceasefire'?

Scott Ritter: On Speaking Plain ‘Putin,’ Part Two

US Media Suppressed Their Government’s Role in Ousting Brazil’s Government

“The Hostages Weren’t Our Top Priority”: Israel’s Bombing Frenzy Endangered Hostages Held in Gaza

Alan Dershowitz & Briahna Joy Gray BATTLE Over Israel-Palestine; Trump Lawyer REACTS To Colorado

'This is a perpetual nightmare': life and death in Gaza

Professor John Mearsheimer: 2023: Lessons for Biden, Zelenskyy, and Netanyahu

A Little Night Music

Baby Face Leroy Trio - Rollin' And Tumblin'

Baby Face Leroy Trio - Red Headed Woman

Baby Face Leroy - Blues Is Killin' Me

Baby Face Leroy Foster / Muddy Waters - Locked out Boogie

Baby Face Leroy Trio - Boll Weevil

Baby Face Leroy - Take A Little Walk With Me

Baby Face Leroy - My Head Can't Rest Anymore

Baby Face Leroy - Pet Rabbit

Baby Face Leroy & Muddy Waters - Shady Grove Blues

Baby Face Leroy - Late Hours At Midnight

Little Walter Trio - Just Keep Lovin' Her

11 users have voted.


hot chocolate to the demonstrators?

It seems like a rerun of protests in Ukraine and Belarus.

6 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


wouldn't she have to organize a sniper squad first?

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


their nuclear weapons if its not allowed to do what it wants to Palestinians… there might be something to this.

As the Gaza war continues, the uncertainty surrounding Israel’s nuclear force increasingly seems to govern events on both battlefields, diplomatic and military. Protected by its veil of unpredictability, the Israeli government seems to believe it can inflict on Gaza, and soon perhaps on the West Bank as well, whatever punishment it chooses, without having to fear external interference from anyone. In recent weeks, Netanyahu has acted as though he could tell Washington, in particular, that its support for Israel must be unconditional – since, if pressed, Israel could defend itself on its own, relying on its nuclear tripod. The Gaza massacre risks turning Israel into one of the most hated countries in the world, together with Germany – which unlike the US is solidly united behind the Netanyahu government; yet there seems to be an established view on the part of the Israeli high command that this doesn’t matter, since no government near nor far will dare give in to domestic pressure to come to Gaza’s support.

There is another angle to this, and one that is perhaps even more frightening. In October 1973, during the Yom Kippur war, what later became known as the Watergate tapes recorded a conversation between Richard Nixon, then still President, and his closest aide, Bob Haldeman. When Haldeman informed Nixon that the situation in the Middle East was becoming critical, Nixon ordered him to have American nuclear forces worldwide put on high alert. Haldeman, stunned: Mr. President, the Soviets will think you are mad. Nixon, in response: That is exactly what I want them to believe. In a nuclear strategic environment, credible madness can be an effective weapon, especially for a government led by someone like Netanyahu. As noted, Israel does not have an official nuclear doctrine, and cannot have one as it does not admit to being a nuclear power. But it seems likely that if the existence of Israel was threatened in the eyes of its government, it would not hesitate to make use of all of its arms, including nuclear ones. This makes it relevant that Israel’s present governing coalition includes people who consider the Bible to be a sort of land registry. For many of them, the myth of the Masada mass suicide in 73 CE, after the first Jewish-Roman war was lost, is a powerful source of political inspiration, a fact that cannot be unknown to whatever intelligence is still at the disposal of the US government.

Does Israel have nuclear weapons pointed at countries across the globe just to threaten them to mind them? I’ve heard that too. Rumors are that Kennedy was going to tell Israel to give back its nuclear weapons or something…and that was why Israel had him killed. I’m reading an article about Kennedy’s many actions for world peace just before he was murdered and hopefully I will post it tomorrow night.

The Houthis are the only ones who are demanding that Israel stops its slaughter of Palestinians. Biden has decided to risk the world economy rather than to tell Bibi to knock the fcking slaughter off. Bibi sure is making good use of the $4 million in bribes to Biden isn’t he?

BTW if Trump can be kicked off the ballot for his unarmed insurrection can Biden then be kicked off the ballot for supporting a genocide? If the case against Trump stands then I’m absolutely in agreement that Biden too should be kicked off.

8 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

QMS's picture


you may have given the power of Zions more credit than due?
just another mafia trying to be the biggest and baddest
sure, they own the politicians, but not the minds of the people

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


you may have given the power of Zions more credit than due?

Please explain..

2 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

QMS's picture


of their desire to rule the planet
karma will not be kind

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture


Rumors are that Kennedy was going to tell Israel to give back its nuclear weapons or something…and that was why Israel had him killed. I’m reading an article about Kennedy’s many actions for world peace just before he was murdered and hopefully I will post it tomorrow night.

Israel didn't get its nukes from us and they built their first on in 66, well after Kennedy was killed.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture


yep, israel having nukes is certainly concerning. i have seen so many delusional israeli politicians and military officials saying such incredible (i mean that literally) lies before both cameras and approving audiences, it makes it seem possible that israel might make a first strike of nukes.

6 users have voted.

@snoopydawg stop spreading that manure.
Im not sure what the point of it is, but it is as ludicrous as
Scumbag Woodward's suggestion that "the Russians did it"
perhaps of a kind as Cronkite's narration of an animated explanation of the magic bullet set straight.
If you lack the historic context that age provides, ask someone older how much influence Israel possessed in the early 60's.
As if our politicians and administrators were less antisemitic at the time.
As if the secret threat of imaginary weapons was in play.
Just stop it.
it is meant to delay honest discussion of a subject more taboo than ever.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

US Quietly Working to Prevent Conference on Geneva Convention Violations

The Biden administration is reportedly working to prevent the Swiss government from holding a conference on alleged Geneva Convention violations by both the Israeli government and Hamas, a private pressure campaign that comes as the U.S. is obstructing U.N. Security Council efforts to address the spiraling humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

HuffPost's Akbar Shahid Ahmed reported Wednesday that Palestinian diplomats and a number of U.N. member nations—including some U.S. allies—are "preparing a call for Switzerland to launch such a conference focused on the fighting in Israel-Palestine that would cover Geneva Conventions violations by all parties."

Beatrice Fihn, director of the Geneva-based organization Lex International, said she has heard that more than 60 countries have signed a letter urging the Swiss government to convene a conference on the Geneva Conventions. Norway is among the signatories.

Fihn called the initiative an "important effort" to make clear that "there are laws of war that need to be upheld."

Officials at the U.S. State Department are hoping to convince Switzerland to reject the call, which is backed by prominent human rights organizations including Amnesty International.

"U.S. diplomats are finalizing a démarche―a diplomatic initiative―to their Swiss counterparts that Washington hopes will scuttle plans for a meeting to discuss violations of the Geneva Conventions in the current war between Israel and Hamas," Ahmed reported, citing internal State Department documents.

Both Israel and Hamas have been accused in recent weeks of violating the Geneva Conventions, a cornerstone of international humanitarian law that aims to protect noncombatants. The U.S., too, has been accused of flouting the Geneva Conventions by providing arms to the Israeli military, which has used them to massacre civilians.

U.S. officials are preparing to make the case that the proposed conference would politicize the Geneva Conventions "by creating the impression they are being primarily cited to target Israel," Ahmed reported.

Did Blinken miss that both Hamas and America is also being accused of genocide? Good lord the control Israel has over our government is beyond comprehension. Boy Epstein sure earned his billions didn’t he?

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

joe shikspack's picture


at a certain point (and i cannot predict when it will come) the u.s. will not be able to stand against the will of the world and suppress international institutions. it seems that point may be on its way.

7 users have voted.

25% of Hamas' fighters, it's like surrender or die.

2 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

@ban nock

it's certainly hard to tell. evidence is not available to the public.

rumors are that israel has suffered considerable losses at the hands of hamas, but there is no evidence available for that, either.

it might help if israel could constrain itself to international law and stop assassinating journalists.

9 users have voted.

@ban nock n/t

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

@ban nock

still got an enormous amount of killing to do to reach 100% of Hamas, and that's ignoring the fact that their wanton slaughter of the civilian populace is a great recruiting tool for Hamas which will rapidly gain replacement fighters.

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

@ban nock

Ukraine troops give or take and 150,000 just since the summer operation started and it's like surrender or die. Many soldiers are surrounding instead of dying for no reason. Even Ukraine troops are saying that they are being sent on suicide missions crossing the river for no reason. You can watch 5 Ukrainians being blown up while driving a boat across the river on Sputnik if you’re interested.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

Noam’s quote at the top
is Exactly right
ask for help a second time
and we bring out the hobnailed boots

I’ll go enjoy Baby Face now

7 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

joe shikspack's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

yep, every now and then i run across a quote from chomsky that concisely states just what was on my mind.

have a good one!

5 users have voted.

With US holding veto power, UN Security Council faces ‘dilemma’ on Gaza action

Mouin Rabbani, a Middle East analyst, says the dilemma is that “any resolution that could make a meaningful difference in terms of the situation on the ground in the Gaza Strip is certain to be vetoed by the United States”.

“And any resolution that the United States feels that it is able to support is going to be essentially meaningless for the besieged population” in the Palestinian enclave, Rabbani told Al Jazeera.

He also said there have been reports that the US insisted on seeing references to a demand for all parties to respect international humanitarian law be removed from the latest Gaza draft resolution at the Security Council.

“So, in effect, the US is voting for the continuation of the siege, for the continuation of the mass killings in the Gaza Strip, and most importantly, the idea of humanitarian assistance without a ceasefire is absolutely meaningless and illusory,” Rabbani said.

“Who in their right mind believes that humanitarian assistance can be delivered throughout the Gaza Strip to all those in need while the Gaza Strip is experiencing the most intensive bombing campaign in the entire history of the Middle East.”

6 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


i am kind of surprised that israel has not bombed any aid trucks yet.

5 users have voted.

@joe shikspack And they will use bombs we, the US taxpayers, provided them.
Makes me so proud to be an American.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

acetates", eh? That's been a while.

Meanwhile the Dems are openly rigging their primaries, think any of the "blue no matter who" will notice and/or give a shit. How can the ROW not point out that we don't have any semblance of democracy when our politicians go around blathering about preserving democracy abroad.

Colorado residents voted to reintroduce the species after it was eradicated due to government-funded killing programs.

A horrible problem nationwide. We spend vast amount killing native wildlife and need to stop.

Happy solstice.
be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

yep, the blues revival that started in the 80's led to a lot of cool things turning up and being put into circulation, including alternate takes and test pressings that were in better shape than some of the 78's that had previously been sources. of course, while the urge to profit drove a lot of these archival discoveries, the urge to drive down costs and store music masters cheaply led to the destruction of the entire chess records archive. grrr!!!

well, it's good of the dems to prove my point that we live in a demockery.

have a great evening!

9 users have voted.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Those people look like manikins as she spouts her war mongering BS. And which globalist party is giving her money? She’s Cheney in a dress. If Trump is not allowed to run then my guess is that she will be the Republican candidate…and there will be no lesser evil voting if that happens.
Biden is losing people’s vote for his supporting genocide, but both Trump and Nikki would be much worse.

4 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

joe shikspack's picture


mencken was lucky that in his day he only had to worry about morons:

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-- H.L. Mencken

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


People’s lives aren’t important to the Hellabitch.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

type of actions spread.

Another list of those on the take from Israel

8 users have voted.

Every once in a while I read something and think, "The good people over at caucus99 should see this".

CJ Hopkins 2023

Mr. Hopkins describes himself as a satirist sometimes, but whenever I read him, all I hear is God's Honest Truth. (I ain't a believer, I think I heard the phrase in a cowboy movie.)

You know they are prosecuting Hopkins in Germany just for writing a few articles deviating from the Narrative, right? He could get prison time, it seems.

I don't want to end this on a maxi-bummer.

Steve Earle wrote "Christmas in Washington" in 1996 right after Clinton got elected the second time. As he says, it ain't about Christmas and it sure as hell ain't about Washington.

But we can all pretend, can't we? Steve Earle wrote "Nothing But A Child", I believe, when he was transitioning from being a heroin junkie to a cocaine addict because he could not find good heroin in Nashville.

Another chance allowed, indeed. Merry Christmas.

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture


But I wouldn’t worry too much about that … I’m pretty sure The Powers That Be will be happy to do our thinking for us. They are getting rather good at that, and we are getting rather good at letting them.

Thanks for sharing the mindfuck!

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


Glad you shared it here and I hope others will read it. And in case people didn’t know he’s being charged for supporting Nazism in Germany for his book the new normal or something. He links to it in this essay. The cover has a mask on it with a barely seen swastika , but many other books have an actual one which he also shows which shows the hypocrisy of his being charged.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

@Moser99 Hi,

Bass, how low can you go?

Did anyone else get down into the comments on the Hopkins article? There is another world out there, it seems. Could The Machine really be self-perpetuating with no one running it?

1 user has voted.