Open Thread WE 20 DEC 23 ~ Sacagawea Day


Sacagawea's experiences may have made her one of those people permanently stuck
between cultures, not entirely welcome in her new life nor able to return to her old.


Here we are, the last day of the fall. (The season, not civilization yet.)
Thought I would share some history of this famous guide.


Sacagawea's name means "boat puller" or "bird woman" (if spelled as Sakakawea)
pronounced Sah-cah-gar-we-ah by Meriwether Lewis.

Sacagawea, the daughter of a Shoshone chief, was captured by an enemy tribe and sold to a French Canadian trapper who made her his wife around age 12.


After reaching the Pacific coast in November 1805, Sacagawea was allowed to cast her vote along with the other members of the expedition for where they would build a fort to stay for the winter. They built Fort Clatsop near present-day Astoria, Oregon, and they remained there until March of the following year.


After Sacagawea's death, William Clark looked after her two children,
and ultimately took custody of them both.


Perhaps best known for her understanding of the land in leading the Lewis and Clark
expedition thru the Rockies from Idaho to the Pacific, securing edible wild foods and
interpreting local tribes languages while carrying a papoose. An amazing woman.


An open thread so follow the spirit wherever it leads.
Sundehai mia" (blessed journey)

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Lookout's picture

...with the Lewis and Clark mission they knew it wasn't a war party. She was an important part of the success of the venture.

Looked like you NE types had a pretty good rain yesterday, and our Midwestern friends are having a mild season so far. High twenties again this AM but headed into the 50's here in NE AL.

I need to do a last roof leaf cleaning to keep the gutters clear and maximize the cistern collection. Always something.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season! Thanks for the OT.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

has been raining since Sunday.

CostCo is no longer carrying printer ink cartridges, one employee said "it's cheaper to buy a new printer" and tht appears to be the case. Reminiscent of the original Gillette razors, practically gave them away and stung you for the blades. (Did the straight razor thing for a while in my younger days, mostly ever shaved my neck anyway.)

Fun fact about the Lewis and Clark trip, from one of their journals, is their first encounter with brother griz. I guess it was quasi routine to shoot and kill eastern black bears, so when they spotted a griz they went and shot it and to their surprise, it up and chased them. Heh.

Power outage yesterday for a few hours from the storm. Futzed up all the electronics in the house, still finding things in need of a reset. Modern living. Hah!

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

are usually about 1/3 of the price
I use
the problem with newer printers
they won't recognize knock-offs

good luck!

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I get my cartridges at a deep discount through Ebay after checking out the compatibility with regards to bypassing the chips.

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QMS's picture


The Canon isn't quite as fussy as the older HP.
Have heard of injecting ink into the spent cartridges
but haven't tried it yet.

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and I gave up on trying.

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@enhydra lutris My wife was going through a printer very 6 months. We do animal fosters and there is a LOT of paperwork involved. She bought and Epson Ecotank over a year ago and we haven't come close to using the ink in it yet. And if you do, it is easy to fill each color with a bottle of ink.

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back in the day sacagawea
was code for a bag o’weed
usually a ‘fat satchel’

aaahh life moves on. . .

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

QMS's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
sack 'o the weeda
first I heard of it

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Something that you will not see in coverage by the MSM.

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Blinken says US wants to assure UN Security Council vote does not ‘hurt’ aid delivery.

Blinken was asked about the continuing delay on a resolution vote, which has come amid US opposition to the original text.

While offering few details, Blinken said the US wants to make sure a resolution does not make aid delivery more complicated.

Washington wants to “make sure that the resolution … in what it calls for and requires actually advances that effort and doesn’t do anything that could actually hurt the delivery of humanitarian assistance, make it more complicated,” he said, describing US officials as working “intensely” on the negotiations.

It was not immediately clear what portion of the draft resolution he was referring to. The resolution put forth by the UAE calls for an increase in aid, as well as a “monitoring mechanism” to assure unhindered access.

An initial draft of the resolution also called for a “cessation” of hostilities, which was later changed to a “suspension” of hostilities.

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QMS's picture


His "restrictions" on aid is about as honest as
saying "limiting of civilian casualties"
He gets his orders from Bibi.

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the midst of bad days.

(Bloomberg) -- Malaysia said it will block Israel-based ZIM Integrated Shipping Services from anchoring at any of the Southeast Asian nation’s ports, a largely symbolic move that signals rising frustration over the war in Gaza.

The country is also banning ships bearing Israeli flags, and will prevent vessels destined for Israel from loading cargo at its ports, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said in a statement Wednesday. The ban is effective immediately.

“These sanctions are a response to Israel’s actions ignoring the basic principles of humanity and breaking the international law through continued massacres and atrocities against Palestinians,” Anwar said.

Malaysia is among the most vocal supporters of the Palestinians amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, which is a designated terrorist group by the US and European Union. Last month, Anwar vowed to maintain ties with Hamas despite pressure from the US, which some political analysts say is an attempt to shore up his Islamist credentials in the Muslim-majority nation.

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QMS's picture


will "open-up" the Red Sea corridor. Shippers will still consider it a war zone.

Good for Malaysia to make a stand!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

QMS's picture

Korean car giant sells huge factory for $77 – media

Hyundai’s exit from Russia will reportedly cost the company over $200 million

politics trumps business
sounds pretty bone-headed to me.

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earthling1's picture

that Russia is going to issue bonds using the seized 300 billion dollars as collateral for claims against Russian companies filed by unfriendly foreign companies and governments.
If they want their money, they will have to lobby their own government to release the stolen funds.
I think I read about in that meeting Putin had with all the opposition party heads. It came from one of the party heads and Putin thought it was a good idea.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture


counter sanctions with sanctions.
You want money?
Take it from the thieves.
Give the global money masters a
sphincter squeeze.

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soryang's picture

@QMS I hadn't heard about this. Frankly, I don't read the Korean economic news unless it gets into the headlines there. This one did, but I missed it. So they have to two years to "buy it back." Good luck. I guess some of the European auto-makers are in the same boat. It would be interesting to know the exact date Hyundai made the decision to shut down in Russia. March 2022 was the presidential election month.

The Korean current accounts balances have been on a rocky path since the covid. At the point where the various international shutdowns were lifted a recovery was expected. So there was an export slump before Yoon got elected. Early on, Yoon blamed the economic slump generally on Moon Jae-in policies, but by January 2023, the current accounts monthly balance was still in the dumpster, in fact record breaking, for a country that depends heavily on exports. So sometime around there (I'm a poor historian on this for various reasons) Yoon could no longer avoid taking the blame, and his poll numbers started taking a dive. That wasn't the only reason, but opposition critics made the case that Yoon had unnecessarily alienated its Chinese and Russian markets by following US demands adversely affecting business with these countries. It is believed that this is a large factor in the inability to recover economically. I've seen reports that characterize the economy as in a recession and Yoon is blamed.

Maybe this is the reason, Yoon takes the big chaebol leaders of Samsung, Hyundai, SK and Hwanhua (defense manufacturer) with him when he goes on his overseas junkets. He knows nothing about economics or foreign policy. He takes credit for deals that have been in the works independently by the industries themselves as he did recently in the Netherlands for a venture with ASML. As I understand it, it was the same with the arms deal with Poland to build a tank factory there, and sell them tanks upfront. He's taken a lot of criticism on this score. Generally, you don't hear a lot about this in the MSM there or here.

Hyundai Motor offloads Russian plant for grand sum of 100 bucks

Hyundai Motor said the selling price for the factory would be 10,000 rubles, or around US$107. Based on the factory’s accounting situation, the value of the company’s stake is 287.34 billion won, but Hyundai Motor concluded that it had suffered a loss of 1.13 trillion won in light of the two years the factory has been unable to operate because of the war.

The facilities that are to be sold off include the Saint Petersburg factory, which was built in 2010, and a General Motors factory acquired in 2020. They are respectively capable of producing up to 200,000 and 100,000 vehicles per year.

So the real loss is more like 840 million dollars. Thanks for the heads up QMS.

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語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture


China is selling cars in Russia now at an unprecedented rate.
And Russia is building cars in Africa. The capitalist axel is losing
it's wheels in EU and US due to their short sighted sanctions.

The ramifications of economics has made the former power
brokers wobble just a bit. Guess that is why they are scared of
BRICS. Their non-compete clause is stifling growth.

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we made it through another day.
What I am trying to do is keep my interest in the current world events, try to ascertain a survival strategy, and not let it depress me.
I have a "Come and take it" Alamo attitude.
Thanks for the OT, friend.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

thanks for tuning in
don't take it personal
some reason this tune
hit my head, so I share

good luck with the Alamo!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security