Open Thread WE 6 DEC 23 ~ bridge

What does it mean to have two corporeal brains experiencing the same thought at
the same time? Don't think it is mind reading. Is there a fluid energy field in which
we are all connected? Could be just two locally or could be 200 million globally.
The physics are the same. It depends on our understanding of the hive mind concept.
Unfortunately, people have been mesmerized into seeing broadcast news as a close
approximate to this universal mind. Don't believe it. There is much more beneath the
surface of programming / conditioning of popular memes than this simplistic formulation.
The challenge becomes trusting intuition to discern intangibles. How is it
possible that (______) is real when everything points in another direction?
The examples are endless. Nordstream, vax complications and dollar devaluations
being some of the most recent examples. And selective genocide definitions.
On the one hand, we need to shield our mind to protect our sanity rather than just
accepting propaganda. On the other, an open mind is key to basic understandings
of what's going on out there on larger horizons. Trusting our inner voices is key IMO.
Saw these cats play in Wolverine Stadium, Ann Arbor, mid 70's along with about 30K
other hips. The feeling was cyclic goosebump electric!
Telepathy means transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was coined by Frederick W. H. Myers, a founder of the society for psychical research, in 1882.
Telepathy literally means ‘distant feeling’, from the Greek tele, ‘distant’, as in telephone and television, and pathe, ‘feeling’, as in sympathy and empathy.

Image by Sandy Skoglund ~ “Fresh Hybrid” (2008)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Please share on this medium.

Good morning
A couple of articles of interest in the news today.
One of the first sensible announcements from Germany I have heard in awhile:
Germany is not Ukraine's ally
Well, come to think of it, neither is the US.
Clear thinking on someones behalf upstairs.
and this has two perspectives:
Zelensky abruptly cancels US Senate appeal
The first report I read yesterday the R's refused his attendance.
Now, it has morphed into this:
(at the last minute)
Putting the cart ahead of the horse?
Also this ---
Per NC under New Not-So-Cold War
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I get into
Dear One's head, and vice versa, all the time. We bitch about it a lot. LOL!
The biggest tell on media propaganda is the repetition of a word or phrase from many different media sources. Hamas drops bombs, whereas the IDF causes explosions.
OK, FWIW, I turned down a divorce case, but not until I did some minimal research.
Seems the husband's penile enlargement implant changed his quiet, passive, sweet personality into that of a mean and enraged beast.
I encourage all of you to research this surgery before you spend $20,000 on it, ok?
Lovely art, QMS...thanks for the OT, my friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
interesting side effect of enhancements
yeah, the repetition thing on every news channel
using the same words and phrases is a pretty clear
give-away we are being propagandized
thanks for checking in!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
First time in
35 years i’ve Actively participated in hanging seasonal lights
not a fan of holidays
glad they are up though rain
cloud fog more rain
Heavy rain some rain lite
rain drizzle
did i mention
rain. . . ?
and Dark as well
lights are Good
five gallon Dogua bucket
has six inches in it since i
dumped it on Saturday
two inches overnight in
the rain gauge
and still coming down
trying to wean myself off
from commenting on the
Doom Porn out there
unfortunately i have
a jones for it so i
smoke more pot as antidote
does it help? Well
i’m not film at
eleven so That’s alright
Off to feed a toothless horse
nothing to float
for those in the know
i’m always around if
not all here
thanks for the ot
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
good to hear you are still afloat
a little bit of snow flickering down this AM
guess it's time to cover el bateau
happy your horsee has you to care for
know what you mean about the war porn
it is outrageous
good luck!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I've been checking
the weather at home (PNW) and it's getting torrential rain with a lot of flooding and landslides.
Apparently we left just in time.
Going to be mid to high 70s here in the Antelope Valley today and we are loving it.
Yesterday we made the pilgrimage to Charlie Browns in Little Rock, CA. and wandered the multiple rooms added over the decades filled with an eclectic mix of just about everything, including giant concrete dinosaurs and sabertooths (outside of course).
Hope the rain let's up before we come rolling through Eureka.
Heh, leave those lights on for us.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Yellen is a genius /s
The US will bear the blame should Ukraine be defeated on the battlefield
Trying to lay a guilt trip on congress.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Here's a question that might peeve Yellen --
Answer #1: humanitarian assistance. As if the people of THIS COUNTRY didn't need humanitarian assistance.
Answer #2: weaponry. But who's going to use this weaponry? The Ukrainians who were trained to use it, few as they were, were cut down in pointless counter-offensives.
Recently there's been a bunch of opinionating floating about to the effect that OMIGOD THE RUSSIANS AREN'T GOING TO STOP AT UKRAINE! Simplicius discusses this phenomenon. Simplicius references a National Review article, but somehow it doesn't seem to have occurred to the author of this article that, if the Russians were in fact planning to invade vast chunks of Europe beyond Ukraine, the thing to do would be not 1) to throw more money and resources down the Ukrainian black hole but 2) to put the whole of the collective NATO economy on a complete war footing, with rationing, a military draft, and nuclear war preparation, and maybe then send some extra money to Ukraine. So, yeah, this sort of idiocy is easily rebutted.
Moreover, it doesn't seem that Yellen has a plan for taking back control of the airspace above Ukraine from the Russians, since after all the absence of airspace control is why 1) the counter-offensives achieved nothing and 2) Zelensky was forced by the Ukrainian military to adopt an exclusively defensive posture in the war.
Moon of Alabama suggests, now, that the US is withholding aid to push Zelensky toward negotiations with Russia. Perhaps as a preliminary aid package the US could send Ukraine some experts in the fine art of downsizing one's ambitions while at the negotiating table?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
your humanitarian assistance point is spot on
let us, just for a moment, disregard Yellen's ignorance of US needs in the first place.
So, per her reasoning, she appears 'to think' it is more important to float a foreign
economy, to save face of another military failure, to who's advantage? Umm, not us.
How did she get this job? Going to guilt people into believing more money spent
overseas is good (not for us). Reminds me of the casus belli during the Vietnam
mission. We can't stop now because we spent all this blood and treasure already.
Therefore? The masses did not buy it. Just more Idiotry.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A lot of subtleties
with how information is transmitted.
Your response to my OT headline: " Green Grass and High Tides" was The Outlaws "High Tides and Green Grass" tune, and again, thanks for that.
That tune was in my head as I was describing the passing scenery and in a subtle manner suggested to you that same tune.
That was an easy one.
But there happens even more subtle clues, sometimes so imperceptible that many people don't even recognize as a tripwire of the mind and are actually led in one direction or another.
This is the most insidious kind of propaganda or brainwashing first developed by Nazi Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebels, and developed into even more perfection in the decades since.
And you know who led that advance.
I have made it a personal policy to seek out the opposing narrative in all things in life and begin there to separate the truth from falsity.
Thanks for the food for thought.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
That is a very smart approach
"seek out the opposing narrative"
a good brain exercise
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Dreams as telepathy
Don't know if the riddle has been solved. But new born babies as I understand dream up a storm out of the womb but tail off. One person theorized that was how the baby remained in contact with the mother. Strangely, did the dreams of mothers offer back the connection???
It appears that the US is unaware of the old saying
that "That you don't throw stones in a glass house".
It appears that Garland looks the other way from daily Israeli war crimes and forgets about the past.
see y'all later
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare