The Weekly Watch

Giving Thanks?

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In our chaotic world it can be difficult to be thankful about the state of things. However, we can be grateful for the truce in Gaza and the hostage exchange. Too bad this isn't a permanent ceasefire, but merely a delay in the genocide perpetrated upon the Palestinians. One aspect is that this aggression has gone so far as to shock people awake to US and Israel's inhumanity. That story and more below the fold.

Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 10-24-07 The dance of the true landowners.png

I've been thinking about the similarity of Manifest Destiny and Zionism. In both cases, the original inhabitants are corralled and controlled because the occupiers are chosen by God as the righteous "landowners". Imperial arrogance.

... historic “settler colonialism” like in the United States relates to Gaza today. Dunbar-Ortiz makes the case, on this Thanksgiving, that inherent in that settler colonialism are the various definitions of genocide.
...The plight of the Native Americans in what is now the United States serves as a base for understanding the motivations, actions and justifications for settler colonialism by the West. The war in Palestine, Dunbar-Ortiz argues, contains many similar elements employed, where the core objective of the occupying force isn’t even to necessarily kill everyone—although a strong argument can be made that this is ongoing too—but to see a group of people have their identity obliterated...
“[T]here’s a lot of resonance, I think, in the U.S. white population, especially descendants of old settlers, which most presidents are. They feel a resonance with Israel because of settler colonialism, because it is the geographical imprint on U.S. people that settler colonialism is a good thing.”

Dunbar-Ortiz makes the case, on this Thanksgiving edition of the Scheer Intelligence podcast

Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 19-56-45 Love Gaza.png

Since 1970, Indigenous people & their allies have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US Thanksgiving holiday. Many Native people do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims & other European settlers. Thanksgiving Day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands and the erasure of Native cultures. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Indigenous ancestors and Native resilience. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection, as well as a protest against the racism and oppression that Indigenous people continue to experience worldwide.

We are witnessing a changing world order as the west is in decline and BRICS+ is on the rise.

Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar joins Kevork Almassian to discuss the challenges facing the US-led unipolar world by growing powers such as China, Russia, and Iran. (55 min)
Gaza: a pause before the storm (also featured in yesterday's OT)

The US and its allies will continue backing Israel's war on Gaza after a brief truce. But as the case for 'genocide' grows stronger, the new multipolar powers will have to confront the old hegemons and their Rules-Based Chaos...
...the US administration is not remotely “wary about Netanyahu’s endgame,” it fully endorses it - genocide included - as agreed at the White House less than three weeks before Al-Aqsa Flood, in a 20 September meeting between Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe “The Mummy” Biden’s handlers.
...As for public opinion all across the Global South/Global Majority, it “turned” long ago on Zionist extremism. But now the Global Minority - populations of the collective west - are watching raptly, horrified, and bitter that in just six weeks, social media has exposed them to what mainstream media hid for decades. There will be no turning back now that this penny has dropped.
...Had this truce been an actual “ceasefire,” in which all hostilities came to a halt and Israel's war machine disengaged from the Gaza Strip entirely, the next-day options would still be pretty dismal. Realpolitik practitioner John Mearsheimer already cut to the chase: a negotiated solution for Israel-Palestine is impossible.
It takes a cursory glance at the current map to graphically demonstrate how the two-state solution – advocated by everyone from China-Russia to much of the Arab world – is dead. A collection of isolated Bantustans can never coalesce as a state.
...while Gaza's gas is indeed a crucial vector, Gaza, the territory, is a nuisance. What really matters for Tel Aviv is to confiscate all Palestinian gas reserves and allot them to future preferential clients: the EU.
Enter the India-Middle East Corridor(IMEC) - actually the EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-Emirates-India Corridor - conceived by Washington as the perfect vehicle for Israel to become an energy crossroads power. It fancifully imagines a US-Israel energy partnership trading in US dollars – simultaneously replacing Russian energy to the EU and halting a possible export increase of Iran's energy to Europe.
We return to the 21st century's main chessboard here: the Hegemon vs. BRICS.

Pepe is well informed in part because he is so well traveled.

All the pro-Palestine protests prove that many have escaped the MSM propaganda thanks to alternate media. Another reason to be thankful.
“Why I STOPPED Being A Zionist”
Thanks to the Israeli military’s brutal assault on Gaza, many stalwart Zionists are waking up to the reality of the occupation and what life is like for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. We highlight one video published by a young American Jewish woman who explains everything she’s learned recently about the occupation and why she’s had to let go of her former Zionist beliefs.

However as Craig Murray suggests, there's No Ceasefire in the Propaganda War

The BBC simply does not treat the Palestinians as human, whereas the emphasis on Israeli personal victimhood is incessant and unrelenting.
Since 1967 Israel has made over 1 million arrests of Palestinians. This “justice” system is an essential part of the imposition of apartheid and the slow genocide, which did not just start this autumn. The BBC won’t tell you that either, and appears to have no problem with permanently showcasing its Israel based correspondents churning out the Israeli propaganda narrative, with no attempt at either perspective or balance.

Western Media Operating under Influence of Zionists
: US Analyst
“Western Mainstream Media is Zionist Media. In the West, the governments of the United States, the UK, and Western Europe, are Zionist Occupied Governments"
Western media outlets are operating under the control and influence of Zionists as they attempt to keep people in dark about all events taking place around the world, including the massacre of Muslim worshipers that happened on March 15 in New Zealand.

Just look at the "experts" brought on to explain the conflict...
Gaza Guests Linked to Military Industry, Pro-Israel Funding

Yes, Mainstream Journalists Are Actually PAID To Lie. (11 min)
Working in mainstream media, and even some corners of the alternative or online media, all but requires one to abandon the truth, pitch false narratives and sell out to powerful corporate interests. But why? That is the question... Jimmy, Kurt Metzger and Aaron Maté ( discuss whether media sellouts are actually paid explicitly to do so or they merely take the path of least resistance.

None the less awareness is growing...

It is time for an intervention (2.8 min)

America's addiction to selling arms willy nilly is destroying the country and demolishing the world.

Scott Ritter: Israel is LOSING its War as Gaza Operation Exposes IDF's Failures
Former US Marine Corps Officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses Israel's failures in Gaza, namely the lack of skill on the part of Israeli forces and the critical defeat experienced in the realm of information warfare. (23 min)

Israel has characterized the attack carried out by Hamas on the various Israeli military bases and militarized settlements, or Kibbutz, which in their totality comprised an important part of the Gaza barrier system, as a massive act of terrorism, likening it to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks against the United States. Israel supports this characterization by citing the number of persons killed (some 1,200, a downward revision issued by Israel after realizing that 200 of the dead were Palestinian fighters) and detailing a wide variety of atrocities it claims were perpetrated by Hamas, including mass rape, the beheading of children, and the wanton murder of unarmed Israeli civilians.
The problem with the Israeli claims is that they are demonstrably false or misleading.

From Scott's article on October 7.

Was October 7th a Hamas or Israeli massacre?
Israel's controversial military policy of killing its own citizens to preserve national security may be its defining mistake of 7 October. Would there have even been a 'massacre' that day if Israel had not employed the Hannibal Directive?

Scott Ritter reveals why he gave up his career to fight against Netanyahu & the Israeli Right-Wing


Democracy's Ironies
In other news this week were some unexpected election results in both Argentina and the Netherlands.
There were a variety of conclusions about the results.

Pepe and Robert Barnes had almost opposite thoughts about Argentina's election.
Pepe explains his thoughts of disappointment. He gives some interesting background about the county. He thinks the oligarchs really won with Javier Milei election. (10-15 min)
Where as Robert Barnes suggests Miliei will improve the disastrous economy. He discusses his take with the Duran. (10-15 min)
Well the proof will be in the pudding and time will tell if the economy improves. Miliei vows to dismantle their central bank.
The Netherlands also elected a new leader, Wilders. The question remains, can he assemble a majority and take control? The Duran discuss the situation ...
Wilders win exposes fragile EU system, but don't count Globalists out (23 min)

The irony to me is the way the western MSM portray these two different winners as Far Right. Article after article use the same descriptor. Yesterday Alex had a funny routine of the way they escalate their insults... Far right, MAGA, TRUMP, PUTIN! I've cued the link to those concluding remarks. (2 min)

As I was thinking of the ironies of democracy it came to me that if we look at approval ratings of leaders by their own citizenry, those that holler democracy the loudest have the lowest ratings. Of the western leaders Biden is at almost 40% with European leaders more in the 20% range. Compare that to the tyrant Putin at 80% approval or the dictator Xi at close to 90% approval.

The US democracy is revealing its problematic justice system. The tapes released from Jan. 6 this week show a mostly orderly crowd in the capitol with the police showing them around. I suspect most of the violence that did occur was promoted by the 50+ FBI agents planted in the crowd. We know they were there from the FBI whistleblower testimony this summer.
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, was caught on a secret video recording talking with a group of January 6th defendants, and her comments were quite revealing. Pelosi insisted that the so-called “MAGA Shaman” who got a 31 month prison sentence had been railroaded and that Democrats would likely milk the January 6th proceedings as much as possible, even if the actual “insurrection” was nothing of the kind.

This week is the 60th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Ray Mcgovern tell the scathing story...

Ray McGovern (former CIA): They Killed JFK, Will We Let Them Kill Peace? (32 worth while minutes)
How can the US be a democracy when the CIA, the mafia branch of government, runs the show? The answer is it simply can't be a democracy.

Of course what is really controlling all governments are their economies. Looks like we will all have a rough ride as the future evolves.
Debt Will Collapse Global Economy... Will The U.S. Survive? (45 min) Brent Johnson - Dollar Milkshake Theory - cued to the discussion of the US economic system for the last 100 years. The guy interviewing him is surprisingly uninformed, but that leads to a simple basic history lesson. I find him a bit naive about the future of BRICS+ economic and overly optimistic about the stability of the USD, but the conversation was interesting. He's a banker so that explains his bias.

It is easy to be discouraged about the state of the world and our nation. However there are ways to have impact, especially if we focus on our local environment.
How This Woman Turned Arizona's Desert into a Farmland Oasis (7 min)

Extensive droughts and dwindling water supplies have wreaked havoc on the once prosperous farms that could endure the arid conditions. Arizona has also become one the fastest growing states in the last decade, as result there has been a demand for tree lined neighborhoods, golf courses and lawns, all of which require vast amounts of water. As we keep consuming the ancient groundwater, without it being replenished, water tables drop and rivers start to dry up.

However over the last 30 years Arizona has been turning this around, in this video we will show you how a low cost innovative water retention system is being used in the desert, turning the dry landscape into a fertile carbon sink stretching over 100,000 acres and we will show you how this system is recharging the aquifers, by improving water retention by at least 28% which has helped to increase biodiversity, turning the desert back into a farmland oasis. Thanks to Valer Clark Austin and Josiah Austin restoring the watershed in the Chiricahua Desert in Arizona and Mexico.


I hope you all had a great holiday weekend and managed to eat some delicious food. There's plenty going on around the world. I hope you'll share the stories and ideas you have about it all in the comments below. The thread is open!

16 users have voted.


QMS's picture

We somehow avoided political discussion at our table.
There are so many issues going on simultaneously. Now,
if Uncle Sam could just pull out before totally f*cking the world,
we'd all have a merry x-mas. Wink

Thanks for the watch!

9 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


...during your holiday gathering. Most everyone recognizes things in the US are degrading. Now they may not agree of a solution, but most agree there's a problem.

Given Ray's presentation above, until we get rid of the CIA, we don't have a prayer of righting our ship of state. I can't see how they will allow that to happen as long as they hold the rudder. Politics are just theater given that situation.

Enjoy the remainder of the holiday. We're due some colder weather next week, but it's that time of year. Take care and be well!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

First an excellent discussion of Russiagate, media, Ukraine, and more. (1 hour)
Criminalising Dissent - Glenn Greenwald, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen
Lots of insights in the conversation to me.

Larry Johnson has a good handle on how the system works.
Winning isn't just about Killing and Destroying | Larry C. Johnson (40 min)

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I have jinxed the weather as it's turned bitterly cold (i.e., dipping below 70deg) just after I praised it for being so summer like here.

Re Pepe and Barnes discussion: Pepe I perceive as a left-leaner, and pro-Trump Barnes a righty, so in that context their views on Argentina's new libertarian/RW president are understandable. More importantly, it looks like the Islas Malvinas (Falklands) situation is heating up again, just when we thought that was settled 40 yrs ago. It's all too easy to dismiss this as the usual political rhetoric, but I fear there's a chance that this time the Argentinians are serious , and this dispute could again lead to war, maybe even entangling other major countries. A potential dangerous hot spot, to add to all the others currently.

Re the Ray McGovern video: I've been reminded in recent days with all the 60th anniversary coverage, that even intelligent and well-intentioned people can get it wrong. Ray's 2d book rec, Mary's Mosaic, was given a very poor review by my go-to people on this area, so it's one I'm going to skip. The claims of a Mary Meyer-JFK hookup are not substantiated, and overall MM is almost elevated to Svengali status for influencing Kennedy. No credible evidence to back this. MM's sister knew Jackie, and from there MM became friends with both Jack and Jackie. But nothing beyond that or in the ways some authors suggest.

Reminder, as I've seen this situation many times in recent days, that assertions published in books a/o repeated in other books, do not make them true. Especially wrt accusations about the departed. Books making all sorts of colorful claims and wild assertions about the dead are common in the Kennedy area. Probably 94% of the books in this field are just junk. Legally, these published statements are all libel-proof, as no one in the subject's camp can sue for defamation on behalf of the deceased. The right to defend one's reputation dies when the person dies. Unfortunately, most people aren't aware of this legal fact, so there are a lot of poorly-counseled folks out there who are too accepting of what is really bad history.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


We need to hear both sides and cherry pick from both.
The criminalizing of dissent on the Duran w/ Glenn Greenwald points out the EU and US eliminated RT so you can't hear the "other" side.

Truth has to be searched out. Is my truth yours, or your truth mine? I'm sure we hold some truths in common, but see other things differently. As I suggested above, the proof is in the pudding and time will tell. In the meantime I think it is a good idea to be open minded.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment and visit on this holiday weekend!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout problem getting the views of both Pepe and Barnes, both credible commenters w different perspectives. Neither are liars or propagandists but honest advocates. I was commenting on the published liars -- authors who know or have to know they are putting out false information. In the JFK case, I suspect it's to muddy the waters and distract on the assassination (the Mafia, Castro or Russia did it) and for some other liars. the point is to make JFK into such a scoundrel and shallow party boy that no one will care how he died.

As I say, even some otherwise smart people get sucked in to buying nonsense, or dubious claims that get repeated often enough that they go into the unsubstantiated but oft-repeated Everybody Knows category. That was on display recently in the 2.5 hour Bill Maher sit-down, drink-n-dope podcast w Oliver Stone and the rambling chit chat about whether the 1960 and 2020 elections were stolen. A surprising and never proven historical claim or suggestion from Oliver on 2020 and a surprisingly meek defense of 1960, while Maher has always offered some lazy, MSM-approved opinions that go through his Libertarian Lite prism.

False facts in history taken as true occasionally pops up in this household, and it drives me up the wall as I try sometimes in vain to lay down the law.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...and of little to no meaning. I keep coming back around to evaluation issue by issue. Labels and narratives seem largely false. ...but what do I know?

TPTB distract us with these false labels and distractions. I become more convinced that politics are so corrupt as to be useless. Do you really think your vote matters?

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout for this OT. I wasn't commenting about silencing the other side, as I'm a firm 1A advocate, nor was I discussing the R/L divide and politics or the value of voting. My comments have been about lies and the liars who promote them, and those otherwise good people who occasionally fall for the Everybody Knows canards based only on rumor, hearsay, and mischievous false facts. Not calling to cancel them but to call out the lies and liars.

The separate issues you raise of the non value of politics and voting, which are understandable and seem to be popular on this board, don't rouse much interest for me as politics is in my blood and I've always voted, so very difficult to change those ways at this late stage. There is also the related issue of whether this country would be better off split apart, more simpatico areas governing themselves rather than the current dysfunctional national system. I would contribute to a thread on that topic.

4 users have voted.

It is chili weather here. An easy dinner, a day to decompress from travel, and catch up on the news.
I am open to any theory on who killed Kennedy. Since the official investigation has been kept from the public, in favor of the nutty Warren Commission report,the conclusion I draw is that the spooks fear the public reaction if they knew what really happened. There is no justification to keep a harmless investigation secret that I can come up with. In fact, if it was all harmless and a fluke murder by a lone radical, they would absolutely want us to see every bit of evidence they possessed to support that.
Until the CIA is defunded and disappeared, we will never be certain of who is in charge.
I will be viewing a lot of videos this afternoon, and I really appreciate your mighty effort, Lo.

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Nothing like getting away and recharging the batteries. I think the evidence is damning ... the CIA and TPTB did assassinate JFK...and I would add RFK, MLK, and Malcom

What a different world was possible...

Have a great holiday wind down!

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

and OT. Nize picture up top. Need some Polynesians and Aussie aboriginals too.

The US is crashing and we will all take the hit and, of course, those with the least padding will hit the hardest. Should be a busy few decades for those preachers and pshrinks willing to work for peanuts.

be well and have a good one.

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

...but they give you their address. Ain't that the way?

Hope your holiday has been fun and fulfilling. Were hoping for a lite rain this evening. A bigger rain coming Friday, if those lying meteorologist are correct.

Leaves still falling and plenty of raking here.

Take care out there on the left coast! Thanks for coming by.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

and the people you kill fight back, that's actually not a genocide. I don't mean to get all technical on you here. It's kind of like calling a nasty look a murder. Along the same vein people shouldn't start wars, things can end badly. Look what's been happening to Russia, they are getting their but kicked.

Ownership is nine tenths of the law. The other tenth is having it recognised by everyone else. Every piece of land has changed hands hundreds of times before recorded history. That's how things go. America belongs to Americans and Israel to Israelis.

But if one feels strongly one can buy a Palestine scarf, Keffiyeh, Arafat Hatta, wide with tassels, Shemagh Keffiyeh Arab houndstooth100% Cotton Unisex Scarves for 10$ on Amazon and go hold up some sort of crazy sign.

I do wonder how this plays for the election. Will people who never vote anyway stay away? Will people who don't vote anyway make a difference? Do I really care about Dearborn?

I could imagine Niki Haley winning. Joe has lost his luster, Trump has lost his Bluster.

0 users have voted.

@ban nock

an alternate reality.

9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@ban nock

Look what's been happening to Russia, they are getting their but kicked.

even your lying MSM is saying it is over and Ukraine must come to the table.

I've been wondering if you would drop by and eat crow, but I read you're still crowing. Well you're entitled to your typically mistaken interpretation.

America belongs to Americans and Israel to Israelis.

A reminder, Israel is only 75 YO. Will it last another 25 years? We'll see if we survive that long.

As a land owner, believe me you can't really own land. You, me, we all are ephemeral, land is for the most part is eternal....until oceans cover it, or continents collide absorbing it.

None the less I'm glad you dropped by and added you 2 cents.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

TheOtherMaven's picture


As a land owner, believe me you can't really own land. You, me, we all are ephemeral, land is for the most part is eternal....until oceans cover it, or continents collide absorbing it.

That's why they thought they had pulled a fast one on the Dutch when they "sold" Manhattan Island. They didn't realize that they had also agreed to be evicted - permanently.

3 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture

@ban nock

but once again you are ignoring the 75 years of history behind the war and believe that it started last month just like you ignored the 8 year history of genocide in the Donbas and that Russia invaded just for the hell of it. I expect nothing less from you.

This sure seems to fit you.

This type of bizarre magical thinking, delusions, and mental deterioration appears endemic to failing societies/civilizations. Wishful thinking synthesized with a mishmash of normalcy bias, folk superstitions, and stockholm syndrome to create pathological distortions which only accelerate your country’s plunge into some form of terminal hysteria and madness, as now seen in Ukraine.

If Ukraine is beating Russia then why is Biden and his allies telling Zelensky that he has to make a deal with Putin to freeze the war? Every country is saying that the great Ukraine surge that started last June has fallen flat on its face and it has made absolutely no progress in kicking Russia out of the country. It’s lost so many troops that it’s now sending women, including pregnant women to the front as well as men aged 40-70. Boy that’s some winning dude. Pregnant women!

Ownership is nine tenths of the law

Only if you are a lawless country like America and Israel are. I’m guessing that this wouldn’t apply to you if someone kicked you out of your house and they moved in and said that. Right?

I saw your comment to me yesterday that was almost 2 weeks after the original essay and once again you show your **** like behavior by not answering my comment, but changing the subject to something totally unrelated. My comment asked you to provide proof of what you accused and you wrote about how you won’t watch videos….. want to try again? Try not to wait another 2 weeks.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank!

The US and its puppets turn a blind eye to the ongoing events.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


When you own the media, you can spin the narrative. That's what we are seeing since...forever?

This is nothing new. Was it 2014, the Israelis were shooting journalist and medics covering the peaceful protest on the Gaza border? I see... the historic Great March Of Return protest, which occurred every week from March 2018 until December 2019.

This struggle will last our lifetimes.

Thanks again for the X posts.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Rules based Order.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Hiding them. Scraping them. ???

The West is reaping what they sowed promoting the Yemen war. Our dogma is chasing our karma.

Thanks as always for the X posts.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

the propaganda war.

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture


actually believe they can hire a local ad agency to cover their slaughter?
Don't think so.
This is a permanent stain on their existence. No forgetting forever.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@humphrey good propaganda. The problem is we're the only ones who believe it. A couple of week ago I quoted a diplomat...when you breathe in your own propaganda, you become deluded.

I think as a nation we're there...deluded!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

Howdy friends, Hey LO,

Hope it's all good on the mountain!

Cool and damp here, feels like winter. We made it up to drought stage D1 over the last few weeks. River is about 4 FEET below normal bank.

Sorry about the news... not looking particularly bright. The Ray McGovern is great as always, as was the Mischa.

Here is a link below to a vid from my spirit botanist. Wink Colorful language warning, but the dude is brilliant and this episode he really cleaned up compared to many. His recent series of vids showing south and central Texas endemic species has been outstanding. Those Starr Co. cacti... ms. d and I spent a couple months of days birding and nature nerding in Starr Co. on the Rio Grande, back in the '80's.

The Best Way to Put Carbon Back in the Ground Two most important grasses 12 min.

Been getting Sandhill Crane flocks overhead southbound several days last week. One of the calls of the wild, like coyotes and geese.

Enjoy your nature!

Thanks for the WW! GREAT work man!

9 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


and much needed I must say, despite some recent rain.
Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 18-36-48 Alabama U.S. Drought Monitor.png

TX seems in better shape for a change...
Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 18-45-03 Texas U.S. Drought Monitor.png

My better half was called to come to a crane gathering. We both agreed it is early for cranes. Amusingly it was a origami folding of cranes. She returned home with several cranes.

We usually go visit the cranes in Jan.

Jan is the crane scene here along the Tenn R. Fun and usually chilly to observe.

Thanks for coming by!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

I hope your holiday was fun and meaningful. follow today's theme of giving thanks, I'm so glad I aged in the 60's. Weren't my fellow boomers lucky to grow up with the Beatles? I feel blessed to have grown in those least every "Now and Then"

Now and Then's eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological challenges involved in working with the vocal John had recorded on tape in the 1970s. For years it looked like the song could never be completed. But in 2022 there was a stroke of serendipity. A software system developed by Peter Jackson and his team, used throughout the production of the documentary series Get Back, finally opened the way for the uncoupling of John’s vocal from his piano part. As a result, the original recording could be brought to life and worked on anew with contributions from all four Beatles. This remarkable story of musical archaeology reflects The Beatles’ endless creative curiosity and shared fascination with technology. It marks the completion of the last recording that John, Paul and George and Ringo will get to make together and celebrates the legacy of the foremost and most influential band in popular music history.

The story of this recent release...

Now and Then's eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological challenges involved in working with the vocal John had recorded on tape in the 1970s. For years it looked like the song could never be completed. But in 2022 there was a stroke of serendipity. A software system developed by Peter Jackson and his team, used throughout the production of the documentary series Get Back, finally opened the way for the uncoupling of John’s vocal from his piano part. As a result, the original recording could be brought to life and worked on anew with contributions from all four Beatles. This remarkable story of musical archaeology reflects The Beatles’ endless creative curiosity and shared fascination with technology. It marks the completion of the last recording that John, Paul and George and Ringo will get to make together and celebrates the legacy of the foremost and most influential band in popular music history.

john's peace.jpg
John helped me imagine...

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people
Livin' for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

i love singing this one. A song of our time. Have a good night my friends!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

For those who unaware of him:


SS physician Josef Mengele conducted inhumane, and often deadly, medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. He became the most notorious of the Nazi doctors who conducted experiments at the camp. Mengele was nicknamed the "angel of death." He is often remembered for his presence on the selection ramp at Auschwitz.

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by the MSM.

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Lookout's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

Between the two X posts. Israelis harvesting organs vs. Hamas treating their hostages well.

Thanks for the updates!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”