The Weekly Watch

Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

open thread.jpg

Observed in the United Kingdom every year on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day—also called Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night—commemorates a failed assassination attempt from more than 400 years ago. On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and a group of radical English Catholics tried to assassinate King James I by blowing up Parliament's House of Lords. The plot went awry and all of the conspirators were executed. Soon after, Britons began to celebrate Fawkes' day by burning effigies, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks—a tradition that has continued to this day.
3.5 min clip of speech from the movie "V for Vendetta"

You can see the entire movie here.
If you're a Prime member there is a better copy available there.

People sense things are not right. Caught in the whirlwind of the propaganda machine most people can't point out the problem, but they know things are not right. Don't you sense it? I think you do...

Revolution seems to be in the air, and Guy Hawkes seems an appropriate story. Hamas is revolting against Israel. Israel has over reacted committing massive strikes on Palestinian civilians, mainly women and children. People over the world are in the streets protesting the genocide of the Palestinian people. Eastern Ukraine has become part of Russia in a revolt against the US installed Ukranazi regime and a decades long shelling campaign. Africa is revolting against western colonial powers. There's also social revolutions taking place. The "woke" ideology is facing blowback. There's also a revolution in farming taking place. We'll look at these stories and more today.

Let's start with the situation in the Middle East.

Palestine, Israel, and the US war machine with Dennis Kucinich | The Chris Hedges Report

Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza has stirred worldwide calls for a ceasefire to stop the genocide unfolding. The United States has been no exception, which countless demonstrators taking to the streets in recent weeks. That hasn't stopped the US government from backing Israel's horrific campaign in Gaza to the hilt. The White House has refused to heed calls for a ceasefire and even deployed two aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean—not to defend Palestinians, but to dissuade regional powers from joining the fray to defend Palestine. As the possibility of a regional war looms with the entry of Yemen into the conflict, many wonder how the US might respond to such a scenario. Former US Congressperson Dennis Kucinich joins The Chris Hedges Report for a discussion on the US war machine—what it is, how it works, and how it might respond should the war in Palestine spiral into a wider conflagration. (32 min)
As Dennis says Congress doesn't declare war anymore, they just fund it ... which insures continued war.

Yesterday on the Duran toward the end they discuss how obvious the US plan is...
There's an axis of evil, Iran, Russia, China, (and North Korea). So look at the current funding request for billions to Israel for a proxy war with Iran, billions for Ukraine for a proxy war with Russia, and billions to Taiwan to promote a proxy war with China.
Yes, something is very wrong. Where's V when you need him?


The fog of war provides good political cover.
Whilst war engulfs the Middle East, all manner of LEGISLATION slips through Parliament: Neil Oliver (10 min)

Israel’s Goal Was Always Ethnic Cleansing (5.4 min)

Israel’s goal was always ethnic cleansing. Their latest massacre in Gaza is just their attempt to finish what they started 75 years ago. Kei Pritsker shows how the Zionist movement has talked about expelling the Palestinians from their homeland for 100 years.

Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 05-56-40 Full Steam Ahead.png

Chris Hedges: Exterminate All the Brutes
All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate.


I thought this Rabbi had a good explanation distinguishing Judaism and Zionism...

(7.5 min of the full 60 min discussion)
Plainly Israel's actions are illegal under international law of the Geneva conventions, the rules of War established at the Nuremberg tribunals at the end of the second world war and so on; why do Western governments simply ignore such fundamental points?

Gaza Genocide: World No Longer Buying What the West Is Selling w/ Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil

As'ad AbuKhalil, a Professor at California State University and a survivor of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, breaks down the latest developments in Gaza and the region, as well as the increasing global isolation of the West for backing Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestine. (18 min)
YT is requiring sign in to watch this. More throttling of rational content that doesn't stick to the narrative.

Last week the same throttling occurred with the Grayzone live. This week they've escaped so far...

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the latest from the Israeli-US war on Palestine, from Hassan Nasrallah's momentous speech in Beirut to the conflict inside Gaza, and the battle across the West for the right to speak out against the war. (1.6 hours)
They go through all the politicians who claim to be antiwar, but are pro-Israel....all my heroes are zeroes. They also suggest just as Al Qaeda became the Taliban, Hamas is becoming ISIS.

Larry Wilkerson talked about how the middle east conflict might spread across the region. (1 hour)

Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson's last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department's Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).

He discusses his disagreement with John Mearsheimer's assumption that war with China is inevitable.
Israel-Hamas, Ukraine-Russia and China: John Mearsheimer on why the US is in serious trouble! (35 min)
The Middle East crisis will have have severe repercussions for Israel, its neighbors, and U.S. foreign policy. Israel's response to Hamas's attacks is expected to continue to provoke anger across the Middle East, potentially fueling jihadist movements and escalating conflicts with other groups, contributing to regional instability. The U.S. has a vital interest in maintaining stability in the Persian Gulf, but the Israel-Hamas conflict threatens to undermine this.
It's crucial to acknowledge that Russia, rather than constituting a substantial threat to the U.S., has the potential to be an ally in containing China. However, the U.S.-supported campaign in Ukraine has inadvertently drawn Russia closer to China, contravening the principles of balance-of-power politics, and this commitment to Ukraine is likely to remain.
All this conflict risks diverting American focus from East Asia, where efforts to forge a coalition to address a significant strategic challenge are underway, it's in Australia's interest to collaborate with the U.S. in deterring China. Beijing's optimal outcome involves the U.S. remaining deeply involved in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, preventing a full pivot to East Asia.

Larry Wilkerson disagrees, and think we COULD have a cooperative relationship with China if we WOULD let go of US superiority and embrace collaboration.

Col Wilkerson also appeared on the analysis news this week.
Strategically and Morally Bankrupt: U.S. Policy in the Middle East - Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
Retired U.S. Colonel Larry Wilkerson discusses the Biden administration's unconditional support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bombardment of Gaza and large-scale indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian civilians. He points to state-sanctioned torture and other unlawful acts committed by the U.S. after 9/11 and asserts that the Israeli government is responding to Hamas' attacks in a similar fashion by wholly disregarding international legal norms. In doing so, Israel is putting its own population at risk, as well as collectively punishing the Palestinians.

Another geopolitical disagreement among friends I heard this week was Matthew Ehret (Canadian Historian) who doesn't think Pepe Escobar's hypothesis of the Hamas attack as a trap for the west is correct. He discusses this and much more on the Duran this week. (2.4 hours)

Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 10-26-54 Code Pink protesters with ‘bloodied’ hands SHRIEK at ‘murderer’ Blinken during Senate hearing.png

These Code pink protesters were labeled by the press as anti-Semite, but equating anti-Semite with anti-Israel/Zionism is a false equivalent.

Rising Anti-Semitism Round the World w/Matt Hoh former State Dept & Marine
Another throttled age required sign in need to watch. His clips do appear on Rumble, but he post about 2 weeks after the YT postings.

There were large pro-Palestinian protest all over the country and world.
in DC...

3.5 min

in NYC...

2.7 min


4 min

All over the world people don't accept this genocide.


What about Ukraine you may ask?

Alex suggests possible peace process in Ukraine. We've achieved our goal. We've fought till the last Ukrainian.

US/EU float negotiations with Russia. Elensky ready to visit Israel. Croatia FM kisses Annalena.(30 min)

US and Europe in Talks With Ukraine on Possible 'Peace Deal' With Russia - Report

NATO's 'Backfired' Ukraine Strategy Built on 'Ideology, Bribery and Blackmail'

The War Is Lost - Zelenski Will Leave - The White House Has Failed
Napoleon, Hitler and several other folks who had sought war with Russia, had to learn to never underestimate the depth of its resources. Now NATO, the U.S. and its European proxies, are learning that lesson.

In an hour interview this week, Chas Freeman, former asst. Sec. of state said, "When you inhale your own propaganda you become delusional", referring to 'elensky. He also opined the the world does not see the US as a shinning city on the hill, but as a sea of rubble strewn with dead children. And a last quote, the Chinese are better capitalists than the western capitalists.

Let's close with a positive revolution...Regenerative Agriculture.
I fear this catch phrase will be much like organic agriculture...commercialized and used for profit.
None the less it offers true hope for our survival and could provide a thriving society.

Will Harris is a fourth-generation cattleman, who tends the same land that his great-grandfather settled in 1866. Born and raised at White Oak Pastures, Will left home to attend the University of Georgia's School of Agriculture, where he was trained in the industrial farming methods that had taken hold after World War II. Will graduated in 1976 and returned to Bluffton where he and his father continued to raise cattle using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics. They also fed their herd a high-carbohydrate diet of corn and soy.

These tools did a fantastic job of taking the cost out of the system, but in the mid-1990s Will became disenchanted with the excesses of these industrialized methods. They had created a monoculture for their cattle, and, as Will says, "nature abhors a monoculture." In 1995, Will made the audacious decision to return to the farming methods his great-grandfather had used 130 years before.

Since Will has successfully implemented these changes, he has been recognized all over the world as a leader in humane animal husbandry and environmental sustainability. Will is the immediate past President of the Board of Directors of Georgia Organics. He is the Beef Director of the American Grassfed Association and was selected 2011 Business Person of the year for Georgia by the Small Business Administration.

Will lives in his family home on the property with his wife Yvonne. He is the proud father of three daughters, Jessi, Jenni, and Jodi. His favorite place in the world to be is out in pastures, where he likes to have a big coffee at sunrise and a 750ml glass of wine at sunset.

This movement is worldwide. Let's go to Scotland...
Inspirational 150 Acre Regenerative Farm in the Scottish Highlands (28 min)

This video features the incredible work happening Lynbreck Croft, run by Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer. They are transforming what was a rather degraded landscape into a landscape rich in wildlife, thriving soil, and of course highly-nutritious food for themselves and their community. The croft is located in the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland; a sub-artic wilderness. The key elements of the croft includes rotational grazing, pasture eggs, tree planting, horticulture, wood fuel, pigs, and beekeeping.

Tropical systems also respond...
Indigenous Knowledge, Agro-ecology and Permaculture:
Growing over 200 Diverse Crops in Malawi (5 min)
How Agro-ecology and Indigenous Knowledge are Fighting Poverty and Hunger. The Permaculture Paradise Institute is demonstrating the power of local resources and regenerative farming to transform agriculture.

Can Regenerative Farming Feed the World? Joel Salatin

(7 min)

The bottom line is we could live in harmony with the Earth and one another in a world of plenty if we would stop wasting our resources on war and invest in developing a sustainable community based agricultural society. Yeah I know, rainbows and unicorns.

So happy Guy Fawkes day. I hope you are all doing well, and having a lovely fall. This is an open thread, so I hope you'll share your stories, thoughts, and insights below!

12 users have voted.


QMS's picture

The US and UK policies supporting Nazi tactics in Ukraine and Israel
are galvanizing demonstrations all over the globe. The dehumanization
by the warring regimes is not acceptable to the vast majority of
civilization. Perhaps embargoes and sanctions will help derail the wars?

Thanks for the watch, enjoy the fall.
Still trying to figure out the time slide Wink

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


...yet the old time is now the new GA time. I always live with a time cusp. When lining up gatherings we ask are you talking fast time or slow time. I live in slow time, but operate on fast time. Does anyone else find it odd we spend less of our time on standard time and a majority of the year is daylight savings time? It is all about more evening shopping hours.

Caught our first freeze this week. Last of the peppers harvested as well tomatoes...


They'll ripen up and we'll have tomatoes in Dec. Some years we make it to Xmas with red tomatoes.

Thanks for coming by. Hope y'all are doing fine, and fall is treating you well!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

karl pearson's picture

@Lookout I'd be tempted to fry up some of those green tomatoes today.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@karl pearson

Cause I've got another box full.

We do fry up green tomatoes, and have pickled small green ones in the past. Those on the table will ripen and at about the right pace for our fresh eating.

Take care!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

and all the good stuff therein included.

Disgustingly Stupid Time has, for a little while, gone away and noon by the sun should be vaguely approximate to noon by ruler of our lives and behavior which, for many, ticks away on the wrist and/or kitchen wall and/or nightstand and/or the all important office wall and every damn device one owns. Already some whiners are complaining that it will now be dark when they get home from work as if that matters when most of them will sit transfixed before the idiot box for the duration of the duration of the evening regardless of the season. Why they don't simply adjust their work schedule to the solar time we evolved with rather than trying to manipulate it is a curiosity that seems to run counter to ur myths about our capacity for reasoning, but, whatever.

Irrigation project is still incomplete, ergo I must get back to work once the birds are fed rather than plop down comfortably in here. After, it will be dark sooner because it got lit sooner, and I hate working under worklights.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris
...water is critical. We've been watering plants and noticed how all the insects come. They're thirsty too. Hopefully a rain next week.

I'm light driven and general rise and set with the sun. The shift back to standard makes bedtime early, but then I can get up with the sun instead of dark. I can adjust to either/or...just pick one and stay with it...but Noooo! States keep claiming they're going to eliminate the change, but they still do. Go figure.

Well, enjoy the day!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture

Still noticed the U.S. switchover today, though, because for us in Europe, “Links” at Naked Capitalism went back to appearing at 1 p.m. (7 a.m. Eastern) instead of — as it has for this past week — noon.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


After the freeze this week we're headed back to the 80's next week. We sure need a rain. Worst drought here since 2016.

I forget about naked capitalism. Thanks for the reminder. Be well!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

but gets pretty damn hot this week. Sigh...
The lawn (approx. 3 1/2 acres) and office will be mowed this week, maybe for the final time this year.
I am planning and packing in my head for a 10 day vacation. For a change, it is in one place. The cottage on the ranch has everything we need, so we do not have to pack cooking utensils and such. We found a pretty nice supermarket about 14 miles away, so we will not have to pack much food.
This time, we plan on visiting a national park to hike up to Enchanted Rock, and another day we will explore Natural Bridge Caverns. Toss in some concerts, it sounds perfect.
If I were your neighbor, Lo, I would come and drool over your fresh 'maters until you caved in, gave me a bunch.
Hope your road is winterized, all pipes wrapped.
Thanks for the articles and videos. I have vague hope the Ukie war and Gazan genocide will turn the populace against our war hawks/MIC lackeys.
Have a wonderful day, friend!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Sounds like a great plan.

I've got a final winter bush hogging to do in a month or so, otherwise mowing season is over. In fact I have my box scrape on the tractor instead of the mower. Been creating some new water diversion bars to get water off the road before it carries our gravel away.

I wish you were close enough to take some tomatoes. We had a hard time giving away all the peppers. They were very productive last year. We've probably got two years worth chopped and in the freezer. Some food security anyway.

So enjoy your well deserved break and have big fun!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

@on the cusp Hi OtC!

This time, we plan on visiting a national park to hike up to Enchanted Rock, and another day we will explore Natural Bridge Caverns.

I always wanted to go to both of those places and never made it to either. Enchanted Rock especially, a 400' chunk of pink granite sounds pretty neat. It can have fairy shirmp in vernal ponds on it! Said to whistle, howl, or moan, in various winds too. Less known is that there is a species of fly that is the Enchanted Rock Fly. Only place in the world it is found. Used to email with the dude that described the species, Chris Durden in Austin. Talk about range restricted, found nowhere else in the world... It is like a Devil's Hole Pupfish of flies. Prolly wrong time of year anyway... and likely a rather boring thing too...

Can't wait to hear about it!

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

@dystopian only to be told the place hit it's limit for hikers and parked cars.
We are gonna act all grown up, get tickets/passes ahead of time.
Last time I wore my hiking boots was in Tanzania. They are in good shape.
We will get pictures, share.
Take good care, dysto!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey LO!

Hope all is well on the hill!

Great WW as always. I have a hard time gettin' by to say thanks most weeks. What birds ya seein'?

We are seeing some winter species from northward showing up here now, like Flicker, Ruby-crowned Kinget, Hermit Thrush, Myrtle Warbler, and so on. A week or so ago heard geese (White-fronted) going south in the dark high overhead, even saw some ducks a couple weeks ago. In general stuff is slow to show up a way down below 30N. Most of the migratory breeders have mostly been gone a couple months now.

There was some regenerative ag here this week. Three horses from the next door 'corral' (a hundred acres) found our unmown now green from 6" of October rain yard irresistible and made a break over the fence. Most the two hog-fenced acres we are on then spent about 15 hours getting mowed, trampled, aerated, and fertilized. They broke a PVC standpipe some ranch hands had to come fix, but on a line we could shut without affecting the house. The yard needed that.

Always great to see the end of Daylight Silly Time.

I gotta get the Fawkes outta here!

Have good ones all!

8 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


have been the acrobatic phoebes, the loud insistent piliated, and our many owls. We have some flickers, but not like past years. Then there's the usual suspects... chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, etc. Been seeing geese at trade day wanderings. Hard to believe cranes are not far away.

Hope y'all are getting some needed rain! Thanks for coming by.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

The farmer does feed us all.

You may talk of all the nobles of the earth,
Of the kings who hold the nations in their thrall,
Yet in this we all agree, if we only look and see,
That the farmer is the man that feeds us all.

Then take him by the hand,
All ye people of the land,
Stand by him whatever troubles may befall;
We may say whate'er we can,
Yet the farmer is the man,
Yes, the farmer is the man that feeds us all.

There's the President who occupies the chair
Of the nation in the mighty Congress hall,
And the members, too, are great, who are sent from ev'ry State,
But the farmer is the man that feeds them all.

There are Governors and legislators, too,
Who have pledg'd themselves to heed the peoples' call,
Yet it seems they all agree, and can raise each member's fee,
While the farmer is the man that feeds them all.

There are speculators all about, you know,
Who are sure to help each other roll the ball,
As the people they can fleece, and then take so much apiece,
While the farmer is the man that feeds them all.

Then the preacher who can preach his sermons long,
And the lawyer and the doctor, servants all;
There's the tailor and the smith, and I tell you 'tis no myth,
That the farmer is the man that feeds them all.

Now the Patrons true, are coming to the fight,
And their armies, too, are not the weak and small,
So, God bless them, while we sing, that the farmer is the King,
For the farmer is the man that feeds us all.

From the rising to the setting of the sun,
Great monopolies are surely doomed to fall,
Then onward in the fight, and we'll battle for the right,
While the farmer is the man that feeds us all.

I sing it "the farmer is the ONE that feeds us all" cause there's lot of women farmers at the gatherings/farmer's markets where we play.
Y'all have good one!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture

in a nutshell. Among their slogans: Zonder boer geen voer or Geen boeren, geen voedsel (“No farmers = no food”).

On Wednesday, November 22, Dutch voters go to the polls to elect a new lower house of parliament.

The outgoing government, known as the “Fourth Rutte cabinet,” was seen as trying to put many Netherlands farmers out of business, saying their operations release nitrogen into the environment in excess of EU-decreed limits. Farmers organized nationwide protests, giving rise to the Farmer-Citizen Movement as a political party.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

...and burning hay were massive....and effective against what is an absurd accusation. Carbon (and water vapor) are the major greenhouse gases, not nitrogen based. Of course the great irony is regenerative grazing is a net carbon capture operation. Here's the study from Will Harris farm.

Take care and thanks for the Dutch farmer input!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Cruella de Vil

Here's our cover of the song "Cruella de Vil" from 101 Dalmations!
For decades, Cruella de Vil has been known as one of Disney’s most evil characters. “Cruel” and “devil” are literally in her name. She’s on the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 Greatest Heroes and Villains—coming in just before Freddy Krueger and the Joker. Her personal anthem, the song that plays in the animated version of 101 Dalmatians, is all about how “if she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.” And her defining characteristic is that she loves dalmatian fur so much she’s more than willing to kidnap a bunch of puppies in the hopes of skinning them for their spots.
Toni Lindgren arranged a guitar version for the iconic piano part for 101 Dalmations song "Cruella de Vil" and I think it sounds just as cool on the ol' CS336 Gibson as it does on a Steinway.

y'all have a good night!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Same way we treated our native first nations peoples ....seeing them as less than human. Same was (and is) true with native Hawaiians.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


speaking to congress urging war with Iran?
Here he is at the UN with the same cartoonish poster he used in congress to prevent the Iranian peace deal.


Let's face it the Israel lobby has purchased both parties. They care more about those donations than the hundreds of thousands of their constituents out marching for Palestine.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


The fact that even a brave man like Matt Gaetz has to support an aggressor against a people abandoned by the “moral” West shows how captured the US government is at all levels by vested monied interests. Gaetz along with the entirely of the US Congress and the President are purchased by the billions of dollars that American taxpayers are forced to hand over to Israel each year. American taxpayers are forced to give Israel annually billions of dollars that are used to purchase our government. Israel, considered a rich country, does not need foreign aid, but any member of Congress who does not vote for Israel’s billions finds in his next election a challenger financed by Israel’s billions and himself a victim of Israel’s slander machine.

But Russia right? I pointed out how Israel interferes in our elections much more than Russia could ever dream of during the crazy days of Russia Russia Russia. As I’ve said some shitlibs were outraged that 8 republicans went to Russia once while ignoring that most of congress has gone to Israel yearly going back decades. They of course ignored me. Effing hypocrites.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

@snoopydawg is speech after all. This is why I've given up on politics...our so called representatives are owned by vested interest. No matter how many people go to the pro-Palestine protest, your rep of either party rules for his/her pocketbook... not the people. The giant grift goes on and on...

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


embedding journalists helps to control the narrative. But a picture is worth a thousand words, and all the pictures of dead children are traveling around the world hurting both Israel and the US. This isn't going to be pretty as US/Israel sit in their cloud of superiority and arrogance.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

with these two Jews trying to hold their heads up over the Gazan genocide, which they acknowledge, broke my heart, right along with theirs.
Let the Jews tell it like it is. I am Gentile, I would be hammered.
Go, Greyzone! Incredibly moving and accurate video.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...with Aaron's Dad, Gabor, holocaust survivor. Max has spent time in Gaza and the west bank and has inside sources.

Glad you liked the conversation.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

This is closer to the truth!

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


We could stop this conflict in Gaza. Cut off arms deliveries and all money, and it would stop.

Thanks for all the X posts and the cartoon!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”