Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Oct 7, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Conflict broke out last night when Hamas attacked Israel. Live updates report possible Israeli soldiers captured, multiple dead and 545 people are being treated in Israeli hospitals.
Ironically any mention of Israel and Middle East was included in the diary prior to the current violence.
A summary of various panels and Putin's speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club 2023 conference. (an englich translation of the speech)
Pepe Escobar: Putin and the Magic Multipolar Mountain Sputnik Globe October 6, 2023
Almost all panels at Valdai focused on how to develop an alternative system, but the two main themes were inevitably the lack of democracy in current international institutions and the weaponization of the US dollar. Batista correctly observed how the US itself is the main enemy of the US dollar when using it as a weapon.
At the Q&A, Putin addressed the key issue of economic corridors. He noted how BRI and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) might have different interests: “Not true. They are harmonious and complement each other”. This is reflected in how they are geared to “ensure new logistic routes and industrial chains”, and all that “complemented by the real productive sector”.
Pierre de Gaulle, grandson of the iconic General, expanded on the French notion of universality, embodied in the much-quoted slogan “liberté, egalité, fraternité” – not exactly upheld by Macronism. He made a point to stress he was the “sole representative of France” at Valdai (only a handful of European academics came to Sochi, and no diplomats).
De Gaulle reminded everyone how Saint Simon was a Russophile and how Voltaire corresponded with Catherine the Great. He alluded to the deep Franco-Russian cultural ties; a “shared community of interests”; and “the bond of Christianity”.
A broad coalition of states that support multipolarity actually do not support the “civilization” concept; instead, they support the notion of people sovereignty.
It was up to Dayan Jayatilleka, former Sri Lankan plenipotentiary ambassador to Russia, to come up with a brilliant formulation.He showed how Vietnam faced a proxy war against the hegemon successfully – “using 5,000 years of Vietnamese civilization”. That was “an internationalist phenomenon”. Ho Chi Minh took his ideas from Lenin – while enjoying full support from students in the US and Europe.
Alexander Prokhanov came up with another startling formulation. He compared the Russian dream with a cathedral on the top of a hill, whereas the Anglo-Saxon dream is a fortress on the top of the hill, engaged in constant surveillance. And if you misbehave, you “will receive some Tomahawks”.
And it was (Sergy) Karaganov who arguably posed the most challenging question to Putin. He stressed how nuclear deterrence does not work anymore. So should we lower the nuclear threshold?”
And then came the clincher – actually a veiled message to the characters whose dream is “victory” via a first strike: “Do we need to change that? Why? I see no point. There’s no situation when something can threaten the existence of the Russian state. No sane person would consider the use of nuclear weapons against Russia.”
An additional article I did not include in last week's diary.
Discusses the India-Middle East-Europe transportation corridor announced at the last G20 summit.
War of Economic Corridors: the India-Mideast-Europe ploy The Cradle September 25, 2023
Multiple interactive maps in this presentation show the scale of Russia's gas industry. Well worth a look.
Piviot to the East. History of Russian Gas Exports Sputnik Globe September 25, 2023
According to the Central Bank of Russia, natural gas accounted for 11% of all goods sold abroad in 2021, making it the third largest commodity in the structure of all Russian exports.
Find out how Russian gas became the backbone of Europe's energy systems and what has transpired with gas exports since early 2022 in a new special project.
United States and England's special relationship alluded to, but never defined. It does seem to be a requirement to have a genealogical background back to British Empire and be a christian.
The author of the video presents another interesting aspect possibly influencing The Special Relationship - British Israelism. Beleif systems do not always match history and archeological findings.
The Cult I Grew Up In | British Israelism Debunked (15:30 min)
Why am I not surprised the christian cult leader mentioned in the video above started his ministry in Oregon.
Herbert Armstrong's teachings have similarities to those of the Millerites and Church of God (Seventh Day) (sometimes referred to as "COG7" to differentiate it from similarly styled sects named "Church of God" which worship on Sunday and generally hold to traditional Christian teachings), from which WCG is spiritually and organizationally descended. The religion is a blend of Christian fundamentalism, non-belief in the Trinity and some tenets of Judaism and Seventh-Day Sabbath doctrine.[6] Armstrong himself had been a COG7 minister before the Oregon conference stripped him of his ministerial credentials and excommunicated him for his seeking to water down and change their long established COG7 doctrines. It was in the fall of 1937 when Elder Armstrong's credentials were revoked by the Salem Church of God organization. The reason given by the Board of Twelve Oregon Conference of the Church of God, 7th Day (COG7) for this adverse action against Herbert W. Armstrong, was because he taught and kept the annual Feast days. But the real reason seems to have been because of his uncooperative attitude.[7] Armstrong then began his own ministry. Wikipedia 2023
A major part of the belief system was British Israelism which goes back at least to the beginning of England's colonization of North America. Good ol King James IV of England and I of Scottland, the person s a new version sponsored a new translation of the bible King James Version.
British Israelism
According to Brackney (2012) and Fine (2015), the French Huguenot magistrate M. le Loyer's The Ten Lost Tribes, published in 1590, provided one of the earliest expressions of the belief that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, and associated peoples are the direct descendants of the Old Testament Israelites.[3][10]: 176 Anglo-Israelism has also been attributed to King James VI and I,[10] who believed he was the King of Israel.
n the late 19th century, Edward Hine, Edward Wheler Bird, and Herbert Aldersmith developed the British Israelite movement. Hine and Bird achieved a degree of "doctrinal coherence" by eliminating competing forms of the ideology: in 1878, the Anglo-Ephraim Association of London, which followed Wilson by accepting the broader community of western European Germanic peoples as fellow Israelites who were also favoured by God, was absorbed into Bird's Metropolitan Anglo-Israel Association, which espoused the Anglo-exclusive view promoted by Hine.[12]: 209By 1886, the "Anglo-Israel Association" had 27 affiliated groups throughout Britain.[11]: 9 Hine later departed for the United States, where he promoted the movement.[13]: 56 [10]: 176
The 1906 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia stated that British Israelism's adherents "are said to number 2,000,000 in England and the United States",[16] an unreliable figure if association membership and journal subscription numbers are any guide; the number of passive Protestant sympathisers is almost impossible to determine
A commonly held British-Israel doctrine is the belief that the Tribe of Ephraim and the Tribe of Manasseh can be identified as modern day Britain and the United States of America.[47][48][49]Part of the foundation of the British-Israel doctrine is the theological claim that particular blessings were bestowed upon three of the tribes of Israel,[50][51][49][24]: 317 in that the tribe of Judah was to be the 'chief ruler' e.g. King David, and Ephraim was to receive the birthright (See Jacob and Esau). Adherents believe that these blessings have continued down through the ages to modern times, with the British Monarchy being identified as the continued blessing upon Judah, and both Britain (Ephraim) and the USA (Manasseh) as recipients of the national birthright blessing. They cite passages such as 1 Chron 5:1–2 and Gen 48:19–20 in order to support their claim. Wikipedia 2023
Another Nazi recognized in European aristocracy from the WW II era.
New Findings Confirm Late Dutch Prince Bernhard's Nazi Party Membership Sputnik Globe October 7, 2023
The Dutch government has officially acknowledged the authenticity of a Nazi party membership card belonging to Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld, the consort of Dutch Princess Juliana. Despite his repeated denials of Nazi affiliation, historians have long questioned his claims.
However, new evidence has emerged, including the recently discovered authentic NSDAP membership card by Flip Maarschalkerweerd, the former head of the palace archives, following the prince's death.
Maarschalkerweerd further stated he uncovered that the card was nearly destroyed in 1949 by Lucius Clay, a US military administrator in Germany who revealed in a note that he had been on the verge of trashing the document. However, Clay instead stated in the message that the prince "earned the right to destroy it" himself.
Each of the videos are worth watching in full. I have started them at the spot with new infomatioin or it corroborated info I have found in various sources.
At the end of this video Ray McGovern discusses Harvard education as part of shaping the thoughts of some of the current foreign policy elites. Professor Richard Pipes - A Russophobe, Jewish refugee from Poland who taught at Harvard. Fiona Hill and Anthony Bliken studied under him. In the mid-1980's Blinken wrote a dissertation for his bachelor degree - Ally versus Ally American Europe and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis.
x-CIA: Pentagon PANICS As Putin Exposes Biden’s Secret Agenda (35:34 min) (starts at 29:14)
American Neocons and Their Global Community w/Alastair Crooke fmr Brit ambassador (26:58 min) Starts at 21:03 where Alastair mentions "It was Britian who did it, I am not suggesting it was America, because we set up OSS and the CIA at the time. But, we brought in them. I mean many Germans into them. I mean many, you know thousands, 4,000 Germans." (OSS = Office of Strategic Services was set-up in 1941) The book OSS in China mentions original OSS officers were trained in Canada, overseen by British.
How Much Longer Can Ukraine Last? w/Prof Jeffrey Sachs (22:37 min) Starts at 7:16 where
Judge Napolitano mentions Hillary Clinton is a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Is this part of the reasoning she uses to push herself into the presidency, a birth right privilege?
added - Napolitano mentions Hillary Clinton is in a direct line of public servants to the traditions of Thomas Jefferson our first Secretary of State.
The livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict and this week Canadian Parliament. The interviews are generally posted on Monday through Friday if would like to view them in a more timely manner. The link opens in the LIVE column, occasionally an interview only appears in VIDEOS section.
What is on your mind today?

Find it interesting that Netanyahu declares a state of war
Only now that Hamas has pushed back against the IDF de-facto ongoing war against the Palestines.
This has been going on for many years. As a technical matter, Israel has been at war with most of
the Middle East for generations.
-- Brian Berletic
Thanks for bringing this issue up.
question everything
The apparent cause of the Hamas retaliation
A couple days ago ..
question everything
Missed the event - thanks for posting
Hamas' Sneak Attack on Israel Deemed 'Major Failure' for Israeli Intelligence Sputnik Globe Oct 7, 2023 (my bold)
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good chilly morning...
Fall is in the air today. We caught a little much needed rain yesterday, and a passing front pushed temps into the 40's. Trade day was fairly empty as today is the big festival in the park. The steam engine from Chattanooga arrives later today.
Bought gas for $2.95/gal this AM, GA has suspended their tax for the month. I need another 5 gal of tractor gas this week while it is cheap(er).
Sorry to hear of more ME Israeli conflict. Will it ever stop?
Y'all have a good weekend. Thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A functional steam engine would be interesting
Gas I bought this week was $4.69/gal. Bought an electric riding mower this year to keep the grass down in spots since the livestock density is so low compared to pasture. Enables me to still listen to nature. Still have not seen any cost effective alternative for the horsepower needed for grading or field work.
As a youth very optimistic for peace, now do not believe will see it in my lifetime.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning soe, thanks for all the information, links,
videos, and the OT. I've done the easy part (reading) but need to head off to farmers' market before starting any of the videos, which look quite intriguing.
How much difference is there between a cathedral on a hill and a fortress? The Papal States' Castel Sant'Angelo is a blend of both, n'est ce pas. The fortress, especially as explained involving constant surveillance and tomahawks is horrible, but the history of christianity and it's cathedrals and their occupants and rulers is not a whit more pleasant, involving constant surveillance, hideous tortures, holy wars, endless persecutions and more. What's in your wallet?
That's about it for morning first reactions, heh. Be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for stopping by
Wikipedia read does not show the same type of systematic persecution and torture by the Russian Orthodox as the Roman Catholics or protestants for control. Governments of Russian lands on the other hand..
cathedral on a hill or fortress - suppose the difference is the type of Christianity the cathedral supports. A quickStill yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Above link
to Napolitano-Sachs chat and the mention of Hillary and Jefferson: Napolitano was just referring to the fact that as Sec'y of State, Hillary was in a direct line starting with the first, Thomas Jefferson, not that she was a descendant by birth.
Here in SoCal on the outskirts of LA, gas is a mere $6.29.9/gal, which of course is a whole lot better than if it were $6.30/gal, which would be outrageously expensive.
The Marianne Williamson campaign has disappeared, though some would cynically say it never appeared to begin with. Something similar will happen to the West campaign after this latest switcheroo, which some see as his way of quietly dropping out.
thanks for catching the error - editted
The First Barbary War The Jefferson Montecello 10/2023
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
The American Colonies started with such a small gene pool
that it's not surprising that everyone who can trace their ancestry back far enough is related to everyone else who can do the same thing.
Editorial afterthought: The usual link-point, though, isn't King John but his great-great-grandson Edward III. Ed3 was very prolific, and the younger sons and daughters had to marry down if they wanted to marry at all - not enough European royalty to go around. A few generations of that and you're in the rising middle class.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Might find the story of Elizabeth Warren interesting
(3:48 min)
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I think you mean "descendant"
He's not a time traveler, is he?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good discussion on the parasite class.
Michelle Obama just got paid $700,000 to give a speech to her fellow parasites. She and Barack got paid $60 million right after they vacated the White House and they have received many payments since for the services they rendered whilst in power. The Clintons were flat broke when they left power according to Hillary and Bill got paid $10 million to give a speech to some bankers and used it to buy a house with the mortgage payment being $10 a month. They had housing on the property to house their secret service detail which they charged them $10,000 month to occupy. Baby Bush also got paid to give some speeches, but so far I haven’t heard that Trump has been paid for anything yet. I’m sure that if he had the corporate media would have told us by now how he was being naughty cuz that’s just goush. And corrupt of course.
Anyhooo it’s a good read.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A tad more
A recent article said that 80 ex generals have joined defense companies in the continuation of the
same revolving door that brought secretary of defense Austin from his grifting at Raytheon. Where do you think Milley will end up at? My guess is Boeing or one of the many think tanks that also steal the money meant for us.
The only way for this to ever be fixed is by dismantling the entire government at once. Tom Clancy has a great way to do it in the end of his book, Executive Orders. I won’t tell you what it is cuz I don’t want the site to get more eyes on it. We’re tiny, but we are vocal.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It’s like in GoT when Cersei destroys the Great Sept of Baelor,
no doubt.
Some renegade does a “V for Vendetta,” having discovered where the Dem-Rep Uniparty has been keeping all their
wildfiredry powder.So, do we have war now and where are most bombs falling?
life is beyond fubar, but what is beond fubar supposed to be?
Good evening, where I am it is a couple of minutes beyond 7 o clock in the evening. I go to shut down.
Good Night from over here in the northern part of Germany, near Hamburg.
Landtagswahlen / state parliamentary elections tomorrow, oh boy!
…in Bavaria and Hesse.
Every five years, poor abused ordinary German voters supposedly get a say.
Since the expected result in both states is the exact same coalition they have now, a cynic might say it’s meaningless theater, just a ritual to rubber-stamp the status quo.
Schlaf gut, träum dir was Schönes!
thank you, lotlizard
My sister always says in order to say 'Good Night' to me, that I should 'dream something nice = Träum was Schönes. I then say that I never dream anything, and she says that this is nonsense. I just forget what I dream and then I say I would rather forget what I don't dream about but see and hear in the news. But that she doesn't understand anymore.
Aaron states clearly what I couldn’t
More on this from Turley:
She seems to be popping up more frequently recently and I sure hope that she isn’t planning on running again. Seems that neither she nor Trump can just ride into the sunset and fade away to where we never hear from them again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I am always suspicious when Hillary is in the news
Thing is that both Mueller and Durham thoroughly debunked
the Russia gate narrative and boy did Mueller go from being the person who would bring Trump down to a person who had slipped into senility licitly split! And of course Durham was just Barr's puppet who covered up all the evidence of Trump being on Putin’s leash.
I naively thought that once the truth was revealed that people would see that they had been taken for a ride, but sadly that didn’t happen. They still believe the original story and that most of the republicans are doing Putin’s bidding. Even Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay even thought they are some of the biggest Ukraine supporters and want even more money sent than what Biden has done. They have been thoroughly brainwashed and I don’t think that if Hillary herself told them that she just made everything up they would believe her.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I caught BBC news several times last week
...quite by accident, and saw Amanpour's interview with Hillary. BBC is no more or less odious than US state-sanctioned news, in my opinion. Most of it has sickening moments of subversion, which I am braced for, where the propaganda view is confirmed by the host. Other than that, Hillary was fairly neutral. She felt safe with her disdain for Trump, and seemed to assume that most people who matter in the US would share her distaste. No point in trying to hide it. The interview seemed carefully rehearsed — at the very least, Hillary had a copy of the questions.
Corporate news should come with a warning. The programming is meticulously edited and paced to make specific points and to deposit negative views where they belong. Within the culture of a corporate news monopoly, all shows resonate the same tone and triggers, and reinforce the keywords of current propaganda, and all maintain the same omissions in context.
In any event, I don't think there's any danger that Hillary Clinton will be rehabilitated to the point where she ever again has meaningful political influence. In 2016, I thought that forcing Hillary Clinton on the nation as a Presidential candidate was a huge mistake that would permanently harm the Democratic Party. Afterward, I realized that the Democratic Party had staged a massive political deception that ended up damaging Democracy, itself. As a result of this and the desperately orchestrated election of an incoherent Biden and his Neocon operators — reactionary waves of populism have developed, and they continues to rise outside the news cycle.
Going forward, I don't think Americans will be happy with any candidates that are produced within the Party system. They shouldn't be; they deserve better.
I agree with you on this
Lots of people felt that way about her, but of course it was Her Turn! and dammit they were going to run her hell or high water. I wonder if Obama hadn’t screwed us so badly and were out of patience with democrats would she have won? But that she lost to the game show host Trump will keep me laughing till the end of my days.
So much of corporate media should be tagged with this is state sponsored content. I read yesterday that unnamed sources said that Trump told someone about our submarines and how many missiles they carry and now the DoJ is going to open an investigation into Trump for it. Hell anyone can just say anything with no evidence to back it up and Trump is once again found guilty through the media.
Hillary has been bitching and accusing Trump of the same things that she is doing, but she gets a pass for it.
Love this:
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Good afternoon, everybody!
I read articles in the essay, all very informative, and will catch the videos later this afternoon.
I need to view a class on Firearms laws, a 12 hr class. I will take in in 2 hour doses.
Oh, well, at least I can watch it from home, no longer have to spend tons of $ on travel and hotels for the live presentations.
My fear is that the war in Gaza will spread. Seems in all the wars and coups going on, I secretly root for the "wrong" side, every single time.
Have a great weekend everybody, and many thanks for the outstanding OT, Soe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What is right in war?
Also cheer for the losing side, except for Ukie.
If Israel goes full ballistic and hits Iran,
it could real ugly quick.
Good luck with your gun laws.
question everything
War is never justified for money and resources,
I am learning a lot about guns. When, where, why, or how to use them legally.
And, this speaker is a friend of mine, I have had her involved in 2 cases, she also teaches at a law school in Houston, and she is an ex-cop, her husband is a cop, her son and daughter are cops, so her hour long lecture was her deep concern about how to get your gun collections passed properly to beneficiaries, either in through wills or trusts.
And, according to her, non-gun owners are nerds.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Afternoon (early evening is your timezone)
It is hard to support an apartheid style government. The Ukrainian drone lessons of war and weaponry spread is not favorable to reduce violent conflicts. Would like to see the killing and oppression stop.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I hate war
Sometimes I view war as that last stand, when an enemy pushes and kills beyond what can be tolerated.
Sometimes wars of aggression just may be to stop killing.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Were you referring to "Responsibility to Protect?"
R2P is what Putin declared when he sent the Special Military Operation into Ukraine. In the end, creating a defensive barrier between the ethnic Russian communities along the Eastern borderlands and the Kiev armies sent to bomb them illustrates the R2P concept. After Crimea fell under attack from Ukraine, it became necessary to extend the defensive line to the south to protect the access roads built to supply Crimea and to assure that water and power continued to flow to the Russian-populated peninsula. Again described by Russia as a R2P operation. The Russian army did not venture into western Ukraine to make war.
The West and the UN will not accept this concept and believe that Russia sent a limited army to Ukraine for some other purpose they have not yet explained.
Except when THEY do it
"The West and the UN will not accept this concept [R2p]"
Except when they use it, or nice-sounding phrases that mean the same thing, as a fig leaf to cover their own grabs for land and resources.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
that is supposed to be EuroNews in English
If the word Nazi wouldn't exist, how would you call them ? n/t
question everything
so now I had something to smile about and I go to sleep. thanks. Don't fall in love with them
NSDAP, or N.S.D.A.P.
NAZI, of course, as you know, isn't a word or name, but an acronym, which is why Alex always carefully says N A Z I.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
More updates on the Israel/Palestinian
So far there is no thread reader for this.
He’s getting lots of flack in the replies.
I’m seeing lots of people saying that there no way that Israel shouldn’t have known that the attack was coming. This woman is in Tel Aviv and she has some interesting points.
The last bit is interesting I think.
But of course the saddest thing about this is that a lot of innocent people are going to be killed until this is settled. Last time Israel settled things over 2,200 people were killed and most of them were women and children. Israel called it mowing the lawn. I just read a tweet that said that just that and this time Israel is going to rip the lawn out and it couldn’t happen soon enough. How sad that someone has that much hate in their heart.
BTW anyone know if it’s true that America funds the Palestinian Authority and Hamas?
Oh yeah and for some reason this is Russia/Putin’s fault because they invaded Ukraine. I’m seeing lots of people saying that. Oh yeah and they are upset that Putin is calling for a cease fire.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I’m wondering if any of the weapons we sent to Ukraine are being used in this conflict that people bought on the black market? Now wouldn’t that put a bee in some country’s bonnet if that happens? Might make those congress critters that voted against monitoring where the weapons were going rethink their vote.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I've only heard about a brisk organ trade
...for transplants between Israel and Ukraine.
Who knows where the guns in Ukraine are going? Russia claimed Ukraine was using their supposed grain shipments for a nefarious weapons market, and meanwhile dumping their grain in Eastern Europe, instead. That's why Russia pulled out of the Grain Agreement on the Black Sea. I've heard rumors that the Mexican Cartels have weapons from Ukraine. Black markets are familiar territory for both. I did read something about a cluster bomb showing up someplace where it didn't belong.
I have heard about the organs being taken out of Ukraine, but I didn’t know that Israel was involved in it. Even children are being targeted for this too according to the Russian press secretary. (If that’s her title.) I’ve read a few things that she has said about this.
of it going to countries in Africa like everyone agreed on. Yep so Russia pulled out of the deal and now they are giving grain to the poorest countries for free. Funny how the media never mentions that.
GD it I’m so sick of the corruption and crimes against humanity that the
elitePARASITES of the world get away with while they continue building the walls of the prisons they want us in.Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
drawing on Alastair Crooke, outlines the provocative actions of the Israeli government on the Al Aqsa mosque in order to bring about the crisis unfolding today.
Fellowship of Reconciliation statement:
Larry and Ray discuss the Hellabitch
Glad that I’m not the only one who is telling Her to buy a mirror.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks for posting this video
Maybe Putin noticed the not too subtle discussion of the US moving nuclear capable F-35s to RAF Lakenheath-
Increasing Evidence That The US Air Force’s Nuclear Mission May Be Returning To UK Soil
There have been some other threatening signs not that easily discounted, like the dispatch of one of these doomsday flights on Oct. 5:
Then there is this- let's make sure these warheads still work-
US moves closer to underground testing of nuclear weapons stockpile without any actual explosions
I think the basic problem is that the US isn't really prepared to fight a ground war against Russia in Eastern Europe. I've heard Scott Ritter and Col Macgregor commenting on this at one point or another. In the early cold war days, according to Ellsberg, this was a deliberate choice to rely on nuclear deterrence against Russia, rather than building up a military capable of actually fighting them over Europe.
Saw a film Welcome to Dongmokgol, an offbeat Korean War film from South Korea, with an unexpected theme. I heard a South Korean political analyst mentioning this film as an example of the kind of artistic creativity that emerges in a democratic country rather than during the pervasive censorship found in dictatorships. I watched in on viki.com, it was available for free, but there was no translation and too many commercials that way. I think other streaming services may offer it as pay per view.
語必忠信 行必正直
I hope Biden and the people holding his puppet strings
paid good attention to what he said about his nuclear capabilities.
The video with Putin making such explicit threats of a nuclear counterstrike is extraordinary.
Ray mentions that in 2018 Russia demonstrated their hypersonic weapons and showed how we had no defense against them. Did we listen and decide to back down in Ukraine? Hell no. Russia has used a few of these weapons against ours such as the patriot system and they demolished it. We should have backed down then. Instead NATO has sent longer range missiles and they are still tickling the bear. And half of the American dimwits still don’t think that’s enough. Of course they won’t listen to Putin’s warnings because they don’t believe that Russia would win in a war against us. Plus as you show here we are moving our bombers into bad positions!
Ray also mentions how we are still putting tons of money into the F-35 turkey that can’t fly. Boy if that doesn’t show how captured the government is like in the parasite capture essay I posted.
Just read how Biden is going to send Ukraine $100 billion by doing some fancy work around congress. They blocked him from sending $24 billion. He comes back with 4 times that amount. FJB.
ETA linkS
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Did you get the National Alert warning
語必忠信 行必正直
Nah ….
I turned my phone off cuz I thought as you did. It seemed like it like the duck and cover drills done long ago and frankly I just didn’t want to play along. I’m sure that they had computer simulations that showed that it would work so why do that?
Maybe I’m just too cynical, but Lily said that some times we aren’t cynical enough.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
SMH! This buffoon is leading US foreign relations.
語必忠信 行必正直
This leads to this.
Notice who is one step behind Biden as he leaves.
she must be looking for deep pocketed donors for her flailing
Demanding a “final solution” to the Palestinian question, eh?
Among the entire U.S. political class, is there no one left who displays a smidgen of self-awareness and is in touch with reality?
She's an idiot
語必忠信 行必正直
Just adding this to those who happen to have a pair of "rose
colored glasses" not that I have a preferable candidate.
Edited to add:
Both Trump and Biden suck and the same goes for war mongering Democrats and Republicans.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Guess he's taking money from the pro-Israel lobbies
that we all know exist and tightly control who gets to be a candidate for any major political office.
The current, and almost all past, Israeli governments begrudge the Palestinians any right to exist at all - while screaming about their own "right to exist" under any and all circumstances.
In the final analysis, "Never again" has become (if it wasn't always) distorted to mean "Never again TO US, regardless of what we do to others". Wish Auden hadn't been so terribly right:
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
It will only
The current media zone, largely parroting Israeli gov't claims, is being flooded w stories depicting this as an existential threat to Israel. Very very difficult for an already scorned candidate on antisemitism charges to try to wander off the reservation during this event. He had to toe the line, though we can quibble about whether he's trying too hard to prove he's pro-Israel, which is a fair criticism.
Still a strong backer, and I never expect to agree with a candidate 100% of the time. The Israeli-Palestinian issue is very complicated and has been out there my entire lifetime, no end in sight, while the Israeli lobby has for 55 yrs had an iron grip on US politics. There are no simple solutions, it's hard to get at what is true and factual, and so for me, tbh, it's just a depressing issue I mostly skip in the daily news feed. Can't follow them all as my plate of issues to follow and care about is already overflowing.
If he says this
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That's a pretty
I'm unaware of any other pol out there speaking so boldly and fearlessly on so many issues that run sharply counter to the establishment view.
And RFK Jr just running for president, with his well-known family history, is hardly an act of spinelessness.
My two cents from a supporter's pov.
If the ongoing
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp Worth
I am not
I would appreciate any link or research suggestion you have.
I am more familiar with the Bush dynasty connections to Hitler than the Kennedy dynasty. I do realize virtually all the 1%ers supported him, some even supplying his government with war materiel and financial support throughout the war. $ is good, loyalty to country cannot stand in the way of $.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp rather than
I suppose if I was the surviving son of RFK I would hold a certain perspective.
What I do hold is that both Eugene Cesar (RFK in LA) and Claude Barnes Capehart (JFK in Dallas) were present and participated in the killings of the Kennedy brothers.
Which is weird enough.
That they both subsequently went to work in 1973 on CIA's Howard Hughes Glomar (global marine) Explorer-
seems like more than enough circumstantial anecdote to verify who they were to begin with.
People need to fake ignorance at this point, about what happened in the 60's.
Perhaps the indifference is sincere.
It’s a weird position for Kennedy to take
when he promises to end the forever war, stop the money laundering and bring the troops home.
That you can overlook what Israel does just so you can benefit from Kennedy’s domestic agenda says quite a lot about your values. Would you feel the same if he continues the Yemen genocide because that’s exactly what Israel has been doing for decades. Why don’t all lives no matter where they live matter?
Israel is doing what was done to their ancestors and the fcking world yawns.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A friend
Kim Iverson replied to his tweet and said that’s a he has lost her vote. Kennedy knew that he’d take a lot of flack for doing that because of how people reacted last time he said that Israel only targets military objects but he did it anyway.
Check out Caitlin’s essay on how all of the Israel apologists are saying that the Hamas attacks were UNPROVOKED and she includes lots of examples of them using the term. If any attack could have been PROVOKED then I’d say that they have been definitely provoked. America and too damn many countries have done nothing to protect the Palestinians from Israeli brutal attacks for decades.
I read how Israel snipers shoot at civilian’s ankles protesting against Israel causing lots of amputations. The link is on my iPad so I’ll post it when I get home.
And now Israel is bombing almost every inch of Gaza and elsewhere and killing hundreds of innocent civilians and not one Israeli apologist asshole is speaking out against this.
Israel should have been charged for crimes against humanity long ago but instead we’ve kept supporting their brutality.
The Muslim world is rising up and cheering Hamas. Check out Larry Johnson’s latest essay where he shows a video of hundreds of thousands people in Yemen in the street! I always wonder how people can do that because where do they use the bathroom?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here’s the link to what Israeli snipers do to Palestinians
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
On Zelensky's hypocrisy
Shizam and bingo!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I can not state that this is not accurate. But than again I am
only passing this on.
I am not there!
I am only throwing this in to the equation.
Let it be said that there is no doubt to the fact as far as
military superiority is concerned Israel is in the lead.
Such was the case in Afghanistan but where did it end?
The west has tunnel vision but the global south interprets the situation much differently.