The Weekly Watch

The Fall

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Change is in the air, and it is more than just the season. It is not just leaves that are falling, but the US empire, the USD, our lifespans, the quality of life, and much more. This week I caught the clips below describing various aspects of our fall, many are righteous rants.

fall 07 014.jpg

Lookout Mountain 2007

My favorite interview of the week was with Doug Macgregor and George Galloway.

Col MacGregor: THIS is How Billionaires Took Social Media Control (17 min)
Excellent wide ranging discussion of our situation.
This war is all about people getting rich in Washington while thousands die on the battlefield. Combat veteran Col Douglas Macgregor doesn’t hold back.

Another great conversation about the decline with Larry Johnson and Stephen Garner. If you don't have time for the full 30 min, watch the last 15 or so.

In the interview, former CIA agent Larry Johnson discusses various pressing topics, including Senator Bob Menendez's indictment, the Ukraine-Russia war news update, the southern border crisis, and President Biden's actions.
Topics in order...

  1. He mentions that Bob Menendez has been indicted for alleged bribery and selling classified information to businessmen in Egypt, highlighting the Democrats' discomfort with this distraction.
  2. Regarding the Ukraine-Russia situation, Johnson discusses Poland's changing stance due to economic interests and historical tensions. He emphasizes the strain on NATO unity.
  3. Johnson also comments on the US's potential involvement, stating that it might be the last to give up on Ukraine and discusses the Pentagon's role in this decision.
  4. The conversation briefly touches on General Millie's remarks about supporting Ukraine and the country's financial situation.
  5. Larry Johnson talks about Zelensky's secret meetings with financial institutions, speculating on potential investment opportunities and challenges in Ukraine.
  6. The discussion shifts to the US-Mexico border crisis, with Larry Johnson emphasizing the need for state-level action, National Guard mobilization, and Governor Abbott's role in border security.
  7. The interview concludes with a mention of Donald Trump's plan to address border security by deploying military personnel.

My favorite righteous rant of the week comes from Irish EU MP, Mick Wallace, speaking to NATO and other MIC reps.

How do you sleep at night??! - MEP Mick Wallace- speech from 19 Sep 2023
3 min followed by several min of mealy mouthed NATO reps denying their role in war.

Clare Daly also had a good 3 min speech in the Subcommittee on Security and Defence
When is enough enough? MEP Clare Daly- speech from 19 Sep 2023

'Silent Coup'—How corporations rule the world w/Matt Kennard (45 min)

The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact development on their own terms. Matt Kennard joins The Chris Hedges Report for a look at this intriguing and essential history.
His accent and the speed with which he speaks was a little hard to follow for me. I put on the captions to better understand. Much of his story revolves around the IMF and chokehold of debt. He tells of some successful suits, but it reminded me of the Steven Doniger saga...TPTB won't let us win.

I wonder if TPTB will allow this researcher to continue monitoring Google's internet activity. Quite an interesting and revealing explanation of how google runs a giant psyop.
How Google Shifted 6 MILLION Votes To Joe Biden! w/ Dr. Robert Epstein

Worth all 40 mins. How nice there's finally a way to see what Google is up to.
Former Harvard psychology professor and current director of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT) Dr. Robert Epstein joined The Jimmy Dore Show to discuss his investigations into electoral manipulation by Google and other tech giants. He claims that Google’s underhanded machinations directed 6 million extra votes to Joe Biden in 2000. Jimmy, along with guests Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, talk to Dr. Epstein about his remarkable research and just how much duplicity is coming out of the company that long ago abandoned the “Don’t be evil” motto.

George Galloway has the ass at Google too.

We Are Mugs To Allow Billionaires To Accrue Social Media Control (10 min)
a king's Council giving evidence in Parliament has been censored by Google ...
we went quietly into that good night, we were so excited about the existence of social media it did not occur to us that the more we used it the more money the trillionaires earned and the more power they had at any time to turn off the tap...
after all anybody at all can be accused of anything at all...

First they came for Julian.
...this week they came for Russell.

In an coordinated and purposeful hit job all the UK papers and tabloids accuse Russell of sexual misconduct (years ago). I saw a picture of a UK news stand and literally all the papers led with a front page cover of the story. Now keep in mind none of the women came forward on their own, nor made a formal complaint in a court of law... it was just MSM reporters digging up dirt on Russell.

Intel-linked UK official pushing censorship of Russell Brand

Allegations of sexual impropriety and abuse by comedian and podcaster Russell Brand by the British media prompted YouTube to demonetize the star’s popular channel on September 20.

The Grayzone can now reveal that YouTube’s financial censorship of Brand is the result of an effort waged by a former British government minister who was responsible for London’s crackdown on dissent during the Covid-19 pandemic. Her husband has also participated in that campaign of state repression as deputy commander of 77th Brigade, the British Army’s psychological warfare division.

YouTube justified its demonetization of Brand on the grounds that he violated its “creator responsibility policy.” This marks the first time a content creator has been financially punished by the company for reasons other than the videos published on the site. A spokesperson has claimed, “if a creator’s off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action.”

Russell with his 7M subscribers is a threat to deep state, so cancel him...similar to off with his head.

However Russell still has 1.5M subscribers on Rumble, so what to do. Demand they demonetize him.
UK Parliament Demands Russell Brand CANCELLED On Rumble! (7 min)
A detailed look at the MP's letter to Rumble asking them to demonetize Russell's videos.
Rumble's letter to the MP was classic.
Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 05-34-22 Intel-linked UK official pushing censorship of Russell Brand - The Grayzone.png
TPTB used allegations of rape against Julian, why not pull the same trick again.
Isn't interesting YT is keeping Russell's content available, but it has been demonetized...for Russell but not YT.

Russell is just the canary in the mine. The UK and EU have both passed so called digital safety laws, ie "Ministry of Truth" committees, coming soon to the US. Both laws are sold as a way to control the platforms. But we know it is meant to control the voice of the creators and require the platform to remove those TPTB deem unworthy.

The bid to create CBDC is another threat to our freedoms.
This Is BAD: Digital Currency Announced At G20 Summit! (10 min)

At the recent G20 summit in India, a representative of the group’s Financial Stability Board announced that a global digital currency, as well as digital IDs, would soon be coming, much as the two are already commonplace in India. These “innovations” are of course being sold as a great convenience to the general public, but the real driving impulse is more likely the control such measures would give to the kind of elites who run the G20 and the FSB like to wield.

This is coming to a theater near you. Prepare now while you can. Keep a stash of cash at home. If you can afford it, think about buying some silver and gold. Go ahead and make those investments around your home to make your life more convenient.

I used to think this was fear mongering by the republicans, but I was wrong. Perhaps this is part of the globalist plan to decrease nationalism through dilution? No matter there is a government effort to promote illegal immigration...

Warnings! Invasion of U.S. is about to get worse coming from Panama (16.5 min)

Folks this is being orchestrated by the US. What do you think is the motivation?

"This is an act of war!" 6,000 illegal aliens invading U.S. each day (17 min)

The migrant crisis has spread across the U.S. and Europe. Why!? The island of Lampedusa, Italy is now completely overrun with migrants outnumbering Italians by 3-to-1. Why are so many local governments admitting the crisis and federal governments are not? Is this a globalist agenda? It sure feels like it.

The UN General Assembly...
met this week and the theater presented a western play called "Russia is Bad, Putin is Bad, We are Good". You can judge for yourself. Here's Biden's speech transcript. "Elensky's was if anything even worse.

And of course no one in the west is covering Lavrov's speech. All I could find is a video of Lavrov's assembly speech on the expansion of NATO. (20 min) Edit to add: a written summary (hat tip QMS), and more a full transcript of the assembly speech and the press conference (hat tip ggersh). Interesting I can't find a transcript. However, perhaps speech of interest is the one to the security council. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the UN Security Council meeting “Upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter through effective multilateralism: maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine,” New York, September 20, 2023

Ukraine is on the ropes despite hitting Crimea with missiles and drones.
Scott Ritter speaks on Ukraine's dilemma.
Distort the Reality and Live the Lie (35 min)
The US propaganda machine is beginning to lose their enthusiasm for the Ukraine proxy war. Many think there are efforts afoot to freeze the conflict, but I don't see Russia doing that since they have the upper hand. The US may be trying to force the situation providing Ukraine with long range ATACMs (despite current denials), in order to strike within Russia to promote a freeze.

Is Western Support for Ukraine Crumbling? w/Alastair Crooke (25 min)

Seems like support in the US and EU for the proxy war with Russia is waning to me.

Rand Paul Issues Issues Stark Warning To Biden, Senate, & House About Ukraine Funding
On the Senate floor, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warns that he will not support more funding for Ukraine. (11 min)

Of course, US generated conflict is broader than just Ukraine.
The US occupies about a third of Syria, the primary oil and grain region. This illegal occupation never is discussed in the western media. During Biden's UN speech I kept thinking about that hypocrisy along with Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and our array of coups across the global South. What willing blindness! No, it's Russia, Russia, Russia...bring on the 2 mins of hate!
Why Syria's President Assad's Visit to China is a Game Changer- (17 min)
Carl Zha talks with Rachel Blevins about significance of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma al-Assad's first official visit to China in almost 2 decades. What does it mean for Syria-China relations and China's role in Middle East peace process. How will Assad's visit shape China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Middle East. How US foreign policy toward Syria and China shaped the China-Syria ties.

Another conflict which I suspect we are pushing in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Armenia pushed towards disaster scenario (20 min)
The Duran

"They will have to leave or be killed" Armenia REVOLUTION unfolds, calls for new government
(17 min)
Journalist Patrick Lancaster joins Redacted to bring a firsthand report from Armenia where violence and protests have unfolded over the past 24 hours. Calls for revolution, and the overthrow of the government are persistent. Right now 80,000 Armenians are trapped with no way out as Azerbaijan has block them from leaving.


As the seasons change, so does the world. Now is perhaps the greatest shift in the balance of power in my lifetime. So many interlocking pieces forces me to think the plan was laid and developed for decades (much like the plandemic). Seems we are evolving into a bipolar world with the globalist west and the cooperative multinational BRICS+ block. The economic situation will be critical as we move forward, and the signs are not good. Now is the time to stockpile useful things, my friends. Build community where you live and online.

I look forward to your ideas, stories, and analysis below. Have a great Sunday!

14 users have voted.


QMS's picture

As the leaves start to drop from the trees
the globalists are forcing us to our knees

There are many non-western countries still
upholding their mandates to protect their
populations and national interests.

Insane greed disguised as ineptitude is
driving this elitist's train off the tracks.

Thanks for the many interesting links and
supporting commentary LO!

9 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


Perhaps people are becoming aware of TPTB efforts to control the narrative and us. It is easy to see if you look.

Hope all is well in your neighborhood. In the 50's this AM, headed to about 80. Great (but dry) fall weather. Watering the garden these days.

Take care and thanks for the visit!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

want it all and they
dont care Who has to die
as long as its Not them

heavy rain forcast for the
next 48 hrs 1-3 inches coming
will have to harvest The Green today
with that much moisture and an
outdoor grow Bud Rot(curse of the
successful grower) will overtake
my plants and ruin them
two weeks earlier than i hoped
but it happens better early
than none we say
high winds as well so i hope
other growers have taken
appropriate precautions

side note I thought i Knew music
joe shikspack schools me
every week

thanks for the watch lo
be careful out there
All-cause they aint

9 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Lookout's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

Great crop even if harvested early. In my world TPTB can take my homestead if I grow it.

Maybe 0.25" of rain due here Mon-Wed.

Joe knows music much better than me, for sure. I know much of the old time/folk music community, but not much afield of that and the r&r of my youth.

Hope you weather the upcoming storm! Take care in this wild world.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

Autumn is off to a great start here in Chitown, and we are
to get a bit of an Indian Summer as temps will be in the
low 80's later in the week.

Our tomatoes and cucumber crop is a gift that just keeps on
giving, unfortunately though the potatoes were a disappointment.

This Tucker Carlson interview is well worth the read, here is a
snippet that pretty much says exactly what the state of where the
4th estate is at plus much more about the SOTU

There are a lot of great people at Fox News, but there are also a lot of people who are just terrified, who are just trying to make it through the day. And I don't think they make Xanax strong enough for some of the people who run the place to calm down. [laughter]

I meant what I said. I've worked at a lot of news organizations in the United States, and they're all the same. They're all afraid of getting sued or yelled at or fired or humiliated. But interestingly, none of them are very afraid of getting things wrong. That's not a concern. They're not worried about accuracy as much as they're worried about being unfashionable or saying something forbidden. What they're really worried about is telling the truth.

You'd think that if you ran a news organization, your main concern would be getting it right and that you'd be terrified if someone would make a mistake. But that's not their top concern. And not just at Fox. I worked at MSNBC and CNN. I worked at PBS. I spent a year working at ABC. I've certainly been around a lot of news companies, and they're all the same. They're all fearful people who are making more than they probably should be, and they're worried about losing their jobs. Occasionally, you'll find a courageous person, but they are very, very, very rare. Very rare

EDIT: adding a link that has Lavrov's UNGA speech plus his press conference
afterwards, all courtesy of Karlofi of MOA fame

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

QMS's picture


dis-information, mis-information (is there a difference?) and half truths
are standard fare. This mass poisoning of the mind is concerning.

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

ggersh's picture

@QMS between the Bilderberg/WEF the consensus is we
are just useless, her heinous just calls us deplorable,
different words same meaning.

This is the agenda of the govt plain and simple

In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators.

“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” said Harari, who is a historian, futurist, popular author and, most importantly, the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the extremely influential WEF.

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


Yes it obvious, but people have to look.
The infiltration of WEF leaders as our govt leaders to the insertion of software in our state govts.

Patrick Holland from the Missouri Freedom Initiative discusses ways in which WEF is infiltrating the U.S. "If we don't get a handle of WEF infiltration in our states, we're in really big trouble." The Missouri Freedom Initiative is standing up to fight against the constituent management software being pushed in Missouri. Holland warns that if we focus too much on news in D.C., we won't notice our rights on the state-level being stripped from us.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout that the USSR had empty grocery shelves and you can't find
basic necissities for living

Govt/WEF @ work to take away the basic necissities for basic
living in today's world

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


over at autoearth. Forgot to check with them today. I already had too much material... it was a busy news cycle this week.

I remember the 70's as well as can be expected, and certainly recall the prices. At some point I recall 25 cent a gallon gas. I felt like I got a bargain this week at $3.10. GA has suspended their gas tax again.

Thanks for the memories and the climate trap.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

@ggersh @ggersh

may have plans for us, but does that take into consideration
that the plans we have for ourselves are different?
There are consequences for mistaken assumptions.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

I'll add it above...
Would that we had that quality of diplomat!

As you say, truth telling not allowed.

Great to hear about the garden and nice weather. Enjoy your fall as we experience the fall of empire.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

This just came across my feed. I've not watched this exchange yet, but I've found them quite interesting in previous shows.
Transcript here.

They discuss the rapidly changing world order at a time of summits of BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly. (65 min)

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Too bad that he is an exception rather than the rule or things would be quite different.

A couple of excerpts to get you interested. The whole article is worth a read.

In 2007, Shawn Fain was a little-known union official at a Chrysler plant in Kokomo, Indiana, having gone to work there a dozen years before as an electrician. What happened next set Fain on the path to where he is today: president of the UAW and the key figure in a historic strike with no end in sight.

And in a letter to UAW leadership that reached the media, he said that in approving those concessions, “you might as well get a gun and shoot yourself in the head.”

It was a remarkable public break with his union’s leadership and an important inflection point in Fain’s career.

With that defiant step, Fain declared his independence from the political group — known as the Administration Caucus — that had run the UAW for six decades. And the move also set him up for a higher position — for years in staff jobs at UAW headquarters in Detroit, then later to be catapulted into the union’s presidency.

Fain ran for UAW president as an insurgent, and one of his main talking points was “no concessions.” Throughout his campaign, he belittled previous UAW presidents for not being tough enough towards the automakers.

“He’s taking a very militant line and acting very different from past union presidents,” said Harry Katz, a professor and former dean of the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations. “He tore up a Chrysler contract offer and threw it in the trash. He benefits from acting unpredictably. He keeps the companies off balance.”

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


for themselves. The elites accuse them of wanting too much. Willing blindness, as I suggested earlier.

Thanks for the article and union organizing story.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

we have to do our best to dodge the piece as it falls.

Thanks for the clip. Bonnie is one of my faves. She's the reason I learned John Prine's "Angel from Montgomery"

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Does Blinky not realize the Nag-Bar territory lies within Azerbaijan?

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

Nikol Pashinyan set it up to provide a shift to the west and away from Russia.

We've been stirring up shit there and in Georgia as a proxy war for Russia.

Thanks for the "X"!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

and a brilliant WW, as is your norm, friend.We are experiencing a light rain, but later in the evening we could get a heavy t-storm with high winds. Power outage on the way, no doubt. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be 85. We haven't had a day that cool sine May. This summer has been pure hell.
Texas Gov. Abbott called in the National Guard to Eagle Pass. While I have complete empathy for refugees, I just can't consider these people refugees from any civil war, persecution, or extreme civil strife. Evidence is stacking up that they are predominately cartel members. I am curious what NYC police arrests and investigations show in that regard. NYC bitches about the strain on the budget and infrastructure. Gov. Abbott bitches about the cartel. I turn down all prospective criminal cases involving non-citizens ho speak little English and have felony drug charges pending. I get the creeps when someone can make a high bond easily, pay a lawyer thousands in cash, but they have only been here
a year or two, and have no job or transportation. The State can seize that cash from a lawyer's account. Why get involved?
Ok, time to watch videos and read links.
Have a wonderful evening!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

about the flood of migrants with us building houses and providing stipends.

I suspect it is part of the reset plan, but not sure what role it will play.

The redacted clip above are revealing.

Have a great evening and enjoy the storm.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Cheap labor? While Americans cannot afford health insurance, and Medicaid is shrinking, we are getting the immigrants fit and healthy, aren't we? Cartel members murder US citizens in droves, every single day. This culls people, doesn't it? Creates lot of immigrants who will show their appreciation at the ballot box, since they get to vote.
I will watch the videos now, and will get other ideas about the plan, no doubt!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

It is fall all over the northern world.
When Fall Comes to New England by Cheryl Wheeler

“When the acorns line the walkways
Then winter can’t be far
From yellow leaves a blue jay calls
Grandmothers walk out in their shawls
And chipmunks run the old stone walls
When Fall comes to New England.”

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

She is very popular around these parts, have seen her locally a few times.
She is a talented folk singer and song writer.
Fall in New England indeed!

1 user has voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

concerning the Canadian parliament honoring a Nazi murderer:

It is likely it wasn't done by accident. Imho, it is part of a coordinated 5 Eyes campaign to smear Zelensky in preparation to replace him with someone willing to negotiate.

Respectfully disagree, Rubiconned. The egregious act, including the subsequent pro forma nopology (it is safe to assume nobody will suffer consequences), was meant to set a precedent. Open Nazism is now approved mainstream discourse in Canada: It has officially come out of the closet.
Posted by: malenkov | Sep 25 2023 13:26 utc | 224

4 users have voted.