The Evening Blues - 8-24-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Junior Wells

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues harmonica player Junior Wells. Enjoy!

Junior Wells - Snatch It Back and Hold It

"When the world goes mad, one must accept madness as sanity; since sanity is, in the last analysis, nothing but the madness on which the whole world happens to agree."

-- George Bernard Shaw

News and Opinion

In A World Ruled By Propaganda, A Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be A Fringe Worldview

One of the worst mistakes you can make when formulating your understanding of the world is to begin with the assumption that the truest and most accurate position must lie somewhere near the center of the two major political perspectives you see laid out all around you.

It’s a mistake not only because assuming that the center position must be the best one is a type of fallacious reasoning known as the middle ground fallacy (the correct position between “Drink a gallon of bleach daily for good health” and “Drink zero bleach daily for good health” is not “Drink half a gallon of bleach daily for good health”); it’s also a mistake because the entire framing arises from a situation that has been artificially engineered by the powerful.

It’s a well-documented fact that the rich and powerful pour vast fortunes into manipulating the political and media landscape in ways that serve their interests. Their control over the news media and Silicon Valley tech platforms is used to set the agenda and influence public perception by determining what issues will receive attention and which won’t in ways that preserve the political status quo they’ve built their empire upon, thereby shrinking the Overton window of acceptable debate down to a very narrow spectrum whose outcomes can’t threaten their interests in any way.

We just discussed this dynamic with regard to US aggressions against Russia and China; the Overton window is being narrowed to a debate between which US enemy should be the target of the most imperial aggressions, with voices who advocate detente with both countries finding no platform in mainstream politics or media. This is what Noam Chomsky was talking about when he said “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.”

People assume there must be truth in the mainstream worldview because so many others are invested in the mainstream worldview, when really the only reason that worldview is mainstream in the first place is because so much wealth and influence has gone into making it mainstream. In reality the assumption that the truth exists anywhere in either of the two mainstream political viewpoints promoted by the managers of the western empire is an example of the bandwagon effect, which describes the cognitive bias in which humans tend to take on beliefs, behaviors, styles and attitudes solely because that’s what the people around them are doing.

This bias would have had evolutionary advantages early on in our development as a species. Back when our evolutionary ancestors were prey for prehistoric carnivores, it was a survival advantage to start running for your life if you saw other members of your tribe running, even if you personally didn’t see what they were running from. As primates whose survival depended on social cohesion, being rejected by the tribe would mean almost certain death by predation or starvation, so it was necessary to conform in whatever ways prevented that rejection from happening.

But we don’t live in prehistoric times anymore. We live in a civilization with a highly complex information environment that is being continually manipulated away from truth and accuracy and toward the advantage of powerful people who rule over us. If you go along with the herd, you’ll be deceived.

In truth the so-called “centrists” or “moderates” of our world are really violent extremists, because they support the most murderous and tyrannical power structure on our planet, and are only regarded as moderate because they sit in the mid-range of a completely artificially created spectrum. A perspective that is actually sane will be about as far away from their perspective as you can get.

Because the majority of people have been duped by propaganda into espousing mainstream political perspectives, those with an accurate read on things will necessarily be a small fringe minority until that dynamic changes. As long as your entire civilization is structured around deceit-based perspectives which serve the powerful, going along with the crowd will prevent you from forming a truth-based perspective that serves human interests.

So you’ll have to get comfortable rejecting mainstream orthodoxies, dismissing mainstream media, and shunning mainstream politics, because those things are all inseparably interwoven with the matrix of deceit by which our rulers have pulled the blindfold over this civilization. This won’t be a sign that you’re out of touch or a kooky crackpot or some snobby hipster who rejects all things mainstream out of a pathological need to be different, it will be a sign that you are seeing things clearly.

Prigozhin plane crash, domestic and external actors

Yevgeny Prigozhin onboard plane in fatal crash, says Russia

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Wagner paramilitary chief who launched an armed mutiny in June, has been reported dead. Russia said he was onboard a private jet that crashed in the Tver region near Moscow, killing all 10 onboard.

Rosaviatsia, the Russian aviation authority, said Prigozhin and senior Wagner commander Dmitry Utkin were among 10 people travelling on the Embraer business jet that crashed on Wednesday evening. ...

The Embraer jet crashed in the Tver region while flying between Moscow and St Petersburg, Prigozhin’s home city. Video posted online apparently showed the small jet trailing a plume of smoke before slamming into the ground and erupting in flames.

Putin says ‘talented businessman’ Yevgeny Prigozhin has died

Vladimir Putin has confirmed the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, calling the Wagner mercenary chief a “talented businessman” with “a difficult fate.”

In a meeting at the Kremlin, Putin addressed Wednesday’s crash of Prigozhin’s business jet for the first time, offering “sincere condolences” to the families of the 10 people on board.

“I have known Prigozhin for a long time, since the 1990s. He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved the necessary results for himself but also for the greater good when I asked him. He was a talented man, a talented businessman,” the Russian leader said, speaking about the warlord in the past tense.

Putin added that Prigozhin’s Wagner group “made a significant contribution to the fight against nazism in Ukraine”.

“We remember this, know this, and won’t forget it,” he said.

Putin said he was told that Prigozhin had returned from Africa earlier on Wednesday, shortly before his apparent death, and had held meetings with officials in Moscow. He said that Russian investigators would pursue the investigation into the crash “to the end”.

North Korea fails in second attempt to launch spy satellite as rocket crashes into sea

North Korea’s second attempt to place a spy satellite in orbit has failed after the rocket booster experienced a problem during its third stage, state media reported, as space authorities vowed to try again in October.

The first attempt in May also ended in failure when the new Chollima-1 rocket crashed into the sea.

Thursday’s pre-dawn launch came in the first hours of an eight-day window that North Korea had given for the attempt.

The nuclear-armed country has been seeking to place what would be its first military spy satellite into orbit, saying it eventually plans a fleet of satellites to monitor moves by US and South Korean troops.

“The flights of the first and second stages of the rocket were normal, but the launch failed due to an error in the emergency blasting system during the third-stage flight,” state news agency KCNA said of Thursday’s launch.

South Carolina’s all-male highest court upholds six-week abortion ban

South Carolina’s new all-male highest court on Wednesday reversed course on abortion rights, upholding the state’s strict six-week ban on the procedure.

The panel overrode an earlier decision in which the court decided a similar restriction was unconstitutional.

The court on Wednesday found that the state constitution’s protection against “unreasonable invasions of privacy” did not include a right to abortion, and that the state law was “within the zone of reasonable policy decisions rationally related to the state’s interest in protecting the unborn”. ...

The decision was 4-1, with the chief justice, Donald Beatty, in the minority.

Philadelphia police change narrative in killing of Eddie Irizarry by officers

Philadelphia’s police commissioner said on Wednesday that a police officer who shot and killed a driver who was sitting in his car last week in north Philadelphia is being suspended and will be fired. Danielle Outlaw said that officer Mark Dial will be suspended with intent to dismiss him in 30 days for refusing to cooperate in the investigation of the 14 August shooting death of 27-year-old Eddie Irizarry.

Newly released surveillance video appeared on Wednesday to contradict the police department’s initial narrative of events. On 14 August, Irizarry was shot and killed in his car in the north-east suburb of Kensington. In a press conference shortly after the incident, Cpl Jasmine Reilly told reporters that Irizarry had stepped out of his vehicle “with a … knife” following a traffic stop and that officers gave “multiple commands for him” before Irizarry “lunged at the officers”.

“One of the officers discharged his weapon multiple times,” Reilly said.

Two days after the incident, Outlaw, the commissioner, told reporters that the initial account of events was not what actually happened, as she announced that Irizarry was “driving erratically” and that he was going the wrong way down a one-way street before he pulled into a parking spot. Two officers then approached Irizzary who was inside, not outside, his vehicle when he was shot by one of the officers, according to the revised police statement.

the horse race

Rudy Giuliani surrenders at Georgia jail in Trump election subversion case

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, surrendered to authorities at the Fulton county jail on Wednesday on charges that he helped lead a racketeering enterprise and conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.

The surrender in Atlanta marks a jarring moment for Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor who made his name with aggressive racketeering cases, now facing a racketeering charge himself.

Krystal And Saagar: VIVEK Wins, Debate Losers

the evening greens

Tropical forests face ‘massive leaf death’ from global heating, study finds

Tropical forests could become so hot that some kinds of leaves will no longer be able to conduct photosynthesis, according to a study published in the journal Nature. The photosynthetic machinery in tropical trees begins to fail at about 46.7C on average. The research suggests that forests may be nearing dangerous temperature thresholds sooner than expected.

Using a combination of high-resolution data from Nasa’s thermal imaging instruments on the International Space Station and ground-based experiments in tropical forests across the world, researchers found that a small fraction, approximately 0.01% of all leaves, are already exposed to temperatures beyond their functional limits.

Models predict that once we hit a global temperature increase of 3.9 C, these forests might experience mass leaf damage. Warming leaves, even if now in low numbers, act as a “canary in a coalmine for tropical ecosystems”, said Chris Doughty, an associate professor of ecoinformatics at Northern Arizona University and the lead researcher of the study.

He said the leaf-warming experiments had revealed a nonlinear rise in temperatures. “We were really surprised that when we warmed leaves by 2, 3 or 4C, the highest leaf temperatures actually increased by 8C. This shows a concerning nonlinear feedback that we were not expecting,” said Doughty.

Volcanoes and wildfires offset 20% of global heating over eight years

Explosive volcanic eruptions and wildfires have offset global heating by around a fifth over the last eight years, a study shows. In particular the eruption of Calbuco in southern Chile in 2015 and the 2019-20 Australian wildfires injected vast amounts of smoke and gas into the high atmosphere, which helped to cool the planet by absorbing heat leaving the Earth and reflecting sunlight back to space.

Pengfei Yu from Jinan University in China and his colleagues used data gathered by high altitude balloons over the Tibetan plateau and the US to model the cooling impact of stratospheric volcanic eruptions – those that inject ash into the high atmosphere – and wildfires.

Their results, which are published in Geophysical Research Letters, show that these events have produced a greater than average amount of cooling in recent years.

In Japan's neighbors, fear and frustration over Fukushima radioactive water release

‘It’s a beast’: landmark US climate law is too complex, environmental groups say

When President Joe Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act a year ago, Adrien Salazar was skeptical. The landmark climate bill includes $60bn for environmental justice investments – money he had fought for, as policy director for the leading US climate advocacy coalition Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJA).

But after much discussion, the grassroots group realized they did not have the resources to chase after IRA funding. It would have to hire new staff and develop a specific program to apply for grants to access those funds. The coalition is stretched thin as is: organizing local and state campaigns, leading community engagement, and planning youth programming. GGJA decided it would not apply to funding opportunities at all.

“It is not within our capacity to try to build a program that helps our members access federal funding. We just don’t have the capacity to do that,” Salazar said. Many employees lack the time or knowhow to take on grant opportunities. “We’re a national organization. How can we imagine a small organization that’s doing neighborhood, grassroots-level door-knocking to have the capacity to also navigate the federal bureaucracy?”

Indeed, many of the small, community-based organizations that would benefit from funding the most are facing hurdles to competing for these investments. Together, their experiences tell a story that echoes other environmental justice experts’ concerns about the IRA – that the monumental spending package won’t assist the communities that need the money the most.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Sunk Cost Fallacy In Ukraine

Niger Coup Takes Bonapartist Turn

The Scourge of Corporate Financialization: Income Inequity, Employment Instability, Productive Fragility

Report Warns 'Today's Climate Crisis Is Tomorrow's Banking Crisis'

Why Did Alberta Put the Brakes on Its Booming Clean Energy Industry?

Choosing to Evolve

Discovered in the deep: an octopus’s garden in the shade

A Little Night Music

Junior Wells – What My Mama Told Me

Junior Wells - Help Me

Junior Wells - I'll Take Care Of You

Junior Wells – Someday Baby

Junior Wells - Scratch My Back

Junior Wells -What'd I Say

Junior Wells - Messin' With The Kid

Junior Wells - Little By Little

Junior Wells – Up In Heah

Junior Wells – Watch Me Move

24 users have voted.


QMS's picture

how to find sanity in an insane world ..
tune in to C99 for answers to this and
many other pressing concerns

14 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

joe shikspack's picture


heh, if you were looking for sanity, you've come to the wrong planet, dominated by the wrong species. perhaps try the universe next door.

10 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

use novichok, like on his microphone for that video in Africa?
be well and have a good one

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

yep, if putin had just used novichock, the brits would have made prigozhin disappear.

9 users have voted.

@enhydra lutris
Seriously, you're identifying one of the major flaws in the Putin done did it narrative. (Mercouri's run down of the possibilities in the video posted above is excellent.) Putin is much too smart to off an inconvenient person in a big display on his home turf. On the eve of the major BRICS announcement makes the timing a no go. (In the GOP debate last night Nicki Haley stated flat out the Putin had Priz murdered and also murdered Vitaly Churkin, Russia's UN Ambassador. She's an ill-informed, war mongering, idiot -- imho.)

Far too many other possibilities that can't yet be ruled out, including equipment failure, to waste much time considering.

12 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


Soviet era novichok was lethal, but that's not what all of those purported novichok attacks used; they were all bullshit ab initio.

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris

9 users have voted.

that there wasn't enough time to organize the hit if this were the motive. If it wasn't equipment failure, the assets required for such a crude operation would still take time to organize and get in place.

9 users have voted.

has begun.


The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny reportedly told U.S. Officials during a number of recent Heated Debates regarding the Effectiveness of the ongoing Offensive that, “You don’t understand the Nature of this Conflict” and that “We are on the Cusp of a Major Breakthrough.”

9 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


heh, the u.s. military doesn't understand the nature of the conflict. you see, ukraine says it is winning and so long as it refuses to concede it will still be winning.

10 users have voted.

for this racist statement. I am not exactly holding my breath

Far-right Israeli security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says his and his family’s rights to safe movement in the occupied West Bank are more important than those of Arabs, downplaying the deadly string of murders in Arab communities.

“My right, and my wife’s and my children’s right, to get around on the roads in Judea and Samaria is more important than the right to movement for Arabs,” he said during an interview with Israel's Channel 12 news on Wednesday evening, referring to the West Bank by its biblical name.

He also said that the spiraling crime wave in Arab communities poses a security threat to Israel only because it could spill over into Jewish communities, which he called “a bigger threat” than Arabs being killed.

Ben-Gvir, who is the head of the coalition’s far-right Otzma Yehudit party, resides in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, on the outskirts of the city of al-Khalil in the southern West Bank. The city is controlled by the Palestinian Authority and Israel in an 80%-20% split.

"Sorry Mohammad," he provocatively told the Arab journalist and interviewer of Channel 12 Mohammad Magadli, "but that’s the reality. That’s the truth. My right to life comes before their right to movement."

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


it appears that ben-gvir is an antisemite.

11 users have voted.

As always it is a good read.


6 users have voted.

@humphrey @humphrey to enjoy Dear One's music choice of the night. I have been teaching him to dance. We had a great round on the living room, our private dance floor.
My history with this musician is that his aunt was my secretary back in the day, his uncle was my client, his 2 first cousins were my clients, and the cemetery he wrote a song about recently is only a few miles from my home, and one I have permission to visit, even if it is on private property.
His beloved uncle told me, "Lyle Lovett is way more than a country and western singer." What do you think?

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture


Together, their experiences tell a story that echoes other environmental justice experts’ concerns about the IRA – that the monumental spending package won’t assist the communities that need the money the most.

Well duh! Just who do they think it was written to benefit anyway?

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

well, of course. after all, it was written in washington where the needs of the working class are used to camouflage tax cuts and spending for rich people.

have a great evening!

6 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

Xi Jinping: But this is futile, as I have said more than once. "Blowing out others’ lamp will not bring light to oneself."


I'm also hearing stories about a wave of websites being deplatformed. VIA DNS domain name ownership cancellation. Mint Press was deplatformed from TikTok today. Also noticing comments like this:

....Meanwhile in the combined west - failure abroad is leading to greater repression at home; so far two websites I check, New Eastern Outlook and Strategic Culture have had their domain names blocked or removed. Google's CEO sundar pichai has said they will remove alt news sources from search results.

The Australian government through ACMA is looking to implement an Orwellian censorship regime. The west's clownshow leadership class loves to double down on failure.

Now that Wall St and the City have little to no prospect at manipulating BRICS + trade it's all hands bailing out the sinking ship of U$$ debt. First to go looks to be defined benefit holders in the UK.


I have a nagging feeling that the neocon psychopaths who are running select Western governments — the better-dead-than-red types — don't intend to find a graceful exit from the world stage. Who's going to stop these mental defectives from flipping the entire game board?

11 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
joe shikspack's picture

@Pluto's Republic

for quite a while i've been concerned that the neocon nutcases that apparently run things have no use for a world that they cannot dominate.

i see them as a very real threat to humanity and the planet.

12 users have voted.

In other news Russia, someone decided not to go to South Africa after all. Instead sent a video.

1 user has voted.

@ban nock Videos work.
I hope you get to visit Russia, meet the people there.
They are just wonderful!
I wish all my friends I have made on my trip there the very best.
To them, HUGS.

11 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture

@ban nock

well, think of it as putin's contribution to limiting his climate footprint.

10 users have voted.

appearance in Georgia courtroom.

This is his mug shot.

9 users have voted.
janis b's picture

Not wanting to speculate on the news, I really appreciate Junior Wells “Help Me”. It helped, as did the Octopus Garden.

I find the octopus to be an extraordinarily fascinating creature.

Thanks joe

8 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

@janis b

those octopi are indeed curious critters, and smart too, though not quite as cool and colorful as the cuttlefish.

have a great evening!

5 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@joe shikspack


Culinary wise ...

7 users have voted.