Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Aug 19, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Harvested my first crop of peaches today. About a year after starting to write at C99 started planting trees requiring a little warmer growing season than typical in Central Oregon. The summer temps have been moderate and only a handful of nights the temp stayed above 60 (F). The news has been loud about extreme heat, but it really depends upon where the thermometer is located.
Tuesday was hot. Weather channel predicted 101, it is August hot, dry weather is to be expected. A few chickens were panting even with the shade cloth. Stepping out onto the front porch was comfortable, thermometer read 84. Set a thermometer in the middle of the drive 120 degrees. Five minutes later set by the back porch in the sun only 100.
If I had a particular narrative to support there is a thermometer reading to support my position. The peaches are probably the result of a cold spring causing a delayed bloom followed by no frost. If it repeats the pattern for the next few years probably a shift in climate. Now I can not as easily explain away the significance of almonds maturing on the almond tree which has survived the past 4 winters with no special protection.
Meal planning this time of year does include simply wandering around to find ingredients ready to use. It does not matter if it is in one's own garden or a farmers market. This video may provide some fresh ideas.
Creative picking and cooking with one of the UK’s most exciting chefs, Chantelle Nicholson (35:15 min)
Central Asian Theater
Central Asia is the prime battlefield in the New Great Game The Cradle by Pepe Escobar Aug 18, 2023
The original Great Game pitted the British and Russian empires in the late 19th century, and in fact, never got away: it just metastasized into the US-UK entente versus the USSR, and, subsequently, the US-EU versus Russia.
The imperial modus operandi privileges – what else – threats and ultimatums. Only four months ago, US emissaries from the State Department, Treasury, and Office of Foreign Affairs Control (OFAC) toured the Heartland bearing a whole package of “gifts," as in blatant or thinly disguised threats. The key message: if you “help” or even trade with Russia in any way, you will be slapped with secondary sanctions.Informal conversations with businesses in Uzbekistan's Samarkand and Bukhara and contacts in Kazakhstan reveal a pattern: Everyone seems to be aware that the Americans will go no holds barred to hold the Heartland/Central Asia at gunpoint.
The Chinese, for their part, invest in a collective approach, solidified, for instance, in high-profile meetings such as the China-Central Asia 5+1 Summit, held only 3 months ago.Then there’s the extremely curious case of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), formerly Turkic Council, which unites Turkiye, Azerbaijan, and three Central Asian “stans,” Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
This OTS' overarching aim is to “promote comprehensive cooperation among Turkic-speaking states.”
Last year, Putin visited all five Central Asian “stans” for the first time in quite a while. Mirroring China, they held a 5+1 summit also for the first time. Russian diplomats and businessmen ply Heartland roads full-time. And let’s not forget that the presidents of all five Central Asian “stans” were themselves present in the Red Square parade in Moscow on Victory Day last May.
Valdai Club expert Rustam Khaydarov may have coined the most concise appraisal of West-Heartland relations:
“The collective West is alien to us both in terms of culture and worldview. There is not a single phenomenon or event, or element of modern culture, which could serve as the basis for a relationship and rapprochement between the US and European Union on the one hand and Central Asia on the other. Americans and Europeans have no idea about the culture and mentality or traditions of the peoples of Central Asia, so they could not and will not be able to interact with us. Central Asia does not view economic prosperity in conjunction with the liberal democracy of the West, which is essentially an alien concept to the countries of the region.”Considering this scenario, and in the context of a New Great Game that is becoming increasingly incandescent by the day, it’s no wonder that some Heartland diplomatic circles are very much interested in a closer integration of Central Asia into BRICS+. That’s something bound to be discussed at the BRICS summit in South Africa next week.
Not sure how long the "round table" with Ray and Larry will continue. Ray does not simply go along with Larry's narrative.
Worst Crimes Committed by Federal Gov - Intel RoundTable w/Larry Johnson & Ray Mcgovern (27:26 min)
Ray McGovern
It is in the law. It's a really bad piece of law, Okay it says that "the Director of Central Intelligence shall perform such other function and duties as the President shall from time to time direct." That is that, gestapo like, but it is in the legislation. So if they even think the President wants to deal away with La Mumba or Castro or somebody else they go ahead and do it knowing that they will not be held accountable. They have this immunity which allows them to go ahead and do these things torture for example.
Larry Johnson
Yes, part of the problem for the CIA is what the mythology presented about the CIA through Hollywood has not been the actual reality. So for example lets take the issue of interrogations and torture the CIA was never trained to do that because a case officer they are trained to recruit people. It's like trying to pick up a date in the bar on Friday night you do not do that by torturing or attacking. And yet right after 9/11 all of a sudden they decided we must do this and the brought in some outsiders and the next thing you know the CIA is involved in with actual torture. Which has historically has proven to be ineffective for extracting reliable information. So it is really a function of the bureaucratic imperative of the CIA. There eagerness to please political Master downtown and to get you know the pat on the head like a dog eager to go for a walk they will do things without thinking through is this right, is this proper, is this effective.
Rebuttal watch Ray's facial expression and read Doug Valentine's book The Phoenix program.
The livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict. The interviews are generally posted on Monday through Thursday if would like to view them in a more timely manner. The link opens in the LIVE column, occasionally an interview only appears in VIDEOS section.
Douglas Valentine is the author of multiple ground breaking works on the CIA. If you only have time for one video watch this one.
Doug Valentine: The Phoenix Program, TDY (58:51 min)
Begins with how he came to write the book. Secrets from WWII effecting the relationship between himself and his Dad. Discusses the non-disclosure statements that service personnel were forced to sign. Then carrying those secrets back to their civilian life with no support other than dire consequences if told.
Moves on to philosophical discussion the people who become employed by intelligence services.
24:20 start discussion on criminal activities and organized crimes
begin with example China in mid-1920's of preCIA criminal patterns of US and opium trade, Office of Stategic Services morphing into Central Intelligance Agency
33:43 How individuals get sucked into the system.
43:10 similarities noticed after soi many interviews with individuals in CIA, special forces and military.
What is on your mind today?

Good Morning
Wasn't it JFK that last wanted to disband the CIA? That did not turn out so well.
Any and all 'black budget' agencies beyond congressional oversight are
dangerous to 'we the people' IMO. Not that the special councils within the
courts, legislature and executive will ever share their secrets. Even token
gestures may at least give us a clearer image of the aims of the 'intelligence'
agencies activities?
Thanks you for your potluck and enjoy the peaches!
question everything
Good morning...
Our last cool one for a week so I'm enjoying the 60F start to the day. Trade day was pleasant. I found a misting Ryobi 18V fan. I've been watching for one to show up, and finally scored today...just in time for the hot week ahead. It will be nice to have while out doing jobs around the homestead and for camping.
I didn't pick up on any animus btwn Ray and Larry, but what do I know?
We have too much fungi (brown rot) to grow peaches without spraying. Ironic here in peach country.
Hope all is well on the homestead, and thanks for the OT.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There always seems to be a new game
Biden promised no more forever wars and yet just months after his crappy pullout from Afghanistan he has gotten us into another forever war….oh I don’t mean that we will be fighting in Ukraine forever. I mean that one of the purposes for the war will go on until we transfer our attention elsewhere. Like the pacific. The reason I’m talking about is the massive amounts of money spent on military equipment and weapons. The Afghanistan war was lost after OBL slipped away. That was the reason why we were told we went in right? But then Assange spilled the beans on why we staying there. Also because of oil and pipelines and that recent discovery of trillions in minerals.
Putin put his finger on this.
And from the you can’t make this up department
The rest of the story
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
How horrifying…
I can’t begin to imagine what that would be like!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Who wants to go first?
Why so damn defensive, Joe? You think shouting at people is going to stop them from naming every gd thing that democrats have failed to do?
Besides this list from Williamson
Abortion Rights and the public option that both Obama and Biden promised to pass.
Who’s next?
But ouch!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Russia is warning that the US is planning a new epidemic
Yesterday I posted information on what Russia has found about the bio labs in Ukraine.
Yeah I know it’s Alex Jones, but time will tell if he’s right.
Weird how they already know how bad the new variant is going to be. The booster jabs are for the variant that is on its way out already and the next newest one has 32 mutations in it so I can’t see how the booster will offer any protection….against severe illness, but not protection.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
He could turn out to be right, but there is no reason to
suspect that he will. He is not driven by the same forces as people like Blementhal, Mate', Assange and the like. It is strictly a business proposition with him and I don't see where, truth, facts, credibility, and logic play any real role in his business model.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Have you followed Jones closely to form this opinion that he will turn out to be wrong? Or that he has the same scruples as those you mentioned and it’s just business for him? Lots of people think that he has been right about a lot of things in the past that he said that turned out to be true. Even Russia thinks that America is going to release another virus. But like I said I will wait and see before I discount him.
Have a nice day.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Jones' info
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I didn't say I expect him to be wrong, only that I have no
reason to expect him to be right. Bertrand Russell once famously said
OK, that informs a lot of my opinions and thinking. So, if somebody tells me that god told them that the DOW will drop 50 points or that the mayor will commit suicide tomorrow, or that they feel it in their bones, or that they can just tell, or that a sekret confidential informant tipped them off I don't assume it won't happen, but I don't assume it will. I have no reason to believe that person. I recall that there were occasions, plural, in which he had no discernable basis for an assertion which, in fact, turned out to be wrong. The whole crises actors assertion was one such, he made it, repeated it, several times and doubled down. It seems to me to be in keeping with his business model to be willing to do such things, ergo i cannot assume, in any instance, that he isn't.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It won't take long to see
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Wait for the ending
Wait for the ending…
-The President of the United States used his Son to negotiate business deals
-in industries he knew nothing about
-trading exclusively on political favors
-he ordered and bragged about (on video) getting a prosecutor fired
-the very prosecutor who his Son’s employer wanted fired
-these requests were documented in emails to his Son
-emails the FBI possessed
-from a laptop they possessed
-which the FBI covered up
-he used a pseudonym of Robert L. Peters to schedule meetings and calls with his Son’s business associates
-he also declared repeatedly that he knew nothing of his Son’s business dealings
-an FBI whistle-blower then swore that his Son’s employer (Zlochevsky of Burisma) told him that he was extorted for a bribe to get this very prosecutor fired
-an IRS whistle-blower then swore that the investigations into his Son were intentionally botched
-a plea deal was then offered to his Son that would’ve granted blanket immunity for all of this
He faces no impeachment
He faces no criminal charges
His predecessor faces 717 yrs in prison
For questioning the legitimacy of the elections which installed the man who was ushered into office, with the assistance of the
-corporate news and social media
who worked in tandem to hide all of this from the America voters literally days before they were set to vote. During elections that were procedurally changed in completely novel ways .Based on a pandemic which originated in a Chinese lab while doing gain of function research using US tax payer dollars. And the guy in charge of mitigating the pandemic was the one who greenlit that funding. Despite that research being illegal. All of which he lied to congress about. He also faces no investigations. Or criminal charges.
You aren’t crazy. You’re being lied to. The people who are dropping RICO charges on Trump are not upholding the law. They are the cleanup crew. Sent to bury Trump, his attorneys and ultimately any dissident political movement from this point forward. If they prevail in doing so then anyone that attempts to uncover the truth will face a similar fate. These are the stakes. This is what you’re up against. I’m not a Trump supporter I’m just a guy that cares about justice and the American people. Oh and I hate liars and corruption. Do not stop fighting for what’s right. The stakes couldn’t be higher..
Biden has used lots of pseudonyms in his emails and other accounts and that is what this is referring to.
Pedo Pete!
Hello….anyone else got something to say today?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
On this note….
Why hasn’t there been any charges against Anthony Blinken for contacting someone in the FBI/CIA and telling them to write the letter stating that the information on Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation just before the election? That was blatant election interference. I can guess why no one (David Weiss) hasn’t been questioned about why he sat on the investigation into what was found on it for years after they took possession of it. Bill Barr who was Trump’s AG also did nothing with the laptop evidence. Kinda tells you why he was stuck in Trump’s administration huh? He was put there to protect against anything that the PTB didn’t want him to do…IMHO.
And remember that even though Durham found lots of evidence of Russia gate being totally made up he didn’t charge anyone nor even question the people who were responsible for making it up. His excuse? They would just say that he couldn’t recall a million times. But others have pointed out that if they said that Durham had the evidence that showed what they did. Both the Mueller and Durham investigations were used to sweep everything under the rug. Just like Comey's investigation into Hillary’s private email server was too. And like his investigation into the Clinton Foundation that found no evidence of wrongdoing.
And sure why the hell not?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
While Joe was in his basement running for President in 2020
...I was researching what was happening in Ukraine. I have stacks of newspaper articles that Ukraine Parliament Members and prosecutors file pertaining to crimes committed by the Bidens in Ukraine. They even wanted to get Biden extradited to Kyiv to stand title. At this point, Ukraine was trying to prove to Trump (and the IMF) that they were no longer corrupt. To them, going after Biden made sense to them. Everything the Ukrainians do is screwy and ill-timed.
Meanwhile, Giuliani was in Ukraine stirring the 2015 election-rigging pot looking for evidence. And Joe's handlers were in Kyiv trying to shut things down.
For example:
A few months earlier, in November 2019, the article below this appeared in the same newspaper. It's a masterpiece in self-incrimination and pointing fingers. Some of this would ultimately become the foundation for setting up Trump's impeachment. It's crazy how involved Ukraine was in US politics. It is the corruption and money laundering of state-owned money that brought the two countries into ongoing collusion. This, of course, continues to the present day:
As you can see, there's plenty of evidence to bring charges in the US, if the DOJ were not so mired in corruption itself. Members of the Senate and House engage in this type of influence peddlng on a regular basis with their corporate Donors. The People have no political mechanism to engage in democratic action. The US population is trapped in a political delusion. An effort bring the Biden's or anyone else in government to some sort of justice seems like a pathetic and fruitless gesture. Too little, too late.
Wow, talk about corruption
It is no wonder Biden keeps sending billions to cover his tracks.
And how many have died in the process? F*ck US big time.
Guess that is what war is for after all.
question everything
It is
a racket, pure and simple, just as Smedley said.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
A lot of people here were doing it too
While we were researching the ins and outs of the Russia gate saga we covered people in the Obama administration that were involved in manufacturing evidence and also the people in Ukraine that were sending them lots of fake evidence and whatnots. This was well before Pelosi decided to impeach Trump and I thought that she was doing it to keep some damning information from getting out to the public. Lots of democrats and some republicans were involved there and in the weapons trade. A lot of the info escapes me just now and if I find time I’ll look to see what I said back then. Fiona Hill who testified against Trump was very involved before she became a witness. People in our embassy there were involved and I remember you naming lots of names. A Ukrainian American was sending information to democrats. Chapu…something. I could never remember her name.
Plus we covered the people in the intelligence agencies that had ties to people in other departments. Gah their names just flew out of my brain.
Bottom line is that Biden admitted to bribing someone in Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma and Hunter, while Trump asked questions about the Biden corruption. Only one has been impeached so far.
Wasn’t Zlochevsky the owner of Burisma? Or was it Yanukovych ? Or Zlochevsky?I really have trouble remembering foreign names. I do remember that Giuliani went to Ukraine and got a lot of evidence of what you wrote here. But why didn’t Trump do anything about it? Or was he stymied by people in his administration and intelligence agencies. Or Barr. Or did the impeachment put a stop to what he wanted to do? I thought that Trump would have blown the lid off the Russia gate scam once he got into office. One thing he could have done was to have the NSA show whether or not Russia hacked the DNC computers. Schiff was told by the Crowdstrike ceo that he saw no evidence that any information left the computers, but we were only told that just before the election by I think the head of the FBI. Oh yeah and Schiff perjured himself by reading false information into the congressional records. No charges against him or the two lovebirds Page and Strzoke who admitted to each other that they would do everything they could to keep him from winning the election.
Great extra information about the other players in this scheme. I’d think that if there is this much information about what Biden and son did that the republicans would be able to find it too. Hell since we’ve known a lot of the details before the impeachment I can’t think that it would be hard for republicans to find it too.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I posted these examples
...(and there are many more) to commiserate with the lament you posted about the fact that there is no justice for blatant corruption and criminal activity among top level politicians. In the case of Biden, there is not any need for a special investigator (to cover up the crimes and muddy the waters). The evidence and documents are all out there and already published.
You gave a great recap on what was discovered. It brought back many things I had forgotten. Her name was Chalupa. We pretty much worked together for several years getting ahead of this thing. The deceit of this nation and its government is vast and never-ending. I do pursue the truth about what it is and how it works to protect myself and others. But I will not waste a moment of my life trying to change it. That is truly a waste and a trap. The country is just fine, as it is. It serves as a living monument that reminds me (and the rest of the world) of the kind of leadership we don't want. In order for understanding to be assimilated and wisdom to evolve across all humanity, the US must be allowed to fail by its own hand in the swamp of chaos it has unleashed in the world..
They have. It was an excellent Republican journalist, John Soloman, who was the first to crack the Ukrainian corruption connection. He gathered all of the documents and published them. He talked to all the co-conspiriters in Ukraine and DC. He laid the foundation the corruption and stacked it sky high with damning documents and witness testimony. But, alas, even the Republicans are suppressed by the owners, overlords, and beneficiaries of the shell-democracy of the USG.
If Republicans were to expose the corruption in the system, would also be exposing themselves as accessories to high crimes. Political parties are on the lowest rung of the power ladder. They are civilians and temporary employees of this shell democracy. Veteran investigator-deciders like Mueller, Barr, and Dunham are the Praetorian Guards of the Deep State. Throughout much of their careers they have subverted investigations critical of government, sacrificing 'fall guys' for prosecution. President-appointed judiciary waits in line to take their places. Ultimately, core FBI, and unnamed special operations agents are the Catchers in the Rye for national security — ready to neutralize anything, or anyone who is just too inconvenient.
Remember this picture?
I'm pretty sure this image was the last post that Julian Assange made before he was arrested. When the right people get around to investigating what I have just said, and what it represents, there may be productive change in the Assange situation.
[edit = correct typo, add the following sentence : "In order for understanding to be assimilated and wisdom to evolve across all humanity, the US must be allowed to fail by its own hand in the swamp of chaos it has unleashed in the world."
John Soloman
Thanks. I couldn’t remember his name. I do remember reading his information on this and he did connect a lot of the dots between the people in Ukraine and who they gave information to. Nellie Ohr was another name I couldn’t come up with yesterday. I think she worked for the CIA while her husband worked for fusion gps. Maybe it was the other way around, but they were neck deep in passing fake info and stories about Trump and the people in his campaign. Remember one person who tried to pass on fake info about Russia met with the head of fusion before and after the meeting. Good golly there is so much stuff that we knew about and covered here years before the impeachment. We all did great work investigating the scam. We should have gotten a Pulitzer!
Reminds me of the Benghazi hearings that republicans pretended to interrogate Hillary about. They only focused on the security part of the event and asked why they didn’t provide more of it that led to Stevens and 4 others being killed. But they were not interested in finding out what they were doing at the Libyan Embassy which was giving weapons to the upcoming Syrian terrorists that were going to be used to overthrow Assad. And they weren’t the least bit interested in why Hillary used her foundation as a pay to play card. Got a problem with the US government? Give the foundation a few million and she will make it disappear. Or why she signed off on selling Russia our uranium and giving Bill $500k to give a speech to a Russian bank.
I should have figured that out when Fitzmas didn’t find information to hold Scooter Libby responsible for outing Valerie Plame. He said people kicked sand on home plate and he couldn’t see if the runner was out.
This site does great work getting to the nitty gritty on things. We were one of the first to show how Covid would be used to transfer money upwards while we peasants got peanuts.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I want to say...
this is an excellent comment and lays bare our injustice/lawfare system.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pssst.. It’s me again
I’m trying to find more information on this. It might have been done because the plea deal was rejected and Hunter is going to stand trial. Or it might be something more nefarious. Stay tuned, but if he skates on actual felony tax evasion then we are truly a banana republic. That’s if we haven’t been one all along.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not really a surprise!
Right after the East Palestine disaster
Congress was upset enough that they were going to crack down on railway unsafety. But enough time has passed and their steam wore off and the lobbyists started throwing their money and weight around and they started watering down the bill. Meanwhile there have been numerous other train derailments and I haven’t heard a peep about what congress is going to do.
I would think that it would be cheaper to pay for safety than have to clean up numerous disasters. But maybe they ain’t doing it. The corruption in this country is off the charts and people are finally waking up and seeing it. What can be done about it I don’t know, but awareness is a good start. I don’t see how voting for either Trump or Biden will change anything because both are just as corrupt as the rest of the government. Seriously the best they can do is offer a choice between those two? No wonder Russia and others are LOL-ING.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The Pentagon is unable to account as to where the weapons
supplied actually end up.
Seriously doubt that he weapons will be recovered and
decommissioned or destroyed.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
He could turn out to be right, but there is no reason to
suspect that he will. He is not driven by the same forces as people like Blementhal, Mate', Assange and the like. It is strictly a business proposition with him and I don't see where, truth, facts, credibility, and logic play any real role in his business model.
be well and have a good one
EDIT _ supposed to be a reply to Snoopydawg, above
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Two wrongs do not make a right
in any which way we evaluate.
I agree - show me a reasonable explanation
and perhaps it will be considered.
question everything
Good morning soe. How are the peaches and how long
ago did you plant the tree(s)? Wonder if they'd grow here and, more importantly, could we beat the critters to any of them.
Didn't set much at farmers' market today, we overshopped last week. We get everything we think we'll probably need for the week ahead and then things happen and we have a lot left over sometimees. My week to cook starts tomorrow and I only have 2 meals planned, I'm tentatively planning on just dreaming up stuff that uses what we have on hand.
I just got a new "hiking staff" delivered by UPS; one that collapses. For a while I had to use something and my old 55 inch home-brew one became a real PITA if we decided to go to a restaurant or such. (The plan, of course, is to never need or use it except for hiking, but ...) Of course, the TSA won't allow them on planes, but that's we expect from our government these days, so no surprise.
I saw J. Dore had a clip featuring yet another of Biden's breaks into incoherence, but I feel compelled to ask, even considering those events, is he even arguably less coherent than Kamala?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The peach tree was planted 5 years ago and
Fragrance of peaches has filled the house the last few day. Struck a memory cord of assisting my Mom canning fruit. I realized the produce section in the markets no longer smell of ripening fruit and vegetables. The fresh apples I bought this past year at a couple of markets this past year tasted like preservatives. Slicing and drying the fruit off the Transparent apple tree for future eating.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Another business call on a vacay day.
I will compliment my secretary for giving me a heads up on a difficult retrieval of kids who are in another state. She really cares about my clients, worries the mom/ex-wife will disappear with the kids. I am sitting out on the balcony, seeing the occasional dolphin, making the plan to get a writ of attachment for the Kansas police to help place the kids with their Dad.
I will retire one day...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No rest for the weary
Good on you to get away for awhile anyway.
Still trying to figure out how to retire.
Still at 7 (shorter) days a week here.
what it is it about those cows?
question everything
I think it will be very hard
We absolutely love this Gulf Shores condo. Hate to leave it, but home is calling.
I feel your 7 day work week. It just never ends, does it?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In some strange way
I wish upon a star that it will find a happy ending,
then there is the realization that was a hollyweird
explanation of how life is supposed to be.
Good luck!
question everything
My retirement plan
is “die at my desk”. My life goal, on the other hand, is “die on my deck in my tux with a drink in my hand”.
“Die peacefully in my sleep of natural causes” has never been on my radar. Ever. Certainly not since I was 9 years old, anyway. I don’t even know how that would feel.,.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I want to die like my grandmother, peacefully in my sleep...
...not screaming and yelling like the passengers in her car.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We took a look
at the weather forecast back home that extended to September 3rd, highs in the 100s daily, 2 days with low percentage chance of rain. The grass is burned, cattlemen are already having to feed their herds. I have no memory of this happening in my lifetime.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Enjoyed Doug Valentine's interview
...and also Ray and Larry Johnson with the Judge. I read the first review of Doug's book at one of the Phoenix Program book web sites. It was rather long, very detailed, and appalling.
It reminded me of a lot of things I learned about war in SE Asia when I was young, both from study, because I didn't want to go and needed to defend my position with adults that thought they knew better, knowing veterans over the years who had deployed to Vietnam, and my own experience alone in military libraries looking at studies. Later, I met even more friends and acquaintances I came to know fairly well who were soldiers there. The thing that comes to mind most I think I got from one of the Vietnam books, was that barely anyone in the US could even read or speak Vietnamese during the conflict. The language and cultural barrier is enormous. It's easy to delude onself that one's own national view of what is going on in another country is correct basically because one rarely hears anyone contradict it.
I knew one special forces nco very well, who told me he worked in the Phoenix program and couldn't really understand Vietnamese even though he had received some minimal language training from the military. He acknowledged that he participated in interrogations of suspected "Viet Cong" with ARVN soldiers. How could you if you didn't speak the language? Did it matter? He told me he could understand from the body language, which was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I met another former junior Army officer, middle aged when I met him, who wrote a book about his unit's experience in Vietnam. Again, in the book he revealed that he rarely understood what was going on around him, and that his minimal language training was basically useless as a tactical matter. As a result of not being able to read some of the "signs" or "indicators" of potential threats, his unit was ambushed and suffered losses. One of the signs he learned to read was that among the among the ARVN there was no commitment to stand and fight. Therefore, when their location in the battle zone became unclear or they had suddenly disappeared, it was an indicator an attack was imminent. I don't say this to disparage anyone. I quite understand why any Vietnamese wouldn't want to give their life for the futile cause of an occupying foreign power. In basic I met an Army helo pilot, who admitted that detained Vietnamese had been thrown out of his aircraft in midflight.
I read Hotel Tacloban a few weeks ago in a couple of days, it's not that long. It was one of the most authentic POW stories I've encountered. I think Valentine's description of the ideological discipline enforcement in military/intelligence work was exactly right. I think it was the most accurate description of it that I've encountered. It's not really just confined to those institutions but applied across the board in government institutions. Really a worthwhile video. Thanks @studentofearth
I put this link to the official statement from the white house about the Camp David show because it's an example of official US imperial ideology. I doubt if either Japan or South Korea are onboard with the whole thing, because it is mostly about US foreign policy interests rather than theirs although the right wing LDP government likely shares more of these goals, at least nominally. The Joint Statement is overstated, overreaching, and overextended. Yoon is just being taken for a ride.
The Spirit of Camp David: Joint Statement of Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States
語必忠信 行必正直
Having glanced at the joint statement I find this to be ironic.
Ironic is one word for this
I can think of many other words in response to this. But seriously just how effing idiotic can the neocons running this shitshow be? China would be ignoring Taiwan right now if it wasn’t for the shit heads in government started minding their own gd business. Maybe they can switch their attention to the rot that is happening in their own country. I’m sure that the Chinese are reacting the same way I am. With utter disgust.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not a Reuters fan
I think Snoopydog is right. It's the US that disturbed the status quo with respect to China and Taiwan. The US simply abandoned the previous US one China policy adopted in the three communiques. The current US policy "gunboat approach" is very 19th Century, which makes the US-Japanese "tri-lateral" approach very provocative to China as well.
It wasn't that long ago that Abe's brother, former Defense Minister Kishi, visited Taiwan and pledged Japanese support against any Chinese "aggression." PM Kishida tried to keep him on, but the Moonie problem didn't allow it. The Japanese attitude and approach is also affected by the prior colonial relationship with Taiwan and other parts of the former Japanese Empire (including Korea). For these reasons a nine ship joint Russian Chinese fleet has been operating around Japan recently.
Americans just can't live with ambiguity. "Yur wit us or agin us." So the unique formula adopted by Nixon and Kissinger was just too restrictive for the expansionist footprint of the US. which is labelled as "containment" of Chinese aggression. The whole approach is destabilizing, which accelerates the diversion of public resources to the US war sector.
I don't think the US trilateral approach will go very far with ASEAN, with the exception of the Philippines.
China-Philippines dispute could escalate into superpower conflict, say analysts
Helen Davidson
Another resupply mission eyed for PH troops in Ayungin Shoal
By Priam Nepomuceno, August 8, 2023, 1:58 pm
The residents of Pag-asa: Life on a disputed island
MAY 18, 2015
語必忠信 行必正直
A lawyer pal of mine served in nam.
Makes me want to disband the military, but that is just me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Excellent observation
Sometimes there is an issue of whether a war veteran has ptsd (survival guilt) or just a terrible case of guilt period for some awful act(s) they committed themselves.
Occasionally this is a moral or ethical dimension to pstd stressors. I don't consider murder, torture, etc of civilian detainees or POWs in violation of the Geneva conventions valid stressors. I'm also not a big fan of the so called "unlawful combatants" argument as a legal matter, without essential due process. I mostly consider the Cheney argument for going over to the "dark side" and the John Yoo type of legal rationalizations disgraceful. Some of these legal practices during the "war on terror" disgusted me.
Thanks for your response OTC.
語必忠信 行必正直
Soryang, you may want to take a look
....at this link:
Camp David "Summit" Results Mirror Biden's Dementia
The author, Karl Sanchez, is a particularly astute commenter at MOA (as Karlof1). He began his own substack where he discusses the strange Camp David Summit. His analysis of open-source intelligence is very, very good.
Go to the link to see China's response.
Thanks for link
I agree with the Global Times article on the economic issues. I think South Korea had an existing positive relationship with ASEAN at least economically. There are issues, but they weren't of the anti-China variety, they were more cultural in nature of a business climate nature. I think Japan is less of a victim in this situation than South Korea, although I'm sure they'd prefer to maintain as much of their existing trade with China as possible. The problem is that I'm sure that the LDP which consistently rules Japan, does want to militarize more, and does want Taiwan securely in its orbit. This really isn't an issue for South Korea. Although they have foolishly placed themselves in the position of being dragged by the US into Taiwan and South China Sea issues with China, that has zero upside for them.
I know Tim Shorrock feels the Japanese people in general are being dragged into this by the US, and that's true. But they are really being dragged into it, by an unresponsive political system that doesn't share their goals. Japan is a one party state ruled by oligarchs.
On the other hand, South Korea is not a one party state and this history making Camp David arrangement won't outlast Yoon. That means the relationship between Japan and South Korea remains unstable. So nothing is locked in, and the US will be very busy after Yoon is gone, trying to maintain alliance discipline. This is why Yoon has to get rid of democratic opposition leader Lee Jae-myung with fabricated criminal charges and investigations. There are four investigations, over a hundred thousand pages of documents, over three hundred warrants, and they have nothing beyond mere accusations leaked to conservative media. Lee obviously wants better relations with China, and considers current issues with Japan completely unresolved.
I don't necessarily agree with the blog authors view of the US being able to dictate terms to South Korea, because of the military "occupation." The US forces in South Korea have been stripped down, and the joint exercises can be stopped again, if South Korea chooses by electing a new government. US forces in South Korea are only a tripwire. That's why they've been floating this idea of Japanese armed forces as playing some offensive role in Korea which is simply absurd in political and historical terms. They are the rear logistics base for USFK, that's it, that's all they'll ever be or they will get nuked by North Korea.
語必忠信 行必正直
Taking censorship to a whole new level
Ordinary budget suckers and turncoats. Well said. But how cowardly is that? Will they take down MoA like they have SF and google has for the many excellent journalists trying to expose the truth in this world of propaganda? I’m sure that the shitlibs are cheering another round of censorship in this land of the free!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I had not heard of SF before.
Censoring of a site is a good indicator it was truth telling.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hopefully this causes a Streisand effect
And once the word gets out more people will go to their new site. I go there a few times a week and I see news on events that other media doesn’t cover. Especially if a story that hasn’t gotten much attention on yet. They are usually on the ball to verify things.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I visited the site somewhat regularly but it was not high on my
list of trusted sources. They also had an annoying habit of constantly begging for money. That said I deplore the fact that they were taken down by TPTB.
Since I am not there there are 2 versions of the event you can
decide which is more likely close to the truth.
GEROMAN -- time will tell - --@GeromanAT
A couple of responses.
Ritter is correct
The theater was being used for a drone exhibit and event. They actually advertised for it and invited people to come sell it. I saw mention of this on MoA. There used to be a law against the government lying to us at this scale, but Obama the shit head revoked it in one of the unconstitutional NDAA. Of course I wasn’t around for the massive propaganda campaign during WW 1. I did read about it and how bad it was for WW2. I posted an article about how FDR provoked Japan into attacking us last week. I didn’t know that we blocked them from using the Panama Canal. And of course he moved the newest ships out of Pearl Harbor and then watched them coming across the sea to attack it. Y’all still certain that 9/11 wasn’t a false flag attack to give the neocons cover for attacking Iran? Rumsfeld actually hoped for another Pearl Harbor.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.