"Engage the rage"
The Sanders campaign has a new member...and he is a heavy hitter....William K. Black
Banking Expert Who Exposed Savings & Loan Corruption Joins Sanders Campaign
Among others, Black exposed the Keating Five, a group of five senators involved in doing favors for savings and loans in exchange for contributions. Charles Keating, the chairman of Lincoln Savings & Loan was deeply involved. Sen. John McCain was one of those senators Black exposed. He, along with the rest of the senators, was reprimanded but otherwise unpunished.
In 2008, Black traveled to Iceland to help train and assist prosecutor and financial regulators. And although Iceland’s Prime Minister was discovered to be involved in tax havens via the Panama Papers, Black is hopeful that the small island country’s example can inspire Americans. After Icelanders took to the streets to protest, the prime minister resigned. Black expressed admiration for them.
“They know how to engage the rage. Sure it has one city and one capital — it’s easier. But the fundamental point is that they don’t put up with it.”
I read that this morning on top
Just after it was posted. I stayed up till 3am commenting in it.
My comment has over 240 recs.
I wrote that Hillary has industry insiders and other financial people in her campaign now while Obama waited until he was elected before he threw away the people who helped him get elected and then installed the same people who crashed the global economy and were in Clinton's administration when he deregulated the banks.
Her supporters are the same people who think Obama is the best president evah?
OWS tried to engage the rage, but were brutally taken down by Obama's DHS.
Oh and I don't know if people saw teacherken's diary about how Krugman said that Bernie was wrong about the banks being to big or something about it was the shadow banking that took Lehman brothers down, but huffpo had an article showing Krugman saying the same thing as Bernie did.
Ken's title was deliberately written to piss off Bernie supporters. My how some the people over there have given up any sense of dignity.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It is disapointing to hear that about
It's like they don't know that once it is on the Internet it is there FOREVER....
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First Nations News
Another piece by Black himself
I skimmed it...
and have bookmarked it to read more later.. (my eyes are hurting tonight).... I didn't know that Black was a criminologist... that could come in handy, eh?
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First Nations News
Oh, great. Now I have an image of Bill & Hillary as Brad & Janet
in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, with Bill Black as the criminologist.
We saw Michael Moore's new movie
"Where to Invade Next", last night. There was a segment in it from Iceland, talking with the prosecutor that put away the bankers there, and how he got the idea from William K. Black.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
We should have done like
We should have done like Iceland and tried and threw the bums in Jail, but alas, here in the Corporate States of Oligarchia, Money gets all it wants and the poor are stuck out to dry or fry.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
William K Black
would make a great secretary of the Treasury.