07/15 OT: Capitalism and Economics
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 5:00amAndrew Yang is sooo... close, yet missed the mark.
Submitted by PriceRip on Wed, 03/11/2020 - 7:58pmClose but no Cigar. (As usual the link will open in a new window.)
Why is it so very difficult to get people to understand the obvious? Universal Basic Income (UBI) doesn't even come close to addressing the systemic issue.

Cost of Thriving
Submitted by PriceRip on Sun, 03/01/2020 - 3:13pmRemember the american dream was to not just get by, but to actually live better and have a bright future.
The Cost-of-Thriving Index: Reevaluating the Prosperity of the American Family, by Oren Cass, executive director of American Compass is a good read. Okay, "good read" in that it provides a way to objectively quantify why the American Dream is becoming A Nightmare on Elm Street for so many people.
A recession is coming
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sun, 02/16/2020 - 4:27pmThere is no doubt that the economy is slowing.
The leading economic index fell in December, marking the fourth decline in five months.
Capitalism is Not the Problem
Submitted by PriceRip on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 3:53pmI have seen some "let's kill capitalism" sentiment expressed of late. Capitalism is not the problem, nor is any other economic 'ism inherently better. The key to "better" is in the implementation details.
Economists want to think of themselves as being a part of the "hard sciences" because Reasons. After-all they award a Nobel Prize in Economics, don't they.
Outside the Asylum
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 5:38am

Come outside.
Wednesday Open Thread: Haile Selassie on Racism and Economics10-04-1963
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Wed, 02/27/2019 - 5:00am
It's Day 58 of the Year 2019 CE, meaning that it's February 27, 2019
Talking Turkey
Submitted by gjohnsit on Tue, 08/14/2018 - 3:46pmBy now you've probably heard that Turkey is having a financial crisis, and Trump appears to be pouring gasoline on it.
But you may not understand what is happening, or you may not know why it's important.
So let's do a quick recap.
Economists have no idea how capitalism works
Submitted by gjohnsit on Fri, 07/06/2018 - 11:23pmThe experts have been asking these exact same questions for at least five years, maybe longer.
At a certain point any unbiased critique would have to conclude that the experts either don't care what the answer is (in which case they aren't experts at all), or they are completely incompetent (in which case they aren't experts at all).