Open Thread WE 12 JUL 23 ~ The glorious twelfth

A Celebration of the Irish Protestants
“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.”

The Twelfth came out of the commemoration of the Battle of Aughrim,
which took place on July 12, 1691. Prince William of Orange and James II of England and Ireland, who was also known as King James VII of Scotland duked it out.
King James was the last Catholic King of England.
Religion, war and politics anyone?


1700 Gelderland accepts Gregorian calendar; yesterday is June 30, 1700
-- And you thought DST was confusing.

1804 Former United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton dies after being shot in a pistol duel the previous day by Vice President Aaron Burr

1843 Mormon leader Joseph Smith says God allows polygamy

1917 The Bisbee Deportation occurs as vigilantes kidnap and deport nearly 1,300 striking miners and others from Bisbee, Arizona

1933 Congress passes 1st minimum wage law (33 cents per hour)

1960 USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs
-- are dogs as smart as pigs? Just askin'


In other news, apparently NATO is going to tell Exlinsky to take a hike.
While he threatens, blames, snorts, lies and generally acts like a clown -
the puppets in the room will only pull their punches a wee bit. Like,
sorry kid. Whatever dirt you have on us is about enough to bury you.
The sorry assed excuses they use - no more money and bullets left.
And, BTW, Blackrock owns your broken land now.


What's on your mind today?
Call it like you see it.
Tell it like it is.

11 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

Off on a music trip today. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making noise.

The NATOstan meeting is a clown world in and of itself. Defense organization my ass. It is a war machine...that is out of bullets. Sad state of affairs.

Well, thanks for the OT and see you next week!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Sounds like a good time. Caught this from the Cradle.

US loots new batch of Syrian oil, reinforces bases in occupied Hasakah

In August of last year, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the losses incurred by the country’s oil and gas sector due to Washington's illegal occupation amounted to $107 billion since 2011.

Using the military to pirate sovereign nations' energy supplies is not a good look.
Who says war is not a racket?

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

QMS's picture

The Blob Begins to Quiver

A long list of public figures populating the Blob await a reckoning: Hillary and Bill Clinton and their retainers, Barack Obama and retinue, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Christopher Wray (plus Rosenstein, Strzok, McCabe, Carlin, Ohr, Mueller, Weissmann, Horowitz, Atkinson, Ciaramella, Vindman), Rep. Adam Schiff, Senator Mark Warner, William Barr, Avril Haines, Marie Yovanovitch, William Burns, James Boasberg, Marc Elias, Michael Bromwich, David Laufman, Alejandro Mayorkas, Xavier Baccerra, Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Lloyd Austin. Mark Milley, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Ron Klain, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney… the list goes way on, but there’s a start.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

QMS's picture

‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’

about 14 minutes

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

No doubt that this will get wall to wall coverage in the nightly news. /S

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


thanks for the truth about NATO. In all 3 categories exposed as lies, the summation of
dissolving the US puppet NATO is key. Hopefully, before they blow up the world.

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


"It’s high Time to dissolve this murderous organization!"

Amen to that. Just today I saw someone saying that NATO is a defensive organization and it got lots of likes. So many people are brainwashed by the PTB that I don’t think America will ever throw off the propaganda shackles and see their military for what it actually is. Nor will they see how it has robbed them of a good life. Nor will those on the blue and red teams ever see that there is only one party in congress and that they both serve the same donors. I once thought that after the lies about certain things came out people would wake up and get pissed at how they had been lied to, but the truth about Russia gate came out 2 years ago with Mueller and much more so with Durham and still I’m seeing shitlibs believing what they did 3 years ago. All republicans serve Putin and only democrats are fighting to save democracy even though they have openly rigged the last 2 primaries in plain sight and have done so in the past.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey QMS,

What a weird word twelfth is. When I grew up that was when us kids were going to get everything. On the twelfth. The twelfth of never mom said. Smile

The Max Blumenthal is great, saw it a few days ago, hope everyone watches it. The Kunstler is good too.

Glad to hear you got Fireflies Q. There are some that are synchronous in the flashing. Others are not. Some species mimic the flashing of other species to prey on them (!). Clearly they use various types flashing for species identification themselves. One species is actually named Synchronus Firefly it so good at it.

A cbs Sunday Morn newspiece about them:

Hope all are well and no one is washing away or melting like me.

Have a great day!

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

QMS's picture


that's when kids grow up.
Very astute, yo mama!

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

with Google and Meta for years, congressional probe finds

The headline on the CNN news page:

Based on my experiences with my activity on the intertubes I believe this article and the underlying information is glossing over and hiding the extent of the surveillance of just about everyone who accesses web pages. The article says that:

Using visitor tracking technology embedded on their websites, the three tax-prep companies allegedly sent tens of millions of Americans’ personal information to the tech industry without consent or appropriate disclosures...

every taxpayer who used TaxAct’s IRS Free File service while the tracking was enabled would have had their information shared with the tech companies. Some of the tax-prep companies still do not know whether the data they shared continues to be held by the tech platforms, the report said...

The technology behind the data collection, known as a tracking pixel, is commonly used across the entire internet. A small snippet of code that website owners can insert onto their sites, tracking pixels gather information that can help companies, including but not limited to Meta and Google, understand the behavior or interests of website visitors.

This is where I would dispute the finding. I believe that this hook is not necessarily in the web page of the host site but in many cases is an interception of the communications between the user and the host site.

What I found is that some unknown agent had used the basic hook which is a "feature" of the chromium internet comm engine to direct ALL activity by the user and the resulting host response to a third party.

This is very similar to what a boss might use to oversee the activity of his employee or a teacher to oversee the activity of the students. BTW, just about every browser uses the chromium engine.

I think there is much, much more to this issue and it goes to the basic trust that people must have to really use the capability of the internet. The abyss is most definitely staring at and controlling us.

Be well all, please.

As an aside... I was working on an essay and had thought to use quotes from the Sinatra My Way piece.

Oh my, what a wonderful pedigree of that song and how it came to be and how it was the opposite of what Sinatra personified. And he even said that he didn't like it and it wasn't him. I agree with that...

Paul Anka was the force behind its adaptation of a french song.

In my estimation the internet is the greatest tech invention up to this point... and totally f'ed up by the ...

Oh, never mind... this too shall pass.

7 users have voted.

@exindy moments ago, my husband brought me my cell phone I had forgotten to bring to work. He mentioned shopping for an air compressor, said as a last resort, he would try Harbor Freight. Moments later, I received a phishing email from Harbor Freight something or other. I later offered my secretary some chicken tenders. She then received an email from a restaurant chain featuring an ad for chicken tenders.
If you want true privacy, get out into the fields or forest, far away from all electronics, including smart stoves, your vehicles, and so forth.
When my pal who worked a few years at the FBI told me all this was happening years ago, I didn't really grasp the reach.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

it's the new shopping convenience

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@on the cusp and I feel badly that it's nearing the end of a thread life. No excuse, just a whelming time.

For all of us.

Your clients chose well.

2 users have voted.

@exindy your life is not sitting in front of a computer ? Wow! /s
Glad you found the time to respond, and no hurries, no worries.
While you and I can't mention being hungry for chicken tenders without being traced and hammered with chicken tenders ads, 80% of the world's illegal drug use is here in the US.
Might we suppose drug dealers use Morse Code, or cans hooked up to a string?

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

Northern and Southern Ireland predates the whole protestant versus catholic feud. Historically, the Catholic ChurchTM has never been friendly to the Irish people or to the cause of Irish freedom, and generally always sided with the British.

I've often wondered if all the British Kings and the Roundheads had been catholics involved in purely dynastic feuding if a lot of Southern Irish would've perhaps become protestants in rebellion to the colonizers and oppressors and if perhaps many Northern Irish would have stayed Catholic to show their support for their masters.

It should be noted that the US government sent US Army troops to assist in the resettlement of the illegally kidnapped and deported victims of the Bisbee Deportation. Later that same government described the action as illegal and without any authority in any state or federal law, but nobody was ever tried for it, and the Supremes ruled in United States v. Wheeler (1920), that the Constitution, per se, doesn't give the Feds the authority to intervene in kidnappings and such. What a farce.

Thanks for the OT, btw. Nuthin' in particular on my mind, 'cept the first performance of "The Rolling Stones" under that name on 07-12-1962. No idea what they played, but probably Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley covers and such.

Found this:

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

at the government level. Years after, it is decided there were some illegalities
performed, but no one is held to account. It's no wonder law breaking is the
new, fun sport among the masses. Just following example.

thanks for popping in!

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

on the internet. If you know where to look.

Join us!

8 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

Here's an excerpt from the NATO Declarations posted at Vilnius:

Allies will continue to support and review Ukraine’s progress on interoperability as well as additional democratic and security sector reforms that are required. NATO Foreign Ministers will regularly assess progress through the adapted Annual National Programme. The Alliance will support Ukraine in making these reforms on its path towards future membership. We will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance when Allies agree and conditions are met.


Ahead of the start of the NATO Summit in Vilnius:
A Pre-Summit press conference was held.

Note the following question from the Ukraine News Agency:

Question for Jens Stoltenberg
from Iryna Somer, Interfax Ukraine News Agency:

"I have follow up question on Mindaugas, regarding the declaration. ....Can you tell us how far or how close Allies are regarding wording in the declaration regarding a possible membership for Ukraine, which also will be satisfactory for Kyiv? Thank you."


Answer: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:

"We will provide support to Ukraine for as long as it takes. Because unless Ukraine wins this war, there's no membership issue to be discussed at all."


Coverage and comment is from b. at MOA:

Ukraine's victory in the war, which is unachievable, is now a main condition for its admittance to NATO.

It wasn't what the Ukrainian government had wanted to hear.


Later, a release from Via (machine translation):

"Unprecedented and absurd." Zelensky criticized the allies for the lack of an invitation to NATO

13:59, Today — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky commented on Western leaders' plans not to include any specifics on Ukraine's NATO membership in a forthcoming statement.

“Now, on the way to Vilnius, we received signals that language without Ukraine is being discussed. And I want to emphasize that this wording is only by invitation, and not by Ukraine’s membership. It is unprecedented and absurd when there is no time frame for the invitation (! ), and for the membership of Ukraine; and when some strange wording about "conditions" is added even for inviting Ukraine ...

It seems that there is no readiness either to invite Ukraine to NATO or to make it a member of the Alliance. Consequently, there remains the possibility of bargaining Ukraine's membership in NATO - in negotiations with Russia. And for Russia, this means motivation to continue its terror. Uncertainty is weakness. And I will frankly discuss this at the summit," Zelensky wrote.


More from MOA:

Well. The little comedian seems disappointed. As if the whole play had not been obvious from the very beginning. Since 2008 the Ukraine was to be used as a tool to nag Russia. It is otherwise of little value. It will end up as a discarded rag while NATO will, in the end, again recognize the Russian Federation as the super power that that it is. NATO will have to relearn to listen to and negotiate with it.

Now lets wait and see what NATO's climb down will do to the morale and motivations of the Ukrainian army and people.

6 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

like a school child, demanding his way?
No, bitter child. The world does not turn on
your wishes. After all, you have sold-out and
destroyed your country. Why should we listen
to you? This may be obvious to objective observers.

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

usefewersyllables's picture


concerns who will finally frag him? Will it be the Russians, his own people or us?

He's put a lot of work into salting away a few billion dollars that he has to know full well he'll never live to spend. He can't have shoved it all up his nose yet...

5 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture


they are so embedded that if the call comes in tomorrow
it is a done deal. Exlensky should know this, but he will try
to blackmail the wrong people to prove his importance.
Another wrong move, among many. Clown gets clobbered.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Should Ukraine Join NATO? Don't Kid Yourself: It Already Has

As NATO members gather in Lithuania this week with traditional Eastern European fanfare, the chief focus of their deliberations is whether to extend formal membership to Ukraine amid the ongoing war. But the question of whether Ukraine officially joins NATO may have turned into something of a red herring. The truth is Ukraine has already been unofficially incorporated into NATO. As University of Chicago international relations professor Paul Poast, a passionate advocate for NATO's swift admittance of Ukraine, aptly put it, "NATO has already expanded into the war zone. The allies should just acknowledge that reality."

A year and a half into the war, it can hardly be denied that NATO forces have gained substantially more than the mere "foothold" in Ukraine that Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed to have launched his invasion of Ukraine to preempt. With the U.S. effectively assuming financial, material, political, strategic, and operational dominion over Ukrainian state warfare, the "foothold" has turned into a heavily-fortified bridgehead. Rockets lobbed at Russian troop positions are ultimately the product of U.S. commanders "controlling every shot," as Ukrainian officials have occasionally acknowledged. A great deal of American engineering ingenuity is currently being harnessed to pulverize Russians.

But as Putin is keenly aware, much of this U.S. and NATO "infrastructure" had been well-established long before any invasion was launched. For example, exactly two years earlier to the day of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, on February 24, 2020, the nascent government of Volodmyr Zelensky decreed what was hailed as being Ukraine's first "comprehensive and systematic" framework to achieve "the full Euro-Atlantic integration of the state" with particular emphasis on "deepening cooperation with NATO." Almost exactly one year before that, in February 2019, an amendment to the Ukrainian Constitution was passed proclaiming that it was a non-negotiable national priority for Ukraine to pursue "full-fledged" NATO membership at the earliest possible opportunity.

By June of 2019, Ukraine received an unusual prize: certification for one of its more seasoned Special Forces units to join the "NATO Response Force," a specialized "rapid deployment" alliance formation which had been nurtured to life in 2002 by the famously foresighted Donald Rumsfeld. The summer before the invasion started, U.S. and Ukraine special forces convened their largest-ever joint "multinational maritime exercise" in the Black Sea.
The Biden Administration's latest move to supply Ukraine with primitively indiscriminate cluster munitions is just one especially crude manifestation of this logic.

Which gets to one last proposition the Summit-goers might deliberate: How many more thousands of corpses need to pile up for proponents of this war-expanding logic to consider a course-correction?

It’s estimated that 200,000 to 350,000 Ukrainians have been killed since February 2022 and that Ukraine has lost more than $12 trillion in valuable resources that are now controlled by Russia. And anything left will be taken by blackrock and their cronies while absolutely crushing austerity measures will be implemented against the remaining population.


That’s exactly right. NATO has lost this war. Biden has lost this war. The lunatic Democrats have lost this war. The uni-party warmongers have lost this war. The EU has lost this war. Ukraine and Zelensky have lost this war. Russia wins and rightfully so because everything that happened in Ukraine was a fraud against the Ukrainian people perpetrated by a failing US empire in its final stand against a rising multipolar world. Zelenskyy was never a leader who did what’s best for his people. He will be remembered as a US puppet and actor for foreign interests. 350,000 Ukrainians dead because of him and his puppet masters in the US. He lost $12.7 trillion worth of land and resources to Russia because he did not sign the reasonable peace agreement that Russia had proposed to him.

The Ukraine people didn’t want a war with Russia and they elected Zelensky because he said that he would make peace and we all know what happened when he tried to do it. They shouldn’t feel bad that they believed the lies since many Americans believed the things Obama ran on. We don’t want eternal war, but no matter who we elect we still get it. And we can thank Obama and the shitlibs for killing anything left of the anti war movement. Every time I tried getting people to wake the fck up I got shot down because they said Obama’s got this! Still can’t get over when I protested the use of drones and was told that they saved soldier’s lives.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

enhydra lutris's picture


With the U.S. effectively assuming financial, material, political, strategic, and operational dominion over Ukrainian state warfare, the "foothold" has turned into a heavily-fortified bridgehead.

be well and have a good one

1 user has voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

@enhydra lutris

since you’ve made your point so clearly…. Seems there is a lot more to the essay than what you quoted that you disagree with.

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg I Will read it tomorrow.It is late enough that I do not have enough time to glean through all the errors in you linked article.
Can't imagine picking through it to argue.
El can.
Time is on his side.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture


and the US is clearly its leader. NZ is dependent on alliances with both the US and China. It will be interesting to see what happens here with the upcoming election and the direction the country takes. For most of its life it assumed a role of neutrality and peace-making. Not so much anymore. As difficult as it is I hope the country can sustain enough of its independence and survive the US and China.

On dancing with NATO on Defence

Isn’t NATO mainly a Cold War military club based in Europe, with Russia being its main item of business? Yes, and no. NATO still does see itself as the main bulwark against Russian imperial aggression in Europe, and it continues to be a vital conduit of arms and aid to Ukraine. Yet increasingly, the US is pulling all the threads of its various global and regional alliances together, to create a more unified front against Russia and China. To that end, Japan looms ever larger in NATO’s forward planning in our particular region.

Not only has Japan been a huge donor ($7.1 billion and counting) to Ukraine since the war began. It is also central to NATO’s strategic confrontation with China.

“…NATO member states commit to weapon deliveries to Ukraine over a longer period of time,” says Council on Foreign Relations fellow Liana Fix. “The idea is to make this long-term and more formalized. It could be something like three to five years, not just in the next three to five months.”

But NATO and Japan are offering each other cyber advances in spades. Who knew that in 2021, Japan and NATO held the world’s largest cyber defence war game? Who knew that NATO operates a Cyber Co-operation Centre in Estonia, to which it has stationed its designated experts in cyber defence and offence?

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

neutrality when it comes to war. And to see how many countries are okay with Germany and Japan building up their militaries again after they both signed treaties not to.

NATO still does see itself as the main bulwark against Russian imperial aggression in Europe,

Weird how after 80 years Russia hasn’t done anything against Europe except to sell them gas at a low price. NATO’s goal are to keep Germany down and to keep Russia out of Europe and America on top as the global predator. NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR broke up, but instead it gave itself permission to start wars anywhere it wanted to. Joe's quote tonight is spot on. America only stops wars when it wants to start another one. Didn’t Biden say that he would stop America’s forever wars after he left Afghanistan?

Good luck with your election. I hope someone decent gets elected!

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

janis b's picture


And to see how many countries are okay with Germany and Japan building up their militaries again after they both signed treaties not to.

It makes me think about how, out of necessity (after devastating wars), a country can excel at innovation, and then how quickly they decline again.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

by America’s military and doesn’t give a fck how many people want them to go home and leave them in peace. The environmental damage that our bases cause in Japan have been well documented not to mention what our troops get away with doing. Oh well if the dollar ever falls from its heights one day those soldiers who are occupying over 800 foreign bases will have to come home and it can’t happen soon enough for me. Too bad that it will be too late to save America.

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@janis b

The article explains the situation.

Due to its location trade with China is important but it is overwhemled buy US pressure to stay in line.

Just like the change of government control in Australia there will be no perceptible change in policy.


NATO is simply an appendage of US foreign policy and its members have no actual say in its workings.

3 users have voted.
janis b's picture


is that for decades they could mostly still perform a more neutral role.

3 users have voted.

the allegiance would lie.

@janis b

Oh one can only wish to be free from US imperialism and return to more saner days.

3 users have voted.
janis b's picture


is what america seems to do best.

3 users have voted.

2 users have voted.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi arrived in Nairobi on Wednesday to a red-carpet welcome from his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto, as he began a three-nation tour of East Africa.

The visit is intended to foster “closer interaction with African countries,” to “diversify Iran’s export destinations,” and to “create more grounds for political and commercial cooperation,” according to the Iranian foreign ministry.

Raisi’s mission to Africa comes more than a decade after former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Benin, Niger, and Ghana in 2013.

The president will also visit Uganda and Zimbabwe, on a trip that Tehran has described as a “new beginning” in relations with the continent, which it referred to as a “land of opportunities” and “fortune.”

A mere coincidence. HAH!

Violent clashes between Kenyan police and anti-government protesters have resulted in the killing of six people in the East African country, Associated Press reported on Wednesday, citing a law-enforcement official.

Earlier, the Nairobi-based outlet K24 said a man died as a result of a police gunshot in the town of Emali during a second round of rallies called by opposition leader Raila Odinga in response to a slew of tax hikes. That incident prompted angry residents to set a police van on fire and destroy other properties, it stated.

Three protesters were killed in Mlolongo city, two in Kitengela town near Nairobi, and one in Emali, on a highway to the port city of Mombasa, according to an unnamed police officer who spoke to AP. More than ten others are said to have been hospitalized.

Hundreds of protesters reportedly barricaded a key highway connecting the capital Nairobi to Mombasa, disrupting vehicular movement on Wednesday.

The CIA and the NCOs have been quite busy world wide.

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janis b's picture


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