Bedone with it

The nonstop narrative streaming at us from the MSM regarding the supposed mutiny in Russia is something to behold. The news presenters are giddy with excitement that another successful regime change is about to be accomplished by our leaders.
I guess the failed counter-offensive of the Ukrainian forces are about to be memory-holed.
I watch and read the MSM every day, mostly in an effort to determine what narrative they want all of us to believe, and then I go to Alt-news sites worldwide to decipher what is really going on.
It's not hard at all to see through the lies.
And I'm convinced TPTB know that we know we're being lied to, but they don't give a crap anymore. Because we are powerless to stop them.
Can you imagine a PMC like Blackwater 8000 strong marching on DC? Nah, me neither.
Would those same news presenters be just as giddy reporting that? I think not.
Keeping us at each others throats with right/left, liberal/conservative, red state/blue state insulates TPTB from us by civil war.
There has to be a civil war before we can get to them, and by then, they will be long gone with whatever gold and silver they have amassed leaving America as a looted shell of a country.
But if they poke the Bear into a corner, we will all lose, including TPTB.
I'm not sure they understand this.
The thread is open.

Woke up "not dead"
again this morning, which I regard as being more miraculous every day. That was the high point of my day, and everything will slope downhill to a greater or lesser extent until my head hits the pillow again- assuming that they don't immanentize the eschaton before I get the chance.
Not the life I'd hoped for. But needs must, when the Devil drives...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Good to hear
you're still with us.
Good to know we're all still here among the living.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Good morning earthling1. Thanks for the OT. The crap from
the MSM concerning the failed revolt/coup attempt is really something to behold. They continue to push and amplify the narrative of a weak ineffectual Russia that launched an unprovoked attack on innocent little Ukraine in an attempt to conquer and amass territory out of imperialist greed which will soon disintegrate because democracy.
How much is pure propaganda and how much delusion and/or wishful thinking on the parts of which persons and factions remains something of a mystery. We are "led" by a coalition of dimwits and ideologues with perhaps a smattering of those who know but fear to speak up because they'll be tagged as fellow travelers or worse. There isn't much one can do but watch and wonder.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Now they are trying
to build a narrative of Russia blowing up their own nuclear power plant, contaminating Russian territory, irridating Russian speaking citizens.
For what reason is left a mystery.
Thanks for stopping by.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Link to the article referenced in most recent video with
Larry Johnson and Judge Napolitano
What didn’t happen in Russia Asia Time by Stephen Bryen June 27,2023
Reading it last night realized it connected information from other discussions and articles into a larger narrative. There still hope it will start a new cascade of events causing leadership change in Russia.
MORE U.S. Weapons for Ukraine = $500M / w Larry Johnson fmr CIA (22:39 min)
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Larry's analysis
is spot on. I'm very impressed. Thanks for posting this. The Bryen article is way off I think. This was Larry Johnson's best presentation on the Judge's program.
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for pointing that out [edited]
I am mystified by these repeated postings from Asia Times, which are deranged narratives from the most extreme of the Neocon think tanks. They are redolent with desperate lies, as any critical reader can see. I don't know what purpose these ravings serve.
For the record, I very much disagree with all of the speculation I've read, here and elsewhere, about Prigozhin's motives and/or the imaginary 'coup' planned for Russia — all of this is fantasy intrigue created out of absolutely nothing but mass confusion.
It is my view, based on my research of Prigozhin and the long and unusual relationship between Putin and Prigozhin from the early days of Putin's career — that this event is a series of human behaviors caused by human emotions and a mind shattered by the violent deaths of over half of the men he personally recruited and trained. Most, in a 48 hour period. As for the Wagners who accompanyied Prigozhin, they had only one thing on their minds. It is the one thing that they all obsess over — the pension they were promised for the rest of their lives, as 'free' men. They do not want this promise they risked their lives for to slip out of their hands.
As for Prigozhin's alleged collaboration with one of the many intelligence organizations mucking up this war — this narrative is a delusion inspired by the mountains of propaganda that has already been spewed everywhere we turn. This is not where truth can be found.
Human emotions; horrendous experiences. Start there.
My .02 cents.
[edited for clarity]
Seems appropriate for this thread . . . .
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
As long as there are still live Ukrainians we get more of this.
Got to keep the MIC happy!
After last Ukrainian is standing, it will be last Pole standing
People need to hear this!
And this.
RT has a essay on how some Ukrainian troops got caught
in mine field and while trying to rescue injured people others jumped on a mine and they themselves got injured. One guy looking for what he thought was a safe place jumped into a blast hole and got his leg blown off above the knee. That’s as far as I watched. I think the video should be shown to the world so people can understand how utterly horrific wars are and just maybe there would be a worldwide push for peace. Especially when there is no way that Ukraine will win.
Just what did that guy accomplish fighting for his country that Zelensky has already destroyed by killing off hundreds of thousands of men and selling it out to blackrock and others that will asset strip the country and put crushing austerity policies on everyone who remains there? And now Zelensky has made himself a dictator by canceling elections after he had already deleted opposition parties.
The plan to destabilize Russia has already failed and whatever Prigozhin tried to accomplish failed too and it’s obvious that the Russian military, politicians and the people are behind Putin all the way. The sanctions backfired on those who did them and Germany is now without cheap Russian gas and their industries are closing and moving elsewhere. Great job Brandon and your hateful Russia-phobes! Damn good job.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This isn't true but but I smiled anyway.
The MSM is simply doing it job.
With a little help from Russophobes like this.
Bullseye! Most people who are supporting Ukraine have no idea what they are supporting or know what led up to the war. But ask them if they think it would be okay for China to put nukes in Mexico after they overthrew the president and see what they say. But I have asked a lot of people just that and gotten blank looks. Good grief!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Propaganda is and can be fatal
Scott Ridder penned an article on how NATO trainers were so embedded with anti-Russian propaganda that they incorporated it into actually training of Ukrainian soldiers.
Here's how NATO trainers knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their deaths in this month's counteroffensive against Russia Western computer-assisted battle simulations should have predicted Kiev’s huge losses
So it seems modern armies engage in various simulations based on various types of inputs. In this way they can test out various strategies, problems, etc. But here is what the NATO planners did according to Scott--they basically used ideological/propaganda view on the incompetence of the Russian army. This view utterly infuses all of Western pundits, think tanks, military, etc.
The poor Ukrainian soldiers never stood a chance in the field.
Future Ad campaign
Wanted: single, fat, ugly men of any age for marriage opportunities with eastern European widows without male children. Most have a small patch of land that needs clearing and a job in town. Millions to choose from. No Russian speakers, please.
Inquire at Ukrainian embassy in your country.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I think our best bet is
to campaign against all of the pro-war candidates for next year's elections.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I had Joe Kent
a republican anti-war candidate running against a Democrat car repairshop owner.
She won in a red county. Pro war.
The Parties have flipped.
What the hell is going on with the American people?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The idea that such is our best bet is simply
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Oh, we'll be plenty horrified --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
politics has become an expensive horror show
scripted by directors without the slightest sense of irony
question everything
Putin has been unusually public
posing with his cabinet, short bellicose vid, posing with his two top military besties. Rather than reassuring it's like he is overdoing things. Must have shook him up quite a bit.
Sounds like the US figured what was up since Wednesday. I think they just top cell phones and those guys can't stop talking.
No immediate effects militarily. I read somewhere that Ukraine has gained back about 50 square miles total, over a thousand mile front that's not much.
Prigo made a vid early on, and in it he laid out Russia's reasons for taking the couple provinces a few years ago, the method of graft various generals used to milk money out of the 8 year low grade conflict, but best of all he explained how the invasion by Russia had no provocation, no reason to occur. They simply wanted more booty. It was a pretty convincing vid, and eventually most Russians will see it.
Wouldn't bet much on Prigo being around long.
Those who trust a con man will get conned.
Remember, Prigozhin IS a con man.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.