The Evening Blues - 5-9-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Guitar Crusher

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues singer and guitarist Guitar Crusher. Enjoy!

Guitar Crusher - Since My Baby Hit The Numbers

"The worst form of injustice is pretended justice."

-- Plato

News and Opinion

Australian MPs urge US ambassador to end extradition bid

A cross-party delegation of Australian parliamentarians pressed for an end to the pursuit of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, at a meeting with the US ambassador, Caroline Kennedy, in Canberra on Tuesday morning.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, one of the co-chairs of the Bring Julian Assange Home Parliamentary Group, said they were “grateful for this opportunity” to meet with Kennedy to raise “the widespread concern in Australia about the ongoing attempts by the US to extradite Mr Assange to America”.

“In particular we impressed upon the ambassador the broad concern in the Australian parliament for Mr Assange, which was echoed clearly by both the prime minister and opposition leader last week when they said this matter had gone on long enough.”

Wilkie was joined at the meeting by the other co-chairs of the group – Josh Wilson (Labor), Bridget Archer (Liberal) and David Shoebridge (Greens) – along with the Labor MP Julian Hill. Hill said the group “got a fair hearing and have again made clear that enough is enough and this needs a political resolution led by the United States”.

“We thank the ambassador for engaging directly, so she can convey the strength of the views right across the Australian parliament to Washington DC,” Hill said.

Ukraine trapped in narratives as Russian military system gears up

American imperialism demands new bloodbath in Ukraine

As the death toll surges in the Ukraine war, the United States is demanding a renewed military offensive by Kiev. The American ruling class is determined to fight to the last Ukrainian. To date, the NATO powers have sent over $150 billion in weapons and other aid to Ukraine, equal to three-quarters of Ukraine’s pre-war GDP. After earlier declaring they would not provide offensive equipment, the NATO powers have flooded the country with hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, as well as the most advanced missile systems in NATO’s arsenal.

Now, the imperialist powers are demanding that this weaponry be put to use in the hands of newly conscripted Ukrainian troops, many of them grabbed off the street, to be thrown at heavily fortified Russian positions. The US and NATO have precluded any negotiated settlement of the war, declaring that negotiation can only take place once their war aims are achieved. ... The Zelensky government is taking increasingly repressive measures as it dragoons tens of thousands of young men to their deaths. All anti-NATO political parties are banned in Ukraine, and any dissent from Kiev’s pro-war line is sharply punished. These actions have been covered up by the US media, which lyingly proclaims that the Zelensky government is fighting for “democracy.”

Reports published Sunday in the New York Times and Washington Post testify to the extent to which Washington is pressuring its client state in Kiev to launch the planned offensive. “Ukraine is feeling immense short-term pressures from its Western backers, as the United States and its allies treat the counteroffensive as a critical test of whether the weapons, training and ammunition they have rushed to the country in recent months can translate into significant gains,” declared the Times. Commenting on the plans for the offensive, the Post wrote, “The buildup ahead of the assault—the details of which remain secret—has left Ukrainian officials grappling with a difficult question: What outcome will be enough to impress the West, especially Washington?”

Here, the relationship of forces driving the offensive is stated plainly. “Washington,” that is, American imperialism, is directing the offensive. It is demanding an adequate return on its investment. How many Ukrainian youth will die to “impress the West, especially Washington”? The Biden administration, with its approval ratings plummeting, and with the war increasingly unpopular, is seeking to use what it can call a “breakthrough” in the Ukraine war to mobilize its political base in the affluent upper-middle class ahead of the upcoming presidential election. This social layer has been whipped into a pro-war frenzy, fueled by hysterical anti-Russian hatred. But having whipped up this militaristic hysteria, what will be the response of the United States to a potential failure of the offensive?

The Missiles at the Heart of the Ukraine War

This Is How To Start A War With Russia!

New Orwellian 'DISINFORMATION' Pentagon Agency

Chile: major blow to president as far right triumphs in key constitution vote

Chile’s far right has won an emphatic victory in a vote to select the committee that will rewrite its dictatorship-era constitution, after José Antonio Kast’s Republican party secured 22 of its 50 seats in a major blow to the progressive president Gabriel Boric.

Boric beat Kast, an ultra-conservative lawyer often compared to Brazil’s former leader Jair Bolsonaro, in the 2021 presidential election. But on Sunday night it was Kast who was celebrating after 35% of voters backed Republicanos, the extreme-right party he founded in 2019.

“This is an earthquake in Chilean politics,” the Chilean journalist Rocío Montes wrote in El País, noting how Chile’s left had secured only 17 places on the council, meaning it would be unable to veto rightwing changes. Another rightwing coalition won 11 seats.

Moves to rewrite Chile’s Pinochet-era constitution began in 2020, when nearly 80% of citizens voted to revamp the charter following huge street protests and unrest the previous year. However, a progressive new draft was rejected by a clear majority last September, forcing politicians to return to the drawing board and for a new constitutional council to be elected.

Political scientist Robert Funk said Sunday’s results meant the next draft of Chile’s constitution was likely to be more rightwing. ... If that happened, it was possible Chile’s left would boycott or actively campaign against the new draft and that voters might again reject it, as they did last year. “That’s what worries me more than anything else because that just means a continuation of uncertainty and tension and polarization,” Funk said.

Israel Kills 13, Including Women & Children, in Airstrikes Targeting Militant Leaders in Gaza

Should US get rid of debt ceiling altogether? Lawmakers consider it as crisis looms

In just a few weeks, the US may be unable to pay its bills. A divided Congress has still not reached an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, and time is running out to avoid a default. The treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, has warned that the government may be unable to cover its financial obligations as early as 1 June. And economists predict that a federal default would cause unemployment and interest rates to rise as the country’s GDP shrinks, wreaking havoc on Americans’ finances.

As Congress clashes, some lawmakers and economists have suggested a novel way to avoid future disputes over the debt ceiling: get rid of it entirely. Critics argue that the debt ceiling, created by Congress in 1917, has long since outlived its usefulness and has instead become a political weapon that could ultimately sink the US economy.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, the Democratic chair of the Senate budget committee, recently reintroduced a bill that would eliminate what he derides as “the bear trap in the bedroom that is the debt ceiling”. ... Economists echoed Whitehouse’s point at a Senate budget committee hearing on Thursday, suggesting that Congress should find a new way to handle the government’s borrowing limit.

Speaking to the Guardian after the hearing, Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, described the debt limit as “totally anachronistic”. Although the debt ceiling might have previously spurred bipartisan negotiations over government spending levels and priorities, the threat of default was much too high in the US’s current era of hyper-polarized politics, he argued. “It’s doing more harm than good,” Zandi said. “Twenty-five years ago, the debt limit may have resulted in some policy changes. I don’t think that’s the case any longer. It’s doing real damage, and we just need to get rid of it.”

Louisiana man wrongly convicted of rape released after 29 years in prison

A Louisiana man who served 29 years for a crime he did not commit has been released from prison after it was revealed in court that the victim had told the prosecutors in New Orleans for over two decades that the man was innocent, but she was repeatedly ignored.

Patrick Brown, 49, was sentenced to life without parole in December 1994 after he was accused of raping his six-year-old stepdaughter. But for over 20 years, the victim, named in court as LB, had told authorities that her stepfather was innocent and implicated another family member, named as LW, who had bragged about it around the time of the crime, according to filings and prosecutors notes from the time. ...

Over 29 years since the original trial, LB appeared in the same courtroom and sobbed as she spoke of how, since May 2002 when she was 14 years old, she had made repeated attempts to tell the court and the district attorney’s office that her stepfather had been wrongfully accused.

She said: “I’ve written over 100 letters … mailed them to the DA’s office. I’ve shown up unannounced to talk to someone and been turned around.” ...

Orleans parish, the county which covers most of New Orleans, has the highest per-capita rate of wrongful convictions in the United States. The jurisdiction has seen a line of so-called “tough on crime” prosecutors over the decades, associated with sustained allegations of racial bias and systemic misconduct.

the horse race

Jury finds Trump sexually abused, defamed writer E. Jean Carroll

the evening greens

44 Lawmakers 'Sound the Alarm' on Threat of LNG Expansion

More than 40 U.S. lawmakers signed a letter Monday to "sound the alarm" on the recent expansion of liquefied natural gas infrastructure and capacity and call on the Biden administration to give "greater scrutiny" to the LNG supply chain from wellhead to shipping overseas.

The legislators letter to Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair Brenda Mallory comes amidst an uptick in LNG exports from the U.S. to Europe in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Climate campaigners have warned that fossil fuel companies have used the war and subsequent energy crisis as an excuse to lock in more LNG infrastructure that could push the 1.5°C temperature goal out of reach and hasten more extreme climate impacts.

"Our ability to combat the worst impacts of the climate crisis depends, to a significant degree, on whether the United States approves proposed LNG pipeline and export terminal projects on top of the already-substantial LNG infrastructure," the lawmakers wrote in the letter.

The CEQ is currently finalizing its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Climate Change, which would advise federal agencies on how to assess proposed infrastructure projects' contribution to the climate crisis, The Washington Post explained. The administration of former President Donald Trump issued a rollback in 2020 mandating that federal agencies considering projects under NEPA should not take their "indirect" climate impacts into account.

While the Biden administration has already reversed this rule, it is now working on more detailed instructions. The lawmakers want to make sure these updated instructions consider LNG's true impact both on the climate and on frontline communities.

Frogs in Puerto Rico croak at a higher pitch due to global heating

Frogs in Puerto Rico are croaking at a higher pitch due to global heating, scientists have found. The frogs appear to be decreasing in size at warmer temperatures, which causes their croaks to become high pitched. If the trends continue, the heat could become too much for the sensitive amphibians to survive successfully, researchers have said. ...

Peter Narins of the University of California, Los Angeles, has been studying their croaks for 23 years. While recording the sounds along the slopes of El Yunque mountain in Puerto Rico, he and his team found that the calls changed depending on the altitude of the frogs.

Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in temperature, and the higher on the mountains they were, the cooler it was. The frogs on the mountain peaks, therefore, were found to be larger than ones sitting in warm valleys, and this meant their call was different. ...

Two decades after first recording their sound, Nairns returned to the mountains with a colleague, Sebastiaan Meenderink. The pair found that every frog call, no matter where it was on the mountain, had become higher pitched.

“In order to record a call with certain characteristics we had to move to a slightly higher altitude,” said Meenderink. “It was as if all the animals had moved up the mountain.” The scientists are concerned that the frogs will keep crawling up the mountain to escape higher temperatures at the bottom, but they will eventually run out of room.

Vietnam records highest ever temperature of 44.1C

Vietnam has reported a record-high temperature of 44.1C (111.38F), as weather experts and authorities told the population to remain indoors during the hottest parts of the day.

Scientists have said global warming is aggravating adverse weather. Neighbouring countries registered record temperatures during a heatwave in Asia in April. ...

Vietnam’s weather varies from north to south, but the country as a whole is now entering its hottest summer months.

“This is a worrying record in the context of climate change and global warming,” Nguyen Ngoc Huy, a climate change expert, said from the capital, Hanoi. “I believe this record will be repeated many times. It confirms that extreme climate models are being proven to be true.”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Havrylov Predicts ...

A Kingly Proposal: Letter From Julian Assange to King Charles III

Are the Best Years of My Country Behind Me?

Deposits at JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Shrank by $465 Billion Y-O-Y; More than Twice the Total of 4,000 Small Banks

Climate scientists first laughed at a ‘bizarre’ campaign against the Bureau of Meteorology – then came the harassment

TRUMP Endorses East Palestine Rail Safety Bill

Garbage “Fact Check” Of RFK Jr. Debunked!

FBI 'Run Hide Fight' Video On How To Survive A Mass Shooting

A Little Night Music

Guitar Crusher - The Monkey

Guitar Crusher - Hambone Blues

Guitar Crusher - Itch With Me

Guitar Crusher - I Can't Help It

Guitar Crusher - Why Oh Why

Guitar Crusher - I Once Loved You Baby

Guitar Crusher - I Got To Know

Guitar Crusher - Cuddle Up

Guitar Crusher - Weak For Your Love

15 users have voted.


12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I don’t mean big serge but Olaf.

German chancellor objects to WWII victory parade in Moscow

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has claimed this year’s traditional Victory Day parade in Moscow was used by Russian President Vladimir Putin to flex his military muscles. The German leader also denounced the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine, urging the EU to prop up Kiev for as long as necessary.

Putin went on to claim that the US and its allies are seeking to destroy Russia.

“It seems that they have forgotten what the insane ambitions of the Nazis led to,” Putin concluded.

Speaking of dumber than a box of rocks over on orange state they’re saying that Russia achieved a great victory over Nazi Germany and deserve their victory day, but now Moscow has turned into Berlin and have become Nazis. Dash 1

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

form in my comment?


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Instead of embedding the tweet?

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


I should know better. Thanks.

3 users have voted.

@humphrey My American History degree focused on the US contribution to the winning of WWII, with barely a mention of Soviet participation. USA! USA!
Even my world history courses focused on post-WWII evils of communism, not the war.
It was decades of a little self-study here, a little there, culminating in a tour of Russia, that I FINALLY got the Big Picture. For all my life, we have downplayed their strengths. I found Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania peeps to live in the world where communist Stalin put them through hell to this day. They hate today's capitalistic Russia for the sins of commie Stalin, which were real, but that bear no relationship to today's Russia at all.
What Hitler did in the St. Petersburg (Stalingrad) siege is such a nightmare of inhumanity, our tour guide warned us. She took off her microphone, spoke in low tones to those of us that moved near her. Others stayed away, as they could not bear it.
There are books in the bookstores that feature recipes used in the siege. 700 recipes for cooking human dung. People touring to see the castles and find good vodka didn't want to hear that.
I was very fortunate to bear witness.

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture


yep, when a country loses 27 million people in a war and is then set upon for decades by its alleged allies, it tends to make an impression.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

as the general confirms to Cotton, I guess they both missed what THIS general told the committee just last week.

First he reveals to a stunned congressional audience that Russia has hardly taken any damage during the conflict. His attempt to appease his bosses doesn’t come across well, as he uncomfortably stammers through trying to qualify his description of Russian forces as ‘degenerated…somewhat.’ Although, he adds shame-facedly, they are bigger today than they were at the beginning.

I can’t embed the video, but it’s at the top of the essay. It also shows how cow-towed congress is to the military. I think ggersh posted this last week, but if you missed it it’s worth a listen to. Just a few minutes.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


division... multiplication... they're so similar and so easy to mix up. Smile

4 users have voted.

7 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


what a nice bunch of people.

5 users have voted.

@humphrey to Ukraine so they and blow Russian writer's legs apart!
Good Gosh Darnint!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

Simplicius writes about the draconian laws popping up everywhere to crack down on free speech.

As usual it is long and very detailed. Ireland has just passed a bill that anyone who has hate speech on their computer will be declared guilty and the burden of proof is on the person to show that they are innocent. Guilty without a trial apparently. Really worth reading.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


the enlightenment is dead and buried.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


We saw shitlibs happily working with the FBI to identify the people at the capital so I’m guessing that they will gladly report on their 'redneck' neighbors for this.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg ways to surveille people, read everything they write on their computers, their phone texts and record conversations, their location, as if they weren't already surrounded by cops, SO, let's call on untrained, uncertified, possibly biased neighbors, to reach for the corner of the black blanket to cover people up. Some may smother. It costs so little to have the people destroy the people. No wages, no benefits, no pension. Great stuff, Newsome!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

popcorn handy.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that he will be launching a new show . . . on Twitter.

It has been reported that almost immediately after his ousting, Carlson received multiple high-priced offers from other conservative outlets, as well as rumors he was talking with Twitter CEO Elon Musk.
Carlson’s lawyers have reportedly sent a letter to Fox, alleging the company breached the contract, which would void the non-compete clause. The letter reportedly accuses Fox executives, including Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch, of making and breaking promises to Tucker.
The promises, the lawyers argue, represent additional terms of employment for Carlson, which when broken, breached his contract. The letter alleges Carlson was promised Fox would not leak his private communications to the media, and that any settlement with Dominion Voting Systems would not “indicate wrongdoing” on Carlson’s part.

5 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


i am kind of interested to see this play out. there are a lot of big words being tossed around here. i don't really expect them to be lived up to, but it will probably be fun to watch nonetheless.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Lots of people are still banned from twitter and has Musk kicked out the intelligence agencies that have been embedded in the company? I read somewhere that twitter has received more national security letters since he bought than before he did. And how many people have been banned since he took over? How many times has Ritter been banned… CJ Hopkins recently wrote about his banning or how he gets a disclaimer put on his tweets warning that they are inappropriate. Let’s see if Carlson tells us where the bodies are buried.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


Looks like he might be on the way to getting some of his issues resolved.

He's got over 18,000 followers (including me) his tweets show up on my feed...

I've never read any of his books - have recommendations?

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Blue Republic

Guess he got that person’s attention. What I was objecting to was Carlson saying that Musk has brought back free speech on the Twit. He’s made some good moves, but as long as the government is still involved in determining what we can say it’s not free. I read yesterday how ex intelligence agents have been hired by every social media platform and are installed at the top of them. And Biden hasn’t given up on his ministry of truth committee either.

I haven’t read any of Hopkins books, but have been reading his consent factory for years and his substack.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

5 users have voted.

and videos! I have time to watch 1 or 2 short vids before I crash.
I would like all of us to imagine being imprisoned for 29 years without committing a crime. Not conducive to love of country, respect or confidence in our constitution.
Ray McGovern makes excellent points, good sense. I admit to enjoying his old folks humor. Young folks may roll their eyes. If they are lucky, they will eventually be old, so don't knock it, kids.
I want to take the opportunity to thank you for last night's ebs. Robert Parker, "Barefootin'", brought back memories of my parents who, for whatever reasons, loved that song, danced when they heard it. For people born in 1920, adulthood spent with Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw, they really rolled with the flow, changed with the times.
I had some admiration for Tucker Carlson that lasted about a month. Not anymore, after he partners with Musk.
BTW, when we head up to Luckenbach, we pass by Tesla Ave. exit and Tesla plant. We see a few Teslas on the highways in Austin, stay away from them in case they catch fire.
Thanks for all you do, my friend!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

5 users have voted.

@humphrey on ChatGpt replacing lawyers and legal assistants. I will watch it during the lunch hour tomorrow. I want a look at my replacement.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture


Do human species regress in proportion to robots advancing? Are we all becoming aliens in one way or another?

4 users have voted.

Riots rage in Pakistan after ex-premier's arrest - protesters attacked military bases and army commanders fled

The arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan in Islamabad, who was ousted last year on orders from Washington, caused a wave of clashes and unrest. In Pakistan, the largest military bases were attacked, and the army command fled the country. In the capital, they are going to storm the complex of government buildings, the capture of which would actually mean the overthrow of the administration.

The tense relations between the pro-Western regime and numerous supporters of the nationally oriented prime minister of the country have reached a critical point. Supporters of Imran Khan say that in the event of his death, they will start a war. According to preliminary data, as a result of the clashes, 32 people have already died and dozens have been injured.

The conflict can lead to destructive consequences in the region, besides, Pakistan is a nuclear power, which, in addition to everything else, has tense relations with neighboring India. For Russia, in all that is happening, the position of the current leadership of Pakistan, which has begun deliveries of artillery shells and ammunition for the MLRS to the Kyiv regime, is interesting. Perhaps the return of Imran Khan, with whom Russia has established quite constructive relations, will prevent Pakistan from being drawn into the Ukrainian crisis.

8 users have voted.

OK - the border crisis is, well, a crisis - and likely an engineered one, IMHO. Those in the Biden admin and whoever are pulling their strings should face really unpleasant consequences,

BUT - that doesn't mean that proposed fixes cannot themselves be extremely dangerous.

Enter the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2). Likely to be voted on within the next day or so.

While the bill does arguably have some worthwhile content - a mostly unreported-on part of it would enable a *huge* extension of government power to be administered by those friendly and ever-so-competent folks at the Department of Homeland Security.

Specifically, after its having failed a number of times as a standalone bill, Title VIII of H.R. 2 would adopt mandatory E-verify. While this program of verifying eligibility to legally work in the US has been around for a couple decades as optional for employers (sometimes mandatory for federal contractors) making it mandatory would mean that *any* employer's ability to hire and any employee's eligibility to work would be dependent on permission.

The ACLU, ten years ago, before going woke - raised serious objections to mandatory E-verify and those are as relevant as ever and can be accessed here:

Bill itself here:

Dems are mostly against this already, but unless enough Republicans decline to support it will likely pass the House. Supposedly, chances are it won't pass the Senate - but it doesn't pay to take chances with these yahoos. FWIW - there is a standalone mandatory E-verify bill in the Senate: S. 152

Thomas Massie is among the few House R's objecting to/warning about this - he's objecting to E-verify specifically, but also to glomming together multiple bills that ought to be considered separately.

People might consider weighing in on this with your own congresscritter...

6 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

has already taken one massive quantum leap while I wasn't looking. When we were reentering the country last week at DFW (flying back in from the UK), the ever-so-friendly TSA operative told us to not even bother getting our passports out to use the Global Entry kiosks as we were accustomed- just stand on the yellow foot outlines, glance at the camera, a light turns green when your face is recognized, and in you go.

To then stand in the TSA strip-search/pornoscanner security-theater lines for the next 5 hours, of course, because they don't trust the foreign security screenings that you already went through, and just *have* to do their own. But no-contact facial recognition is now how you get back into the country. It wasn't even done by remotely reading the RFID chip in my passport, since I still had that in my Faraday-screened pouch...

Which comes as no real surprise, since no-contact facial recognition is also how we got into the UK. I kind of expected it there, since they have always been way ahead of us in ubiquitous surveillance. But I expected the border control people here to still get in their usual and customary 10 minutes of pointless hassle anyway.

Bottom line: you now show your passport to the airlines, but not to Da Gummint: they already know that you are there, after all...

6 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture


last time I had to process into the land of the free
it took about 3 hours because the new machines
could only handle one space book at a time
there were 300 of us coming into PVD and the system
wasn't designed to fabricate allowance at that rate.
Doesn't make you want to return to your home country.

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

usefewersyllables's picture


it does not. The time is drawing closer and closer for me to finally do that one way ticket out to somewhere else.

Now that I have all this brandy-new metal embedded in my body, I'm a pornoscanner-mandated guy to TSA. In the UK, they simply say "Oh, fake knees? No problem." But here, you gotta slaughter a chicken and run 3 laps counterclockwise to get them to even sneer at you at the pornoscanner. They actually asked me "Well, how do you know you need to go through this?". Maybe by standing in the metal-detector line for a half hour, only to (predictably) fail and get sent over here to stand in your line, maybe? Jeez...

2 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.