Open Thread WE 26 APR 23 ~ Alien Day

1994 Physicists announce first evidence of the top quark subatomic particle.

Welcome to today's open thread. All topics are on the table for discussion, so don't limit
yourself to tiny things. Or physics. We can all learn from your perspectives.


If the universe is viewed as a wave function, some otherwise inexplicable phenomena
can be put into context. The CERN accelerator poses one of these odd observations.
When smashing atoms together at very high rates of speed, a new particle is
produced by the collision. Sometimes referred to as the 'god particle' it has some
interesting characteristics. Thru quantum entanglement, it appears a duplicate
pattern can be found in unlimited space instantaneously. The stuff of our universe
seems porous in this respect.

I don't fully understand all of this, but it is an amazing thought experiment. To admit
there are aspects of life largely unseen affecting what we perceive opens up new
channels for definitions of reality.

Per James Joyce in Finnegan's Wake ~
"Three quarks for Muster Mark! / Sure he has not got much of a bark / And sure any he has it's all beside the mark."


Matter and antimatter particles are behaving differently inside the Large Hadron Collider, where particles smash together at near light-speed. Here, an illustration of particle collisions inside the atom smasher.

Though this interpretation does mean that the quantum state of every particle in the universe affects the wavefunction of every other particle, it does so in a way that is only mathematical. There is really no sort of experiment which could ever — even in principle — discover the effect in one place showing up in another location.


How does this foray into the micro relate to the burning issues of our time? Well, we
have an alien spaceman as the POTUS. And electronic communication AKA programmed
algorithms is replacing human thinking. Mind your wants, as something wants your mind.


Philip Beesley's latest installation Astrocyte, connects chemistry, artificial intelligence, and an immersive soundscape to create a living piece of architecture that responds to the presence of viewers.


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QMS's picture

Thought this headline was funny..

Venezuela’s Juan Guaido Lands in US Seeking Refuge

Guaido flew to the US after entering Colombia, where Colombian President Gustavo Petro is hosting an international conference on Venezuela that includes diplomats from 20 countries. Guaido made it to the capital Bogota and claimed he was expelled from Colombia.

He's our man Wink

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

QMS's picture

by Joni

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

Raining here, but we can use it.
Your discussion of quarks made me think of this one which I still play and sing...

Einstein The Genius (Theory Of Relativity)

Henry Jankiewicz

Einstein was a genius, not like you and me.
He wrote two equations every day.
On mondays he wrote three.
On mondays, he wrote three.

Albert, dance around.
Albert, be profound.
Albert let your hair stick out,
Your socks hang down.

A man stared through a telescope until his eyes were red.
He stared in outer space and saw
The back of his own head.
The backside, of his head.

A Man got in a spaceship and flew a hundered miles.
Busted through the speed of light.
He came back a child.
He came back a child.

I had a frame of reference.
I laid on the fence.
Along came relativity.
I haven't seen the damn thing since.
Seen the damn thing since.

A wave and a particle were walking side by side.
One said to the other,
"Which one of us am I?"
"Which one, of us am I?"

Einstein had a fiddle. He loved to {shout,dance} and sing.
Man if that ain't genius,
That ain't anything.
That ain't anything.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


looking thru a telescope to see the back of your head
is both serious and funny

wish the punditry and political class could wrap their brains
around the concept of self reflection instead of deception.

enjoy the liquid sunshine!

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture

was largely all about fields, magnetic fields, electronic fields, arguably gravitational fields, though seldom invoked as such, endless fields of grain, whatever. This was problematic because some, including Albert himself, disliked "spooky action at a distance" which is somewhat inherent in the concept of fields. When 2 objects collide, force is obviously transferred between them because they knocked into each other, but when they just sit there, how is it they interact? That didn't bother me, they just did, the fields did it, pushing on each other, and why not, huh? What the hell, maybe the math did it, and why not, huh?

We had waves too, electromagnetic ones, of all lengths and frequencies, but waves in what? Not the ether, maybe space time, (and how is that not intangible ether) but gravity bends spacetime so it's a wave? or a field? And light waves, in what, and why do they sometimes behave like particles?

Radiation: things emit heat (particles vibrating), sound (things vibrating), light waves, vibrating in nothing or in fields or maybe light is particles, hah! So we tried alles ist particles, jah? (Gravitrons??? Phonons are maybe aggregates of particles?) And, matter --
Matter emits and/or absorbs "photons" and matter is discrete particles, but they're made of discrete particles and, when we break it down (stop breaking down) so are those particles and, voila! Quarks. And they are .... Quanta! Thanks to Herr Schrödinger, we can compute for all particles a frequency and wavelength (Schrödinger's wave equation) so are they really waves or, gasp, both or neither? (Also thanks to Schrödinger we know that cannot simultaneously know their position and velocity (so what about momentum and since velocity is a vector, isn't position an implied component?))

Zo, in the end relativity doesn't mesh perfekly with quantum theory and we have no quantum theory of Gravity and the relativistic one smells a lot like a field. So we push the envelope while still hunting gravitrons with refinements in quantum field theory (ahem), and seek a unified field theory (ahem also too). So, back to fields? But they're the problem, or are they?

Our conceptual models; particles, waves, fields, don't seem to get us there. Perhaps stuff really is none of the above through being something like all of the above or some parts of all of the above. Perhaps, our visions of things, based on gross perceived macroscopic things simply cannot grok, express, or visualize our math.

What keeps airplanes up? We don't need quanta to get befuddled, fluid dynamics will do it just as well Wink we don't understand or can't express what keeps airplanes in the air.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

fields, waveforms, quarks, magnetics, quantum ~
mental perception and projection seem to all tie
into together. The bigger question is how is this
physical realm being used to train our thinking?

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture


The bigger question is how is this
physical realm being used to train our thinking?

Most of us don't care or need to know about the physics of things, but our thinking can make or break the world. Every conceivable type of media is being used to form, sculpt and modify our default frames of reference regarding damn near everything. Russia, russia, russia, for example created, solidified or enhanced prejudices and fears about da russkies, while older narratives are still driving mindless fears of commies which can then be spliced onto the CCCP. The real commies are at Oneida, but don't tell anybody.

be well and have a good one

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

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6 users have voted.

that he is still a puppet of the US.

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QMS's picture


she is right. negotiations are key. why does the US/UK/EU/UK refuse to negotiate?
Because they are losing. So, it's like. get over it. The western alliance has once again
got caught with their shorts down around their knees, so bending to reality will be
painful. But the fortress claims whatever it takes! Bankrupt the EU - no problem.
Attack China ? why not. Who does the pentagon work for? Not us.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security



The MIC are sure winners by prolonging the war. The politicians keep on getting their coffers replenished by refraining to mention negotiations.

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QMS's picture


At what point does needless loss of life counter MIC profit?
This is a losers game. We lose, MIC wins. How far can this go on
before people realize the consequences of war?

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security