The Evening Blues - 4-13-23


No news roundup + tonight's musical feature: George "Wild Child" Butler

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues harmonica player George "Wild Child" Butler. Enjoy!

George "Wild Child" Butler - Put It All In There

News and Opinion

Nope, not yet.

A Little Night Music

George ''Wild Child'' Butler ~ Slippin' In

George ''Wild Child'' Butler ~ My Baby Done Put Me Down

George ''Wild Child'' Butler ~ Open Up Baby

George ''Wild Child'' Butler ~ Down In The Chile' / Achin' All Over

George "Wild Child" Butler -Wedding Ring Blues

Wild Child Butler - Jelly Jam

George ( Wild Child ) Butler - Hold Me Baby

Wild Child Butler - Weak in the Knees

Wild Child Butler - Treat me just as I treat you

Wild Child Butler - The Devil made me do it

8 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

at the concert and are still in recovery mode!! Good on ya JS.

Glen Ford from back in 2014 telling us about Ukraine. Man he
nailed it!!

Glen Ford
Original publication:
Imperialism’s Death Spiral (2014)
English | Black Liberation

Glen Ford was one of the founding members of Black Agenda Report.

This is is a transcript of his contribution to the “Ukraine Teach-In” organized by the International Action Center in 2014, in the aftermath of the U.S.-organized “Euromaidan.”

This edition was transcribed by Joe Emersberger, and the RS title was selected from the contents of the speech.

I think that President Obama’s attempt to destabilize Russia will be seen by history as disastrous as George Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003. Like the Iraq war, the de facto declaration of “war by other means” against Russia will accelerate the very dynamic that it intends to halt: the steady weakening of U.S. imperialism’s grip on the world. It will increase the resolve of a host of nations to disengage themselves from American madness and to strengthen collaboration and cooperation among many countries, and not just Russia and China.

The result will be the exact opposite of Washington’s intention. The attempt to isolate and destabilize Russia, the other nuclear superpower, may appear to some to be an act of brashness, a flexing of American muscle, an act of imperial overconfidence and recklessness. People thought the same thing when Bush went into Iraq. They were shocked and more than a little bit awed. [1] In fact, sometimes I think that Americans are more shocked and awed by the American military than anybody else. But the Iraq invasion, and the brazen offensive against Russia, as well as the so-called “Pivot Against China” and the octopus-like U.S. military entrenchment in Africa — these are really symptoms of weakness and desperation.

U.S. Imperialism is losing its grip on the world and responds to its weakening condition with massive campaigns of destabilization. Destabilization characterizes U.S. foreign policy today more than any other word. The purpose is to reverse the general dynamic of global affairs today in which U.S. influence and power shrinks in relative terms as the rest of the world develops. U.S. and European hegemony — and that is the ability to dictate the terms of economic and political life on the planet — has daily diminished in myriad objective ways, ways that we can measure by the numbers. China’s soon-to-be status as the world’s biggest economy is just one aspect of that decline.

The process is inexorable and it’s gaining momentum. The trajectory of imperial decline has been firmly set ever since the Western capitalists decided to move the production of things — that, is the industrial base — to the South and the rest of the planet. Inevitably power and influence follow and imperial hegemony diminishes. This is of course unacceptable to the rulers of the United States who now find themselves in objective opposition to all manifestations of collaboration and mutual development under terms that are not dictated by Washington. They are in objective opposition to all manifestations of independence by countries in the world. This applies not just to China, not just to China and Russia, but to the rest of the BRICS and to other developing nations. And it even applies to America’s closest allies.

That is because hegemons don’t really have allies. All they have are subordinates, and so the U.S. is quite prepared to do serious harm to European economic interests by pressuring them to break long established economic ties to Russia. They will ultimately do the same thing in the pacific region with China and cause great destabilization there. They do so not because of strength but because of growing relative weakness. Their desperation compels them to risk war because their only clear superiority is in weapons.

However, the net end result, if we survive these flirtations with all-out war, can only be further isolation of the United States and the further weakening of imperialism. I think there is on what passes for the left in the United States a tendency to describe U.S. aggressions like the Iraq war, like the current offensive against Russia, as mistakes and miscalculations: “They didn’t mean to do that.”

In reality the U.S. goes to the brink and beyond the brink of war because it perceives itself as having no other choice. Its soft power is fading. It has few other means beyond the military to strategically influence events. It recruits or buys allies where it can get them, be it jihadists or Nazis. As imperialism’s sway in the world shrinks, so do its options.

U.S. policymakers surveyed the world in 2002 and in 2003 and they concluded that the dynamic in Asia was going against them. They knew that most of the world would be horrified with a war against Iraq, but they rolled the dice anyway and invaded. The net result was the opposite of what they intended. The U.S. was humiliated and the U.S. was humiliated so badly that the rulers of the United States chose to put a dramatically different face on U.S. power — a Black face, Barack Obama.

Iraq was supposed to be a forward U.S. base in Asia to disrupt China’s growing ties in the region. Instead the Iraq war exposed U.S. imperialism’s weaknesses. In the days before that invasion, we wrote in Black Commentator that the U.S. had reached too far and succeeded only in accelerating the process of its own decline. Today Barack Obama is rolling the dice just like George Bush did. To sever Russia’s ties to Europe, Washington has surveyed the global scene and concluded that it has no other choice. The result will be a strengthening of ties between Russia and China, a great anxiety and rethinking among Europeans about their ties to the United States which is about to harm their economy, and an acceleration of imperialism’s death spiral.

Power to the people!

18 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


Talk about NAILING IT! In 2014!

14 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@Linda Wood the work they do is so under the radar.

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh The late Bruce Dixon sniffed out the role Bernie Sanders would play as sheep dog in 2015. I remember reading the article and thought naw. Was I and bunches of leftists played by Sanders.

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016

Vermont senator and ostensible socialist Bernie Sanders is playing the sheepdog candidate for Hillary Clinton this year. Bernie's job is to warm up the crowd for Hillary, herding activist energies and the disaffected left back into the Democratic fold one more time. Bernie aims to tie up activist energies and resources till the summer of 2016 when the only remaining choice will be the usual lesser of two evils.

“The sheepdog is a card the Democratic party plays every presidential primary season when there's no White House Democrat running for re-election.”

Spoiler alert: we have seen the Bernie Sanders show before, and we know exactly how it ends. Bernie has zero likelihood of winning the Democratic nomination for president over Hillary Clinton. Bernie will lose, Hillary will win. When Bernie folds his tent in the summer of 2016, the money, the hopes and prayers, the year of activist zeal that folks put behind Bernie Sanders' either vanishes into thin air, or directly benefits the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Surveys showed that Bernie supporters voted at higher rates for Hillary than Hillary supporter for Obama in the general election. Bernie supporters ended up more loyal to the democratic party than Hillary supporters.

20 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture



7 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

snoopydawg's picture


The result will be the exact opposite of Washington’s intention.

Isn’t that what has happened to almost every empire just before it collapsed? And how damn stupid was this move?

The trajectory of imperial decline has been firmly set ever since the Western capitalists decided to move the production of things — that, is the industrial base — to the South and the rest of the planet. Inevitably power and influence follow and imperial hegemony diminishes.

Unless it was part of the plan set in motion back in 1992 like the tweet I posted earlier in the OT. Companies and hedge funds are still getting huge profits from the slave labor that they outsourced overseas and from prison labor while keeping wages low here for the number of businesses that couldn’t be offshored.

Their desperation compels them to risk war because their only clear superiority is in weapons.

Too bad that Glen died before he saw the new weapons Russia has created that surpasses ours. The military has given up on creating hypersonic weapons. Gee I wonder if it’s because the brains are just not up to speed anymore after years of dumbing down students?

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ggersh's picture


7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


nope, not yet is sadly because today, having finished my federal taxes, i moved on to the state taxes (which in some ways are more of a pain to do than the federal ones). i am mostly done with them, but i have to go back through and check my math again and make sure that i didn't miss anything. yuk. so that's for tomorrow. the concert was great, though. Smile

it's amazing how prescient glen ford was. he really did nail it with that essay. thanks for posting it!

11 users have voted.
soryang's picture

@ggersh ... used to be a guest on Mark Thomson's radio program on Sirius XM every Thursday I think it was. Mark didn't like Bernie either. Mark was more the Democratic machine politician which of course, Glen was not. Sometimes, if Glen couldn't make it on the program, Bruce Dixon would fill in for him as Mark's guest. If I remember correctly, Glen had an expression that drove Mark crazy because Mark had close ties to the Black Congressional Caucus leadership. This was also during the Obama era, and Glen and Bruce didn't think highly of him. The expression was Black mis-leadership class. I remember heated arguments about this topic started any time that Glen or Bruce brought it up. I also liked Kevin Gray who appeared regularly on another Sirius Left radio program, that was otherwise so mediocre, I can't remember who the host was. Kevin Gray, as a regular guest, was the most interesting aspect of the program.

The discussions here of Glen and Bruce reminded me of how I looked forward to hearing them on the satellite radio during those lonely days on the highways. I felt like I had lost friends when I heard they had passed away. I was prompted to check up on Kevin Gray (another activist) because of this discussion, and was so sorry to hear that Kevin had also passed away this March 7.

The high point of my time on the road, was when I lucked out on the call in line and got to speak with one of these great people personally.

11 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang What treasured memories to be able to have spoken with those guys!

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

@on the cusp ...and I knew it when it was happening. International Prostar rolling down the highway going live on satellite with the political minds I really respected.

Thanks for your characterization as treasured memories. They are.

7 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

ggersh's picture

@soryang I have nothing comparable to that, nothing that even
comes close but in saying that politics was never my forte.

I only got somewhat involved after lurking at the DK site
and then moved onto C99 after the Ides of March edict. So I
do admire both what they gave to you and what you took from

Sometimes you don't what you got until it's gone but you
had it while it was here, bravo!!

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

soryang's picture

@ggersh One of my favorite JM songs. Ggersh, I really appreciate your post on Glen's prescient report concerning Ukraine. He had incredible insight.

My beloved late brother stayed in touch with me while I was on the road. I told him I called in to several of satellite radio talk shows (the political ones) which didn't always go as well as with the various hosts "on the left" as it had on those very few occasions with with Glen and Bruce. I talked to Mike Feder a few times. He liked my comments and encouraged me to contact him.

My brother said, "oh you're one those of those people." LOL Yes, I was. I stopped doing it when I stopped driving. I'm not familiar with DK.

3 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Notice those that are green.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


well, there goes that economic theory about rational actors. Smile

have a great evening!

8 users have voted.

Interesting take by Larry Johnson the Judge Napolitano show. He thinks the leak was definitely by high level officials. The poor 21 year old National Guard soldier is being set up. Larry says that one of the leaked documents is a CIA-only circulated document that would never be shared to any other agency. How does he know? He used to work on the same documents while in the CIA. The kid being arrested could no way in hell get ahold of a CIA internal-only document.

Could the leak provide the proverbial off ramp for Biden as the docs cleary state the Ukrainians are going to lose.

13 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


heh, well, compare how these leaks are being handled by the media to the way that they handled seymour hersh's story about nordstream. it certainly appears that the powers that be want us to see the information in these documents for reasons of their own.

13 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

The New Global Menace

There is no peace on earth today for reasons mainly rooted in Imperial Washington — not Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Damascus, Mosul or the rubble of what remains of Raqqa. Imperial Washington has become a global menace owing to what didn’t happen in 1991 (when the USSR collapsed). At that crucial inflection point, Bush the Elder should have declared “mission accomplished” and parachuted into the great Ramstein Air Base in Germany to begin the demobilization of America’s war machine.

So doing, he could have slashed the Pentagon budget from $600 billion to $250 billion (2015 $); demobilized the military-industrial complex by putting a moratorium on all new weapons development, procurement and export sales; dissolved NATO and dismantled the far-flung network of US military bases; reduced the United States’ standing armed forces from 1.5 million to a few hundred thousand; and organized and led a world disarmament and peace campaign, as did his Republican predecessors during the 1920s.

Unfortunately, George H. W. Bush was not a man of peace, vision or even middling intelligence.

He was the malleable tool of the War Party, and it was he who singlehandedly blew the peace when, in the very year the 77-Years’ War ended with the demise of the Soviet Union, he plunged America into a petty argument between the impetuous dictator of Iraq and the gluttonous emir of Kuwait. But that was none of George Bush’s or America’s business.

Furthermore, George H. W. Bush should never be forgiven for enabling the likes of Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Gates and their neocon pack of jackals to come to power — even if he eventually denounced them in his doddering old age.

Alas, upon his death, Bush the Elder was deified, not vilified, by the mainstream press and the bipartisan duopoly. And that tells you all you need to know about why Washington is ensnared in its Forever Wars and is the very reason there is still no peace on earth.

14 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


yep, mr "thousand points of blight" was an idiot. the sort of fellow you get after many generations of elite inbreeding. of course, his kid, shrub, was predictably even worse.

nixon thought him to be a dullard and an incompetent. he called bush the elder "the sort of fellow that you appoint to things," meaning that in nixon's eyes bush had neither the intellect or the ability to articulate a political vision in order to get elected on his own, but he was a loyal party man. that's how he ran up running the cia and the republican national committee.

bush was not alone in his stupidity regarding what to do with russia, post ussr. there were scads of people in washington and in the mic who had built their lives on anti-communism, anti-russianism, etc. who were all flailing due to the sudden lack of a bad guy. they've made a bunch of them and as we can see, they've finally managed to construct one that has global reach.

11 users have voted.

the notorious laptop.

Or maybe it did.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Funny how an intelligence agent that helped spy on the US president was a valued whistleblower, but Teixeira will be treated like Manning, Assange and Snowden. Gotta love double standards.

And speaking of… Trump took classified documents to his home and he’s in all kinds of he’ll for it and he was raided by the FBI, but Biden took even more and his lawyers were allowed to retrieve them. Pence and Obama are rarely mentioned for taking some too.

13 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


Good grief they can tell he is unarmed and yet they go through the process like he’s strapped to the nines with weapons and of course it’s all filmed so that we can all share the experience.

This is just ringing too many bells.

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


funny how they've arrested a guy for leaking stuff that nobody needed a classified document to tell them.

9 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


Not unlike the DNC hacking.

There is definitely good reason to believe so.


As in the case of Seth Rich, the stolen docs were transformed into a psy-op after the documents were stolen,

This story has already been splashed accross the world's newspapers, with the US blaming Russia for the theft/and/or/forgery of the leaked docs. (via Reuters) (This fact will soon be forgotten.)

The White Helmets are already at work. I find that the best open source intelligence can be be found in the very earliest news reports (no older than 36 hours after an event like this). I now archive the first news reports. The hold a lot of secrets.

I notice that this current "live op" is already being analyzed as a psyop in one Twitter thread:

The timeline is very important. When was this "classified" report first produced? Reports suggest that they are older docs that were already passed around and forgotten. So they knew Ukraine was being sacrificed to weaken Russia. That being said, it is possible that the young leaker, for all the wrong reasons, might be providing data that could speed negotiations and save the lives of many, many Ukrainians.

This post-leak psyop likely serves another purpose altogether. It is not about the so-called intelligence about the Ukraine Proxy War that was revealed. And the swat-team demo of capturing a clueless leaker of data about the US proxy war atrocity, also feels like a footnote. A commenter at another forum speculates:

This is definitely a case of Federal entrapment. The goal being to push the Restrict Act. Most of the "intel" that was "leaked" wasn't particularly interesting, and some of it was clearly fabricated (i.e. the parts regarding how the CIA had thoroughly infiltrated the Russian general officer corps, which beggars belief).

Whoever is writing the script for all these psyops wants to make it obvious. This sounds even less legitimate than the Nordstream cover story. They like their package deals so this is probably also a pretext for a forthcoming power grab

The Restrict Act is coming to a vote. I'm going to go out on a limb that this shitshow is the instigating incident that will push the Restrict act past Congress.

Another one:

So a 21-year-old boy, with the lowest pay grade in the Nationa Gards, without top security clearance, was somehow able to access top-secret documents and compromise the largest and most expensive security network ever created in human history.

Right. Sounds like the sailboat blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines BS story. Ask yourself, how is it that the Nord Stream bomber still at large ??

Growing disgust is probably a good sign.....

13 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

All signs point to this is a psyops and it might lead to the excuse for why the RESTRICT act needs to be passed. Discord is one place that the government wants to monitor and this helps them get their foot in the door. Another thing people are pointing out is that Bellingcat was involved in identifying the guy. We know that they are funded by the British MI-6 which works with the CIA because of course it’s illegal to spy on US citizens.

Here’s the start of the Twit thread. I had already read it after seeing it on MoA.

And I guess everyone just forgot that a few days ago they were blaming Russia for the leaks…

Did you watch the arrest video and see how it looks scripted? The protests in Europe, the Hirsch nordstream story and the other recent important stories that the media hasn’t covered, but this is on all corporate media sites tonight. Like I said I don’t like smelly fish. This has a big stink to it. The good news is that not many people are buying it.

11 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


It was the Roger Stone police action extravaganza all over again, except in daylight.

And, the perp was a boyish 20 year-old gamer in running shorts instead of a shivering old man in his pajamas at 4AM.

I used up the last of my cringing reflex last week, after stumbling upon a clueless tech-challenged Congressional committee as they showcased their belligerence on C-Span — while questioned TicTok's CEO. They were basically a pack of bigots berating the software company for being Chinese.

National security concerns cited by Washington are tenuous at best – but then again, TikTok was never going to be treated equally to American platforms.
The US propensity to regard anything China-related with suspicion will make life much harder for Chinese living in the US.

— From South China Morning Post (Non-state funded media in Hong Kong.

8 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

9 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


glenn nails it as usual.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Jack Douglas Teixeira ks a patsy being used to deploy the perception of "Under Control" to the public.
The guy was carried out from a military base like a potatoes bag. Normally, it would not be necessary to use heavy armed FBI agents dressed like alien warriors to run an arrest inside of a military base.
It was designed for a show. Nothing more. The culprits still around laughing like the ones on 9/11.

Posted by: Bernard | Apr 13 2023 20:50 utc | 144

Normally the military police would have arrested a person and I’m sure that they are armed quite well too. Unless the cops in the video are MP. But it’s the staged scenes that make it look so suspicious. He didn’t look up to see why a helicopter was flying just over him? And how he had to back up to the cops who could have just walked up to him and placed him in cuffs and all caught on film at 11.

The media was more interested in catching him than writing about the documents.

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

11 users have voted.
soryang's picture

Fear and confusion in Japan’s Hokkaido as North Korean missile triggers evacuation order

Seoul, South Korea

A North Korean missile sparked fear on the Japanese northern island of Hokkaido Thursday after the government’s emergency alert system warned residents to take cover.

Millions of people received a J-alert, or evacuation order, shortly before 8 a.m., urging them to seek shelter as the missile could land on or near the island.

But soon after, fear turned into anger and confusion as the evacuation order was lifted amid reports that it had been sent in error, with local officials saying there was no possibility of the missile hitting the island and Tokyo later confirming it had fallen outside Japanese territory, in waters off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula.

Many residents were critical of the decision to send the alert.

“What is the use of the J-Alert, which warns of a missile falling when you do not know where it will fall?” asked one Twitter user. “In the end, it serves no purpose other than to instill in the Japanese people the feeling that Japan is being targeted, and to scare them.”

One of the South Korean analysts I follow, Kim Jong-tae, predicted that the new real time launch detection intelligence information flow provided by South Korea to Japan under what is basically a new GSOMIA intelligence sharing agreement with Japan would lead to mistakes and potentially dangerous overreactions by Japan. They are simply not in a situation where they can accurately assess launch and flight track data immediately after launch. This missile with a highly lofted trajectory didn't even land on Japan's side of the Sea of Japan/East Sea. Kim had suggested that previously launch and flight intelligence information was passed on after assessment by South Korea and the US.

The other school of thought, is that Japan is deliberately trying to induce war fears to gain public support for large increases in its defense budget and a new policy to acquire "offensive strike" weapons.

To hear about Marcos offering greater access to additional military bases to US forces reminds me of the old days before Corazon Aquino. This Democracy Now episode was pretty good.

Tim Shorrock is plugging this article by Doug Bandow in Responsible Statecraft on tri-lateral relations because Doug quotes Tim briefly. Tim is in Japan now. I think he went there for a Dylan concert.

I think Bandow misses some key aspects of South Korean domestic politics and Yoon's motivation for pursuing US-Japanese Indo-Pacific policy. Yoon is incurably corrupt and authoritarian, for this reason alone he desperately needs foreign support to bolster his unpopular administration. There really isn't much the US can do to sweeten that pot. At the same time, the recent US disclosure of "wiretapping" the South Korean presidential office, suggests that rather than putting pressure on Japan to lighten up on South Korea, the US is in the position of manipulating and potentially blackmailing Yoon's administration, as well as highlighting the Yoon administration's national security incompetence. So Yoon has no option other than to bend to US and Japanese demands. The whole US-Japanese perspective is WWII revisionist denialism. Nothing could be more damaging to Yoon's image and humiliating for South Koreans. Not even a North Korean drone flying with impunity over his presidential office.

This from Bandow really takes the cake-

The administration should indicate that Washington is under increasing fiscal pressure and has global responsibilities. Thus, it expects friendly powers, especially treaty allies, to do much more on their own behalf. Seoul’s and Tokyo’s cheap ride is ending. Cooperation is imperative.

South Korea spends more on its own defense than almost all other US allies by percentage of GDP. By this commonly accepted standard it spends more than twice as much as Japan. They recently spent more than 10 billion dollars to try to get the US military out of central Seoul by building new base facilities for US Forces Korea at Camp Humphreys in Pyongtaek. Compared to other US "allies" South Korea ranks higher on military spending than all except Saudi Arabia and Israel. Anyway, anyone who is informed knows that this sort of approach by the US will only worsen the situation. South Korea to this point has been giving more and getting less from the US and Japan.

Bandow argues that almost everyone involved has passed away and Japanese young people today shouldn't be held responsible for something they didn't do. I know this is a common sentiment in Japan and the US. However, there is saying in Korea, "ten thousand years is not too long to avenge a grudge."

Bandow refers to a South Korean judgement against private Japanese corporations that profited off of human slave labor during WWII as a "judicial diktat." This is some kind of back handed attack on a court decision in an allegedly free country. So much for shared values.

Westerners can turn on a dime for Machiavellian geopolitical gain. However, in Asia what your ancestors did to my ancestors to despoil and loot my country doesn't go away without proper ceremonies, gestures and apologies. Japan cannot continue to lie in their text books to their younger generations about their WWII crimes. What Japan and the US are doing is making further demands on a corrupt politician whose political base in South Korea is crumbling under his feet. Good luck. I think the damage is already done.

Thanks for EBs Joe.

9 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

joe shikspack's picture


as always thanks for the info!

have a great evening!

4 users have voted.


Seoul: North Korea said its latest weapons test was of a "solid-fuel" intercontinental ballistic missile, with leader Kim Jong Un saying it marked a major step in Pyongyang's capacity to conduct a nuclear counterstrike, state media said Friday.
The new "Hwasung-18" ICBM "was test fired on Thursday as the key means of strategic military force," the KCNA news agency reported.

Kim said the ICBM's development "will greatly reorganise our strategic deterrence and reinforce effectiveness of our nuclear counterattack," according to KCNA.

Seoul's military said Thursday it had detected one "medium range or longer" ballistic missile launched on a lofted trajectory -- up not out -- from the Pyongyang area at 7:23 am (1023 GMT), which flew 1,000 kilometres (620 miles).

All of Pyongyang's known intercontinental ballistic missiles are liquid-fuelled, and solid-fuel ICBMs that can be launched from land or submarines have long been at the top of Kim's wish list.

Such missiles are easier to store and transport, more stable and quicker to prepare for launch, and thus harder to detect and destroy pre-emptively.

At a military parade in Pyongyang in February, North Korea showed off a record number of nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missiles, including what analysts said was possibly a new solid-fuel ICBM.

The announcement comes days before North Korea is set to mark one of its most important political anniversaries, the Day of the Sun on April 15.

5 users have voted.
soryang's picture

@humphrey I wonder if there will be any more fireworks on April 15. It will be interesting to see if the technical analysts determine the nature of this beast.

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語必忠信 行必正直

8 users have voted.

Interference in 2016 Presidential Race for people to vote for Hillary by textshould simply claim that they are journalists.

Bloomberg) -- The US called on Vietnam to release blogger Nguyen Lan Thang who was sentenced to six years in prison Wednesday for anti-state activities ahead of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s weekend visit for talks in Hanoi.

The US stands with Thang’s family and coworkers “in calling for his immediate release,” Amanda Bennett, chief executive of the US Agency for Global Media, said during an online briefing, according to a statement posted on the State Department’s website. “Journalism is not a crime,” she said.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The State Department has said Blinken plans to meet senior officials during his visit.

The Hanoi People’s Court sentenced Nguyen Lan Thang for making, storing and disseminating information aimed at opposing the state, according to Hanoimoi, a publication of Hanoi’s party committee. Thang, arrested in July, was also sentenced to two years of probation. He is 47, according to local media.

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