Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - April 8, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Old memories keep peculating up while observing the current happenings on the world stage. My early years I was surrounded by animals. Every home my folks took me to had at least a dog and a cat living inside. Some had a domestic animal menagerie rivaling the one my parents created on our acreage. Every day skills were developed two way communication with cattle, horses, ponies, bunnies, feral cats, pigs, geese, ducks and chickens.
Carefully watch a small child talking to an animal and the two way interaction is apparent.
Effort is usually being made by both participants in the conversation to understand messages being conveyed with different communication styles of body movements and sounds.
Odd pairing happen sometimes. The duck (Daffey) and rooster (Charlie) hatched in the first grade class incubator became good friends and spent the their lives at our farm with the chicken flock. Daffey would take a daily swim in the pond and Charlie would wade out into about 4 inches of water calling at him to come back and to return to doing "normal" activities.
Myths and stories using animals as the main characters is a common method in various cultures to teach life lessons. In grade school the librarian assigned me the book Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH to read. It seriously disrupted my trust in government authority and persons who wore lab coats. MINH was an abbreviation for National Institute of Mental Health. My childhood memories and various study guides of lessons to be learned are quit different. It was basically about lab rats who escaped, live their own life and NIMH does not want evidence of their experiments to be discovered. Extermination of the test subjects was NIMH's answer. The story had a somewhat happy ending, most lived and escaped to a new area to live, but the official never gave up the hunt.
US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says Sputnik April 7, 2023
The US has resumed the program for the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine and is expanding the format to train Ukrainian biologists, Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said on Friday.
"Despite the forced pause pertaining to the Russian special military operation [in Ukraine], [the US’] activities under the program have now been resumed. The main tasks at this stage are to continue the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine, as well as expand the format for training Ukrainian biologists," Kirillov told reporters.
This conclusion is based on the analysis of the minutes of the meeting of the working group of US and Ukrainian specialists under the leadership of representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) dated October 20, 2022 on the plans for the implementation of the "Biological Threat Reduction Program" in Ukraine, the Russian official explained.
"The plans of the Pentagon to continue dual-use research at Ukrainian bio-objects and in other countries of the world with a change in the name of the program is the result of a vague reaction of the world community due to the fear of a number of countries to confront the US authorities," he underscored.
Separately, Kirillov said that each new strain of the coronavirus had improved military-biological properties, which may indicate an artificial increase in its pathogenicity.
Experts still have a number of questions related to "strange for most viruses" variability and geographical origin of COVID-19 variants, the official said, adding that "at the same time, each new variant had improved properties in terms of their military-biological application, causing more and more economic damage.""It seems that someone is taking targeted actions to enhance the pathogenic properties of the virus, and the pandemic is artificially fueled by the introduction of new, 'improved' variants. So far, these questions remain unanswered," he noted.
This comes after Kirillov told reporters last month that Washington failed to deactivate biolabs in Ukraine before the launch of Russia's special military operation despite claims by US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.
A hard truth to accept is the longstanding practice of biologicals and pharmaceuticals weapons testing on United States citizens is a long standing practice. No one is ever prosecuted or punished for the destruction of human lives, their families and communities. Secrecy agreements and privacy laws are used to hide the acts. Those agreements seem to have great legal weight to silence individuals.
Many of us probably know or suspect people who were negatively effected by these practices. An uncomfortable read, but an issue necessary to understand some of the quirks of US culture. Many people and those around them spend the rest of their lives simply trying to put the pieces back together to live a "normal" life.
The US Government Declares War on America
Blue Moon of Shanghai Larry Romanoff, March 31, 2023
Covert nuclear, biological and chemical experiments on the American public are not new. The US government and military have a history of nearly 100 years of performing illegal, unethical and immoral experiments on live subjects at home.[1][2][3] Countless millions of US civilians have been exposed to astonishing procedures and pathogens. According to a US Congressional investigation, by the late 1970s “at least 500,000 people were used as subjects in radiation, biological and chemical experiments sponsored by the US Federal Government on its own citizens”. However, as with all US Congressional Investigations, the content was severely whitewashed, with the actual count of victimised Americans being almost certainly in the tens of millions.
China is moving away from the long practice of being polite and not mentioning the worst parts of the Untied States government actions. They are now using methods similar to public shaming and education.
This report was published last month by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022
March 20, 2023
4. “Freedom of speech” in name only
Capital and interest groups basically can get anything they want when it comes to public opinion. In the face of capital and interest groups, American media’s “freedom of speech” smacks of hypocrisy. Most American media firms are privately owned and serve the powerful and the rich. Whether it’s the owner of the media or the investment and advertisement income that the media depends on, all of them are related to capital and interest groups. In his book The Hypocritical Superpower, Micheal Lueders, a well-known German writer and media professional, elaborated in detail how the “filtering mechanism” of American media, under the influence of interest groups, chooses and distorts facts. In January 2023, Project Veritas, an American right-wing group, published a video about Pfizer that went viral. It recorded Jordon Trishton Walker, a senior executive at Pfizer, saying that Pfizer was exploring plans to “mutate” the coronavirus, that the coronavirus vaccine business was a “cash cow”, and that US regulators had vested interests in drug companies. To deal with the PR crisis, in addition to issuing a statement, Pfizer even had YouTube remove the video immediately on ground of “violating community guidelines”.
The US uses social media to manipulate international public opinion. In December 2022, the independent investigation website “The Intercept” revealed that agencies affiliated to the US Department of Defense had long interfered in public opinion in Middle Eastern countries by manipulating topics and waging deceptive propaganda on social media such as Twitter
In September 2022, the explosion of the “Nord Stream” natural gas pipeline shocked the world, and the international community was eager to know the identity and motive of the perpetrator. On 8 February 2023, Pulitzer Prize-winning veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article exposing the US government as the culprit of the incident. However, American and European mainstream media, known for their sensitivity to such scoops, stayed eerily quiet on this piece of explosive news.
5. The judicial system blind to public opinionAs an institution undergirding the country’s Constitution, the US Supreme Court, like the American society, has become deeply divided. Judicial power is hijacked by public opinion, and partisan struggle has spread to the judicial system. Increasingly, Supreme Court decisions reflect the huge chasm between “two Americas”—the conservatives and liberals, and have been reduced to a tool of political warfare. The “separation of powers” is constantly being eroded. Partisanship has abandoned tradition and crossed the line.
Both parties pursue their agenda by changing the political orientation of the Supreme Court.
II. The United States’ imposition of “democracy” has caused chaos around the worldIn spite of all the problems facing its own democracy, the United States refuses to reflect on itself, but instead continues to export American democratic values to other countries, and use the pretext of democracy to oppress other countries and serve its own agenda. What the US has done is exacerbating division in the international community and bloc-based confrontation.
1. Foreign policy held hostage by political polarization
“Politics stops at the water’s edge” is a popular proverb in American political circles, which means that partisan struggle should be confined to domestic politics and that a united front should be formed when dealing with foreign affairs. However, with the intensification of political polarization, Democrats and Republicans are increasingly divided on major foreign affairs issues, and America’s foreign policy has become more and more “extreme”. “Politics crossing the water’s edge” has become the norm. It is not only harmful to many developing countries, but also poses a threat to America’s own allies.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Trump administration and some extreme politicians have concocted all kinds of lies and rumors against China on coronavirus origins-tracing. The most typical is in 2021, when the US intelligence agency issued the so-called origins-tracing report, which, in total disregard of science, fabricated the “lab leak” story and claimed that China lacked transparency and obstructed international investigations. Tracing the origins of the coronavirus is a matter of science, but the true purpose of the US’ doing is to obscure the views of the public and manipulate the issue to shift the blame onto China and suppress and contain China. This fully exposes the hypocrisy of American democracy and the ill effects of political polarization.
Under the Biden administration, the US ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan with a hasty withdrawal of troops. It just walked away, after shattering a whole country and destroying the future of several generations.
2. Inciting confrontation and conflict in the name of democracyDemocracy is a common value of humanity and must not be used as a tool to advance geopolitical agenda or counter human development and progress. However, in order to maintain its hegemony, the US has long been monopolizing the definition of “democracy”, instigating division and confrontation in the name of democracy, and undermining the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law.
3. Doubling down on unilateral sanctionsUnder the pretext of human rights and democracy, the US has long been using unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction” against other countries based on its domestic laws and its own values. In the past decades, the US imposed unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction on Cuba, Belarus, Syria, Zimbabwe and other countries, placed maximum pressure on countries including the DPRK, Iran and Venezuela, and unilaterally froze US$130 million in military aid to Egypt under the excuse of the country’s lack of progress in human rights. Such actions have seriously damaged the economic development and people’s livelihood in the countries concerned, and jeopardized the right to life, the right to self-determination and the right to development, constituting a continual, systematic and massive violation of human rights in other countries. In recent years, US unilateral sanctions have been increasing and its “long arm” has been extending further. In order to preserve its hegemony, the US has wilfully harmed the interests of other countries, especially the legitimate and lawful interests of developing countries, in disregard of international law and the basic norms of international relations.
5. Foisting a trumped-up narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”
Harboring the Cold War mentality, a hegemonic logic and a preference for bloc politics, the US administration has framed a narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”, and labeled countries as “autocracies”, with a view to using ideology and values as a tool to suppress other countries and advance its own geostrategy under the disguise of democracy.In 2021, the US held the first “Summit for Democracy”, attempting to divide the international community into so-called “democratic and undemocratic camps” by openly drawing an ideological line. The move drew questions extensively, including from within the US. Both Foreign Affairs and The Diplomat carried articles criticizing the summit as chasing the wrong goal, not only failing to achieve unity among democratic countries, but also drawing criticism for the representation issue. The US has long lacked a set goal in its promotion of democracy around the world, and has been slow in following up its rhetoric. When democracy in the US is in such a mess, holding a democracy summit cannot boost democracy around the world, but more likely create a greater geopolitical crisis. Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman of the Institute for International Strategy of Japan, pointed out that the US has been imposing “democracy” on other countries, advancing the “democracy versus authoritarianism” campaign, and expanding global division.
IV. Conclusion
Democracy is humanity’s common value; however, there is no single model of political system that is applicable to all countries in the world. Human civilization, if compared to a garden, should be a diverse place in which democracy in different countries blooms like a hundred flowers. The US has American-style democracy, China has Chinese-style democracy, and other countries have their own unique models of democracy that suit their respective national conditions. It should be up to the people of a country to judge whether the country is democratic or not and how to better promote democracy in their country. The few self-righteous countries have no right to point fingers.
Those who have many flaws themselves have little credibility to lecture others. Attempts to undermine others for one’s own profit and destabilize the world must be unanimously opposed. A black-and-white division of countries as democratic or authoritarian is both anachronistic and arbitrary. What our world needs today is not to stoke division in the name of democracy and pursue de facto supremacy-oriented unilateralism, but to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and uphold true multilateralism on the basis of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. What our world needs today is not to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs under the guise of democracy, but to advocate genuine democracy, reject pseudo-democracy and jointly promote greater democracy in international relations. What our world needs today is not a “Summit for Democracy” that hypes up confrontation and contributes nothing to the collective response to global challenges, but a conference of solidarity that focuses on taking real actions to solve prominent global challenges.
Freedom, democracy and human rights are the common pursuit of humanity, and values that the Communist Party of China (CPC) always pursues. China commits to and advances whole-process people’s democracy, and puts into action the principle of people running the country in the CPC’s exercise of national governance in specific and concrete ways. China stands ready to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with other countries on the issue of democracy, advocate humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, promote greater democracy in international relations, and make new and greater contributions to human progress.
I still need to read the article. Pepe Escobar at The Cradle.
Iran and Saudi Arabia: a Chinese win-win
The single Iranian-Saudi handshake buried trillions of dollars of western divide-and-rule investments across West Asia, and has global leaders rushing to Beijing for global solutions.
The most current videos at this link.
Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict from different perspectives. Also a bit regarding China and Biden administration.
What is on your mind today?

Understanding animals
It's great you have a communication link open with the critters.
Had a soothing influence on a goose the other day.
This 1932 Chrysler CG Imperial Custom Roadster sold for $1.6 million on Friday.
It was one of 80 cars auctioned from a collector in Lynchburg, VA. Others included
brands like Bentley, Ford, Cadillac, Lincoln, Jaguar, Porsche, Rolls Royce, and even a vintage fire truck.
Here is a 1938 Mercedes Benz 540K Tourenwagon. Bids in the $1.25M to $1.75M range.
question everything
Very nize vehicles. Good thing that they had those
running boards with that much ground clearance.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Geese are dangerous when riled
Beautiful examples of craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Hi all,
Hi all, Howdy SoE, Hope it's all good out there.
Yeah they just whip out the 'national security' card, and we're done talking about it. What that has perverted to become is... we lied so much, so big, that if it were known, it would destroy us, and so therefore it is in our national security interest to continue lying about it to you.
Both Russia and China have really impressed me with their recent statements. I can't believe how sensible and rational they are being. Perhaps it only seems that way from being surrounded by endlessly repeated unexplainable acts of flaming ignorance, and federally perpetuated violence, with no good reason, other than 'the racket'. Maybe Saudi, Iran, Yemen and Syria will be next to regain their senses and work together. All we know how to do is be a bully now.
As a kid I loved Charlotte's Web, and then Animal Farm. It was a very clever way of writing ideas that might be harder to express otherwise.
Thanks for the OT!
Hope all have good ones!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hola Dysto - got a new one, of all things,
Grey Vireo - several, hanging out in the trees in the dirt "plaza" of the Borrego Valley Inn. Small scale range map was hilarious, more or less "right where you are standing".
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hey EL!
Very cool bird. They recently (last 20 years or so) have found that in winter they are often around those weird cool Elephant Trees (Bursera). Most do not winter in the U.S., they are rare then, but, a few are found, typically around this tree in AZ. There is an area in Borrego that has Elephant Trees and I think Gray Vireos. They do eat the fruit.
In CA I mostly saw them in lower elevation Pinyon-Juniper habitats with lots of scrub-shrub layer. The desert end of the San Bernadino Mtns. in Juniper belt, always has them around Rose Mine Rd. in breeding season. But they never are common like many other vireos. Compared to the other dozen vireos, Gray is one of the least-known and least seen vireos in America. My lifers were a pair in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, where Elephant Trees. Congrats on getting to see them!
some good pics at bottom... an amazing plant...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Heh, Borrego does have Bursera, I have seen them.
I remember a grove of them accessed by hiking in from a turnout on split mountain rd. The gray vireos we saw this trip were in mesquite and palo verde at roughly 33.2556° N, 116.3887° W, maybe 50 yards from Palm Canyon Drive.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Korean green frog fable
I learned it from some children's book I bought from Kyobo bookstore in Seoul many years ago. I found a couple of English variants browsing on the web.
This rendition says the folktale originated in China.
I read that the expression "green frog" 청개구리 was often used by parents when their child acted out this way. I think it often applies to adults as well. Sometimes if I'm having some frivolous dispute with my other half, the expression arises. "Cheong Gaegoori." Basically, it means you'll disagree with me just because it's in your nature.
Another idiom I like is 井底之蛙 "frog in the bottom of the well." This is also Chinese in origin. Asian studies professor Dr. Petersen, whose youtube channel (about Korean culture) I enjoy is Frog outside the well.
The fable of the rabbit and the turtle
Is this fable applicable to US relations with its allies? Which ones will give up their liver?
語必忠信 行必正直
I love the story
Of Daffy duck and Charlie the rooster. I keep trying to picture the rooster wading into the water to retrieve his friend. What fun for you to grow up surrounded by all those critters.
Has all the rain and snow ended the drought conditions in your part of the state?
Good morning soe, thanks for the Potluck/OT.
Really good stuff, though all references to "democracy" in all of its variants as applied to or by the US should be in scare quotes. We were never intended to be one and never have been one.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Ah, animals...
The donkey who loved our dog. The dog returned that love.
The cow I bottle fed that loved me forever.
The 2 horses that were inseparable.
The rescued cocoon that became a moth that stayed forever near.
Kids growing up in cities miss this.
Can't wait for the announced counteroffensive that is gonna catch those Ruskies by total surprise!
After we stocked up on meat while it was on sale, we have to purchase a vacuum sealer today. No particular reason we haven't bought one before now.
We caught a break from rain, but for only this one day.
I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend planned, and that it will include animals, good food, and really loud music!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Ruskies? Really?
time, you see the US lab loud and clear. Why bash China? What did they do bring this on? Putin my ass.
That was snark.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A subtle Chinese message was delivered to its recent visitors.
Great catch, humphrey
The Chinese have been doing diplomacy a lot longer than France.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
A completely different message was sent to Taiwan.
A little Known fact:
France designed and oversaw the building of the Wuhan bio-labs. It took nearly ten years to complete. It is considered to be one of the safest and most advanced bio-labs of its kind.
Thanks for the OT, SOE
The remarks from the Chinese Foreign Minister was spot on.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The hell with that Nuremberg Code
The US Government Declares War on America
Guess what? They are still doing it. Are you aware that the mRNA shot program is being run by the department of defense? Yep it is and that’s one reason why the whistleblower case against the Pfizer trial fraud has been dismissed. Pfizer’s own lawyers said that they delivered the fraud that the government ordered.
ETA link to Sasha's website that has detailed this. I’ve posted the link to Watts who has documented how many governments have written legislation making this legal. But how can you legalize a crime against humanity? I don’t think you can….
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks for the tunes too.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Thanks f0r touching on these difficult subjects.
The past two months of China's new, plain speaking approach to news media has left me sort of speechless.
I've followed China news for many years. Their soft, face-saving style of confrontation (the receptive Yin) when facing an attacking superpower has been a great frustration that I have learned to live with. The Chinese simply would not push back, and instead, silently absorbed the outrageous blows and lies delivered by the West. They simply carry on as if nothing had happened.
The US started getting especially aggressive just prior to Obama's second term. It was several years before that, that China was being infiltrated through its western flank in the Xinjiang Province by a US-organized muslim terrorist operation out of the Middle East. The mercenaries involved were Uighurs, but they were not the Uighurs of China.. They were sect of Uighurs that had split off hundreds of years ago and had settled near Turkey, near the Kurds, near Syria, near Afghanistan. These Uighurs were simply off the radar for Westerners.
The western Uighurs are unspeakably violent jihadists. (Although John McCain was photographed with them, of course, and referred to them as a new breed of "moderate Muslims. Big smiles.) They were the original head-chopping ISIS terrorists, the violent and inhuman incarnation of decapitations and destruction that marked the sudden appearance of ISIS in the Middle East. They arrived in huge, miles-long caravans of identical, brand new Toyota trucks that were fitted with large gun mounts in the truck beds. No one ever figured out how this publicity-invasion was pulled off. Not even the Saudis. Not even Toyota. The automaker immediately stopped production of this wildly popular type of truck — and Toyota never produced another one.
This manifestation of ISIS mysteriously disappeared after a flashy murder spree across Syria — just like the mysterious disappearance of the deadly Vaping Disease that hit the US in mid 2019 and abruptly disappeared at the same moment that Covid-19 arrived in December of that same year.
These western Uighurs began melting into the Chinese Uighur population. The Chinese Uighurs have been a recognized culture of China for many centuries — one of 52 ethnic groups that are afforded full rights under the Chinese Constitution. Uighur artifacts from more than 800 years ago, stretching across dynasties, are displayed in China's museums. In modern Xinjiang, the mercenary Middle East Uighur infiltrators became established fixtures in the mosques. (There are more than 40,000 modern mosques in Western China, alone, more than most Middle East nations.) The infiltrators rewrote many schoolbooks used by Uighur children, and spread a jihad theology throughout the culture. Chinese Uighur women were silenced by the culture and withdrew from public life. The men began training in the dark martial arts. Many different ethnic cultures are concentrated in Xinjiang, so there is a great deal going on. These changes among the Uighurs went unnoticed.
And then, in about 2014, horrifying knife attacks against the Han Chinese too place in Xinjiang. Hundreds were slaughtered on their way to work. The terrorists would melt back into the Uighur culture. Invisible. This is the beginning of a long story that no one in the West really knows. I'm not going to tell it now. My comment merely serves as an example of how long the US war on China has been going on. The Chinese government is very much aware of all this and they have dealt with it. But the Chinese have not confronted the West over it. Just as the Chinese have never confronted the West over the four mysterious virus pandemics that hit China, in each of the four years preceding Covid-19, and wiped out entire segments of their food supply.
I'm just cutting in here to mention that these past two months of China's new, truth-telling voice regarding US attacks on China is something that is completely new to me.
Thanks for posting the topic SOE. I could never figure out how to introduce it. It's just too big.
Meanwhile, for the past 20 years plus, Larry Romanoff has written volumes of well sourced essays covering many related topics from his home in Shanghai. I can only name one other journalist who has followed these facts, but he died two years ago of poisoning. Romanoff has a working knowledge of the living history of China in the 21st century. As far as I know, he is the only Western scribe with full awareness who is recording the truth as the new transformative world is emerging.
Thank you so much
for these insights. Fascinating.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It’s an interesting theory
Apparently this leak does more damage than the previous one because it covers more areas. I thought the first one was a psyops to give Ukraine cover for not doing its new offensive. Especially because the NYT wrote about it…when don’t they just take stenography?
Zero hedges writes about it.
I’m seeing others who are more knowledgeable about foreign affairs saying that they think this is genuine and might do some damage if more leaks come out.
Btw the shitlibs think it’s the republicans who are leaking the information because they know that they are hip deep in Putin’s pocket because…I guess Trump colluded with him even though Mueller said that he found no evidence of that or anything else he could hang on Trump. They have just ignored Mueller’s findings and they believe everything Rachel told them even though Mueller debunked it. It’s really quite a funny read…if you don’t vomit at the comments.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Where's the paywall?
Imo it's a disinformation operation. Where are the original documents? Secondary sources are notoriously unreliable. I don't think a technically sophisticated country like Russia (in terms of intelligence and assessments) needs "help" from the Pentagon or CIA on interpreting Ukraine's OOB or anything else that's happening. Without the original documents it's difficult to determine what the "warhead" or "payload" is in intelligence terms. Obviously, each side would like to misdirect the application of military and intelligence resources of the other.
The article tries to make the point, that the "Russians" did it, with the allegations (in their favor) of manipulation of casualty figures. How convenient to leave a "smoking gun."
I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop in the engineered headline story. (Not really). Maybe the clue will be when all the usual suspects use the word "bombshell" in a breathy excited tone.
語必忠信 行必正直
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
A cowboy
and horse song:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Haven't listened to the song in a long time - thanks
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
This is interesting...
"A new report shows that the U.S. was hiring Covid-19 researchers three months before the pandemic began. And where were they hiring for these positions. Ukraine. Of course.
Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?
The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”