The Evening Blues - 4-4-23
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Chicago soul vocal group The Trends. Enjoy!
The Trends - If You Don't Dig The Blues
"The nation no longer stands for the enlightenment tradition, but rather for military-political hegemony and the total commodification of life."
-- Morris Berman
News and Opinion
Marco Rubio Accidentally Makes A Great Argument Against US Dollar Hegemony
Some empire managers are so brash about wanting to rule the world that they’ll occasionally voice their position so directly it sounds like an anti-imperialist said it.
We saw just such an instance last Wednesday during a conversation between empire propagandist Sean Hannity and warmongering senator Marco Rubio on Fox News. So frenzied was Rubio in his vitriol about the rise of China on the world stage that he accidentally wound up providing a very good argument against the hegemony of the US dollar.
Rubio began with a rant about how the US is in a “conflict” with China in response to a question from Hannity about whether Xi Jinping is preparing for war with America.
“The bottom line is we’re in a conflict, and I think we have to start talking about it that way,” Rubio said. “I was very young, obviously, at the end of the Cold War, but it’s been about 30 years since there was another superpower on the earth that was in conflict with the United States. We are back in that place. We need to stop pretending like that’s not the case now.”
Hannity repeated the soundbyte he’s been pushing for the last few weeks saying that China, Russia and Iran are a “new Axis of Evil,” then Rubio made a very revealing comment about a recent deal that was struck between China and Brazil.
“Just today, Brazil, the largest country in the Western Hemisphere, cut a trade deal with China,” said Rubio. “They’re going to, from now on, do trade in their own currencies, get right around the dollar. They’re creating a secondary economy in the world totally independent of the United States. We won’t have to talk about sanctions in five years, because there’ll be so many countries transacting in currencies other than the dollar that we won’t have the ability to sanction them.”
Rubio is not the first US imperialist we’ve seen expressing concern about the US dollar losing its position as the dominant currency of the world, not just with regard to China and Brazil but between China and Russia, between China and Saudi Arabia, between China and India, and between India and Russia.
“The dollar is America’s superpower,” Fareed Zakaria writes for The Washington Post. “It gives Washington unrivaled economic and political muscle. The United States can slap sanctions on countries unilaterally, freezing them out of large parts of the world economy. And when Washington spends freely, it can be certain that its debt, usually in the form of T-bills, will be bought up by the rest of the world.”
“Now an increasing number of nations are eager to find alternative financial systems to insulate themselves from Washington’s willingness to use sanctions as political leverage,” writes Jamie Seidel for the Murdoch-owned, quoting an Australian Strategic Policy Institute think tanker as saying, “Chinese authorities were shocked by the seizure of the Russian central bank’s foreign exchange reserves following the invasion of Ukraine. In the event of a Sino-American conflict, Chinese assets would similarly be vulnerable.”
The other day Pentagon insider and DC swamp monster Elbridge Colby spotlighted a concern on Twitter that the US might not be able to finance a war with China if the US dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency.
— Elbridge Colby (@ElbridgeColby) March 27, 2023
The US has engaged in a tremendous amount of manipulation to secure the dollar’s position as the global reserve currency and all the power that comes with it, and has used it to fund a war machine of unprecedented might and to inflict starvation sanctions on disobedient nations around the world. It is a weapon, and US imperialists are bemoaning the looming loss of that weapon because they want to use it on many more people for the advancement of the interests of the empire.
Economic sanctions are somehow the only form of warfare where it’s considered acceptable to deliberately target civilian populations with deadly force, and the US empire makes liberal use of them. Starvation sanctions always hurt the weakest and most vulnerable members of a population by depriving them of access to medicine and adequate nutrition, and future generations (if there are future generations) will judge harshly those who used them.
It seems unlikely to me that the emergence of a multipolar world will in and of itself produce any kind of wonderful utopia, and as Professor Richard Wolff explains the dollar’s decline could potentially give rise to a lot of economic chaos and suffering. But at the very least the fall of US dollar hegemony would deprive one group of psychopaths a powerful weapon they should never have had, and could even end up impeding the empire’s ability to ramp up for a global conflict between major powers — a conflict which must never occur.
In any case humanity cannot continue along the trajectory it has been on, and any divergence from that trajectory opens up the possibility of real healthy change. Here’s hoping Marco Rubio is given a lot more to be upset about in the coming years.
Finland to join Nato on Tuesday as Russia sounds border warning
Russia has said it will bolster its defences near its 1,300km border with Finland after the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that the Nordic country would formally join the transatlantic defence alliance on Tuesday.
The accession marks the end of an accelerated process that began last May, when Finland and neighbouring Sweden abandoned decades of military nonalignment to seek security as Nato members after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Turkey last week became the last of the alliance’s 30 member states to ratify Finland’s application, but Turkey and Hungary continue to hold up Sweden’s bid. Stockholm said last week it was not sure it would join in time for a planned Nato summit in July. ...
In Moscow, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Alexander Grushko, responded to the news of Finland’s accession by saying Russia would increase its forces in its west and northwestern regions if necessary.
If the “forces and resources of other Nato members are deployed in Finland, we will take additional steps to reliably ensure Russia’s military security” by “strengthening our military potential in the west and in the northwest”, Grushko said.
Finland’s NATO membership prepares major escalation of war against Russia
On Friday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that Finland would become the 31st member of the US-led NATO military alliance within days, following the passage of a ratification vote by Turkey, the last member of NATO required to approve the proposal. Stoltenberg boasted that it was “the fastest ratification process in NATO’s modern history” and that it will happen “within days.” The rapidity of Finland’s accession is not an accident. It is closely tied to US plans for a spring offensive in Ukraine, which will be accompanied by a major military buildup on Russia’s border.
The United States, Germany and other NATO members are surging tanks, armored vehicles and thousands of Ukrainian troops trained in NATO countries into the conflict, even as they make plans to deploy tens of thousands of NATO troops near the Russian border. Five NATO states currently border Russia: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Norway. NATO’s border will effectively be doubled once Finland joins. The country has the largest land border with Russia of any state in Europe, at 830 miles.
The Finnish border is only 100 miles from St. Petersburg, one of the most important economic and political centers in Russia. Finland controls vital sea lanes of communication used by Russia, and it plays a major role in the scramble for domination of the Baltic Sea and the Arctic. NATO’s expanded land border with Russia is being massively militarized. On March 18, Politico reported, “In the coming months, the alliance will accelerate efforts to stockpile equipment along the alliance’s eastern edge and designate tens of thousands of forces that can rush to allies’ aid on short notice.”
NATO’s “eastern flank” increasingly resembles the battle lines of the Eastern front in the Second World War, which stretched from Finland to Ukraine. The move to incorporate Finland into the NATO alliance has enormous historical significance, as the country was a key ally of Nazi Germany during the Second World War and played a critical role in the war of extermination against the Soviet Union, including the siege of Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.
The move to further expand NATO also undercut all the claims promoted by the Biden administration and the media of an “unprovoked war.” According to the White House’s well-worn narrative, the war in Ukraine is a “war of choice” launched by a single man in February 2022. Putin started the war, and only Putin can end it—by withdrawing Russian troops to where they were last year, the White House endlessly repeats. But while the conflict between the US/NATO and Russia erupted over the Ukrainian border, it is in fact the outcome of a decades-long drive by US imperialism to encircle, weaken and ultimately carve up and dismantle Russia, as part of the preparation for conflict with China.
Russia Controls 85% Bakhmut, Missile Strikes, Rumours Kiev Counterattack, MSM Ukraine Morale Falling
Russian police arrest woman over bombing that killed pro-war blogger
Russian police have arrested a woman suspected of delivering a bomb that killed a prominent pro-war Russian military blogger in a blast in a cafe in central St Petersburg on Sunday, as authorities blamed Ukraine for the attack.
Vladlen Tatarsky, whose real name was Maxim Fomin, was killed by a bomb blast as he was hosting a discussion with other pro-war commentators at a cafe on the banks of the Neva River in the historic heart of St Petersburg.
Police said they had identified a woman called Darya Trepova as the suspect and that she was arrested in an apartment in St Petersburg after a search on Monday morning. Authorities said she was a supporter of the jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
In a statement, Russia’s national antiterrorism committee claimed the attack was “planned by the special services of Ukraine with the involvement of agents from those who had cooperated with the so-called Navalny Anti-Corruption Fund [Foundation]”.
Sources in the country’s interior ministry told the RBK news outlet that the attack was “carefully planned in advance by several people”.
'DON'T Talk About Nord Stream'? US Allies Would RATHER NOT Probe Who Blew Up Pipelines: Report
Ukrainian court puts an Orthodox leader under house arrest
A Kyiv court ordered a leading priest to be put under house arrest Saturday after Ukraine’s top security agency said he was suspected of justifying Russian aggression, a criminal offense. It was the latest move in a bitter dispute over a famed Orthodox monastery. Metropolitan Pavel is the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra monastery, Ukraine’s most revered Orthodox site. He has denied the charges and resisted the authorities’ order to vacate the complex.
In a court hearing earlier in the day, the metropolitan said the claim by the Security Service of Ukraine, known as the SBU, that he condoned Russia’s invasion was politically driven and that he had “never been on the side of aggression.”
After the court’s ruling, a monitoring bracelet was placed around his ankle, despite his objections that he has diabetes and should not wear it. The house arrest was to last two months. “I am accepting this,” he said shortly before the bracelet was attached. “Christ was crucified on the cross, so why shouldn’t I accept this?”
Earlier in the week, he cursed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, threatening him with damnation.
Kamala Harris Gets SMACKED DOWN During Visit To Africa
Chinese balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive US military sites – report
A Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence as it flew over sensitive military sites in the US, despite efforts by the Joe Biden White House to thwart its espionage mission, new reports suggest.
China succeeded in flying the massive balloon over some military bases on multiple occasions and sent the information back to Beijing in real time, NBC News reported on Monday, citing two current senior US officials and one former high-level administrator. The balloon, which was the size of three school buses, was occasionally flown in a figure-eight formation over at least some of those sensitive sites before it was shot down in early February.
“The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel, rather than images,” NBC’s report cited the officials as saying. ...
The Pentagon said experts were still analyzing debris collected from the balloon after it was shot down on 4 February. “I could not confirm that there was real-time transmission from the balloon back to (China) at this time,” said Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh, adding, “that’s something we’re analyzing right now.”
Beijing officials have vehemently denied that the balloon was a government intelligence-gathering asset, claiming that the US overreacted to what was an unmanned civilian vessel that had accidentally strayed off course.
Rand Paul RIPS Republicans For Censoring TikTok!
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Fmr CIA Fellow Leads Effort To CENSOR Disfavored Speech By Gov't Officials
Starbucks fires Buffalo worker who founded union campaign
Two days after the Starbucks chairman and former CEO Howard Schultz was grilled during a Senate committee hearing on the company’s response to union organizing at its stores, Starbucks fired three union organizers and disciplined another organizer in the Buffalo, New York, area where the union campaign began.
Among those to lose their jobs was Lexi Rizzo, a shift supervisor for seven years in Buffalo at one of the first stores to unionize and a leading founder of the union campaign. The union has characterized the actions as retaliation.
“My store manager was sobbing her eyes out when she was firing me about how much she knew I loved and cared about my store and how she didn’t want to do this. I put everything I have into my store,” said Rizzo, who was fired on Friday 31 March. “It’s honestly, so far in my life, one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve had happen. Anyone that I work with, any of my partners would attest to how much I love and care for my store.”
Rizzo worked at one of the first two Starbucks stores to unionize in the US in Buffalo and has served on the organizing committee since the campaign first launched in August 2021. Starbucks denied the store manager sobbed when firing Rizzo.
“They cited two times when I was one minute late to work. Another time, I was four minutes late to work and another time, I was five minutes late to work,” said Rizzo. “The one minute late can be clocking into the iPads because these iPads used to clock in, they take forever to load. For those, that’s just absurd to me, and the other times I had called the store to let them know I was going to be running late due to weather,” argued Rizzo.
'Break Up Big Ag,' Says Sanders After Egg Giant Posts 718% Profit Increase
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders this weekend renewed his call to break up agricultural monopolies after the nation's largest egg producer reported that its quarterly profits soared more than 700%.
Cal-Maine Foods, which controls about 20% of the U.S. egg market, announced last week that its revenue for the quarter ending February 25 rose 109% to $997.5 million, while profit for the same period skyrocketed 718% to $323.2 million.
In a statement, Cal-Maine president and CEO Sherman Miller attributed the company's soaring profits to "the ongoing epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza which has significantly reduced the nation's egg-laying capacity."
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, "U.S. egg inventories were 29% lower in the final week of December 2022 than at the beginning of the year," while "more than 43 million egg-laying hens were lost to the disease itself or to depopulation since the outbreak began in February 2022."
Sanders (I-Vt.)—who took on agricultural monopolies while campaigning for president in 2016 and 2020—questioned Cal-Maine's narrative in a tweet arguing that "we must break up Big Ag and enact a windfall profits tax." ...
The advocacy group Farm Action earlier this year implored the Federal Trade Commission to investigate "apparent price gouging, price coordination, and other unfair or deceptive acts or practices by dominant producers of eggs such as Cal-Maine Foods."
Is America becoming Cop City?
Florida closes in on six-week abortion ban while also allowing no-permit gun carry
Florida took another step to the right on Monday when the state senate approved a bill to ban abortions after six weeks, a measure supported by Republican governor and expected presidential candidate Ron DeSantis – who on the same day signed into law a bill allowing the public to carry concealed guns without a permit.
The latest proposal to restrict reproductive rights must still be approved by the house in the state legislature before it reaches the governor’s desk. Florida currently prohibits abortions after 15 weeks.
A six-week ban would more closely align Florida with the abortion restrictions of other Republican-controlled states and give DeSantis a political win on an issue important with GOP primary voters ahead of his potential White House run.
The bill would have larger implications for abortion access throughout the south, as the nearby states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi prohibit the procedure at all stages of pregnancy and Georgia bans it after fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which is around six weeks.
Meanwhile, the new weapons law will allow anyone who can legally own a gun in Florida to carry one without a permit. It means training and a background check will not be needed for people to carry concealed guns in public. The state now has nearly 3 million permit holders.

Chaos Outside Manhattan Court Where Trump Is Set To Be Arraigned
Trump arrives in New York City ahead of Tuesday court appearance
Donald Trump arrived in New York City on Monday, a day before he is due for a hotly anticipated court appearance where he’ll respond to the first ever criminal indictment filed against a former American president.
At about 2.15pm ET on Tuesday, he will appear at the courthouse where a grand jury convened by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg handed down its indictment last week, to learn the exact details of which laws he is alleged to have broken. At his arraignment, he is expected to be photographed and fingerprinted, but will not be handcuffed per an agreement his legal team reached with Bragg, Trump’s attorney Joe Tacopina said last week. ...
Important details of the case could be revealed before Trump sets foot in a courtroom. Media organizations including the Washington Post, the New York Times and CNN have petitioned Judge Juan Merchan to make public Bragg’s indictment, which reportedly contains upwards of 30 charges and at least one felony related to the hush money payment he facilitated to adult film star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election.
The same group of news organizations is also asking Merchan to allow cameras in the courtroom. However he rules, the former president’s appearance in New York will receive the maximum amount of publicity possible. On Monday morning, local television networks in Florida broadcast Trump’s arrival at his golf club in West Palm Beach, and had cameras stationed at the airport from where he departed.
The horde of reporters that has camped outside the Manhattan criminal court where the charges were handed down will likely swell on Tuesday, when Trump makes his appearance under heavy security. The day after the indictment became public last week, the New York police department told all of its 35,000 officers to show up in uniform, and the US Capitol police in Washington DC have reportedly warned lawmakers of the potential for protests nationwide.
Juan González on Chicago Mayoral Race: Can a Progressive, Multiracial Coalition Win?
Ari Berman on the Race That Could Decide the Fate of Democracy in Wisconsin — and the 2024 Election
'Incredibly Disturbing' Docs Reveal Oil Giant Shell Knew About Climate Impacts Even Earlier
Reporting on a cache of documents published over the weekend shows Shell knew about the impact of fossil fuel even earlier than previously revealed, potentially bolstering legal efforts to hold Big Oil accountable for the global climate emergency.
The reporting from DeSmog and Follow the Money is based on Dirty Pearls: Exposing Shell's hidden legacy of climate change accountability, 1970-1990, a project for which researcher Vatan Hüzeir compiled 201 books, correspondence, documents, scholarship, and other materials.
Hüzeir—a climate activist, Erasmus University Rotterdam Ph.D. candidate, and founder and director of the Dutch think tank Changerism—collected the documents from former Shell staff, people close to the company, and private and public archives from January 2017 and October 2022.
Following explosive revelations about what ExxonMobil knew about fossil fuels driving global heating, investigations in 2017 and 2018 uncovered that Shell's scientists privately warned about the impact of its products in the 1980s.
However, as Follow the Money detailed, the newly unveiled records show that "Shell already began collecting knowledge about climate change in the 1960s. The company not only kept well abreast of climate science, but also funded research. As a result, Shell already knew in the 1970s that burning fossil fuels could lead to alarming climate change."
Faced with a global oil crisis, rather than using its climate information to publicly sound the alarm and shift to cleaner practices, the company "focused instead on a nonsustainable profit model," launching Shell Coal International in 1974.
The following year, a study Shell was involved with warned that "increases in the CO2 content of the atmosphere could lead to the so-called greenhouse effect... which would be enough to induce major climatic changes." Three years later, another report warned that "the continued burning of fossil fuels will lead to a manifold increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration."
A confidential study from 1989 states that if the global temperature rises more than 1.5°C—the target of the Paris climate agreement that came decades later—then "the potential refugee problem... could be unprecedented. Africans would push into Europe, Chinese into the Soviet Union, Latins into the United States, Indonesians into Australia. Boundaries would count for little—overwhelmed by the numbers. Conflicts would abound. Civilization could prove a fragile thing."
Duncan Meisel, executive director of the campaign Clean Creatives, which targets advertising and public relations firms that work for fossil fuel companies, declared Monday that "what these new documents show is incredibly disturbing."
"In the 1980s, Shell scientists laid out two pathways for the planet: one where energy companies undertook a smooth transition to clean energy and one where fossil fuel demand continued to rise, creating 'more storms, more droughts, more deluges,'" he summarized. "Since the publication of that forecast, Shell has pushed at every turn to create more fossil fuel demand, creating exactly the devastating outcomes they predicted."
The Center for Climate Integrity said the records provide the world "more damning evidence" that the company knew its business model was having disastrous impacts on the world and its people. As the group put it: "They knew. They lied. They need to pay."
Along with the two initial media reports, some of the Shell materials have been published by the Climate Files database.
"Although these first articles refer to only 38 of the many more documents amassed for Dirty Pearls, they tell the story of Shell having engaged in what I call 'climate change uncertaintism' and 'climate change negligence,'" Hüzeir said in a statement. "The former points to Shell's keen willingness to emphasize scientific uncertainty about the potential of global warming in its public reporting, even though scholarly consensus on the future reality of a warmer world was already forming at the time."
"The latter points to Shell's negligence of its own in-house knowledge of potential global warming in public reporting, although express consideration of that knowledge was to be reasonably expected," he added. "Both treatments were political in the sense that they served to push for fossil fuels and especially coal, over renewables, as the culturally preferred sources of energy for the foreseeable future. This is despite Shell's awareness of possibly dangerous climate change associated with unabated fossil fuel combustion. Both treatments were strategic because, by extension, they protected Shell's hydrocarbon-based business model."
CDC Officials Get Sick In East Palestine, Gov't STILL Says Residents Are SAFE: Report
Scientists find deepest fish ever recorded at 8,300 metres underwater near Japan
Scientists have captured footage of a fish swimming more than 8km underwater, setting a new record for the deepest fish ever recorded.
The animal, an unknown snailfish species belonging to the genus Pseudoliparis, was filmed at a depth of 8,336 metres in the Izu-Ogasawara trench, south-east of Japan.
The footage was captured from an autonomous deep ocean vessel as part of a two-month expedition that began last year.
A few days after the snailfish was filmed, scientists caught two other snailfish, of the species Pseudoliparis belyaevi, in the Japan trench from a depth of 8,022 metres.
The team said these are the first fish to have ever been collected from a depth greater than 8,000 metres.
Drought-ravaged California sees one of the largest snowpacks on record
California’s winter of extreme storms has brought the drought-ravaged state one of the largest snowpacks on record, with officials saying on Monday that they expect it could be the greatest documented in 70 years.
As of Monday the state’s snowpack stands at 237% of the annual average, the department of water resources (DWR) announced at a press conference.
“It’s looking like this year’s statewide snowpack will probably most likely be either the first or second biggest snowpack on record dating back to 1950,” said Sean de Guzman with DWR, who described it as the deepest snowpack he had ever measured.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
The Tragedy of US Diplomacy Pushing for War, But Never Peace
Centrist DC think tank: US should threaten war, regime change in Iran
“Legitimate target” — Bellingcat defends terror attack at St. Petersburg cafe
Row Breaks Out Over Assange in Australian Senate
Using Tik-Tok as a Trojan Horse, the RESTRICT Act Would Create an Internet Censorship Star Chamber
Russia protests 'provocative actions' by US forces in Syria
‘Significant Portion’ of UK Lethal Aid for Ukraine Stays Secret
French Governments Have a History of Bypassing Parliament
Amnesty Accuses El Salvador of 'Systematic' Human Rights Abuses After Emergency Declaration
Mount of Olives becomes latest target in fight for control of Jerusalem
Kamala Harris Serves up Crumbs in Africa as US Continues to Offer Little in Comparison to China
Debate: Will Finland's Addition to NATO Make Direct Conflict with Russia More Likely?
A Little Night Music
The Trends - The Soul Clap
The Trends - Thanks For A Little Loving
The Trends - That's How I Like It
The Trends - Dance With Me Baby
The Trends - Check My Tears
Trends - Not Too Old To Cry
The Trends - You Sure Know How To Hurt A Guy
The Trends - (To Be) Happy Enough
The Trends - Gonna have to show you

Here's part two of Jimmy...
and the restrict act. Goes with the Rand Paul clip.
This is the patriot act on steroids. I hope folks wake up, but I lack faith in our pols.
Thanks as always for the excellent news summary and music!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
evening lookout...
yep, it is pretty scary. i forget which video he said it in, but jimmy said something that i've been saying to myself for the last few years, "this is not the country that i grew up in."
This is a great way to get the news.
It never gets old. Thanks Joe.
Btw, I don't think China is going to respond to the silly, anonymized, spy-balloon hoax article from NBC. It reminds me of the doubling-down that Brenner did in December 2016, when he announced that 17™ US Intelligence Agencies concurred that Russia hacked the DNC to meddle in the US election. (I think Hillary took out the 'TM' on the number 17.)
Didn't the US announce, just the other day, they were not going to try to find the rest of the balloon equipment on the ocean floor?
There are quite a few pieces of dumb in this particular doubling-down false flag, for anyone who cares to spot them. I liked this one: The "balloon performed figure eights over military targets in the US to get a better look." So, the balloon had a little hidden propeller and a remote control rudder? And 'China was steering it and receiving data?' An unlikely Jules Verne whopper, lol, trying to turn a balloon into a "spy" vehicle. One would think with over 300 low orbit satellites in the sky overhead, China could just peek through one of their sophisticated cameras to look at the ground, anywhere on the planet. Not to mention that China currently has a fully staffed space station with advanced recognition technology orbiting not far overhead. But, then, the only people the US has to fool, and trick into war, are the American people. And that's pretty much a no-brainer.
evening pluto...
i don't think china is obligated to respond to the drunken loonie at the party, babbling and foaming at the mouth about balloons. sometimes people in the grips of lunacy say something that is so absurd that there is no reasonable response to it that will calm them and responding creates the danger of enraging the lunatic further.
...but they were spying on our weather!
I bet China is causing the all tornadoes.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
US balloons are used in the SCS
pp 17-18 An Incomplete Report on US Military Activities in the South ChinaSea in 2022
語必忠信 行必正直
From the evening not so green.
Just like the ICC and the JCPOA the US although the US is not an active member it has overwhelming influence.
evening humphrey...
heh, the global bully u.s. wants the benefit of a lawfully constituted body to hold back its competitors while it refuses to be constrained. great. payback is gonna be a bitch.
I wonder what Rubio will think when Russia wins the Ukraine war and America is then faced with 2 super powers that have helped a lot of countries ditch the dollar and therefore can’t be sanctioned anymore? But good grief how can our leaders be so dumb that they couldn’t see the writing on the wall of countries ditching it if they continued their vile policies against them that just want to be left alone? And it’s not like what happened to Rome after it got too big for its britches is a secret.
This didn’t age well….
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
yep, the u.s. is looking more and more dispensable every day.
Instead of a drip drip it is looking more like a tsunami.
from the reading i've done, the people who said that dedollarization would take a longish time (it seems like just a couple of years ago they were saying decades, now they are speaking in terms of 5 or so years) were saying that it would take considerable time to create an alternative. turns out our global competitors are more inventive and more motivated than any of the experts were thinking.
Has this been posted yet
I have finally gotten around to reading it and it’s been out for days. Love the opening.
Thanks, Barry! You and Bill will eventually be known as the 2 dudes that destroyed the last principles the democrats once had. I guess Carter should be on the list, but I don’t remember his presidency.
Democrats and the mouthpiece media they listen to are again ignoring the importance of the Twit files or mocking Taibbi for buying into the misinformation. Trump bad is all they focus on and not seeing how Biden is Trump 2 or George HW Bush the 4th. Biden is kicking people off the programs that Trump put them on. No shitlib has noticed.
Btw I was too young for the McCarthy stuff, but did it really happen just overnight? Was there an incident that led up to it?
Was Trump aware of this?
If so it furthers my theory that he was just a patsy furthering what other presidents had started. I’m leaning towards that more every day. Does anyone else find it interesting that he has spent the last 2 years giving speeches to his supporters and keeping them close? I think I’d have found something better to do with my time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
the other night i posted a matt taibbi piece about the tablet piece that you excerpted, i have been meaning to go read the tablet piece but haven't had time yet. maybe this weekend.
anyway, yes mccarthy's red scare didn't appear out of the blue. in the late teens and 20's there was a previous red scare and oppression of left wing political groups (especially unions) - most intensely prosecuted by woodrow wilson and his ag a. mitchell palmer (after whom the "palmer raids" which arrested 10,000 people were named). if you are looking for a dark part of american history to read about, you couldn't do much better than wilson's persecution of left-wingers.
Ahh…a memory is tickling my brain
Remember that one of the FBI's job is to keep progressives out of congress and we’ve just had years of the reign of Pelosi to make sure that any progressive is neutered and that no progressive policies can get passed.
I’ve heard of the Palmer raids, but I don’t know much about them. Wilson was a piece of shit wasn’t he? He gave us the steps for propaganda and the espionage act. Gawd we’ve had some horrible presidents haven’t we? Guess I’ll do some reading on that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
President Carter
The Duran had Jeffrey Sachs on
...I have to say I appreciated most everything he had to say. My only exception was his sanguine view about the role Japan might play in East Asia along with South Korea with respect to the obsessive anti-China approach of the US.
The comments on Japan, South Korea and China don't come up until after the 20 min mark. That is really only a small aspect of a wide ranging discussion. I thought this Duran episode was well worth watching.
Always enjoy your daily collection of news items JS!
語必忠信 行必正直
evening soryang...
i don't always agree with jeffrey sachs, but in the past few years he has been on a roll and most of the time i find myself nodding along. thanks for posting the video!
"escalation of a war against Russia" LOL
Russia invades Ukraine so Finland and Sweden immediately ask to join NATO figuring they are next on the list.
I saw a cute chart the other day.

Don't they call countries who invade neighbors to take over territory imperialists? Russia's economy is not doing so great lately. Things are not hunky dory what with massive conscription and all the young folks that can afford to, leaving. Who keeps blowing up things inside Russia?
Russia is going to go back to its borders and give up territory it took by force. The sooner they do so, the better off they will be. As it is now Finland could take St Petersburg with 3 tanks if they wanted to, Russias army is getting blown up taking a hundred yards of Bahkmut.
evening ban nock...
well, you have certainly outdone yourself tonight.
finland has zero nukes. russia has thousands. tell me again how it is that finland could take st. petersburg with three tanks?
Here’s a update on Russia taking 'hundreds of yards' of Bakmut
SITREP 4/4/23: Huge Tuesday Update Bonanza
It’s not like this area of the Donbas hasn’t been the most fortified in the last 8 years and after Obama overthrew Ukraine’s president and started arming the Nazis there so they could fight Russia. He also talks about the terrorist attack on Tatarsky and addresses the naysayers who say that Russia can’t protect its people…except that security did keep the bomb away from him, but he said to bring it to him.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Russia is very very afraid of this development!
Of course Finland is more than cabable of defending its vast border HAH!
Interesting what you can find on the internet. A couple of
propaganda videos from Ukraine amd North Korea.
Notice the cameras in the Ukrainian one.
Nodutdol on Jeju massacre
Commemorated April 3, the 75th Anniversary
Some impressive drawings in the thread.
Some history of the US involvement in the ongoing massacres of 30-60 thousand people that occurred prior to the Korean War on the Korean island of Jeju south of the Korean peninsula. The uprising against the US occupation began April 3, 1948.
‘My mission is suppression’: Jeju blood on the hands of the US military government
Posted on : Apr.4, 2023 17:14 KST Modified on : Apr.4,2023 17:14 KST
The article goes on to document US involvement in the massacres.
"central left" leaning Hankyoreh dedicated an entire section of its English language web site to the Jeju massacre on the 70th anniversary of the 4.3 incident in 2018. Yoon's minister of education is going to remove references to unsavory South Korean historical events like the Jeju massacres from school text books.
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Just another normal day in apartheid Israel.
Janet P over D Kelly in Wisconsin SC election
Brandon J over P Valis in Chicago Mayoral election.
And Kenosha Unified Schools, Yolanda Santos Adams(i) over Lamar Madison (rightwing challenger)
(YSA has been a good left-of-center schoolboard member for many, many years. She's keeping the crazies at bay.)
So it was a good night. With Janet P's win we might un-Koch some of the last decade+. I look forward to that.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
I sure hope they
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Not a joke! LOL
See for yourself.
"before their return to battle"
"to provide a weeklong break for counseling and relaxation before soldiers return to the front line."
So the program is a week long? This is complete bs. It takes years to treat PTSD. It's a chronic long term disability. It's permanent.
"We do not have the luxury of completely rehabilitating soldiers psychologically in a week," Prykhodko says. "Most must return to active combat. So we try to do the best we can."
"Vasylkovskyi knew soldiers who killed themselves." No kidding.
(edited to add tweet)
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This is a viable possibility.
B-52s visit South Korea
US Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers Amid Tensions with North Korea
5 Apr 23 AP
Yoon as an authoritarian knows little else but threats and coercion as political tools. He's being led by the nose by a deputy national security adviser with significant US ties. TK founder of the Blue Roof English language commentary web site on South Korean politics described Kim Tae-hyo as the South Korean equivalent of John Bolton. He is an ideologically extreme manipulator without "regard for rules and conventions." Kim is believed responsible for instigating the so called March coup d'etat which eliminated the three top South Korean presidential office advisors on diplomatic protocol, foreign policy, and national security.
Yoon is expected to address the US Congress during his US state visit. To have an isolated, unpopular, ignorant, authoritarian "leader" like Yoon address Congress reflects how far out of touch the Congress is with reality in other parts of the world.
KCNA (North Korea) claimed that B-52s entered "Korean airspace" on Mar 30. Aircraft spots an independent US air operations analyst on twitter reported that US B-52s operated over the Sea of Japan on Mar. 29. This is probably the same flight, the North Korean April 5 editorial refers to. The AP article above is referring to a flight (2 aircraft) of B-52s entering South Korean airspace on March 5.
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