China brings about Iran/Saudi Agreement
Moon of Alabama has a fascinating discussion today about Iran and Saudi Arabia agreeing to work together.
... Mediated By China Iran And Saudi Arabia Restore Ties - There Are Winners And Losers
This is huge!
Regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties after years of tensions
... Archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to restore diplomatic relations, a dramatic breakthrough brokered by China after years of soaring tensions between the regional rivals.
The deal, which will see the two countries reopen embassies in each other’s capitals, was sealed during a meeting in China — a boost to Beijing’s efforts to rival the United States as a broker on the global stage.
The agreement also may put a dampener Israel's ongoing efforts to normalize relations with its Arab neighbors...
(From the Comments)
... Only an hour or two later ... didn't take China very long at all ... once the ducks were in a row ...
China to US: Stop plundering Syrian resources, pull troops out,, Mar10'23
China has called on the United States to stop plundering the natural resources in Syria and withdraw its military forces from the country.
"We call on the United States to sincerely respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of other countries, and to immediately stop its illegal military presence and marauding in Syria," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a news briefing on Friday.
China also urged the US to lift the illegal sanctions slapped on Syria and to stop all actions that exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the country.
"The United States has illegally intervened in military activities related to the Syrian crisis, which has led to the death of a large number of innocent civilians and a serious humanitarian disaster," Mao said, adding that his government calls on the US authorities to lift "illegal unilateral sanctions" against Syria and to stop actions that aggravate the humanitarian situation in the country.
According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, since 2014 the Syrian crisis in the country has resulted in at least 350,000 people losing their lives in the violence, and 14 million being in dire need of humanitarian aid.
Posted by: Outraged | Mar 10 2023 15:15 utc | 21
... I though I felt the shock wave of a hundred NEOCON heads exploding. What will be the sanctions now? Expect a tantrum from the US side very soon. Did they not see this coming?
Posted by: circumspect | Mar 10 2023 16:03 utc | 34

The End of the Anglo-American Era of World History
draws nearer with "headlines" like this coming faster and faster.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I don't mind one bit...
Also, the REAL question:
Will BRICS just be new vassals for, or actually stand up to and swat down, the (yes, Virginia, there IS a) Global Banking Conspiracy?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Blinken and Netanyahu haz a sad!
Good news
China continues to repair the bridges damaged by US foreign policy.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The world is finally moving on
As demonstrated by China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
It's not that they are perfect and without flaws.
It's that they are acting both independently and multilaterally.
All three nations are also members of BRICS. BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will account for about 40% of the world economy, after new members (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and Algeria) are included.
They also account for 45% of the world's population and 37.5% of the land mass.
The share of these countries in the world annual harvest of wheat exceeds 51.4%, and in the harvest of rice - 56.1%.
Heh… I mean HEH….
Wouldn’t it be funny if Iran helped to shut down the Saudis war on Yemen? Oh boy I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing if that happened.
I wonder what the Israeli hawks in Washington think of this agreement? Biden and Blinken wanted Iran to jump through hell to agree to their Iran deal.
But here’s what Israel thinks of it.
Lapid Says Resumption of Saudi-Iranian Relations a 'Dangerous Failure' of Israel's Foreign Policy
Well, Bibi you can watch for a few more decades for Iran to build the nuclear weapons that you have insisted were just around the corner for decades even though Iran has said over and over and over and over….that they have no intention of doing.
Boy if this brings peace to the Middle East I’ll be a happy dawg.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.