The Weekly Watch
Media Madness

I've been enjoying the speaker chaos this week. It is nice to see someone, anyone, challenging the system. In congress they called out the uniparty and the corporate capture of congress critters. Although McCarthy managed to pull it out, my bet is he will be weakened and ineffectual Jimmy Dore's "force the vote" concept has been validated by the Republicans. I think it was Saagar who was talking this week about the last time this happened in 1923. He said the difference this time is that there was not a common demand by the rebels. I don't see this speaker conflict as a failure, but a success. As Jimmy pointed out had this been 2020 and the democrats proceeded with force the vote, then MSM would have spent a week talking about their demand for a Medicare for ALL vote.

After Selling 'Soul to Sedition Caucus,' McCarthy Finally Elected Speaker
After nearly a week of chaotic voting on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy of California was elected Speaker of the House of the 118th Congress just after midnight early Saturday morning after finally securing enough votes in the 15th ballot.
I must admit I enjoyed the mayhem.
The house rebels did get some concessions...including perhaps cuts to defense spending.
Far Right DEMANDS HUGE CUT In War Spending!
Whatever deals wound up being cut to finally allow the House of Representatives to elect Kevin McCarthy Speaker will probably not be clear for a while, if ever. But one proposed agreement demanded and won by the far right GOP holdouts is a significant cut in Pentagon spending. Difficult as it is for many to imagine, this firm demand for reduced military spending puts these ostensibly far right Republicans significantly to the left of many Democrats, including members of The Squad and Bernie Sanders, all of whom consistently vote for ever-increasing Ukraine War funding.

It is easy to mislead the ill-informed. Perhaps the root of the collective west problems is the massive media manipulation. The Twitter files have provided documentation of the depth of censorship conducted by the three letter government agencies. We all know this doesn't just happen at twitter, but across all social and digital media platforms. (7 min)
PROOF Twitter Censored Anyone CIA & FBI Told Them To!
When Viktor Shokin, a former Prosecutor General of Ukraine and notable target of onetime Vice President Joe Biden, wrote a book about his experiences in office, there were powerful individuals within the U.S. Government who didn’t want people reading this book, or even becoming aware it existed. And that’s why government agents insisted Twitter censor accounts promoting Shokin’s book, along with countless others in the tsunami of demands for censorship from government agencies that were flooding into the social media company prior to the 2020 election.
More from Matt and Aaron
Dems DEMANDED Twitter Find Phony Russiagate Evidence! (15 min)
Some of the revelations to come out of the so-called “Twitter Files” are pretty shocking, especially in the way they describe an intimate partnership of censorship between government agencies and social media platforms. In the latest data dump, journalist Matt Taibbi discusses the remarkable discovery that following the 2016 election Democratic Senator Mark Warner had actively badgered Twitter representatives to drum up examples of Russian bots on the platform spreading pro-Trump propaganda.
Why Corporate Media HATES The “Twitter Files” w/ Matt Taibbi (6 min)
The so-called “Twitter Files” information dump continues, with the latest round from journalist Matt Taibbi detailing more of the uncomfortably close ties between the social media giant and various government agencies and individuals demanding censorship of various people and perspectives. Yet the mainstream, corporate media still tried to depict these revelations as a “nothingburger."
Twitter Obeyed Gov Orders To Censor Critics As “Russian Disinformation” w/Matt Taibbi (10 min)
In the latest installment of the blockbuster “Twitter Files” release, journalist Matt Taibbi details ways the US State Department sought to label a wide range of critics of United States government policies as promoting “Russian disinformation” and to compel Twitter to ban or otherwise censor these accounts. And guess what – despite some initial hesitation, Twitter essentially went along with it.
Matt had many interviews this week here's one more on the Zero Hour.
Matt Taibbi: Why I Reported on 'The Twitter Files' (35 min)
He was even on Tucker's show...
Twitter files publisher: 'Every conceivable wing' of federal enforcement sent censorship requests
Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary
It is not a surprise, but it is nice to have proof positive of the manipulation BY the government in a clear violation of the first amendment. Looks like more revelations to follow. Wish we had the same sort of data for YouTube, Facebag, Amazon, and more.
Media is a major is used to divide and compartmentalize us and our politics.
Whitney is back again this week revealing deep state behavior.
Deep State mafia JUST snuffed out a major Epstein connection (16 min)
Journalist Whitney Webb joins us to breakdown the stunning SBF "not guilty" plea and Epstein prosecutor losing her job after filing suit against JP Morgan Chase. The deep state mafia scored two important wins to silence information and keep names out of the public.
Another interesting conversation about media.
Why Americans can't debate politics anymore | The Chris Hedges Report
(32 min)
Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff join The Chris Hedges Report to discuss their new book, Let's Agree to Disagree: A Critical Thinking Guide to Communication, Conflict Management, and Critical Media Literacy.
Nolan Higdon is a lecturer in media studies and history at California State University, East Bay. Higdon sits on the boards of the Action Coalition for Media Education and Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education. He also cohosts the Along the Line podcast. He is the author of several books, including The Anatomy of Fake News and The Media and Me.
Mickey Huff is the director of Project Censored, president of the Media Freedom Foundation, co-editor of the annual Censored book series from Seven Stories Press (since 2009), co-author of United States of Distraction (City Lights, 2019), professor of social science and history at Diablo Valley College, and lecturer in communications at California State University, East Bay.
Consider the absurdity of the US recognizing Juan Guaido as Venezuela's president...even after he's been removed from the opposition party.
What a joke... Alex and Alexander explain.
Juan Guaidó, another failed regime change reaches its conclusion (13 min)
U.S. Puppet Juan Guaidó OUT As Pretend Venezuelan President (29 min)
U.S. puppet and fake Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó is out, victim of a vote by his fellow opposition party representatives to remove him from (non) power and dissolve the shadow government that sought to challenge legitimate President Nicolas Maduro’s administration. Guest host Aaron Maté speaks with journalist Anya Parampil, author of the forthcoming book Corporate Coup, about Guaidó’s pretend reign and US efforts to prop him up, all while waging economic warfare against the Venezuelan state.
US trial of Venezuela’s Alex Saab exposes diplomatic espionage
The US Department of Justice has accused the Venezuelan diplomat of conspiracy to commit money laundering, painting him as a corrupt business asset of a socialist government Washington aims to topple. But Saab and his advocates insist his only crime was violating sanctions to provide affordable food and medicine for a population suffering under a crushing US economic blockade. Saab’s trial is therefore a critical test of the legitimacy of the US sanctions regime targeting nations from Venezuela to Iran.
There's possible peace brewing in Syria...
Turkey, Syria coming together. Bolton fumes, wants Turkey out of NATO
Alex and Alexander explain (13 min)
Have no fear, destabilization and chaos is being spread elsewhere
Vijay Prashad on Peru's Coup
00:00 Intro
03:19 What just happened in Peru?
10:04 Why is there violence in Peru right now?
12:52 Why should the West stay out of Ukraine and Russia
19:18 Why is being anti-war conflated with being pro Putin?
25:17 Why seeing through false narratives driven by mainstream media is so important
34:14 What is going on at Democracy NOW!
37:35 What is the latest in Brazil?
44:00 Why are there such massive protests in Peru?
1:00:57 A cringey Tik-toker's trip through Peru
Can the Left Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?
by Vijay Prashad
Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors
The current U.S. government, the one of Joseph Biden, of all those that the Cuban Revolution has known, is the one that has most aggressively and effectively applied the economic blockade,” Carlos Fernández de Cossío, vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, declared in a speech on December 14. “It is the one that punishes the most, the one that causes the most damage to the daily life of Cubans and the economy as a whole.”
The big spin in western media this week has been the missile strike by Ukraine on Russian barracks.
A Ukrainian missile attack on a site that housed both soldiers and ammunition has reportedly killed dozens of Russian soldiers, thought to be among the most lethal assaults by the Ukrainian military to date. The exact death toll and other circumstances surrounding the attack are still being sorted out, but both sides agree the bombing represents a serious blow to Russia and is raising questions about why troops and munitions were positioned within range of a Ukrainian missile attack.
Guest host Aaron Maté speaks with Marine Corps veteran and weapons inspector Scott Ritter about the nature of the attack and whether it represents a turning point in the war. (10 min)
Aaron and Scott continue their discussion...
Soldier-turned-journalist Jack Murphy revealed in a recent blog post that his sources in the intelligence community suggest that CIA assets operating within Russia have been conducting sabotage operations on bridges, ammunition depots and other critical targets. But are Murphy’s sources accurate? Or does the idea of engaging in such risky activities with nuclear annihilation a possible outcome make any sense? Guest host Aaron Maté and former Marine and weapons inspector Scott Ritter discuss the varying risks and rewards involved in potentially exposing a CIA sleeper cell within Russia with sabotage attacks. (17 min)
War-Crazed Former CIA Head Wants U.S. Troops In Ukraine (11 min)
Former CIA Interim Director Mike Morell recently appeared on Face the Nation where he discussed the question of whether an invasion of Crimea might be a “red line” for Russia in the Ukraine War. Morell, however, was more interested in discussing red lines NATO might impose on Russia and how the U.S. should be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine and threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation if Putin and company consider deploying nukes of their own in Ukraine. Guest host Aaron Maté speaks and Marine Corps veteran and former weapons inspector Scott Ritter discuss Morell’s comments and why he may not understand what the words coming out of his mouth mean.
Much like Guiado's absurd appearance in congress in the clip above with Aaron and Anya...
If there’s a global political situation that can’t be described in terms of World War II, the mainstream media hasn’t encountered it. The latest example: the near unanimity of American media and political figures recently in describing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as this generation’s version of Winston Churchill. The Churchill who led Britain during the war, that is, not the Churchill who also was responsible for starving millions of Bengalis in India during the war. Guest host Aaron Maté and former U.S. Marine and weapons inspector Scott Ritter discuss Zelensky’s recent visit to the United States and less-than-memorable speech to Congress. (8 min)
$110 BILLION For Ukraine War Is 100% Corruption
The usual line on why NATO has to support Ukraine with untold billions of dollars revolves around the freedom-loving people of Ukraine, but hard-line old school cold warrior Oliver North doesn’t bother with that, explaining to a Fox News host that the $110 billion dumped on Ukraine is “money well spent” because it’s helping to debilitate the Russian army while also funneling many of those billions into the pockets of red, white and blue-bleeding American weapons manufacturers. Just like St. Ronald Reagan used to do! Guest host Aaron Maté and former U.S. Marine and weapons inspector Scott Ritter discuss North’s open shilling for military contractors at the taxpayers’ expense. (10 min)
I thought Aaron did a great job guest hosting Jimmy's show.

So another busy week with lots of news. Please add any missed stories below, or any thoughts, insights, or ideas you have. Hope you have a great Sunday and week!

Delivering gifts in the Donbass...
How about an up lifting story?
20 min
and an on the ground report.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great round up of current events
as always .. thanks
read somewhere Ukraine is revoking citizenship of Orthodox clergy
I guess the regime feels threatened by religion?
and yet our $ billions are still propping-up Ukies 'freedom'
taking down the tree today to bring it to the goat farm nearby
enjoy your Sunday!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Ukraine is taking over Orthodox churches and monastries
saying they are Russian agents.
Edit to add this clip:
17 min
Not to mention shutting down opposition parties and media outlets. Quite the democracy of Ukranazis that we support to the tune of $110 billion.
Good to "see" you and have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, Lookout and C 99.
Edited with new input.
"The big spin in western media this week has been the missile strike by Ukraine on Russian barracks."
Do you think this will get much mention in the Western media? lol
In other news from Russia, the temperature has dropped to well below zero and a 10 day freeze is happening. Trucks are frozen in the mud.
Fighting and the advance of Russian forces in Bahkmut and Soledar has increased and victory has been hinted at but not formally declared.
Meanwhile, other than announcements of US aid in the form of $$$$ and arms, the Russia/Ukraine War is slipping out of USA news coverage. It is going to get as little attention as most Americans gave to the 20 year conflict in Afghanistan. That seems to be the Plan.
There will be little to no objection from the public. We have been well trained into compliance.
No mention what so ever
Just like they fail to report on the day that Ukraine hit the barracks and killed about 100 Russians, Russia hit a facility of arms and barracks killing 400-500 Ukranazis. Nothing but crickets from the west.
Hope you're doing well! Thanks for coming by.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
we've got Stockholm syndrome
combined with a healthy dose of copium being applied to keep compliance for the next few years until the 2024 election campaigning starts in earnest.
As gjohnsit points out in the following thread, anyone who has any idea that the gop crowd would ever cut defense spending has some serious delusions. Fortunately we have the msm in full propaganda mode. Don't turn away, there's still hope.
Bullhockey. This is as good as it gets folks. Our country has been bought with our own hopes and dreams. Everything that can be stolen is being.
Our move is on and in full stress mode. I just completed my change of address stuff and when I did the DOL DL change on the website (thank god for a non-privatized, or at least hidden well) a button popped up asking if I wanted my voter registration changed also. Nope. All that generates is mail from the dems asking for money.
I think I've become a political atheist...
I deny that either party is on my side.
At least there are some antiwar voices from the libertarian wing of the rethugs, but no, absolutely no, antiwar voices from the dim(wits).
As to the reduction in defense spending, in theory, it was part of the speaker deal. Not to suggest there is honor among those thieves, but it is better than anything the dims have proposed. We'll have to wait and see if they stick to their guns. I think it is more a budget cut agenda than a peace agenda.
Good luck with your move! I hope to be buried here, never having to move again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The thread from WOTB about the house vote
As usual the comments said even more. Especially this one:
As I get close to so many minor inconveniences in the way our current societal infrastructure is mis-organized I am realizing that so much of it is almost humerous and only appears so because I am situated so much better than so many people. There but for the grace of god...
For example, my wife and I have done library ebooks for more than a decade. In the last couple months I've found that the library system is under fire using the charter school methodology. Ie, privatizing the profit in the delivery of products that are funded by the consumer or society. Middleman profit. One more straw.
Interesting times.
thanks for the reddit thread
Yes, we have become the product. Money making bioplasma.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, et. y'all. First up, nomenclature -
systemwide name change a while back for all California State Colleges made them into California State Universities (as opposed to University of California branches). California State University, East Bay, fwiw, used to be Hayward State, main campus, where else, but Hayward, Ca., about 20 miles south of Berkeley, a Tree City and Nuke Free Zone.
Now that the ground has frozen, expect a huge eastward attack by the Ukranazis using great numbers of Bradley fighting vehicles. We know this from comments in Joe's evening blues the other night (Thursday, iirc). How the Bradleys got from the US to Eastern Ukraine overnight will forever remain one of the great military sekrets of all time.
On this day in 1828 the Democratic Party of the US was organized. It has long been alleged that this was tht only time it ever was organized, but that's really just cover for the fact that it has generally been organized against democracy and the majority of the populace.
Also, on this day in 1815 Andy Jackson arguably did a good thing. (Please remember to allow for travel time)
In 1964 LBJ declared the War on Poverty (we lost) and in 2002 the shrub executed the No Chile Left Behind Act, a ludicrous farce from day one and in 2005 the nuclear sub USS San Francisco ran smack dab into an undersea mountain at full speed, but managed to get to the surface and get repaired.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
40 yo technology
I figure they've been in ukr for quite a while but somebody decided that they aren't safe in the salt mines any more. A lot like the old artillery that was pre-positioned during the last 8 years.
So let's watch some more people die. It's good for bidness.
That was, of course, snark. One particular contributor who
always has the latest party line handy to toss out on such matters explained 'elenskiiy's rejection of Putin's proposed temporary cease fire as being because it was going to be at the perfect time for Ukr to roll out a high speed wheeled offensive using said Bradleys, which President Joe the Bankster's Friend had just announced that we would send over to to Ukr, zo I decided to take it seriously and here we are and where is that promised offensive offensive. I called some friends at UCLA, whose flag Ukr flies and they haven't seen it there, and there is no word from NE Lithuania that it is over there, so I guess somebody lost the script.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hey the shrubs brother was ...
a testing company's CEO. So, no child left behind was another giant grift.
Did you see Jimmy's commentary on Stanford's new required vocabulary? You folks on the left coast have lost it. Of course we lost it here much earlier.
Thanks for the visit and stay dry. Looks bad out your way. Just a drizzle here today. Totaled up 2022 rainfall at 76" (2021 RF was 79")...if only it was equally distributed.
Take care.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Please, you demean and insult the entire Left Coast
Stanfoo is not representative of anything but Stanfoo. It is home to the Hoover Institute, it is the place where folks like the Clintons send their kids to hobnob with others of their ilk. I noticed that the list Jimmy showed on the screen included "Balls to the Wall" based on the classist ignorance inherent in anything Stanfordelic. What it means is flat oout full throttle and comes to us from aviation. Airplane throttles, especially military multi-engined units had ball shaped knobs atop the throttle levers (think gearshift knobs on sixties floor shifters) full power/emergency power was to push the throttles all the was to the firewall, thus "Balls to the wall". Stanfordia, is, of course, ignorant of this, because these are those who have their aircraft piloted by others.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My apologies to the left coast...
my ignorance is revealed...I know very little of California other than a couple of weeks long gigs in my past...both of which I enjoyed.
However you gotta admit the woke-ism is a bit extreme.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think woke-ism is just another RW term
...for stepping outside the cave of denial and lies, and dealing with reality.
It's no picnic, that's for sure.
But, then there's fake woke-ism, which is used by the Democratic Party to bamboozle gullible progressives.
Perhaps I'm slipping to the RW?
Woke-ism seems to me identity issues on steroids. I grew up in a time when "plain talk was easily understood". Now a days it is gender pronoun dysfunction, and more. I can't help but think we are in 1984...
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
wrong think
the ministry of truth
2 minutes of hate
they're all real today, and we're in the midst.
Thankfully we have one another and our C99 community to maintain balance and perspective. I always appreciate your views.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well, just last week
the Air Force did a big “elephant walk” exercise, where they launched a 22-ship batch of C-130s from somewhere, and flew it over some big city out east with some fanfare. Now, I don’t think that the C130s had anything whatsoever to do with hauling Bradleys- they don’t have either the range or the capacity. But what a great way to distract attention from also discreetly launching a few C-17s or C-5Ms, which *do*…
I’ll have to try to find that news article. Originally, I thought that it was just a recruitment drive thing. Usually they limit those exercises to 5-7 ships- I don’t think they’ve done that many at once since like 2014.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
We sure have been getting military cargo fly overs...
And what sounds like an ultra-lite (flying lawn mover) but we never see them. Perhaps the US is copying the Iranian drones Russia is using? Pure speculation but interesting.
Never count the empire out...they have lots of resources.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I was wrong-
It was C-17s, it was Charleston, and there were 24 of them. With midair refueling, and each one able to carry 2, that’s 48 Bradleys. Hmm.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I have some errands to run,
so I will watch the videos you posted this afternoon.
It is mildly interesting that Republicans who approved the defense spending have changed their minds about it.
Many of my friends from both sides of the political aisle were riveted.
It did, for a few days, keep us distracted, and likely brought in a lot of campaign and party donations.
Thanks for all the work you do to give us interesting news and commentary.
As usual, a great OT!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Many thanks...
Good luck with the errands. I'll believe the cuts when I see them. They don't even pretend to lie about breaking agreements. And what makes it worse is that no one seems to mind their blatant lies.
Maybe we'll see you later!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This dude seems to be making good points.
He sure does make sense...
sounds like me if I tweeted. Thanks for posting them!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
An assortments of tweets related to the ongoing war.
I don't think that it is snow falling in Ukraine.
Not sure if it will fool the western satellites or the drones?
However snow is falling too
This clip in the first comment above shows the snow and beauty of the Donbas now.
Plus the sounds of Ukrainian shelling of civilian areas.
Thanks for the tweets!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Meanwhile in Brazil.
Bolsonaro is trying to gain support in FL
Hope Lula is allowed to serve his country and save the Amazon.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What Comes Next
It is a very long detailed and imho accurate take on what is happening and what we can expect.
The work is in Pepe's usual sarcastic shorthand which may be a bit confusing if you have not followed him. For example, he names the Soviet weapons Mr. Zircon and Mr. Calibr, and talks about them coming to visit. Whatever.
The info will not be new to many of us as Pepe covers the Russian arsenal including hypersonic missiles, versus the aging American armaments and defense systems. Ie:, Iron Dome. I recall when Obama went to Israel to deliver an Iron Dome to Bibi many years ago. Iron Domes are helpless against what Russia is deploying these days.
As I said, a long read but very enlightening as he covers Belt and Road Plan from China as well as the multipolarity coming and the end of the dollar.
Pepe talks about destroying NYC with one attack on the GW Bridge. Maybe. That Bridge gone will be awful but not insurmountable.
Pepe's geography isn't perfect. We can get supplies from the north through Westchester County and also from New jersey if other river crossings are maintained.
The trolls on ZH are going crazy with this one. That's why i offered another place to read this essay.
Was this the area where Washington ...
had such difficulties defending because of all the waterways? That's what I'm remembering. So many points of entry and exit.
What a bunch of lucky circumstances even allowed for this country...even if it was designed by and for the oligarchs.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pepe's End-of-the-Year Geopolitical Recap almost a literary classic, which reads like an operatic libretto.
I found the passages pertaining to the proxy war uniquely insightful:
With an Escobar-style geopolitical plot twist at the end:
The German economy has been badly damaged. A Russia Germany deal restoring pipelines for one thing, could help a lot.
I agree about Lula
One bad note on the BRICS was having an environmental destruction maniac, like Bolsonaro, as one of the Leaders. I credit China (and India) with quietly trying to replace the Amazon Rain Forest on their own lands with reforestation.
The ongoing inclusion of Brazil in the BRICS (without comment on this issue) is a tribute to the wise policy of non-interference in another country's internal affairs. Intervention always results in long-term instability and overall disaster. Citizens need to liberate themselves, if they really care to. Usually they don't.
If Bolsonaro succeeds in overthrowing the government (even though the US Deep State is behind him) this would designate Brazil as a failed state in the eyes of the world. And it would be a point of weakness in the BRICS.
Let's give Lula a chance...
And we'll see what we see.
I will add, Bolsonaro's first visit in the US was to the CIA...kinda speak volumes.
good to "see" you as always.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In the never ending stream of black kettles
Fauci somehow dredged up the old deference ..
Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci has dismissed criticism from Twitter owner Elon Musk as 'disinformation' and 'conspiracy theories'.
Apparently the good doctor has been drenched in enough Teflon to escape criticism of his
mishandling of the the largest pandemic in modern history. It's no wonder he quit. Some of
his bazillions are being secretly transferred to unnamed legal firms no doubt.
But he is a practicing expert on disinformation after all.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Falsies lies WILL catch up to him...
There ain't enough Teflon in the world to shield him, but I could be wrong. The media muzzle is pretty efficient...just seems like this will spread...I hope so. RFK's book was damning.
Perhaps glimmers of light shine through the fog from time to time.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
signing ot early tonite...
Honeybee - Connie Converse | Reina del Cid cover
Have a great evening!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”