The Dose 12-16-22: New Covid-19 Information

The Dose is an open thread dedicated to the gentle discussion of of all things Covid. Please refrain from posting covid material elsewhere. Thank you.
From The Kaiser Permanente Research Bank Newsletter:
Study Finds Genetic Difference in COVID-19 Severity
Genetic differences help explain why some people who get COVID-19 need to be hospitalized and others have only mild symptoms
Many factors affect how our bodies respond to viruses like the one that causes COVID-19. The virus strain (for example, omicron or delta), our characteristics and behaviors (such as age and smoking history), our health conditions (such as diabetes), and our genes are all linked to how sick we get. These factors also affect how we respond to treatment.
KP Research Bank investigators Heather S. Feigelson, PhD, MPH, and Andrea Burnett-Hartman, PhD, MPH, teamed up with researchers from around the world in a new study. They asked if a person’s genes affect how sick they get after infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.
The researchers looked at the genes of over 3,000 people who had COVID-19, including KP Research Bank participants. They compared people who were hospitalized to people who had mild symptoms. They found that specific changes in the gene known as OAS1 are linked to whether people had to be hospitalized because of COVID-19.
The researchers also discovered that treating people who have these genetic changes with interferons may reduce the severity of COVID-19. Interferons are proteins that help the body’s immune system detect and fight infection. They can also be used to treat hepatis C, multiple sclerosis, and some types of cancer.
The study provides valuable new information about genetics, COVID-19, and treatment, but we still have so much to learn. Contributions from KP Research Bank participants make findings like this possible.

I read the complete study (took a few clicks to get to it) and they found those with Denisovan lineages were most at risk. Africans, therefore, showed a less significant correlation. Since the Denisovan's migrated east, one would assume Asians would be at higher risk.
What Michael Ledeen suggested and I wrote about 17 years ago, is coming true. It was all in the plan for a new american century.
Hold that thought.
Many research scientists share those same ideas, and have from the very beginning. Chinese scientists certainly believed that Covid-19 was crafted to affect China, and their development of the Zero Covid policy was the result of that belief. The fact that Type A blood types were more susceptible to the infection (at least in the beginning) reinforced that speculation. I believe the bats that produced the virus have not been found in China. However, now that China has been bullied into allowing the infection to roar though its population, some insights into genetic predisposition may come to light. Although the virus has mutated into something altogether different, and that could mute those early assumptions.
What stands out for me as a Covid mystery is the strange fact that no 'serious' preventives or treatments for the infection have been developed or approved in the most advanced nations of the world. And many have been meticulously ignored, even after extensive clinical studies.
The manufactured consensus in the US
....has determined that Covid-19 has evolved into a mild flu that only kills people who are about to die. The US consensus hold that the US vaccines are effective in protecting them from developing a serious infection. The fact that the President of the United States told them that Covid-19 is over has given them the freedom to discard their masks. The absence of Covid-19 reporting in the media has reinforced the consensus narrative. The US economy ought to be booming soon.
It will be interesting to see the seized documents Russia
obtained early on in their SMO in Ukraine. Several bio-lab locations were first priority targets and The US state department was caught out on ordering the destruction of sensitive records and pathogens in time to prevent their falling into Russian hands by the unexpected swiftness of Russias initial charge across great swaths of territory in the beginning of the SMO.
Allusions to documents showing mass genetic testing of specific racial groups raise the specter of the early PNAC obsession of the possibilities of targeting specific populations with specific targeted strains of pathogens.
Once the conflict begins to wind down, and assuming the success of the Russian SMO, I would expect much more information on the activities going on in the many US run bio-labs on Ukranian border areas to come to light.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Of course it will all be written off as "Russian propaganda"
if the Western MSM mentions anything about it at all.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The tie in to global warming
Now, this implies being chipped or having some ap makes the individual aware of their evil ways. Sort to empowering the individual to be a better behaved person, with respect to the finite planet resources. It doesn't mention the fact that the individual's data is being monitored and controlled by TPTB.
These same people want all pets to be eliminated.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This week's anectodal events
I had to prepare some estate planning documents for a woman who's husband is near death rom cancer.
Seems 5 weeks after his second jab, he had a lung mass--cancer. He was scheduled for chemo two weeks later. Except that his pre-screening showed the cancer had spread to his brain. An uncommon fast spreading cancer. He is Stage IV.
The next day, I spoke with an attorney pal, and his vaxxed, healthy, 39 yr old brother, an active, outdoors professional logger lifestyle, almost died from a stroke, now has an inoperable aneurism.
Correlation is not causation. However, one can become skeptical.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
call me skeptical
obfuscation goes only so far before the denial bit is tattered
this jab solution has to stop
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
About 6 months ago,
With the two most recent incidents, I asked outright if the patient was jabbed. The wife was quick to wall her eyes, started bitching that she told him not to do it. She is the one tying the jab to her spouse's imminent death. On the other hand, my attorney pal and his family are staunch Democrats. For them, it was their pleasure to get vax protection and demonstrate their hatred of Trump. Seems my pal has absolutely NO knowledge of adverse events. I think his news sources are mainstream media. In fact, he really hadn't heard that governments were publishing data with adverse events, all cause mortality death increases, NOTHING about any kids or young people's statistical rise in SIDS, SADS, etc...He was actually glad I gave him something to think about.
I simply cannot ignore what is coming into my office, right there in my face, since the vax rollout.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Weird how the jabs were bad if they came out during Trump
Both Biden and Harris said that they would refuse to get theirs if Trump released them. And Biden said that he wouldn’t get it because they weren’t proven to be safe. I don’t think that just a few weeks later they were proven safe. They definitely aren’t proven to be effective that’s for sure. Most people dying from the Rona now are the jabbed. This is happening all over the world and it’s being reported.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Biden has had the virus twice.
We must not forget that the only federal workers exempted from the vaccination mandate were actual elected officials.
Don't you remember this joint resolution:" We members of Congress and the Senate refuse to exempt ourselves from the requirement to get vaccinated in order to do our work for the people."
Or did I imagine it?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This was predicted
The new variants are being caused by the jabs and the jabs have driven antibody dependent enhancement and original antigenic sin. By constantly jabbing with a leaky 'vaccine' the epidemic is never going to end because they keep the pressure on the virus to mutate. Omicron gave people lots of immunity, but anyone who got jabbed after that destroyed their immunity according to this essay. If this jab program doesn’t end there is a good chance that a very deadly variant arises. The new bivariant jabs don’t give any more protection and might be giving negative protection according to the studies.
How does it make sense to give a jab for the variants that are no longer in circulation and will have no effect on the ones that currently are? Bueller?
Remember that people are encouraged to get their flu jabs months before flu season arises because they need time for the antibody to take effect. I doubt that Fauci and his friends are not unaware of what they are doing. Biden is going to spend billions of dollars to get people jabbed.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have never understood
If, for example, polio was eradicated, would it be necessary to get a polio vaccine to protect against HIV?
I do believe the first time in history of administering vaxxes during an outbreak was nuts, and as many predicted, made things much worse, much more dangerous.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
FDA links Pfizer to blood clots and more
But they are going to study it some more….
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Deny, delay, ignore the mounting evidence.
Any other novel ‘vaccine’ from the first cowpox vaccine would have been long since abandoned with safety signal warnings this blatant. Apparently there are other reasons beside saving face behind this obstinate institutional refusal to remove ALL self-replicating mRNA injectables from circulation (pun intended).
What we appear to be dealing with is institutional sociopathy on a grand and global scale. There is no benign explanation. It’s harmful and it’s intentional, and it will continue……..
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
OK, The Dose
is a good idea as it provides for a semi-regular focused discussion of Covid-related material/experiences, etc.
As for
however, since it is also relevant to all manner of other things, I will be posting Covid-related elsewhere if it appears to something meriting attention and the OP of *that particular essay/OT* has not specifically requested otherwise. And urge anyone else having something of interet along those lines to do likewise. This especially as The Dose has been rather infrequent of late and there is new information coming out all the time re: the Covid/vax disaster.
The above is in keeping with the current state of the rules here as I understand them. If I'm misunderstanding them, JtC will no doubt let us know.
That said, thanks for posting.
If ‘Woke” vs. “Anti-Woke” and Ukraine
we’re not sucking all the air out of newsrooms, there would be much more attention to the ongoing COVID-19 vax and excess death travesty. We all are being played, whether we see it or not.
Sing it loud and proud! There is no shortage of evidence of mRNA harm. Assuming mankind has a future, history will recognize the jab as a pathogenic agent that caused far more harm than good.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I see some of it..but what am I missing?
For the last 2 years not a day has gone by that HuffPost hasn’t ran an essay on Trump doing this or saying that. He’s been out of office for 2 years and the leftist media breathed a sigh of relief when Biden won because Trump was bad bad bad! But then they spent the last 2 years telling us that he still is bad bad bad.
Democrats dragged out their investigation into the capital riots, but for some reason never told us peeps that Trump offered DC mayor and Pelosi the national guard for security on that day and they both turned him down. People weren’t told that the only people who died that day were Trump supporters and not one cop was killed. Now we have the Twitter daily scandals to keep us from seeing how many people are still dying from the Rona and the jabs and there are tons more things distracting and dividing us while more people fall behind on everything.
And of course Russia is still losing in Ukraine and running out of missiles daily… what else?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You catch more than I do,
and regularly share aspects of our situation that are news to me. I regularly feel disappointed about the depth of the lies piling up around us. As cynical as I have become, the fact that I can still feel my disappointment with each ugly revelation tells me that I still harbor some hope….somewhere deep inside. I sense that you do as well.
Enjoy your travels with Sam. Your road trip is an enviable adventure, which I am shamelessly vicariously enjoying! Keep on keepin’ on!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The timing of the US government's naming COVID-19
and funding COVID-19 research is oddly ahead of the curve. Especially funding office space and office furniture for researchers in Kyiv.
I will now officially stop making a little bit of fun at anyone referring to this global event as a plandemic.
I know nothing about this news source, but know how to read government documents, and can read damn dates.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What the h.........?
Whoa! What's going on here? Somebody needs to explain this, because it stinks more than a dead skunk. Was the term "Covid 19" somehow in use by researchers, etc, well before the emergence of the virus in China? Moderna working on a mRNA Covid vaccine before 2020? Are these documents bogus? Or are they valid? They certainly appear valid on the face of it.
Lots of questions here...
As ineffective as our government has been
Remember, there were no masks? No tests? (Not that they are worth an ounce of shit, but you get my point.)
I know people on the site are rightfully concerned about sources. Well, I don't care if Epoch Times or The Guardian publishes government documents, I am not interested in media or publisher opinions. I am looking to the original source. The documents do not look fake to me.
My, we ever get the truth in time to help us? Or, in this instance, to save our lives?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Need the veracity confirmed
Quite so. I know I am absolutely interested in the veracity of the information in this article. If it's valid, I don't give a damn who published it and long as it's published. I would also expect that publisher to be under massive attack.
Time does matter. I admit to knowing nothing of this publisher. It will take me some time to sus them out. Further, should these documents be real, they may vanish (or perhaps may have already vanished). My time is committed for today and I won't have time to check this for a day or so.
Me, either.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here’s some information on the treaty
Meryl Nass has been covering this a lot so after reading this you can click on her name at the top and see her other work on it as well as many other topics. She writes about the power grab going on.
One more from Meryl
Libby Klein is just starting her website and she covers it.
Link 3
Let me know if you want more. But I’d start with Meryl.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It’s mind blowing
A bio weapons lab in Ukraine was given a contract 3 months before the Wuhan outbreak, BUT Hunter Biden’s company was knee deep involved with the funding of the lab going back years if not decades. Hillary Clinton was also involved with it and so were many democrats. Russia has all the paperwork that shows who were all involved with creating bio weapons and how they were tested on Ukrainians. RT posted an essay on it a few months ago and other sites have too. But I don’t remember the sites right now.
Also moderna had the patent for the virus or the spike protein and they may have gotten it in 2012. I’ll look to see if I can find information on it.
Gates and his friends did a trial run epidemic 3 months before it was declared and they also did one for monkeypox and just recently one for hantavirus that will target the younger people. It’s supposed to hit next year and then they will be 3 for 3. Also many governments are getting ready to sign away their country’s autonomy and sovereignty and give it to the WHO. They then will run every pandemic and everyone has to follow their rules.
Check back and I’ll post a couple links to it later today. Lots of substack writers are covering this today. But it’s not the WHO that is running the show. It’s WEF, CFR UNICEF and other think tanks, but there are other people behind them that are giving them their orders. It’s the one world government that Bush 1 referred to in a state of the union address many decades ago.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
New Zealand going off the deep end.
Which country will be next? Canada? France? Britain?
Turn in your ‘radicalized’ neighbors or family members!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
How many people will do just that?
The PTB aren’t slowing down with their plans for us, but it’s going to be sad to see people actually helping them do it. Turn them in and then what? Do they get fined or go to a re-education camp? Remember not too long ago Biden had a job offer for people to run what sounded like a concentration camp. What I’ve been wondering is what happens to the people who refuse to go along with the plan? Or those who refuse to get jabbed? They certainly don’t care how many people get adverse effects from the jabs and they still want everyone to get one even though most people know that they don’t offer protection so that tells me that there is something nefarious behind the plan for everyone to be jabbed. Even people who had severe adverse effects are still being told to get another one.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Speaking of concentration camps,
there is a very disturbing possibility that American industrialists, and royal families of both Netherlands and Great Britain were heavily invested in Hitler’s war and we’re hoping Hitler’s rise and the Nazi party would keep the Red Menace at bay. The success of Lenin and Communism was an existential threat to the world’s richest 1%. Like the West supporting the rise of Banderite/Nazis, TODAY!
I’m only 44 minutes into this video Lookout shared in today’s WW. It’s over 3 hrs, but it is like a rewrite of all of modern history, a rewrite that explains quite plainly how we arrived at the brink of Fascism….Again!
Smelly Butler blew the whistle on plans for a USA coup, Rosevelt did not prosecute the plotters, and the descendants and heirs of the those coup plotters are now making a move in the same direction, with the same apparent goal. The video is a force majure Red Pill.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I thought that was common knowledge that Americans were
involved with propping up Hitler. Ford made cars and trucks for him and many other industrialists financed his armies. Prescott Bush too helped him out and Roosevelt only took some of his money but didn’t prosecute him or anyone else. I didn’t know about the others but it makes sense if they were afraid of Russia. We had the choice to support Germany or Russia and it depended on who looked like was going to win.
As for the bankers plot against Roosevelt I don’t understand why he didn’t prosecute anyone then either. Unless he was told that he couldn’t, but by who?
Here’s another theory that I’m seeing more often. It wasn’t the Titanic that sank, but the sister ship to it because that ship was old and it would have cost too much to upgrade it. Plus it was planned. There were a lot of bankers on board that were against the creation of the federal reserve and once they were dead and gone no one was left to block it from being created. So maybe it wasn’t an iceberg after all? Has anyone else heard about that?
Smelly Smedley Butler you mean right?
damn autocorrect!
I’ll watch the video tomorrow. I haven’t gotten to the meat of the watch yet. Thanks!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think you will enjoy this essay
It talks about people like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and other leftists that have warned us about fascism and government overreach for decades, but when it actually happened here in America they not only didn’t stand against it, but instead they joined with those who brought it to us.
I too have been stunned by the people who joined in with the PTB and especially Chomsky and the ACLU. Wowzer I didn’t see that coming did anyone?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Chomsky, the ACLU, Naomi Kline...
Good link, btw.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My 2 cents
I don’t think it’s necessarily the desire to ingratiate oneself that accounts for the surprising change in some who originally stood strongly for truth and justice. I think it’s more like fear and confusion, a product of covid times, that overrides.
I would say,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
As in the constant propaganda?
Maybe, but those people have written about the propaganda that has been used to manufacture consent for war. I’m just surprised by the number of people who have seen through so many false flag events, but fell for this one. Do they even know about the plan for a one world government and the great reset? Dunno but I sure hope so because we are going to need allies to stop it from happening.
Be careful, Janis. You don’t want any of your neighbors turning you into the government.
Hope that you are recovered from whatever nasty bug that hit you?
Sam would say hey, but she’s sacked out already. Busy day running through the snow and sniffing everything that interested her.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My closest neighbours
are far more outspoken than I am, so no worries.
I wish I had a nose as good as a dog who can smell through the snow. Say good morning to Sam from me.
More Neil Oliver
1 out of every 100 people suffer a serious reaction to the vaccine. And they are still being distributed? What other medicine of any kind for any condition managed this feat?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It should have never been approved in the first place! Well at least the FDA is going to study it and will let us know. Hey what happened with the investigation into women’s cycles being affected by the jabs? They started studying that over a year ago…Fauci? What happened to the speed of science?
This essay is worth reading
I read it this morning and he nails it. We’ve been gaslighted on many subjects. The Rona hysteria suddenly turned into the Russia hysteria and people didn’t blink an eye.
Here’s the link to his essay
It’s very easy to embed tweets. Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the tweet and choose embed tweet , click on it and copy the code provided and paste here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
They know
People were injured during the trial, but they have been ignored and the FDA went ahead and authorized them anyway. The worst offense was Maddie DeGray (sp) was put in a wheelchair, but Pfizer said that she just had a stomach ache.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hearing conducted by Sen. Ron Johnson
who has also been a standout performer (along w/ Sen. Grassley) in attempting to get to the bottom of Spygate and other nefarious conduct by the FBI/DOJ branch of the Deep State.
No wonder he was a top priority target to be taken down in the 2022 midterms. Fortunately, Wisconsin voters had sense enough to keep him even though he was massively outspent...
Anybody rating a Pinocchio award from MSN two years running probably deserves a *real* award:
Yeah, that's like totally not happening...
Note that if it weren't for Elon Musk nobody would be hearing about this on Twitter.
Links to the entire (three-hour) hearing or a shorter recap video here:
I have been following the hearings
and there is lots of good information coming out of them…but what will come from them? So far it’s only Johnson who seems to want to know the facts, but where are the other congress members? I understand he has requested stuff from various agencies, but they are blowing him off. And now that democrats held on to the senate and unless he gets appointed to the committee that has power over them I’m afraid this is going nowhere. Which means that Ryan will also be toothless for going after Fauci.
Plus I keep seeing limited hangout and controlled opposition for what he’s doing. We are 3 years into this epidemic and still lots of people are being harmed.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.