Does Markos Moulitsas have the most punchable face?
In the rare instances that Markos can still make it into the news, it's always for saying something that you want to pound your fist into his face for.
When the Progressive Caucus showed utter cowardice over the Ukraine issue the other week, it was Markos leading the charge to silence anyone on the Left (as usual).
DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas deployed a rhetorical device increasingly used to build guardrails around debate: If you’re not fully supportive of the party position, you are effectively aligned with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. “These 30 House progressives are now making common cause with Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green, JD Vance, and the rest of the MAGA crowd. You’d think that would give them *some* pause,” Moulitsas wrote on Twitter. “Which Ukrainians do these ‘progressives’ want abandoned to mass murder and rape, in their attempt to prop up a flailing Russia? The only way to end this war is to help deliver a decisive Ukrainians victory.”
This, by @RepRashida, @RepRoKhanna and other progressives is unbelievably naive and stupid, asking for “diplomacy” with a murderous terrorist regime literally raping and pillaging through Ukraine. Biden tried diplomacy to prevent the war. Only overwhelming force will now end it
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) October 24, 2022
Right Markos. Total victory and overwhelming force is exactly how you should approach any conflict with a nuclear power. You stupid f*cking moron.
As for the logic of "this enemy is too evil for diplomacy", since every enemy we've had since WWII has been a "New Hitler" it's safe to say that diplomacy would never be used if Markos was in charge.
Markos is a chickenhawk. He always has been, and like all chickenhawks, he has no idea what he is talking about.
I did a search and found this.
Even outside Washington, other left-leaning groups have viewed the rosy ring of peaceniks with incredulity, if not contempt.“Code Pink has never been more than a nuisance — an ineffective, self-indulgent, obnoxious and tone-deaf organization,” said Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas.
“It was never relevant before, and it certainly isn’t relevant today,” Moulitsas said. “I’m sure their antics make them feel good about themselves, make them feel as if they’re accomplishing something, but in reality they’ve done nothing but piss off everyone around them, including potential allies.”
What a surprise! Elitist contempt for left-wing grassroots activists by Markos. Who could have guessed?
And then there is his comments about Bernie Sanders.
But Markos Moulitsas, founder and publisher of liberal blog Daily Kos said it’s not fear, “it’s frustration” that party insiders are feeling. He said in an email that Sanders is “a divisive person” who “roils the party.”
Last but not least, we have this one quote, not by Markos, but about him.
The practice is typically referred to as renting a list and parent companies of the conservative news sites the Daily Wire, co-founded by Ben Shapiro, and the Daily Caller, co-founded by Tucker Carlson, as well as the liberal news site Daily Kos, founded by Markos Moulitsas, were among the top 100 beneficiaries of campaign cash connected to list rentals during the last political cycle, according to Open Secrets.
Poll time: which photo most makes you want to smash your fist in his face? (if you had to chose one)

I eschew violence
in any form.
However, if I were to happen across his prone body after someone *else* had smashed their fist into his face, I believe that I could find it within my ethical code to urinate on him. Voiding is a normal bodily function, after all.
Might even go so far as to spell my name. Winter *is* coming, after all...
Note to the humor-impaired: This Is Snark.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I think they forgot about Ghandi
You know, the West's favorite person to bring up when the West is killing people. If only [insert group] had acted more like Ghandi, we wouldn't have this problem.
I guess Ghandi tactics are only for non-Westerners. Westerners get Billions in arms.
What a warmonger ...
... no wonder I got blackballed from his site in 2019 for supporting a "Peace" candidate like Tulsi Gabbard.
You lasted there until 2019??
And what did the "Squad" do?
Folded cheap.
Bought and paid for heap.
Still telling their sheep,
to go back to sleep.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Markos is, according to this info …
"a sensitive man who wants to protect those he considers to be weak. He can be easily offended and he likes nightlife a lot."
This is a seriously funny and solemn thread, complete with poetic realism.
Why yes, yes he does.
And there's not even a close second.