Insanity is contagious.
Submitted by Pricknick on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 8:42pm
How else can you explain europe's self demise?
I always look forward to Jorge Vilches for the Saker blog.
Now the Swiss Minister for the Environment proposes to “shower together”(sic) without clarifying with whom exactly.
True enough, I do know a couple of guys in my own building who would love to share their showers with the very nice-looking blonde lady in the 3rd floor, but I bet she would not approve the idea. Neither would I like to share my shower with my wife as she would demand far longer time for her own shampoo rinsing purposes, and that´s not fair, is it ? Now for night-time energy savings, distributing infra-red night-vision goggles to everyone would be truly effective, no?

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A correction on NS2
It's even more insane than you thought. It was Angela Merkel who pushed for NS2 and talked Russia/Putin into agreeing to the project and splitting costs.
Russia/Gazprom have actually recovered their costs due to high gas prices resulting from the cancellation of NS2. The EU companies, on the other hand, took a beating.
To make matter worse for Germany, cancelling NS2 makes it even more difficult (actually impossible) for the country to "go green" by switching to hydrogen as a substitute for the high energy output of natural gas to power their industrial needs. NS2 was designed to concurrently transfer hydrogen. Hydrogen is next to impossible to transfer any significant quantities by ship.
Without these high energy fuels, Germany (and other EU countries) will have to completely deindustrialize well before 2030 - Klaus Schwab's deadine for his WEF wet dream - "You will own nothing and be happy".
According to a pundit drive by
Russia has still not diverted the natural gas sources from NS2
or dismantled it. It could be turned on with the push of a switch as Putin has offered. But it will not be available for long. Russia has been working on the Power of Siberia Pipeline 2 that will ship their natural gas across Mongolia to China within 2 years. They are also planning pipelines to many other regions in the world.
Interesting that
China and Pakistan seem to value contracts and infrastructure development.
EU-thanasia not so much. It is no wonder the Eastern nations do not trust the
compacts made with Western nations. The belligerent clowns in the west will
probably try to disrupt these pipelines with CIA operatives. Does not bode well
for global progress.
Read somewhere the receiving ports in Western Europe will not be functional for
a couple more years. Meanwhile their collective butts are in a bind.
Crazy. Who gave these pols orders to destroy their futures?
PS - CB: did you get my email?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I got your email, thanks
I have explored the site and linked and downloaded some pages. I have made a fairly good recovery. My special needs "accent" is much reduced as long as I don't try to speak too rapidly or get tired. My word selection is still problematic so it makes long worded, technical replies difficult. So I tend to cut n' paste in order to compensate.
I've spoken to others with aphasia who are much more affected than me so I am very fortunate my stroke was not as bad as it could have been. But the first week in the hospital was horrible. I could not communicate at all - just gibberish came out my mouth despite having no physical disabilities. I had lost the automatic reflexes in my jaw and tongue to properly form vowels and consonants - like a baby.
Good to hear of your progress.
It takes a lot of work to re-train the brain functions lost or diminished.
Hope the info works for you.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
They still don't know what happened to me although they did every head test they could think of. My head was bleeding and very sensitive. My knees and elbows were also in terrible shape. All improving daily.
My daughter---who is a nurse---- stayed in my home while I was hospitalized and spoke for me as I could not even understand simple questions, let alone answer them.
Back to you----Your recovery looks amazing from where I am sitting. Cutting and pasting? glad you are so healed. Wow.
It was noticeable to me as soon as reason returned a bit, that Americans have no clue as to what Putin is saying or how he (and I) understand what has happened since February 24.
The propaganda has been so effective that American Idiots have no defenses left. Nothing I hear on tv is intelligent or informed. No wonder I've avoided it for so many years.
Now I need the voices if not the content they provide.
I hope folks here report on every move Putin makes. So far I have managed to work my computer well enough to read The Saker, MOA and Reminiscence of the Future. Very comforting.
Done for today. Bye, y'all
I love gibberish talking babies ...
they are just cute. And your word selection is superb, I understand them all, in my wildest dreams.
Heal and don't give up. Thinking that I do not ujnderstand anythimg anyhow, I can as well pretend I do.
Thank you very much for your latest artistic comments to me. I love them.
EU is slow moving their own version of Jonestown.
The power of mass propaganda I suppose. Europeans willing to suffer grievously, even fatally to punish the Russian Demon. There must be or have been experts in the development of mass psychology to explain why whole cultures are deliberately self destructing, or engaging in destructive mass hysteria (I am think of the first Peoples Crusade as a starter.)
Edit: Insightful thought by Michael Tracy as the Ukraine crisis is now a world religious one.