Open Thread - 09-02-22 - The New Abnormal
Madness is the new abnormal (yes, I'm aware of the contradictory terms). It sure does appear that way at times, to me anyway. It's the new trickle-down abstraction, like Chinese water torture, drip by drip, until you can't stand it any longer. Unless your mind is reinforced by reason this new abnormal may be absorbed rather than rolled away like water off of a duck. Mark that word "reason" as it will surely be redefined as the narrative changes in the collective minds of the new abnormal.
Have you ever wondered if the human race has lost its marbles? Multiple times per day is my answer. The madness goes deeper than a few individuals running naked in the street chasing imaginary butterflies, or even pretending to be the president. IMHO, this crazy is coming from the top down. It seems to be ubiquitous, it's everywhere. It's jumping from psyche to psyche much like overcrowded rats in a cage. It truly is a war on and for your mind. It's promulgated by the so called leaders of nations, or maybe more accurately, by the invisible hand that controls said leaders. How else can you explain the madness manifesting itself all across the globe in almost total lockstep? Could it be too much carbon dioxide in the air and too little oxygen? Nah, it's psychological manipulation.
The weapons of control in this battle for the mind are gaslighting, misinformation in the guise of truth, censorship, incessant propaganda, deprivation of goods and services, identity politics, portents of nuclear war, on and on like empire's rolling thunder. We've always been propagandized for as long as I can remember, but this is a level unseen until now. As I grew up in the 50s and 60s, schools, TV and movies were the prime movers of propaganda, guiding one into a life of "fitting in" with society like a good little worker drone. War movies for the boys and Barbie dolls for the girls. But today the level of indoctrination is over the top, by design, in my very humble opinion.
Why all the abnormality? They want you to feel like your going mad. They want you to feel like they are all powerful and there is no hope for the future. They want you to be compliant. They want you so desperate that you'll plead for the state to save you. And, this is becoming more apparent every day, if you don't comply, they want you, shall I say, nonexistent.
Don't buy what they're selling.
Have you heard of Web 3.0?
Web 3.0 (Web3) is the third generation of the evolution of web technologies. The web, also known as the World Wide Web, is the foundational layer for how the internet is used, providing website and application services.
Web 3.0 is still evolving and being defined, and as such, there isn't a canonical, universally accepted definition. What is clear, though, is that Web 3.0 will have a strong emphasis on decentralized applications and make extensive use of blockchain-based technologies. Web 3.0 will also make use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to help empower more intelligent and adaptive applications.
Source: Web 3.0
Here are some of its basic tenets:
- Decentralised (i.e., no organisations will control your data);
- Permissionless (anyone may access the network);
- Uncensorable (content that’s been published cannot be altered or removed);
- Monetisable (creators can be paid for the value they create, without a middleman);
- Private (identity is encrypted and anonymity is optional).
Sounds groovy, no?
Let's add a little Metaverse into the Web 3.0 equation. In the Metaverse you can be whatever you want to be, you're only bound by your imagination. Imagine a world where your encouraged to stay at home because traveling will destroy the environment, or some such. Pretty boring, right? Not with the Metaverse! Strap on your virtual reality goggles and immerse yourself in the fake world that Zuck has built, just for you. Don't like those bulky uncomfortable goggles, there'll be a chip implanted in your brain to help with that. Cool, huh? Toggle your mind from one reality to another, what could go wrong?
Did you know you can buy virtual real estate in the Metaverse? Snoop Dogg has already bought in. Talk about gentrification! Contrary to what Klaus speculates you may own something in the future, but it won't be real.
The Metaverse plus Web 3.0 is too close for comfort to The Matrix to me. If it puts its sunglasses on like an Agent Smith and talks like an Agent Smith, then it is an Agent Smith. 1984/Brave New World is the handbook, Web 3.0 is the mainframe, you are the product to be manipulated. I can't wait [not], how about you?
That darn Zuck, how did he know that the world needed a Metaverse, he must be clairvoyant. What a great guy! Oh, wait!
Won't our planned future be grand! You can thank Klaus and his merry band of motherweffers for the fraudulent society of a future Potemkin civilization in a manipulated world.
What are the Kardashians wearing today? Elon Musk bought what? Jeff Bezos did what? Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates!
The worship of billionaires has become our shittiest religion
Nobody should have a billion dollars, and those who do are something other than fully human.
One billion dollars is a huge amount of money. Indeed: One billion dollars is such a huge amount of money, that there has recently emerged a whole sub-genre of images specifically designed to help us get our heads around how huge it is. If you, for instance, had earned a million a year, every year since the Battle of Hastings (that’s 1066, for non-Brits), and not spent any of it, you still wouldn’t (interest notwithstanding) be a billionaire. If you earned an annual salary of $43,000, you might eventually become a billionaire (again, not accounting for expenses or accumulated interest) — if you waited over 23,000 years.
One billion dollars is far, far more money than anyone could realistically spend, on their needs, within the span of a human lifetime. If you have one billion dollars, you are completely shielded from all ordinary human concerns: Never again will you know hunger, or lack shelter, or suffer from inadequate medical care. Of course, there may very well be lots of comfortable, middle-class people who will also be lucky enough to never know those wants again, but the difference is that the billionaire is isolated even from the possibility of experiencing those wants. They are like the Christian who has been saved from despair in Kierkegaard’s The Sickness Unto Death, who is eliminating the possibility of despair at every moment. If you have in your possession one billion dollars, then almost literally anything you desire — anything anyone might possibly conceive of desiring — can be yours, just as soon as you happen to desire it. But with no real friction between desire and reality, how does wanting even function? Can someone who lives like this even be said to know desire, anymore, at all?
And just as nobody can spend a billion dollars in their lifetime, nobody can earn it either. People have taken to saying “every billionaire is a policy failure”, because that sort of money makes nakedly obvious the truth Marx tells us about all wealth accumulated under capitalism: that it’s part of a process that is only possible because the people who own the means of production are, effectively, stealing it from their employees, by paying them a wage worth less than the value said employees’ labor bequeaths unto things. If you find yourself in possession of one billion dollars, and keep it, then you are wilfully refusing to stand in solidarity with the whole of the rest of the human species.
Every billionaire is thus more than a simple failure of policy. Every billionaire is evidence of a basic glitch in the fabric of the moral universe: their lives, and acts, ring out with the gospel that only what we call evil will be rewarded — that the selfish get to live as angels, and all good people will be damned. Challenging capitalism also means challenging its religion.
Jean Calvin abides.
Excuse me while I go puke.
I'll just drop this here without commentary for your leisurely perusal:
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
“May we live long and die out”
Phasing out the human species by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.
*The small embedded video in the first segment is titled The Powers That Be by Roger Waters.
Good morning Free Rangers...
Wifey and I are off to Luckenbach for the long weekend to catch a concert featuring Dale Watson. I'll try to be around a bit this morning, if not I'll catch up with you all this afternoon.
Back in the day NcTim and I would clutter up Joe's Evening Blues with Dale Watson videos. He's the real deal. I've always been a big country fan, I live in Texas, what can I say?
Stay normal folks.
A friend sent me this comment today
I believe it ties in quite well to your theme today jTc.
Enjoy your long weekend!
"Get the Oligarchs" "GTO"
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I guess it makes me feel a
I guess it makes me feel a bit better reading this. To think, hey, maybe I'm not going crazy....I have been reading twitter too much lately and it's absolutely terrifying. My mind is absolutely boggled by TDS. There are some who see the truth, but they are all ridiculed as being putie puppets, russia worshippers, etc.
I said in another thread that I wondered when people would stand up and say enough is enough re: wealth gap, but after reading twitter I sometimes wonder if we will ever get to critical mass. The depth of brainwashing is astounding.
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Imaginative creativity
Letting your mind grow beyond the restrictive parameters of normal.
May be too anarchistic for those that want to fit in. Abnormal?
Fear not failure nor social exceptions.
Enjoy your labor-free Tejas adventures!
question everything
I am as normal as I can be and lonely as shit
I am going through a conversation with a magistratem who thinks I have stolen money from my sister, because when I went grocery shopping I bought for the two (three of us), two of us caring for her (my sister) and one who takes care of the gardem and my sister and everything we don"t know how to take care off.. Apparently I was not allowed to do that, I should always have gotten two receipts, one for the groceries I bought for her with money from her account, and one for the groceries for myself proving I used money from my own account.
I was tempted to ask if I should ask the clerk in the grocery store, to please cut a piece of butter into to two smaller pieces and then I pay from her account for her(my sisters) piece of butter and then from my account for my own piece of butter. See, I am totally nuts to even have asked that. Especially we have 30 centigrades here, I walk at least half am hour to the grocery store to buy the butter. The butter is melting. How do you cut melting butter?
your music offerings are superb. Thanks JtC.
I decide I stay un-normal, ie sane. We Germans will go down like dirty water into the gullies. Them the TPTB will pretend that the water that is bubbling up from below through the gullies is perfectly clean.
Please stay as un-normal as you can be.
So I am back to normal now. You all feel safe, I am not chopping off your heads and don't suck up all your bloody ideas. I behave and do everything as I am told.
I've noted a
noticeable uptick in the level of obnoxiousness displayed by Joe and Mary Sixpack here lately. It has reached utterly frantic levels, and the rate of increase seems to be accelerating. I have no idea where it will go from here.
I think that it really started during the Trump years, where many like-minded people took his lessons about abandoning social norms and common/basic courtesy to heart. The current administration has been too busy trying to start wars to take note of the fact that the people are increasingly at one anothers' throats, and the like-minded people seem to be saying "oh good, we're on the right track! Oooh-rah!"
In the grocery store last night I saw one shopper pull a jar of pickles out of the hand of another shopper, and smash it on the floor. Later in the same shopping session, there was a screaming argument in a different part of the store that led to the police getting called out. Not a comfortable situation in an open-carry state.
I know that I've mentioned it before, but this is altogether too reminiscent of the behaviors reported in John Calhoun's Mouse Utopia experiments from the 60s. We have our "beautiful ones", and the rank-and-file are perfectly primed and ready to walk away from their babies and start fighting to the death over trivial things.
Those experiments were regarded as "dangerous to the social order" even back then, so everything old is new again. They are definitely worth a study. In fact, I think I feel a song coming on... The lyrics, they just write themselves.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Stepping away from it all!
What you wrote in this piece pretty much sums up a lot of things that have been rattling around in my head about the state of “reality” today.
Enjoy your long weekend in Luckenbach and Dale Watson. He really is a gem and a lot of fun to listen to in person. Had the opportunity to hear him play at the Broken Spoke, another one of those Austin treasures that is still hanging on with all the high rises etc. all around.
While you are enjoying the music, step outside and play in the rain when it happens. In that part of Central Texas, we have been starved for rain and this weekend promises to break that streak. Not in Texas right now but heard from neighbor in town we are getting rain and the river is coming over the impoundment and lots of happy people.
Hope everyone has some sort of fun this weekend and remember Unions are the ones that brought us weekend's!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Sure is a pleasure living in the backwaters....
though it is probably just a matter of time until the insanity diffuses into this remote community. I'm still a rare bird in that I don't have a cell phone, but at least the older folks around here just use it as a phone and don't have it stuck in their face all the time. To my mind we are setting ourselves up for control when we become obsessed with TPTB media outlets. I enjoy being faceless, tweetless, and plugged into nature and the homestead instead. I can understand why people with families living far away might want to use those social tools, however they are addictive, manipulative, and are a poor substitute for a hug, handshake, or pat on the back. Not to say I'm pure as snow because I watch youtube and shop on Amazon, and lead a fairly normal life.
Been weed eating this AM. Been great weather here...60F yesterday AM, 65F this morning. Feels like a touch of fall. Well it is meteorological fall. Still harvesting tomatoes and peppers. The figs are beginning to play out for the season. Sweet potatoes finally are growing strong, so we'll have something to harvest from them. Got fall lettuce seed in a flat this week ... should be sprouting soon. Time to head up to the horse camp for a load of manure next week. It's time to restore the plant nutrients. I had two beds of green manured peas that should improve productivity too.
Hope you all have a great holiday weekend. Enjoy the music JtC and OTC, sounds like fun!
and one more in honor of you trip...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Your planting sounds
Music will be in the air, and you will agree it soothes the soul.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend, pal!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Being full of **it...
is quite good for the garden. I hope to get in some music this weekend too. We'll see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mainly, "they"
just want us to shut up and do what we're told.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hola Johnny. You two go have fun and don't
concern yourself over madness, normality and all that shit. After all, ainchu a C&W fan ennyhoo?
Te fookin metadverse is just gonna be a huge pile of self-fulling truth systems driving a pile of self-reinforcing fake realities. We've been lining that forever with religions, governments and, since at least Freud, pshrinkology. They just get more prodigious and convincing with technological advances and practice, but, in this case, also, so far, more cartoonish.
Ooh yeah, glory be and hallelujia, they're gonna find an existentially meaningful use for blockchain at last. Fer sure, fer sure and can I get a witness. Problem is, like, it's totally been done man.
be well and have a wonderful weekend
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
In Argentina
Well there's always the Chinese internet.
"Xi Jinping Thought" as the ruling norm.
The ruling classes need an extra party to make the rest of us feel as if we participate in democracy. That's what the Democrats are for. They make the US more durable than the Soviet Union was.
I'm also waiting
The NIH website
Maybe the Emergency Authorization will end.
There is a peer-reviewed study of adverse reactions of Pfizer and Moderna that concludes the risk of harm was much much higher than originally thought. I think it is in the Lancet. I will search for it if anyone is interested.
edit: goofy spelling and the study was published on Sciencedirect.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I had read that report on the NIH
but they since removed it about 1 1/2 years ago.
I just had an email drop this morning
I guess the point of this essay is maybe take everything with a huge grain of salt?
I do not want to add to the confusion, and I am sorry if I did.
If I hadn't made it clear before, you are a treasure.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here's current data at NIH
They added
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've looked at all the trials used by NIH
last year+ and discovered they were designed to fail. I had reported at the time here in c99%. The same with hydroxychloroquine. Things like incorrect doses or using them only in late stages of disease with comorbidities when they are less effective.
This referred to
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Can you give me a link?
Let me find it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I found this article from yesterday
I wonder what has spun up Twitter
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Ouch!.....Paging Olaf Scholz.
Phase Three Now. It Begins
Let's see how Fascist images and empty threats work against fuel losses:
food for thought
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Speaking of Human Extinction Movement
Anyone up for a documentary about continuing dangers of vaccines?
Covenom 19 "World War V" The global plandemic was the first step in their diabolical Great Reset…
This is reassuring!
We're all in this new reality together!
This is why I've had a life long love of astrology. It honestly helps in understanding why this shit is real.