The Evening Blues - 8-25-22


Bring your own news + tonight's musical feature: J.B. Lenoir

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues guitarist and singer J.B. Lenoir. Enjoy!

J.B. Lenoir - Talk to Your Daughter

No News or Opinion

Have a great evening!

A Little Night Music

J.B Lenoir - The Mojo Boogie

J.B Lenoir - Slow down

J.B Lenoir - Let's Roll

J.B. Lenoir - Deep In Debt Blues

J B Lenoir - How Much More

J.B Lenoir - I Want My Baby

J.B. Lenoir - What Have I Done

J.B Lenoir - Oh Baby

J.B Lenoir - She Don't Know

J B Lenoir - Back Door

J.B Lenoir - I feel so good

15 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

“With respect, I often interview people on the street,” said filmmaker Glen Dunzweiler on Twitter. “They don’t care about euphemisms. They care about being looked in the eyes and being afforded dignity. I think the word salad just makes housed people feel better.”

Good lord will this woke crap ever end? Let’s not help people who are living on the streets, but let’s not insult them either. I guess that’s going to do a lot for their feelings.

However they might be labeled, Los Angeles has enough people living on its streets to populate an entire small city. The county’s homeless population jumped to 66,436 in early 2020, up 13% from a year earlier. Since then, the LAHSA has stopped counting.

Where the hell is that money going? Hey maybe congress can quit giving trillions to the rich and start giving it to people who actually need it?

The LAHSA oversees more than $800 million annually in local, state and federal government funding for homelessness programs. Heidi Marston, who resigned as the authority’s director earlier this year, lamented that even as an average of 205 homeless people in Los Angeles County were finding housing each day, 225 were losing their dwellings. “Homelessness is a crisis we made,” she said. “We can unmake it if we only have the will.”

Well duh!

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


i thought that i would look to see how many houses the city of los angeles owns, since a lot of cities own significant amounts of property due to tax forfeitures, etc. here in baltimore the city owns huge amounts of property that the real estate industry has been fairly successful at getting the city to destroy rather than renovate and make them available to homeless and low income people.

so anyway, it looks like la county owns about 14,000 homes and los angeles (city) owns around 7,500.

but then i ran across this. it's pretty interesting and there's a lot more at the link:

The Vacancy Report: How Los Angeles Leaves Homes Empty and People Unhoused

Because of the unprecedented housing crisis in Los Angeles, few people will be surprised by this report. Our housing system fails to house tens of thousands of the city’s residents and leaves hundreds of thousands more struggling under astronomical rents. But for some, the housing market is working exactly as they would prefer, delivering unprecedented profits to a privileged class of investors who have bent the housing market to their interests. Rampant speculation has resulted in a housing system that works in the interest of a few, to the detriment of the many, along lines of race and class.

Some of the outcomes of this dynamic are detailed in this report. With more than 36,000 unhoused residents, Los Angeles simultaneously has over 93,000 units sitting vacant, nearly half of which are withheld from the housing market. Thousands of luxury units across the city are empty, owned as second homes or pure investments. At a time when the city should be doing everything in its power to house people, over 22 square miles of vacant lots are owned and kept vacant by corporate entities. The power of finance, which has brought 67% of the city’s residential units under its control, is also manifest in the ability of speculative developers to remake neighborhoods to fit their own vision. The pattern of development occurring all across Los Angeles further contributes to the vacancy and houselessness crises, as new units are priced beyond the reach of most Angelenos, leading to an excess supply of high-rent housing that fails to lease and therefore fails to house people, coupled with a crisis of unmet need for housing for the most vulnerable.

High vacancy rates in expensive luxury housing developments are a core symptom of a broader speculative housing system that is failing to benefit our communities. Speculative practices yield an unbalanced production of vacant luxury development at a time when evictions are fueling a loss of affordable rental units, increasing numbers of corporate landlords are unaccountable to lowincome tenants, and we are failing to build enough covenanted, deeply affordable housing. All of this accelerates our houselessness crisis. We must prioritize using housing to actually house people and reorganize the market to meet this goal.

14 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

Again I ask where that $800 million for the homeless is going? I mentioned that a few days ago too on this topic. Over the last few decades the problem has only gotten worse even though probably a trillion buckawhoos has been spent on it. We might want to check the wallets of the people who run the organizations.

Good news is that Blackrock has put their home buying on hold for now because housing prices are crashing. You’d think that congress would have put a stop to the hedge funds buying up homes, but instead they keep transferring money to them so that they can. Let’s not forget that Obama did it after the market crashed and then watched the banks steal 10 million people’s homes.

One rich person in SLC is building apartments for the homeless, but it’s like using a squirt gun on a raging fire. I can’t wait for our current system to collapse and pray that it takes the rich down again.

13 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


Again I ask where that $800 million for the homeless is going?

it's probably mostly pissed away on subsidy programs where the government pays landlords to house homeless and low-income people (which is correctly understood as a subsidy to the rich rather than a subsidy for homeless and low-income people). if they sunk the money into actually building homes for the homeless instead of renting them, they would have built a significant stock of (re-useable) housing by now, thus bringing down the overall cost of providing aid. also, they would have created jobs for building tradespeople and ongoing jobs for maintenance people, etc.

11 users have voted.

gets more confusing.

9 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


i can't really make heads or tails of the situation at this point, either. there is so much bs in the news it's hard to figure out what is really going on.

on the other hand, it sure looks like germany is screwed.

9 users have voted.
CB's picture

going all over their country which may use the Siemens turbines.

They now produce their own turbines - eg on the new Nord Stream II pipeline. If push comes to shove, they can retrofit one of their own production. The other ones in Canada were undergoing scheduled routine inspection and repair.

Russia was just using this to stick it to Germany. BTW, in a year and a half they will have built a second pipeline to China that can transport 50 billion cubic meters (in addition to the 38 billion cubic meter Power of Siberia currently in operation).

One of the things that will hurt Germany in the future is that the new pipelines being built can transport green hydrogen in the mix. China is big on hydrogen. They have buses, trucks and trains running on it right now! The ultimate clean energy - is just produces ordinary water as by-product.

Kazakhstan uses Russian pipelines.

Green Hydrogen in Kazakhstan: Barriers

11 users have voted.


It show the incompetence of Foreign Affairs Minister Joly who tried to tie this to Nord Stream.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly says Russia is trying to 'weaponize' gas flows to Europe. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Oh this is rich.

The gist is that Trump truly believed that the Russia crap was interfering with his presidency and that he had no intent to impede the investigation. I can’t wait to see how the shitlibs spin this. They still believe that Barr interfered or changed Mueller's plan to charge Trump with some bogus charges while totaling ignoring that Barr wrote the memo with Mueller’s help.

Remember that Comey said that Hillary had no intent to not use the government email server when she used her own and that there was nothing nefarious about her destroying the 30,000 emails that congress had subpoenaed when she did.

Oh good lord…do shitlibs have a different vocabulary than other people? There was no crime because Mueller said that Trump was not guilty of collusion with Russia so he couldn’t…oh never mind.

Lol…I sure miss Psakiopath.

ETA this thread from Caitlin

15 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture


12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Oops was he supposed to say that out loud?

It’s why they keep minimum wage from being enough to support us.

11 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

iearlgrey, a Brit in St Petersberg, is posting on Rumble to avoid YT censorship on some topics.

Ukrainian Nazis Celebrate Independance Day With PoW ISIS Video (10 min)

Deputy of the Rada Goncharenko threatened Lukashenka with hanging in response to the congratulations of the Ukrainians:
FSB prevented terrorist attacks at Baltic Fleet facilities and Khrabrovo airport in Kaliningrad:
The Russian Embassy said that the United States is afraid of publicity of the facts about the actions of "Azov":
Journalists who challenge NATO narratives are now 'information terrorists':

And more money from US and UK...Got to prolong the war.

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the news!

have a great evening!

3 users have voted.

Edited to add. more terrorism and a blatant lie:

12 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yep, what i had expected is starting to happen. i figured that there was no way that the ukronazis could hold off russia's armed forces and that they would pivot to guerilla tactics, which the cia has been training the ukronazis to do for the last 10 years or so.

i would guess that by winter, this conflict will mostly consist of ukronazi terrorists trying to wear down russia with an insurgency reminiscent of the tactics used in afghanistan and elsewhere in the middle east.

9 users have voted.

as propaganda is concerned LOL

9 users have voted.
janis b's picture

Thanks joe for the Lenoir, I'm enjoying it.

Deep in Debt Blues

Even though this opinion piece is related to the economic state of housing in NZ, it’s not that dissimilar to the American situation. I think this journalist’s perspective is relevant to both.

In classical economics if you have a shortage of affordable houses like we currently have, that sends a signal to the market that a profit can be made by supplying more houses, so they supply more house. The demand gets met to a point where less and less people are able, or willing, (or all supply needs are met), to pay at that price. So demand stops/drops. A drop in demand sends a signal that prices can drop. So prices start to drop. And this in turn sends a signal to a supplier of housing that there is less profit to be made so they will either slow supply or stop new supply. And it all stabiises around a new equilibrium(?) and the market is happy and somehow affordable housing must have been met.

There are many obvious flaws in this logic, especially when applied to ‘affordable housing’. E.g.: …

Have a good evening everyone.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

@janis b

that fellow is on to something, but he surrounded it with a lot of less relevant verbiage:

Affordable food, shelter, are best not delivered by a private market mechanism.

thanks for the article, have a great evening!

8 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@joe shikspack

A great evening and weekend to you as well.

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