Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-16-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Gunboat diplomacy is a hard habit to stop. "It is a nice little community you have there be a shame to see it destroyed." The continual use of the tactic has shaped the United States as we know it today.

New Amsterdam becomes New York in 1664.
(4.42 min)


A little fuller history of Dutch New York (56.23 min)


This was the most surprising headline of my week.

Dalai Lama Says He Doesn't Want Independence From China Sputnik News July 14, 2022

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama on Thursday said that people in China realize that he is not seeking independence, but meaningful autonomy and preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture.

"Some Chinese hardliners consider me a separatist and a reactionary and always criticize me. But now, more Chinese are realizing that the Dalai Lama is not seeking independence and only wishing China (to give) meaningful autonomy (to Tibet) and preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture,” the 87-year-old Tibetan leader told media persons in Jammu.
Responding to China’s recent remarks, the Dalai Lama said, "This is usual. The Chinese people are not objecting. More and more Chinese are showing interest in Tibetan Buddhism. Some of their scholars are realizing that Tibetan Buddhism is very scientific. Things are changing."


Politics and religion are difficult to completely separate.
Abe’s death spotlights religious-political ties Asia Times July 14, 2022

Tetsuya Yamagami, the 41-year-old former member of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces who killed Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe last week, said during police interrogation that his motive was Abe’s close relations with a shukyo dantai, or religious group.
The mainstream media in Japan were refusing to speculate, but it was not long before a name leaked out via the English language website of Japan’s “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.”

The group is more commonly known worldwide as the Unification Church, while its members are colloquially known as “Moonies” after the name of the late Moon Sun-myung, the Korean who founded the Christian sect in 1954.
The church does indeed have geopolitical ambitions: It has maintained affiliations with North Korea – from whence its founder originally hailed – and once sought to build a tunnel linking Japan and South Korea.

It is famous, some say notorious, for its efforts to gain high-level political connections – and not just in Japan. In the United States, its founder was jailed for 13 months for tax evasion committed as the group sought to buy US influence and facilities.
Abe was on record delivering greetings to group gatherings. Other high-profile political figures who have recently addressed Unification Church gatherings outside Japan include Cambodia’s leader Hun Sen and former US president Donald Trump.

As frequently happens in Japan and elsewhere, people seeking spiritual solace donate to religious groups. Yamagami’s mother, it appears, had expended the family’s financial reserves – as much as a million dollars’ worth of Japanese yen, according to a report by the weekly news magazine Shukan Bunshun – in her deep devotion to the Unification Church.


What is on your mind today?

16 users have voted.


When the goofball president says they are absolutely coming, I want to know why he is so certain of this. How was the coming event reported to him? Who has the job to study food supplies and then inform the president? When did he get that information? What policies are in place to protect against mass starvation? Is the current inflation of food prices unexpected, or is it part of a plan?
The essence of extracting the truth from any source is the classic who/what/when/where/how/why.

11 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp political stability. These are a few of the major players

USDA - United States Department of Agriculture. current Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

What We Do

We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.

We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation's natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands.
Who We Are

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is made up of 29 agencies and offices with nearly 100,000 employees who serve the American people at more than 4,500 locations across the country and abroad.

Two thirds of the USDA annual budget is for 15 domestic food and nutrition assistance programs.

USDA monitors food security in the US.

Food security means access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.

USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) plays a leading role in research on food security and food security measurement in U.S. households and communities. ERS provides data access and technical support to social science scholars to facilitate their research on food security.

ERS works with National Academy of Sciences - NAS a NGO (nongovernmental agency) to monitor food insecurity.

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was founded on March 3, 1863, at the height of the Civil War.

The immediate roots of the NAS can be traced back to the early 1850s and a group of scientists based largely in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The group enlisted the support of Massachusetts Senator Henry Wilson, who helped draft a bill for the incorporation of the National Academy of Sciences. Wilson brought the bill to the Senate on February 20, 1863, where it was passed on March 3. It was passed by the House of Representatives later that day, and was signed into law by President Lincoln before the day was over. The National Academy of Sciences had officially come into being with 50 charter members, who over the years would be joined by the election of the nation's most distinguished scientists.

Over the years, the National Academy of Sciences has broadened its services to the government. During World War I it became apparent that the limited membership—then numbering only about 150—could not keep up with the volume of requests for advice regarding military preparedness. In 1916 the Academy established the National Research Council at the request of President Wilson to recruit specialists from the larger scientific and technological communities to participate in the Academy's advisory work to the government. Recognizing the value of scientific advice to the nation in times of peace as well as war, Wilson issued an executive order at the close of World War I asking the Academy to perpetuate the National Research Council. Subsequent executive orders, by President Eisenhower in 1956 and President Bush in 1993, have affirmed the importance of the National Research Council and further broadened its charter.

Safety of raw and manufactured food is monitored by the FDA - Food and Drug Association

Food and Drug Administration - FDA

In general, FDA regulates:
Foods, including:
dietary supplements
bottled water
food additives
infant formulas
other food products (although the U.S. Department of Agriculture plays a lead role in regulating aspects of some meat, poultry, and egg products)
Veterinary Products, including:
livestock feeds
pet foods
veterinary drugs and devices

10 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth fully funded and functional, why would we nevertheless be expecting food shortages? And why are we ingesting Roundup? Why is our drinking water full of plastic?
If we know it is coming, why haven't we stopped food shortages in it's tracks?

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

ggersh's picture

@on the cusp Crickets...


6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

studentofearth's picture

@ggersh on human and animal foods stuff purchased. Even include food I have bought for years.

Dried grasses (hay) may even contain preservatives.
Hay Preservatives: 5 Ingredients You Need To Know About The Hay Pillow 12-15-2017

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

ggersh's picture

@studentofearth so that's why they're doing it? How do these morons
come up with these ideas, let alone get to do this shit?

The guy talks about crickets being for "pets" but quickly shifts
to it being food for the masses....sigh

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

enhydra lutris's picture


into food products. There are various purveyors of foods including crickets and cricket flour, but as far as I have been able to tell they do so openly and treat it as a selling and/or marketing point.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Biden economy. And it’s going to get much worse as the fed triggers a recession. We’re already seeing companies laying people off starting with ones related to mortgages. But it’s what the goal is. To fight inflation they are aiming at 10% unemployment. It’s not we the people’s fault that the fed has been pumping trillions of dollars into the banks since September 2019 which has given them lots of money to buy back stocks and buy up housing. But we’re the ones who are being punished for it. Biden is continuing Obama’s wrecking of ordinary folks being able to afford a house.

As for the assassination of Abe, here’s a article on how it might have been us or the globalists who did the deed because he was close to forming a government that would have the power to kick our military out of Japan.


Former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, leader of Japan’s Conservative Liberal Democrats Party, was a nationalist – a non-globalist. He campaigned for his party to win a two thirds majority in the upcoming Parliamentary elections.

Non-globalists, those who stand and fight for their countries and peoples’ sovereignty are not well seen by the globalists, to put it benignly.

There are other renown personalities who enter this category. For example, former President Trump, Presidents Putin and Xi Jinping, as well as former Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who was thrown out of office on 10 April this year by a US instigated and bought Parliamentary “Vote of Confidence”. And, not to forget Muammar Gaddafi, who was captured and atrociously killed on 20 October 2011.

Gaddafi’s assassination was instigated and organized by the US and France, because Gaddafi wanted to free Africa from the monetary and economic dependency, or better called “enslavement”, on Europe particularly France (West and Central Africa) and the US, by introducing a gold and petrol based African Dinar.

Back to Japan. A two thirds majority is needed to amend the Constitution to render Japan the military autonomy and political sovereignty that she was promised at the signing of the San Francisco Peace Agreement after WWII in 1951.

The enactment of the San Francisco Peace Agreement on April 28, 1952, returned a certain sovereignty to Japan. The Treaty was signed by 48 nations. However, the Treaty limited Japan’s sovereignty, in as much as it stipulated that Japan may not have a full military. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution prohibits Japan from establishing a military force or solving international conflicts through violence.

There is some similarity with Germany which, as of this day, has only an Armistice Agreement with the WWII victors, but no Peace Agreement. Under this arrangement Germany may not have an offensive army and no nuclear weapons on her territory.

Never mind that the US Air Base at Ramstein near Frankfurt – one of the largest outside the US – stores countless nuclear warheads. Here is one of those flagrant contradictions of the mighty in today’s power games.

Article 9 is interpreted as meaning that armed forces are legitimate for passive self-defense only.This is a severe limitation to Japan’s defense strategy. Seen from a Japanese media-influenced perspective, this is especially true in the light of China’s ever greater and more visible military ascent.

The rules under Article 9 implied that the United States would guarantee Japan’s security by stationing US military personnel in Japan. In fact, there are at least 7 US military bases with more than 80,000 military personnel, making Japan worldwide the country with most US military presence. Altogether, close to half of all US military stationed abroad are based in Japan.

This is seen by many if not most Japanese as a severe limitation of their country’s sovereignty.

In May 2017, then Japanese Prime Minister Abe set a 2020 deadline for revising Article 9, which would legitimize the Japanese Self Defense Forces (JSDF) as a true military defense system, with preventive capabilities, in Japan’s Constitution. PM Abe retired in 2020, officially due to health problems, without revising Article 9.

When he was shot on July 8, 2022, former PM Abe campaigned for his Conservative Liberal Democrats to win a two-thirds majority, so that the Constitution could be amended, by either removing or modifying Article 9. It would also have given Parliament power to decide over foreign military presence in Japan.

I didn’t know that about Germany. But it makes sense for why Abe was killed when he was.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


ETA this link to an article on the fight for free speech on social media. Something about how congress gave them permission to deny free speech, but it was illegal for congress to do so because we have an inalienable right to it that congress can not refuse or take away from us.

Because of that they, meaning the government, harmed me directly, which gives me the standing to go after the United States itself. That is what a constitutional challenge is. We're saying to the United States government, “Your law is unconstitutional. It harmed me. It was an illegal taking, meaning you gave this authority to this company to take my liberty, my property, and I could not do a thing about it.” That's a denial of due process, the Fifth Amendment. Timeline-wise, we filed in April. We have to serve the United States attorney general, essentially, with theoretically suing the executive branch and saying “Your law is unconstitutional.” The attorney general has 60 days to respond. So we're looking at August 6, I think it is our deadline, or August 7, one of those two dates, before the attorney general has to enter their appearance. If the attorney general does not enter their appearance, an unrebutted challenge means we win. That means Section 230 would be struck. That would fundamentally change not only America, it would change the entire world.

This is something that is very important to everyone. Now the attorney general can enter their appearance and begin to fight us. That will tell us a lot about the executive branch, because if the executive branch fighting to keep Section 230, it means they're trying to keep it as a weapon. It’s a free speech weapon. Then they're really not interested in fixing 230 or getting rid of 230 if they're actually fighting it. Do I think it will be a futile endeavor? Yes. Why? Because the Supreme Court just found in another case, West Virginia vs. the EPA, that we're right. If they stay with the same principles and the same doctrines, we're correct. This is correct. It's going to get struck. And if it gets struck, I just changed the world.

This is important and of course the media isn’t covering it. I sure hope he wins. Alex Berenson won his case against Twitter after they banned him for saying that the mRNA shots do not protect from transmission. Walensky said it earlier this year and Fauci said it again this month. Guess he had to admit that after being jabbed 4 times, but caught the Rona anyway. He also got Pfizer-mectin rebound.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg are responsible for creating a huge impoverished class, and also the meme that poverty is due to laziness and stupidity. You even see and hear poor people chastising other poor people to act responsibly and above all, work your way out of poverty. Poor people the world over are in awe of oligarchs, seen as the best and brightest of humans.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg and his assassination.

Shinzo Abe: A controversial visionary Indian Punchline July 10, 2022 by M. K. BHADRAKUMAR

Abe’s reform programme widened the gap between the rich and the poor and fuelled social discontent while Abe’s abandonment of Japan’s ‘pacifism’ did not enjoy a national consensus. Abe’s populism obfuscated his real agenda, and his use of baser instincts such as racial and ethnic prejudices and his manipulation of the media and suppression of free press damaged Japan’s democratic foundations.

Therefore, a big question mark needs to be put on his ‘vision,’ as his admirers tend to put it. Frankly, Abe has become a polariser in the world opinion — simply put, one-dimensional Sinophobes warm up to him like nobody’s business and in the process overlook his flawed legacy in an outpouring of emotions.
But Abe was also a master of doublespeak and once made significant contributions to improving Japan’s ties with China and even publicly expressed willingness to cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative! Quad was almost entirely built on the strength of the relationship Abe worked out with Prime Minister Modi, with whom he shared a deep distrust of China.

However, Japan’s Indo-Pacific policy has since morphed into robust support for accelerating the pace of NATO’s entry into Asia. That said, the fact remains that throughout its history, Japan always tenaciously sought to maintain its autonomy in the international system. How this contradiction gets resolved remains to be seen.

APNews published a comprehensive article yesterday and it is being republished around the world as part of their newsfeed programs. Worth reading the full article. Surprisingly includes names of past US presidents associated with Unification Church (Moonies) activities. Much of the information which could be read in the past regarding past presidents has been removed from internet sites.

EXPLAINER: The Unification Church’s ties to Japan’s politics AP News July 15, 2022


Throughout his life, Moon worked to transform his church into a worldwide religious movement and expand its business and charitable activities. Moon was convicted of tax evasion in 1982 and served a prison term in New York. He died in 2012.

The church has developed relations with conservative world leaders including U.S. presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and more recently Donald Trump.
n a news conference Monday after the church’s connection to Abe’s assassination was revealed, the church’s leader in Japan, Tomohiro Tanaka, said Abe supported UPF’s peace movement but that he was not a member.
The ties between the church and Japan’s governing party go back to Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, who served as prime minister and shared worries with Washington over the spread of communism in Japan in the 1960s as labor union activists gained strength.
Media reports say the suspect believed that Kishi brought the church to Japan.

“Japanese leaders at the time saw the church as a tool to promote anti-communist views in Japan,” said Masaki Kito, a lawyer and expert on religious businesses. For the group, showcasing close ties with prominent politicians was a way to get endorsement for its activity.

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

enhydra lutris's picture

and Abe. Moonies are simply another xtian sect, of which there are a great number; some are more greedy than others, some are more lustful for power than others, some more fascist, etc. The sad reality is that they are and have long been a sad reality that realists must learn to deal with somehow.

be well and have a good one

edit - corrected soa to soe

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

studentofearth's picture

@enhydra lutris was fairly large. My previous understanding was the transfer to the English was a consequence of one of the Dutch wars not actual confrontation with armed English ships.

Serious governmental challenges happen occasionally with those xtian sects. Interesting side note. Planned on adding a little info on Taiping Rebellion in China (1850-1864) in many nonfiction books on my shelves is described as a Christian uprising initially supported by missionaries as a pathway into China. Hong Xiuquan believed himself the younger brother of Jesus Christ.

The internet has changed once again. Most internet sources viewed are not attributing are calling it a religious uprising (my bold). History.com wins the prize for best rewriting.

Many of these followers were the Hakka people, who had fled the Mongols in the 13th century and become an enclave treated as separate from regular Chinese society. They were primarily destitute laborers who sought protection from oppression.

Hong preached an early form of communism that stressed sharing property, mixed with religious ideas and laws based on the 10 Commandments. His promise of free land would soon bring in thousands more followers.

3 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.