Happy Fourth of July!!!
Submitted by ban nock on Sun, 07/03/2022 - 4:08pm
The official beginning of summer and a three day weekend, the fourth means my dog is a little skittish and the celebration is for something good for a change.
The fourth of July celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and one of the most famous sentences ever written.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
It's a day to be happy and glad to be in a country with such immense wealth, natural beauty, and freedoms.

Yep... all MEN are created equal. The women, not so much.
This year I say Bah Humbug to a celebration that comes on the heels of the total destruction of separation of church and state, the further spread of gun violence, and the dismantling of Roe v Wade.
Speaking of this... there are over 30 major cities in the US that will be hosting rallies against SCOTUS's decisions. https://riseup4abortionrights.org/july-4/
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02 I'm more a glass half
That first sentence in it's modern interpretation means everyone, and maybe that's what it meant at the time also. I've lived in a few other countries, but I choose this one.
I haven't noticed any one forcing me into any religion, and yes suicide continues to be high, and anti abortion extremists accomplished part of what they set out to do.
The SCOTUS turn to the right was predestined with the Democratic Party's decision to forgo supporting the working class back in 16. You reap what you sow. The mid terms should be horrible and in 24 the Rs will more than likely control all of the 3 branches.
Meantime I'll enjoy some burgers and I hope to replace the flag on my porch that I took down for the remodel.
But you ARE being forced to pay for religious
ideas, claims, ministerial salaries, institutions, schools, opinions etc. through your taxes. Did you know that the Catholic church in the US received over $6 million in PPP monies two years ago? Don't did yourself about not being forced to believe in a religion. You are being forced to support it every day.
Beyond that, women now are being forced to live under the rule of religion, which is the major factor in anti abortions legislation. It doesn't matter if you hold on to religious beliefs privately or no religious beliefs at all, Christianity has become your religion by default and by law.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02 You're preaching to
2 million + in the u.s. alone.

Immense wealth?

And of course you mean the natural beauty of this:

Nope. I don't celebrate a once wonderful country in steep decline. Too busy finding ways to help the less fortunate.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Too busy finding ways to help the less fortunate?
How anti-American of you.
Had a good day.
We had food drives right next to the fireworks dealers.
Used the guilt complex to help others and it was our most successful drive in many months.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
@Pricknick There, you see, even you
https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/p20st.pdf Unless, of course, you think our justice dept is part of some big conspiracy to keep the "real" numbers secret. Personally I'd like to see a lot more locked up until they are no longer a threat. Asians are getting beat and killed left and right and no one gives a crap, except maybe that SF DA that was recalled. Yay!.
There, you see, even you have a reason to celebrate the US today. Our incarceration rate has fallen for 3 years and is down to 358 per 100K.There are a lot of violent criminals in the US, and they're better off in jail.
Many places have fewer incarcerated because they never make it to trial.
Yup, inequality sucks. Puts all the power with the wealthy. Not sure what is to be done.
I live in a county that produces a lot of gas and oil, You have to look careful to see the derricks, and here's the kicker, most people here have a pretty small footprint. Carbon shadows income.
Plus being a half full glass guy I enjoy the immense beauty of the national forests and the continental divide 12 miles west.
Happy Fourth.
And inflation
is 8.5% and dropping.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
@Pricknick Depends how you count
Depends how you count it CPI yes. There are other measures, and ultimately a lot depends on what you are spending money on.One kid just started a very selective engineering school last year, his tuition will remain the same throughout. SS has a COLA. Our health care is basically free.
If you travel a lot, eat at expensive restaurants, buy houses and cars, go out a lot, ya, it's going to cost. I worry much more about recession and lowered earnings of the working class.
You sound very conservative...
are you a right winger? Just putting a label on you since you seem to enjoy labeling other folks here.
@JtC 5.63, 3.54
right authoritarian then.
@JtC left libertarian,
You aint either one.
That's a bonus.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Huh, most left libertarians are anti-war...
as are many if not most right libertarians. You seem to be firm in your support of the US involvement in Ukraine. How do you reconcile that break from the libertarian norm?
IMHO, labeling people leads to division, it's one more reason to other one another. Call me anti-label.
Hi JtC, I do believe 'othering' is divisive, always has been.
It's also a relative concept, and feature of human nature to which we are all subjected. I wish it were other, but I think to varying degrees we are all compromised in that regard. Diminishing the sense of 'other' is an ideal to strive for, and maybe the best we can achieve.
For your information...
the coordinates you give above, 5.63, 3.54 are positives. On an xy axis that points to quadrant 1:
When transferred to the political xy axis it puts you in the right authoritarian quadrant:
To get to a left libertarian designation your numbers would have to be negative.
-5.63, -3.54
@JtC they are negative
@JtC and looking at it
I'd assume most here are left authoritarian due to their support of dictators and lack of support for democracies. I did read a comment from a Trump supporter, and with the melding of extreme left and right how do Chomsky and Kissinger end up supporting the same thing?
I'm reflexively anti war but certainly not in cases of self defence, and I don't mean defence as in the Gulf of Tonkin which was a made up excuse as is often the case.
My country tis of thee...
My Country 'Tis of Thee (Land of Inequity) - Reina del Cid
A song for post-Roe America on this 4th of July
My country 'tis of thee
Land of inequity
Of thee I sing
Land where my mothers cried
Fought, bled, and sacrificed
For rights which we are now denied
Let freedom ring
Land of dystopia
Religious myopia
I mourn for thee
Behind dusty oaken doors
Six robed dinosaurs
Conspired to wage a holy war
Over our bodies
But the true bell of liberty
She does not mute easily
Long may she ring
Her echoes we'll amplify
Marching till morning light
All genders side by side
Till freedom rings
To the tune of "My Country 'Tis of Thee"
New lyrics by Reina del Cid
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm never sure what people mean when they say "freedom"
And Americans use the word 'freedom' incessantly, perhaps 100 times more often than any other culture on earth.
The problem with words like 'freedom' and 'liberty' is that they have no meaning as stand-stone words. They only have meaning when used in context, that is, the meaning of the word depends on the unique conditions of constraint that the speaker has in mind. Are we talking about freedom from slavery or from prison, or from strict parents, or harsh laws, or a bad marriage?
The dictionary says 'freedom' almost always refers to a release from forced constraints. If you are not aware of forced constraints in your life, it's difficult to understand what people mean when they spout the word "freedom." If you have a quick imagination, you can easily conjur being released from a trap, and feel the relief. That's certainly worth a beer toast in a sports bar.
I do know, however, what the Founders had in mind when they referred to 'freedom.' The words of the First Amendment itself establish six specific rights/freedoms: (1) the right to be free from governmental establishment of religion (the “Establishment Clause”), (2) the right to be free from governmental interference with the practice of religion (the “Free Exercise Clause”), (3) the right to free speech, (4) the right to freedom of the press, (5) the right to assemble peacefully (which includes the right to associate freely with whomever one chooses), and (6) the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
I wonder if Americans are contemplating these freedoms of the Founders, because we are fast losing them, one-by-one. One thing I've noticed is that Americans do not like to compare themselves to other rich nations. If they are contemplating 'freedom' you can be sure they are mentally comparing the US to place that is a deep, dark, pit of unrelenting inhumanity. "Fuck yeah. We've got Freedom!"
Or maybe not, because 'freedom' is used by today's freedom-lovers to indicate a different set of freedoms, which they struggling to establish as law. Just as Thomas Jefferson described in the Declaration of Independence, people will put up with the abuse they perceive for a long time, before they reach a breaking point. These current freedom-lovers believe they have been corralled by growing constraints that are encroaching on their freedoms, as a result of bad government policies. These constraints include immigrants moving to the US, migrant labor, paying taxes, providing health care to immigrants, trying to fix climate change, blaming climate change on human activities, paying reparations to victims of US genocide, state support of solar panels and green energy, foreign aid, the EPA, and the policies of the Federal Reserve. They are demanding freedom from these costly constraints imposed on them by the government and paid for by their tax dollars.
I rarely mention "freedom', probably because I don't believe that the political problems I see are caused by a lack of freedom. They are caused by a deeply corrupt political system and truly depraved politicians. At the same time, I do not believe political change is possible anymore in the US. The US quest to control the wealth of the world has resulted in and relentless and unrestrained blast of propaganda and outright lies, that are used to manipulate the American People into supporting the aggressive foreign wars to achieve global Empire. The American People are now a population of misinformed citizens — who cling to nonsense narratives concocted to inflame them with outrage toward designated US rivals, cheering for war and economic chaos. The People are neatly severed from the actual facts and from critical geopolitical awareness. In domestic matters, the basic principles of democracy and accountability were thrown out the window a long time ago. Voting in Federal elections has been a deliberate exercise in backroom chaos of state bosses for over two-hundred years — generating dumpsters filled with ballots and vote counts that veer wildly from exit polls. For decades we allowed Congress to gamble their way to wealth in the stock markets, using insider information about economic events. We have religious barkers participating in debates and coaching Representatives during key legislation. Foreign agents (AIPAC), investment bankers, bomb makers have significantly more influence over the legislative agenda and over the laws that get passed than the American people do. The People will be lucky to vote at all, and even luckier if their ballots are not tossed in the trash. And year over year for the past fifty years, the well-being of the American people and their economic security have been steadily diminished. The People's mental health has never been in worse shape.
US Democracy has been subverted and corrupted for a long time. Now the United States has sunk to new low in rankings of the World's Democracies.
In 2021, Freedom House published an extensive report focusing on Democracy failures in the US — a move motivated by increasing concern over attacks on freedoms in the US. It details the inequities that minority groups face when it comes to the criminal justice system and voting.
A radical Supreme Court, which will be in place for the next three or four decades, has made it legal for powerful corporations and very wealthy individuals to use their money to exert extreme influence over government policy decisions — to the detriment of the will of the American People. This has already severely damaged public trust in the US government. And neither party in the Duopoly is willing to legislate in order to stop this authoritarian crisis, which is just getting started. Elected Members of Congress, who have all gained substantial wealth while in Washington — if not from Donors then from insider trading — are certainly not going to raise a stink.
Other than that, I really like the Declaration of Independence. I believe it is the most intellectually honest document that the US has produced.
I remember that report when it came out, and
I notice the Baltic Republics all score well and are listed as free, Ukraine as partly free, and Russia as not free. Georgia also as partly free. Finland a perfect 100, guess they are intent on keeping it that way. Crimea which they do list, at a dismal 7, and China at 9.
If I had to put a name to it I'd say freedom is the freedom to do as you wish. We might not like paying taxes but that's part of the price. I certainly don't like to listen to people lay guilt trips on me, and I certainly still have the freedom to tell them where to file that nonsense.
To those who hate the freedoms we do have here I heartily encourage them to go elsewhere. We can get passports and have the freedom to emigrate.
By coincidence, China celebrates CPC’s founding in July as well…
1776, 1921 — a bunch of contentious, motivated folks butt heads for a few days, brainstorm, thrash out differences, and in the end come to agreement on a common vision. Amazing what weighty consequences can ensue, eh?
Instead of the zero-sum game of war they’re playing, you’d think it’d occur to our leaders to try to combine and leverage the lessons from both histories and co-operate to guide the planet through the multitude of crises looming ahead, wouldn’tcha? But nooo …
We should be having a protest tomorrow
for the freedoms that we once had but are no longer ours. Our 1st amendment has been hijacked by corporations who think money is free speech while many Americans no longer have it for themselves since the government has demanded that social media removes any speech that doesn’t conform with what the government says. We no longer have our 45h amendment right to privacy since the government agencies have been spying on us for gawd only knows how long. Even the 3rd amendment is broken (the castle doctrine) by law agencies that can do no knock warrants for the simplest crimes and kill anyone trying to protect themselves including their pets. Oh well if they went to the wrong address. Such a pity huh?
It’s been 20 years since Bush signed the patriot act that rescinded the constitution without barely a whimper from we the people. And we can be arrested and locked up indefinitely without access to a lawyer or trial if the president orders it since Obama rescinded habeas corpus. Millions of Americans were forced to get an experimental injection of something that hadn’t been thoroughly tested nor gone through years of safety trials and millions women are now forced to carrying their pregnancy to term regardless of their wishes. Slavery is still being practiced in prisons across the nation with prisoners being forced to work for corporations while incarcerated for pennies an hour. Government is trying to whittle down the 2nd amendment with red flag laws that violate so many other amendments and half the county cheers for it.
That Americans still celebrate the 4th of July and think that they are free just goes to show the power of propaganda because most of the inalienable rights they once had have been revoked. It’s no wonder government feels free to rescind our freedoms. People don’t seem to know nor care that they have lost most of them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm thinking
Bill Pullman for president in 2024, if he's not too old by now, for his fine work in taking care of the aliens a few years back, as shown in that documentary Independence Day. If he's too much in retirement, Gavin Newsom is the closest look-alike.