Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
I think you did good capturing the rain. In fact such a good job I can feel it splatter me and smell the effects.
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Stay safe and cosy everyone.
3 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm glad you enjoyed the splatter of rain. Everything was tightly closed, so I missed the scent. I will open the door now that it's calm and let some of the scent enter.
Thank you fellow photographer, friend, and dog lover.
@janis b
Glad you liked the music and the new avatar pic.
We sure could use some of that rain you've captured in your photo.
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Stay safe and cosy everyone.
5 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
@janis b
Great pic Janis! You did a great job. Moving water is very hard to shoot. Slower shutter speeds are often better. It's tricky stuff.
You could send any extra rain you have to Texas. Lots of us are in Stage 4 exceptional drought, and trees are dying.
thanks for the wet and green thoughts.
hope all is well!
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Stay safe and cosy everyone.
4 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
@janis b
You really captured the rain. I have never tried to do that before. I now have a challenge. Thank you
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Stay safe and cosy everyone.
2 users have voted.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
@janis b
It almost looks like a painting. Of course, that's why I check in on you all every week. We're getting plenty of rain here in Floridumb. No hurricanes.......yet........thank the gods and goddesses of Nature. Rec'd!!
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Love the images. I read an article describing how bad drought has been out your way. The Great Salt Lake is way, way too low. Is it that bad? Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Lots of this yellow stuff dotting all the fields in Ogden valley. Unfortunately I had overcast skies so no star photography this trip.
It’s blurry cuz a better one was too big.
And don’t miss the picture of Sam being a lert and catching the dangerous animal she found lurking around the camp in the EBs
and yes it’s bad for many reasons. One we used to get lots of moisture because of lake effect and if that stops it’s going to hurt the ski industry big time. Plus dust from it blows on the snow melting it quicker. It’s also very toxic so it will affect the health of millions. Then there are the industries it supports from brine shrimp to salt and lastly it will have an effect on millions of birds and other critters. Part of the problem is the drought going into its 20th year, but a lot of the water has been diverted from it for various reasons.
It’s just been recently that people in power have decided that they should do something about it. 20 years late in my opinion. Then there are lakes Mead and Powell that are even worse off. Flaming Gorge dam is going to send lots of water south to those 2. You should look it up. I spent hours on a water ski skiing horseshoe canyon. It’s a great place.
#2 Love the images. I read an article describing how bad drought has been out your way. The Great Salt Lake is way, way too low. Is it that bad? Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
2 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great pix SP! Love both types, the nature, and the humankind. Neat shots. The dragonfly looks like a female Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata). Can't see how much of the wing is colored but it looks more than half, so a Flame. Awesome shot.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Here's a Black Witch I saw a few years ago in Maui. Wing span on this one was about 5".
Great pix SP! Love both types, the nature, and the humankind. Neat shots. The dragonfly looks like a female Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata). Can't see how much of the wing is colored but it looks more than half, so a Flame. Awesome shot.
GREAT photo SP! Awesome beast. That is a male. So was the one I saw yesterday, which I put at 6". Females get bigger and run 5-7", males usually 5-6". Most moths females are bigger, having to house often hundreds of eggs and all. When I lived in Portland, which is north side of Nueces Bay across from Corpus Christi, TX, in 85-86 we had a couple show up under our eaves. They are regular in TX along the Gulf coast, but scarce to rare inland. They have great intricate details to that camo pattern. THANKS!
Yesterday there was a COOK'S PETREL photographed at a little pond in Escondido. The San Diego birds or Calbirds yahoo group had a post about it. This is a highly pelagic deepwater seabird, one never even sees from shore. Nearest I have seen one to San Diego is Cortes Banks 90 miles offshore!
Here's a Black Witch I saw a few years ago in Maui. Wing span on this one was about 5".
2 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I've only seen a handful over the years. If I were to have a tattoo I think I'd choose the pattern of the Puriri Moth. It can grow to almost twice the size measured here.
Great pix SP! Love both types, the nature, and the humankind. Neat shots. The dragonfly looks like a female Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata). Can't see how much of the wing is colored but it looks more than half, so a Flame. Awesome shot.
I've only seen a handful over the years. If I were to have a tattoo I think I'd choose the pattern of the Puriri Moth. It can grow to almost twice the size measured here.
2 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
@janis b
awesome moth Janis! I presume the rule is in centimeters? Beautiful animal! Never heard of it. Great pattern. Wingshape looks like a Sphinx Moth (aka hawkmoths). Will look into it... THANKS!!
I've only seen a handful over the years. If I were to have a tattoo I think I'd choose the pattern of the Puriri Moth. It can grow to almost twice the size measured here.
3 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
#3.2 awesome moth Janis! I presume the rule is in centimeters? Beautiful animal! Never heard of it. Great pattern. Wingshape looks like a Sphinx Moth (aka hawkmoths). Will look into it... THANKS!!
Is still a rose! This is one of the flowers of one of the old rose bushes around our place. This was from when the bush was young!
5 users have voted.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
You made me wonder about the difference in appearance of a fresh rose on a young bush, from a fresh rose on a mature one. Thanks for the photo and imaginings.
Is still a rose! This is one of the flowers of one of the old rose bushes around our place. This was from when the bush was young!
@janis b
The pic above was taken almost exactly 19 years ago (21 Jun 2003). I'm going to find that rose bush and get a new pic in the next week or two and I'll post it here. Assuming the bush is still alive, of course. At one time I had over 40 rose bushes that I'd planted around the house, but some have died back and others have gone nearly wild!
You made me wonder about the difference in appearance of a fresh rose on a young bush, from a fresh rose on a mature one. Thanks for the photo and imaginings.
4 users have voted.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
The pic above was taken almost exactly 19 years ago (21 Jun 2003). I'm going to find that rose bush and get a new pic in the next week or two and I'll post it here. Assuming the bush is still alive, of course. At one time I had over 40 rose bushes that I'd planted around the house, but some have died back and others have gone nearly wild!
Hi Social
Thank you for posting your work for all to enjoy, and for the great mash up of exodus.
You could sell that first photo as an Ad for Belmont Park. Again, I love what you’ve chosen for your new avatar.
This was my next attempt to capture the rain in a still photograph, it’s a bit better than the last, but I am determined to do better.
An hour ago we had a ten minute blitz of heavy rain mixed with hail, and 35 m/ph winds. Unfortunately I was on the phone at the time and missed photographing it. The sound against the windows and roof was intense, and concentrating on the conversation was challenging. The forecast is for more of the same in a few hours. I’ll try to capture the force of it in a still photo, but I think maybe it’s time for me to learn how to video.
Stay safe and cosy everyone.
Nice job
I think you did good capturing the rain. In fact such a good job I can feel it splatter me and smell the effects.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hi snoopy
I'm glad you enjoyed the splatter of rain. Everything was tightly closed, so I missed the scent. I will open the door now that it's calm and let some of the scent enter.
Thank you fellow photographer, friend, and dog lover.
Hi, Janis
Glad you liked the music and the new avatar pic.
We sure could use some of that rain you've captured in your photo.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
So little is balanced any more
I do hope you get some rain.
Unfortunately with summer fast approching
we won't be getting any rain for months.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
great pic Janis!
You could send any extra rain you have to Texas. Lots of us are in Stage 4 exceptional drought, and trees are dying.
thanks for the wet and green thoughts.
hope all is well!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thank you dystopian
I'm pushing the rain as hard as I can to the east, hoping it reaches you ; ).
Poor trees and animals.
Stay strong and well.
This a great picture...
You really captured the rain. I have never tried to do that before. I now have a challenge. Thank you
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
Thank you and enjoy Sima,
both the challenge and the possibilities of the camera.
That's a lovely photo, jb.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
This tree looks like it’s dancing
Lots of this yellow stuff dotting all the fields in Ogden valley. Unfortunately I had overcast skies so no star photography this trip.
It’s blurry cuz a better one was too big.
And don’t miss the picture of Sam being a lert and catching the dangerous animal she found lurking around the camp in the EBs
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's true about the dancing tree
Yellow and green must be the colours of June in Ogden Valley.
Where is Sam?
Hi, Snoopy
Your tree is doing the Friday happy dance. Nice to see you have a lot of green things growing.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
A bit off topic, snoopy.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Yes the lake is at its lowest level ever
and yes it’s bad for many reasons. One we used to get lots of moisture because of lake effect and if that stops it’s going to hurt the ski industry big time. Plus dust from it blows on the snow melting it quicker. It’s also very toxic so it will affect the health of millions. Then there are the industries it supports from brine shrimp to salt and lastly it will have an effect on millions of birds and other critters. Part of the problem is the drought going into its 20th year, but a lot of the water has been diverted from it for various reasons.
It’s just been recently that people in power have decided that they should do something about it. 20 years late in my opinion. Then there are lakes Mead and Powell that are even worse off. Flaming Gorge dam is going to send lots of water south to those 2. You should look it up. I spent hours on a water ski skiing horseshoe canyon. It’s a great place.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great pix SP! Love both
Great pix SP! Love both types, the nature, and the humankind. Neat shots. The dragonfly looks like a female Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata). Can't see how much of the wing is colored but it looks more than half, so a Flame. Awesome shot.
No photo today, but saw a Black Witch, the biggest moth that occurs in America. Females can get 7" across! This was a male without the pale line across wings. Awesome beast of a moth. I had not seen one in a few years, so made my day.
Hope all is well!
Be well all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi, dystopian
Here's a Black Witch I saw a few years ago in Maui. Wing span on this one was about 5".
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
outstanding shot SP!
Yesterday there was a COOK'S PETREL photographed at a little pond in Escondido. The San Diego birds or Calbirds yahoo group had a post about it. This is a highly pelagic deepwater seabird, one never even sees from shore. Nearest I have seen one to San Diego is Cortes Banks 90 miles offshore!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Here's NZ's biggest moth ...
I've only seen a handful over the years. If I were to have a tattoo I think I'd choose the pattern of the Puriri Moth. It can grow to almost twice the size measured here.
Cool looking moth, Janis.
With 9" wings it's bigger than some hummingbirds.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
wow, very cool Janis!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thank you dystopian for furthering investigation
Take a look at this Sphinx Moth.
Moths are quite trippy, no?
Yes, those are centimetres
A rose by any other name...
Is still a rose! This is one of the flowers of one of the old rose bushes around our place. This was from when the bush was young!

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
The rose looks very young and fresh
You made me wonder about the difference in appearance of a fresh rose on a young bush, from a fresh rose on a mature one. Thanks for the photo and imaginings.
Now you've made me wonder...
The pic above was taken almost exactly 19 years ago (21 Jun 2003). I'm going to find that rose bush and get a new pic in the next week or two and I'll post it here. Assuming the bush is still alive, of course. At one time I had over 40 rose bushes that I'd planted around the house, but some have died back and others have gone nearly wild!
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
a treasure hunt ; )
Good morning, Sima
Young or old doesn't matter. It's still a beautiful rose.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.