Monkeypox outbreak genetic data raises troubling questions [updated]

From Dr Robert Malone:
Monkey Pox Update
May 31, 2022. There has been a significant development.

In my prior substack entitled “Monkey Pox, Truth versus Fearporn”, I concluded the essay with the following caveat:
Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.

Which brings us to this May 23, 2022 report from the Portuguese National Institute of Health.

Multiple cases were soon detected in Portugal, and to their great credit, INSA Portugal got busy and promptly did the deep sequencing necessary to enable building a phylogenic map of the Monkeypox variant associated with the outbreak.

Based on their findings, they have rapidly disclosed both their data as well as a series of startling hypothesis regarding the origin of the currently circulating Monkeypox (West African Clade) Monkeypox. Cutting to the chase, having reviewed their data and paper, I now have to conclude that one of the many “working hypotheses” concerning the origin of this particular virus must be that it is the product of laboratory-based manipulation…..

Furthermore, this double stranded DNA virus, infections by which have historically been self-limiting, appears to be evolving (during the last few days!) to a form that is more readily transmitted from human to human. Bad news.

Draw your own conclusions, and do your own diligence.

More detail and source links are included at Malone’s SubStack post.

[edited 6-2-22 to add Dr John Campbell Monkeypox video]
John Campbell is “very concerned” about what he’s found w/r/t Monkeypox “research”

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Rare monkeypox outbreak: What you need to know

The World Health Organization (WHO) is reportedly convening an emergency meeting as more and more countries discover cases of rare monkeypox. With the US government already buying up a potential vaccine against the disease, here’s what we know so far.

Where is it?

Monkeypox is endemic in parts of West and Central Africa, where it can be caught from infected wild animals such as rats, mice, and squirrels. However, a case in the UK earlier this month involving a patient with “a recent travel history from Nigeria” caught the eye of the health authorities, and as of Friday, 20 cases have now been recorded in Britain.

Monkeypox cases have also been recorded in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Sweden, and further afield in the US and Australia.

What are the symptoms?

Monkeypox is similar to human smallpox, which was eradicated in 1980, and can be confused with chickenpox. Its initial symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. A rash often begins on the face and then spreads to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of monkeypox usually begin to show within one to two weeks of infection, and then last for between two and four weeks. Although there is no known cure for monkeypox, most patients recover, and the WHO estimates a fatality rate of around 3-6%.

Health officials in multiple countries have noted that among the cases they’ve tracked, the lesions associated with monkeypox are appearing predominantly on male patients’ genitals, prompting speculation about sexual transmission.

How does it spread?

The WHO states that human-to-human transmission typically occurs through respiratory droplets or contact with an infected patient’s skin lesions.

While monkeypox was previously not thought of as a sexually transmitted infection, most of the cases discovered in the UK were in gay or bisexual men, while nearly all of the Spanish and Portuguese cases have involved men who have sex with other men, according to the health authorities there. Most of Canada’s cases too have involved gay men, as have outbreaks elsewhere.

“The high proportion of cases in the current outbreak in England that are gay or bisexual is highly suggestive of spread in sexual networks,” UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) researcher Mateo Prochazka stated on Tuesday. Although Prochazka cautioned that the disease can be passed through “close contact in general” too, gay and bisexual men have been advised by the UKHSA to be alert for “unusual rashes or blisters in the face and genital area.”

What’s being done?

Danish pharmaceutical firm Bavarian Nordic manufactures a combined smallpox and monkeypox vaccine. The shot, named Jynneos, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2019, but has only been approved in Europe for immunizing against smallpox.

On Wednesday, Bavarian Nordic announced that the US government had ordered $119 million worth of freeze-dried doses of the Jynneos vaccine, to be delivered from next year onwards. The government’s total contract with Bavarian Nordic amounts to $299 million, which would provide 13 million of these freeze-dried doses.

A day later, the pharma firm announced that it had secured a contract with an “undisclosed European country” to supply the vaccine (known in Europe as Imvanex) for off-label use against monkeypox.

Should the vaccine be given out to the public, health experts in the UK have suggested that gay men could be offered the jab in a “targeted rollout.”

Doesn’t this all sound familiar?

Those paying attention to the news may note that the governments of the world recently toyed with the scenario of a global monkeypox pandemic. In a simulated exercise held last year, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Munich Security Conference modeled the spread of “a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus” that resulted in “more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.”

In conclusion, the NTI called for more power and funding to be given to international organizations like the UN and WHO, and advised governments to react to potential outbreaks by granting themselves emergency powers and mandating social distancing and mask wearing.

Vaccine evangelist Bill Gates has also repeatedly warned of a potential smallpox pandemic, and called for a “global pandemic task force” to be set up in advance of such a scenario. Meanwhile, health ministers of the G7 nations are currently holding a mock pandemic exercise in Berlin simulating a “leopard pox” outbreak, while simultaneously discussing the monkeypox outbreaks.

8 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic
numerous documents relating to the many US directed bio-labs and numerous pathogens with clear bio-weapons possibilities. They continue their “analysis” of this information and have referenced them in public statements. I would surmise they know much more about this bio-lab activity than what they have already revealed. They may have a better understanding of the implications of the recent Monkeypox outbreak than our western news sources.

Thanks for adding the RT information.

8 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Pluto's Republic's picture


I have been following them through for several years.

But there is currently a known source for the infection in West Africa. At least that's what I read.

The virus is endemic to West Africa, but in the latest outbreak it has spread beyond the region. The outbreak in Europe — which has now topped 300 cases — was likely sparked by unsafe sex at two mass gatherings in Spain and Belgium.

This explanation does seem a bit concocted.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Pluto's Republic

...and updated yesterday, focuses on the first US case:

America's first monkeypox patient this year had 'smallpox-like' fluid-filled blisters erupting on his scalp, palms and soles of his feet, doctors say.

The man — who has not been named — was admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital on May 12 with a fever and rash after antibiotics failed to stave off his illness.

• • • 

The man — who was identified by the state as gay or bisexual — had returned to the U.S. from Canada by car when he was struck by the virus.

Currently, the patient is said to be in a good condition but it can take up to four weeks to recover from the illness.

Since America's first case was spotted almost two weeks ago another 13 have been detected across seven more states.

This suggests that human-to-human transmission is now taking place in the United States.

• • •

Monkeypox is primarily spread through contact with infectious lesions in the skin, although in rare cases it can also be transmitted through the air.

Medics fear it may spread widely in people because few now have immunity against smallpox — which also protects against monkeypox — with mass vaccination drives abandoned in the 1970s when the virus was eradicated.

• • • 

The 'sudden appearance' and 'wide geographic scope' of cases suggests widespread human transmission of the virus — which spreads through skin-to-skin contact and an infected persons' droplets — is underway, the WHO said.

It also warned the surge in monkeypox infections suggests the virus 'may have been circulating unrecognized for several weeks or longer'.

• • •

Monkeypox can kill up to 10 per cent of people it infects. The milder strain causing the current outbreak kills one in 100 — similar to when Covid first hit. The virus death rate has been higher among children in previous outbreaks.

The WHO warned there is a 'high risk' of further spread of the virus though skin-to-skin contact between families and sexual partners, as well as due to contact with contaminated materials, such as utensils, bedding and clothing.

There are many more detains at the link, above

@Pluto's Republic

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@Pluto's Republic
I do want to point out that Malone discounted the 10% mortality figure, in relationship to the West African clade, which is most similar to the current outbreak. He attributed this figure to Gates’s GAVI predictions in the recent simulation.

However, there were an unusual number of genetic changes the Portugal study revealed in the current outbreak version, suggesting either an intermediate animal host or laboratory modifications. There could be a very different mortality and infectivity profile with the new changes and insertions. We don’t know the actual risks, yet.

7 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Pluto's Republic's picture

@ovals49 reported to have a 1% mortality rate. If the disease is supposedly endemic in West Africa. Even a 1% fatality rate sounds too high for an endemic disease. Or are they saying monkeypox is manageable in West Africa because it wasn't easily spread? But when the gays got it, watch out?

I've read no explanation for any of this. Researchers seem to take it in stride. It appears to have started in Imperial Europe, but the earliest victims had traveled to West Africa.

There is a hint that people's pets can become hosts for monkeypox and will need to be destroyed. Don't know where this is coming from. I understand Malone's speculation but we've been through this with SAR-CoV-2. It's not a slam dunk.

A kind of jerky narrative is trying to take form.

By the way, 1% fatality is a disaster.

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@Pluto's Republic
is a disaster if infections spread rapidly.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

There are two strains of monkeypox: one in the Congo Basin, which tends to be more severe, and a milder strain from in West Africa. The West African strain seems to be the cause of the current outbreak. 

• It has been noted that the West African strain has a 1% mortality rate, however that data applies only to people in Africa.

In the developed world, cases that have occured have nearly all been fairly mild. Severe illness and death from Monkeypox is rare. We have both vaccines and antiviral treatments that are effective against the Monkeypox virus.

The virus is stable and does not mutate significantly. Vaccines can be given to infected people, with good results.

The infection may have been spread through bodily contact and large droplets. There is no evidence that the virus is airborne, that I have seen.

@Pluto's Republic

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@Pluto's Republic

Vaccine evangelist Bill Gates has also repeatedly warned of a potential smallpox pandemic,

Gates is a fear monger because smallpox has been eradicated.

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usefewersyllables's picture


it will only remain "eradicated" until one of the superpowers decides (for whatever reason) to release their carefully-stored versions back into the wild, weaponized or not.

We're not the only bad guys here: the USSR weaponized smallpox very early on in the cold war, and I'm sure that they haven't disposed of their stocks yet either.

You never know when you might need them, right?

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Lookout's picture

and lose your critical thinking skills. That's the goal IMO. Wouldn't surprise me at all if this was engineered. Going to be difficult to scare people with this one, me thinks.

There's rumors of the ministry of truth cranking back up with lying Chertoff

If the Biden administration wanted to dispel the Orwellian aura around the very idea of a government-sponsored “disinformation board,” it couldn’t have picked a worse candidate: Chertoff is notorious for enabling some of the most egregious offenses of the War on Terrorism—from federal surveillance, to unlawful detention, to torture. Indeed, his previous governmental appointments were met with vociferous opposition from groups like Human Rights Watch and the ACLU.

The aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks led to widespread federal abuses. At the time, Chertoff was head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, where he supported actions that led to the baseless detention of hundreds of Muslims. He was also one of the principal authors of the Patriot Act—legislation that granted the government sweeping surveillance powers, which were promptly abused by federal agencies.

Above all, it was Chertoff’s involvement with CIA torture that defined his impact on one of the darker times in American history. Starting in 2002, the CIA embarked on a campaign of torture of terrorism suspects carried out in black sites and Guantánamo Bay. As was revealed later, the spy agency understood that waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques,” as they were euphemistically known, exposed it to legal jeopardy. This led the CIA to seek counsel from Chertoff, who headed the Justice Department’s criminal division.

Chertoff furnished the agency with guidance that led to the continuing use of such torture techniques. And as was noted in The Nation, he also appeared to have taken steps to keep the torture program concealed from the public eye.

However, the most salient aspect of Chertoff’s résumé—at least as it relates to running the DHS disinformation board review—is his dip into a common morally corrupt practice of Washington bigwigs: undisclosed lobbying via manipulation of public information.

Even Trump didn't push a ministry of truth. Biden is worse than I ever thought.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


Wouldn't surprise me at all if this was engineered. Going to be difficult to scare people with this one, me thinks.

And it won’t scare me since I’m old enough to have a smallpox vax scar, which should offer some level of protection for all similar DNA poxes. You probably already know our military resumed mandatory smallpox vaccination a while back, and Biden has already ordered a new ($$$) EUA (only tested on animals) smallpox vax for the strategic reserve. How convenient. Sure to be another highly profitable consumer product.

9 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Environmental degradation, population increases and consolidations, and global mobility have all increased the chances for viral mutations and spread. Those factors aren't going to change (at least no anytime soon). So, we're left with a choice of research labs possibly altering and leaking deadly viruses, etc. and no labs and flying blind if a virus, etc. mutates naturally and comes to get us.

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janis b's picture


contributes largely to ill-health and disease of all natures. Reporting on these virus subjects though, for the past 2 1/2 years, seems to be exaggerated in ways that make one question why the media promotes this level of concern/fear, while basically ignoring the significant climate related events of equally immediate concern.

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janis b's picture

@janis b

Not​ all deaths are created equal. In February 2020, the world began to panic about the novel coronavirus, which killed 2714 people that month. This made the news. In the same month, around 800,000 people died from the effects of air pollution. That didn’t. Novelty counts for a lot.

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Funny how 23 veterans killing themselves daily never makes the news or the number of deaths from opioids or other deaths that can be easily avoided don’t either. How many people die every year from lack of health care in America? That they only focused on Covid deaths should tick everyone off. People got blamed for catching a virus and then told to just go home till they couldn’t breath. Good lord I hope I live long enough to see what history says of this time period. Hopefully it will say that people were held accountable!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


I won't hold my breath for political and social accountability outside the small sphere of my personal life. Sam will forever keep you accountable, and satisfy your desire for accountability ; ).

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

I tell Sam every day that she is lucky to be a dawg cuz humans don’t belong on top of the food chain and dawgs would never do what humans do to each other. She wags her tail in agreement.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


I wonder too. I'm glad Sam has her priorities straight.

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Lookout's picture


Based on that I don't think their goal is preventing disease.

There's a good bit of evidence that Lyme's disease was released from a lab.
“Documents and interviews disclose for the first time what officials have denied for years: that the mysterious and closely guarded animal lab off the East End of Long Island was originally designed to conduct top-secret research into replicating dangerous viruses that could be used to destroy enemy livestock.”

Among the goals of the biological research laboratories in Ukraine suspected of having been funded by the United States was the creation of bioagents that would be capable of targeting certain ethnic groups, the Russian Defence Ministry revealed on Thursday.

“The available documents confirm numerous cases of the transfer of biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad. With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents that can selectively affect various ethnic groups of the population”, said Igor Kirillov, the head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces.

I also suspect Sars-CoV-2 was of lab origin. I say shut them down and we can deal with natural infections as they emerge. The purpose of these labs is to inflect disease among whoever we deem our enemy.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


And gee how weird was it that there was another exercise for monkeypox just before the outbreak? Just like there were for so many terrorist events just before or on the day they happened.
Too many to count, but 9/11, the London subway bombing, the Boston marathon and the one cooked up decades before 9/11; Operation Northwoods when they planned on flying planes into buildings…

And just back in 2018 Fauci okay'd a new drug and vaccine. I spent a lot of time reading various substacks on this Monday and lots of people are seeing the same thing…it’s possibly been altered which could have been deliberate or just some damn coincidence. One thing most people I really say though is that it’d be very dumb to do mass vaccination for it. Very dumb.

Thanks, ovals. Just because I’m paranoid and all…

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


The FBI was fully aware of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, before they executed their plot. The FBI took no action. The FBI knew about the San Bernardino terrorists, specifically Tasfeen Malik, and were monitoring her phone calls and communications before her and Syed Farook executed their attack killing 14 people and leaving 22 others seriously injured. The FBI took no action. The FBI knew Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad Alissa before he executed his attack. The FBI took no action.

The FBI knew in advance of the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. The FBI knew in advance of the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). The FBI knew in advance of the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan), and the FBI knew in advance of Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa. The FBI took no action.

Consider the case of the first recorded ISIS attack on U.S. soil in Garland, Texas in 2015. The FBI not only knew the shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi) in advance, the FBI took the shooters to the venue and were standing only a few yards away when Simpson and Soofi opened fire. Yes, you read that correctly – the FBI took the terrorists to the event and then watched it unfold. “An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with “60 Minutes” that, had the attack been bigger, the agency’s numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation.”

Links for the other plots in article.

Gateway Pundit is going to post a video on some scenes from the capital that shows more than what we’ve been told about it. And yes I know both sites are right wing ones. You can look at the information and decide for yourself how out there it is. Facts should be able to stand on their own no matter the source for them.

Democrats have spent the last 16 months getting ready for their big show trial on Trump and his pals which Greenwald says is the return of the McCarthy hearings and in American act. Lots of the people who went to the capital have been held in solitary confinement since then even though they haven’t had their day in court yet. I’m very against that.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

such exercises on all sorts of rare and exotic diseases to justify funding and research (that probably isn't going anywhere).

2 users have voted.

@Marie All those practice drills, all those real viruses that immediately follow.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

showing that they weren’t just random events. I provided the link.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

advertise their intentions ahead of these 'outbreaks'
one has to wonder? Gates, WHO and the pentagoons
are all in cahoots with this massive viral escapism
pox, plague and political poop
keep the proles scared so that domination reigns supreme
don't bother to ask why, it's bad ya know

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture

@QMS x
...I am fairly certain that this is a news event that was concocted for ratings.

Monkeypox is showing up in many countries, however the infections can all be traced back to the same event, and to the same gay subculture.

These infections are mostly mild, and they may have been spread by close personal contact. Other than that, Monkeypox may not be particularly infectious. The infection goes away in a few weeks, and doesn't linger.

Health departments already have the vaccines and antivirals they need to treat the disease. Hospitalization is rare and it is commonly treated at home.

Monkeypox is not a mutating virus. It is stable and can easily be eradicated with "ring vaccinations". Mass vaccinations are not necessary. Smallpox was finally eradicated using ring vaccinations — inoculating only those in contact with an infected person.

For the general public, Monkeypox should not a concern. Local and state health departments certainly need to be on the lookout for it. Frontline health care workers should be aware of it and should be taking travel histories; someone presenting with fever and rash ought to be asked a few more questions.

6 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic

Monkeypox is not a mutating virus. It is stable and can easily be eradicated with "ring vaccinations". Mass vaccinations are not necessary. Smallpox was finally eradicated using ring vaccinations — inoculating only those in contact with an infected person.

The assumption that the circulating virus has not “gained function” by the hand of man can not be guaranteed at this point in time. A significant number of genetic changes have already been noted in the Portugal study Malone referenced. Better to be vigilant and curious about this outbreak until we know we are dealing with an unmolested version of the relatively benign 2018 West African genetic profile.

Monkeypox is has not been a mutating virus. It is has been stable and can has been easily be eradicated with "ring vaccinations". Mass vaccinations are should not be necessary. Smallpox was finally eradicated using ring vaccinations — inoculating only those in contact with an infected person.

We need to know what we’re dealing with before we simply assume a best case scenario. More data and good science are still needed.

4 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

What would we do without them??

"Conspiracy Theories That US Let Loose Monkeypox Swirl In China
The rare cousin of the smallpox virus is traditionally confined to regions in Africa.

Chinese social media users are speculating the US could be the source of monkeypox infections now reported in at least a dozen countries, including the UK, Spain and Australia.
The viral infection has been highlighted as a trending topic on popular social media platform Weibo for the past three days with a hashtag on the US reporting two suspected monkeypox cases attracting more than 51 million views as of Monday.

While Chinese state media has refrained from accusing the US of intentionally spreading monkeypox -- an accusation it made about Covid-19 -- many social media users haven't held back.

A 2021 report on biosecurity preparedness planning by a US non-government organization, Nuclear Threat Initiative, which included a scenario of a monkeypox pandemic, has been taken out of context to suggest that the US government knew the outbreak was coming.

Nationalist influencer Shu Chang, who has 6.41 million Weibo followers, deliberately misconstrued the report and posted that it showed "a plan by the US to leak bioengineered monkeypox virus."

The post was liked by more than 7,500 users and received more than 660 comments, many of them agreeing with her. One said that the US was "evil beyond the imagination of humankind.""

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

As Questions Swirl Around Monkeypox Origins and Risk, Vaccine Makers Set Sights on Profits

Weird how the same players of the anthrax and Covid scares keep showing up over and over while lots of money is transferred to them. Of course Fauci makes an appearance in every one cuz he’s been involved for 40 years whilst Americans health has deteriorated.

Whitney Webb does her usual good work.

How Two Corrupt Pharma Companies Are Cashing in on Monkeypox SCAM Scare

The FDA is going to meet this month and decide whether Pfizer and moderna have to go through clinical trials again if they tweak their products and odds are that they won’t have to. I don’t think much will change since their trials were pretty much bogus to begin with and they unblinded their subjects which means that there is no control group anymore. Well except for those who have not taken any mRNA jabs so far.

According to this article they might just combine alpha and delta together for future vaccines and give them to people who aren’t dealing with either of them because omicron is now more dominant. Well if it doesn’t work that’s okay because they haven’t worked yet. Countries are seeing mostly triple jabbed getting infected, sick and dying now. Case numbers were higher this Memorial Day than they were last year, but Biden is warning of rationing treatments cuz there’s no money. It’s not like he could declare a national health emergency or anything and get the money he needs…wait what he could? Never mind…

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.