Thought crimes
Jimmy and Max on Biden’s misinformation czar inside the department of homeland security.
If you only have time for one then watch the 1st one.
I remember when people were horrified that government created that department after 9/11. It seemed like something straight out of Hitler's era.
We have been warned again this censorship our whole lives and now that it’s hear it is being embraced by shitlibs who can’t see how authoritarian this is. They see nothing wrong with censoring anyone who has a different opinion than they do or that democrats have been putting pressure on social media heads to censor anyone that doesn’t toe the security state’s party line.

Chechen Soldier in Mariupol Recalls Moment Where He Saw Azov Battalion’s True Face
Zaur – Military serviceman of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov’s Regiment:
It’s possible that before I came here, I doubted [the stories] a little bit. But back then when we freed the first prisoners from the house, which was directly situated nearby the Azovstal’ [factory], when those prisoners and civilians came out from the basements, they hugged and kissed us. And told us that they are happy to see us. They cried with tears in their eyes! I then realized that I ended up exactly for… (holding back emotions) what was needed. And I don’t doubt one drop that it was the right idea.
I remember that moment, that fragment which laid into my head, when we stormed a house where there were a lot of civilians, and many of those very Azov fighters. (Azov is an extremist organization that is banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.) A mother with her child runs outside, and we’re looking through binoculars. We can’t storm, we can’t enter, we can’t do anything. And then they shoot the mother in the spine. The mother falls… and we scream to the child: “RUN!!! RUN!!!” from all sides. The child froze, not understanding what to do. On one hand he wants to run, but on the other he wants to help his mother. And then suddenly his head, get this, this child’s HEAD gets shot by this scum, this evil BEAST. In this very moment, we all just suddenly forgot what death means, we forgot that there could be snipers there, just as a Crowd, Broke In! We threw smoke grenades so that they couldn’t see us. We broke in and just tore up all of them [fighters] that were inside. Well we got in there, but not just got in there. In the sense that people sacrificed their lives. Many soldiers sacrificed their lives in that moment. But we entered and fulfilled our task.
We could care less about our lives when we saw the life of a child being gone. When we realized that these are not people, but are animals, nothing less than beasts, that can allow themselves to… to kill a child. These are not people. Therefore I think that I ended up here exactly for the right reason. And everything that I have done here, I have done for these people who live right here and are smiling and hugging us. They even take the coordinates of where I live, as well as of my other fellow combat comrades, they want to come to our homeland and thank us for the liberation.
I found this April 28 sit rep very informative. Sitrep: Operation Z
Lots of information and links, links, links to keep you busy for awhile.
But look at what the cat found.
Congress had already written the land lease bill in January so that Ukraine could defend itself a month before Russia declared its military operation. Remember that Biden kept telling us for weeks that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. Gee why was he so sure that they would?
Remember that the intelligence agencies help write many of the movies that help them spread their propaganda. Who knew that Minority Report was a prelude to what they were cooking up for us?
Have you watched this yet? If not you are in for a treat. If so just enjoy it again.

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.
Adolf Hitler

Oh God It's Going To Get So Much Worse
One of Caitlin's best. I encourage you to read all of it. I’m not seeing many republicans speaking out against this shit from Biden, but then I’m not going to hold my breath either because of course both parties want this to happen. But can you imagine how the shitlibs would have reacted if Trump had done the deed? And it’s why it’s Biden doing it. Because they know that the shitlibs will stay at brunch just like they did when Clinton and Obama passed the worst legislation that they would have been outraged if either Bush had done it. Fucking hypocrites!
Someone should ask HerHeinous about disinformation when she said Trump was tied to Alpha Bank or the democrats who said that Trump was Putin’s puppet and that the only reason he became president was because Russia interfered with the election. Hey didn’t Obama say that too. By golly he did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I haven't watched your twitter posts,
but I did listen to this 20 min. interview yesterday on RNZ with Owen Bennett, a tabloid journalist, promoting his view of Musk, Twitter, and the DSA (Digital Services Act).
DHS, DSA, both seem to be related in intention. Sadly, it only added to a sense of uneasiness in a vision of a dehumanised and senseless future.
A hug for you and Sam.
is what has me very uneasy about where we are headed. Remember that just after 9/11 government created the DHS and then passed the patriot act that pretty much nullified the constitution and most people just yawned about it. The TSA was search and seizure without a warrant and most people went along with it because they were afraid. The only person found with explosives was possibly a plant and yet people are still not only taking their shoes off, but are allowing themselves to be assaulted by the TSA agents. Imagine if instead people refused to fly until these unconditional acts were stopped.
When we found out that Bush was spying on us lots of people yawned and said that they had nothing to hide so go ahead and spy on me without a warrant. Obama promised to roll that back, but instead put the spy programs on steroids and the shitlibs yawned.
Now Biden is saying that the 1st amendment is no longer in effect and too many people are once again yawning! No wonder government keeps taking away our rights. We have given them the impression that we don’t mind.
This woman is just the face of the misinformation, but who has the power to enforce it and just what are the consequences going to be? Let’s remember that the 5th amendment has also been nullified and Biden can have the military arrest anyone he wants and they can be in prisoned and held indefinitely without a trial or access to a lawyer. Habeas corpus is dead. "It’s dead, Jim!"
Other countries are cracking down on disinformation too as you said and I agree with you.
When people don’t stand up to their government abuses they will see that their government will continue to abuse them. People should not be afraid of their government. No one is coming to our rescue either. There is no V working in the shadows and fighting the abuses. It’s up to we the people to find a peaceful way to take back our rights. No idea how to do it, but if we keep rolling over they are going to keep taking.
Thanks for the link. I’ll listen to it tomorrow. Sam says hey.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Our impressions and cares
are crushed in the grip of brutes that hold power. I have no idea either how to overcome the position we're in except to stay true to ourselves and others. That prevents me from feeling hopeless.
Going to get worse?
Yes, a global NATO and concurrent war with Russia and China. We're mad, absolutely deluded. We can't defeat peasant Afghans riding bikes much less modern competent China and Russia. All as the US economy is in absolute collapse.
But at least we'll know all the MSM is vetted BS...but what's new?
Thanks for all the links and info, SD.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”