Open Thread WE 27 APR 22 ~ horse dragon

Welcome to la machine ..
At Ile Des Machines in Nantes, we were fortunate enough to see this latest project, which was undergoing testing prior to being shipped off to China where a billionaire has bought it. And not only that, we even got to see it in juxtaposition with the Mechanical Elephant AND the Carousel!
Happy humpday peoples. Just posting a fun and imaginary monster today.
For more significant and serious thoughts, please post below the fold.
The street theater group known as La Machine revived one of its legendary beasts for an ongoing show in Toulouse. “Long Ma,” an enormous dragon-horse hybrid weighing 45 tons and standing 11 meters tall, was originally unleashed in Beijing in 2014 and now joins a minotaur and gigantic spider for an ongoing exhibition at La Halle in the French city. Each day through May 8, a team of artists animates the mechanical creature, which can be seen trotting, galloping, and rearing upward through the streets while she greets her similarly massive companions.

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
― Michael Cunningham, The Hours
Heading out to undertake unavoidable commitments.
Enjoy the day, okay?
and the joy of dancing !
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
and Love
This morning my neighbor hollered across the street at me as I was moving the rock pile around in the dirt patch. She had grabbed a two-for-one deal at Safeway and so I had a cheeseburger for lunch.
A goat herd is mowing at the River Park, they are doing a good job as far as I can tell. Indian Paint Brush is blooming, and oh my gosh the Willows are choking, that is what a mask is good for now. Cheers.
Peace and Love
Like what ; )
"I think it would be fun to drive that crazy dragon around, but those nostrils would have to blow something other than fire."
It's so nice to have a neighbour that cares and enjoys your company. That is a nice kind of loving feeling.
I laughed at your reference to masks, and hope the willow pollen didn't get to you.
Grape juice
Useless trivia, my dad designed the parking lot S for Safeway when I was a little kid. He was a draftsman for the architectural firm in San Francisco that was contracted to build their stores around California. So I remember hand drawings of esses all around the house, and then when they built those giant concrete S towers I was all like "my dad built that". LOL silly sixties.
And then Bobby Kennedy came to California, and the UFW targeted Safeway for boycott, and my parents were all like "fuck safeway, and you are never eating table-grapes again", and that was that. I still don't shop at Safeway and I sure don't eat table-grapes, they moved out of nation-state shortly thereafter. Today it is all inedible wine-grapes as far as the eye can see, because nobody boycotts booze. Oh. See my other comment in the EB on what triggered that meander down my memory lane I guess? Thanks. G'day.
Lots of esses there
... "silly sixties" in San Fransisco. Useless info? Certainly not for you, and it made me want to know how the name was derived. From wiki which has lots of other interesting info on Safeway, and was the most popular supermarket I knew of in CT.
The connection between Bobby Kennedy, Safeway, and boycotting grapes but not booze is also interesting.
Good morning...
Ran a few errands in town this morning. Need to check out the garden and make sure everything is doing ok. Have not been down today, but got the wash done and hung out to dry. About time to put the house plants back outside. It is the once a week watering Wednesday for them.
Had a nice cool morning after yesterday's rain. Headed to mid-seventies this PM. Well onward through the fog, but not on a mechanical horse.
Good luck with your chores and thanks for the OT.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning QMS. Yesterday, as I turned into my
driveway, a doe bounded out of nowhere straight into the passenger side doors, so it is go get estimates day. The doe scampered off, seemingly none the worse for wear. Beyond that, of course, the yard and garden and shit like that.
Yon dragon sure seems to need a lot of operators compared to a strandbeest, but there are obviously many, many reasons for that.
There be dragons in the deserts too --
Thanks for the OT
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Wonderful photos el
I just read that Komodo Dragons live with deer, pigs, and water buffalo. Lucky for you and your car that they don't live nearby. Is it common for you to see deer where you live?
Hi Janis. Deer are common in our neighborhood, they
walk right down the streets and wander into yards to browse on the foliage and such. There is still a decent amount of open space in our area and assorted pieces of the regional park system within about 1/2 mile in several directions.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you el,
for a clearer sight of your surroundings.
I’m just waiting
for heads to explode, rossiya turn off gas shipments due to non payment in rubles from Bulgaria and Poland
Due today
The West will soon find out rossiya ain’t playing
but they Will dance
Weaponize the ‘world economy’ and countries can shoot back
hang on, this bucket is about to hit extreme turbulence on the way down
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
And be sure to enjoy the ride
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great song and video addition
to the fall.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --