The Weekly Watch
Endless War and Endless Lies

The war based economy of the US drives senseless destruction, death, and misery across the globe. As I look back over all the US instigated wars of my lifetime, I can't think of a single one that wasn't justified by lies. The war of my youth, Vietnam, was promoted with the Tonkin Gulf false flag narrative.
“American Planes Hit North Vietnam After Second Attack on Our Destroyers; Move Taken to Halt New Aggression”, announced a Washington Post headline on Aug. 5, 1964.
That same day, the front page of the New York Times reported: “President Johnson has ordered retaliatory action against gunboats and ‘certain supporting facilities in North Vietnam’ after renewed attacks against American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.”
But there was no “second attack” by North Vietnam — no “renewed attacks against American destroyers.” By reporting official claims as absolute truths, American journalism opened the floodgates for the bloody Vietnam War.
A pattern took hold: continuous government lies passed on by pliant mass media…leading to over 50,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese casualties.

Seems the US has been warring or conducting coups my entire life. I think the CIA is largely to blame. I suspect it is their goal to keep the MIC fed, plus all their off the books grifting with drug sales, arms trades, blackmail, and sex trafficking. I often refer to them as the mafia branch of our government. I wonder if the replacement of Henry Wallace as VP by Truman was to insure the creation of the CIA.
Excellent summary of recent and some older wars..
Here's a condensed version...
When the United States attacked Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, the Taliban again offered to negotiate for the handing over of bin Laden. When President George W. Bush refused, the Taliban dropped its demand for evidence of guilt and offered simply to turn bin Laden over to a third country. Bush rejected this offer and continued bombing. At a March 13, 2002, press conference, Bush said of bin Laden “I truly am not that concerned about him.”[i] When President Barack Obama announced, in May 2011, that he had killed bin Laden, the war didn’t even slow down.
Gadaffi had given up his nuclear program. His subsequent fate (butchered and displayed in a meat locker), along with the fate of the nation of Iraq, sends a strong message to other nations already inclined to believe that only nuclear weapons will protect them.But Gadaffi had displeased the West and displeased the Arab dictatorships. He was unreliable. He wanted too much of Libya’s wealth for Libyans. He was too independent. He even called the Saudi monarch the worst thing in the book: “made by Britain and protected by the U.S.” And he made that remark in Qatar, another nation that became his enemy.
The bombing of Libya was intense and sustained, but U.S. drones are also being used to kill in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere. They are used to kill individuals, including U.S. citizens, including children, including both identified individuals and people targeted because of a pattern of behavior that is deemed suspicious, and of course including many people who simply happen to be too close to an intended or accidental target. If drone strikes are law enforcement, the president or his designate is judge, jury, and executioner.
President George W. Bush had decided on the war and sought ways to get it started for many months, while publicly pretending to be striving to avoid a war. Vice President Cheney pressured the CIA to fudge the facts, and set up an even more compliant “intelligence” operation within the Pentagon. Secretary of State Colin Powell made a war sales pitch to the United Nation despite his own staff having warned him that many of the claims he would be making were not backed up by the evidence. The U.N. refused to authorize the war, but Bush launched it anyway, resulting in over a million deaths and over 4 million people displaced from their homes, along with such complete devastation of Iraqi society that commentators began popularizing the term “sociocide.” This disaster cost the U.S. trillions of dollars in direct expense and indirect economic impact
And then there were all the subordinate war crimes that came along with the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq: targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, using antipersonnel weapons including cluster bombs in densely settled urban areas, using white phosphorous as a weapon, using depleted uranium weapons, employing a new form of napalm found in Mark 77 firebombs, collectively punishing populations including by blocking roads and electricity and water, by planting bombs in farm fields, by demolishing houses, by plowing down orchards, by detaining people without charge, imprisoning children, torturing, raping, and murdering captives. An increased use of mercenaries created a force lacking even the pretense of accountability to any body of law.
In 1995, President Clinton announced that he would “help the people of Bosnia to secure their own peace.” Almost two decades later, U.S. and other foreign troops have never left , and the place is governed by a European-backed Office of High Representative.[xiv] U.S. involvement in Yugoslavia gave NATO a reason to exist after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was also not unrelated to lead, zinc, cadmium, gold, and silver mines, cheap labor, and a deregulated market.IRAQ I
Far-fetched claims of humanitarian intention did not begin with Bill Clinton either. On October 9, 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl told a U.S. congressional committee that she’d seen Iraqi soldiers take 15 babies out of an incubator in a Kuwaiti hospital and leave them on the cold floor to die. Some congress members, including the late Tom Lantos (D., Calif.), knew but did not tell the U.S. public that the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States, that she’d been coached by a major U.S. public relations company paid by the Kuwaiti government, and that there was no other evidence for the story. President George H. W. Bush used the dead babies story 10 times in the next 40 days, and seven senators used it in the Senate debate on whether to approve military action. Thus was born the Gulf War, a war that would never really end, but would be radically expanded in 2003.PANAMA
When Bush the Elder had first sought, among other things, to prove he was no “wimp” by attacking Panama in 1989, the most prominent justification was that Panama’s leader was a mean, drug-crazed, weirdo with a pockmarked face who liked to commit adultery. An article in the New York Times on December 26, 1989, began:“The United States military headquarters here, which has portrayed General Manuel Antonio Noriega as an erratic, cocaine-snorting dictator who prays to voodoo gods, announced today that the deposed leader wore red underwear and availed himself of prostitutes.”
Never mind that Noriega had worked for the CIA, including at the time he’d stolen the 1984 election in Panama. Never mind that his real offense was refusing to back U.S. war making against Nicaragua. Never mind that the United States had known about Noriega’s drug trafficking for years and continued working with him.
Often one of the initial excuses for military action is to defend Americans in a foreign country who have supposedly been put at risk by recent events. This excuse was used, along with the usual variety of other excuses, by the United States when invading the Dominican Republic in 1965, Grenada in 1983, and Panama in 1989. In the case of the Dominican Republic, U.S. citizens who wanted to leave (1,856 of them) had been evacuated prior to the military action.
In the case of Grenada (an invasion that the United States banned the U.S. media from covering) there were supposedly U.S. medical students to rescue. But U.S. State Department official James Budeit, two days before the invasion, learned that the students were not in danger. When about 100 to 150 students decided they wanted to leave, their reason was fear of the U.S. attack. The parents of 500 of the students sent President Reagan a telegram asking him not to attack, letting him know their children were safe and free to leave Grenada if they chose to do so.
The forgotten war in Korea, however, was the war that did away with Congressional declarations and established war as a permanent industry and global project, with the heavy taxes that go along with funding that. Americans were told that North Korea had attacked South Korea and had done so at the behest of the Soviet Union as part of a plot to take over the world for communism. In fact, the evidence suggests that the South was the aggressor. But, whichever side attacked, this was a civil war. The Soviet Union was not involved, and the United States ought not to have been. South Korea was not the United States, and was not in fact anywhere near the United States, yet this war was advertised as “defensive.”Even WWII was cooked...
On September 4, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a “fireside chat” radio address in which he claimed that a German submarine, completely unprovoked, had attacked the United States destroyer Greer, which — despite being called a destroyer — had been harmlessly delivering mail. Really? The Senate Naval Affairs Committee questioned Admiral Harold Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, who said the Greer had been tracking the German submarine and relaying its location to a British airplane, which had dropped depth charges on the submarine’s location without success. The Greer had continued tracking the submarine for hours before the submarine turned and fired torpedoes.A month and a half later, Roosevelt told a similar tall tale about the USS Kearny. And then he really piled on. Roosevelt claimed to have in his possession a secret map produced by Hitler’s government that showed plans for a Nazi conquest of South America. The Nazi government denounced this as a lie, blaming of course a Jewish conspiracy. The map, which Roosevelt refused to show the public, in fact actually showed routes in South America flown by American airplanes, with notations in German describing the distribution of aviation fuel. It was a British forgery, and apparently of about the same quality as the forgeries President George W. Bush would later use to show that Iraq had been trying to purchase uranium.
as well as WWI
In the case of World War I, the U.S. public was told that Germany had attacked our good and innocent allies, might eventually attack us, and had in fact attacked innocent American civilians aboard a ship called the Lusitania. German submarines had been giving warnings to civilian ships, allowing passengers to abandon them before they were sunk. When this exposed the U-boats to counterattacks, however, the Germans began attacking without warning. That was how they sank the Lusitania on May 7, 1915, killing 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. But, through other channels, the Germans had already warned those passengers. The Lusitania had been built to specifications of the British Navy which listed it as an auxiliary cruiser. On its final voyage, the Lusitania was packed with American-made war materiel, including ten-and-a-half tons of rifle cartridges, 51 tons of shrapnel shells, and a large supply of gun cotton, not to mention 67 soldiers of the 6th Winnipeg Rifles. That the ship was carrying troops and weapons to war was not actually a secret. Before the Lusitania left New York, the German Embassy had obtained permission from the U.S. Secretary of State to publish in New York newspapers a warning that because the ship was carrying war supplies it would be subject to attack.
And so it goes, back through the claim that the Civil War was launched to end slavery and was needed to end slavery, even though so many other nations ended slavery without wars. Back through the endless lies about, and to, Native Americans. Back through the War of 1812 that we like to imagine as a defensive struggle and a continuation of a war for independence, although it was actually launched by the U.S. government three decades after the revolution ended, and launched with the intention of conquering Canada. Back indeed beyond the American Revolution that we justify by averting our eyes from the nonviolent liberation of many other nations.
Yes and so it goes...endlessly. Much more at the link.
Chris Hedges is back with a new show at the Real News.
Rulers divide the world into 'worthy' and 'unworthy' victims; those we are allowed to pity, such as Ukrainians enduring the hell of modern warfare, and those whose suffering is minimized, dismissed, or ignored. This bifurcation of the world into worthy and unworthy victims is a key component of propaganda, especially in war. In this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, award-winning journalist Peter Oborne joins Chris Hedges to examine how worthy victims are used to allow citizens to see themselves as empathetic, compassionate, and just; how they are an effective tool to demonize the aggressor; and how they are used to obliterate nuance and ambiguity.
War Made Easy, made by the Media Education Foundation and based off the book by Norman Solomon, reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. This film exhumes remarkable archival footage of official distortion & exaggeration from LBJ to George W. Bush, revealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations. War Made Easy gives special attention to parallels between the Vietnam war and the war in Iraq.
Governments lie to justify wars. Newspapers and TV news programs assist governments by forwarding those lies to the American public.
The US Government has gone to war over and over based upon lies. This video focuses upon the deceit used by the government and the news media to sell wars to the American public since the end of WW2.
Bill Moyers: The Secret Government [1987]
This is the full-length 90-minute version of Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the Iran-Contra arms and drug-running operations which flooded the streets of our nation with crack cocaine.
Many more anti-war films are here:
But what about today's war in Ukraine, which is clearly a proxy war between Russia and NATO. Well it is same ole same ole...lies and more lies.
Here's Alex morning report on the current situation from this morning. Tactical nuke talk projection. Poland's "Stop Russia Now!" campaign. Green US Military.
The US And Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War
Unproven claims by the Russian government are laughable absurdities presented without evidence; unproven claims by the US government are just The News.
The US-centralized empire is censoring and propagandizing as though it is in a hot war with Russia currently. Officially the US and its allies are not at war, but the imperial narrative management machine is behaving as though we are. This makes sense because when two nuclear-armed powers are fighting for dominance and know a direct military confrontation can kill them both, other types of warfare are used instead, including propaganda campaigns and psychological warfare.
For this reason it is necessary to take everything claimed about what happens in Ukraine with a planet-sized grain of salt, whether it’s by Russia, Ukraine, or the US and its allies. Be very skeptical of anything you hear about chemical attacks or any other narrative that can be used to get military firepower moving in a way that it otherwise would not. All parties involved in this conflict have every reason in the world to lie about such things. occupations involving constant violence must be distinguished from the many cold occupations consisting of foreign troops stationed permanently in allied nations. And what to make of operations involving the steady bombing of a nation from unmanned drones piloted by men and women on the other side of the world? Is that war? Are secret assassination squads sent into yet other nations to work their will also taking part in war? What about arming a proxy state and encouraging it to launch attacks on a neighbor or its own people? What about selling weaponry to hostile nations around the world or facilitating the spread of nuclear weapons? Perhaps not all unjustifiable warlike actions are actually acts of war. But many are actions to which domestic and international laws of war should be applied and which we should have public knowledge of and control over. In the U.S. system of government, the legislature shouldn’t cede the constitutional power of war to presidents simply because the appearance of wars has changed
Once a war is underway, however, we don’t continue it in order to defeat the evil enemies or to bestow benefits on them; we continue wars primarily for the good of our own soldiers currently deployed on the “battlefield,” a process we call “supporting the troops.” And if we want to end an unpopular war, we do that by escalating it. Thus we achieve “victory,” which we can trust our televisions to accurately inform us of. Thus do we make a better world and uphold the rule of law. We prevent future wars by continuing the existing ones and preparing for ever more.
Phil Ochs wrote many good antiwar songs. Here's one
What Are You Fighting For?
Weapons of mass destruction. Bombing a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant. The Gulf of Tonkin incident. There’s plenty of good reasons for journalists to question US military claims. Most importantly, because that’s their job.
In the span of a few hours one day last week, two separate Biden administration press representatives accused two separate reporters of siding with America’s enemies for asking government officials to provide evidence for public claims.
Much like Psaki, Price wasn’t keen on giving any evidence. Price told the reporter, “If you doubt the credibility of the U.S. government, of the British government, of other governments and want to, you know, find solace in information that the Russians are putting out, that is for you to do.”

Most of the investor class knows what is really happening. Now their analysis doesn't always ring true, but they are pretty good at seeing through the public narrative.
Russia Secretly Hoarded Gold for This Moment; Sanctions to Backfire on U.S
"Europe has just placed its entire energy economy at risk with natural gas and oil sanctions," as the dollar strengthens and the euro weakens, asserts Byron King, author of Whiskey & Gunpowder at St. Paul Research. Russia has been increasing its gold reserves to prepare for economic sanctions, "for the last eight to nine years," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Lawmakers in the West, "did not truly understand the medium and long-term risk of truly weaponizing the dollar," King claims. The inflation levels that the United States is currently experiencing have been, "structurally built into the economy," he continues. King declares that the world is moving to a different type of international trade, "and it's going to be a basket of things including energy, gold, and various commodities." Gold has plenty of upside potential and will be a part of the commodity currency of the future, he concludes.
None of the sanction measures against Russia will have any impact on saving a single Ukrainian life. But it will devastate the European economy: Irish MEP
I wish we had politicians like her in the US, and the EU could use several more of her ilk.
"How is not selling Kerrygold butter to Russia going to save any Ukrainian lives? How is buying filthy fracked US gas going to stop the war?" Clare Daly (Daly), an Irish politician and a member of the European Parliament, asked earlier this month. In an interview with Global Times (GT) reporters Bai Yunyi and Li Aixin, Daly said, "NATO has never brought peace anywhere in the world," and sanctions against Russia will "devastate the European economy."
Yes,so it goes. Again and again. Now a days with a corporate consolidated media machine spouting CIA talking points painting Ukrainians as worthy and Russians as unworthy victims as Chris discusses above. Additionally there's social media conglomerates guarding accepted conversation and disappearing those who do not comply. What is the last war the US won? If you think it is WWII, I believe Russia deserves much more of the credit for that victory than the US. Too bad we didn't remain allies, but in fact it was after WWII when we created the CIA and made Russia the enemy because they dared to try a different form of government.
Round and round. So what to do? Enjoy the day. Speak your truth to those who need to hear it, and be a happy as you can while the war machine rumbles onward. Have a great Sunday!

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that war is destructive
Thanks for gathering the ample evidence of the war machine and the lies used
to perpetuate it. National security is a crazy excuse to propagandize the US
public awareness of global misadventure in our name.
I found this uplifting ...
Spring after spring, it remained a live gathering and a labor of love. Then, in the gatherless disorientation of the pandemic, I joined forces with my friends at On Being to reimagine the spirit of The Universe in Verse in a different incarnation — a season of perspective-broadening, mind-deepening, heart-leavening stories about science and our search for truth, enlivened by animated poems with original music: emblems of our longing for meaning.
thanks and enjoy your spring day!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for the fun link...
I was amazed as I researched this piece, the copious amount of evidence of our lying about wars...way more than I included here. Makes you wonder why the public is so ignorant about the US role and guilt.
As Alex says today (and frequently), The collective west is only winning the PR/news/propaganda battle. Otherwise we're losing on the battlefield and the economic front. I guess when empires fall it isn't with a soft landing.
Lovely day here. Hope you're enjoying a nice mid-spring too!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great essay by Wendy on the Trump impeachment
and who was behind it and why democrats did it. Here’s the 1st part.
H/t blue republic for reposting this.
Again for those in the back. Russia didn’t start this war. We did.
Here’s another must read on the Nazis we have been supporting.
Yesterday I saw videos from a anti war protest in NYC where people were cheering the Nazis! Gawd’s nightgown. Americans should be ashamed of how much propaganda they believe from the media because no one should trust a damn thing they say after they lied about the reasons Bush invaded Iraq.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That impeachment joke was funny...
Trump called to Ukraine asking them to investigate the CrowdStrike server
More here on the call
But what was the impeachment was about...
Democrats impeach Trump for withholding arms to Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Despite this public admission by Biden:
Thanks for Wendy's piece
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Nunes described the farce that the impeachment was.
Neither Biden or Trump should run again. But it’s funny watching Trump go after Biden.
The world is laughing at us for our 2 party system that elects worse people every time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's a good one...
an impeachment in search of a crime.
And Trump's line...the Easter Bunny is a political operative.
But his pitch is as stupid as ever...make America great again, pretty weak.
Let's see, exactly when were we great?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. Good summary, though,
of course, partial - it has to be, the truth of all the US lies, coups, assassinations and attempted assassinations and the like would be a very large book indeed. The CIA as Mafia is a good analogy, they are certainly criminals and a criminal conspiracy, also global terrorists. Too bad that Kennedy spoke openly about getting rid of them wjhen he did instead of simply doing it first and talking later, much world history would likely have gone much better, and maybe much us history too.
Overcast here, but not raining and even drying out, so time to get out into the yard - runaway growth of far too much that isn't supposed to and the need to get crops into the ground as well. We can't grow much, but every little bit helps.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning!
Enjoy your day out and about. I went down and watered earlier. Things are coming along. Love all the shades of green up and down the mountain this season.
As you said I could have gone on and on, but this was enough for today anyway. So have a good one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hey, don't recall
1. fired the CIA's powerful director Allen Dulles, someone who probably planned on another decade or two in that position. How many other DCI's have been fired before or since?
2. rejected the CIA's advice on sending in US military to bail out the Bay of Pigs disaster, the next step that Dulles, Bissell et al expected Kennedy to be forced to agree to when they presented their invasion plan.
3. rejected CIA advice to bomb and invade Cuba during the missile crisis
4. rejected CIA advice to send in US combat units to VN
5. by exec order JFK took away one operational area from the CIA and gave it exclusively to the Pentagon, greatly upsetting powerful elements in the Agency
6. had 2d term plans for a major overhaul of the CIA, possibly with brother Bobby heading up the effort as DCI.
That's quite a bit of rejecting and saying No to an Agency that was used to total acquiescence from previous presidents. JFK's idea to put his brother in charge would have been a radical stroke of genius as Bobby would have immediately and aggressively begun cleaning house and reforming. Of course neither was fully appreciative of the great danger such an undertaking would entail, as Dallas would show.
He was fairly public about it...
2 min clip
Whole speech here.
That's why he was assassinated by the CIA, et al. IMO of course.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
But note that
On the Joe Kennedy info, that's interesting, wasn't aware of it. Though, imo, just one person among 6-7, and what JFK did as president was far more threatening to the Agency than one recommendation from the father not implemented by Ike.
On the American Univ speech, iirc it was unique also in that unlike presidential speeches dealing chiefly with foreign relations, for this one JFK deliberately did not allow the State Dept and Pentagon to review it first. For our political establishment then and now, it's the one major JFK speech that gets short shrift in their occasional reviews of his presidency, an unwelcome set of ideas it would rather not repeat to the public, similar to how MLK's bold Riverside Church speech against the VN War gets little attention as against his more acceptable March on Washington speech.
I think that is exactly right...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I saw this in the comment section at MOA
Looking back at the amerikkkan press, Operation Mockingbird", Wikipedia, etc.etc.etc. it's difficult at best to think that we ever had a "free press". Clinton also certainly killed off whatever notion of a "free press" was left in america with passage of the Telecommunication Act 1996.
So it appears as if lies, lies and more lies is what the empire was built on and when those lies are
the silly can see through lies of today it leads me to believe that the empire is crumbling not around the fringe's but in it's core.
For both the world and humanity to survive this needs to happen
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Media and the press have failed us the whole time of empire
To start somewhere, how about "Remember the Maine" at lie to get us into the Spanish American war Set up by Hearst.
By the time the USS Maine, an American warship in Havana Harbour was blew up under questionable circumstances with over 250 hands lost, the American public had already formed their united stand on the rebellion in Cuba. Two leading newspapers of the time, Joseph Pulitzer’s The World, and William Randolph Hearst’s the New York Journal, both informed their readers of the virtue of the Cubans and the perfidy and cruelty of the Spaniards.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ggersh is right
We are imploding from within the country and the government is doing more damage than any enemy could do. Another great read from Eric Zeuss on the impeachment and what was behind it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I totally agree...
We are rotting from the inside out. Thanks for the additional info on the Trumped up impeachment.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good gravy the amount of corruption in government
Most members of congress have their own foundations to launder bribes through them and into the pockets of the members. After HerHeinous fell from grace her foundation that was getting millions from foreign people and countries dried up and they went instead into John McCain's foundation that was also up to its eyeballs in Ukraine corruption. Pelosi's son is also involved in Ukraine and many democrats are also. Trump had to know that and I’m betting that there was a very good reason why he didn’t spill the beans. Schumer basically told Trump to play ball or else because, "the intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get you." And the shitlibs trout it was funny that Trump was threatened. I think he said that to Rachel Moscow on a Sunday show that she doesn’t normally do. It was a direct threat to Trump.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Timely article
This is legalized pay to play like what Hillary did with her foundation when she was Secretary of State and countries would donate money to her foundation and she would smooth things over for them if they had a tiff with the government. Most members of congress have people in their families working for their foundations and everyone gets rich from doing it. It’s kinda like how congress has made insider trading legal for them, but not for thee.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What a giant grift..
We need to start a foundation. How about a C99 foundation with tax exempt donations?
Speaking of which, I hope those that are able are contributing to JtC so he can afford to maintain he site.
We need some of that CIA drug, etc. money.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You have to read it to see how sleazy and timely
Hunter Biden’s new firm got connected to the highest people in China right around the time Joe Biden was working on some deal with China as VP. Another way rich people game the system is donating their foundation money to another person’s foundation and taking the tax write offs. Meanwhile more Americans fall through the increasingly wide cracks in the system. The sooner this country implodes from the corruption the better. I hope I’m alive to see it happen.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The dims have refused to put it in the congressional record
The level of corruption is quite extensive. We are indeed rotting from the core.
Kim dotcom says it will cost Joe is presidency.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Insider trading by Federal Reserve Bank board members, too
Great summary of wars!
None of them good wars, even if WWII came a bit closer than usual. And we should always look back to the 100 Years War as the starting place for exercising our right to steal in the name of our fabulous freedoms. From there, we have gotten more deluded about what is right, what is dead wrong. The trajectory of the US. Keep thanking soldiers and sailors for their service.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is very interesting and alarming.
Thought it would sort of fit with today's ot: the environment is being destroyed by our military.
edit for observations on our crooked CIA from one who knows:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you for your service...
is something which should be said to every true public servant.
Greater than most other countries.
and from the 2nd link...
reveals the sick nature of the entire NSA conglomerate.
Is it difficult to be a lawyer in these times of 'the law TPTB accept' rather than the constitution?
Hope y'all are enjoying your garden and various projects!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And the APA
has never apologized for or even recognized much less condemned the actions of those two analysts/psychologists who so far as I know still hold positionns of power in the American Psychological Association.
[edited to fix spelling]
More good gravy
I think Liz Cheney is also getting the reward. Funny how democrats are dragging out the 1/6 saga where nothing will happen to Trump. But hey it keeps the shitlibs occupied.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
good to see Gonzalo...
speaking out about the hypocrisy.
I'm glad they didn't kill him.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yes it is
But I thought he had his computer taken? Or was that unverified?
Here’s how busy democrats have been.
I don’t see how they can go after people funding Trump’s speech that day or go after him for what he said because we still have free speech for now. And one of the last things he said to his supporters was to be peaceful at the capital. And nothing the republicans did on the vote certification was illegal. Weird how people have forgotten that democrats have done that same thing 5 times since 2000.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We are blind...
...and seemingly unable to think critically.
Yes , Gonzalo said his computer and phone was seized, but he obviously has access to another, and has also opened new accounts. I'm glad it wasn't Azov that capture him but the SBU, but they're no angels either.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Byron King interview pretty good. Investment advice.
At the end, buy into companies and industries that make stuff. One pundit said that Russia will survive because they have an economy which makes a lot stuff. America's economy is based on finance. Back when I grew up there were people known as "industrialists". Now the richest people in the US have wealth based on the manipulation of paper and regulations. The only industrialists we have is a
comic book character (Tony Stark).
It seems like one reason the West is collapsing is that we have ignorant policy people and politicians. They operate from cliched and ideological views of Russia and many other countries. It seems the people imposing sanctions never thought about obvious implications both big and small. This includes everything around the pandemic.
Making things?
The US offshored their production and now is dependent on imports, mainly from China.
I taught in Ft. Payne most of my career, which at the time was the sock mill capitol of the world. Only one small mill remains (run by one of my students from many years ago)...the mills went to Mexico or China.
We could regenerate our manufaturing but the impetus seems otherwise.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
So let me get this straight. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” fantasy
came true regarding industrialists abandoning their efforts in America… but instead of going on strike and going into hiding, they just moved their operations to China, rather than building a capitalist Wakanda in “Galt’s Gulch”?
After a recent circumstance
I now call people like this "finished products."
Their manufacture-to-order has been completed.
A rare case where I approve of violence on an airplane
The exception that proves the rule.
A new administration,
a new war. Like clockwork, or like a paycheck.
BAR has multiple relevant articles up. This one is from March but worth a read or re-read.
At the very least, (aside from the other issues like needless death, slaughter of innocents and civilians and people who just want to live out their lives in peace) don't people ever wonder if there is a better way to use our tax money. Just think what we could do with that money here instead of using it to blow things up.
I will never understand it.
Thanks Lookout for a very good summary and update.
I watched that Hedges' interview with Peter Oborne. Oborne said that the actions of our respective governments betray a repudiation of our basic values like freedom of the press, the Rule of Law , and the ideal of Democracy. That's a paraphrase but close, I think, to what he meant. It resonates with me and is very sad. It seems to me we are discarding the best aspects of our society.
The worthy and unworthy victims...
rang true to me as well. Ukraine as worthy victims, but Russians (even those in Ukraine) are unworthy.
That is the way MSM paint people. Or let's take it a step farther into the absurd. Israelis are worthy victims, but Palestinians are unworthy and Yemenis don't matter but Saudis do. On and on we could go, but you catch my drift.
Nice to "see" you today. Thanks for coming by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good to see you too
Turkey can invade and occupy parts of neighbors Syria and Iraq
as well as having set up a “Donbass” of its own in the northern half of Cyprus that has endured without international recognition for going on fifty years.
Morocco can invade, occupy, and claim to have annexed Western Sahara in defiance of UN resolutions.
The U.S. and E.U. and their lying media and academia lapdogs are fine with all of this and don’t say a thing.
More excellent examples...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ah - someone in my neighborhood
left suddenly last fall "for two years" to go to Morocco, leaving ladders leaning against the house, shovels against a tree as if driving to the store. Seemed to have a lot of tech background.
Welcome to 1984
I don’t know what to say about this. But of course there will be people who see it and believe that’s all it was. Our media is beyond worthless and sold out. Imagine spending years getting your degree in journalism only to sell out your principles once you did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Have you seen the clip of Psakiopath lying about it?
Once a liar, you can't stop. She's been at it for quite awhile.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I shouldn’t have watched that on an empty stomach. Gawd her condescending smile and uhh umms. Wish someone would wipe that obnoxious smile off her face.
But did you catch that?
"Ukraine has the right to self determination."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
she is good at her job...
which is lying to protect the powerful.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The more things change...
I hadn't heard of this one:
Can't help but note the parallels to the Moskva sinking:
Of course the MSM coverage has it that the Ukrainians managed this all by themselves and that the sinking has fueled anti-war sentiment in Russia. To some extent that's probably true, but it may be far outweighed by anti-US/Nato sentiment.
No mention, either of whether there may have been nukes aboard the Moskva - now at the bottom of the Black Sea and little discussion except on some military-oriented web sites and channels about the implication of the sinking in terms of the vulnerability of surface ships to such attacks...