Welcome to 1984

The smell of tyranny is in the air.

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.”

- George Orwell

The level of propaganda, disinformation, and mistruth has reached astounding heights, as the ruling oligarchy/Deep State/globalist cabal are thrashing about violently because their frauds are being exposed on a daily basis. This shift to the tyranny of force has massive implications for everyone on the planet. When every quote from Orwell’s 1984 applies every day to everything swirling around us, you begin to realize we are in the midst of a dystopian nightmare which gets more ghoulish by the day.

“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”

- George Orwell

The last two years have been a fraud of epic proportions, conducted by a cadre of evil money titans, their financial, media, and medical apparatchiks, with the objective of tearing down our existing social and economic structure and “resetting” the world where they own everything and you own nothing, eat bugs, and provide the slave labor needed to keep society functioning. Of course, this will be after they dispose of tens of millions of useless eaters through their Covid/Vaxx scheme, global war, and mass starvation.

The past two years have denoted a remarkable transformation in the pushing of the fraudulent fearmongering narrative about a relatively non-lethal flu, vaccine mandates, masking and shaming those with the common sense to rely on their immune systems, to trying to provoke a world war over a border dispute with absolutely no relevance or strategic value to our country, other than to further enrich the military industrial complex and the parasites and leeches in government, finance, media and war making industry who live for and love war.

The shift has been effortless because the ruling Party, over the last two years, learned they could make the willfully ignorant and indoctrinated masses believe the most absurd story-lines with broadcast propaganda, social media influencing, and using highly compensated “experts” to lie, obfuscate, and say whatever they were paid to say.

And just like that, the pandemic was over and a war the U.S. and NATO provoked has shifted the focus of the willfully ignorant to a new boogeyman – Vladimir Putin (aka the unhinged madman Hitler reincarnation). Again, the plotline is eerily reminiscent of Orwell’s Two Minutes of Hate. The members of the Party participated in a public setting to watch the enemy of the state (Emmanuel Goldstein) on a film screen and loudly express their hate for the enemy du jour.

I can’t help but recognize the similarities to the last six years here in our very own dystopian empire of lies and propaganda. From 2016 through 2020 the face of Trump was on that screen, with the hatred of Hillary, her Deep State coup co-conspirators, the fake news media outlets, and the brain-dead liberal sycophants reaching historic levels of vitriol. Once Trump was eradicated, the Covid virus became the enemy on the screen, but the masses were infused with fear and incited to hate those who refused to fear this Fauci created flu.

“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretense was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledgehammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.”

- George Orwell

The Party needed a human face to hate. Once they began to rollout their Big Pharma clot shots, after falsifying their safety trial data and suppressing proven safe therapeutics like ivermectin and hydroxychloquine, the face of hate became everyone who refused to be the research in this despicable medical experiment which has been an epic failure thus far, with the long-term deadly consequences only beginning to be revealed. The un-vaxxed (aka pure bloods) have been treated like dirt, hated, de-platformed, banned, fired, and ridiculed.

The two minutes of hate has extended for a year. But our overlords have decided the time has come to change the channel of hate towards Putin, Russia, Alex Ovechkin, Russian vodka, Russian dressing and anyone who points out the U.S. and their NATO lapdogs have provoked this conflict by surrounding Russia with military bases and missiles. A simple map shows why Putin felt it necessary to make a stand and confront his adversaries with a punch in the mouth.


The timing of this Ukraine conflict has been impeccable for Biden, his Covidian Cultists, their hapless discredited media lapdogs, and all the authoritarian state and local politicians whose destruction of lives and businesses has been complete. Now that everything the “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for two years has been proven right, these soulless goblins must distract from their criminal acts by using their power of media propaganda to lead the same clueless low IQ saps who believed their bullshit about masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, and vaccine mandates into believing we should go to war with Russia over an historical border dispute 5,000 miles from our shores.

The same dumbasses riding alone in the car with a mask on are the ones calling for the banning of Russia vodka as a patriotic gesture to support those brave neo-Nazi Ukrainians. I find it endlessly amusing to see Maddow and the rest of the MSNBC left wing loonies supporting people they would classify as red neck white supremacist Trump supporters if they lived in the U.S. They wear their hypocrisy and imbecility proudly, while foaming at the mouth at whoever they are paid to attack.

It’s as plain as the vacant look on Biden’s face during a press conference that Biden, his handlers, and his pollsters decided two weeks ago to Wag the Dog, scrap the covid farce, rally the country around the flag, and pretend their policies have not unleashed raging inflation, destroyed our economy, shattered the lives of millions, and unleashed an ongoing and long-term death sentence for the millions of trusting souls who believed their safe & effective narrative – injecting themselves with a DNA altering experimental drug which has already killed and maimed millions.

Amazingly, even though Covid cases have plummeted, they are still at the same levels as November 2021 – when mandatory masking, vaccine mandates, and heavy restrictions were in full effect, with Biden and his cronies committing un-Constitutional acts, in coordination with mega-corporations and mass media, to force supposedly free Americans to participate in their warped failed experiment.

It’s funny that Walensky and her corrupt CDC cohorts now are sure it is safe to go maskless, even though, according to their own statistics, covid deaths are now 65% higher than they were in November 2021. If I recall, senile Joe was warning us about the dark winter ahead for the unvaccinated. Another bogus narrative proven false. After witnessing his brilliant prediction, I’m a little worried about his judgement on matters of nuclear war.

Fauci told us to trust the science, and he was the science. But now he is completely on-board with rolling back everything he said was essential for society to function just a month ago. His profile is being quickly diminished. He has proven to be a Big Pharma hack, who sold his soul to Satan, and will go down in history as a sociopath mass murder.

Let’s face it, this was never about medical science, but political science. Masks have never worked. Social distancing was a farce. Lockdowns did not stop the virus. The vaccines have failed on an epic scale. The vaccines are killing and maiming people. Vaccine mandates and passports are nothing more than a control and punishment mechanism. The critical thinking resisters have been proven right on every front. Even the gullible masses began to realize they were lied to and manipulated for political purposes.

The same men who engineered the covid plandemic hysteria, are now making a segue directly into provoking a World War 3 scenario and urging the Covidian Cultists to rally around the Ukrainian flag and their brave patriot army to fight off the evil psychopath despot of Russia. It doesn’t matter that a week ago these dupes couldn’t find Ukraine on a map, had never seen their flag, didn’t know the comedian president of Ukraine’s name, and had no idea about the CIA coup that overthrew the actual president of Ukraine in 2014. Animal mindlessness is their specialty. And those trying to cause global destruction in order to build back better are wallowing in the apparent success of their plan thus far.

Global disorder and chaos are proceeding with reckless abandon, as an already teetering, debt saturated, global economy was in danger of spinning out of control with raging inflation, rapidly decelerating GDP, and stock markets which peaked in early January and had begun to fall. Now you add the first real war in Europe in 77 years into the mix and you have a combustible environment threatening to blow our modern world back to the stone age.

Fair use is up so read the rest at the source. It’s been easy for me to see how we have been manipulated by the powers that be for their nefarious and evil purposes, but for others not so much.

Welcome to the New World Order.

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CB's picture

What's Left Is Mop-Up"
Larry C Johnson March 21, 2022

Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine?

Larry C. Johnson – Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, all Ukrainian Ground Radar Intercept capabilities were wiped out. Without those radars, the Ukrainian Air Force lost its ability to do air to air intercept. In the intervening three weeks, Russia has established a de facto No Fly Zone over Ukraine.
The scale and scope of the Russian attack is remarkable. They captured territory in three weeks that is larger than the land mass of the United Kingdom. They then proceeded to carry out targeted attacks on key cities and military installations.
I would note that the U.S. had a tougher time capturing this much territory in Iraq in 2003 while fighting against a far inferior, less capable military force. If anything, this Russian operation should scare the hell out of U.S. military and political leaders.
Question 7– How does this end? There’s an excellent post at the Moon of Alabama site titled “What Will Be The Geographic End State Of The War In Ukraine“. The author of the post, Bernard, seems to think that Ukraine will eventually be partitioned along the Dnieper River “and south along the coast that holds a majority ethnic Russian population.”...
Larry C. Johnson– I agree with Moon. Putin’s primary objective is to secure Russia from foreign threats and effect a divorce with the West. Russia has the physical resources to be an independent sovereign and is in the process of making that vision come true.

Bio– Larry C Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right.

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Two years of Covid discussion showed us debatable strategies and a plausible rationale for giving up our "normal" lives. I never bought it, but I also always figured there was chance that the weird contradictions in the official narrative were examples of overreach -- like Fauci saying that he lied about masks in early 2020 for the Greater Good. Not totally on the up and up, but understandable if not quite admirable.

The vaccine mandates in the face of vaccine failure to stop the pandemic blew apart that comfortable take on our leaders, and the Canadian Convoy Movement brought the whole program to a screeching halt . . . .

Just in time for this insult to our intelligence about Adolf Putin. Whereas I still respect differences of opinion about the best way to deal with Covid, this Hate Russia and Destroy Our Own Economy and Then Blame it on Putin Scam is crazy on its face and there is no way to read it as anything but Bullshit.

And I believe this Bullshit reflects back on the two years of misery we have experienced in the alleged fight to "save lives."

10 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

Lookout's picture

mirrors my thoughts anyway.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I see. Her comments seem to have been infiltrated, nay, invaded. A few months ago she had to drop out and clear all the big chunks out of the tank. Let's hope she doesn't succumb to the fumes.

And now this AM I'm seeing much more such activity in WOTB. The lies are becoming more strident each day.

It almost makes me wonder if perhaps I am the one who is wrong, ie, the effects of the gaslighting. But then events like "OMFG, Putin has blown up a mall! A mall! Bastion of western freedoms. Will no one stop this monster!?"

Hmm, 8 people killed? Not much of a mall. A lot like the ones we drive past these days in the USA. Or the GM Guide Lamp factory.

Is my BS detector becoming faulty?

Be well.

Added: As I thought about my post I decided that I need to clarify a bit. Before I heard the lies about that military installation posing as a civilian mall I had seen the videos about it. The arguments seem just plain absurd. Perhaps our best hope is in the absolute incompetence of our snooze corpse.

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enhydra lutris's picture

one led by the US in which said US unites the "free world". We can't lead, have no idea how, never did. We can't direct the free world since we aren't a part of any such thing. We are an oligarchy whee the opinions, wishes, needs and desires of the populace are ignored when expressed, and manipulated through constant propaganda at all times.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --