The Weekly Watch
Blatant Bias and Hypocrisy
The Ukrainian invasion, to my mind, is primarily due to the actions and inaction of NATO. I'm against all wars including this one, but it has become an excuse to morph Russiagate into Russiahate. As though the US doesn't have a long list of countries it has invaded and destroyed in the last twenty years....just a short list includes: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen...not to mention the coups conducted all over the planet from Honduras to Ukraine in order to install puppet governments. Sorry folks but Ukraine is not a democracy...(from 2018)
If America’s successful February 2014 overthrow and replacement of Ukraine’s democratically elected neutralist Government doesn’t soon produce a world-ending nuclear war (World War III), then there will be historical accounts of that overthrow, and the accounts are already increasingly trending and consolidating toward a historical consensus that it was a coup — that it was imposed by “somebody from the new coalition” — i.e., that the termination of the then-existing democratic (though like all its predecessors, corrupt) Ukrainian Government, wasn’t authentically a ‘revolution’ such as the US Government has contended, and certainly wasn’t at all democratic, but was instead a coup (and a very bloody one, at that), and totally illegal (though backed by The West).
Much of the world is supportive of Russia in this conflict.
If you went looking for evidence of international unity in the days following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there was plenty to find. Switzerland dispensed with its traditional position of neutrality to freeze Russian assets. Germany, reliant on Russian natural gas and reluctant to arm overseas combatants, halted certification of a major natural gas pipeline and shipped hundreds of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. Even FIFA and UEFA, not exactly exemplars of responsible geopolitical statecraft, suspended Russia from international soccer.
But that tale of unity is deceptive since it generally only includes Western countries. In the rest of the world, support for Ukraine is far more fragmented. Most notably, two of the world’s largest democracies, India and Brazil, have pointedly not criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin. The silence from India has been especially concerning for the Biden administration, which reportedly has spent days trying to align Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the West’s anti-Russia position.
...Global divisions were laid bare at the United Nations on Friday, as India, Pakistan, and dozens of other countries across Latin America and Africa declined to support a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion. (Brazil voted for the resolution, but its far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro has refused to sanction Russia.)
A scholar and Ex-CIA analyst in an excellent description of the situation
Putin's Invasion of Ukraine | John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern
I've cued it to John presentation (about 25 min), Ray's starts here and lasts about 30 min.
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To an empire, everything looks like a crisis to justify a multi-trillion-dollar military-industrial-security complex as dictatress of the world. The crisis du jour for the American empire is Russia‘s aggression against Ukraine. The political establishment and the mainstream media assign responsibility to President Putin’s megalomaniac ambition to recreate the Soviet empire. Ray McGovern and John Mearsheimer offer a breath of fresh air. They shoulder the United States with a fair share of the blame: the never-ending expansion of NATO cheek by jowl to Russian borders provoked the invasion; Russia fears nuclear weapons on its borders as more menacing than the Cuban Missile Crisis was to the United States. Ray and John will offer some thoughts regarding how to bury the hatchet and move forward. ...Q&A session is the last 30 min.
Another insightful conversation... (a fascinating hour)
Anya Parampil speaks with Moscow-based international affairs analyst, Mark Sleboda. Sleboda assesses Russia's military maneuvers in the early days of the conflict in Ukraine and evaluates the possibility of a Syria-style dirty war erupting in the country. Sleboda also explains how the war has ushered in a "great decoupling" between Russia and the West and why he believes it represents the "end of the unipolar world."
According to documents declassified in 2017, the deal essentially was that the Soviets would allow German unification with the written “ironclad guarantees”, that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward”, in the words of James Baker. More here.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail.
Insights from Chris Hedges
The MSM have done a great job whipping up furor over the invasion. Where was the outrage when it was the US conducting illegal invasions? And how about the accusations of war crimes as we imprison Julian for revealing ours? Yes, the hypocrisy is palpable.
Not to mention as we criticize Russia, the US is bombing Somalia, Yemen, and illegally occupying about a third of Syria. Additionally the US has umpteen countries under sanctions for not submitting to corporate domination.
Sanctions are essentially the imposition of arbitrary measures of economic and inhumane
hardship on a country. US sanctions affect a third of humanity with more than 8,000
measures impacting 39 countries. Economic sanctions are also known as embargoes
Whitney Webb writes that the CIA is creating a new al-Qaeda. This time as a white supremacist rightwing militia. A part of these are mercenaries currently getting recruited by western 'security' companies. These militia will use all the 'small' weapons NATO countries are now delivering to the Ukraine to attack Russian troops and their supporters.
Excellent comparison of Syria's coverage versus the Ukraine hysteria... (17 min)
"There are no surprises over the hypocrisy and double standards of the US." Kevork Almassian
The US citizenry has proven time and again they are easily hornswoggled. Just this century we have the lie of WMDs in Iraq, an oil grab in Libya, a pipeline across Syria,... all as excuses for US led war. Now we have Russia invading democratic Ukraine...another lie...Ukraine like so many US vassal states is run by our puppet.
worth the full read...
This is the case with the globalist empire that is provoking Russia by way of Ukraine. Of course by “empire,” I mean the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire of the New World Order headquartered in the City of London with offices in Brussels, New York, and Washington, DC.
The Empire’s goal of world domination over the decades of the last century has been achieved through both deception and the force of arms. By the use of propaganda and disinformation, along with color revolutions, the Empire has funded proxies used to destabilize nations they seek to topple and absorb.
This is what is happening in the Ukraine right now. This ginned up “crisis” is not about the wellbeing of Ukraine, but rather it is about the Empire’s attempt to chip away at Russia and isolate them, since they are a firewall to the Empire’s goal of world subjection.
Again and again Americans are duped into thinking the US has the moral ground. What a deluded population of misled fools.
"We're willing to fight this war to the last Ukrainian"
Max Blumenthal
Politicians and members of the media have nearly universally expressed shock and dismay at Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but their incredulity is belied by the fact that numerous Russia experts and historians have been predicting these events practically since the fall of the Berlin Wall, pointing out that a Russian response to ongoing NATO incursions was virtually inevitable. Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss the past predictions of noteworthies ranging from Noam Chomsky and Stephen Cohen to Henry Kissinger and Pat Buchanan.
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Infiltrate EVERY LEVEL Of Military & Government (26 min)
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups, the Ukrainian armed forces and even parts of the government.
As Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.
One more, (16 min)
The rising tide of censorship that has caught the likes of Alex Jones, Joe Rogan and countless others in its web lately has been ramped up dramatically since the Russian military assault on Ukraine.
Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss the state-run media enterprises that have been censored, along with the tech companies, online payment services and even cat breeding organizations that have ridden the censorial wave.
If Jimmy drives you nuts, fast forward to Max' insightful comments.
New revelations about Hunter will hit President Joe Biden's already plummeting popularity
If the war in Ukraine was going to distract Americans from Joe Biden's poor performance as President, as some critics have suggested, his son Hunter's past will swing the political attention back home.
Hunter's business dealings and personal life are now so obviously tainted that even the New York Times and the Guardian can no longer ignore them.
A likely outcome is this war triggers a massive economic collapse.
Looking at economic and empire cycles teach us what is likely in our future. Here's an excellent description of how the world order changes over time...
In the first 18 minutes, you’ll get the gist of what drives the “Big Cycle” of rise and decline of nations through time and where we now are in that cycle. If you give me 20 minutes more to watch the whole thing, and I will show you how the big cycle worked across the last 500 years of history—and what the current world leading power, the United States, needs to do to remain strong. (13.5 min)
This video discusses the move to freeze Russian FX reserves as part of sanctions against Russia. This is easily the biggest financial news story of 2022, and will have many unintended consequences and repercussions for many years to come, as countries and central banks realize that US Treasuries and other fiat currency bank deposits are no longer a neutral store of value. This is a giant blow to the global US dollar financial system and the US dollar as a global reserve asset. It will only serve to accelerate the movement into neutral money like gold and Bitcoin.
These are the articles he covers... more under the clip.
Chris sees it as oil or energy driving a coming collapse. (39 min)
A troublesome shortfall in oil has been converted into a very real shortage that will translate into an economic nightmare. In this video I 'do my thing' and connect dots for you in a way that provides you with insights you can turn into concrete actions.
Energy and wheat prices have doubled. With inciting a longer fight Europe only increases its own loses.
This war will echo far and wide and impact people on a variety of levels.
So the US poked the bear in the eye, and here we are in a real pickle. Inflation is soaring. I'm seeing my regular purchases up at least 10% and gas of course much higher. Fortunately I don't have to drive much...typically two trips a week to town using about a gallon of gas for each trip. I average about 5 gallons a month for my old tractor. Road trips are going to be more costly for sure. Food is up significantly too. If you have not started your garden and you have a spot where you can, you might want to consider it. At least get to know some of your local growers and producers. Use these directories in the links to find farmers and create relationships before SHTF. If you have a freezer buy extra food during cheaper summer production and store it. This too will pass. Sadly it didn't have to be this way. All this could have been prevented had we kept our word and not expanded NATO.
I look forward to your thoughts, questions, or anything else on your mind. The thread is open...
Good morning folks...
Lookout sent me an email asking that I publish this WW this morning that he had in his drafts. His computer took a dump and he couldn't log in to do it himself.
He also said he may not be around today to answer comments.
Thank you, JtC
Figured something went down
Thanks for keeping the WW alive JtC!
Do people still believe what the legacy media propounds?
I hope more of the news consumers begin to question the
blatant lies and propaganda. If not ..
she was with the Russians too ..
question everything
NATO member Turkey has occupied half of EU member Cyprus
since 1974.
Morocco is occupying West Sahara.
Israel / Palestine / Golan Heights…
Military occupations / conquests the West has no problem with, and Western media never talk about.
Well, there are
Good and Bad as determined by NATO.
or as babbling Blinken calls it "the entire world."
Good morning Johnny, thanks for posting this.
Thanks, of course, to Lookout and best wishes for hardware-software recovery.
Today is furry Lewis' birthday.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for the WW LO! Hopefully the computer makes a full
recovery sooner than later...
The financial repercussions coming down the line are a massive own goal unless of course this was intended to create even more hardship on ordinary people. The WEF and the Great Reset have to be mentioned because the dots are connecting to more and more people owning nothing and being
happygiddypissed off to no ends.This shit going down in Ukraine ony benefits WS/MIC/Oligarchs/Elites everyone else in the rest of the world will suffer from higher food prices to higher energy prices to shortages of everything once plentiful. This is not unintended by any means.
First they came for, is in play here with it being the Russians turn to be everything horrible.
stay safe everyone and stock up on everything that's feasible to do
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I stacked up on necessities yesterday.
I found a strange shortage in spices. I bought the last container of sea salt in the store. There were no store brand containers of black pepper...only the pricey name brands. No cheap bottled water, not many cartons of the expensive brands.
I have had my intentions to prepare for shortages called out as a hoarding practice that hurts poor people. In my mind, I am an accident or an illness away from being poor. I will continue to buy necessities while they are affordable and available.
The garden gets tilled and planted this week.
I bought necessities for my brother, who is both poor and ill.
If I can eat, so can my brother.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Us, too-
we bought cat food, dog food, and a case of 1.75s of Damaging Adult Beverage Raw Material.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Lots of cat food was put in the cart.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Being prepared
Stock up, cognizant of what is likely to be in short supply and or very expensive.
The fertilizer usually gotten from Russia will lead to a grim reality for farmers and then, obviously, us. I doubt that this has penetrated American consciousness yet.
I watched a CEO from BBC talk about his company's dependence on fertilizer and its ingredients which will no longer be available. He was on the verge of tears. oh-oh.
Bread, wheat, hard to stock up on plus nothing is as good as fresh bread. Frozen products will last as long as the electric grid holds up.
My workaround for this are packaged crackers and matzoh which UNOPENED stay fresh for a long time.
Also, I depend on fresh onion and garlic because salt is a no-no, so I bought minced garlic and minced onion in spice jars. I will get another one of each of these, just in case.
Getting a mortar and pestle makes a lot of sense if that is something you lack. Easier to pound, grind up whatever you need to.
The other recommendations for toothpaste and toiletries, ggersh and use fewersyllables were talking about are important for morale. How happy would you be without soap?
Of course, water is the essential, but quality of life matters as well.
That’s what people aren’t understanding
The huge sanctions on Russia are going to affect them too and in ways they don’t understand. Sure many say they are willing to pay more for gas but when it affects everything like shipping and air travel they might start griping about it. Or can’t find the things they want. It could get ugly.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
One thing I’ve noticed is how people are excusing
the Nazis in Ukraine. One person said that they aren’t waging war against another country so they can’t be compared to the Nazis of Germany. They come on to sites that explain the backstory of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and read about the horrific things they have done, but can somehow blow that off and say that they aren’t really that bad. So far there are 2 comments here.
I sure find him interesting.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The spectacle of people buying carts full of tp
The tp shortage was then a break in the supply chain, and that is due to happen again. Add the fertilizer shortage, coming to America soon, will have all of us trying to make meals as we can, not as we wish.
I remember my friend saying the empty shelves angered her because of hoarders who disregard other people. I do not see it that way at all.
Years ago, I bought a dozen packages of ground chuck. The cashier at the store asked me sarcastically,if I was afraid there would be no ground chuck sold again? I told her I was buying for 3 households, not that it was her business, and that I didn't want her to think I was a bitch. She shut up immediately, understanding who was the bitch in the room.
It sounds as though you are thinking ahead.
Hang tough, chica!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've already stacked up on some necissities as well
batteries, toothpaste, soap, coffee, coffee filters and so much more. How can being proactive ensuring in your safety be considered to be hoarding? As for being accused of hoarding at every possible opportunity my family and I donate to the local foodbank.
And yes we all are only 1 accident, 1 medical emergency from being unable to survive without help and even then will we be able to get that help? Our govt certainly doesn't work for us anymore.
So far touch wood, I haven't had a hard time finding anything that's needed. And yes family comes first.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I have had a tough time finding
Locally, the best brand of chicken is Purdue. No hormones, no antibiotics. There wasn't a single Purdue product in the store. I do not purchase inexpensive spaghetti sauce, and that is a good thing, since there were hardly any on the shelves.
My next shopping project will be a wood stove. Not sure where I can put it, but I will find a way.
I, too, donate to a food bank. One thing is for certain, if you and I have food and supplies, we can survive, and we can share.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Maybe we should come with a list and barter
I want one also but since we rent it might be hard to do. I'd love to go tiny but finding a place locally is near impossible.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Barter is a great idea!
I just started a search on wood stoves. Although we may have to order one, we do have stores nearby that can get them to us.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Think about finding wood too
It goes fast, and plenty of twigs and other small stuff is invaluable for getting the fire going. Look for pinecones with a crust of resin on them too.
This is a good place if you're in the Pacific Northwest -- perhaps by phone as well, or for referrals elsewhere..
I don't cook on mine but it heats an 850 sq ft house pretty well till zero degree weather.
This is the Jotul model we have
It has 4 potential exhaust plates, depending on your configuration. Ours vents out the back, as I
had to do a double 90 to line up with the existing standing stove pipe. It only takes logs up to 16",
but works very well. We go thru about 1 1/2 - 2 cords a season. Have been using it about 20 years.
question everything
It is hard to rationalize the situation with so much propaganda
and hypocrisy swirling around.
A few random things to explain what I mean
The full image.
It appears likely that he was actually there to negotiate.
That is not part of the plan!
Mission accomplished!
The US Government simply ignores
all laws that don't suit them. Those laws cannot be allowed to suppress shareholder value or reduce corporate profitability. There's money to be made!
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Any port in a storm!
Lets now be friends.
Boy if this doesn’t remind me of
the White helmets who practice being injured and dead…
You gotta just laugh at the lengths they will go to spread the message.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
@snoopydawg Brainwashed Americans
I just find it sad
People used to know that they were exposed to propaganda when it came to war. Remember Iraqi forces throwing babies out of incubators? Colin Powell's vial of something deadly? Oops can’t say anything bad about him no because some unjabbed person killed him. Oh wait that’s false too. 13 cormorbidities and old, but it was the Rona that killed him. Will people ever wake up again and what will it take to get them to?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Answer is posted way below.
I need to do better with the reply button.
So I went to embed this tweet elsewhere
being shown to the world, it would only show how bad we are at it. Showing
live dead people is a big no-no
This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules. Learn more
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Love to know what rule it violated
I can’t believe how many people are okay with censorship. Eventually it’s going to affect them. Did they forget about that? When republicans take over again will they call the social media twits in front of them and tell them to start censoring information that benefits democrats? If they do you can imagine how the shitlibs will scream.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The rule that was broken
taken out of it.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
As people dig deeper reality begins to surface.
If I Understand Correctly
First priority along with Ukrainian military.
The secret is out. This is how the US keeps Zelensky in line.
Nothing will happen if you do what we tell you.
We've been hearing
believable because that's where Kamala Harris is headed this week.
There is no doubt that both sides utilize propaganda.
However I have yet to see a source in the MSM that is not involved in brainwashing the masses who lap it up without a second thought.
It's hard
I have no clue.
Speaking of…
DK is reporting that Russia has lost the war and the great Nazis in Ukraine have won. Of course they don’t mention the Nazis because there can’t be any because Zelensky is Jewish. See the Greyzone link. It quotes from someone who is blowing smoke and saying that Russia has lost 11,000 troops and most of its military equipment. So now all we have to worry about is whether bad Putin launches nukes. But yay..oh never mind.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
For your minds sake
leave that site to wallow in its own delusions.
I and most others don't need anybody to keep an eye on them.
Dustbins are to be emptied not watched as they are only a danger to themselves.
And by the way, Fuck markos and his thought police.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I think it is educational
I just went there yesterday, and actually got a great laugh.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I’m free to read wherever I want luv. I find it interesting to see what things they think are true and it helps me to see which media sites are spreading bullsh*t.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This might have already been posted
I’m too lazy to look. Good report on how our propaganda machine is covering up the fact that we are supporting Nazis in Ukraine by using the fact that Zelensky is Jewish. Frankly it’s disgusting, but I’m seeing shitlibs repeating it everywhere they are.
MoA covered it yesterday if you missed it. Apparently the site has been inundated with trolls. B has erased most of them.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A few gems from Caitlin.
Just sad
Seeing so many people riled up because they were told to get riled up. I wonder how many of them even know that we are destroying Yemen and bombing Somalia and starving Afghanistan? That’s what they should be protesting! And it’s not close the sky it’s make PEACE.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not verified! But it would not surprise me one bit.
Reported in comments on MoA
A laptop was found on a hastily abandoned military base in Ukraine - which is registered with NATO
On it are data of American reconnaissance flights carried out over the Donbass and Crimea with unmanned drones in recent years (officially confirmed)
This means that the Americans have passed on their data to the Ukrainian army, i.e. they support them.
Military strategic objects of Russia and the Donbass were marked on the maps created with these data
If this is true, then this is proof that.
NATO is supporting Ukraine in taking back the Donbass and Crimea by force
No link provided. I’ve seen it on one more site too so hang on to it for verification.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
An example of MSM propaganda.
There has been 2 occasions of a refugee corridor in Mariupol the latest was today.
This is the headline plastered all over the news.
Evacuation efforts in besieged Mariupol fail for a second day as Russian shelling continues across Ukraine
Brings to mind this question. Who would actually gain?
To me the Russians would gain nothing but bad publicity while the Nazi Azov Battalion would have their human shields still in place.
It is time for some comedy relief.
You can skip to the 2:25 mark if you can't stand the leading Russiagaters (Rachel and Hillary) if you desire.
Edited to add a cartoon that snoopy might enjoy:
He makes a reasonable point. It is hard to disagree with it.
Ukraine - zombie apocalypse
Oops. Previously posted. But then again, they ARE zombies. They are hard to kill!
How is the MSM going to spin this development?
It's already being spun
If you notice that people responding to the tweet by AFP think it's the Russians that are preventing the Mariupol citizens from leaving.
Apparently Putin called Macron about the people
not being able to leave. I’m not sure why he called him but he was getting nowhere with Zelensky.
The lying dead video is hilarious isn’t it? Boy we are being blasted with propaganda from all directions.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This also is propaganda but the only information that is
provided by the MSM is the number of arrests in Russia protesting the war.
Fair and balanced is no longer a requirement.
I don't think it is possible to fight opponents
....who have the advantage in global propaganda.
I've just spent one year fighting against, and debunking, the most outrageous propaganda campaign against China. I fought it at this site, and at several other locations. My only corroborating journalists (outside of Western expats living in China) is the group at the Grayzone.
As respected as they are, Mate, Blumenthal, et al, do not intend to die on that hill. On the China issue, they are journalistically isolated in the Western World. Their peers stand against them.
The problem is, they can take a stand in various professional circles where they are known, just as I've taken a stand for China on this site (and never let up) — but they cannot transfer the body of knowledge and intelligence they have gained, nor their experience of the true reality in China they are defending. Their listeners are unable to move into different circles and knowledgeably debunk the lies and propaganda about China in an atmosphere where a firestorm of official media propaganda against China — of the most preposterous magnitude — is flooding the communication channels 24 hours a day — as is the case in the US and the Western world. The lies are so enormous, so monumental, that they are immediately believed. (A weakness in human nature.)
I'm sorry to say, you've already lost the battle for hearts and minds. Nothing you say here can influence the outcome of this battle-to-the-death. If Russia prevails in protecting its interests from NATO/Nazi dominance and destruction of its sovereignty — it will not be from your help and it will not be the justified outcome that you might envision. That's because Russia is not fighting for the betterment of humanity and the world. It is only fighting for its own immediate survival. China, too, will only fight for itself, although China is acting with a deep wisdom that the Western mind cannot perceive, on the battlefield of perseverance. If China can prevail in this quantum realm of time and space, it could open a doorway to salvation for all of life and diversity. (I don't expect you to understand the meaning of my words, but I have nothing to lose by saying them.) If China does not prevail through its discipline and perseverance before the potential probabilities collapse for lack of structural support, the world will continue to be burned up and drowned in a massive extinction event born of human greed and the tyranny of non-integrated, spiritually inorganic psychopaths.
From this point forward, everything is part and parcel of the extinction event that lies before us. Any intellectually honest scientist has all the data that they need to calculate the year after which Homo sapiens are no more.
Live the best life you can right now. Be the kind of person you would be proud to know.
A profound comment and it may take a while to respond as I
require time to digest.
Off the top of my head I somewhat agree with your comment.
Well said.
Life has always been a temporary position for us all, individually, though the open ended future we have taken for granted now has a clearly foreshortened horizon. The Chinese, and several other societies have long placed great importance on the long view of their multi generational collective life. This long view seems to have been lost to most in the era of the ‘Greed Head’.
I share your sense that if there is to be a redemption for mankind, and the vast web of other life forms that make our lives possible, it is most likely to arise from the efforts of those who continue to respect and honor both the past and future generations in our collective life.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The question posed in your sigline
...reminds me of another, posed about situations like that in the Donbas and the former Russian nationals who occupy it:
In the realm of self-determination, in the time of human rights:
Does the land belong to the People?
Or do the People belong to the Land?
Until we can answer this question and defend our answer; we cannot form an enduring civilization.
I think our native populations had it right.
They (some if not all) found the very notion of owning the land an absurdity.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Your wisdom is much appreciated.
As expected A response hit the wires. HAH!
WE need innocent people as human shields and we will not depart from that requirement.
A new entry as expected.
What meaning do you take from this visible reality?
We must assume that Russia can only hold open those borders where they are on the other side.
Russia can offer safe passage along corridors where they are already located — borders leading to Poland. But when Poland controls a border, there will be Nazis on the other side who filter potential entrants for racial characteristics. Rather than display this racist policy to the world — or suppress their own revulsion — they would certainly close the border.
Macron is aware of this. What can he do? In no way will France accept the consequences for making an issue of this situation. France will only stand up for her own sovereign interests.
The West will turn this incident into a hostage situation perpetrated by Russia. Thats the light our dying Empire will shine on this moment. People will cling to this explanation as if their lives depend on it. And, indeed, they do.
This is how it is going to be in the days ahead.
I won't be here to witness this experience and chat about it. I can only say that the US Empire is still dying. The worst it can do is to take us with it.