A general statement! Blinken is a F*cking idiot.
Submitted by humphrey on Thu, 02/24/2022 - 4:07am
We all know that dementia Joe is not in charge. Blinky and his neocon disciples are bringing the world close to WW3.
His mentality is NATO growing (good) and Russian response (bad).
That is not to mention events with regards to Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Yemen, Ukraine, Palestine and more are ineffective and inflammatory (to say the least).
Oh for the good old days when that blithering buffoon Pompeo was in charge.

Too much wine as events have caused me to imbibe.
But I will be back later.
Finally Putin has been put in his place.
The previous comedian has made Putin shiver.
World War3 is now history puppet Zelensky has spoken!
Ukraine was only ever an abused country!
It's useful pupose may be over?
Playing hardball has it's consequences.
In the old days it brings to mind "Shock and Awe" !
Now it it not so much!
My suggestion
Try to provoke a Trump Regency-style White-House Thunderdome-fight between Blinken's neocons and one of the other Cabinediots, maybe Kamala.
Whoever loses...we lose less.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
She's right, but I hesitate to call it a war as of now
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Make My Day---The Bear
Ain’t that the truth?
Hey media that is hyperventilating over Ukraine do you care to address this hypocrisy? No? How about Saudi Arabia decimating Yemen for 8 years? Any concerns about the children there?
Bingo! According to Hudson this is the real goal for America.
I doubt that Europe isn’t aware of that though, but what can they do about it? But unfortunately it’s going to be the working class everywhere that pays the biggest price for what’s happening.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So last night we came across "Breaking News" on NBC
and this is what they wanted us to hear. You just can't make this shit up.
Reporter in NYC/DC studio....Loud explosions are being heard in Kiev, so let's go
to our reporter on the ground in Kiev who is dressed properly for what is happening on the ground. (She was wearing a helmet and a Kelvar vest) So (name) you have heard loud explosions in Kiev, can you tell us what these explosions sound like.
Reporter on ground in Kiev.....Boom
Reporter in NYC/DC studio...thanks for the report telling us once again loud explosions have been heard in Kiev
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I think Bellingcat took over
...the US news feed out of Europe.
Edit: due to technical difficulties
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Why are there Ukrainian Nazis?
I have no idea. Saagar Enjeti is panicking. "I have read history"... Oh really?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
and nazbols too
Explosions go "boom"?
omigod, I had no idea!
Our MSM is just doing a fantastic job informing us of all these details!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
antiwar protest in st. petersburg
happening in other russian cities, too. reports of over 1000 protesters having been arrested and detained.
antiwar protest in moscow now
Damn hippies!
Somehow I don't think there will be an Occupy or Maidan in Moscow:
Pussy Riot
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Pigs is pigs
Then again, there was an Occupy here for quite a while at least. The truckers convoy lasted for some time in Canada. The Maidan on and on. The yellow vests in France still?
The demos in Moscow today lasted for an hour or less.
I'm curious, and I'm really not about busting your or anyone's chops, did you ever spend any time in an eastern European communist country or in the USSR? Or in present day Russia?
Let's see...
Why do you ask? You are implying that I haven't been there, or obtained a degree in History?
Have you spent time in that area?
My chop busting would be quite a chore for you.
I have a friend from Russia who lives in the Houston area, as well.
edit: Georgia, Armenia, Moldavia. I think I am still forgetting some.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I recall you were/are a traveller
. . . from reading some of your accounts from back when but don't recall you mentioning those countries. I'd be interested in hearing about your impressions from your experiences.
I've been to a few of those places on a few occasions, have family and in-laws in a couple.
Needless to say I imagine, I am not feeling kindly towards Putin (although I can understand his actions). Can't stand Biden either but am amazed he pulled out of Afghanistan, so I have a smidgeon of hope he won't get us all killed.
The Hedges article below
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Caity keeps it simple.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
She’s right. Biden and his controllers have no plans on letting Ukraine join NATO but he refused to admit it just so he could goad Russia into attacking them. But let’s not forget what else he has done. He’s been beefing up weapons and troops in the already established NATO countries and Russia sees that as a big threat. Again I’m asking people how America would react if Russia had been meddling in Mexico like we have been in Ukraine. I know that we wouldn’t have waited 8 years to stop that crap. Russia kept trying to get Ukraine to honor Minsk. France and Germany were supposed to get them to do it. They rarely tried.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Even Biden faces restraints
Hi there
... I see you are still kickin'!To be fair, Biden couldn't come out and say he's against Ukraine joining NATO coz that would deny them sovereignty (the Budapest Memorandum) and coz he'd get even fried worse than he is now by the GOP.
Then again, I don't think he's really all there so who knows?
I thought Biden had said that already?
Didn’t he tell Zelensky that he can’t join it right now?
Yes I’m doing well and still having lots of fun with the current dawg. She’s ticked with me cuz I couldn’t take the wind and cold today and cut the walk short. I don’t have her fur.
Good to see you again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A lame roundup
of this morning's events from the sometimes lame duo of Krystal and Saager. Krystal Ball: "Russia is 100% the aggressor on this one." Starts around the 3'50" mark:
I have given up on those two.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No mention by
I also didn't hear a discussion of what they expected Putin to do when Biden refused to stand down on letting Ukraine into Nato and when shelling by Ukraine forces in the Donbas greatly intensified in recent weeks.
I think they also greatly underestimate Russian military power in 2022, and how Putin's gov't has had years to plan for these events.
It will be interesting to see how Putin undertakes "decommunization" or what he really meant as "denazification". On that one, I wish them the best of luck and good hunting.
Here are some mention of them
I’m fed up with the one sided discussion on Russia Russia with absolutely no mention at all about our role in the conflict.
This one talks about the mass graves that were found in the Donbas area and how we’re screwing Germany with buying more expensive gas that bails out our frackers.
This guy goes into detail about why Putin decided to attack Ukraine now after watching Russian people get slaughtered and hoping that Ukraine would uphold the Minsk agreement. Biden and NATO have been flooding Ukraine with weapons and recently Zelensky talked about possibly getting nukes again. Much more.
Can’t recommend both of them enough. What I’m reading from the mainstream media is a bunch of propaganda dictated to them by the state department.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oy vey. Biden's response
around 2 pm et
The Moscow Times
“[Putin] has much larger ambitions than Ukraine. He wants to reestablish the former Soviet Union,” U.S. President Joe Biden said in a press conference at the White House.
The Moscow Times
Joe Biden said he has no plans to talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Biden giving Putin the cold shoulder is a game changer.
Putin will surely stage a full scale retreat! /S
Stupid on Biden's part
This is just the sort of response I anticipated but feared. It will only up the ante. I am so tired of both these jackasses swinging their dicks all over the place.
BS like this
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
then we'll wind up with Kamala
these past few years have been bad enuff.
Can't quite figure the rational behind this?
It's only about 100km
from Kyiv, so it's sort of on the way. Might as well stop off to warm up, so to speak. When you get to the Dnieper, turn right, and there you are...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Maybe they want to keep it safely tucked away
Remember Japan still hasn't fixed Fuckishima but the
USSR took care of Chernobyl promptly
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Securing Chernobyl
I would guess is necessary to protect the region from the possibility of it being used in an act of terrorism. We're dealing with Nazis.
This is TRUE! Coming from the BBC no less.
This is the fog of war! Both sides are spreading propaganda.
I agree for the most part except for the last paragraph as the MSM has taken a large part in stoking up misleading information leading up to today's events.
"Most news organisations go to great lengths"
to make sure the checks have cleared before they run the stenographer's reports, is more like it. But the sentiment is exactly correct- or would be in a perfect world.
And good on the Beeb for trying to assert that that principle still applies to "news organizations" in general, bless their sweet-summer-child souls.
Meanwhile: here in the US, "if it bleeds it leads" is still the order of the day, especially if it supports the Official Narrative du jour.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
A couple examples of things that defy logic.
@humphrey What facts do you speak
Palast has a very interesting and credible solution.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It's not credible at all.
It's not just the matter of the quantity of a given asset.
It's the matter of bringing it to market.
There is currently no country on earth that can efficiently produce enough petroleum product to supply Europes energy needs cheaper than Russia. Show me otherwise.
Europe is soon to find out what petroleum can cost at the expense of the commoner in america.
I foresee and hope the big truck phenomena in this country is soon to pass.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Russia has
Russia has the natural resources and the means to ship them.
Wherever they want to ship them to.
No wonder that the USA is green with Envy, Greed, and on the Warpath.
I won't disagree, but I still believe
It would certainly get the US' attention.
I am open to suggestions, and actually appreciate points of view that shoot them down.
Best to proceed with eyes wide open.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Is Putin calling for a military coup?
According to Pepe Escobar:
Maybe Putin may not have to settle for half of the pie east of the Dnieper.
Funny how some coups are okay with some folks while others are bad. But a freaking military coup? C'mon!
Here’s a possible explanation for that
You might enjoy reading the whole article to get a different perspective from what the American media is telling you. The author sees Putin’s move more of a self defense from what NATO has been doing than just an invasion for fun. I know that if Russia had been doing in Mexico what America has been doing in Ukraine and elsewhere that it wouldn’t have taken 8 years for them to act. I would call it self defense too.
And yes we have been supporting actual Nazis in Ukraine since Obama’s brutal coup there. They have ties to the Nazis of WW2. This should piss off every American who lost family in the Great War. But then America betrayed them when they imported Nazis here to use their knowledge. Operation paperclip.
I don’t see it as him asking for a coup, but a look at reality. He’s asking them if they want to die defending Nazis. IMO.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Every time I see Nazi flags and emblems
As much as people from the former USSR hate Stalin, even recently removing his coffin from its' former place of honor in Red Square, they have 23 million reasons to hate Nazis.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That was John McCain not Biden
Show me the photo of Biden shaking hands with the neo-nazis there if you can. I hope you don't consider Zelinskiy to be a neo-nazi.
Btw, have you ever heard of the Nazbols in Russia?
I do remember that McCain photo.
Nazbols have just come under my radar. Until I read more, no comment on them.
I do not have an opinion on Zelenski, other than to say the US supports him, and the US supported the coup of Neo-Nazis that took over power. I applaud his efforts to stem the tide of war, even if they were unsuccessful.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The neo-nazis were a tiny minority in the gubmit
See my response to Snoopy below.
I'd have to see the photo with Biden and/or his son Hunter. I've seen photos of Putin shaking hands with folks I consider neo-nazis, too.
All I'm focusing on right now that the Chechens have arrived in Ukraine is who they are going after. I hope it's not after people like Zielenskij who for now is standing Salvadore Allende-like in the streets of Kiev.
Maybe your search
It is there. It is a done deal with me. You are welcome to search for the pics if you wish to find out why I have my opinions, and I will read up on Nazis in Russia.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Zielinskiy is not a neo-Nazi
I went through all this here years back. I obviously didn't convince you back then so I doubt I'll be able to do it now. But that's ok. I'd still have a beer with you if the opportunity might ever arise.
You should know by now that I don't rely on US mainstream media anymore than some people predominantly rely on RT. I check out all sorts of sources (including RT and even Pepe Escobar whoever the f--- he is). I'm critical of all imperial powers and against military juntas of all shapes and sizes and denominations. (corrected a few brain fart phrases).
If so I agree that he isn’t one. But there are many Nazis in his government and in the National guard and it’s appalling that we are supporting them. Not long ago there was a vote at the UN condemning Nazism and the US and Canada were the only 2 countries not to vote for it.
I’m listening to this guy’s opinion on the events that have been happening since 2008. It’s about NATO expansion. We did promise Russia that we would not expand 1 inch East after the Berlin Wall came down.
I take what I read on RT with an open mind. I know that it leans pro Russia, but sometimes I find truth there. I have found this site to be more neutral, but open mind still.
The mainstream media is only telling one side of the story and it’s just what it does as stenographers for empire. I recently asked where others are getting their news. Did you look at the site I posted? He seems pretty good.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
a few, not many
Waay back when. I detailed here the numbers and percentages of right wingers in the Ukrainian government. It's less than in freaking France. Will Putin go after France next? I don't think so. Yea, they can and sometimes do exercise an inordinate influence in what goes on in Ukraine, though.
I try to get around to looking at all the stuff you suggest. I'm spinning around quite a bit now. And you have lots more energy than me.
Right now I'm afraid that the Russians will define Zelinskiy as a Nazi and sic the Chechens on him.
I’m not trying to argue with you in case that’s not clear
Did you see the recent coverage of the Nazis training granny? It was quite funny.
I doubt Putin is going to go into any other countries unless they are threatening Russia. He’s definitely not going to take on Europe because that would be suicidal for him and Russia. What he is doing is dealing with a direct threat to Russia. I don’t understand how people can’t see how having NATO on his border isn’t a threat. Again we’d do the same if it was Mexico.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's ok to disagree
Hopefully this place won't ever become like that other place. We agree more than we disagree on things, I think. I looked over at DK today for the first time in years. Looks like only a bunch of people from the CIA are posting.
The little site director who once wanted to be CIA wrote about this situation and I could have sworn I saw the strings that the CIA were using to move his mouth. Lots of others are using their talking points and I just find it sad how many can’t see it for what it is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh good grief
I just looked and they now want Finland and Sweden to join NATO and a few think that maybe Biden should rethink sending troops into Ukraine after all. It’s too bad that Trump isn’t president because they might remember that they once stood against war and would see that NATO aggression isn’t a good thing for world peace. I can only shake my head in sadness at what’s become of them.
"Tell me again why nuclear war is bad?"
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not trying to butt in but there is this.
The never ending expansion eastward by US and NATO. The Ukraine is merely a pawn and takes the punishment while US and NATO sit safely on the sidelines.
Strange how they missed Russia telling them that
Ukraine in NATO or more aggression by it would definitely cross their red line. In the article I linked to he shows where Putin actually said that they did indeed cross the line. Biden sending more troops and equipment to Poland was one of the last inches. Russia had been warning about that for months.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
NATO sucks. Why is it so strong and used for really nasty agendas world wide? Who runs it? Who feeds it? Can't believe it wields this much power. Thought it was a relic of WW2. Get it outta here.