I'm Just A Confused Young Person (reposted with permission)
“I feel sorry sometimes for the young people who, you know, believe this. They don't do their own research. ”
- Hillary Clinton, April 3, 2016 Meet the Press referring to young people (known to the Clinton campaign as not-very-wealthy sheeple) who believe Greenpeace’s evidence that Hillary Clinton accepts money from lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry.
First, let me state the obvious. This has all been horrifically bad politics. You don’t yell at an environmental activist in a rope line in NY state during a Democratic primary. You smile politely, say “it’s great to see you so engaged” and you walk to the next young person and shake their hand. And then, I’m not sure who in the campaign said to themselves, “let’s make this all about Bernie lying,” but even if Bernie’s campaign was lying about this particular point (and I don’t think it is as wonderfully pointed out by about half a dozen diaries on this site, my favorite of which was this one: Washington Post Gets Three Pinocchios Should Apologize to Bernie Sanders) why would Hillary ever want anyone to focus so much attention on her campaign contributors. Good lord… She’s had to return the for-profit prison industry donations, but there are lobbyists for about half-a-dozen other shady industries that have donated, and will donate in the future. Plus, her Super Pacs…. Why would you want to have a conversation about any of this? AND THEN WHY WOULD YOU GO ON NATIONAL TV AND INSULT AN ENTIRE DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP?!?
OK…….. deep breath….. everyone makes mistakes. And you know what, this could be a learning opportunity. I should be a life-long learner, or so my middle school English teacher told me. And, since I’m a young person (OK, I’m 35, I’ve got two kids, a mortgage, and high blood pressure, but I’m apparently still young in this election cycle, which is kinda awesome), this might be just the chance I need to educate myself about fossil fuels and Hillary Clinton. So here it goes….
Hillary Clinton Takes Donations from Fossil Fuel Companies
This issue has been hashed, and re-hashed so much on this site I’m just going to drop a few of the most obvious examples of how Hillary Clinton accepts fossil fuel donations and leave you with cites to better, more thorough sources, because thankfully young people **wink wink** on this site have already done most of the research on this issue:
1) Hillary Clinton does accept SOME individual donations from employees of fossil fuel companies, and SOME of this amount is probably organized by bundlers. The total amount is $308,000. We don’t know how much comes from bundlers compared to gas station attendants. This isn’t that big of a deal, nor is it what the Greenpeace activist was talking about. This Washington Post article is essentially right about the individual donation issue.
2) Hillary Clinton does have registered lobbyists that you can look up on the Internet (thanks again to this wonderful diary, Washington Post Gets Three Pinocchios Should Apologize to Bernie Sanders) that only lobbied for big oil companies and oil think tanks. If you’d like to look them up yourself, visit the Senate website yourself. What’s most worrying about this is that these lobbyists are allowed to donate at all. Democrats should not be taking campaign donations from any registered lobbyists. President Obama was absolutely right, and we should listen to him. Remember this wonderful line from 2007?
I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists — and won. They have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president.
But, I’m sure Hillary is right. The last 8 years have certainly shown that registered lobbyists hold no influence over American politics.
3) Super Pacs, the Clinton Foundation, and Dark Money
Although many worthy diaries have touched on the issue of dark money, and how fossil fuel companies appear to be donating to Super Pacs connected to electing Hillary, it’s worth mentioning that dark money is, well, dark. There’s a lot of it we are not seeing. Greenpeace traced $3,250,000 in donations that were disclosed to the FEC by oil and gas companies to Super Pacs that are trying to elect Hillary. Can she legally prevent these Super Pacs from taking this money? No, but it’s also safe to say she hasn’t explicitly denounced accepting such donations.
The most complicated part of all of this is the Clinton Foundation. There is absolutely no evidence that I’ve seen that Hillary Clinton engaged in a quid pro quo from the oil industry that resulted in donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Sanders campaign has never made this innuendo, although some on this site have. I wouldn’t call it good ethical practice to be so engaged with a private foundation while Secretary of State, but so far there’s no fire regarding the Foundation (emphasis on so far). This Grist article has a good overview of the potential problems, and a summary of the potential exposure Hillary has from the Clinton Foundation.
Does Hillary Clinton Do the Bidding of Fossil Fuel Companies?
If we, as an online community, can be honest about this one, the answer is yes, and no. You really can’t describe Hillary as a friend to oil companies. Yes, there is some evidence that, at the very least, Chevron’s CEO believed that Hillary’s State Department was willing to support its attempt to derail a case by environmental activists in Ecuador. In an e-mail to the State Department in May 2012, a Chevron representative requests a follow-up discussion with the Department because “John Watson [Exxon CEO] had a very good dinner discussion with the Secretary [Clinton] … and took the opportunity to express our concerns about developments in the Chevron Ecuador litigation.” Ever since an Ecuador judge ruled that Chevron owed $18 billion in restitution for widespread environmental damage, Chevron has been using American courts, and US diplomatic pressure, to undermine that judgment and avoid paying anything. It’s one of the worst imaginable examples of US corporate malfeasance, and it’s an embarrassment to our country that the State Department should be involved in assisting Chevron.
However, there’s no evidence that after this dinner Hillary engaged in a direct lobbying effort. The sad fact is that I doubt it would matter who was Secretary of State. It’s standard practice for our government to intervene in South American affairs on behalf of our multinational corporations. It would have been nice to have a Secretary of State that said, no, we won’t support such a terrible idea. But it’s hard to personally blame Hillary for not taking a stand when the entire apparatus of US foreign policy assumes that this is standard operating procedure. Of course, Hillary doesn’t come off completely clean. I particularly enjoy this quote from an editorial by the director of a major foreign policy thinktank and Chevron’s executive vice president of policy and planning:
During her tenure, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recognized the unique attributes of the private sector, and, moreover, the importance of engaging them to restore America’s leadership in global development. “[Y]ou cannot have development in today’s world without partnering with the private sector, and that has been our mantra, and we are now creating examples,” she noted.
The opportunity has never been better for the U.S. government to utilize its relationships with the private sector to help build better, safer and healthier societies around the world. The question is whether it will take the initiative in trying to meet what is America’s key leadership challenge for the 21st century.
It makes me visibly shake in anger to see a Chevron employee claiming that the private sector can “help build better, safer, and healthier societies around the world.” Is it an example of Hillary’s corruption that she spearheaded this effort? I see no evidence. It’s just a slimy example of our foreign policy at work in the world.
The same can probably be said for all the disclosures around the U.S. intervention in Libya that has come from Hillary’s unclassified state department e-mails. For those unfamiliar, you can read this summary from Vice news, which I found fairly well-balanced. There have been suggestions that the e-mails show that Hillary was all about regime change in order to get the oil for her Saudi Arabian buddies. I can’t see much direct support, but it does appear to show that one of her key advisers, Sydney Blumenthal, was either passing her ridiculous CTs about the situation that she appeared to consider serious, or there was a lot more going on in Libya than has yet been publicly disclosed. But, of course we intervened in Libya in part because of the oil. The US cares more about oil than human rights. Jimmy Carter may have been president, but nothing has changed in terms of US foreign policy. We like oil. We like it to flow freely to the open market so that our businesses can purchase it at reasonable prices. It would be nice if we didn’t place such emphasis on oil resources, but it’s not Hillary Clinton’s fault.
It’s Really All About Fracking
So why would oil and gas companies invest in a Clinton presidency? It’s all about fracking. This is what Hillary Clinton had to say at the National Clean Energy Summit in September 2014:
There are challenges here to be sure, but the boom in domestic gas production is an example of American innovation changing the game, and if we do it right, it can be good for both the environment and our economy. With the right safeguards in place, gas is cleaner than coal. And expanding production is creating tens of thousands of new jobs. And lower costs are helping give the United States a big competitive advantage in energy-intensive energies. …
But to capitalize on this boom, we have to face head-on the legitimate, pressing environmental concerns about some new extraction practices and their impacts on local water, soil, and air supplies. Methane leaks in the production and transportation of natural gas are particularly troubling. So it’s crucial that we put in place smart regulations and enforce them, including deciding not to drill when the risks are too high.
Now, many Democrats on this site will find this very reasonable. We were told, not too long ago, that we needed a “bridge” to our fossil-fuel-free future, and that bridge had to be natural gas. It is plentiful, it is located in America, and the burning of it emits far less carbon dioxide than coal. It’s such a powerful combination that I imagine almost any Third Way Democrat instantly starts salivating about the possibility of using oil and gas companies to save the planet from climate change (and this is still the prevailing view among political elites throughout the world). To be fair, so did many environmental NGOs that probably should have known better.
Unfortunately, there’s now overwhelming evidence that fugitive methane emissions (which is any methane emission to the atmosphere that occurs the drilling site, pipelines, compressor stations, or during transit) are commonplace at fracking sites (this ThinkProgress article points you to many of the scientific studies, including the 2012 Cornell study that received what I call the leaded gasoline industry shill treatment, but turned out to be pretty accurate, and Joe Romm recently published an even more definitive list of studies showing no net benefit from Methane). Since Methane traps 86 times more heat over a 20-year period than carbon dioxide, there is no bridge by burning natural gas. Methane emissions in the U.S. have increased by 30 percent between 2002-2014, and if fracking continues, we will almost certainly surpass 2 degrees C, and see ocean levels rise by potentially more than 6 feet in less than 100 years.
But, you say, Hillary Clinton knows this, and wants to make sure we regulate methane to prevent fugitive emissions! In fact, the Obama administration is putting in place new regulations that will solve this problem! Well, the EPA is putting in place new regulations. New regulations proposed last summer were intended to reduce methane emissions 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025. That’s not particularly ambitious given the danger we find ourselves in. The EPA recently announced a new initiative to cut emissions even further, but it will need to go through the rulemaking process before we get a clear sense of whether it will be any better. These types of emissions, which occur from production pipelines and temporary drilling rigs, are next to impossible for the EPA to properly enforce, so even if these rules are put in place, it will take a massive enforcement effort just to ensure minimum compliance. In other words, it will take too long, and be too difficult, to regulate, and the damage from methane emissions is simply too high.
Now, Hillary Clinton has given a very, very convoluted answer to whether she currently supports fracking. Here’s the gist:
- “I don’t support it when any locality or any state is against it.”
- “I don’t support it when the release of methane or contamination of water is present.”
- “I don’t support it ... unless we can require that anybody who fracks has to tell us exactly what chemicals they are using.”
Honestly, I’ve spent a good portion of my life reading legal cases, and even I can’t tell what the fuck this means. If she doesn’t support fracking when the release of methane is present, then I guess she doesn’t support fracking period. Then again, maybe she isn’t aware that no amount of EPA regulations could ever reduce methane emissions to zero. I obviously hope that she didn’t know about the problem of fugitive methane emissions when she was Secretary of State and shamelessly promoting fracking to governments all around the world, because that’s pretty fucking cynical.
But here’s the reality of that statement. The first requirement is largely meaningless. As President, she will have no ability to tell Oklahoma, for example, that they must ban fracking if a local Oklahoma municipality votes to ban it. The Constitution prevents the federal government from stepping in to dictate the political autonomy of local governments (it couldn’t, for example, dictate that New York City control its own education budget). And since states are capable of setting regulations that prevent the practice from occurring, there’s really no reason to even say this, other than it sounds tough.
The second requirement, as noted above, could either be read as a blanket ban on fracking, or a general statement that she thinks it should be safe. I believe it’s signaling that she supports fracking if it’s “safe”, because otherwise why have a discussion about natural gas as a bridge? But the statement is so ambiguous that I can only reach that conclusion by assuming she didn’t do a 360 on her policy since the summer of 2014. Finally, the third requirement is also riddled with potential misinterpretations. Would it be enough for the fracking companies to submit their chemical mixtures to the EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act, even if they didn’t have to release the mixtures to the public? Or does she want actual transparency? Who knows? The EPA is already in the process of approving new rules to regulate fracking fluid. Would that be enough for her? It wouldn’t do anything about the toxic fracking WASTEWATER that is typically discharged into wells and potentially nearby water sources, which is the real problem with fracking fluids.
The fact of the matter is, I strongly suspect that Hillary Clinton supports continued expansion of oil and natural gas drilling in the United States as part of the “all of the above” energy strategy pioneered, unfortunately, by President Obama. That’s why oil and gas companies donate to her PACs and it’s why registered lobbyists bundle and donate to her campaign. Can I definitely show that this is true? No, I can just do some research.
So, Ignorant, Pathetic Young Person, Why Support Sanders?
“My answer — my answer is a lot shorter. No, I do not support fracking.”
Reposted with full permissions from the author, acommonconcernofhumankind
from the diary on DailyKos

Hillary won't sign the Greenpeace pledge
Hillary won't sign the Greenpeace pledge to reject fossil fuel contributions. Why not?
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Seems identical to one she signed for private prisons $
after her donations from that source became a political liability. All those superpredators who need to be brought to heel become income sources for private prisons and very cheap labor. And may not be able to vote once they're out. Win-win for the Clinton-for-profit-prison axis of evil, but not when that connection becomes public.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Reluctant weathervane
Clinton seems to be more inept at the convenient flip-flop than the plastic Mitt Romney. Romney's behavior belies his inherent amoral, unprincipled outlook on life; Clinton's approach looks like a pig-headed inability to admit a mistake or the fear of appearing weak. In LBJ, the latter failing led to escalation in Vietnam; where will it lead us under a President Clinton?
Delusion sets in at Camp . . .
Kos takes another yuuge swat at the wasp’s nest.
He's trolling Sanders supporters now.
Best to ignore. He is making a bold move because if Sanders pulls this off, his name is mudd.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Maybe he needs us to come back
Maybe he needs us to come back because site traffic has taken a dip? But I'm not clicking over there for the foreseeable future.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Just can't read that; & since TOP has been brought up....
...hope it is okay to vent that there are two diaries up there now alleging that Bernie has lied in some way about his tax returns, both diary titles mentioning "pinnochios" (three or four, allegedly, take your pick, what is he supposed to have done, released his next door neighbor's instead? I have no idea what that's supposed to be about, since I don't even want to click, but clearly it's another concerted hit on Bernie's strong "integrity" front.)
For some reason with this, and Kos's open contempt, tipping point seems reached, not sure I can stand to go back there any more, even for the gallant OPOL and LieparDestin.
Contempt on either side is a strong sign that a relationship is irrecoverable, according to one marriage counselor I know of. Other types of relationships too, maybe.
Thanks for the pootie picture. Going to miss those.
The ass BBB is expresssing how
you haven't lived unless you've relieved yourself in a billionaires bathroom. unfrunkingbelievable. I swear sometimes I think this isn't real and I'm in a Monty Python skit.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I have, its not such a big deal.
What, been in a Monty Python skit?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
When I was an art registrar @NYC museums I would get to pick up
artwork from the homes of the rich and famous. Often I'd be met in the vestibule by the housekeeper who'd take me to the art, and while I was packing it up I'd get to check out the place. Sometimes, tho, the work would be already packed and ready to go. Ar those times, I always asked to use the bathroom so I'd get escorted through the place and would get to see what else there was to see. Most of these collectors were extremely wealthy and there were a couple of billionaires in there. Can't remember much about the bathrooms, but I got to see some incredible art.
In other words BBB is acting like a little Trump and DK applauds
Snowflakes of cognitive dissonance descended, compacting to form a glacier that rapidly grew to Greenlandic proportions.
Is a lousy writer. Always has been. Not worth reading anything he says.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I like the two-grade system for compositions: one grade
for concept and one for execution. With kos, writing and idea are competent in a pedestrian way but rarely more. Nothing to inflict on oneself if it's not assigned reading.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
couldn't even read it
I thought I would check in over there, today. But I opened the page, saw that headline and promptly closed it.
It's so unnecessary. he's just doing it to be adversarial to Sanders supporters. I hope he realizes that if any of them were going to stick with voting Democrat, he's aiding in pushing them away.
Sadly, Kos seems to be stuck in a political stance that is rapidly becoming extinct. People aren't going to associate themselves with a party unless that party is actually representing the agenda they are interested in. With the advent of social media and a much more internet-savvy public, the political parties don't have a monopoly on the dissemination of information.
Bernie didn't start a movement. His personal history and political agenda just so happen to align with the agenda of a pre-existing movement which has been coalescing since the bailout of the banks and the refusal to put single payer on the table when the ACA was being drafted. If he loses the primary, his supporters aren't going to stick with the party just because. They aren't suddenly going to see Hillary as representing their agenda. And they have options. They will use them. If Kos doesn't get that, he's going to become irrelevant, right along with the Clintons of the world. Maybe they'll win this election, but the end of their political dominance is nigh.
Kos has a not-quite mature adolescents personality.
He can get caught up in taunts and childishness. Sometimes I wonder if GGGE is his getting out on the town persona. He logs in as GGGE and proceeds to spread assholishness.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I don't know
who GGGE is.
No worries
Just a character at TOS. You wouldn't miss him.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
It’s an abbreviation for “GoGoGoEverton,” a username over at
TOP (That Other Place, i.e. Daily Kos).
I did not know that but could NEVER
stand much from that person. I won't waste my time.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I see kos as about the age of a 12 year old, and biggest bully
on the play ground.
He seems to think we can be bullied into voting for that other bully, Hillary Clinton and her jabbing finger.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
lol whether some of those trolls are kos himself or not
they certainly have entered his cult of personality.
bern baby bern disco inberno
TY for your well-reason post and it's reasoned tone.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
It's not my post
As much as I dearly wish it was. Yeah, I know I said that above but I want to make that abundantly clear.
I read this over on GOS and it was so well reasoned and cited that I asked permission to repost here.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Excuse me, but
this is the third time in 3 days that Kos has been injected out of the blue into a discussion that is going along fine and has nothing to do with him at all. I know that it is an on-going issue with you guys, but show some respect..sheeshh!
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Er, with respect,
the column was labeled as crossposted from over there, which provided a "hook"; and TOP was further mentioned by the second commenter, so that it seems to have hardly interrupted anything.
Your patience is begged, recognizing that these matters are not of interest to everybody.
So, this post wasn't written for this site, you guys already
read it, you've been talking about it elsewhere, and now you've brought you discussion over here? I found this post to be well written and thought provoking. I was considering it and its implications when the process was stopped by comments having NOTHING TO DO with the post. Beg all you want, patience denied. Go get a room.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Didn't read or discuss it over there
FYI. You demand respect, yet grant none? Can get plenty of that attitude over at TOP.
As many have said, including JtC and others...
We have to be patient, as we will continue to get waves of refugees who need to vent. I have no problem with it. I can ignore the discussion if I want to, but I actually found this site to be such a relief when I first came over that I'm happy to indulge others in their need to express themselves freely after walking on eggshells for months.
But everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I didn't say anything about not granting respect. That seems to
be your preoccupation.
JtC, this comment posted just after yours...we were writing at the same time.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
see my comment directly below this one.
please back off a bit. We allow people space here.
You know JtC, I don't feel that I encroached on anyone with
my initial request. But, apparently, it is too much to ask that the author of a post be given some respect for his work. I missed the fact that this post was brought over here from dkos for the sole purpose of continuing that fight over here. Stepped in shit again. I took the poster at his/her word that it was brought here because of its content. I won't make that mistake again. I guess I am starting to wonder how much space it takes. I hope that I have enough space to wonder about things like that and to say what I think and feel without being warned off. If not, then please let me know before I cross a line that I cannot see? I hate it when that happens.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Not a warning...
just a gentle suggestion.
Peace, my friend.
The with all due respect guys
Saw them on the TV yesterday and they were both saying... BERNIES young supporters are some of the most informed voters in this entire primary season.
And I thought... Yes, yes they are
and then I changed the channel because they went back to talking about stupid stuff.
Orwell was an optimist
Their show on Showtime, "The Circus" is pretty entertaining
even if it is just an establishment perspective of the inside of the race. They are hacks, but they at least know that they have to be subtle about their spin, and can put on an act of being level headed unlike the rest of the pundits. It amazes me how tonedeaf so many pundits are, I can't even respect them for being good at their job. Not that I have any respect for the profession at all, but I like to determine who is the best at selling snakeoil. Halperin and Heilemann have good analysis sometimes because they know in this age of constant scrutiny they have to maintain their nonpartisan brand. Same thing with Morning Joe. The rest of their ilk are still living in the early 2000s or earlier, they haven't adapted, and it shows... Or maybe they just know that their timeslots have fewer viewers and they don't care about how they come off, because the people who really pay attention only watch the primetime morning and evening slots. Those two though, are also supposedly some of the most connected pundits in DC, so if you ever want to hear the new campaign talking points being pushed, they are usually some of the first doing the pushing. I've been wanting to cancel my cable subscription, but I'm learning too much about the propaganda model to give it up just yet.
bern baby bern disco inberno
This says it all
inactive account
In my opinion this is a typical Clinton response
It's reminiscent of her answer to TPP. What she actually said was that she was supportive of fracking but wanted a bunch of niggly regulations which would undoubtedly never pass congress and never be enforced.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Clinton-school Rhetoric
She does the same thing concerning Glass-Stegal and then they turn around and slam Sanders for being weak on Wall Street supported by the Krugman at the times (when will he be honest and change his blog title to "Conscience of a Centrist"—maybe that's too obviously an oxymoron?)
What a charmer!
Putting off voters near you.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Not charm, "inevitability"
Well, Clinton is a Democrat in her own mind, so she expects that we'll all have to vote for her to keep the more corrupt politician away.
I think I'm a little ticked off this evening: I got to stop paying attention, I guess.