Democrats Progressive Caucus declares war on progressive voters

The progressive insurgency in the Democratic Party that began in 2016, and peaked in 2019, has been in decline for several years now. The party establishment has sensed it's weakness and now is looking to give the coup de grâce to the upstarts.
It seems fitting that this killing blow will be delivered by the leadership of the progressive wing of the party.

A pack of progressive candidates have crashed this year’s Democratic primaries, hoping to unseat incumbents and push the party to the left. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), the fifth-ranking Democrat in the House, has other plans.

Jeffries and two of his House Democrat allies on Wednesday rolled out the first slate of endorsements from Team Blue PAC, a political action committee intended to protect incumbents from intraparty attacks.

A PAC to protect incumbents during primaries is always controversial, but this one has compromised ethics far beyond that.

The lawmakers united in an effort to provide resources to the increasing number of House Democrats who face primary challenges — in particular, from the left. That circumstance faces the five incumbents who received endorsements on Wednesday: Reps. Shontel Brown (D-Ohio), Danny Davis (D-Ill.), Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J.), and Dina Titus (D-Nev.). Davis and Maloney face opponents backed by Justice Democrats; Brown faces a rematch from Bernie Sanders ally Nina Turner, who had the support of the left-wing group during a special election to fill the seat last year...
he insists the PAC’s efforts are not strictly a matter of ideology: Maloney is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, just like he is. Its purpose, Jeffries says, is to protect incumbents’ records from “being distorted” by “the hard-left.” He uses the term to separate himself from his detractors, who see actions like these endorsements as evidence he’s not on their side. “Why are members of the hard-left targeting progressive members of Congress, and then trying to act as though they’re engaging in some ideological contest against the rest of us?” Jeffries says. (It’s worth noting, of course, that Team Blue PAC isn’t defending any incumbents from challenges from the right.)

Once again the Dems have proven that they would rather lose to the right, than win with the left. The only difference this time is that the Progressive Caucus is proving it.
This is clearly entrenched corruption protecting itself from left-wing reform efforts, but just in case this was clear enough to see just follow the money.

There’s also the matter of corporate campaign funding, which all of the Team Blue PAC-endorsed candidates accept. The PAC itself is primarily financed through corporate PAC money, and I asked Jeffries whether that fact proves his detractors’ point.

There is no one in Congress that doesn't deserve to be voted out.
In a related note, has a surprisingly good article this week.

Today’s Democrats fancy themselves as the party that trusts the evidence — wherever it might lead. This is why they invest heavily in science and technology and set up arms of government to translate that knowledge into action. But despite claiming to prioritize new ways of improving our society, Democrats don’t always act in ways that are rooted in research.

In fact, sometimes they actively resist doing what the evidence says — especially when it comes to implementing policies that give financial benefits to people low on America’s societal totem pole...
politicians across the political spectrum have found a number of scapegoats to use while arguing against expanding the social safety net, including playing to Americans’ fears about rising inflation rates. As a result, various programs that would help people — namely the poor and people of color — have become taboo.

What’s striking, though, is that if you actually look at most social science research, investing in the social safety net is fiscally responsible — it pays large dividends for both individuals and our collective society. Economists have studied this for decades, finding that anti-poverty and cash-assistance programs executed both in and outside of the U.S. are linked to increased labor participation in the workforce, while investing in childcare benefits not only children, but the broader economy and society they are raised in. Moreover, newer initiatives like canceling student debt could add up to 1.5 million jobs and lift over 5 million Americans out of poverty in addition to freeing many Americans of the debt trap that is contributing to a lagging housing market and widening racial wealth gap.

It's too bad that almost no one in the United States today considers the idea of Classism to be a thing, even when the evidence of it is crystal clear.

18 users have voted.


usefewersyllables's picture

They have had the last vote from this voter for their ticket at any level of the process, from dogcatcher on up. They, as a party, are dead to me- and I suspect that I'm not alone. It doesn't matter if they protect their do-nothing incumbents, as far as I'm concerned. If the repubs run Trump, and it sounds like they will, his broad orange sociopathic coattails will hand them that fondly-desired supermajority control of the whole fucking government. Too bad.

The dems as a party deserve nothing less than the abject disgust and disdain of the entire voting public.

(On edit- typos and clarification of the final sentence).

21 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

an Orwellian law

The Oklahoma Legislature started its 2022 session this week with a slew of anti-abortion bills, which isn’t uncommon...
But this year’s anti-abortion bills ― 11 were pre-filed before the legislative session even began ― bring fresh menace. The state’s Republican governor has already promised that he would sign any abortion restriction the Oklahoma Legislature sends his way.

And the bills coming to the floor range from extreme to downright dystopian, including one that would create a state-run database of some pregnant people in the state.
Last year alone, Oklahoma passed a six-week abortion ban, a “trigger” ban if the high court rules against Roe v. Wade, a total ban and restrictions on medication abortion and other measures restricting reproductive rights (almost all have been blocked in lower courts).

The 2022 pre-filed bills include two six-week abortion bans and a total ban with similar enforcement mechanisms to Texas’ draconian restriction that deputizes private citizens to sue to enforce the law. Other proposed measures give personhood status to fetuses, ban abortion at 30 days and add a constitutional amendment declaring Oklahoma does not protect the right to abortion.

11 users have voted.

@gjohnsit O
Wasn't that a territory where Indians were resettled and then stolen from them a second time?

11 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Pluto's Republic's picture

Always vote against the incumbent in any election, no matter the Party — and make your vote mean something.

The incumbents are the enablers of the corruption.

The Democrats know this well.

Make every term a first term for both Parties and all elected officials.

Force all of them to re-learn Democracy and teach them that the People rule.

9 users have voted.
Carry a flame and share the light.


@Pluto's Republic
may actually be the most hopeful way out of the abyss our democracy has fallen into.

Absent a third party candidate, I’ll be reduced to write-ins or blanks. Choosing between D’s & R’s strikes me as a futile exercise.

7 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

The people running the Democratic Party are increasingly far left of the actual party, and hemorrhaging working class voters of all hues. The second most expensive item in the BBB was an increased tax cut to write off SALT. With the new tax laws just about everyone takes the standard deduction. A married couple needs (from memory I might be wrong) $24K worth of deductions to even itemize. I think the average wage is something like $29K. So the Democratic party was fixated on a tax policy taken mostly by those earning six figures and more. What happened to that minimum wage? Essential workers during covid got.... silence. I"m not saying vote R, not by a long shot, but I am saying the D party does nothing for me, or people like me, they're too busy renaming Abraham Lincoln High School or adding an X to words.

4 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

@ban nock
I'm a little confused regarding the label "far left"
As one who is an avid anti-war activist and peacenik, I've always thought this to be far left.
Advocating for our collective children to be spoiled with education and healthcare rings far left also. Early childhood education, affordable childcare, school lunch programs, and tax credits for working families are all far left policies.
Affordable housing, generous minimum wages that are inflation proof, humane and safe working conditions, and adequate union representation have always been on the left side.
Bernie Sanders, imho, would be far left. Or at least his rhetoric is.
The current Democrat Party supports none of these things. Only blah blah blah and empty promises.
They are more to the right wing than even Nixon.
When I peruse right wing blogs ( Breitbart, Zero Hedge, Raw Conservative ) their use of the terms leftard, leftys, socialists or commies don't fit my ideology at all. But I forgive them their ignorance.
I cannot accept those terms being used on progressive blogs like this one as correct.
If I'm not far left, then where the hell am I?

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 "Far left" is like Pol Pot. Wealthy, highly educated, stupid. Far left wanted to change the name of John Muir high school because he wasn't pure enough. Far left separates people into categories by sex/race and discriminates based on it. Ultra woke nutcases. Subsidizing nannies and au pairs for professionals with tax dollars rather than simply giving moms money and letting them do with it as they please. We need fewer educators and more teachers.

Affordable housing for professionals does nothing for the working class. Minimum wage is something both parties agree to deep six, the only difference is Ds pretend to care. Tax credits are for people plugged into the system already, the middle class, including especially the upper middle class. A $20 dollar minimum wage would actually lift people out of poverty. And what of our cities overrun with crime and feces? Insane asylums for the crazies and an end to homelessness?

Hate crimes on Asians have risen 360%.

I could care less about programs for the already wealthy.

I categorize far left via cultural issues. On economic ones they are just more neolibs. Sanders gave up a lot in his attempt to be viable in the primaries.

Anti war? Great, so isn't everyone. Health care? Still sucks. Live to get Medicare, or be poor enough for Medicaid and pray you don't lose benefits due to earning too much. Single payer is a way to keep Drs and hospital groups raking it in. Does nothing for the cost of care. What other modern country had a huge segment of the population believing in horse goop and anti vaccination? That's how trusted our health care system is.

off to work

0 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@ban nock -- he worked in a factory while hanging out with Paris intellectuals, and then created a regime that pandered to Chairman Mao while settling inter-tribal scores with Cambodia's minority populations. Generally speaking, when you have a "People's Republic" that kills the people, you have a pseudo-left, not a "far left."

The characteristic move of any pseudo-left is what is called the "Thermidor moment" or "Thermidorian reaction." That's the point at which the so-called revolutionary party adopts reactionary policies while pretending to "safeguard the revolution." Thermidor was the month in the revolutionary French calendar when, in 1794, the Directory took over from the Reign of Terror and instituted a fundamentally conservative regime which was in five years replaced smoothly with Napoleon's empire.

And so, for instance, in Russia you had Lenin's suppression of party factions in 1921, or in the United States Bernie Sanders' two capitulations to the neoliberal ruling faction of the Democratic Party. I suppose you might call the opponents of Thermidor moments the "far left" but maybe a better term would be the "genuine left."

It really does become cumbersome when we try to fit all of politics into "right," "left," and "center," the seating arrangement at the Estates-General of ancien regime France. At what point do we admit that there is no genuine politics occurring at all and that we must indeed wait for a genuine politics to occur?

5 users have voted.

"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

Shahryar's picture

“Why are members of the hard-left targeting progressive members of Congress, and then trying to act as though they’re engaging in some ideological contest against the rest of us?”

oh, by the way, it's all a sham. I guess we all know that.

9 users have voted.
Sima's picture

the word 'progressive'. Soon as Hillary stole it. I'm not surprised at this, not at all. It's so... stupid and so normal for the Dems. I think I'll just adopt the phrase 'far-left'. They dare not steal that, right?

6 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

Dems talking about the right to vote, while trying to stomp on that right during dem primaries. Demonizing progressives with as much enthusiasm as Tucker Carlson has bashing the dems. Double talking fighting corporate greed while wallowing in corporate bucks. Ought to be fun. There will be massive pretzel bending when the dems have to fight the popular programs the left is promoting, while claiming they're for the same programs, just less radical. Not that they'll attempt to pass any of the promises into legislation if in power.

HR Clinton is the perfect modern democrat, and I can only hope she's the end of what the party has become.

4 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

when you can be a conduit for money?

2 users have voted.

"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione