02/14 - Frederick Douglass Day

It's Frederick Douglass Day. Best known as an abolitionist, as an author and for his debates with Abe Lincoln, he was an all around social reformer and staunch supporter of women's suffrage. He was the only black person to attend the famous Seneca Falls Convention and gave a speech in support of women's suffrage, controversial even there, in which he declared that he could not personally accept the right to vote as a black person so long as women were denied that same right.
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”
-- Frederick Douglass (quote HT - Joe Shickspack)
Given Douglass' life and works, it is perhaps fitting that it is also Race Relations Day except for the fact that the phrase, standing alone like that, seems somewhat vacuous, like so many merely titular "holidays" that fail to promote anything or exhort people to any particular action or behavior. One could almost see it as a Hallmark Holiday, though it isn't crass and commercialized.
Perhaps, given Douglass' status and standing as an author is is better paired with International Book Giving Day, Library Lovers Day, and Read to Your Child Day all of which occur on this day as well.
Today is also a real greeting card holiday, supposedly all about love and possibly caring and like that, but I suggest that a quick perusal of world history on this date indicates no such thing, just like every other day. It is more about greeting cards, store-bought bouquets and candy, which might be why it is also National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
On this day in history:
1349 – Several hundred Jews were burned to death by mobs while the remaining Jews were forcibly removed from Strasbourg.
1530 – Spanish conquistadores overthrew and executed Tangaxuan II
1655 – The Mapuches launched coordinated attacks against the Spanish in Chile
1778 – The US flag was formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time
1779 – James Cook was killed by Native Hawaiians near Kealakekua on the Island of Hawaii.
1797 – John Jervis, and Horatio Nelson led the British Royal Navy to victory over a Spanish fleet in action near Gibraltar.
1852 – Great Ormond St Hospital for Sick Children, the first hospital in England to provide in-patient beds specifically for children, was founded
1855 – Texas was linked by telegraph to the rest of the United States
1876 – Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for the telephone, as did Elisha Gray.
1899 – Voting machines were approved by the U.S. Congress for use in federal elections.
1903 – The US Department of Commerce and Labor was established
1912 – Arizona was admitted as the 48th and the last contiguous U.S. state.
1912 – The U.S. Navy commissioned its first class of diesel-powered submarines.
1920 – The League of Women Voters was founded
1929 – Seven people, including six rivals of Al Capone's gang, were murdered in Chicago.
1945 – The British Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces begin fire-bombing Dresden.
1945 – FDR met King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy, officially beginning U.S.-Saudi diplomatic relations.
1946 – The Bank of England was nationalized.
1949 – The Knesset convened for the first time.
1949 – The Asbestos Strike began in Canada.
1961 – Element 103, Lawrencium, was first synthesized at the University of California.
1966 – Australian currency was decimalized.
1983 – United American Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee collapsed
1989 – Union Carbide agreed to pay $470 million to the Indian government for damages it caused in the 1984 Bhopal disaster.
1990 – The Voyager 1 spacecraft took the photograph of planet Earth that later became famous as Pale Blue Dot.
2000 – The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker entered orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid.
2005 – In Beirut, 23 people, were killed when the equivalent 1,000 kg of TNT was detonated
2005 – YouTube was launched by a group of college students,
2011 – As a part of Arab Spring, the Bahraini uprising began with a 'Day of Rage'.
Born this day in:
“He has nothing useful to say about fascism who is unwilling to mention capitalism.”
~~ Max Horkheimer
1404 – Leon Battista Alberti, painter, poet, and philosopher
1602 – Francesco Cavalli, composer
1784 – Heinrich Baermann, clarinetist
1813 – Lydia Hamilton Smith, businesswoman
1819 – Christopher Latham Sholes, journalist and politician, invented the typewriter
1838 – Margaret E. Knight, inventor
1847 – Anna Howard Shaw, physician, minister, and activist
1848 – Benjamin Baillaud, astronomer and academic
1869 – Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, physicist and meteorologist
1895 – Max Horkheimer, German philosopher and sociologist
1898 – Fritz Zwicky, physicist and astronomer
1900 – Jessica Dragonette, singer
1913 – Jimmy Hoffa, trade union leader
1917 – Herbert A. Hauptman, mathematician and academic
1937 – Magic Sam, singer and guitarist
1939 – Razzy Bailey, country music singer, songwriter, and musician
1939 – Blowfly, singer, songwriter, and producer
1943 – Eric Andersen, singer and songwriter
1943 – Maceo Parker, saxophonist
1946 – Gregory Hines, actor, singer, and dancer
1947 – Tim Buckley, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1950 – Roger Fisher, guitarist and songwriter
1972 – Rob Thomas, singer, songwriter
1976 – Liv Kristine, singer and songwriter
1977 – Anna Erschler, mathematician
Died this day in:
Balanced' is a code for 'denied': a right to free speech that must be 'balanced' against so exhaustive a list of other supposed values means a right that can be exercised only when those in power judge that the speech in question is innocuous to them.
~~ Ronald Dworkin
1744 – John Hadley, mathematician, invented the octant
1779 – James Cook, captain, cartographer, and explorer
1780 – William Blackstone, jurist and politician
1884 – Lydia Hamilton Smith, businesswoman
1894 – Eugène Charles Catalan, mathematician and academic
1933 – Carl Correns, botanist and geneticist
1943 – David Hilbert, mathematician, physicist, and philosopher
1950 – Karl Guthe Jansky, physicist and engineer
1959 – Baby Dodds, drummer
1969 – Vito Genovese, mob boss
1975 – P. G. Wodehouse, novelist and playwright
1989 – James Bond, ornithologist and zoologist
1989 – Vincent Crane, pianist
1999 – Buddy Knox, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
2002 – Mick Tucker, drummer
2006 – Lynden David Hall, singer, songwriter, and producer
2007 – Gareth Morris, flute player and educator
2009 – Louie Bellson, drummer and composer
2010 – Doug Fieger, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
2010 – Dick Francis, jockey and author
2011 – George Shearing, pianist and composer
2012 – Tonmi Lillman, drummer and producer
2012 – Dory Previn, singer and songwriter
2013 – Ronald Dworkin, philosopher and scholar
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Independence Day (Grenada), celebrates the independence of Grenada from the United Kingdom in 1974.
Frederick Douglass Day
Race Relations Day
International Book Giving Day
Library Lovers Day
Read to Your Child Day
International Epilepsy Day
League of Women Voters Day
National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
Valentine's Day
Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies
Francesco Cavalli
Heinrich Baermann
Jessica Dragonette
Magic Sam
Eric Anderson
Maceo Parker
Roger Fisher
Rob Thomas
Baby Dodds
Vincent Crane
Buddy Knox
Louie Bellson
George Shearing
Please Note: Please do not post any Covid-19 related commentary in the comments. Thank you. There is a separate OT, aka The Dose, where all such material is welcome. Thanks again.
Ok, it's an open thread, so it's up to you folks now. So what's on your mind?

EPIC returns
Maybe should have wrote The Return of EPIC. Biden already ended child poverty, so what's next for the Ds? As California goes, so goes the carousel ride. round and round and round we spin, blah blah blah etc. Here is the old EPIC ya know
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, etc..
Here is the new EPIC
Former Stockton mayor launches nonprofit to end poverty in California
Nothing says safety like access to a baby bond.
I vote STFU and just give everything to everybody. Debate that why not. The first book report I ever had to write was on Frederick Douglass and the debates, second grade. Still remember the B, above average! lol Whatever, it did encourage me to keep thinking both sides of everything, almost takes twice the calories. think thank thunk
I was educated in Marin County, or China? Ha ha! Pluto's Republic comment in another thread made me LOL. Marin General Hospital was my introduction to being overdosed by anasthesia. In 1965. My backyard neighbors gf works there now, pushing insurance papers around for the radiology department. She is the one who saved my ass when I broke my collarbone, and didn't want to go the hospital. Small world. Kinda circular.
Peace and Love
Babies need bucks, but nobody's giving them any and I bet they
Won't. Its just theatre, like pretending to "consider" single payer.
They are lying and both are for almost the same reason. And its a roadblock.
I'm not kidding, it would require a huge change in the world for this GATS Article 1:3 c to change. Biden or any other US or California politician is not empowered to change it. See this:
Whose WTO is it anyway?
The WTO is ‘member-driven’, with decisions taken by consensus among all member governments.
Get it? So, even though the State of California is the sixth largest economy in the world, thats not enough in this case.
If they were giving kids money, where is the banks cut? If less kids take out loans, or get foreclosed on, where does that leave the international banks? With less profit?
Also, what kids are they helping? What about the poorer fatherless ones? Are they kids in the official definition?
IS this implying that kids are part owners of anything, when they aren't supposed to be if that takes the entitlements which now seem to be owned by corporations. Owend by treaty, so its international. The people have been taken out of the picture. This cover up is intended to obscure, not reveal the truth.
I think I get it
I did not know California has fallen to sixth place, haven't checked. Go dawg go! Keep dropping! Drop all the way until the Central Valley quits sinking. that's my idea. Build back better dirt. right on
Peace and Love
tra la la
Good morning eyo. Sounds like it will be
truly EPIC indeed. Baby Bonds seemingly won't help babys at all, but, if they survive into adulthood will, if the bbf (baby bond fund) is still existent and solvent, give them some bread upon adulthood. No doubt they can spend it at the circus. EPIC's first matter of business will probably be to find a new name because there is an inteernational movement known as the Epic foundation, Epic Systems, and an Epic Charity Challenge plus who knows what else.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning...
I believe there was another black person at Seneca Falls...
"Ain't I A Woman," one of Sojourner's most famous speeches, talks about the strength of black women.
Thanks for the OT and all the music.
Happy Valentines Day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. Sojourner Truth was somewhat
famously NOT at Seneca Falls. Her famous speech was given in Akron Ohio at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in May of 1851. Though a statue of her was placed in the Women's Rights National Historical Park, that statue celebrates her Akron speech and overall influence in the Womens' Rights Movement. That Weebly page doesn't assert anything to the contrary but characterizes her simply as an important figure in that movement and gives a shippet of herr speech annotated as follows:
(For what it's worth, the actual full content of that speech, which was extempore, has been reported differently by various contemporary reporters.)
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
should have known you had it right...
the link came from a search of sojourner and Seneca falls and had the title Seneca Falls as a header.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Holy Moly!
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown! That along with The Jefferson Airplane was the first r&r act I'd seen live. Long time ago. Thanks for the memory jog and the OT. Funny about OT, I always thought that meant stick to the Original Topic.
Good morning Snode. My pleasure. OT, of course
stands for the opposite of original topic (and how many topics are original, after all?). It is very much anything goes, within the parameters of any overall site rules.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Need a Monday morning chuckle?
On a side note the Twit is abuzz with the guy training this granny is a neo Nazis. Good old long embedded war reporter Richard Engel broke the story about her training. He’s being taken apart.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Info on the patch
Lots of elderly gents are rolling in their graves after seeing this crap that their grandkids are doing.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Good morning Snoops. Azov battalion is a big part of
Ukraine's post Maiden reality hearkening back to the good old days when they were an outright NAZI fiefdom. Most USians neither know nor care, so that propaganda effort is likely to get wings.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It appears that they don't fact check their heroines.
Good morning all. Overslept bigly. Reasons.
So now to play catch up. Happy whatever you may celebrate.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
wonder what happened to Pluto's essay
regarding Biden's mental fitness. One minute it was there, by the time I typed a reply, it was gone.
"Access denied". Unpublished?
question everything
If it's gone, I am glad I read it before it was made
to go.
I guess this site can't afford such an essay without being 'made to go as well'. That is just my assumption and other than my gut's instinct, I have nothing to base my suspicions on.
Have a good evening, all.
It is there again - no problem /nt
Here one minute, then gone then next
sort of like life's fortunes
but come back again
question everything
Makes me curious. If you publish something and then
use the "edit" function to start editing it, does the original stay live while it is being edited?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good evening, peeps!
Several months ago, a beautiful kitten showed up at my office, and before we could nab it, it disappeared.
Well, today, it came back. We were able to get it into a bathroom, and I got my husband to bring a crate. My assistant called a rescue center, and they got the beautiful cat this evening.
Oh, and my husband brought me some yellow roses and some chocolate covered strawberries.
Very cool Valentine's Day!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Frederick Douglass...
My kind of Republican.
“A recently reprinted memoir by Frederick Douglass has footnotes explaining what words like ‘arraigned,’ ‘curried’ and ‘exculpate’ meant, and explaining who Job was. In other words, this man who was born a slave and never went to school educated himself to the point where his words now have to be explained to today’s expensively under-educated generation.”
“A society that puts equality—in the sense of equality of outcome—ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests.”
― Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice
James Bond
Hi all, Hi EL,
There was a copy of that first edition of Birds of the West Indies by James Bond in the house when I was growing up, so I always figured I would do the Carribean and see all those cool endemics. Todies. Never made it there, yet. Loaned one edition to a friend who gave it to his son, a Charter Captain down there... never saw it again. Have a paperback 2nd ed. now.
Of course Ian Fleming was a birder. Story very roughly, which I presume you heard but maybe some here would enjoy, was that once when birding in the U.K., a Peregrine flushed a mudflat of shorebirds, where there one one Knot the Peregrine almost caught, so close, the Knot shit, and Fleming said "shaken Knot's turd".
I'll be here all week.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Good morning Dysto. Our wifi keeps cutting out.
Just ate a long reply I had written. Horrible pun, thanks. Bird world has todies, which are cool. World of business and politics has toadies, who aren't. You really do need to bird the tropics a bit, fabulous boids there.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
If you're gonna do that, I'm gonna do this
This was one of my cage fortunes yesterday (~$ fortune -m cage fortunes2)
Peace and Love
too funny
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein