The Dose - 1-29-2022


A few articles of interest.

This is worth a revisit from Joe's list of articles yesterday.
American capitalism demands the infection of China World Socialist Web Site Jan 26, 2022

On Tuesday, a day that the United States recorded 2,997 COVID-19 deaths, the New York Times published an op-ed by two former Biden administration advisers calling China’s decision to prioritize saving lives a “mistake” and extolling the benefits of “natural immunity through infection.”

Every day for the past seven days, an average of 2,500 people have died from COVID-19 in the US. Nearly 880,000 Americans, more than the number of US soldiers who have died in combat in every war the US has ever fought, have succumbed to this preventable disease. By contrast, in China, the country where COVID-19 first emerged, only 4,636 people have lost their lives, and there were just 103,000 cases.
n their op-ed, entitled “China’s Zero-Covid Policy Is a Pandemic Waiting to Happen,” Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Michael T. Osterholm argue that the goal of eradicating COVID-19 (Zero COVID) “is unattainable with the highly transmissible Omicron variant and has set [China] up for disaster. The coronavirus is not going to disappear—the world will have to live with it. Making matters worse, China’s vaccines are much less effective against Omicron.”
Emanuel and Osterholm make clear that the policy of mass infection—far from being the outcome of blunders and mistakes—is deliberate. In fact, they present it as a positive good, which supposedly offers protection against the ravages of the pandemic, while leaving China vulnerable:
This is an argument for the mass infection, and mass murder, of the Chinese population. All the countries held up as models for China are experiencing a massive surge in cases and deaths. If China had the same death rate from COVID-19 as the United States, 3.6 million people would be dead. If it had the same death rate as Germany, the figure would stand at two million.
Since early 2020, by aggressively tracking every case, isolating those who were infected, quarantining those exposed, and selectively closing schools and businesses to break community transmission, China has suppressed the spread of COVID-19. As a result, most people in China have been able to go to school, work and socialize without constantly worrying about being infected with a potentially deadly and debilitating disease and spreading it to their loved ones.
The policy of the US in relation to China is now essentially what the “Wuhan Lab” conspiracy theorists have accused China of doing. The US is demanding that China allow the mass infection of its population and the hundreds of thousands of deaths that would inevitably follow. The American ruling class is engaged, in other words, in a form of biological warfare.

It would be easy to describe the Times essay as the result of the sociopathic ravings of Ezekiel Emanuel. Emanuel is America’s foremost advocate of cutting health care costs by reducing the social and economic resources spent by society on treating the elderly and disabled, in what medical ethics experts have called a form of modern-day eugenics. For years, Emanuel had advocated reducing life expectancy, perhaps little imagining that a deadly pandemic would emerge that would achieve precisely these goals.

The op-ed in the Times, is, however, state policy. Emanuel, whose brother was chief of staff under former President Barack Obama, was an adviser to both the Biden and Obama administrations.
The experience of China shows that a policy of Zero COVID is possible, but it also demonstrates that this policy can only be realized on a global scale.

The defense of the lives of the Chinese working class from mass infection rests on the international working class, who, in taking up the fight to eliminate COVID-19, must at the same time wage a political struggle against the ruling class and the entire capitalist system.


IMF unhappy as China sticks to zero-Covid policy Asia Times Jan 27, 2022

Speaking at the World Economic Forum last week, IMF head Kristalina Georgieva criticized China’s zero-Covid strategy, labeling it a “burden” for the rest of the world. She called on Beijing to re-evaluate its use of lockdowns because of their adverse impact on global supply chains.

The IMF is the most high-profile international body to speak out against China’s approach to the virus. But among the most important guardians of global capitalism, it does not stand alone.

Earlier in January, Beijing’s commitment to zero-Covid was labeled the biggest global risk of 2022 by the influential financial consultancy firm Eurasia Group. Economists at HSBC, one of the biggest banks in the world, warn that China’s strategy threatens the “mother of all supply shocks.”

Goldman Sachs has issued a stark warning of its own, while the financial press continue to speak out strongly against Beijing’s strategy. In recent weeks, the tone has become increasingly shrill in liberal-leaning media outlets, with both The Guardian and New York Times publishing articles over the past few days arguing that zero-Covid is no longer sustainable.

With the World Health Organization forecasting a possible end to the “acute” phase of the pandemic in 2022, there’s a growing chorus of optimism that the worst is finally behind us. And this contributes to a narrative that views Beijing’s stringent measures as increasingly outmoded.
“In a developing country like China a sudden lifting of strict measures will cause huge pressure on the medical system,” Chen Xi, associate professor of public health at Yale, told Global Times. Zhuang Shilihe, a Guangzhou-based immunologist, agrees. “It’s a gamble we cannot afford to lose.”

Even a cursory glance at the unequal nature of Chinese development calls into question the prescriptions of many of its zero-Covid critics. China is wealthier than it has ever been, but many regions remain underdeveloped.
This does not mean Beijing’s strategy is beyond criticism. There are very real concerns, as evidenced on Chinese social media during the recent lockdown in Xian. And yes, Beijing’s calculus is obviously driven by a combination of factors beyond the strict realms of public health. But this does not change the fact that so far, whatever the criticism, since April 2020 there have barely been any deaths directly caused by the virus.


from the Substack link provided yesterday by

Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency? Jan 18, 2022

Daszak, who received more than $118 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies, including $53 million from USAID, $42 million from DOD, and $15 million from HHS, appeared to boast about the manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China” at the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

According to investigative research done by independent-journalist Sam Husseini and The Intercept, much of the money awarded to EcoHealth Alliance did not focus on health or ecology, but rather on biowarfare, bioterrorism, and other dangerous uses of deadly pathogens.

EcoHealth Alliance received the majority of its funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a State Department subsidiary that serves as a frequent cover for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Their second largest source of funding was from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is a branch of the Department of Defense (DOD) which states it is tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.”
From 2009 to 2019, USAID partnered with EcoHealth Alliance on their PREDICT program which identified over 1,200 new viruses, including over 160 coronavirus strains; trained roughly 5,000 people around the world to identify new diseases; and improved or developed 60 research laboratories.
On January 12, 2022, Dr. Andrew Huff issued a public statement (on Twitter) in which he claimed, Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance, told him that he was working for the CIA.

14 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

26 min.
They are criticizing El Salvador for using bitcoin too.

COVID deaths in the US (UK, and other counties) have been terribly inflated. Show me the incentive and I can predict the outcome. Hospitals were rewarded to count deaths as COVID. Like in the case of Colin Powell...he didn't die FROM COVID, he died (as did most) WITH COVID.

TPTB managed to engineer fear over a disease with a death rate much less than 0.5%...and most of those deaths in 80+ YO.
17 min
Therefore, 2020 and first 3 quarters of 2021
Total deaths from covid alone, 17,371
Of this number 13,597 were 65 or over
Of this number, 3,774 were under 65
Average age of death in UK from covid in 2021 82.5 years

of course they attack John for his "False Reporting"
20 min
He defends himself...

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Not from it. We’ve thought that was the case from the beginning, but more people are seeing it.

They changed the rules before the epidemic hit. In Utah yesterday all 10 deaths were in the 64-85 age group and it’s the one most likely to have been jabbed. They are testing people at the time of death and saying they died of it when they actually died from something else. As mentioned, Colin Powell died of lymphoma but then was tested for Covid and it was positive. But boy it gave them ammunition to blame it on some unjabbed person because it helped keep us divided. Plus it was another way to transfer money upwards to the wealthy because they got more money every time they did that.

7 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout but The Economic Hitman covered some very significant information worth emphasizing. The Hitmen are in our communities all the way up the to the federal agencies and politics. If the rest of the world decreases their opportunities more will head to the United States.

Starting at 10.57 min these points were raised.

The main steps of an Economic Hit
Step one - Send in the economic hitman to corrupt leaders through huge loans.
Step two - Send in the Jackals to overthrow the government or assassinate. Then a new government comes in they will tow the line.
Step Three - Send in the troops to destroy the military. (example first Iraq war) Then back to Step One.

Corpratocracy - functions as an Emperor. At the very highest level of mega corporations moving back and forth between government and corporate positions. I would add Universities to the rotating power structure.
Government policy enforced by corporation. Or policy is forged by corporations then presented to government to adopt as policy.

It does not require a conspiracy. Simply a cozy relationship with a shared philosophy. At all times maximize profits regardless of social and environmental costs.

Globalization - using debt, bribery and political overthrow. Federal Reserve works to keep the American public of indentured servitude through perpetual debt, inflation and interest. The Worldbank and IMF serve this role on the global scale.

The basic scam is simple. Put a country in debt by its own indiscretion or corrupting the leader. Then impose conditionality or structural adjustment policies.
1. Currency devaluation.
2. Large funding cuts for social programs.
3. Privatization of public infrastructure (private-public partnerships)
4. Trade liberalization allowing large corporations to flood a market with low cost goods. Destroying local business.
5. Growth of seemingly unnoticed, inhuman sweatshops.
6. Natural resource destruction and harvesting with deliberate pollution.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth Very interesting points Hitman made.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp It was Lookout's first video

One advantage of going directly to youtube is they will supply a list of other videos on the same subject. I will probably listen to a few other videos he appears.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

Comes complete with references to everything that is discussed in the show.

Episode 410 - The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (Video AND Audio files)
Corbett • 01/29/2022

You've been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It's here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year. Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year. Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

  • Fakest Photo or Video of the Year
  • Fakest Politician or Health Official
  • Fakest Fact Check of the Year
  • Fakest Climate Change Story
  • FAKE NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR Truly, many many people have contributed to this, the fakest story of the year (if not the century) and the largest ongoing uncontrolled medical experiment in the history of the human species.
9 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


I look for your posts every day.

You're like the Ed Sullivan of The Dose.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

He wrote an article that Newsweek carried to make the case for killing grandma. I posted it a few weeks ago. Since people aren’t productive after they leave the workforce there’s no reason to keep them alive because they just take money out of social security and Medicare. Never mind that they paid into the Syria most their working lives, you don’t produce you shouldn’t be allowed to live. Imagine seeing a person in your administration write that and shrug. Of course Ezekiel wasn’t alone in this type of thinking nor was it new. Lots of rich fck’s have been for eugenics.

SMH! Joni Mitchell is asking Spotify to remove her music too because of Covid misinformation from Rogan. Absolutely amazing that people who wrote anti establishment music have now embraced the establishment. Reminds me of when we asked what happened to the hippies of yore? Why did so many people who fought against the Man become the Man themselves?

11 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg (raising hand) Alive, Well and Fighting for Gppd.

Neil Oliver a stauch fighter against Mandates speaks up about Truck Convoy.[video:


9 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


for embedding tweets? Or is this easier for you? Let me know…

4 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg

There we go. i did the embed and then Incorrectly- hit the video box.

My advanced age showing right here.

7 users have voted.


CB's picture

I now would have only 3 months left to live before my 'best by date' would expire!

Joe Biden is Considering Euthanasia Activist Ezekiel Emanuel to Head FDA
Aug 9, 2021

If you think Dr. Anthony Fauci is a controversial figure in the fight against COVID-19, you may not have seen anything yet. Politico—the Democrats’ favorite publication for leaking their future plans—just reported that President Joe Biden is seriously considering nominating bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel to lead the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
How contentious are Emanuel’s views? Consider:

Emanuel Loves Vaccine Mandates: Emanuel called for vaccine mandates long before vaccine diktats were cool. In 2018, Emanuel demanded that every child in America to be forced to receive a flu shot every year. What was the urgent need for such a forceful policy? There wasn’t one. According to the CDC, the deadliest recent flu season only cost the lives of 186 children, tragic, but hardly a cause for panic.
He was also the lead signatory of an open letter last summer, addressed to “Decision Makers” that wanted people forced to “stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air.” He even wanted to “bar non-essential interstate travel.” Good grief, there wasn’t that much suppression even during the Civil War!
Emanuel Disdains the Elderly: A few years ago, Emanuel wrote a notorious piece in The Atlantic in which he said he wanted to die at 75—and strongly implied you should too. Why die by then?

He wrote, “Living too long…robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.” What a dismal opinion.
He wrote, “Services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason.” Yikes!

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


after he wrote the Newsweek article and has kept on spouting his views speaks volumes doesn’t it? Government has destroyed any trust they had and good luck going forward with vaccines in the future. I think people are going to be very leery about getting even flu vaccines now because they are going to be made with the mRNA technology. After people read Kennedy’s book they are going to question the childhood vaccines schedules. Good.. there are the ones that should be given if necessary, but why do 6 month old babies need a hepatitis one if mom doesn’t have hepatitis? After congress gave drug companies immunity for any damage the Tdap one was no longer a sterilizing one. So why give it? Dunno.

9 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

CB's picture

to demonstrate the dangers of this mRNA 'therapy'. I intend to be one of them.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Old Man, Look at Your Life….

Rock’n’roller Neil Young’s conniption over having to share the Spotify platform with Joe Rogan affords a glimpse into the glutenous mire that is a mind bethinking itself “progressive” these drear days of American unraveling. For those of you not tuned in: Joe Rogan is a comedian and martial arts maven who runs the most popular podcast in the world, renowned for long-form interviews (three hours sometimes!) often with high-powered intellectuals. A month ago, he interviewed the mRNA developer Dr. Robert Malone, who has become an outspoken opponent of the Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines,” and of the US-led world pandemic policy in general under Dr. Anthony Fauci, going as far as to call for an immediate end to the world-wide vaxxing program because, Dr. Malone says, the vaxxes don’t work and they kill and disable people. Hearing that, Mr. Young called for Joe Rogan to be cancelled for spreading “misinformation.”

It’s worth paying attention to just how disordered Mr. Young’s thinking is because it summarizes everything that has gone awry on the political Left: He is wrong two ways: 1) morally, and 2) on the facts of the matter — which is as wrong as you can be. Like virtually everyone on the Democratic Party / Woke / Progressive axis, he is obviously in favor of suppressing free speech. Since when did that become okay for old hippies?

If I remember correctly (cuz I was there) the youth movement of the 1960s was all about freedom to say pretty much anything, except yell “fire” in a crowded theater — based on the idea that ordinary people were equipped to sort out the truth. During the War in Vietnam, we hippies were especially averse to the official lying that emanated from the Department of Defense, the FBI, the CIA, and the White House under both Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. We founded “alternative” newspapers in defiance of the establishment’s propaganda. We applauded Daniel Ellsberg’s purloined Pentagon Papers, revealing the mendacity of the war effort. Altogether, this activity made it more difficult for the government to prosecute that war, and to defend the strategy behind it.

Today, the Left is all-in for FBI home invasions, DOJ malicious prosecutions, CIA manipulations of public opinion, a fake president fronting for an unseen cabal, and a news media that wouldn’t know the actual shape and substance of reality if it jumped up and bit Jim Acosta on the lips. Ideas and principles don’t really matter to the Left; they’re just window-dressing for their sole interest, which is pushing other people around, in a word: coercion. That is the moral quagmire the Left is in and, having captured so many institutional transmitters of our polity, that is the nature of the evil they represent.

Nails it. It’s so sad to see how much the left has changed and now supports many things that they once stood up for. Censorship and war support just boggles my mind. How do you go from supporting Ellsberg to supporting the political persecution of Julian Assange for doing the same thing?

10 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

snoopydawg's picture


6 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Lots of rich fck’s have been for eugenics.

We all carry a recessive genetic trait for psychopathy. It's the only explanation for kind of culture we have. It's probably a genetic defect/mutaion from millennia of authoritarian religious repression and its horrors.

Absolutely amazing that people who wrote anti establishment music have now embraced the establishment.

"Where have all the hippies gone?"

I checked out of politics (and television) for a long time. I was much happier and life was far more interesting.

But I have also been asking this question for a long time and have never found an answer. That's when I began to suspect that Americans have a physical brain injury or inherited defect. I'm quite serious. Possibly from a psychological-crisis delivered by television.

Hey. I get to have a conspiracy theory once in a while, too.
Wish someone could prove me wrong.

9 users have voted.
zed2's picture

quite some time ago. Its worth reading Matoo is one of the co authors.

2 users have voted.
zed2's picture

into Social Security. Much has been written about this in other countries. Nothing here. You can find some under the phrase "totalization agreement" in the Indian press.

1 user has voted.
CB's picture

TRUDEAU Runs From 100,0000 Trucker Convoy #CANADA

It is now apparent that Trudeau's own party is the "fringe minority" in Canada!

Freedom Convoy 2022
$8,061,520 raised of $9,000,000 goal
101.7K donations

Updates (2)
Yesterday by B.J. Dichter, Team member

The Freedom Convoy has inspired truckers from across Canada, the United States, and now the world. The Freedom Convoy to Canberra is one example and has already started in Australia. Their GoFundMe campaign has already raised $63,569. To support their fight in taking back their freedoms, please click here to donate!
Some of the most influential, intelligent, and rational world industrious leaders like Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and others, have repeatedly expressed their support for Canadian truckers and the working people who are fed up with our global leaders infringing on our rights and freedoms.

9 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@CB @CB @CB Australian, Finnish, Italian Truckers are joining in



9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh @ggersh

"2:45 p.m.
The core is full

"Big rigs and their supporters descend on Parliament Hill on January 29, 2022.
Big rigs and their supporters descend on Parliament Hill on January 29, 2022. PHOTO BY LARS HAGBERG/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Ottawa police say the city’s downtown core has no more room for vehicles, other than first responders.
Police say vehicles are being redirected away from the core even as more trucks are trying to make their way downtown to the truckers protest on Parliament Hill."

Mission Accomplished!

8 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

@NYCVG @NYCVG It's Russia.....;-(

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture


9 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

3 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


Can't really be happening, I just went to CNN and looked everywhere - could find ZERO mention of it...

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Blue Republic

2 users have voted.


snark/irony was intended. Was intending to point out the absurdity of MSM attempting to minimize and/or demonize if not completely ignore the Canadian actions - which, in reality, are of course huge and hugely significant.

I checked CNN and MSNBC sites to see how they were covering it and as far as I could determine there was ZERO mention of it at all.

So, for people relying on such sources and thinking they are getting 'the news', the Freedom Convoy effectively does not exist - clearly an absurdity but not something that a disturbingly lot of people seem to bother to question.

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

anything. As currently constituted, it shouldn't even exist.

The short version of IMF unhappy as China sticks to zero-Covid policy is simply: The IMF thinks more Chinese should die in order to increase the profits and wealth of the West's rentiers, merchants and assorted members of the parasite class usch as bankstera and other financiers, etc. More simply "They should die so that we might prosper"

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Pluto's Republic's picture

...that is standing by, going on two years. Just in case. Most of my life, I have practiced defensive medicine with off-label drugs, anti-aging compounds, and pro-active nutrients.

I found this statement about treating Covid to be very inspiring. I happen to have a personal motto about treatments and cures (and getting high): "No one drug is enough."

10 users have voted.
CB's picture


On this week’s edition of Fake News Friday on The Candice Malcolm Show, Candice and True North Producer Harrison Faulkner discuss the legacy media’s attempts to discredit the Truckers for Freedom convoy by accusing the truckers of being “extremists” and “far-right.”

As celebrities such as Elon Musk, Russel Brand and Joe Rogan endorse the convoy, the legacy media is going into overdrive to discredit, demonize and tarnish the protestors. One outlet even went as far as to warn those that financially support the convoy as potentially financing “domestic terrorism.”

Candice and Harrison break down and dissect the worse examples of the legacy media’s fake news.

9 users have voted.
ggersh's picture


Really? All truckers are fascists now? Wow.

And there's this

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture

Trucker's give Trudeau the Lessor a figurative middle finger.

The son , le petit dauphin, has learned the arrogance of his father but has inherited little of his father's intellect. He has inherited his father's potty mouth and has his brother as his chief advisor. trudeau pere gave his sons his love of marxism as well.The father famously gave the West, the finger in Salmon Arm , BC, in 1982. The son, defended by the leftist msm, for doing the same thing now. trudeau, pere, hated all things English, his son has the same divisve stand, though both had anglophone mothers. mcliar had to resign but trudeau only gives a weak non apology.


5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


....for precision communication.For a long time, I perceived that the definition of words was being reversed. The Left suddenly had the ideology of the Right, or even worse, the Dems. No one had any idea there was a real Left in existence, with the same ideology all the way down through history. Just the same as Eugene Debs.

Now, I realize, that they only know a few words at a time. "Hitler" is one of the words they know. And they know "fascist," too. But they don't know what 'facsist' means. They know "communist" but they do not know what the ideology or its objective is. All they can come up with are dopey slogans they heard somewhere or saw on a bumper sticker. And, not even the "far left" can define socialism with any precision.

They're anxious to label the Truckers. That's pretty easy to do. They are "anarchists" — Insofar as not accepting the rule of anyone attempting to draw a border around the limits of their civil rights. Those trucks are not government vehicles trying to round up populists and put them inside barbed wire enclosures to prevent their movement. That would be fascism. On one hand, the journalist/cartoonist/labelers probably know that "fascist" is the wrong word, but they think other people are stupid and won't notice their childish attempt to use a fear word to influence the masses.

Here's how fascists would deal would deal with this situation. They would put snipers on the roofs of the buildings in the city center, and kill the truckers sitting in their trucks. That's basically what the US paid the Nazis in Ukraine to do in order to complete the overthrow the newly elected government in Kiev.

Let's see who quacks like ducks in this standoff.

10 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@Pluto's Republic It could be that the snipers come, but
hopefully they the snipers would say fuck you tptb

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

ggersh's picture

@CB The Trudeau little is a puppet and not
very good at that

3 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Bisbonian's picture


So it must be fascism.

6 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

snoopydawg's picture

Opinion: Canada must confront the toxic ‘Freedom Convoy’ head-on

Those taking part are on their way, ostensibly, to protest pandemic measures, including vaccine mandates for truckers, but that’s just the tip of the spear. The leadership of the group is promising to remain peaceful, but the convoy is made up of many individuals and far-right groups that have embraced the convoy as a Canadian version of the Jan. 6 rioting in the United States. The movement shares an affinity with Trumpist toxic authoritarianist politics. Indeed, the convoy has received attention from Donald Trump Jr. Police and security services are preparing for the worst as experts express concern about the online vitriol and journalists covering the convoy are harassed.

Time and time again we learn the lesson, or at least come across it, that teaches us that rage-soaked antigovernment types can’t be reasoned with. This time around, the convoy has produced an incoherent “memorandum of understanding” premised upon a misunderstanding of government and absurd demands. Of course, the memo should be ignored. It’s the product of a temper tantrum. But doing nothing is a risky, suboptimal strategy.

The convoy is, by and large, a fringe group — an unfortunate minority in which a further minority of insidious extremists lurk. They are bolstered by support from Conservative politicians and certain blustery media voices. They are driven by a generalized rage, misplaced anger about supply chain challenges and antigovernment sentiment. The lot of them, even as a national fringe, pose an outsize problem. They’re too big to ignore and too unreasonable to placate insofar as they represent a broader challenge. Either way, we shouldn’t ignore or placate them. Rather, the convoy and its supporters must be met with a counter-movement that refuses to give them an inch but, instead, focuses national, sub-national and local efforts on true threats to liberty, which do exist.

Check the article for links. I’m not wasting time embedding them when people interested can read them there. But they all seem to be backing up the premise that this is going to turn violent because the truckers are all right wing dopes appreciate. Are it seems that the supply president are magically going away according to one site.

If this protest turns violent it will only have once the cops get involved like we’ve seen time afterwards time in many of the protests from the left. However I watched again videos of the 1/6 riots and people were actually being peaceful until cops started shooting tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd for no reason. One hit a guy in his chest and stopped his heart and he died. The woman who was said died from an overdose was supposedly killed by a police woman and her beating her. The PTB will want to shut this down ASAP and if it takes violence so be it. You can see that they are building up to that idea.

And of course it’ll be blamed on Russia Russia.

10 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg

Oh Canada, Glorious and Free
Oh Canada We Stand On Guard For Thee Stirs The Blood, at least for me it does.

The tweet has emojis so I don't think embed will work.

Oh my!

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Just delete them from the embed and the tweet posts normally with them in it anyway.

4 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg YAY

Thank you so much for your patience.

Another bug worked out.

As Far as The Rolling Thunder Big Wheels Protest---Let's see what tomorrow brings.

5 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


I’d like to know how CB embeds rumble videos?

4 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Lookout's picture


under the share icon on the lower right. same with odysee videos

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


That’s a lot of people. Good luck, Canucks and watch your back.

5 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg Didn't they see the roads lined with people from one
territory to the next. Yep all fringe right wingers alright

but the convoy is made up of many individuals and far-right groups that have embraced the convoy as a Canadian version of the Jan. 6 rioting in the United States.

11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh @ggersh attending are all colors and have a wide variey of accents.

Definitely NOT a RW or Trump crowd.

Although they are there as well.

This is Canada.

ZeroHedge's clips as well as many others show the wide variety of people out in biting cold.

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


for people to line the roads. Boy the PTB in Canada really want to shut this down. Yeah go ahead and harass hundreds of thousands of people who are supporting the truckers.. I’m betting that won’t turn out well. But then maybe that is what they want to happen regardless. It becomes violent and it’s a good excuse to bring out the troops.

Also saw tweets of people trying to make them violent and to call them out as feds. It’s not going to be people who make them violent if they are.

7 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

4 users have voted.


CB's picture

6 users have voted.

@CB GO Canada...

I'll say good night with the theme song from The Vikings.

The haunting line "We'll See What Tomorrow Brings" fits in right now.

2 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Lots of interesting names in this list who are part of the global elite’s puppets. Some you already know, but some very surprising names on the list if it’s accurate. Some tweets are saying that Tulsi is on the list. It goes back decades too so our votes haven’t actually helped us one bit if we were voting for elite puppets. The people who actually run the world can never be voted out.

5 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@snoopydawg a fake democracy.

It goes back decades too so our votes haven’t actually helped us one bit if we were voting for elite puppets. The people who actually run the world can never be voted out.


This is where my Clean Congress Manifesto and Voting Strategy comes into play. It can work.

Watch for it.

1 user has voted.