The Dose WE 19 JAN 22

Your place for health and Covid related information.
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QMS's picture

Largest study of IVM in COVID passed rigorous peer-review & was published this week. Found IVM use led to a massive reduction in infections, hospitalizations, & death. Crickets from across the worlds major media. The global war on repurposed drugs marches on ..

A new, peer-reviewed study from Brazil of over 150k subjects finds regular prophylactic use of IVM “was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates."

11 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

An interview with he scientists...

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@QMS During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I do not include the above as some sort of ego exercise but rather to introduce the topic of what happens to even well-established physicians that spoke up (or spoke out) against the U.S health system’s COVID response as it passed through its initial state of unethical therapeutic nihilism which led to a historically unprecedented ICU mortality, followed by its evolution into a corrupt system of highly profitable therapeutic strategies written by pharmaceutical companies that long ago gained control of our federal health agencies. Whoa is right. If you don’t believe the last sentence, please just look AGAIN at the list below of all the compounds which have shown efficacy in clinical trials from across the world. Now look at the only ones approved for use in the good ‘ole United States of Pharma. I circled them in red for you. See a theme? Not even Vitamin-%!-D makes the cut. Insane.

More at Pierre Kory - SubStack

8 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Lookout's picture

Janis and others might have an interest...
33 min

New Zealand is a fascinating real-world experiment on vaccine safety. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. What did we learn?

Well, not very unexpectedly they had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there.

Further, we’re being “trickle truthed” as the world comes to the realization that not only don’t two jabs work very well against omicron, but neither do three jabs and now four jabs.

While the U.S. mainstream media still hews to a stale campaign of trying to whip up more concern and fear over omicron, even the CDC has had to admit that omicron is a lot less deadly and far milder than delta.

The narrative is now fully shredded, but the agenda marches on. But for how much longer? People are waking up and the first large demonstration in the U.S. is planned for Jan 23 from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln memorial. Begins at 11:30 a.m. EST.

links under the clip.

14 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

sticks out For Me @Lookout in this presentation is when he casually throws out ‘its Not an experiment unless you collect the data’.

What the Actual FUCK??!?? NObody is collecting the Data? In ‘Official Circles’ ?!?

He mentions it at two different points in the talk.

So the Pro Vaccers are Right!! It’s Not an experiment ‘cause they don’t give a fuck about the data collection!!!

that was difficult to say, pro vaxxers are right.
About anything

5 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

QMS's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

does not automatically prove that this is not an experiment.
If the experiment includes social behavior, mass media
propaganda, government control of health data and the like,
then we would not be given the results anyway.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

agree on your point, @QMS I was just keeping it in the medical context and using Dr. Chris’ definition.

Anything else would be a Cospiracy Theory, you don’t KNOW!


5 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

CB's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
This entire plandemic scenario was a cosplay piracy op run by business interests dressed up to appear to be medical experts. Secret

8 users have voted.
janis b's picture


It’s quite a revealing look at some of the more questionable aspects of the vaccine.

I have regularly checked Medsafe’s fortnightly reports of adverse events and deaths after vaccination. From the beginning my suspicion was heightened by their categorisations, with only one death determined to be caused by the vaccine. It's now only two. All else were categorised as being either 'unlikely related', 'could not be assessed due to insufficient information', or 'still under investigation'.

This is the current report -

Summary of reported deaths
Up to and including 31 December 2021, a total of 133 deaths were reported to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine. Following medical assessments by CARM and Medsafe it has been determined that:

54 of these deaths are unlikely related to the COVID-19 vaccine
58 deaths could not be assessed due to insufficient information
19 cases are still under investigation.
2 deaths were likely due to vaccine induced myocarditis (awaiting Coroner’s determination)

The graph in the video was quite a graphic expression of number of deaths related to number of vaccines, even if though it also coincided with winter here.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture
Available for the rest of today...

Bonus Episode 9:
IMMUNE PRIMING: Get The Right Nutrients & Boost Your Immunity with Dr. Jonathan Murphy and Dr. Henry Ealy
Episode 9: Vaccine Agenda: The Great Reset

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


of the bonus video today. Excellent ideas about prevention and treatment...including long haul detox.

A small example info from his site

Here's a taste of his sure to page down.
key nutrients for immune priming and their mechanism of action.

  • Vitamin D – Coordinates Immune Response, Stimulates Antimicrobial Peptides, Cytokines and Immune Cell Proliferation.
  • Vitamin E – Antioxidant. Protects Healthy Cells. Enhances B And T Cell Response.
  • Vitamin C – Antioxidant. Protects Healthy Cells Including Activated Immune Cells. Antiviral. Increases Systemic Interferon Response And Serum Antibody Levels.
  • Vitamin A – Coordinates Cellular Immune Response, Promotes Immune Cell Proliferation, Enhances Mucosal Integrity.
  • Zinc – Essential For Binding Capacity And Optimizing Lethality Of Immune Cells. Promotes Antiviral Enzyme Blocking Viral Replication.
  • Quercetin – Zinc Ionophore, Essential For Helping Zinc Get Into Cells. Enhances Nerve Conduction & Perception. Green Tea Also Has Zinc Ionophore Capability.
  • Bifidobacterium – Probiotic, Essential For Healthy Microbiome & Management Of Pro-Inflammatory Response Post-Infection. Calms Anxiety.
  • Additional Consideration – Multivitamin With Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 100mg Or Higher Per Serving To Drive ATP Energy Production. ATP Energy Production Maximizes The Cellular Effectiveness Of The Aforementioned Nutrients And Overall Immunological Response.
  • Energy Production Leads To Enzyme Production. Enzyme Production Leads To Optimized Immunological Response.
6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Creosote.'s picture

For these posts and so many others here.
I've been familiar with many of the supplements you list since the 1970s, though of course not in this context. The source someone pointed me to then was Adelle Davis, who worked in a large county clinic in California in the '60s and '70s. I still consult her Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit (despite the title) and Let's Get Well, both still selling very well. Her memory for specific supplements, their effects and interaction, along with reports on the benefits of their intervenous use by some doctors, was enornously valuable.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture

It’s quite possible. If your insurance company doesn’t have an arrangement with a retailer where you can simply pick up your allotted tests, you’ll have to pay for them — at whatever price the store sets. If that’s the case, you’ll need to fill out a form to request a reimbursement from the insurance company. How many times have you lost receipts or just plain neglected to mail in for rebates on something you bought? A lot, right?

Here’s another thing: The reimbursement is set at $12 per test. If you pay $30 for a test — and that is not unheard of — your insurer is only on the hook for $12. You eat the $18.

And by the way, people on Medicare will have to pay for their tests themselves. People who get their health care covered by Medicaid can obtain free test kits at community centers.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS @QMS on line.

My order was confirmed by email.

I'll post as soon as I get it.

6 users have voted.


QMS's picture


I'm hearing the first 4 are "free", but the caveat is they tend to give more false positives than
false negatives, or vice your versus. I would rather have a test that shows immunity.


9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS That is at least partly why they are unloading them.

9 users have voted.


@NYCVG the at-home rapid antigen tests tend to give more false negatives as they might be slightly insensitive to this variant. The PCR lab tests can easily give more false positives if the CT number is not set properly.

I like the idea of an at-home, cheap test we can do in the comfort of our homes that gives results in minutes, rather than days with the PCR. Not 100% accurate considering all the tests taken, but mostly it will accurately flag those who have been infected, and that's a great deal better than having no such information. My only gripe is these things should have been made available 6-8 months ago by the Biden admin. So, a little bit late, but better late than never.

5 users have voted.

the more false positives the better.

8 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

@doh1304 have to agree with you on this point

4 users have voted.


CB's picture

That has been one of America's (and the world's) best kept secrets. If truth be told, that truth would have blown TPTB's entire plandemic game plan out of the water.

6 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

• US Daily COVID Cases Drop By 47% And Deaths Fall By 38% Week-on-week (DM)
• ‘Much Brighter Than Before’: COVID-19 Cases Plunge Across US (ET)
• The Narrative Is Falling Apart, Piece By Piece (Kirsch)
• US Faces Wave Of Omicron Deaths In Coming Weeks, Models Say (AP)
• New Research: Covid Less Deadly Than Thought In 1st Year Of Pandemic (JTN)
• The Last Days of the Covidian Cult (CJ Hopkins)
• Calls Grow To Ditch Compulsory Covid Jabs Law For NHS Staff (DM)
• Observations From An Experienced Nurse About The Covid Vaccines (Kirsch)
• Think About What Denying Health Care To The Unvaccinated Means (Vezina)
• Nicola Sturgeon Announces Lifting Of Omicron Restrictions In Scotland (G.)
• New Zealand Closes Borders To New Arrivals Over Omicron Risk (G.)

EDIT:Check out tweets past the headlines, I couldn't post them for whatever reason
• Grocery Stores Could Close If Labour, Product Shortages Worsen (CP)

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture

...but will TPTB who have schemed and planned allow it to fall apart?

I hope people are not as stupid as they think....but I'm often disappointed in my assumptions about people's thinking abilities.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout shit like this scares the shit out of me. This guy is evil personified.

Financial Times Bill Gates warns of pandemics potentially far worse than Covid

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports” describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. It reveals that the drug behemoth received more than 150,000 serious adverse event reports within three months of rolling out its COVID shot, but here we will focus on Table 6 of the data on pregnant and lactating women who received the shots in the first few months of the rollout, which began December 11. Most of these women would have been healthcare workers because that was who the first rounds of shots went to. As the clinical trials preceding the rollout excluded pregnant women, these would have been the first pregnant and lactating women to have ever received the vaccines.

Table 6 states that of 270 “unique pregnancies” that were exposed to the vaccine, “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies.”

This leaves 32 pregnancies with known outcomes.

Pfizer’s report states that there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with “normal outcome.” That means that of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 resulted in fetal death.

Because of this confusion, I called Pfizer and emailed questions to their media rep. Were 28 of 32 known pregnancy outcomes actually fatal in the first 10 weeks that the vaccine became available, as their report suggests? That’s an 87.5% pregnancy loss rate? And only one pregnancy outcome was “normal”? Please correct me if I’m wrong about this.

No reply.

The FDA would have had these data in their hands by the end of April. Maybe this is why they wanted to hide it for 55 years?

But Pfizer and the FDA ignored events with temporal association and plausible cause for injury and have blithely declared the vaccine “safe and effective” for pregnant women. Allowed it to be mandated, even.


Dr. Daniel Nagase, an Alberta doctor who was ordered to leave his Alberta hospital for treating three COVID patients (all of whom who went home from hospital alive) with ivermectin, told a reporter that he had been informed of 86 stillbirths in Waterloo, Ontario between January and July.

“Normally, it’s only five or six stillbirths every year. So, about one stillbirth every two months is the usual rate,” he said. “So, to suddenly get to 86 stillbirths in six months, that’s highly unusual. But, the most important confirmation that we have from the Waterloo, Ontario report was that all of the [mothers of the] 86 stillbirths we’re fully vaccinated.”

What all of this tells us is that we have public health agencies and scientists willing to manipulate data to protect pharmaceutical interests rather than the women and babies they exist to serve. At least some of the stories that are percolating around us of stillborn babies, hemorrhages, and miscarriages are linked to the experimental new injections – perhaps many more than we think. But it will be a long time – and many more babies’ lives will be lost – before we learn the whole truth.

Only 8 more months until Pfizer has to release all of its information on the 'vaccines'. How much more damage and heartbreak will their 'vaccines' cause before then?

Reposting from yesterday cuz this is devastating news.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture


perhaps the pharma companies should have done more research before rolling out that
operation 'warp speed'? I guess not, cause they have no liability for the consequences of
their experimental gene therapy. They only see the upside of mega moneys with no real
responsibility for the people, babies, infants that are dying of this horrid experiment.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

CB's picture

with eco-fascism run by Snakes in Suits shepherding a woke eugenicist transhumanist agenda in the false belief the world can only operate as a closed sytem - that there is a fixed amount of resources that has to be shared - which promotes zero-sum programs a culling is a bonus.

Damn, that was a mouthful! I was thinking of doing a diary here in C19% C99%. The leaders of both China and Russia believe there CAN be a different future for man and woman kinds of people.

10 users have voted.
QMS's picture


many hot buttons on that one
I'll roll with door number three
transhumanist agenda for $5.00

perhaps what the would-be global rulers fear is
the new awakening which excludes their control
dreams, puts decision making back into the minds of
us, (the 19% or so) and excludes all these silly domination games.

It is possible, even feasible. Spread the word, there is hope for us yet.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

CB's picture

Second time I've made that error. Didn't even notice! Fool

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

on door number three "woke eugenicist transhumanist agenda":

Episode #196: Thinning The Herd
It is tempting to think that the concept of depopulation is strictly that of science fiction or conspiracy theory, but when the lights are turned on and the documents are examined, the reality of the situation becomes crystal clear: these people really are trying to murder us.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

I’m not sure if Carlson has covered the adverse effects from the vaccines either. The mainstream media has been captured by every industry that they are supposed to be reporting truthfully on.

The timing of this seems questionable. I’m not saying that sudden deaths in young kids isn’t possible, but for many the problems were known before they happened. My nephew was born with the artery and vein to his heart reversed and he had heart surgery soon after birth. For many years he was able to play sports and act like a kid until years later he started having problems and had to have numerous procedures. He had open heart surgery a month before he suddenly died. His death was surprising, but wouldn’t have been if the severe damage to his heart was known. Parents only saw how badly it was damaged after autopsy. He was 13 when he died.

That Pfizer, Fauci, the FDA and others knew that the vaccines could cause myocarditis before they were rolled out but did it anyway is unconscionable! But since they had immunity from being held accountable they did it anyway. I cannot fathom that.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

Now realizes the Great Barrington Declaration put forth by those fringe doctors was correct position to take. This would have saved countless lives and money. She has confirmed what the majority here at The Dose have been saying for well over a year.

Story at-a-glance

  • In recent days, the pandemic narrative has undergone a remarkable number of U-turns
  • January 9, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky sent out a tweet saying “We must protect people with comorbidities from severe COVID-19,” in other words, focused protection, which is what tens of thousands of doctors have been calling for since the creation of The Great Barrington Declaration in early October 2020
  • January 10, 2022, Walensky admitted that the COVID shots cannot prevent transmission
  • The CDC is now saying you should not retest once you’ve recovered from COVID, as the PCR can provide false positives for up to 12 weeks after the infection has been resolved. They’re also cutting the isolation requirement from 10 to just five days — probably because the failing economy is hurting Biden’s approval rating so they need people to work
  • The narrative is also changing on what makes for a COVID case and how deaths are counted. Walensky recently admitted about 40% of “COVID patients” tested positive but do not have symptoms and are hospitalized for something else. She has also promised to deliver data on how many people have actually died “from” COVID and how many died “with” it
12 users have voted.

@CB is weakening and cracking at the edges. Healing around the margins first. Just as severe burns do. Burns heal from the edges towards the hardest center.

Will the narrative crack enough to end Mandates, Passports and the race towards Authoritarian rule comletely taken over?


8 users have voted.


CB's picture

plus a number of EU countries have swallowed the phony narrative hook, line and stinker. I doubt they will now go back. Keep in mind that Fauci and Bill Gates have publicly stated there was a "very good probability there will be another global pandemic by 2024/2025 so we should prepare for this eventuality right now".

Say hello to your Brave New World biometric photo ID which had been postponed a year (Edited: original roll out was October 2021) to also include a health code:

Are you REAL ID ready?

On May 3, 2023, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.

Find out if you’re REAL ID ready with our interactive tool!

8 users have voted.

@CB I fear you are right and there will not be good days ahead.

5 users have voted.


zed2's picture

Always. Especially in the British Empire countries it has been, historically.

In Kenya for many years a state of emergency had been declared because of the land and freedom movement.

During those years, more than a decade until British rule ended in 1962 only employed black people with a pass book from their employer were allowed to travel between them. until 1962. There was border control between every town and county. White people or people who could pass as white were not subject to these controls, but were suppoosed to carry a government issued ID.

Bone up on the efforts to join the English speaking countries into one with the lowest common denominator regulation of everything. So a country with the "healthcare" of the US, and lack of chemical regulation of the US, the (lack of) press freedoms of the UK. And so on.

God save the Queen!

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

just make sure you have a gold star on your chest driver's license.

(PS That photo was used to make these passes look more user "friendly". In reality you are NOT allowed to smile for an authorized biometric REAL ID photo.)

4 users have voted.

@CB or you don't get to drive.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@on the cusp

5 users have voted.

@CB Texas has the reputation of sticking their finger in the eye of the Federal Government. The Republicans in charge put this yellow star into effect. The way the state agency described it, it was basically to resemble how a passport works, except used for domestic travel via plane.
Republicans not only fell into line, but were dishonest about the yellow stars future intended uses.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@on the cusp

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

You can trust your tsar, if you wear the star...wait is that how it goes?

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout We have come a long way since guys working at Texaco service stations, in their uniforms with yellow star emblems, filled your gas tank, cleaned your windshields, checked and aired your tires, and checked your oil, putting in a can of oil for you.
Young people today would probably call me demented for describing that to them.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@on the cusp
stations to also offer face masks and test kits plus baby, child and full strength jabs for the COOV.....

4 users have voted.

@CB the deadline for people to get that star on their DL is now extended to May 3, 2023.

5 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Thats when we'll find out if they did a good job on these vaccines, not now.

Seems in China a bunch of animals all died because of ADE and they had a probklem disposing all of them so they wanted to build a huge incinerator in Wuhan in 2019. But the people of Wuhan really did not want it.

Also Read up on Original Antigenic Sin.

And neutron bombs, the leaders alleged supposed reasons for making and using them as opposed to old fashioned H bombs .

0 users have voted.
CB's picture

The pigs didn't have have ADE. They had been infected with the deadly African swine fever and had to be destroyed.

China’s hog herd may drop by 55% due to fatal swine fever, says Rabobank
Published Wed, Oct 2 2019

China’s hog herd fell by half in the first eight months of 2019 due to a devastating outbreak of African swine fever and will likely shrink by 55% by the end of the year, analysts at Rabobank said on Wednesday.
Though not harmful to humans, African swine fever is deadly to hogs, with no vaccine available. It surfaced for the first time in Asia more than a year ago, in China, and has now spread to over 50 countries, according to the World Organization of Animal Health — including those that account for 75% of global pork production.

Rabobank said in the report it expects China’s pork production to fall by 10% to 15% in 2020, on top of a 25% drop in 2019.

China’s total consumption of animal feed such as soy will drop by 17% in 2019 due to the decline in hogs, according to Rabobank. But feed consumption will rebound by 8% in 2020 as hog herds are rebuilt and farmers produce other proteins like chicken, the bank said.

In Vietnam, the world’s sixth-largest pork producer, 25% of the country’s total pig herd could be lost to African swine fever by year’s end, according to Rabobank. Since February, 18% of pigs have died, the bank said.

But this loss was a HUGE win for US hog producers during Trump's term despite the protectionist tariffs placed on hog exports to protect US farmers. Some believe that this pandemic was caused by an unknown foreign power using small drones seen hovering over hog farms in China.

The year before China had an outbreak of bird flu that decimated their chicken production.

6 users have voted.
zed2's picture

and how do they store the data in the card, RFID?

2 users have voted.
CB's picture

on the card was taken by a biometric enhanced photograph system. That is the ONLY data contained within the card itself. The biometric imaged data is sent to a central data centre where it is stored with your personal information.

In effect, there is no need to actually produce this license if the cop's camera is linked to the central data banks. The computer in his car will have already been sent with all the pertinent data such as arrest history and/or outstanding warrants by the time he gets back to his car to verify. (Maybe he can wear those Google glasses so he doesn't actually have to walk back to the terminal in his car. Save him some time if he has to get his gun out.)

Google is now also pairing with airport terminals to make purchases "contact-less" (for health reasons) by simply looking into their camera at the check out. Google will debit your account accordingly.

Pretty neat, eh? Coming to a store (or street corner near you) to ensure your convenience and safety. That's why I keeping saying we have entered into a Brave New World.

3 users have voted.

if anyone can inform me of a single major progressive leader in the US who has publicly denounced the vaccine mandates on principle, as opposed to offering some reservations over how it would impact the work force in certain key areas. Something forceful and clear along the lines of Corbyn in the UK and Mélenchon in France.

Also curious whether any of the 3d party leaders, whoever they are, have come out against. TIA.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

I mean I think gold star flour is ok, but a gold star drivers license?
I hope you are making this stuff up. If true, when does the gold star
get applied to the license plates? Make it easier for the coppers.

Hey bud, outta the car. Your vax pass has expired. Driving under the influence
of natural immunity is no longer allowed? Wheww..

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

CB's picture


Do You Need A Gold Star On Your Driver’s License Or ID To Fly?

You don’t need a gold star on your driver’s license or ID to fly today, but you will. Beginning May 3, 2023, federal agencies will no longer accept identification cards and driver licenses issued at the state level without stars on them for passengers older than 18 years old. This is an extension from the original October 2021 date due to the COVID pandemic.

All states are going to make a starred DL mandatory to drive. Only a matter of time.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture


or rulers, if you will, by May 2023. They have set the limits of their usefulness. Beyond that,
the power is in our hands. Act now to dissolve this insane herding game.

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

CB's picture

our rulers handlers know who butters their bread and what side of history they want to stand end up on.

It's gone on for too long. I sincerely doubt there is anything we can do short of a full blown insurrection which doubtless TPTB have been preparing for.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

I don’t think anyone from either side brought up the fact that it’s unconstitutional for a vaccine that only has emergency authorization to be mandated. This should have been one of the core issues IMO.

The Constitutional rights of the individual

Across two majority opinions, one concurring opinion, and three dissents (44 pages in all) there is no mention of the Constitutional rights of individuals. This is very strange. The question at hand was whether the federal government, acting through unelected bureaucratic agencies can force 84 million private sector workers and 10 million healthcare workers to have a sharp metal object plunged into their body that will inject a genetically modified substance that hijacks the RNA inside individual cells for an uncertain period of time with unknown short- and long-term health impacts. And not a single member of the Supreme Court had anything to say about the Constitutional rights of individuals? In a country built on the notion of individual freedoms? Really? What’s going on!?

It appears that the Democratic appointees to the court (Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer) did not want to acknowledge a constitutional right to privacy and bodily sovereignty because then they would have had to reject both mandates. As Naomi Wolf points out a Constitutional right to privacy and bodily autonomy has been the bedrock principle of liberal jurisprudence for the last 50 years and so it is more than a little odd that the three liberal justices suddenly pretended that they had never heard of this idea. But worshipping the golden calf of vaccines has become the only issue in the Democratic imagination and so apparently all other principles be damned. When it comes to injecting toxic substances into the peasants, Democrats want the federal government to be all-powerful, never mind what they said before about “My body, my choice.”

Republican appointees to the court (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett) however do not want to acknowledge a Constitutional right to bodily sovereignty or privacy because they are likely to curtail such rights in their upcoming decisions in the two abortion cases (regarding Texas Senate Bill 8 and the Mississippi law that blocks abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy). Said differently, regardless of how they might feel about individual rights in this case, when it comes to abortion, Republicans want the state to have the power to make these decisions rather than individuals.

A product under Emergency Use Authorization cannot be mandated

In the U.S., the FDA has granted Emergency Use Authorization for three coronavirus vaccines.

21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 clearly states that medical products under Emergency Use Authorization cannot be mandated and a federal district court has confirmed this.

The FDA has only given so-called “full approval” to Pfizer’s Comirnaty coronavirus vaccine which is used in Europe and is not available in the U.S.

This glaring omission of any discussion of individual liberties is apparent in the concurring opinion from Justice Gorsuch in the OSHA case (that was joined by Justices Thomas and Alito). He writes:

The central question we face today is: Who decides?… The only question is whether an administrative agency in Washington, one charged with overseeing workplace safety, may mandate the vaccination or regular testing of 84 million people. Or whether, as 27 states before us submit, that work belongs to state and local governments across the country and the people’s elected representatives in Congress.

Given this menu of options, I’m glad that Gorsuch (and 5 other justices) came down on the side of the states and Congress. But this is the wrong menu. Neither an administrative agency in Washington nor state and local governments and Congress should decide this matter. Vaccination is a matter that can only be decided by individuals weighing their potential individual risks and benefits. Mandatory one-size-fits-all medicine is by definition tyranny and savage barbarism because every individual body is unique. And no level of government has the right to trespass my body. This is not complicated and it is strange that no one on the court stood up for these fundamental individual rights.

Arguments from authority and so-called experts are a logical fallacy. SCOTUS wants to sidestep this thorny problem but they should not have.

So it seems that they just weighed up the power of the various institutions in each case and gave the victory to the more powerful institutions. That is politics — not justice — and it is the wrong way to decide the case.

Read the rest.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture



The OSHA case now returns to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Some legal analysts think OSHA may withdraw the rule rather than continue with a case that it is expected to lose.

The CMS case returns to the Fifth and Eighth Circuit courts where legal analysts believe that the challenges to the CMS mandate will be dismissed.

But the enormous Constitutional issues remain. I think there is ample opportunity for the Fifth and/or Eighth Circuit courts to re-examine the government’s shoddy reasoning in the CMS case. I also think citizens should come together to fund new litigation to defend the Constitutional right to bodily autonomy for all Americans, including the healthcare workers who are under assault by the CMS rule right now.

Both the OSHA and the CMS mandates are clearly unconstitutional. The First (freedom of speech), Fourth (freedom to be secure in my person…), Seventh (right to trial by jury), and Fourteenth (equal protection under the law) Amendments to the Constitutional can all be used to strike down this totalitarian government overreach. Any honest examination of the scientific evidence will reveal that coronavirus shots do not work as claimed and the risks outweigh the benefits. If the courts are wise, they will leave these decisions up to individuals acting within their conscience as sovereign citizens.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


- Excellent! Exactly! If SCOTUS affirmed our fundamental, God-given, inalienable right to sovereignty over our own body, aka "informed consent," then the ruling should be straight forward and "no finding of fact" is needed.

However, if SCOTUS was going to consider and even allow the violation of our fundamental right of body sovereignty, a violation of "informed consent," then there is an obligation of SCOTUS to determine the facts. And, those facts include:

1/ Why is the vax is necessary?

2/ Do alternative treaments exist?

3/ What is in vax?

4/ What studies show the vax is safe & effective?

5/ Is the vax FDA approved?

If I were an attorney litigating this, I would bring up the fundamental argument that renders the vax mandates unconstitutional, but also include ALL other arguments that show how EGREGIOUSLY these vax mandates are illegal. In their totality, these arguments conclude that sinister & corrupt motives are at play. Vax mandates are illegal:

a/ Basic right of sovereignty over our own body

b/ Violate laws on medical privacy & discrimination

c/ No justification, rona flu 99+% survival

d/ No FDA approved vax available for distribution

e/ Vax cause injury/death

f/ All above imply sinister motives of tyranny/dep0pulat!on
- And let’s not forget, there are also no protections for citizens who might become injured in this forced experiment. The corporations manufacturing these products also enjoy 100% immunity from any legal action. And even those that tried suing the government for damages walked away devastated and defeated (and even more financially crushed).

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Sima's picture

@snoopydawg I think your points are important and should be answered by the Powers That Be.

But I bet the counter argument will bring up other mandated vaccines, like polio or measles. Now, I don't think the current covid vaccinations (in the USA and much of Europe) have real any comparison to polio or measles (or smallpox) vaccinations. But I've friends and family who bring those up every time we talk about it. When I point out that the vaxxes aren't the same, I get an eye roll and a muttered, 'You weren't there, you don't understand.' Yea, but I have the scar from the measles vax, right here in my arm, 50 years after I got it. So I DO understand. Measles, polio, smallpox, stopped the contagion. You didn't get the disease if you got vaccinated, unless, of course, there was a mistake made in the creation of the vaccine (polio - cutter incident, for example). Covid? Hahahahahahah.

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

snoopydawg's picture


childhood vaccines were tested for over a decade before being approved with the good and bad effects of them known and they are sterilizing ones as opposed to a rushed one with abbreviated testing and no idea about long term effects. But the biggest hole is that while they are mandatory, it’s only for children who want to go to public schools and parents have ways to opt out of them. If kids don’t then they don’t have to have them. None of them are being mandated for adults to participate in society. Smallpox was studied for over a century too. I’m sure there are other holes but those are the most obvious to me.

I’d love to get back to people’s medical information being private and for people to stop thinking it’s their business. Recently a friend saw a comment I wrote in one of the dose essays and emailed me saying that they were worried about me and wanted me to get double jabbed and boosted. While I appreciate their concern I was flabbergasted about it. Too many people have asked about my jab status. I shouldn’t have to explain why I can’t get the current vaccines.

1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


the ruling would have been in favor an individual's body autonomy, rather than narrow legal grounds...applying to both cases. My body my choice? Not when it comes to vaccines? WTF?

Such hypocrisy.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

we need NOT to be "continually nasally raped" in order to control the spread of the disease.

Enjoy JP as he rips Walensky a new one:


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CB's picture

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CB's picture

Trucker LEE - 38,000 Canadian Truck Drivers Quitting On JAN.15.2022 - Trudeau Vaccine Mandate (Video - Profanity)

Welcome to Chinada 2022. All Canadians need to stock up on food and essential goods now! Massive supply shortages are coming in the next few days and weeks.

"It's bullshit."

Ontario truck driver predicts vaccine mandates will cause major supply chain issues in US, Canada
“People — the only thing I could suggest, get you’re a– to a store, first thing in the morning, stock up, because when them shelves go empty, you’re going to be looking for more trucks to bring it, and the trucks aren’t coming — not the way they are now.”

The Canadian government’s vaccine mandate on truckers went into effect on January 15. It requires all truckers entering Canada to be “fully-vaccinated” against COVID-19. The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that 10%-20% of its 120,000 truckers will be off the road because of the mandate. Lee asserts that the number is likely much higher.
“Everybody likes Pfizer. Go get Pfizer. Pfizer is a better one … Why? Why would Pfizer go to the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] and ask for a 75-year extension to tell you … what’s in there?”

“Because there is a lot of f–king bad s–t in there and they don’t want you to know what it is. You’ll be f–king dead and they won’t have to tell you, they won’t have to pay, they won’t have to be liable.”

“You don’t see this? Wake up. Wake up and I suggest you stock up,” he concluded.

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