Democrats about to be crushed: What will it mean?

The Democrats are about to get walloped. This is about to happen despite the Republicans running on NOTHING POSITIVE at all!



This is how I see it (your opinions may vary).

The reason for this is obvious: the Democrats don't offer anything (the Obama strategy).
Their entire re-election strategy is "We aren't as bad/crazy as the other guy."
Meanwhile, Republicans have learned from the Democrats how to craft their message so that it sounds like they care about working class people, without actually giving a sh*t (i.e. the Democrats of the 80's and 90's).

The Democrats have played this tune for far too long. No one believes them anymore.
Even the eternal optimists and the gullible are no longer falling for it.
At the same time, the DNC leadership is so arrogant in their corrupt bubbles, that they have absolutely no fear at all of their voting base. This arrogance is not entirely misplaced. The Dems have increasingly moved their base to the suburban, middle-class voter that doesn't want radical change. So a do-nothing party is acceptable to a large part of the voting base.

On the other side, the Republicans think that they are hearing something new. So they actually ARE falling for it.
The Republicans have the additional advantage of having a voter base built upon hatred of "the other side". GOP voters don't really want anything from their party except to cause pain and discomfort for who they view as the enemy. This is much more easily achievable, because it largely means causing distress amongst working class people (even amongst Republican voters that increasingly lack self-awareness).


Going all the way back to the 70's, the GOP has been a far more effective opposition party than the ruling party. Mostly because their rhetoric is focused on a fictional past than it is on a vision of the future.
The primary issues that the GOP is running on is culture war issues.
Thus a Republican sweep means culture war grievance politics 24/7.

They will look to "undo" the Biden Administration, eventhough the Biden Administration didn't really do anything. So their actions will be mostly symbolic at first.
The concrete actions will be total deference to their corporate masters. Which means more gutting of environmental laws, worker safety laws, consumer protection laws, more tax cuts for the wealthy, and slashing what little is left of the safety net.
Since all of that has been done over and over again for the least 50 years, there really isn't much left to do that won't be increasingly unpopular with everyone outside of the Republican base.
So we can expect the 2nd Trump Administration to start off unpopular and quickly get more unpopular. We all saw in his first term that he didn't care about anything but campaigning.

The Democrats will continue to pretend to oppose the Republicans with symbolic actions, while trying to prevent a voter revolt in the base by playing IDPolitics 24/7. This exactly why people increasingly hate the Dems.
The media will continue its effort to silo voters and distract them from the real issues.


This will all work, just like it always has...until reality intrudes.
And that reality is an economic crash, which is getting closer and closer.

The American people aren't stupid, but we are very lazy thinkers.
The average American doesn't think for himself/herself unless he/she has absolutely no other choice.
In this End Of Empire era, the days of lazy thinking is quickly coming to an end.
Once that crash happens then things will quickly escalate and get unpredictable.

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Cassiodorus's picture

-- is not what I'd expect. What I'd expect is a shift from Democrat to nobody. How is it that the Republicans have earned the favor of so many people in light of Democrat failings? They haven't done anything to merit it.

Three thoughts:

1) People don't seem to have recognized, at present, what the Omicron variant of COVID-19 really is, because the pandemic protocols are all still pretty much Delta protocols. At some point -- I think May or June -- the pandemic will be definitively over. Maybe things will look different then.

2) The Republicans have so far carved out a reputation as climate change deniers. How's that going to poll this summer?

3) The People's Party has made ballot status in exactly two (2) states. They could, if anyone cared, become a major party at some later point this year.

At any rate I can easily imagine 1) through 3) won't matter. Nothing short of a revolution will change this situation. The Republicans could pick up all 435 seats in the House this year and the Democratic Party would not change.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus is what I'd expect, since third parties have such a slight footprint in this country and they amount to essentially no 3d option after D and R.

The unfortunately named "People's Party" probably sounds to most like just a descriptive of one of the two major parties, or a reference to the ruling Party in China or North Korea. Your point #3 is just one indicator that they have a very long way to go, whoever they are, before they appear on the public radar as an option in polling and in the voting booth.

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was a complete elimination of the Democratic Party, but somewhere around 2018. It didn't happen, so 2022 is a last hope. The quislings have to lose something like 100 seats in the House and 10 0r 15 in the Senate to explode enough to allow the rise of a new democracy - ain't gonna happen. The Democratic base is now suburban upper middle class (who will in the end vote their greed) and the urban poor (who will in the end not vote)but thanks to gerrymandering and inertia they will only lose about 50 over 2022 and 2024 and remain a potemkin opposition, enough to doom us all.

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On to Biden since 1973

usefewersyllables's picture

in the slightest. Given the national attention span, people are clearly now thinking of Trump as the "good old days". So if he runs, he will win in a landslide.

If he doesn't run, the bag of hammers empty suit the GOP puts up instead will also win in a landslide. The dems will continue to rake in the donated cash with their usual purile bleatings about "Next time, for sure!", and this handbasket we're all in will keep right on floating down the Acheron.

The outcome for us all will be the same, regardless. The point at which a vote actually made a difference passed a long time ago. It is now like putting an ice cube in the ocean (or better yet, just leaving the fridge door open), and claiming to have done your bit to help slow global warming.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

You are totally correct from a Dem viewpoint. The Dems wax between not caring about their own voters, to being actively hostile toward their own voters.
However, there is another side to it.

Republican voters are total convinced that Republicans taking over Congress and Trump winning in 2024 will make a HUGE difference.
What will it take them to see the light?

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usefewersyllables's picture


will make them change their positions or their minds, not one iota. It isn't worth the effort. And they aren't going to get what they want, either, unless they coincidentally want increasing chaos and further collapse of the social order as the I-got-mines run amok.

Given the number of repubs I have flushed as friends over the last couple of years, I wouldn't be at all surprised if some would be very happy with that (at least in the short term), since it will finally give them their fondly-fantasized-about license to shoot people from their porch.

They haven't thought it through to the part where the people they are shooting at actually begin to return fire, of course. But they'll have a grand old time, right up until then.

So it makes no difference, dem or repub. The die was cast back decades ago, and we're just playing out the hand. And once again, I have to say that I'm very glad that I'm old and childfree. With a little luck, maybe I'll kick it before the denouement. Yes, I am finally at the point where I have chosen to embrace my inner nihilist: to do otherwise would finish the job on what little remains of my sanity.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

zed2's picture

of real people, non-icumbents all, with the guts to fix things like the insane price the current Dems allow - $156,000 prostate cancer drug ended.

A drug that Americans are being bled dry for. The incumbents must be ousted the [poluticians that allowed this to happen, who eliminated the Reasonable Pricing Rule in 1995 so drug companies could charge whatever they wanted poor or rich peiople to pay. It couldnt have been done worse. They should be executed in effigy. Tarred and feathered, rode out of town on a rail. To show how Americans dislike being served up on a platter to the thieves Lobbyists in Washington and at New Jersey at drug companies. A drug that costs just hundreds a month in other rich countries. Costs $156,000 a year here. How long? For the rest of a person with cancer's life.

We want companies that dothatto lose their corporate charters and for their assets to be confiscated and made available cheap. And for the irresponsible incumbents must resign. They should step down.

What we want is the end of the capture of US healthcare, education and everything else of public importance. Companies that dont cooperate should lose their corporate charters and be broken up and turned into public property, their investors should be left holding the worthless paper. For failing at good governance they must pay.; key assets like drug IP should become public property..Officers of these too greedy companies should be expelled from the US. Ad if one person dies because of them and their greed they should be prosecuted for murder.

And we want to see prosecutions of politicians who have sold us out, so it wont happen again next time. They should be sent to jail for a long time, Decades if they are shown to be selling the country out like they have been, if it leads to one million deaths, or more, (the healthcare hijack has likely already done this! with at least one million excess deaths amenable to healthcare since Jan 1, 1995 the day the WTO went into force. More than two hundred deaths each day. The WTO is increasingly an anti democratic tool of a global oligarchy. ) unless vindicated, they should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives in a super max prison, where they are kept on a very short leash, literally. People who create such a paradise for criminals must be held accountable, even if they are poluticians.

Prosecutions of corrupt politicians who have sold us out, who are selling us out. should occur as quickly as possible. And the broken healthcare needs to end. Americans should be able to vote for any kind of healthcare we want, and there should be no WTO TRIPS rules that allow huge drug prices any more. $156,000 a year for a prostate cancer drug. Whoever allows that should be hung.

Such insane lack of limits led to 30 million deaths of mostly children from AIDS while the actual cost to make the drugs was under $1 a day There were 8,000 people dying a day.

NOW the FBI should set up sting operations to catch the corrupt pols, like Abscam. Why dont they do that, any more. What happened? Hello? Hello?

Investors who cannot cope with a country that protects its own should take their money and shove it . And leave the US. I bet few if any would.


Footage from ABSCAM investigation, dated, 1980- There have been NO INVESTIGATIONS LIKE THAT SINCE THEN.

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CB's picture

It shows Brandon at an approval rate of only 35% - disapproval rate 55%. Within the age group 18-34 only 26% approve.

Joe Biden: Job Approval
Registered Voters
January 20, 2021 — January 16, 2022:153,293 Responses

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ggersh's picture

@CB Smile

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture

can get twice as many in the age group 18-34 (26%) to vote he will get 52% of the final vote? Blum 3

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are all too quiet and politely modest about their achievements, even the better-than-modest ones, and so the public largely remains unaware of them. Rs pound the podium and dance in the end zone over the slightest victory, while Ds waste their first-impression time in messaging on extolling dubious achievements like getting one or two Rs to go along with their bills, the "bipartisanship" fantasy.

Some D achievements under Biden that have gone understated by D leaders: major Covid relief, infrastructure bill of $1 tr, lower unemployment (under 4%) compared to Trump, diverse group of fed judges appointed (twice as many as T's first year). But if they don't tell the people what they've done on their behalf, only the few political junkies will know about it.

Failures and non-achievements aplenty of course. Biden's Covid policy, relying too much on the discredited vaccines-only pandemic recommendations of Tony "La Science, c'est moi" Fauci, the unnecessary vaccine mandates which adversely affect too many and just enough D and D-leaning voters who are vaccine skeptical. The mandates will play a larger role than is currently acknowledged in the media, and it won't play well for all the too-eager D office holders across the country, including nearly all progressive Ds, who have embraced them and other ridiculous local mandate rules.

Perhaps if omicron does usher in a more low-level virus threat, some of the negative public backlash effect will dissipate as Nov 2022 approaches.

Meanwhile, will any major progressive D leaders speak out against the mandates, as Jeremy Corbin in the UK and Jean Mélenchon in France have done so aggressively? Bernie Sanders? He's been rather quiet. AOC? I think she supports mandates. How about the leaders of third party progressive groups, where are they? Does the Green Party support the vaccine mandates?

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Getting out of Afghanistan.
Time and again, the Dems don't seem to care if they lose, and it's time to admit that they honestly do not care if they lose.

6 users have voted.

@gjohnsit rush to assign such cynical motives when the likely real answer just comes down to a mix of incompetence and Ds well-known gentlemanly tendency to avoid confrontation as they acknowledge some of the stronger points their opponents make. Biden probably figures his Afghanistan decision will look better once the Historians have a shot at it in a few years.

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@wokkamile What Covid relief?

The $1400 left over from Trumps first installment of $600 on his $2000?

They have "chosen not to extend" unemployment extensions and eviction moratoriums.

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zed2's picture

I will happily vote for my pet praying mantis. As a write in vote.

I don't like colonialism or apologists for it like our own Oxford going "Rhodes scholar"
Has Belgium ever formally apologized to the Congolese people for the Congolese genocide.(From Quora)
No, we didn’t and I doubt the Belgian government will in the near future, if ever.

It was our king Leopold II who via clever politics acquired Congo Free State via the conference of Berlin. The goals he emphasized were obviously not the potential profits but -oh the irony- humanitarian. Stopping the slave trade and promoting science. That and the promise to other countries of a tax-free trade zone convinced the other members of the conference to give the land to Leopold. It became his private property.

In fact, one of the reasons why our government at the time consented with the agreement is the promise of Leopold of a strict separation between his affairs in Afrika and his tasks as King. (The Belgian government opposed to colonial adventures: they were too risky.)

Although it was our King, and therefore you certainly can argue that there is an historical connection. In addition, Belgium would not be the same without Congo. After all King Leopold II was nicknamed the “King builder”: a lot of famous Belgian buildings were constructed by him. (using the profits from Congo.)

Leopold invested a lot of his own money in his Colony. In the early years he didn’t make any profit. The income from butchering elephants for ivory was not enough and after consuming most of his own capital he was virtually bankrupt and had to loan more than 25 million Belgian francs to cover his costs.

But then Dunlop invented the rubber tire. The demand for rubber boomed and Congo was one of the counties were you could harvest this white gold. In 1890 100 ton of rubber was exported, ten years later it was 60 times more. Leopold could sell more rubber than they could harvest in Congo.

In theory Leopold was against slavery. But his methods were not any better.

Each village had to pay taxes in the form of labor. Again, in theory, there were limits on the amount of labor each community had to provide but profits were more important than social justice.

The exploitation regime installed by Leopold relied on forced labor, terror and repression, with only one goal: to maximize the work of the Congolese and to raise the export figures of its African 'company'.

The fact that the agents of the rubber companies were there for only one or two years didn’t help. They wanted to earn as much as profit as possible in the short time they were there.

Millions of blacks left their lives as a result of imported diseases, deportations, deprivation, hunger and repression. The Free State disapproved of misconduct in words, but in fact failed to supervise. And did not do anything to stop it either there were e.g. hardly any convictions.
The system was brutal for the inhabitants: woman were raped and captured if the rubber quota were not met. Villages were burned down.People got shot and hands were cut off as proof that an expensive bullet was not used in vain. (Later this practice resulted in ‘collecting’ hands of living people, including women and children.)

(photo of soldiers)
Force Publique soldiers enforcing the rubber quotas in The Congo ‘Free’ State.

Children with their hands cut.

But it was not a genocide. A genocide is by definition a planned act to destroy an ethnic group. It was never the intention of Leopold to kill those people. He never set one foot into Congo so he certainly did not witness any of it. But in the end it was his responsibility and he did little or nothing to stop it. He wanted to maximize his profits.

It was not until the abuses in Congo Free State came to light that Leopold II was put under increasing international pressure and finally he ‘gave’ Congo to the Belgian government.

The Belgian government actually apologized to the Congolese people for our involvement in the assassination of Lumumba (The first president of Congo after his independence) and we also apologized for our responsibility of the genocide in Rwanda (As a reaction to the murder of 10 Belgian soldiers we withdraw our troops. Shortly after that event the genocide started, costing the lives of 800,000 Tutsis. The genocide was possible because the international community, headed by Belgium, abandoned them to their fate.)

But I doubt we will ever officially apologize for the terror of Leopold II, because the Belgian government was not directly involved in it.

But it is not something we are particularly proud of. Our royal house in the name of Mathilde (our queen) indirectly made a diplomatic blunder when she apologized to Romelu Lukaku for our colonial past when our national football team visited the Royal residence in Laeken after the world cup in 2014."

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zed2's picture

If they win, they fake it, if they lose, it gets them off the spot.
Winning? its a real PITA for them because people expect them to do something. Like they did with health care in 2010. But its as forbidden now as it was then. So they lied like crazy with a candidate whose job it was fooling people that the government had not been stolen way back in the 1990s, when it was. Thanks Bernie for hiding Hillary's ass.

Our futures were traded away then.

ACA was worse for the poor than the free clinics that existed before. Which the ACA ended. In Massachusetts plan which was the model for ACA was a major disaster for people sick with chronic illnesses, people uninsurable under US insurance system, because the insurance companies refused to insure the sick! They still cling to what they claim is a right to do that.

Massachusetts plan did not improve on that for the sick ones. It stilo was a nightmare for them. driving many out of the state, as documented by Massachusetts General staff. hich by all accounts has been an unaffordable failure, we're told its the best we can get, though however. Is it the best we can get?

if they lose, would the Bidens, the Obamas, and the Clintgoons go away? Far far away?

The message is that the unfortunates the Poor people are struggling so very hard and must be happy they are simply alive and have not been annihilated?

We must STFU, they urge us


Soon the jobs will be exported and the ranks of the worthless will swell greatly. We will no longer be needed. There is no entitlement to human life, water or space to occupy. to them. So, we dont exist. Health care is an example, its been forced to be horrible by the bad ideology.. but the fact is none of the victories the Biden types allege can last as they break WTO rules.,

We are letting them take out a contract on America. The GATS is a contract on America.

They refuse to fix it. Instead they created first in Massachusetts a fake experiment in economic extremism that is designed to falsely "legitimize" to prop up a broken healthcare system, ALLEGEDLY preventing a collapse of drug and healthcare prices because nobody could Afford it, so they forced poor people into Medicaid which was designed to strip poor families of their assets and deepen poverty and the income gap. . Stripping poor people of every penny they have if they get sick.

Raising drug prices beyond peoples reach. Anything else is forbidden by WTO law, which trumps SCOTUS, its international, and any additional financial service regs after 1998 were also barred. So the much ballyhooed ACA was broken from the beginning. Its scamn because we're not told that new regulation is forbidden. If they reduce profits. Also it was deemed protectionism, because it limited the profits of foreign financial firms - breaking a standstill. America may soon have to roll back insurance rules to 1998s level of rules' ceiling.

On principle. The wanna be totalitarians.

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zed2's picture

only pretend to care like the Clintoonian madness were locked up for corruption, if they were found guilty of it. Like they used to do back in 1980. With Abscam.

Why did justice stop? Was somebody paid off?

They should be forced to use their own crapcare healthcare, no Cadillac healthcare for them if they want to prevent the public from getting what they call rich peoples healthcare, Canadian healthcare.

Read Rachel Nardin's analysis of Massachusetts "care". Its intent was to stop free riders. Force them to buy crap care that was rendered ineffectual by ERISA.

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Why did justice stop? Was somebody paid off?

LateStageEmpire + LateStageCapitalism

It's chronic.

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zed2's picture

Were we just there because of the million dollars per troop, per year?

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zed2's picture

Where are the non-phonies? The others are sickeningly slick. They make us ill. They are too fake. Thats what my sweetie feels, and she has called the last four elections with 100% accuracy.

They just dont seem honest. I would rather have an honest anybody than more fakes. Oh, we are also sick of people who try to sell us on their CIA, FBI, DOD, etc. credentials. We want less spooke, not more of them. Less epnding on that stuff more on education and healthcare, but not COVID or totalitarianism, surveillance state. People are sick of COVID and the COVID billionaires and their greedy demands, and wanna be cashless totalitarianism.

Look how bad it is in Africa because of the US and its out of control drug companies


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zed2's picture

Cost of health care over a similar Canadian is more than $450,000 for a female and more than $350000 for a male over their lives and that figure is at least ten years old. What could you buy for $400,000 that you dont have now? Health security is not available in the US any more, a relative told me, they dont sell that kind of insurance any more.. No wonder my mother held it in such high regard. She didnt even know how much it cost. (she didnt pay the bill)

Move to Canada and save all that money.

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zed2's picture

They are meanies, looking to get rich off the rest of us. To be blunt, they stab us in the back for our money with trade deals, selling off the people's to the foreign oligarchs. For example, by trading US jobs away. By selling out to the staffing goons squads, the New Jersey drug makers, allowing $156,000 prostate cancer (lots of older black men must die if they cant come up with $156,000 a year to pay the $pfiszer) Buy or die. Get the picture?

I have always seen the Clintoon-Obama-Biden crowd as the wanna be rich people, not the actual rich people.

Maybe they should sell votes, and let people vote with money, for policy, vote for what you want with money, like an ebay auction, why not just sell the Presidency, congress seats on ebay? All out in the open. Candidates would have to describe their platform and if the item was not as described you could take your vote back when they failed to deliver on the promises, and if the other guy or lady then had more votes they would win.

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zed2's picture

what do you opine?

Will you stick you neck out? (or hands in the case of Congolese)

Who is our very own King Leopold II ?

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zed2's picture

pay that money and there would be a lot of it to every man woman and especially children in America, to do with what they want. They could save it for a rainy day, making the country tremendously resilient to any disaster.

We should experiment with this true free market system.

Only billionaires taxes would rise and they would rise a lot but not so high as to tax it all. But we would tax most of it. and that money would just be given to all of our , tax free. Including children, (that's important. Because they have to live in the resulting country, longer, they should get more of it.)

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zed2's picture

While laying poop on them. They have been there far too long. And don't get it.

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zed2's picture

>What will it take for the GOPers to see the light? The answer is obvious to me, we are all the US's indigenous folk now, and they plan to show us this, soon. Both parties will do this because the country is now 100% committed to allowing the biggest corporations to have their way with us. That means stripping everybody of whatever property they own and kicking them off their land, and then selling it to somebody else. Thats what they plan to do.

The usual process of fucking the shit out of poor people. Taking everything of value. Think of the parties as the pimps.

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Lily O Lady's picture

All over Facebook the are multiple posts about how awful Trump is, as if we hadn’t noticed. That seems to be how the DNC wants to build cohesion. So each party is involved in their 3 Minutes Hate hoping to disable the cerebral cortex in favor the the amygdala.

The Democrats are trying to manage us by lowering expectations as they have so many times before while they remind us to hate, fear and mock Trump—an odd combination of emotions IMO. They seem to forget how powerful disappointment and worry are. Oh, and hunger and cold.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

@Lily O Lady

with how bad Trump is and why he’s silly and how he’s going to be brought to justice and and and!
For as much as they couldn’t wait for his tenure to be over they won’t quit writing about him. They’re even covering his non campaign events and repeat everything he says just to keep him in the news. Other presidents have just faded away after their term was over, but not Trump because the media and democrats won’t let him. He’s getting billions in free advertising again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture


The press gave Trump multi millions of dollars in free publicity in 2016 which is how we ended up with him in the first place. I think the oligarchs are putting their thumbs on the scale in favor of fascism, and Trump is the perfect leader/ distraction to facilitate that. The media are their creatures.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...therefore, their basic calculus of "what CAN I accomplish with my vote?" is COMPLETELY different.

"Malice from the Palace" (am I coining a phrase? Seems like it from the scant search results) is a basic fact of life in the eyes of the Deep South/Tidewater mindset that has been the core of the ever GOP since the Southern Strategy - the Appalachia and Far West are nowhere near as fatalistic or Medieval, but have every reason to fall in accord with the basic "government's not there to help you" premise (to reiterate a personal refrain: Colin Woodard's work on the 11 Americas ought to be part of the foundation of our political discussion, and especially as long as sectarian nationalism "identity politics" are en vogue, it is damning that they are instead nowhere to be seen).

As I've said before, I expect a "libertarian-right" near-future. My generation - YES, the very same folks who finally ended the taboo against "socialism" and dream of FDR and Eisenhower like they were Sugar-Plum Fairies - will choose it NOT because we don't care about/don't understand the evils of capitalism, the clear and present danger of global warming, or any such thing...but because of all the options we seem to have, it will be the closest thing to livable.

Hey, even the Star Trek universe, the Gold Standard of Optimism, warned us the 21st Century was going to suck ass, right???

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!