The Dose - 1-15-2022

A few articles of interest.
Health care system is requiring non-traditional support to maintain services.
National Guard spokesperson told Lead Stories via email on January 10, 2022, that troops are activated to help support COVID-19 missions in 46 states and territories. As of that date, Alabama, the District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Nebraska and South Dakota do not have National Guard troops assisting with COVID relief.
Back to the narrative - China is the problem
Dr. Robert Malone Warns Of ‘Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever’ Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
Dr. Robert Malone, went on Steve Bannon’s War Room where he warned of a new disease spreading across Communist China that appears to be an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever” super virus.
Dr. Malone explained that “vaccinating into a pandemic will drive the development of escape mutants that are resistant to vaccination,” adding that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mass vaccination campaign “has mirrored that of the western world, and has resulted in a perfect storm of environment for developing a super virus.”
Dr. Malone stressed that sending athletes to China for the 2022 Olympics would be “madness,” adding that “there’s no question in my mind that they did not drop the curtain on international travel when they knew that SARS-Cov-2 was ripping through Wuhan.”
hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) per CDC (Center Disease Control)
HFRS is found throughout the world. Haantan virus is widely distributed in eastern Asia, particularly in China, Russia, and Korea. Puumala virus is found in Scandinavia, western Europe, and western Russia. Dobrava virus is found primarily in the Balkans, and Seoul virus is found worldwide. Saaremaa is found in central Europe and Scandinavia. In the Americas, hantaviruses cause a different disease known as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
China's vaccine program has been different than those found in the Western countries. First Covid was not actively infecting a large percentage of the population when the vaccination program began. Second, China used inactivated whole virus and non-replicating viral vector vaccines not the mRNA vaccines.
(repeat from The Dose 12-4-2021 4.10 min)
inactivated whole virus: Sinovac and Sinopharm
protein subunit vaccine: Medigan
non-replicating viral vector vaccine: CanSino, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson
RNA or mRNA vaccine: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna
Vaccine availability and stats by country
China’s ‘closed-loop’ aims to avoid an Omicron Olympics
Beijing implemented the closed-loop system for the athletes, journalists, show performers and other staff of the games on January 4. More than 1,700 media workers, who will not have contact with outsiders, have since entered the loop. About 3,000 show performers, 27,000 volunteers and foreign participants will be contained in the system.
An estimated 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries will participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics between February 4 and 20 and the follow-up Paralympic Winter Games between March 4 and 13.
Huang Chun, deputy director-general of the Pandemic Prevention and Control Office of the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee, said on Tuesday it was not necessary to lock down Beijing during the event, even as the Omicron variant spreads in Tianjin and Henan.
Huang said China’s closed-loop management of the games’ areas has been running smoothly so far and that there would be no need to reschedule the games unless large-scale viral outbreaks happened within the loop.
Finally started reading
The Patient Equation: The Precision Medicine Revolution in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond by Glen De Vries (The Dose - 11-13-2021) It is forcing me to re-look at trial designs and implementation for the the mRNA vaccines. Such as virtual data collection performed by participants answering questions in an phone or computer App. Not using trained clinicians observational skills to identify unusual or unexpected issues. Possibly using synthetic control arms, such as a placebo group, instead of actual enrolled participants to be designated as the control.
The Nature article The Tangled History of mRNA Vaccines from The Dose 1-12-2022 explains how the Covid mRNA vaccines are the first products to be distributed to the public after decades of attempts. The original dosing proposal of initial vaccination schedule with annual boosters has been one of the major miscalculations.
Financial Times Partner Content - Clinical trials of the future
The Covid-19 crisis has brought virtualized clinical trials into the spotlight as a powerful enabler in the quest to bring tomorrow’s game-changing therapies to the world today
Back-to-back Covid-19 mRNA vaccines suggesting 95 percent efficacy are a shot in the arm for biotech’s role in helping to solve some of humanity’s health challenges. Behind the headlines, another frontier technology – virtual clinical trials – came of age supporting the research triumph.
Virtual trials rely upon digital platforms to address chronic issues in drug discovery, such as assembling sufficient trial cohorts, enabling remote research collaboration in real time, and unifying relevant data sets. They support the quality, standardization, reproducibility, and efficiency of clinical research while maintaining regulatory compliance. Pandemic lockdowns can further exacerbate clinical trial challenges by cutting access to clinical trial participants.
Even as the COVID pandemic shut down drug trials elsewhere, a leading US biotech firm was able to continue testing its breakthrough coronavirus vaccine on a virtual trial platform designed by Medidata. It was proof-of-concept for the role virtual trials may play in enabling solutions to humanity’s most significant health challenges, from cancer to heart disease.
“Medidata’s unified platform is helping us put patients at the center of our efforts to develop a safe and effective vaccine against Covid-19,” said an executive at the drug discovery firm.
Resolving a host of mounting drug discovery challengesEven before Covid-19 hit, pressures on clinical trials were already mounting. Participant scarcity, soaring costs, scattered data sets, paper document filing, and manual spreadsheet analyses had bogged down treatments and cures to critical health challenges for years.
The pandemic focused attention on these issues, as well as clinical trial virtualization as a potential solution. “Among the wake-up calls this novel coronavirus has sounded the need to transform the way we conduct clinical trials and utilize the resulting data,” says Glen de Vries, co-founder and co-CEO of Medidata, a Dassault Systèmes company.
“The pandemic has exposed limitations in the clinical trial process that have had repercussions not only in the development of drugs but also in how we might have been better prepared to face this pandemic head-on,” de Vries added.
One of those groundbreaking advantages is reducing the need for large patient enrollment. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools and significant data assets (collected in one digital library) can combine current patient data with historical data from earlier trials to enable robust testing with a limited cohort.Even as they decrease the need for large patient numbers, virtual clinical trials open the door to far greater enrollment by allowing remote testing. This is particularly critical in the case of rare diseases.
[INTERVIEW] Korean drugmakers 'virtualizing' COVID-19 studies Sept 14, 2020
Korean pharmaceutical companies began to test their COVID-19 treatment and vaccine candidates in a "virtualized" format, through their partnerships with Medidata, a Dassault Systemes subsidiary which offers a cloud platform for the entire clinical trial process.
Glen De Vries, co-founder and co-CEO of Medidata, told The Korea Times in a recent interview that his company has had many conversations with Korean drugmakers and most of them have developed into partnerships.
His company's platform is already being used in the United States for the development of mRNA-1273, Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine candidate. The U.S. drugmaker's clinical trial using the Medidata platform was one of the largest clinical trials ever to be conducted in a virtualized format."The response to the impact of COVID-19 on clinical studies has been the increased use of and reliance on solutions like trial virtualization," De Vries said.
Synthetic control arms can save time and money in clinical trials Feb 5, 2019
Among the many vexing issues faced by companies that conduct clinical trials, at least two of them — the large number of participants needed for trials and participants’ fears they will be end up getting a placebo — can be eased by using an innovative approach to collecting comparison data called synthetic control arms.
With the skyrocketing cost of clinical trials, the proliferation of digital data, and a new FDA commitment to considering real-world data in regulatory decision making, it’s the right time to begin using synthetic control arms. Medical product development is at the brink of a new age of evidence generation, an environment that’s ripe for disruption. The next step requires risk taking, not something this industry is known for.
Synthetic control arms represent a way to take a safe (as well as time- and money-saving) leap forward into real-world evidence. They work like this: Instead of collecting data from patients recruited for a trial who have been assigned to the control or standard-of-care arm, synthetic control arms model those comparators using real-world data that has previously been collected from sources such as health data generated during routine care, including electronic health records; administrative claims data; patient-generated data from fitness trackers or home medical equipment; disease registries; and historical clinical trial data.
Imagine a trial that needs to include have 500 participants in the treatment arm in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of a new therapy. Instead of having to recruit 1,000 patients — 500 for the active arm, 500 for the control arm — only 500 participants need to be recruited when a synthetic control arm is employed.
Synthetic and External Controls in Clinical Trials – A Primer for Researchers
From the conventional evidence-based medicine, the use of external data to create synthetic controls for clinical evaluations represents a radical paradigm shift. A healthy degree of scepticism on the use of synthetic controls is thus expected from the scientific community. Nevertheless, it is likely that there will be an increasing number of clinical trials that use external data as a synthetic control, so it is important for researchers to comprehend the validity and reliability of synthetic control studies. Here in this paper, we provide guidance on what questions researchers must ask when interpreting and critically evaluating the evidence from synthetic control-based clinical trials. For a critical evaluation of synthetic control clinical trials, it will be important for researchers to evaluate the external data that is used itself and the statistical methods used to create a synthetic control group. We have outlined eleven key questions in Table 1 that researchers can ask regarding the validity and quality of trials utilizing external data and synthetic control trials.

The overlap in financial interests of Pharma and its ostensible
regulators will continue to compromise the integrity of any trials of patentable pharmaceuticals, whether AI driven or traditional surveillance modeling are employed. This fundamental and pervasive conflict of interest will taint the objectivity of all future trials, unless trials are structured to protect the health and safety of consumers of these pharmaceuticals first and foremost. Currently, it is Pharma being well served, not the people.
Smart apps and computer modeling software may facilitate the collection of data, but the algorithms that are assigned to tabulate and evaluate that data are not immune from invisible manipulations that could skew results in the same way our digital voting data is currently vulnerable. Changing window dressings will not address the the foundational rot of our governance structure, and it’s subservience to the interest of corporate profits.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
It appears clinical research trial are heading in a direction
No need for a pesky clinician to pre-evaluate whether muscle cramp is a simple adverse reaction or a sign and symptom of different adverse reaction such as a blood clot. Or have a clinician evaluate adverse event clusters (sign & symptoms) in individual patient's being followed for health. Fatigue and body aches simply two noncomplicating adverse events reported in the App or early indications of myocarditis. The trial participant is more likely to enter signs and symptoms and clinician to only list the medical complication if it exists, if not then report adverse reactions of unknown cause.
Research criteria could be set up to exempt a trail participant's data if medical conditions and diagnoses are performed by clinician not enrolled as trial researchers. So many ways to effect the data set for potential retro-analysis in the future.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Test Kit Update
First SOE...Thank you for all the valuable scientific info this morning.
Now on to the Theater Of Covid---In which the Government Portrays Itself as a Helpful Ally of the American People:
Remember those 500,000,000 Covid Test Kits POTUS announced in the middle of December?
Well here they come. Sort of.
On Wednesday,Jaunuary 19 they will be, and I am quoting, "on offer."
They will then ship in 7-12 days from when the order is received.
You should get your kit, well, IDK exactly when or from whom. All a mystery.
Not a mystery is who benefits from this late distribution of PCR tests. $$$$$PHARMA$$$$$
Thanks for the info, SOE. I find Dr. Malone's
assertions curious and interesting. Has anybody else found out about and reported on this? How did he find out?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The declarative statements in headlines convey a level of certainty not reflected in Malones actual statements, which sound much more speculative and circumspect. He has employment connections to the military (DARPA) which leaves us with the conflicting possibilities of either solid information or propaganda, or perhaps a mix of both. I’m taking a wait and see position on this one.
[edited to add video LINK]
(A 5-1/2 minute clip from Bannon’s War Room including Malone’s comments)
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
".... I’m taking a wait and see position on this one. "
Me too. Some of his statements feel like a limited hangout, or revealing some true information to build credibility, maybe to bolster some false narrative at some critical juncture in the future. I am glad he is speaking out and I hope he is the real deal.
Here is an article from Dec. 19th on the breakout
of this condition. It is apparently not uncommon in that area of China...usually shows up in October. It is attributed to rodents carrying the Hanta virus.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Thank you for the background information
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Different covid vaccine
Last week on the CBS Morning News, they had some "expert" on talking about the 3 greatest threats to this country. Number one was the fact that the Chinese are not using our vaccine. They developed their own. Can someone explain why that is a major threat to the U.S.? I understand the money motive but is there something more. Does their vaccine work better?
Number two was social media not policing "fake news."
Number three was people not believing election results.
Just more State Propaganda
Also students across america walked out in protest
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Intellectual property rights to the Chinese vaccines are not
Cataloged at US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health as part of their Covid Information.
Vaccine diplomacy: nation branding and China’s COVID-19 soft power play July 2021
China seizes vaccine diplomacy lead over US May 18, 2021 Asia Times.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Does anyone have good solid
Does anyone have good solid links regarding increases in "all cause mortality"? I have seen it discussed and have one decent source but looking for more.
I believe Dr Marik stated recently that according to Pfizers own study published in NEJM that they acknowledge such increases. Cant find that in print though. And I believe some of the info coming out of UK may be skewed or explainable.
Thses links might help
CDC site
COVID-19 Vaccination and Non–COVID-19 Mortality Risk — Seven Integrated Health Care Organizations, United States, December 14, 2020–July 31, 2021
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
COVID-19 has taken a terrible toll on the unvaxxed
Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison
Two years and counting here at the Restaurant at the End of America and the crisis of legitimacy keeps getting worse and worse as the months pile up. Since election night 2016, the American public has been treated to the non-stop spectacle of both major political parties accusing each other of stealing elections and treason and god knows what else. Watching this unfold, I have ruefully noted how my own worst fears for what that means have all come true – and worse.
So we each have our own reality now – and I am offering up eight thumbnail descriptions of the fight against covid. The first four offer a Benign View and the other four describe a Malignant View. I am stuck between Number 7 and 8. Pick your own poison if you have the stomach for it.
Option One: Most Benign
The responsible authorities within the USA responded to the virus invasion with a scientifically correct strategy to prevent infection, serious illness and death. Of course some mistakes were made, especially in the early months of the crisis, but the effort was and remains a sincere attempt to protect human life. To the extent that the incumbent policies have failed, it is entirely due to lack of cooperation with the policy. A small cadre of demented or evil creeps are trying to prevent public health policy from being followed by the citizenry. Their tool is bogus science and their hands are red with the blood of untold thousands of victims of their lunacy. Too many ignorant citizens have fallen for the AntiVaxx lies and are still refusing to cooperate with what has to be a universal effort to save lives. Regrettably, stern actions will be required to overcome the evil done by these crazy and dangerous fools.
Option Two Fairly Benign
The responsible authorities within the USA responded to the virus invasion with the best of intentions, but our degraded political and economic culture has been unable to execute the policy as dictated by correct science. “Cover your ass” is a regrettable guide to career security, and that makes it very difficult to make mid-course corrections. Meanwhile a small cadre of demented or evil creeps are capitalizing on some of the inevitable problems with this life and death effort to support their evil campaign to undermine public health through their misguided AntiVaxx lies. Regrettably, stern actions will be required to overcome the evil done by these crazy and dangerous fools.
Option Three: Kinda Benign, but . . . .
The responsible authorities within the USA responded to the virus invasion within the limits of our profit maximizing political, social and economic culture. This led to the Vaccine Only strategy, which is not correct science. Vaccine PLUS early treatment would have saved a huge number of lives that already been lost. Meanwhile a small cadre of demented or evil creeps are capitalizing on this strategic error to denigrate the science of vaccine out of their insane contempt for vaccines. This is both bad science and despicable as it encourages people to avoid being vaccinated. Regrettably, stern actions will be required to overcome the evil by these crazy and dangerous fools.
Option Four Just Barely Benign
The responsible authorities within the USA responded to the virus invasion within the limits of our profit maximizing political, social and economic culture. This led to the Vaccine Only strategy, which is not correct science. In fact, this is a corrupt failure of our social order as the pandemic has been treated as an opportunity for profit rather than as a sincere effort to protect public health. Perversely, this capitalistic exercise in profit maximization also serves to undermine public confidence in vaccines, science and the entire project of public health. Meanwhile a small cadre of demented or evil creeps are capitalizing on this flaw in the pandemic response to denigrate the science of vaccine. Regrettably, stern actions will be required to overcome the evil by these crazy and dangerous fools.
Option Five Just Barely Malignant
The responsible authorities within the USA have screwed up every angle of its failed effort to protect the public from the invading virus. The list of loopy moves like storing covid patients in nursing home is endless. True science rather than store-bought science would call for a different set of policies, but capitalism has gotten in the way. Unfortunately there are a lot of ignoramuses who fill up cyberspace with pseudo-science which discredits the effort to correct the errors done by Trump, Biden and the rest of jackals who run our country. At some point, we can at least hope that correct science will prevail.
Option Six Pretty Fricken Nasty
The responsible authorities within the USA have been in cahoots with Pfizer and several other health care corporations from the start. The goal is to make money for those corporations. Science is their tool rather that the guide to the public policy. At some point, we can at least hope that correct science will prevail
Option Seven Oh Shit
The responsible authorities within the USA have been in cahoots with Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and The Banks from the start. The goal is to transform society into a technocracy. Fighting the virus gives the perfect cover for implementing a totally new regime of authoritarian control over human behavior. By normalizing the idea and practice of forced injections, this conspiracy will abolish the last vestiges of personal autonomy as a social norm. Going forward, we will all get injected several times a year forever and a new bureaucracy will crop up to provide enforcement of this dystopian nightmare. At some point, we can at least hope that correct science will prevail.
Option Eight What the Fuque?
The responsible authorities within the USA have done their part of a global effort to “reset” global society. The virus is merely the cover story – which happens to allow Pfizer to make billions of dollars. But trillions of dollars have handed over to the already rich to prop up the stock market and to buy dwellings. All around the world, totalitarian policies are being implemented in a coordinate way. This all adds up to one reality – population reduction. If that is the game plan for our billionaires, we have no hope at all.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Aw, come on, guys.
If your own assessment of the current situation does not fit into any of those pigeon holes, could you at least summarize your own Big Picture assessment?
Personally, I do not think science has anything whatsoever to do with a citizen's evaluation of what our government is doing and what if anything if requires us to do. Those are political questions and scientists in a democracy don't get Bonus Votes. And Donald Trump and Joe Biden ain't neither one a scientist. Yet Trump's science was evil while Biden's science is absolutely necessary to save lives.
Or something.
Whatever. It really does not matter what correct science "really" says -- there are too many imposters and there is no legitimate way to resolve contradictory stories coming from those folks who wear white coats.
There has never been a way to resolve that dilemma, but we cherish the historical stretches of stability when not very many people got killed arguing about religion or which country should be running the world.
A new paradigm was advanced with the Covid Crisis -- the assertion that some form of central authority can and should redirect mass behavior to prevent disease and death. My complaint from the start was there was never any democratic debate or even discussion of whether this particular virus should be countered by a particular regime of mass behavior. Science can estimate how much havoc a pandemic can cause -- but whether that estimate is onerous enough to oblige the global disruption of just about everything is a political question.
I did not like the smell of that. Whenever I expressed that idea, I usually ran into a torrent of science. Well, 300 plus days later, the science questions are still the only discussion AND there is still no conceivable way to arrive at any consensus about what the fuck is reality right now.
Like Chicken Little, I squawk out my lonely warning, mainly annoying people. That's how they sell aspirin on television, you know. But, the accurate version of my sky is falling lament -- with too many syllables:
We are in a civilization threatening crisis of legitimacy right now.
Or a shorter version:
Bullshit Rules
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
How much CIA-generated misinformation can you spot the second narrative cited in this essay?
Can you spot the most deeply embedded lies planted to twist your cognition?
Can you spot the scientific fallacies?
Well, I don't know about the CIA, but this part sure sounds
fishy to me....“vaccinating into a pandemic will drive the development of escape mutants that are resistant to vaccination,”
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Well, technically, that is settled science.
The fishy part is that there was no pandemic in China during the vaccinations. China is a zero-tolerance for Covid-19 zone.
There is no vaccination mandate in China, but compliance is very high. Nonetheless, vaccinating a billion people does require a great deal of organization.
Rather than attacking other nations and killing foreigners, the vast Chinese military stays home and is well educated. The military serves the domestic population. That is how China was able to advance so quickly into a modern industrial nation.
I thought so too.
In fact it was the only quoted portion of Malone’s comments that didn’t seem fishy to me. I think Bannon, or DARPA, might be rubbing off on the good doctor.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I have tried to find the "settled science" you referred to
and can not. Do you have a reputable source you could share with me?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Yes. They are flinching. But they are not done screwing with us.
They are 100% invested in pushing the Great Reset, central bank digital currency, and a social credit passport.
They are just going to regroup and come at us harder from another direction.
They and the undemocratic sleazy WEF are 100% fake and a scam to steal democracy.
Economics is truly the dismal science, and we are all dead, if this is swallowed as it...
Where is the Ipecap syrup, cough it up!
In Chkravarthi Rhagavan's book Recolonization
In the recent memorialization of the great 3rd world journalist (he died just last month) and editor emeritus of the SUNS Chakravarthi Raghavan (if the SUNS newsletter) there is a description of one of these CIA collaborations (with India?) which apparently became a hot story in India in the 70s. I don't know anything about it more than that. Read it.
Hunt it down and read it. Filename "Raghavan_tribute.pdf" Author "Linda"
Maybe here.
Denial and obfuscation;
great little tools to muddy the waters. Brought to you by our great democrats; let's just not collect data. A new move to end the daily count of deaths in hospital from covid.
The information on Synthetic control arms clinical testing was very interesting.
I had always wondered why clinical control groups were not simply taken from the general population of patients affected by the disease du jour. And I still wonder why. Is it that it was too difficult to coordinate a virtual control group, and now it suddenly isn't?
I always assumed, or was told, that having a group made up of sick people who believed that were taking s special medication to help them — but were instead given a placebo — was a necessary mindset in a control group. But I guess that was just a bogus idea. The placebo was actually (in many cases) mental torture perpetrated on sick people just for fun — but not medically and clinically necessary at all, it seems.
Going forward, I am glad to see the mental torture removed from the clinical trial equation, making it possible for more robust trials and faster conclusions.
FAKE RESET, you mean.
Its time for these evil NGOS to lose any tax exemptions.