Open Thread WE 12 JAN 22 ~ Coexistence

For people who have no critical acumen, a state is a mythical entity, for those who think critically it is a rational fiction, created by man in order to facilitate human coexistence.
Friedrich Durrenmatt

Beautiful Coexistence
Half of the morning sky holds the night,
as the moon in the semi-darkness still gives its light.
But on the other side of the heavens,
dawn is awakening.
With a glorious pink and orange sunrise.
What a delight to my eyes!
Night and day in the same sky.
For all to see.
Darkness and light are sharing the canopy.
Like the winter moon in the dark,
and the sunrise awakening the dawn.
In the same sky.
At the same time.
Being able to coexist in a diverse society doesn't seem like a difficult proposal. What is it going to take for us to pull together as a species to wrestle down the difficulties of the world? Seems the solutions the PTB are pushing: war, resource scalping, financial strangulation etc. are not working out so well. Drop your ideas in the suggestion box below.
Open Thread so no need to limit your comments to the above topic. Please save the Covid discussions for the Dose. Thanks.
Credits ~
sculpture by Kang Dong Hyun Forest of Coexistence
stainless steel and urethane paint; Korea
edited poem by The Faithful Dreamer; Canada

Good Morning...
Coexistence sounds like a good idea. TPTB are not interested and their megaphone constantly divide with Russia, China, the unvaxed, ...BAD!
I'm with John...blow up your TV.
I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve.
It is easy to coexist with nature.
Thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Eat a lot of peaches
and plant the pits!
Coexisting with nature is easy
compared to some species.
Enjoy your day LO.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Which inevitably leads me to
a favorite band, and a favorite track:
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Chilly morning here
Went down to 9 degrees F last night. Brrrr.
the halcyon daze of Obummer
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Those were the days my friend
John Hodgman qizzing Obama at the WH Correspondents Dinner about his knowledge of Dune.
The yearly Book recommendations. The highlighting of music movies American Entertainment industry . Do you remember the Inaugural Concert? The oratorical skills. The vast displayed level of info and the ability to answer the most complicated questions with grace and precision.
No wonder I was starry-eyed and utterly besotted for so long. Clearly that was the Plan and it sure worked on me.
That was then and this is now.
All that Obama razz ma tazz left us with very little that is lasting and positive for our country. Unless you manufacture weapons and profit from war. All that is stronger than ever.
The Corporations consolidated their power while I was sleeping.
Trump brought us Kid Rock and Matt Gaetz and Biden is shouting at a public who has no interest in what he is screaming about.
Does old uncle Joe remind you of the madman
shaking his fist at the clouds?
The tired bit is he hasn't the where with all
to self reflect enough to realize he is being used
like toilet paper by the PTB while they defecate on
the rest of us. I guess it is coexistence in a (not very good) way.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I did not look at the TV
Senile old man entirely out-of-touch with reality? Yes, I think so.
When the 4 most prominent people who worked to register and get out the vote in Georgia to elect Ossof and Warnock do not join you for a Voting Rights speech are notably Absent, it would be time for a functioning adult to reconsider whether that speech should be happening.
Which four? Stacey Abrams, Jon Ossof, Raphael Warnock and Andrew Yang who spent 6 weeks living in Georgia registering Asians and encouraging them to come out for Biden. whcih they did in big numbers. (Not that Yang would be welcome anywhere by Biden or here, either, for that matter.)
This is nightmarish
and behind a pay wall, mostly, but if the Wall Street Journal thinks this is possible, I need to shoot myself, twice.
If that comes to pass,
I'll downright enjoy watching the republican (almost certain to be Trump, of course) win. And I say that as a non-republican.
And then I'll probably join you in the ballistic initiation into the choir invisible. Three times, maybe... (;-)
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
The stuff of nightmares
Don't feel bad
Obama fooled a lot of people, me included. You have to put it in perspective. After Bush, who could barely put three words together, and that old crone, Hillary scolding us like children, Obama seemed like a reasonable alternative.
I also watched that senile, old man screaming yesterday. As someone who used to work for a non-profit which had a contract to provide services to the elderly to keep them in their homes, I have met a lot of seniors. I do not claim to be an expert but no one will ever convince me that doesn't need to be in an old folks home.
Another perspective
Dave Mason ..
nothing personal ..
just a great tune
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Hi QMS and all.
Suggestions? I don't have any for anyone else because I really don't know what to say. For myself though, I have many suggestions....I'll go with one... 'do your best (which isn't very good), with what ya got (which isn't very much).
But sersly, thanks for the OT (and the dose) all this is on my mind. Seems we are winding down to a place where things are really going to get interesting and bumpy.
Hope you are well up there in the North Country. I know you're staying warm 'cause you have that cool wood oven and you know some good jambalaya recipes.
Thanks Rand
do the best with what ya got
sounds about as reasonable as anything
Yeah, going to light a fire and let the good times smoke.
The whole rhetorical question of best ways to approach a
reasonably sane coexistence is just brain candy. Think what
you want, what you can do, what works and go from there.
Good luck!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Not denigrating
More brain candy
take a load off
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A bit of a stretch
you wouldn't be from Tennessee would you be?
Ain't no stretch ..
Fun music!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning QMS. Things continue continuing along the
continuum. Thanks for being --
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Coexistence = cooperation != not competition
+ video, this is beautifully done, Enjoy
"Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback"
God Damn, Lets dig the Dems grave deeper than ever. You see their scheme is so "NASTY" as Trump put it that they cant tell ANYBODY about it, they can only trust a few people to be evil enough to actually follow it. That leaves a very short list of potential candidates. Really its VERY short! It must be.