The Dose - 1-8-2022


A few articles of interest.


Quarantine Stories

Omicron Christmas and a crappy New Year in Tokyo

On December 20 my son Ryo, a Japanese-American dual citizen, arrived at Tokyo’s Narita Airport to spend Christmas and New Year’s with us. Armed with two negative pre-flight PCR test results from the United States, he was flabbergasted when he tested positive on arrival.

He protested and demanded a retest, but the staff at Narita were unsympathetic. “This happens every single day,” they said, “people come in from the US or Europe with negative results, we test them, and they’re positive. The tests overseas are very poor. Our Japanese tests are very exacting and very accurate.”
Ryo started his stay totally asymptomatic, with no fever, aches or pains, not even a sniffle – but on the third day he did experience the telltale loss of his sense of taste, so at least we knew it was probably true that he had Covid-19.

On December 23 he received a call from a tense-sounding staffer: “Pack your things, you’re leaving in 90 minutes.” The impact of two days of solitary confinement in a small hotel room had compromised his ability to carry on a conversation. Perplexed, he just managed to ask, “Where am I going?”

“You’re going to the hospital – because you have Omicron!”

Ryo was shuttled into town to a room in a special, locked wing in a big Tokyo Metropolitan hospital in Sumida Ward. Soon he was missing even the very basic, stripped-down comforts of the Marroad.
But as much as they felt sorry for us, they could not possibly allow Ryo to check out. The Kishida Cabinet had instructed the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Health had instructed the Quarantine Office, that no one with Omicron could be released until they had utterly negative tests two days in a row.

By now my wife and I were beside ourselves. I took some unofficial legal advice that a hospital did not have the right to physically detain a patient, and we plotted a jailbreak. (cont.)

A firsthand look at how Hong Kong keeps Covid out

As I walked off the jet bridge into Hong Kong International Airport, I stepped into another world. I was home for Christmas, to see my parents for the first time in two years. But first, I had to get through a gantlet of COVID-19 precautions that envelop the city like a protective bubble.

Incoming travelers were greeted by gowned, gloved and masked workers, who directed us through the terminal. As I followed the passengers ahead of me, I was unnerved by the shuttered stores. Every other time I’ve flown in and out of Hong Kong, the airport hums with thousands of travelers, children scampering across the polished floors, announcements intoned in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. The terminal was now eerily still. My feet made too much noise as I trudged along the path marked by guardrails.
Hong Kong’s quarantine procedures are among the strictest in the world. The city is committed to a “zero-COVID” policy, which means it will take every possible measure to prevent a single case. Its policies for travelers have become progressively stringent. In December 2020, concerned about the B.1.1.7 (alpha) variant, the government increased the quarantine period for travelers from the United Kingdom to 21 days “so as to ensure that no case would slip through the net even under very exceptional cases where the incubation period of the virus is longer than 14 days.” Concerned about the delta variant, 15 countries including the U.S. were added to the “high-risk” category in August of last year, even though local scientists said the additional week was unnecessary and extreme. As it turns out, I arrived just before another change: With the emergence of the omicron variant, travelers from the United States were required to spend four days in government quarantine facilities — spartan temporary housing in an isolated corner of one of Hong Kong’s islands — before being released to a hotel of their choice for the remaining 17 days.
Whether or not the strict measures are ideal, the result is undeniable: When I finally departed my hotel, there were zero cases of COVID-19 in the city. Life is remarkably different than in the U.S.

I celebrated Christmas with my extended family: more than 20 of us together, from my grandmother and my cousin’s infant children, and we were spared fraught discussions of testing and exposure and risk reduction that so many U.S. families wrestled with this year. I walked through shopping malls and rode subway trains packed with people, knowing I didn’t have to worry about exposure. One of my best friends, currently pregnant, said she’s grateful to feel safe. (cont.)

Senior HK officials put in quarantine after party

A total of 33 senior Hong Kong government officials were among a group of 170 people sent to the Penny’s Bay Quarantine Center after they attended a Chinese official’s birthday party on Monday where some guests carried the Omicron variant.

‘I’m stuck in Australia’s refugee hotel with Novak Djokovic – and it’s hell’

The world’s best male tennis player, Novak Djokovic, is sequestered at the Park Hotel until Monday, when a court will decide if he is to be deported or can play in the Australian Open. The Park has been designated as an “Alternative Place of Detention” by the Australian government, and holds an array of asylum seekers and refugees from around the world.

Djokovic’s family have been mocked for claiming the superstar’s ordeal is similar to the crucifixion of Jesus, and that he’s being treated like a “prisoner.” But, according to refugees and experts with experience of what is informally referred to as the “Park Hotel Prison,” those claims aren’t that wide of the mark. RT spoke to Ali and another former ‘guest,’ Farhad Bandesh, to get an idea of what life is like for those being held by the Australian government. (cont.)


When discussing Covid treatments we should remember CDC approved Treatment option available for COVID

Monoclonal Antibodies fact sheet for Illinois. Each state should have information available.

These medications are used ONLY in mild or moderate cases of COVID-19, in high-risk adults and children. You cannot take these medicines if you are already in the hospital or using oxygen.

High risk means you have at least one of the following conditions:

Chronic kidney disease
Immunosuppressive disease
You take medicine that suppresses your immune system
65 years of age or older
Less than 65 years with certain diseases of the heart, blood, or lung.

If you have a positive COVID-19 test and you are high risk; contact your healthcare professional as soon as possible. You must begin this therapy right away for it to be helpful.


The easy read.
Could microclots help explain the mystery of long Covid?

The research article
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: implications for microclot formation in COVID-19

14 users have voted.


studentofearth's picture

system as of today. Not limited to COVID.

Facing potential crisis, Oregon issues guidelines on rationing ICU beds, ventilators and other resources

The Oregon Health Authority on Friday issued interim guidelines on how hospitals should equitably prioritize access to potentially life-saving treatments should the health care system become overwhelmed by the ongoing pandemic or a future natural disaster.
Dr. Dana Hargunani, OHA’s chief medical officer, said the interim tool issued Friday is based on standards used in Arizona, Washington and Massachusetts. Hospitals can use their own standards if consistent with the state’s or adopt the interim tool.

10 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture


status of our health care system. While the vulture capitalists were buying, consolidating and closing smaller hospitals, the larger conglomerates were busily shedding health care workers. We are now suffering the results. Long term, forward thinking plans are secondary to short term financial gain.

Thanks for posting the Saturday Potluck and Dose!

8 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


Their long term plan is to wreak havoc on our health care system by hollowing it out so badly that it fails even more than it is failing now. HuffPost has an article on how health care staff are burnt out because of they are overwhelmed with the high numbers of people on Fauci’s Covid treatment playbook; remdisiver and ventilators instead of early treatments. He even mentions how there are none for Covid 2. Bull! My question is why isn’t he questioning why for there are no places looking into it? And see my comment in my essay. Corporations plan on just enough staff and supplies and if they run out there’s hell to pay. Hospitals are still firing unjabbed health care workers, but in Canada they are allowing infected ones to come to work and treat patients. Yeah cuz that makes no gd sense!

The first 2 articles on how Japan is handling this are interesting. Funny how they don’t trust the tests being done in the USA. Maybe that’s why cases are exploding all over the country. They don’t work worth a hill of beans. I’d love to know where that came from. Hill of beans? Was that a thing once?

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture

hill of beans
A negligible amount. This phrase is most often heard as “that doesn't amount to a hill of beans.” The underlying idea is that beans are so common that even a hill of them isn't worth very much, if anything at all. The Yiddish word for “beans” is “bupkes,” which has been adopted into American English to mean “absolutely nothing.” You'll hear it at card games and racetracks when a disgusted player tosses in his hand or tears up a losing pari-mutuel ticket with an exasperated “I got bupkes.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I didn’t think someone would know the answer to that. lol and thanks for informing me about it.

Now how about a tinker's damn?

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


5 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

(27 min)
from under the clip:
London has peaked 31st December
London hospital admission fall below 400 per day line
Flu numbers still low
There's still no sign of a serious increase in intensive care ventilation and deaths,
and we would have expected to see that by now
Hospitalisations in England, with good luck they won't go above 3,000

He extrapolates that by end of March or early April COVID will have run its course instilling relative immunity world wide.

I tend to agree, but we will have to wait and see.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

No Food For You----coming soon to a location near you.

7 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


allowing the vaxed to eat the toxic food at Mickey D's, and refusing it to the un or minimally vaxed...Israel is rolling out the 4th jab you know.

Screenshot 2022-01-08 at 08-52-34 Vaccinations and COVID-19 – Data for Israel.png

Screenshot 2022-01-08 at 08-51-54 Vaccinations and COVID-19 – Data for Israel.png

No escaping omicron.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout is clearly an out-of-date concept.

Over-react with great fervor to anything that can make a buck is the new way to go.

5 users have voted.


@Lookout @Lookout Also tightening loosening restrictions.

Posted this without reading the article

The title alone signifies the schizophrenia of the Owning Class. I just can't read any of their lying details right now.

OTOH, our message has been remarkably consistent, hasn't it..... Vitamin D. Zinc. and so on.

7 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


It’s behind my Adblock. If people want me to see their ads then make them less annoying.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

has been infected by a very smart artificial intelligence. McD's doesn't serve 'food'. It serves preconditions for heart attacks, diabetes and other ailments/diseases. It also gives healthy meat and fish a bad rap.

(And it also knows vaccines are not good for you but it is smart enough to understand that it would be destroyed by a sledgehammer if it came right out and stated that.)


5 users have voted.

at the Atlantic with the title "America's Covid Rules are a Dumpster Fire." I'd post the link but it might be behind a pay wall...

"On Tuesday, the CDC officially dropped the detailed, 1,800-word version of its new isolation guidance for people who have been infected by the coronavirus. So far, the best way I’ve got to sum it up is this: Hunker down for five days instead of the typical 10, then do what you want. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay, sorry, that’s overly simplistic. Here’s the slightly longer version: You can leave isolation after five days, without a negative test, if you’re not severely sick; you’re not immunocompromised; you’re not in a correctional facility, in a homeless shelter, or on a cruise ship; and you feel that your symptoms are mostly gone, if you had any at all.

Sorry, sorry. There’s actually more. If you do leave isolation after day five, the CDC would like you to, please, until you’re past day 10, still wear a mask everywhere you go, and not eat inside of restaurants, and not mingle with high-risk people, and not travel. Okay, fine, you may travel if you must; just don’t forget that mask. You can test out of isolation, by the way, if you like. First, though, you have to find a test—make sure it’s a rapid antigen test—and take it “towards the end” of your five-day isolation. Just please, still wear that mask until day 10, though remember that negative results can’t rule out infection, and that antigen tests tend to perform best when they’re taken repeatedly over a couple of days, and also, you don’t technically have to test at all."

3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02

Omicron and the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated is slowly becoming clearer, as this article points out.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture


The government admits the evidence for using masks in schools to reduce spread of Covid is "not conclusive".

The uncertainty is acknowledged in a review used by ministers in England to make their decision to introduce face coverings in classrooms.

"We are ruining our children. We are convincing them that they are going to go home and kill granny."

Dr Hoenderkamp says we have to "learn to live" with Covid: "Sadly some people are still going to die. We cannot stop every single person from dying."

8 users have voted.

@CB of any moral or ethical moorings.

Too bad there isn't a regular blogger from Australia who we can trust, who will write about what's happening there and post it for all of us to see.

"Postcard From Perth." "Canberra Communique." "Anguish in Alice Springs." That last one is the USA's Pine Gap so-called surveillance site, really Drone Depot.

Okay. done for now.

9 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

states have various policies. So media can present whatever view they want. Some states are indeed reopening into omicron. Should be interesting to see how it pans out. Omicron seems to dominate down under.

They have a well hung Parliament you know...

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

outweigh the now known risk, especially in young children, of side effects from the mRNA therapies. Further studies suggest they do not.

Dr. Gold gives breaking news about legal actions being taken to protect US Military personnel from the effects of the jab. The data presented is concerning, if not shocking! Everyone should understand this information in an effort to help Dr. Gold, America's Front Line Doctors and Dr. Ardis save lives!

Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on 'Vaccines' - Requires Informed Consent
December 10, 2021

Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

These efforts from Japan’s health authority are in stark contrast to the deceptive measures taken by other countries to coerce citizens into taking the injection, downplaying side effects, and discouraging proper adverse event reporting.

8 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


A population should take every measure to prevent all Covid-19 infections.

From what I've read in the past two years, the virus degrades the body and brain, and triggers serious diseases and a wide array of cancers — even asymptomatic infections — affecting at least half the people who become infected with Covid-19 at least once. The infection also causes sterility in both men and women, as well as serious schizophrenia and brain aging. What it is doing is capitulating the body into rapid aging. All of these illnesses will start rolling in in just a few years. Intense medical care will be required to keep people alive. Another good reason for younger people to begin migrating to better nations with universal health care. .

So, adopting a zero tolerance Covid policy become a geopolitical strategy to maintain the healthiest and most fit population heading into the future. Speaking of China — they are having something of a crisis with imported food and produce at the moment. It seems that their packaged food and produce imports are arriving from certain countries smeared with SARS-CoV-2 virus. The food never makes it past the docks and China has started cancelling the orders. That happened before, about a year ago, when China's imported frozen seafood arrived with virus tainted packaging and caused another fish-market outbreak in the center of Beijing. On that note, it seems that Russia has been seeded with three different strains of viruses on three different occasions from three different borders.

The genetic virologists are advancing their skills very rapidly, and it won't be long before all the mysteries fall away. It's pretty clear now that the virus that swept through the US during 2019 — which was passed off as "Vaping Disease" — is the virus from which all the different strains in the w0rld came from. You know, this is very widely known by scientists in most of the world. Hundreds of thousands of tissue samples from every country have been shared, sequenced, and banked in research labs around the world. So, It's sort of surprising that that this is never ever mentioned by virologists, journalists, or even governments.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

The 3 democrat appointed justices were so misinformed it’s scary that they carry the decision for all 330 million of us. Breyer said that there was 750 million cases reported yesterday which means every one of has Covid x 2.2. Sheesh. Sotomayer said that there’s 100,000 kids sick with it in hospitals. No there is not.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg and this guy doesn't want to retire.

reminder, not that anybody here will need it---USA population is closer to 350 million.

7 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

breaks the empires narrative? I'm hoping so!

Omicron, less deadlier than the Flu?

And it's possibly better to be unvaccinated

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


4 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

4 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


till the madness stops. There’s no sense to any of it. Good grief aren’t people starting to question wtf is happening yet?

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg Maybe a death/collapse during the a football/basketball/hockey game could trigger a holy fuck moment. I'm hoping for a collapse not a death.

Empty negated the 1st try w/the basketball players, I don't think he'll be successful a second time.

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Del Bigtree featuring AJ Depriest on exhorbitant COVID bribes to schools and hospitals

4 users have voted.
CB's picture

Story at-a-glance

  • “COVID Chronicles” gives a concise look at the pandemic, answering some of the questions that have left many people scratching their heads, because the reality and science don’t seem to match up with what the media is reporting
  • Every positive COVID-19 test is considered a case, but these are two completely different things, since you can test positive without being ill
  • When COVID-19 was left to behave in a manner that would allow it to spread amongst the healthy, about two-thirds of the population displayed antibody levels naturally
  • Mask mandates did not noticeably change the number of cases or deaths the way they should if they actually reduce transmissibility; countries that used minimal masks were not worse off than neighboring countries with mask mandates
  • It’s important to stay grounded and think critically to avoid falling victim to unnecessary panic and stress

The “COVID Chronicles” movie1 gives a concise look at the pandemic, answering some of the questions that have left many people scratching their heads, because the reality and science don’t seem to match up with what the media is reporting.

5 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

QMS's picture


Can you see the real me doctor?

3 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture



I found this in this article.

A Tortured Path To Death In Hospitals: Policies for CoVID Patients & Those Over 50 Yrs

Which linked to the one I think Newsweek was about,

Dr. “Zeke” Emanuel, who was the Senior White House Health Policy Advisor to President Obama and has been advising President Joe Biden about COVID-19, stated in his classic 2009 Lancet paper:

“When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”

“Attenuated” means rationed, restricted, or denied medical care that commonly leads to premature death.

but I can’t find the original article from it. I tried reading the lancet one but I ran out of being awake time and forgot to get back to it.

In health care, as elsewhere, scarcity is the mother of allocation.1 Although the extent is debated,2,3 the scarcity of many specific interventions—including beds in intensive care units,4 organs, and vaccines during pandemic influenza5—is widely acknowledged. For some interventions, demand exceeds supply. For others, an increased supply would necessitate redirection of important resources, and allocation decisions would still be necessary.6

Allocation of scarce medical interventions is a perennial challenge. During the 1940s, an expert committee allocated—without public input—then-novel penicillin to American soldiers before civilians, using expected efficacy and speed of return to duty as criteria.7 During the 1960s, committees in Seattle allocated scarce dialysis machines using prognosis, current health, social worth, and dependants as criteria.7 How can scarce medical interventions be allocated justly? This paper identifies and evaluates eight simple principles that have been suggested.8–12 Although some are better than others, no single principle allocates interventions justly. Rather, morally relevant simple principles must be combined into multiprinciple allocation systems. We evaluate three existing systems and then recommend a new one: the complete lives system.

For months now we have been hearing about how hospitals are having to ration care because hospitals are overwhelmed and lots of media mouthpieces are floating the idea to not treat the unjabbed and even worse things just because they are. It’s now everyone’s business who is jabbed and ridiculed if they are not. Look at what happened to Rogan, Kye Irving and the tennis player who all got the Rona and now are refusing to get jabbed. Charles Barking is saying that Irving shouldn’t get to play basketball because he’s not jabbed. Why did the Nets decide to let him play after all? Because too many players who have been jabbed are infected and can’t play! Yeah it’s nuts to me too.

If you are interested you can read them at their source. I’ve read about the woman discussed in other articles from different sources and heard some whistleblowering nurses say that was what was happening in their hospitals. It’s doesn’t seem too far stretched when we know that the only treatments allowed in hospitals are remdisiver and ventilators and vancomycin which don’t seem to have a good track record of recovery. Anyone who wants to try other medicine has to get a court order for them, but often times even after they have the hospital administrators and doctors fight against using them. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around that because doctors have been allowed to use whatever they want when people have one foot in the grave. But to close your mind totally against using something that might work is just mind boggling. Did you know that Trump signed an executive order giving doctors the right to treat? He did early in the epidemic.

Remember when Trump received monoclonal antibodies, but then no one heard much about them for almost a year until Florida started using them and then more states did. But now they are hard to find since Biden has taken over distributing them…Gawd here’s me being cynical again.

Add all that in with Cuomo ordering nursing homes to take sick people instead of using the navy ship Trump sent to him or opening up one of the many hospitals that he shut down during his tenure. And then other states and countries did the same with the same f’cking results. Even Sweden did it when they left the rest of the country open including schools and not one kid was reported to have died.

Make what you will of these articles. When I see a line of ducks crossing the road I don’t think of zebras.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg Zeke Emanuel wants little/no medical care after age 75.

Do not faint, but I agree with him, and as I've said here I will be 80 on my next birthday.

End of life medicine is rarely Care. It is much more about milking the patient's illness in order to generate profits or to improve the practitioners stats---which then lead to more profit.

My plan is no hospital ever. Let alone hospice care which is now run by the same ghouls who run nursing homes. I will continue to refuse any doctors care other than routine blood tests which help me to stay healthy on my own.

No mammograms since the mid-nineties. As I've mentioned before, I did that research a long time ago.

Never had a colonoscopy.

Never an EKG. or MRI. or Stress Test.

It all worked very well until I got that fucking second shot.

Won't be fooled again.

8 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


I’ve heard that mammograms can cause tumors to get squished and spread, but nothing about colonoscopy. EKG is non invasive and it’s hard if not impossible to fake that test. It’s just recording the electrical signal coming from your heart unless you know otherwise? I used to do them when I was a puppy. Had them done too.

But it’s one thing for you to make that decision. It’s another thing entirely when someone else makes it for you. You see that right?

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg My hope is that people can see that when they enter a hospital weak and sick, they understand that their best interests and profit making are at odds.

Better to find a peaceful at home solution.

6 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture

Rumble — In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.

He began his career as a doctor in internal medicine, was unhappy about the focus on making money off people who were sick so went on to be a public health official in northern Germany where he is from. There he made surveys to measure annual flu waves, by having his secretary calling factories, school and businesses to see if people were at home sick. It wasn't uncommon in a decent flu wave for 10% to be home sick. From there he became a member of the German Parliament. While there the Swine Flu scare occurred and he knew something wasn't right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic. He dug into the issue and discovered a hornets nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions. He went on to work in the Counsel of Europe and is a truly one of the most honorable and honest voices to provide perspective on our current situation. We were honored to get one remote interview earlier in the year and this in person one. Listen and learn from this man of integrity!

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives.

Again I mention the news headlines going back decades every flu season warning us that hospitals risk getting overwhelmed, but since then lots of hospitals have been closed and beds have been cut down and especially ICU beds. Ralph Nader has been warning us about that for some time and yet they are still being closed. NYCVG mentioned how many Cuomo closed during the nightmare of his tenure. And now that they are even more overwhelmed they are firing nurses and medical staff right and left. But it’s not only hospitals that are moving us towards this dystopian nightmare. It’s in almost every industry that has just in time staffing, supplies and what nots. See my comment in my essay. Supply chains are broken down across all industries. Remember how much food was dumped at the beginning of the epidemic because of truckers, factories and workers not doing what they needed to? Did we all forget about that? Cows were slaughtered because meat factories weren’t open. Once they were workers got sick because they weren’t provided PPE. OSHA turned a blind eye to it though. Hmmm

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Shahryar's picture

3 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@Shahryar accommodating to move the vaccine through regulatory process as they were with the mRNA vaccine.

But the news is good additional choices are being explored.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

zed2's picture

resveratrol markedly reduces breast cancer metastasis.

Just one of hundreds of results from research all areas of the medical spectrum that explain why resveratrol is perhaps the most widely studied phytonutrient today. I would not be surprised if it also acted favorably in chemoprevention of colon and bowel cancers, but one really should have a colonoscopy ever few years. Thanks for reminding me to.

These are the first ten of 54 results of a search for resveratrol breast cancer metastasis on PubMed. So its quite possibly a big help, its for real.

Cite Share

Resveratrol Inhibits the Migration and Metastasis of MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer by Reversing TGF-beta1-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition.
Sun Y, Zhou QM, Lu YY, Zhang H, Chen QL, Zhao M, Su SB.
Molecules. 2019 Mar 21;24(6):1131. doi: 10.3390/molecules24061131.
PMID: 30901941 Free PMC article.
Metastasis is a major cause of death in patients with breast cancer. ...In a previous study, the role of resveratrol in migration and metastasis was investigated in MDA-MB-231 (MDA231) human breast cancer cells and a xenograft-bear …

Cite Share

SIRT7 antagonizes TGF-beta signaling and inhibits breast cancer metastasis.
Tang X, Shi L, Xie N, Liu Z, Qian M, Meng F, Xu Q, Zhou M, Cao X, Zhu WG, Liu B.
Nat Commun. 2017 Aug 22;8(1):318. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00396-9.
PMID: 28827661 Free PMC article.
Distant metastasis is the main cause of breast cancer-related death; however, effective therapeutic strategies targeting metastasis are still scarce. ...SIRT7 deficiency promotes breast cancer cell metastasis, while temporal expres …

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Resveratrol for breast cancer prevention and therapy: Preclinical evidence and molecular mechanisms.
Sinha D, Sarkar N, Biswas J, Bishayee A.
Semin Cancer Biol. 2016 Oct;40-41:209-232. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.11.001. Epub 2016 Jan 13.
PMID: 26774195 Review.
Globally, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women. ...This review explores the full potential of resveratrol in breast cancer prevention and treatment with current limitations, challenges and future directions of …

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Flavonoids and Other Polyphenols Act as Epigenetic Modifiers in Breast Cancer.
Selvakumar P, Badgeley A, Murphy P, Anwar H, Sharma U, Lawrence K, Lakshmikuttyamma A.
Nutrients. 2020 Mar 13;12(3):761. doi: 10.3390/nu12030761.
PMID: 32183060 Free PMC article. Review.
Breast cancer is a common cancer that occurs due to different epigenetic alterations and genetic mutations. ...Breast cancer subtype and menopausal status are the key factors in inducing the flavonoid's anti-cancer action in bre …

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Targeting cancer stem cells and signaling pathways by phytochemicals: Novel approach for breast cancer therapy.
Dandawate PR, Subramaniam D, Jensen RA, Anant S.
Semin Cancer Biol. 2016 Oct;40-41:192-208. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2016.09.001. Epub 2016 Sep 5.
PMID: 27609747 Free PMC article. Review.
Despite the development of newer diagnostic methods, selective as well as targeted chemotherapies and their combinations, surgery, hormonal therapy, radiotherapy, breast cancer recurrence, metastasis and drug resistance are still the major problems for bre …

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Modification of miRNA Expression through plant extracts and compounds against breast cancer: Mechanism and translational significance.
Ahmed F, Ijaz B, Ahmad Z, Farooq N, Sarwar MB, Husnain T.
Phytomedicine. 2020 Mar;68:153168. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2020.153168. Epub 2020 Jan 8.
PMID: 31982837 Review.
Targeting gene network and miRNA using medicinal plants could help in improving the therapeutic options against cancer. METHODS: The literature from 135 articles was reviewed by using PubMed, google scholar, Science direct to find out the plants and plant-based compounds a …

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Epigenetics of Breast Cancer: Clinical Status of Epi-drugs and Phytochemicals.
Shukla S, Penta D, Mondal P, Meeran SM.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1152:293-310. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20301-6_16.
PMID: 31456191 Review.
Some of these drugs are undergoing different clinical trials for breast cancer treatment. Several phytochemicals such as green tea polyphenols, curcumin, genistein, resveratrol and sulforaphane have also been shown to alter epigenetic modifications in multipl …

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Phyto-polyphenols as potential inhibitors of breast cancer metastasis.
Avtanski D, Poretsky L.
Mol Med. 2018 Jun 5;24(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s10020-018-0032-7.
PMID: 30134816 Free PMC article. Review.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women as metastasis is currently the main cause of mortality. Breast cancer cells undergoing metastasis acquire resistance to death signals and increase of cellular motility and invasiv …

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Resveratrol and Its Analogs As Antitumoral Agents For Breast Cancer Treatment.
Chimento A, Sirianni R, Saturnino C, Caruso A, Sinicropi MS, Pezzi V.
Mini Rev Med Chem. 2016;16(9):699-709. doi: 10.2174/1389557516666160321113255.
PMID: 26996623 Review.
Resveratrol (3,5,4'-tri-hydroxystilbene) (RSV), a naturally occurring phytoalexin, readily available in the diet, has gained interest as a non-toxic agent capable of displaying cancer-preventing and anti-cancer properties. ...Moreover, by replacing the alkene …

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Inhibition of breast cancer metastasis by resveratrol-mediated inactivation of tumor-evoked regulatory B cells.
Lee-Chang C, Bodogai M, Martin-Montalvo A, Wejksza K, Sanghvi M, Moaddel R, de Cabo R, Biragyn A.
J Immunol. 2013 Oct 15;191(8):4141-51. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300606. Epub 2013 Sep 16.
PMID: 24043896 Free PMC article.
We reported previously that tumor-evoked regulatory B cells (tBregs) play an essential role in breast cancer lung metastasis by inducing TGF-beta-dependent conversion of metastasis-promoting Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs). In this article, we show …

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CB's picture

COVID-19: Sajid Javid directly challenged on mandatory coronavirus jabs by unvaccinated NHS doctor
Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist who has been treating coronavirus patients since the start of the pandemic, tells Health Secretary Sajid Javid about his displeasure with the government's policy of mandatory vaccination for NHS staff.
Saturday 8 January 2022
During a visit to King's College Hospital in south London, Mr Javid asked staff members on the intensive care unit about their thoughts on new rules requiring vaccination for NHS workers.

And Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist who has been treating coronavirus patients since the start of the pandemic, told the health secretary about his displeasure.

"I'm not happy about that," he said. "I had COVID at some point, I've got antibodies, and I've been working on COVID ICU since the beginning.

"I have not had a vaccination, I do not want to have a vaccination. The vaccines are reducing transmission only for about eight weeks for Delta, with Omicron it's probably less.

"And for that, I would be dismissed if I don't have a vaccine? The science isn't strong enough."

Mr James also revealed another of his colleagues held the same position.

8 users have voted.
zed2's picture

I think the constant booster shots are not wise for me. I cant tell others to do or not do anything they want to do or not do. To keep myself safe I am fully vaccinated and now because of "Omicron" I am taking lots of other steps that I think are highly likely to be positive, including taking an modest but effective 500 mg of the stilbene resveratrol which is known to markedly inhibit replication of all known SARS causing pathogens via the SIRT modulatory pathway.

Here are the first ten hits on a search for resveratrol SARS coronavirus that returned 41 hits. The 12th result led me down an interesting path that seemed relevant to me. I have an sort of interest in the monoamine neurotransmitters ad Ive been taking all three of them pretty much my entire life, and feel lie my life lacks something when I dont. I cannot sleep properly whenn i Go without them.

There is a lot top be said for taking tryptophan in the evening, just for health. Itis a precursor of serotonin and various tryptamines that modulating restorative REM sleep and wakeup time. (which I find to be a very creative time for me, its when I have many of my best ideas. Also during baths. ) Its when I can truly relax. I take an awful lot of amino acids in particular. They all do different things for me.

Anyway, Id encourage people to run that search and se what it does for them. As we age the monoaminergic neurotransmitters get less precursor because many peoples digestion systems decline in ability to digest some of the most important proteins as we age So we'd be wise to take more of them to get enough REM sleep. They also compete for the same transporter across the blood brain barrier. When should we take tryptophan? During the later part of the day, and not in the morning. I usually take a single triple OOO capsule, sometimes two.

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Potential therapeutic effects of Resveratrol against SARS-CoV-2.
Ramdani LH, Bachari K.
Acta Virol. 2020;64(3):276-280. doi: 10.4149/av_2020_309.
PMID: 32985211
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 or Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as well as Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), are human pathogen …

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Indomethacin and resveratrol as potential treatment adjuncts for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.
Marinella MA.
Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Sep;74(9):e13535. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.13535. Epub 2020 Jun 12.
PMID: 32412158 Free PMC article.
The ongoing pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2, also known as COVID-19) has led to unprecedented challenges for the global healthcare system. ...Two potential anti-inflammatory agents include indomethacin, which has b …

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Advances and challenges in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Han YJ, Ren ZG, Li XX, Yan JL, Ma CY, Wu DD, Ji XY.
Int J Med Sci. 2020 Jul 9;17(12):1803-1810. doi: 10.7150/ijms.47836. eCollection 2020.
PMID: 32714083 Free PMC article. Review.
Since the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been spreading rapidly throughout the world. Previously, there were two outbreaks of severe coronavirus …

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Therapeutic potential of resveratrol against emerging respiratory viral infections.
Filardo S, Di Pietro M, Mastromarino P, Sessa R.
Pharmacol Ther. 2020 Oct;214:107613. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2020.107613. Epub 2020 Jun 17.
PMID: 32562826 Free article. Review.
Amongst these, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus and the emerging SARS-cov-2 are known to cause pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome or multi-organ failure, especially, in vulnerable individuals like immunocompromised patients or the elde …

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Resveratrol Inhibits HCoV-229E and SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Replication In Vitro.
Pasquereau S, Nehme Z, Haidar Ahmad S, Daouad F, Van Assche J, Wallet C, Schwartz C, Rohr O, Morot-Bizot S, Herbein G.
Viruses. 2021 Feb 23;13(2):354. doi: 10.3390/v13020354.
PMID: 33672333 Free PMC article.
A novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged in China at the end of 2019 causing a large global outbreak. ...Similarly, among the three drugs with an anti-HCoV-229E activity, namely lopinavir/ritonavir, chloroquin …

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Postulated Adjuvant Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19.
Ferreira AO, Polonini HC, Dijkers ECF.
J Pers Med. 2020 Aug 5;10(3):80. doi: 10.3390/jpm10030080.
PMID: 32764275 Free PMC article. Review.
The number of COVID-19 patients is still growing exponentially worldwide due to the high transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Therapeutic agents currently under investigation are antiviral drugs, vaccines, and other adjuvants that could relieve symptoms or impr …

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Natural Agents Modulating ACE-2: A Review of Compounds with Potential against SARS-CoV-2 Infections.
Junior AG, Tolouei SEL, Dos Reis Lívero FA, Gasparotto F, Boeing T, de Souza P.
Curr Pharm Des. 2021;27(13):1588-1596. doi: 10.2174/1381612827666210114150607.
PMID: 33459225 Review.
One of the biggest challenges of public health worldwide is reducing the number of events and deaths related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. The angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), a carboxypeptidase that degrades angi …

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Resveratrol inhibits the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in cultured Vero cells.
Yang M, Wei J, Huang T, Lei L, Shen C, Lai J, Yang M, Liu L, Yang Y, Liu G, Liu Y.
Phytother Res. 2021 Mar;35(3):1127-1129. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6916. Epub 2020 Nov 22.
PMID: 33222316 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

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Resveratrol and Pterostilbene Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Replication in Air-Liquid Interface Cultured Human Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells.
Ter Ellen BM, Dinesh Kumar N, Bouma EM, Troost B, van de Pol DPI, van der Ende-Metselaar HH, Apperloo L, van Gosliga D, van den Berge M, Nawijn MC, van der Voort PHJ, Moser J, Rodenhuis-Zybert IA, Smit JM.
Viruses. 2021 Jul 10;13(7):1335. doi: 10.3390/v13071335.
PMID: 34372541 Free PMC article.
The current COVID-19 pandemic is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and has an enormous impact on human health and economy. ...Collectively, our data indicate that resveratrol and pterostilbene are promising antiviral compo …

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Biological plausibility for interactions between dietary fat, resveratrol, ACE2, and SARS-CoV illness severity.
Horne JR, Vohl MC.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2020 May 1;318(5):E830-E833. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00150.2020. Epub 2020 Apr 20.
PMID: 32310688 Free PMC article.
The angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) cellular receptor is responsible for the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), thus impacting the entrance and clearance of the virus. ...As such, we postulate on the biologica …

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Pathogenetic profiling of COVID-19 and SARS-like viruses.
Nain Z, Rana HK, Liò P, Islam SMS, Summers MA, Moni MA.
Brief Bioinform. 2021 Mar 22;22(2):1175-1196. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbaa173.
PMID: 32778874 Free PMC article.
P 0.05) with SARS-CoV infection. Among the dysregulated genes, SARS-CoV shared 19 upregulated and 22 downregulated genes with each of different COVID-19 complications. ...Finally, protein-chemical interactions suggest cyclosporine, resveratrol and quercetin a …

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Tryptophan Metabolites and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Pathophysiology.
Anderson G, Carbone A, Mazzoccoli G.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 5;22(4):1597. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041597.
PMID: 33562472 Free PMC article. Review.
The metabolism of tryptophan is intimately associated with the differential regulation of diverse physiological processes, including in the regulation of responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection that underpins the COVID-19 …

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Can Resveratrol-Inhaled Formulations Be Considered Potential Adjunct Treatments for COVID-19?
Rossi GA, Sacco O, Capizzi A, Mastromarino P.
Front Immunol. 2021 May 19;12:670955. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.670955. eCollection 2021.
PMID: 34093569 Free PMC article. Review.
The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to an extraordinary threat to the global healthcare system. ...A potential anti-inflammatory molecule to be evaluated, which possesses antiviral activities in several ex …

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Effective inhibition of coronavirus replication by Polygonum cuspidatum.
Xu H, Li J, Song S, Xiao Z, Chen X, Huang B, Sun M, Su G, Zhou D, Wang G, Hao R, Wang N.
Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2021 Oct 30;26(10):789-798. doi: 10.52586/4988.
PMID: 34719206
IC(50) values of resveratrol inhibited SARS-CoV-2 Mpro and Plpro, MERS Mpro and Plpro were 29.81 ,60.86, 16.35 and19.04 muM, respectively. Finally, SPR assay confirmed that polydatin and resveratrol had high affinity to SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV 3Clp …

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COVID-19 and renin angiotensin aldosterone system: Pathogenesis and therapy.
Babajani F, Kakavand A, Mohammadi H, Sharifi A, Zakeri S, Asadi S, Afshar ZM, Rahimi Z, Sayad B.
Health Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 17;4(4):e440. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.440. eCollection 2021 Dec.
PMID: 34869917 Free PMC article. Review.
AIMS: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) binds to the ACE2 component of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) and infects the human cells. The aims of the present review were to look at the role and alteration of the RAAS comp …

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Stilbene-based natural compounds as promising drug candidates against COVID-19.
Wahedi HM, Ahmad S, Abbasi SW.
J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2021 Jun;39(9):3225-3234. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1762743. Epub 2020 May 12.
PMID: 32345140
The pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) presents a great threat to public health. ...SarmaHighlightsStilbenoid analogs could be potential disruptors of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein …

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Cell Clearing Systems as Targets of Polyphenols in Viral Infections: Potential Implications for COVID-19 Pathogenesis.
Limanaqi F, Busceti CL, Biagioni F, Lazzeri G, Forte M, Schiavon S, Sciarretta S, Frati G, Fornai F.
Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Nov 10;9(11):1105. doi: 10.3390/antiox9111105.
PMID: 33182802 Free PMC article. Review.
The novel coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has generated the ongoing coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, still with an uncertain outcome. ...In this frame, alterations in cell-clearing systems of …

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Natural Substances and Semisynthetic Derivatives as Potential Alternative Products Against SARS-CoV-2.
Fuochi V, Furneri PM.
Mini Rev Med Chem. 2021;21(13):1596-1611. doi: 10.2174/1389557521666210203154541.
PMID: 33535950 Review.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Today, a new beta-coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has emerged and it is causing a global pandemic. ...METHOD: The literature search was performed in the MEDLINE electronic database using the public access known as NCBI-PUBMED. Keywords "co …

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Molecular modelling of the antiviral action of Resveratrol derivatives against the activity of two novel SARS CoV-2 and 2019-nCoV receptors.
Ranjbar A, Jamshidi M, Torabi S.
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020 Jul;24(14):7834-7844. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202007_22288.
PMID: 32744711
The pandemic threat of COVID-19 causes serious concern for people and world organizations. The effect of Coronavirus disease on the lifestyle and economic status of humans is undeniable, and all of the researchers (biologists, pharmacists, physicians, and chemists) can hel …

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Fighting coronaviruses with natural polyphenols.
da Silva APG.
Biocatal Agric Biotechnol. 2021 Oct;37:102179. doi: 10.1016/j.bcab.2021.102179. Epub 2021 Oct 5.
PMID: 34630764 Free PMC article.
Few licensed drugs and vaccines are available concerning COVID-19, a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2). Furthermore, numerous recent SARS-COV-2 variants of have arisen globally, demonstrating the need to develop br …

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snoopydawg's picture

Iowa Nursing Home Operator Forced Into Bankruptcy By "Crippling" Staff Shortages

Here's just the latest example of why forcing health-care workers to get vaccines and boosters - like the State of New York is still doing - is an untenable policy at best, and a stepping stone to disaster at worse.

Bloomberg reports that a chain of nursing homes in Iowa has just been forced into bankruptcy, placing even more strain on the creaking local health-care system, due to "crippling" staff shortages.

Court documents reflect how the company, QHC Facilities LLC, which hosts a total of 750 beds across its 8 nursing homes and two assisted living facilities, has been devastated by the twin pressures of COVID deaths among its patients (many of whom fall into the most susceptible category of patient), and resignations en masse among its workers. One of its homes even made it on to a list of "America's worst nursing homes".

Fortunately for the state's health-care system, a judge back in November blocked a federal vaccine mandate for health-care workers in Iowa and eight other states. Clearly, that was a prescient decision.

To be sure, the company was struggling even before the pandemic. Local media reports out of Iowa showed QHC Facilities had been fined many times in recent years for substandard patient care.

A double whammy with loss of paying customers and staff walking out because of low pay. But unless the supremes shoot down the mandates it’s going to happen across the country. Government could force nursing homes to pay higher wages by increasing how much Medicaid reimburses them. But then I think the vaccine mandates for any health care facility is one of the ways our health care system is going to be dismantled. Hospitals have been overwhelmed long before Covid hit and no one has changed course on it yet. Keep firing staff and under pay workers and people are going to bail.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


Nursing homes are being asked to accept COVID-positive admissions from hospitals, according to a new guidance from the Department of Public Health, even as positivity rates within nursing homes are increasing sharply.

The latest guidance from the DPH is an indication that the state is trying to alleviate the growing crush of COVID-19 cases in hospitals as they near record numbers of patients.

Until Thursday, the health department required any patient transferred from a hospital to a long-term care facility to have a negative COVID test performed in the hospital within 48 hours of their transfer, but that requirement is now waived.

“Vaccination status of an individual should not influence decisions about hospital discharge or PAC admission,” according to the DPH.

The guidance puts significant pressure on nursing homes that are already facing severe staffing challenges and testing limitations, providers said.

“Hospitalized patients should be discharged from acute care whenever clinically indicated, regardless of COVID-19 status,” Public Health Commissioner Dr. Manisha Juthani wrote in the two-page memo.

The change comes even as state data show more than 80% of Connecticut’s nursing homes are now reporting COVID-19 cases among either staff or residents, and booster shots among staff remain low.

Good lord how can people not see that there is a agenda here? Biden has given every governor a pass on prosecution so why the hell not do it again? Families better make noise this time.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg to increase Covid cases and deaths. Unbelievable.

The systematic improvements and quality oversite in elder and longterm care in this country since the 1970's has been totally obliterated.

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture


They know that putting infected people in nursing homes will expose the most vulnerable to getting infected. That they are going to do it anyway should be depraved indifference to life. It’s unbelievable that they would do it again knowing how dangerous it is to the elderly.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg Federal bureaucracies than any aspect of medical care. Congress passes the broad laws, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for writing the rules, ensuring public input and enforcement of the Federal Guidelines. To be eligible for Federal funds each state must ensure compliance by the health facilities to the Federal Guidelines. Each facility is periodically inspected for compliance to Federal Guidelines so they may receive payment from Federal funds. Survey practices are defined to assist nonexperts to have the tools to evaluate quality in all aspects of the facility including physical plant, dietary, housekeeping, medical care, social support and any aspect of care. To vary from these rules without potential loss of funds requires a waiver.

CDC is now publishing Infection Control Guidancefor Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care Facilities. Since I have been out of active practice for many years not up to date on methods of rule writing.

Immunocompromised patients are the first to lose protection from vaccines and some do not create adequate protection initially from vaccines or prior infections.

3 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture


and it’s why we saw the regulations rolled back. I doubt I can find the article I posted here a few years back showing how devastating the new laws for them are now but they are allowed to basically get away with murder in them they are so lax.

Remember after Cuoma started putting infected people in nursing homes the lobby asked for protection from lawsuits and he gave it to them. It’s what McConnell wanted for all industries. I’m not sure if that ever got passed.

Thanks for the info on this. And for your valuable information on Covid you bring to the dose!

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

People know that there is a treatment available but is blocked by governments.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg Turning her back on money and prestige and turning her efforts into treatment, saving lives.
Exemplary. I bow to her greatness.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981