This is the NY Daily News front page. Inside the newspaper there is an additional two page giant photo of another line. As mentioned yesterday the line participants are invariably young.
We have reached Peak Dissonance in NYC. Last night the Mayor and the City's chief Doctor predicted on local TV---Live---that this virus emergency would be over in the first week or two of January.
And yes, those questionably useful tests would be arriving from the State and the Feds. Free home testing and so will the Free N95 masks. When??? to Where???
IMHO---my non-scientific humble opinion---this is a last ditch money grab for test manufacturers and Pharma before the fizzle out.
And de Blasio's last chance in his 9 remaining days to pretend that he is a a team player. Fat chance, after 8 years of destroying upper class ambitions in favor of using every bit of his power to assist the working and lower class in NYC.
The 99% who benefited will never forget him and the 1% who could not stop him, will never forgive him.
Morning, Lookout---winter in NYC. Cold and only 9 hours and 14 minutes of daylight. Even the trees that were green into December are yielding their leaves now.
omicron will pull the rug out from TPTB scheme of mass control. How can you have mandates when most everyone has natural immunity? Hopefully this house of cards falls in the near term. Already 73% omicron in those testing positive. Another couple of weeks and it will be close to 100%.
A cool 42 F this AM for my trade day stroll, but they're predicting 70 F on Xmas day here. We enjoyed hanging out by the fire outside all day yesterday. We cooked on coals shoveled out of the fire. So we've done our (pagan) duty to bring back the light of the sun after the solstice passes today.
Morning, Lookout---winter in NYC. Cold and only 9 hours and 14 minutes of daylight. Even the trees that were green into December are yielding their leaves now.
11 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
omicron will pull the rug out from TPTB scheme of mass control. How can you have mandates when most everyone has natural immunity? Hopefully this house of cards falls in the near term. Already 73% omicron in those testing positive. Another couple of weeks and it will be close to 100%.
A cool 42 F this AM for my trade day stroll, but they're predicting 70 F on Xmas day here. We enjoyed hanging out by the fire outside all day yesterday. We cooked on coals shoveled out of the fire. So we've done our (pagan) duty to bring back the light of the sun after the solstice passes today.
omicron will pull the rug out from TPTB scheme of mass control. How can you have mandates when most everyone has natural immunity? Hopefully this house of cards falls in the near term. Already 73% omicron in those testing positive. Another couple of weeks and it will be close to 100%.
A cool 42 F this AM for my trade day stroll, but they're predicting 70 F on Xmas day here. We enjoyed hanging out by the fire outside all day yesterday. We cooked on coals shoveled out of the fire. So we've done our (pagan) duty to bring back the light of the sun after the solstice passes today.
2 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Moderna “has pulled out over the health risks of sending employees to the crowded hallways of J.P. Morgan’s cramped venue, the Westin St. Francis Hotel.”
Thanks for the Riener Füllmich interview of Vera Sharav and the links to Margaretannaalice...excellent information and discussion. It's good to see the ex Pfizer vice president is talking about what he knows. Riener asks three essential questions: who is driving the agenda? For what endgame? and how many are there driving the agenda? (3000).
8 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Wasn't there something about scape-goats and sin-eaters around here?
So, have you found your goats and sins?
I have written a long comment to the article that talked about racism and could never post it. Should I be mean and believe therefore, that somehow that was not accidental, but 'rather a word from the 'up on high'. May be it was a word from the 'Up on low'. Oh well, as everything is upside down lately, no wonder.
And btw this video was posted several times already on C99p. It doesn't get better, no matter how often it's posted. Just saying.
Umm why? Have the drug companies changed their formulas from the original virus to fight the ones that came after? No not so much, but do it anyway by dammit.
If the first-generation monoclonal antibodies are now so useless that they’re being retired, why would the first-generation vaccines be any better?
We call them vaccines. But it is clear after a year of use that the mRNA shots do not produce a robust long-term B- or T-cell immune response.
In other words, they basically turn your body into a factory for generating monoclonal antibodies for the original wild-type virus.
But THOSE ANTIBODIES DON’T WORK ANYMORE AGAINST OMICRON. Its shape is too different. They can’t attach properly. Which is why the Lilly and Regeneron antibodies are being phased out.
Yet the same logic that has led to the realization that the mAb cocktails won’t work is being ignored for the vaccines.
I don’t know. But the answer definitely is not a pathetic unwillingness to admit vaccine failure at all costs.
So yippee Biden’s finally going to provide free tests at home after Psaki just 2 weeks ago said it’d be too expensive for them to do that. What changed? Or are we on our way to make another new billionaire?
The old PCR tests were deemed ineffective months ago but were still used to tell people if they were infected..well sorta. I read that the jabbed in hospital were tested at a lower level than the unjabbed because they were following the science don’t you know even though they weren’t working as advertised, but hey someone needed to make money..yee gawd’s and little fishies.. I can’t make sense of any of this anymore.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I saw the same doctor who tried to tell me I had a 7 month cold yesterday and her new reccomendation was for me to take the Moderna booster as it is only a half dose. Apparently Dr. C is finally convinced that it was a vaccine OD that had me ill after my second Pfizer shot.
But I am Not taking any shot at all. What I am taking, is Vitamin D as always and added Zinc to my daily intake.
In a month or so if I am still feeling well, I'll be looking in to Quercetin, which I think is often combined with zinc and other immune boosting things.
If Lookout is right and I think he is, postponing further approved medical interventions until this blows over may be a good plan.
Umm why? Have the drug companies changed their formulas from the original virus to fight the ones that came after? No not so much, but do it anyway by dammit.
If the first-generation monoclonal antibodies are now so useless that they’re being retired, why would the first-generation vaccines be any better?
We call them vaccines. But it is clear after a year of use that the mRNA shots do not produce a robust long-term B- or T-cell immune response.
In other words, they basically turn your body into a factory for generating monoclonal antibodies for the original wild-type virus.
But THOSE ANTIBODIES DON’T WORK ANYMORE AGAINST OMICRON. Its shape is too different. They can’t attach properly. Which is why the Lilly and Regeneron antibodies are being phased out.
Yet the same logic that has led to the realization that the mAb cocktails won’t work is being ignored for the vaccines.
I don’t know. But the answer definitely is not a pathetic unwillingness to admit vaccine failure at all costs.
So yippee Biden’s finally going to provide free tests at home after Psaki just 2 weeks ago said it’d be too expensive for them to do that. What changed? Or are we on our way to make another new billionaire?
The old PCR tests were deemed ineffective months ago but were still used to tell people if they were infected..well sorta. I read that the jabbed in hospital were tested at a lower level than the unjabbed because they were following the science don’t you know even though they weren’t working as advertised, but hey someone needed to make money..yee gawd’s and little fishies.. I can’t make sense of any of this anymore.
I’ve heard good things about Quercetin when added to zinc and vitamin D and it might work as well as HCQ on the Rona virus. I think it was from one of the FLLDA doctors that first thought of adding ivermectin to the regime. I’m sure I messed up the name but hopefully y’all know who I mean. Merick, Kory and Malone.
It’s sad that so many doctors after 2 years of this crap haven’t explored why there are no repurposed drugs being used for this virus. Maybe now that it acts more like a cold their thoughts might lead to some questions about how to treat it. You know like they do with the common cold.
A 7 month cold to explain your symptoms? Did you say that the vitamin regime has helped some? Dunno but I’ve been fighting off some bug for longer than that even though I’ve been through a harsh regime of antibiotics I’m still having symptoms of the flu except I’ve never had a fever, dry hacking cough or any of the other symptoms of the Rona bug. I haven’t been tested though because I don’t want a huge honking Q-tip anywhere near my sinuses. Got enough problems with them already. A grade 1 infection and most people wouldn’t know they had it, but I’m lying on the floor in pain. Not risking that.
I react weirdly to lots of drugs, but never thought I’d react weird to vitamins too. A few make the nerve damage in my leg worse and the one my doc recommended for neuropathy made it worse. I’ve been experimenting to see what I can tolerate. I’ve finally convinced him I’m not making it up about how I react. He’s seen the effects. We both shudder thinking how I’d react to the jabs.
This is why I think the Dose is important. I appreciate what people here bring to the discussion. I learn something new every day and those who don’t want to learn should stop criticizing those who do. We are just trying to find our best way through this government run epidemic thing.
Thanks everyone!
#5#5 I saw the same doctor who tried to tell me I had a 7 month cold yesterday and her new reccomendation was for me to take the Moderna booster as it is only a half dose. Apparently Dr. C is finally convinced that it was a vaccine OD that had me ill after my second Pfizer shot.
But I am Not taking any shot at all. What I am taking, is Vitamin D as always and added Zinc to my daily intake.
In a month or so if I am still feeling well, I'll be looking in to Quercetin, which I think is often combined with zinc and other immune boosting things.
If Lookout is right and I think he is, postponing further approved medical interventions until this blows over may be a good plan.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
to resist taking further shots. Me, I've avoided all of them and will continue to do so. That includes flu shots. Never had one. In the past 20 yrs, I've had but one incident of cold/flu, due to one particularly miserable period of high stress and little sleep. Other thoughts:
1) You are your own best doctor. Continue to educate yourself. Most doctors still aren't well versed in non-drug ways of staying healthy. Of course, if an acute situation arises or long symptoms persist, try to find a good one, preferably one not inclined to hector you into getting a Covid shot.
2) Building the innate immune system through food, exercise, stress-avoidance and good sleep is still vastly underrated.
3) We still need to supplement with vitamins, given our mostly unnatural and nutrition-compromised food supply in the 21st C.
4) I add a couple of lesser known exotic type supplements, which I've taken for years, well before Covid.
5) Ivermectin, taken 2x/week prophylactically. Extra few months supply on hand to treat in case I get unlucky, as there are no guarantees with this virus, which I've avoided to this point.
6) Two of my most important sources of info swear by the vital importance of keeping a slightly-alkaline diet as a way to avoid colds and flu, which I figure would also be helpful in warding off this coronavirus. Buy pH strip test kit to check alkaline/acid balance at home.
7) I am reminded by my betters that it's important to continue to mask up when around strangers indoors.
8) Avoid all public transportation and large public gatherings.
9) Keep mentally healthy and active, add some amusement to your day and don't just wallow in Watergate.
10) Continue to check for updates on their Covid protocols.
ETA: 11) Keep on hand those nasal-throat sprays and related that Flccc recommends before and immediately after exposure situations. As those occasions are rare for me, I use basic essential-oil Listerine plus a saline nasal spray for everyday.
#5#5 I saw the same doctor who tried to tell me I had a 7 month cold yesterday and her new reccomendation was for me to take the Moderna booster as it is only a half dose. Apparently Dr. C is finally convinced that it was a vaccine OD that had me ill after my second Pfizer shot.
But I am Not taking any shot at all. What I am taking, is Vitamin D as always and added Zinc to my daily intake.
In a month or so if I am still feeling well, I'll be looking in to Quercetin, which I think is often combined with zinc and other immune boosting things.
If Lookout is right and I think he is, postponing further approved medical interventions until this blows over may be a good plan.
lol I saw that yesterday and boy did they get hammered for saying that. Especially since both Fauci and Walensky have long ago admitted that yes the jabbed can get infected and spread it. But what makes it so asinine is that it came out on the same day that 3 fully jabbed and boosted democrats tested positive.
Toxin is right and it’s making things worse just like they predicted it would. How many scientists who are working on the 'vaccines' also knew that this could happen or is happening now?
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky who warns about ADE, or worsening disease in vaccinated individuals after re-exposure to the virus :
“Additionally, reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.” Endquote Dr. Rochelle Walensky
Latest Public Health Service Data Suggests ADE is Occurring in Scotland
An article in Daily Expose 9/1/21 reviews public data from the Public Health Service of Scotland over the past 4 weeks shows alarming indication that ADE is occurring in the population of Scotland:
These are the Two Public Health reports from Scotland Aug 4 and Sept 1, 2021:
Public Health Scotland 21-08-04-covid19-publication_report
Public Health Scotland 21-09-01-covid19-publication_report
Publicly released data (above two pdf files) shows for last 4 weeks, the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) in the fully vaccinated is 3.3 times that of the unvaccinated. The risk of death if hospitalized for the fully vaccinated is 2.15 times that of the unvaccinated hospitalized for Covid. ( note: This is for most recent 4 weeks of data)
Here is a quote from the Daily Expose article:
“the unvaccinated account for just 25% of deaths in the last four weeks, (and that percentage has reduced in more recent weeks), the unvaccinated have a much lower chance of being hospitalised, a much lower chance of death if infected with Covid-19, and a much lower chance of death if hospitalised with Covid-19, and the Public Health Authorities are doing their best to hide it….
In the most recent four weeks 0.1% of confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, whilst 0.33% of confirmed cases among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. Therefore, according to Public Health Scotland’s own data, the risk of death if infected with Covid-19 is 3.3 times / 230% higher if fully vaccinated compared to being unvaccinated.
The data also shows that 6.5% of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, whilst 14% of hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. Therefore, the risk of death if hospitalised with Covid-19 is 2.15 times / 115% higher if fully vaccinated compared to being unvaccinated. End Quote (36-39)
Conclusion: Rachelle Walensky of the CDC is now warning us about ADE , Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Data from Scotland suggests this is now occurring in heavily vaccinated populations. This is an adverse effect in which the vaccine makes the disease worse. Some authors have suggested abandoning the current mRNA vaccines in favor of new vaccines using T cell immunity rather than antibody immunity.(5) Dr. Darrell O Ricke writes in Frontiers in immunology (2021):
These models place increased emphasis on the importance of developing safe SARS-CoV-2 T cell vaccines that are not dependent upon antibodies. (5) endquote Dr. Darrell O Ricke
#6 A Frontline Doctor’s succinct description of severe illness and death for the vaccinated...
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open.
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which has met at the Swiss ski resort of Davos every year since its creation in 1971 by German academic and entrepreneur Klaus Schwab, was forced to convert its annual schmoozefest into a virtual event this year due to COVID-19. Of note on the main agenda was a “stakeholder capitalism” panel, which included Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. The former-journalist-turned-politician has been a fixture at the WEF for years. Rubbing shoulders at Davos with the world’s rich, famous and powerful was one of the inspirations for her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.
Like its first cousin, “The Great Reset,” which bizarrely aims to bring in environmental considerations under the purview of central banks, the innocuous sounding stakeholder capitalism is committed to destroying the foundations of Anglo-American free market capitalism and replacing it with a system where governments and their cronies in Davos tell private businesses what they need to care about. The irony here is that all of those at Davos, including Freeland, got there because of the free market system and shareholder-driven capitalism, which they’re now bent on overthrowing in an unholy alliance of true believers and opportunists.
There’s no need to invent conspiracy theories. The attempt by global elites to subvert local democracy is fully on and in plain view.
This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
I’m worried what our captured courts will do. If they follow the law and constitution they will rule against mandates. If not it’s game over for the constitution but not our rights. They are inalienable and cannot be ruled away. I doubt lots of people will let that happen, but that’s why Biden has said that anyone questioning mandates is a domestic terrorist. Stay tuned…
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open.
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which has met at the Swiss ski resort of Davos every year since its creation in 1971 by German academic and entrepreneur Klaus Schwab, was forced to convert its annual schmoozefest into a virtual event this year due to COVID-19. Of note on the main agenda was a “stakeholder capitalism” panel, which included Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. The former-journalist-turned-politician has been a fixture at the WEF for years. Rubbing shoulders at Davos with the world’s rich, famous and powerful was one of the inspirations for her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.
Like its first cousin, “The Great Reset,” which bizarrely aims to bring in environmental considerations under the purview of central banks, the innocuous sounding stakeholder capitalism is committed to destroying the foundations of Anglo-American free market capitalism and replacing it with a system where governments and their cronies in Davos tell private businesses what they need to care about. The irony here is that all of those at Davos, including Freeland, got there because of the free market system and shareholder-driven capitalism, which they’re now bent on overthrowing in an unholy alliance of true believers and opportunists.
There’s no need to invent conspiracy theories. The attempt by global elites to subvert local democracy is fully on and in plain view.
This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
and it's not that I'm doubting him, I'm doubting myself in thinking how the fuck can this be happening. Is humanity evolving backwards instead of progressing forward?@CB
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open.
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which has met at the Swiss ski resort of Davos every year since its creation in 1971 by German academic and entrepreneur Klaus Schwab, was forced to convert its annual schmoozefest into a virtual event this year due to COVID-19. Of note on the main agenda was a “stakeholder capitalism” panel, which included Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. The former-journalist-turned-politician has been a fixture at the WEF for years. Rubbing shoulders at Davos with the world’s rich, famous and powerful was one of the inspirations for her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.
Like its first cousin, “The Great Reset,” which bizarrely aims to bring in environmental considerations under the purview of central banks, the innocuous sounding stakeholder capitalism is committed to destroying the foundations of Anglo-American free market capitalism and replacing it with a system where governments and their cronies in Davos tell private businesses what they need to care about. The irony here is that all of those at Davos, including Freeland, got there because of the free market system and shareholder-driven capitalism, which they’re now bent on overthrowing in an unholy alliance of true believers and opportunists.
There’s no need to invent conspiracy theories. The attempt by global elites to subvert local democracy is fully on and in plain view.
This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
#6 A Frontline Doctor’s succinct description of severe illness and death for the vaccinated...
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open.
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which has met at the Swiss ski resort of Davos every year since its creation in 1971 by German academic and entrepreneur Klaus Schwab, was forced to convert its annual schmoozefest into a virtual event this year due to COVID-19. Of note on the main agenda was a “stakeholder capitalism” panel, which included Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. The former-journalist-turned-politician has been a fixture at the WEF for years. Rubbing shoulders at Davos with the world’s rich, famous and powerful was one of the inspirations for her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.
Like its first cousin, “The Great Reset,” which bizarrely aims to bring in environmental considerations under the purview of central banks, the innocuous sounding stakeholder capitalism is committed to destroying the foundations of Anglo-American free market capitalism and replacing it with a system where governments and their cronies in Davos tell private businesses what they need to care about. The irony here is that all of those at Davos, including Freeland, got there because of the free market system and shareholder-driven capitalism, which they’re now bent on overthrowing in an unholy alliance of true believers and opportunists.
There’s no need to invent conspiracy theories. The attempt by global elites to subvert local democracy is fully on and in plain view.
This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
3 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Chrystia Freedland was on MSDNC a lot many years ago, usually with Chris Matthews, when watching any cable tv news was something I did.
Financial Times editor at that time, iirc.
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open.
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which has met at the Swiss ski resort of Davos every year since its creation in 1971 by German academic and entrepreneur Klaus Schwab, was forced to convert its annual schmoozefest into a virtual event this year due to COVID-19. Of note on the main agenda was a “stakeholder capitalism” panel, which included Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland. The former-journalist-turned-politician has been a fixture at the WEF for years. Rubbing shoulders at Davos with the world’s rich, famous and powerful was one of the inspirations for her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.
Like its first cousin, “The Great Reset,” which bizarrely aims to bring in environmental considerations under the purview of central banks, the innocuous sounding stakeholder capitalism is committed to destroying the foundations of Anglo-American free market capitalism and replacing it with a system where governments and their cronies in Davos tell private businesses what they need to care about. The irony here is that all of those at Davos, including Freeland, got there because of the free market system and shareholder-driven capitalism, which they’re now bent on overthrowing in an unholy alliance of true believers and opportunists.
There’s no need to invent conspiracy theories. The attempt by global elites to subvert local democracy is fully on and in plain view.
This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
This is the NY Daily News front page. Inside the newspaper there is an additional two page giant photo of another line. As mentioned yesterday the line participants are invariably young.
We have reached Peak Dissonance in NYC. Last night the Mayor and the City's chief Doctor predicted on local TV---Live---that this virus emergency would be over in the first week or two of January.
And yes, those questionably useful tests would be arriving from the State and the Feds. Free home testing and so will the Free N95 masks. When??? to Where???
IMHO---my non-scientific humble opinion---this is a last ditch money grab for test manufacturers and Pharma before the fizzle out.
And de Blasio's last chance in his 9 remaining days to pretend that he is a a team player. Fat chance, after 8 years of destroying upper class ambitions in favor of using every bit of his power to assist the working and lower class in NYC.
The 99% who benefited will never forget him and the 1% who could not stop him, will never forgive him.
the numbers are meant to mislead... (12 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mission accomplished
Morning, Lookout---winter in NYC. Cold and only 9 hours and 14 minutes of daylight. Even the trees that were green into December are yielding their leaves now.
I'm hopeful that...
omicron will pull the rug out from TPTB scheme of mass control. How can you have mandates when most everyone has natural immunity? Hopefully this house of cards falls in the near term. Already 73% omicron in those testing positive. Another couple of weeks and it will be close to 100%.
A cool 42 F this AM for my trade day stroll, but they're predicting 70 F on Xmas day here. We enjoyed hanging out by the fire outside all day yesterday. We cooked on coals shoveled out of the fire. So we've done our (pagan) duty to bring back the light of the sun after the solstice passes today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pull the rug out!!!!
My grandmother used to say, "from your lips to Gods ears," and here's hoping we are guessing correctly.
If not, see the Germany Has Fallen tape posted below.
Must watch, Lookout
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I've taken some time off, as it's been just too grim.
Mr. Meta found this gem:
Can't make this stuff up.
Thanks for the Riener Füllmich interview of Vera Sharav and the links to Margaretannaalice...excellent information and discussion. It's good to see the ex Pfizer vice president is talking about what he knows. Riener asks three essential questions: who is driving the agenda? For what endgame? and how many are there driving the agenda? (3000).
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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Germany Has fallen
Not new but new to me.
And who is he?
Very convincing guy, isn't he?
Wasn't there something about scape-goats and sin-eaters around here?
So, have you found your goats and sins?
I have written a long comment to the article that talked about racism and could never post it. Should I be mean and believe therefore, that somehow that was not accidental, but 'rather a word from the 'up on high'. May be it was a word from the 'Up on low'. Oh well, as everything is upside down lately, no wonder.
And btw this video was posted several times already on C99p. It doesn't get better, no matter how often it's posted. Just saying.
Get jabbed, get jabbed again and get booooosted!
Umm why? Have the drug companies changed their formulas from the original virus to fight the ones that came after? No not so much, but do it anyway by dammit.
So yippee Biden’s finally going to provide free tests at home after Psaki just 2 weeks ago said it’d be too expensive for them to do that. What changed? Or are we on our way to make another new billionaire?
The old PCR tests were deemed ineffective months ago but were still used to tell people if they were infected..well sorta. I read that the jabbed in hospital were tested at a lower level than the unjabbed because they were following the science don’t you know even though they weren’t working as advertised, but hey someone needed to make money..yee gawd’s and little fishies.. I can’t make sense of any of this anymore.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
But I am Not taking any shot at all. What I am taking, is Vitamin D as always and added Zinc to my daily intake.
In a month or so if I am still feeling well, I'll be looking in to Quercetin, which I think is often combined with zinc and other immune boosting things.
If Lookout is right and I think he is, postponing further approved medical interventions until this blows over may be a good plan.
Good luck with fighting this
I’ve heard good things about Quercetin when added to zinc and vitamin D and it might work as well as HCQ on the Rona virus. I think it was from one of the FLLDA doctors that first thought of adding ivermectin to the regime. I’m sure I messed up the name but hopefully y’all know who I mean. Merick, Kory and Malone.
It’s sad that so many doctors after 2 years of this crap haven’t explored why there are no repurposed drugs being used for this virus. Maybe now that it acts more like a cold their thoughts might lead to some questions about how to treat it. You know like they do with the common cold.
A 7 month cold to explain your symptoms? Did you say that the vitamin regime has helped some? Dunno but I’ve been fighting off some bug for longer than that even though I’ve been through a harsh regime of antibiotics I’m still having symptoms of the flu except I’ve never had a fever, dry hacking cough or any of the other symptoms of the Rona bug. I haven’t been tested though because I don’t want a huge honking Q-tip anywhere near my sinuses. Got enough problems with them already. A grade 1 infection and most people wouldn’t know they had it, but I’m lying on the floor in pain. Not risking that.
I react weirdly to lots of drugs, but never thought I’d react weird to vitamins too. A few make the nerve damage in my leg worse and the one my doc recommended for neuropathy made it worse. I’ve been experimenting to see what I can tolerate. I’ve finally convinced him I’m not making it up about how I react. He’s seen the effects. We both shudder thinking how I’d react to the jabs.
This is why I think the Dose is important. I appreciate what people here bring to the discussion. I learn something new every day and those who don’t want to learn should stop criticizing those who do. We are just trying to find our best way through this government run epidemic thing.
Thanks everyone!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I would continue
1) You are your own best doctor. Continue to educate yourself. Most doctors still aren't well versed in non-drug ways of staying healthy. Of course, if an acute situation arises or long symptoms persist, try to find a good one, preferably one not inclined to hector you into getting a Covid shot.
2) Building the innate immune system through food, exercise, stress-avoidance and good sleep is still vastly underrated.
3) We still need to supplement with vitamins, given our mostly unnatural and nutrition-compromised food supply in the 21st C.
4) I add a couple of lesser known exotic type supplements, which I've taken for years, well before Covid.
5) Ivermectin, taken 2x/week prophylactically. Extra few months supply on hand to treat in case I get unlucky, as there are no guarantees with this virus, which I've avoided to this point.
6) Two of my most important sources of info swear by the vital importance of keeping a slightly-alkaline diet as a way to avoid colds and flu, which I figure would also be helpful in warding off this coronavirus. Buy pH strip test kit to check alkaline/acid balance at home.
7) I am reminded by my betters that it's important to continue to mask up when around strangers indoors.
8) Avoid all public transportation and large public gatherings.
9) Keep mentally healthy and active, add some amusement to your day and don't just wallow in Watergate.
10) Continue to check for updates on their Covid protocols.
ETA: 11) Keep on hand those nasal-throat sprays and related that Flccc recommends before and immediately after exposure situations. As those occasions are rare for me, I use basic essential-oil Listerine plus a saline nasal spray for everyday.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
When they go high the Biden WH goes low
lol I saw that yesterday and boy did they get hammered for saying that. Especially since both Fauci and Walensky have long ago admitted that yes the jabbed can get infected and spread it. But what makes it so asinine is that it came out on the same day that 3 fully jabbed and boosted democrats tested positive.
My isn’t this interesting?
Fact check
Current discussion on Reddit.
I use duck and there are more links to see. But it’s what other countries have found when they use from and with.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Toxin, not vaccine
Thanks for posting this, Anya
Toxin is right and it’s making things worse just like they predicted it would. How many scientists who are working on the 'vaccines' also knew that this could happen or is happening now?
Walensky admitted that in August
Director of CDC, Rochelle Walensky warns of ADE, Antibody Dependent Enhancement From Israel Data
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Additional reading on the spike
This covers much of the same information. I found it fascinating and downright scary.
It tells you why it’s going to attack your immune system and how it’s going to react to the assault. Years down the road aren’t going to be pleasant.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You can thank Goddess for the American Constitution
Canada has enacted draconian mandates and lockdowns just like Australia and some European countries. Canadians are leaving Canada to go to Texas, Florida, Mexico plus many South American countries if they can.
They have even prevented buying food from farmer's markets and some provinces are trying to prevent ANY food purchases by the unvaxxed. If you miss any shots, even boosters, you will fall into the unvaxxed group. Their DL's all have biometric photos which are connected with the vaccines. Flights and rail travel are restricted to those that have an active vaccine passport. Even travel between provinces by car is restricted.
Basic, TBTB in Canada want you to starve to death unless you get vaxxed. NO exemptions for medical OR religious reasons. Pastors have now been jailed for allowing parishioners to attend if they are unvaxxed. Church's and small stores have been shuttered due to COVID in the past despite allowing liquor stores and huge Wally Marts to remain open. VIDEO
Chrystia Freeland is the person behind this. She is the appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada and holds more power than Canada's elected
Prime MinisterSoy Boy, Justin Trudeau.This has been the identical modus operandi as Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also been schooled by the WEF before she was placed in power.
For now
I’m worried what our captured courts will do. If they follow the law and constitution they will rule against mandates. If not it’s game over for the constitution but not our rights. They are inalienable and cannot be ruled away. I doubt lots of people will let that happen, but that’s why Biden has said that anyone questioning mandates is a domestic terrorist. Stay tuned…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My biggest fear is that he's correct
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Here are where the puppets come from
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I know. I posted about it last Thursday
Their names can be found here:
I believe they're so confident that they have succeeded they are no longer hiding anything.
So alarming
Financial Times editor at that time, iirc.
This is very interesting
I’m not up to excerpting it nor do I know what’s important.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.