The Weekly Watch

Regeneration and the Nature of Time

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We all ride the cycle of life. This time of year, as we approach the solstice, brings to mind the many cycles we to night, new moon to full moon, longest night to longest Joni suggests we're captive on the carousel of time caught in the circle game.

First nations peoples understand our place in the cycle of life

“Everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round . . . The sky is round and I have heard the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind in its greatest power whirls, birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. Our teepees were round like the nests of birds. And they were always set in a circle, the nation’s hoop.”

― Chief Black Elk

The ancients studied the movement of the heavens and develop means of measuring time. Central to their understanding was the sun and it's solstices and equinoxes. Today we're learning more about our star and in fact have a solar probe literally touching the sun.
NASA's Parker Solar Probe Touches The Sun For The First Time (5 min)
For the first time in history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun.

It is more than just solar, lunar, and stellar cycles. We live in a matrix of interconnected cycles...the water cycle, the imbalanced carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and so on. The climatic cycle is also out of balance as evidenced by this week's tornadoes, damaging winds in the Midwest, atmospheric rivers out west, a Typhoon in the Philippines, the warmest ever temperatures in the arctic, and so many other weather weirding events. Sadly TPTB will not address the breakdown of these cycles and we shall see increasing "weirdness" for the remainder of our lives. However we can regenerate other aspects of our lives.

I think we can tap into the cyclic flow and regenerate ourselves and our environment. There is no one path, but there are indeed effective ways to enhance our health and our surroundings. In fact the two goals are synergistic.

I often write about diet and health. As a result, I know people are resistant to dietary and lifestyle changes. Perhaps the older we become, the more resistant we are to change. However old dogs can learn new tricks and there are others in the community that have learned to use diet to enhance health. So I'm going to share my approach and understanding. I'm not saying you're wrong if you don't eat and live this way, but I am suggesting that by using diet and modifying our lifestyles we can regenerate ourselves and feel younger, healthier, and age gracefully.

In the US, and world wide, most people are metabolically unhealthy. (1 min)

This is what is driving our obesity epidemic. The current dietary guidelines were issued in 1980 recommending a diet of primarily grains and a shift to seed oil rather than saturated fats like butter. Let's look at the outcome of those recommendations.

First a clear increase in obesity
Notice the increase as the new dietary recommendations were issued (1980)
obesity over time.png
Then the increase in chronic metabolic diseases
like diabetes...
and heart disease
heart disease.gif

Nina explains our obviously failing guidelines (12 min)

full 30 minute lecture here
Basically big Ag, big food, and big pharma have captured our regulatory agencies. They want us sick, because changing our diets and eating habits is something we can do for ourselves for free.

So how to change our diet? My approach has been low carb/high fat (LCHF), and I'm not alone. The idea is to train your body to use fat as fuel rather than sugars which are unhealthy in a myriad of ways. I can show you the studies and data, but perhaps more compelling are stories of others success with this diet. (15 min)

But come on it's the holidays...
Dr Ken Berry has some tips and advice about minimizing the effects of holiday food. (6 min)

Now our typical diet of leafy greens and meat, fish, and eggs doesn't jive with holiday meals high in carbs and sugars. And yes we do eat some of those at our family gatherings and parties, but we have a technique to go right back to using fats as fuel rather than sugars...fasting.

Another free path to good health (which you're not being told) is fasting. That's how I got started after OPOL wrote a piece here about fasting and the keto diet. I went about it backwards, beginning with fasting. My first fast was 5 days. My longest fast was 10 days. However in those days I had plenty of body fat to live off. The longest known fast is over a year. Now had I been smart I would have spent a couple of months on a LCHF diet to drive down my insulin (and hunger) before beginning a fasting regime. Another trick to adapt to burning your own fat is the use of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil. None the less it worked. I lost my aches and pains and started losing weight and a year later I was 70 pounds lighter. Now a days, I use a time restricted eating window, meaning I eat during a 4-6 hour window, which means a 18-20 hour fast most days. I wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't adapted to this approach...sounds crazy. Yet here I am feeling better at 70 than at even age 55.

Jason Fung was my video mentor in my journey. His weekly 10-15 minute fasting tips are helpful. I still use a three day water only fast when I eat incorrectly or just feel like I'm starting to gain weight. Three days of fasting forces your body into fat burning mode, and you'll stay in that place as long as you minimize the carbs especially sugar to 20 grams or less per day. We do eat carbs like lettuce, greens, and other vegetables, but we avoid all processed foods and grains. I like Dr Lustig's broader approach to a real food diet.

The most important factor now, when considering food, nutrition and public health, is not nutrients, and is not foods, so much as what is done to foodstuffs and the nutrients originally contained in them, before they are purchased and consumed. That is to say, the big issue is food processing – or, to be more precise, the nature, extent and purpose of processing, and what happens to food and to us as a result of processing.

I think we can all agree that what we eat shapes our health. I would add when we eat also is a major influence allowing our body to rest. Our diets provide us with the building blocks to build and repair our bodies. We build and repair ourselves when we sleep, so sleep is very important for good health.

My nightly regime includes taking magnesium which helps me to sleep deeply. I learned to make highly absorbable magnesium bicarbonate from Dr. William Davis. I use milk of magnesia (making sure there are no additives other than the magnesium hydroxide and water). I add 15 mL of the magnesia to a L of carbonated water. This reacts to make the bicarbonate form which is so readily absorbed. I drink at least 6 ounces before bed. Just as most people have low vitamin D, they also have low magnesium. Melatonin can also be helpful for some people. My better half takes it every evening to enhance her sleep, but I do fine with just magnesium.

Another health hack rarely discussed is the Finnish sauna. Unfortunately there are few studies to substantiate the health claims, but there are few.
There is pretty good evidence that saunas can stimulate mitochondria (the cellular powerhouse organelle) regeneration. Perhaps it is just in my head, but I find a sauna session makes me feel healthy and vibrant. I don't have regular access and haven't built my own, but would like to one day. Here in the states, first nations used sweet lodges...

The Sweat Lodge
Many North American and Central American Indian tribes have traditionally used the sweat lodge for purification, cleansing and healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit.
Lakota elder Black Elk tells us: "The sweat lodge utilizes all powers of the universe: earth, and things that grow from the earth; water; fire; and air."

More on building and using sweet lodges.

We can regenerate our bodies with proper diets, exercise, and lifestyle choices. I don't have an exercise regime per say. I do take a walk most days when weather allows, and there's the endless chores demanding physical effort here on the homestead. I like these physical therapists' approach to targeted exercise.

Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck offer great advice, tips, and information on how to stay healthy, fit, and pain-free. Together they have over 50 years of experience and knowledge as physical therapists and fitness experts.

We know our body can heal if we give it a chance. We've all had cuts and bruises which heal, gotten over many illnesses, and survived sore achy muscles. I've experienced new found health by improving my diet...mainly eliminating sugar, seed oils, and processed foods. I just requires changing eating habits and it only take 30 days or so to form a new habit.

The Earth too can heal itself. When ecosystems are destroyed by people or natural disaster, it begins a successional process to return to its dominant climax community. We can accelerate that process with appropriate farming techniques...emulating the vast herds of ruminants that once roamed the grasslands of our planet. Even in the forests in the East, elk would scrape and kill trees creating woodland meadows for buffalo, deer, and other grazing species.

The other week I featured the Carbon Cowboys which features ten different regenerative farmers from around the country. Their operations are all interesting to me and point to a new way to produce food while improving soils and the environment. The common technique is mob grazing (to emulate the once giant herds) moved daily. Many of these farmers stack species meaning they move chickens, sheep, cows, and other animals on the same land like White Oak Pastures.

Today want to introduce those of you with an interest to master grazer, Greg Judy.
Each of his videos is about 10 minutes.

You can see what mob grazing means...(the first of Dec)
This is over a year ago, Greg talking with visiting retired vet.

They look at the soil health
Greg uses his cows to restore degraded eroded land that he rents. Cow mob healing ditch with large round bales.

and let me feature one more...Cow mob moving onto hunting farm.

Greg also raises sheep and guardian dogs, mushrooms, and designs and sells equipment for small scale producers.

We can regenerate and restore our bodies and degraded lands by tapping into naturals cycles. Teaching your body to burn fat for fuel is to my mind one of the best paths to health and vitality. It directly alters your gut microbiome and heals leaky gut. The gut is the gateway to health. It’s where nearly 80% of your immune system lives. Your gut is also where up to 95% of your serotonin (the primary neurotransmitter responsible for your mood) is produced. If your gut is healthy, chances are that you are in good health. If it’s not, it can lead to a slew of issues. A ‘leaky gut’ can set you on the path to chronic illness.

It is the same with soils. A healthy soil life community is needed for them to be productive. Modern day agribiz poisons soils just like processed foods poison us. Using natural cycles we can regenerate and restore both. It isn't expensive, in fact it eliminates the need for most chemicals including the need for pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, herbicides, and so on. We can eat healthy foods, and produce healthy animals as we restore degraded farms.


The Wheel of Life

So on with the ride around the sun. It may be the start of winter coming up, but it also means more light...just a bit more every day. Eat well. Live well. Be well!

15 users have voted.


mimi's picture

Definion of Advent
The period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting.

your circle expose makes me think, why the powers to be are always making a mess of ervything. Aren't they always claim to go forward? Good luck with that.

Great Weekly Watch . Thank You so much.

Do you have some advice, if a person dries out? I dry out from the inside and don't know what I can do against it. Or is it a natural ocourence getting old?

I would like to prepare a carp for Christmas Eve. But nobody likes fish here. Otherwise it would be a duck or a goose. But how can we two old ladies finish a goose. So, a duck it will be, duck in orange sauces.

Well a happy holiday for all of you. Many thanks for all the work you shower us with. It is great present and gift. Thank You.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


All the best of the holiday season to you mimi!

Staying well hydrated becomes more difficult as we age. Water is best to use, and sipping it through the day should help. I've gotten on a kick of carbonated (sparkling) water. It is a good beer substitute for me.

Here's some tips from Scripps

  1. Don’t wait till you’re thirsty to drink. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already slightly dehydrated. Sip water steadily throughout the day and drink more fluids than usual when the weather is hot, especially if you’re active.
  2. Flavor your water. If plain water tastes boring to you, you can add flavor with fresh fruits or a splash of fruit juice. You can also consume clear broths, ice pops or sports drinks (especially if you're doing intense exercise). Just make sure to limit caffeine and alcohol.
  3. Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables. Certain fruits and vegetables contain plenty of water in addition to healthful nutrients. Watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches and pineapples are fruits with high-water content. Water-rich vegetables include cucumbers, leafy greens, radishes, celery, zucchini and tomatoes.
  4. Stay inside when it gets too hot. On very hot days, stay indoors in an air-conditioned environment. If you don’t have air conditioning at home, try a shopping center, movie theater or public library. Avoid sun exposure, especially between 10 am and 2 pm, when the rays are strongest. Plan outdoor activities in the early morning or evening.
  5. Dress for the weather. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing that lets your skin breathe. Dark colors absorb heat, so stick with lighter shades. Wear a wide-brimmed hat in the sun to keep your head cool and use plenty of sunscreen to avoid sunburn, which can increase your skin temperature and make it harder to stay cool.
  6. Be aware of the signs of dehydration (below). If anyone in your family is ill, pay attention to how much they’re able to drink — especially young children and the elderly. Anyone with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea should drink plenty of fluids. Do not wait for signs of dehydration to appear.

Thanks for the visit. Take care!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

at the same time have heavy incontinence (we both have, my sister and me), so to put it clearly, we drink and sip water a lot, at the same time, we leak like a garden hose that hasn't been emptied out completely. Now this gets a little bit too detailed for public consumption.

But one side effect of incontinence and drying out, is gout. Noo fun to have a gout attack. I had a strong one, so that I fell and was in bed for over a week including emergency medics needed to be called to lift me back into my bed.

These are the joys of getting old, brittle brains included. Smile

Luckily I can still joke myself out of everything. /s

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


is said to be curative.
4 min

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

to get too sour right now.

Have a great time during the holidays.

2 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

@mimi sorry about the troubles Mimi.

Ashawaganda cures gout for many folks.

good luck!

2 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout your pharmacist or physician, Names of generics and brand names differ between countries. Side effects of anitcholinergic drugs increase with age. Some individuals need to stop or reduce dose of medication they have safely taken for decades. The contradiction of dryness mouth, eyes, throat, GI system and specific types of incontinence are common with this large group of meds. May be a place to start or use with the other suggestions.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Lookout's picture

@studentofearth @mimi

and could help mimi.

I sure feel lucky to have no scripts at all. My SO takes a bit of blood pressure medicine, but I'm fortunate to have avoided that common condition.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

that you have none.

Metadata: The Digital Fingerprint You Had No Idea Is Attached To Every Photo You Take

In a day and age where everyone is walking around carrying a portable GPS/supercomputer in their pockets, it should be of no surprise that location data can help track you at almost any given point in the day.

But while this may be semi-expected, one way in which people may not know they’re offering up information is through photographs.

Such was the topic of a new BBC report, which delved into exactly how much information people are offering up with their photo metadata – the digital “fingerprint” that’s attached to every digital photo you take.

This data “automatically and parasitically burrows itself into every photo you take,” BBC notes. And while it’s not impossible to get rid of, most people don’t even realize that it’s there before widely sharing their photographs on social media. And while some platforms remove sensitive information, like where a photo was taken, others don’t.

The tool has become useful for police investigations, who often use it to place criminals at a scene. But the data can clearly be a slippery slope and be used for nefarious purposes, as well.

Now even if you leave your phone at home your newer car will still track you. Even if you walk your photo will be caught on gawd only knows how many surveillance cameras. Avoid them and you are still caught on someone’s ring camera that is now going to collect even more personal data that cops can access without warrants. I laugh at those who still say that they live in the land of the free. Bravery is questionable too.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


as a location identifier in order to track you.

I just looked at my camera and it doesn't offer a location tag, so I guess it can't track me. I don't carry a phone but even if I did my history would be pretty boring as I spend most of my time at home.

All these voice activated digital aides like siri and alexa listen to everything mainly to target you with ads.

We live in a surveillance state. Interesting times...

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

and especially for reminding us of all the cycles and circles.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

we go. Hope all the rain y'all have been getting is filling your reservoirs.

It is gray and chilly here today, but headed into the 70's next week.

Take care and be well!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


reservoirs yet, but we've been getting some decent snowpack, which is what will fill them come spring.


6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

zed2's picture

Phones can and do track people with varying levels of precision. Newer phones can likely determine a position within approximately 2 cm by means of RTK and similar differential GPS techniques, if the antenna is good enough and the GPS supports raw data.

There is a list of RTK-capable GPS chips on the OPenStreetMap site.

Outdoors RTKgps accuracy can and often is accurate to very close tolerances now. (centimeters or less) But indoors its very inaccurate. Worst is inside buildings or especially public transit like a subway, or steel building. This is why attempting to track people by their cell phones is quite impractical, even dangerously inaccurate. Determining altitude is often very wrong. So with multi story buildings, how do you tell what office somebody is in? The answer is you don't.

When people call 911 a system that is based n the time the signal arrives at the cell site can locate the caller to a varying degree of accuracy. That system is being replaced by a newer one that is supposed to be more accurate. Thats all I know. It is probably accurate enough to locate an emergency caller within a few meters and also to allow the tracking of people carrying a cell phone and determine where they went outdoors. Indoor people especially inside steel framed buildings are often very inacurate, jumping around fairly long distances. These are called cycle slips.

many common GPSs support RTK. Which is an extra raw data mode. IT sort of reverses the GPS process and where the calculation to resolve the ambiguity is done. Basically imagine a giant tape measure that could measure the distance between the receiver and several satellites at exactly the same moment. Several times a second, perhaps as many as 20 times a second. Thats fast enough to interpolate your heartbeat. Then do the positioning calculations on another computer, say the cell site. Saving the cell phone battery.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


another is I don't feel the need to be connected at every moment. I like taking a walk or hanging out in the garden without a phone call.

I have an old answering machine which I use as a secretary.

Nothing against those who carry those devices. All my friends do. There where those 100 years ago that didn't buy a tractor or car, but kept using mules and horses. I think it is okay to be wed to the past as we face this odd future. My 90 YO Mom does have nor want a computer, but I do rely on this old desktop which seems to just keep chugging along.

All the best!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

On September 22, 1979, in the middle of a typhoon.

(so obviously whomever they were, they wanted to conceal it.)

this is still a mystery, I suspect.

1 user has voted.

"Go ahead, surveil me. I am doing nothing wrong, and have nothing to hide."
Well, that is the very reason the government has no basis, no reason, to to suspect you of wrongdoing, no basis to search you. In other words, they do not have probable cause to procure a search warrant. I say, make the bastards do their damn job.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

I suspect I've been on the FBI watch list since my days of living and working for Virginia Durr.

Because the Durrs did not publicly denounce Communism or join in the fierce red-baiting of the postwar years, they were often targeted by anti-Communist activists. In 1954, Durr was called to New Orleans to testify before Senator James Eastland's Internal Security Committee, an agency similar to the House Un-American Activities Committee in its objective of investigating alleged Communists. The hearings in New Orleans came on the eve of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling, which was expected to strike down segregation in public education. Scholars have suggested that Durr was targeted because Eastland wanted to strike back at Hugo Black, who had joined in the unanimous Supreme Court decision in favor of Brown. She was brought before the committee ostensibly because of her work with the Southern Educational Fund, an allegedly "subversive" organization. Durr gave her name, stated that she was not a Communist, and then refused to answer further questions, standing in silent defiance of the committee as she was questioned, occasionally taking out a compact and powdering her nose


They were pissed off that she evaded their unamerican attack and trial against her. That is why I mentioned they must be bored watching me. Cause they kept the farm under physical surveillance at least into the mid 70's.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

@on the cusp Hi OTC, (and all!), That one gets me bad too. Wink

His heroness Snowden had the best response to this absurdity:

"Go ahead, surveil me. I am doing nothing wrong, and have nothing to hide."

It was something to the effect of 'I do not need to say anything to believe in the freedom of speech. I do not need to publish anything to believe in the freedom of the press. And I do not have to have anything to hide to believe in the right to privacy.'

be well all!

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture

and ill placed comment.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

Hi LO! and all, Hope everyone is doing well!

Chilly and gray here too... Maybe 50F high today. Lucked into 1.75" of rain in last 24 hrs.

One of my favorite circles... love these background ladies voices... and Roy's leads.

4 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


his guitar looks well used...and well played too.

A chilly day here too, but soon the light will grow. I'm looking forward to dark arriving later than 5 pm.

Hope all is well in your world. Not much bird news here. Been seeing a small hawk the other side of the ridge pretty regular. May be a sharp shinned but have not gotten a good look as it is flying and I'm driving.

Take care and thanks for coming by!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

go round in circles. Thanks for the song.

Hope y'all have a wonderful holiday!

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”