The Dose - 11-26-21

An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.


Hey! Good Evening!

Fauci warns time running short to prevent ‘dangerous’ Covid surge in US

The US government’s chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci warned on Sunday that time was running short to prevent a “dangerous” new surge of Covid-19 infections from overwhelming the upcoming holiday season. Coronavirus cases across the US are rising again for the first time in weeks, and approaching 100,000 per day. Experts fear that this week’s Thanksgiving holiday, for which tens of millions of Americans will travel for indoor celebrations with family and friends, will fuel a further surge.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it was not too late to avoid a significant worsening of Covid-19 rates leading up to Christmas and New Year if the public acted now on new measures to subdue the virus, such as Friday’s approval of booster shots for adults and the recent opening up of vaccinations to children aged five to 11.

“We still have about 60 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not been, and that results in the dynamic of virus in the community that not only is dangerous and makes people who are unvaccinated vulnerable, but it also spills over into the vaccinated people,” Fauci said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday.

“We have a lot of virus circulating around. You can’t walk away from the data, and the data show that the cases are starting to go up, which is not unexpected when you get into a winter season. People start to go indoors more and we know that immunity does wane over time.

'Jabbed, cured or dead', Germany warns as Europe battles Covid-19 surge

Alarm Grows as Covid Cases Spike in Europe and US Deaths in 2021 Top 2020's Toll

Europe is in the grip of a potentially devastating fourth coronavirus wave and the United States has now recorded more Covid-19 deaths in 2021 than it did in 2020, heightening alarm among public health experts who fear another brutal winter surge.

Dr. Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization's regional director for Europe, warned Saturday that the coronavirus could kill 500,000 more people in Europe by March if political leaders don't take immediate action to forestall the current spread and increase vaccine uptake, which has been lagging in parts of the continent due, in some cases, to anti-vaccine sentiment.

"Covid-19 has become once again the number one cause of mortality in our region," Kluge told the BBC.

In an effort to quell a major spike in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, the Austrian government announced Friday that it would institute a nationwide lockdown and soon mandate coronavirus vaccinations for its entire adult population. Thus far, around 65% of Austria's population has been fully vaccinated—one of the lowest rates in Western Europe.

"The virus is back with new rigor in Europe again and new catastrophic waves are imminent in Africa and Asia," said Shailly Gupta, communications adviser with Doctors Without Borders' Access Campaign, pointing to regions that have been denied adequate supplies of vaccines and therapeutics. "Wealthy nations need to understand that unless everyone everywhere is vaccinated, the situation is not going to change."

"Countries need to stop hoarding tests, drugs, and vaccines and big pharmaceutical companies need to stop hoarding technology if they really want to control this pandemic," she added. ...

In the U.S., meanwhile, data from the federal government and Johns Hopkins University show that the official Covid-19 death toll in 2021 surpassed 385,457 on Saturday, topping 2020 fatalities. The nation's total death count currently stands at 770,800—the highest in the world.

"The spread of the highly contagious Delta variant and low vaccination rates in some communities were important factors [this year]," the Wall Street Journal reported. "The milestone comes as Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations move higher again in places such as New England and the upper Midwest, with the seven-day average for new cases recently closer to 90,000 a day after it neared 70,000 last month."

The surge comes as few public health restrictions remain in place across the U.S. Last week, the Biden administration suspended enforcement activities related to its vaccination and testing mandates for private businesses after a federal appeals court temporarily halted the requirements.

All U.S. adults are now eligible for booster shots, but public health experts have cautioned that the broad availability of third doses may not do much to stem the current spike in cases given that it's largely being fueled by the unvaccinated. Less than 60% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, according to the latest figures from Our World in Data.

US asks court to immediately lift stay on workplace vaccine rule

The US government has asked a federal appeals court to immediately lift a stay on a workplace Covid-19 vaccine rule, in order to avoid “enormous” harm to public health, or alternatively to allow a masking-and-testing requirement, according to a court filing.

Delaying the rule by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha) that requires employees to be vaccinated or tested weekly would lead to thousands of hospitalizations and deaths, the government said in a filing with the sixth US circuit court of appeals on Tuesday.

The Biden administration has issued several rules aimed at encouraging vaccination, although the Osha standard is the most far-reaching.

The Osha rule requires businesses with at least 100 employees, covering tens of millions of American workers, to comply by 4 January.

Although 82% of US adults have gotten at least one vaccine dose, requiring shots against Covid-19 has become a divisive political issue over trade-offs between civil liberty and public health.

Also of interest:

Is Delta the last Covid ‘super variant’?

10 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture

as usual, when this posts i will be snoozing. be kind and have fun!

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

A new abstract (no paper yet) is circulating suggesting a rise in coronary inflammatory markers after vaccination.
John goes over what is known

from notes under clip

The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years.

Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer,

dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.

This report summarizes those results

A total of 566 patients,

aged 28 to 97,

M:F ratio 1:1

seen in a preventive cardiology practice

had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot

and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot.

Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac;

sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac;

HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac.

These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk.

Here's one of my favorite doctors, Aseem Malhotra, adding more evidence to the hypothesis.

They aren't going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money'

Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine.

If this is substantiated, the mandates will be done.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Unfortunately, the mandates are ignoring the medical facts of cardiac risks associated with the
mRNA therapies. My mate has had to go on cardiac meds since getting the jab. This type of information will be quashed, as it flies in the face of the agenda.

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


Yes cardiac issues have long been recognized anecdotally, but no data driven link to vaccination. John questions Gundry's lack of a full paper with data showing units of measurement and so on that I'm sure will be used to suppress this abstract.

Aseem's follow up describing the whistleblowers reveal of similar data which they won't publish for fear of losing big pharma $ will hopefully get out.

If ever accepted, this data will kill the mandates. Mandate someone to a possible heart attack? Perhaps they're that greedy. We'll see how it plays out.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout @Lookout @Lookout Back at the news after a good Thanksgiving, only to find that it is more confusing and distressing than ever.

What is happening? Do we believe there even is this New Worse than ever strain? Israel threatening to close down its airports. 40% of Covid cases in hospitals in IS are kids under 12? Seems so unlikely.

Not to mention that immunity after shots now reported to last only a month or 2.

This is so out-of-control. Not Covid. The breathless scare mongering. Even the blithest spirit has to see that this is not the same old same old.

I am deep into the Kennedy book. Fauci, Gates relationship worse than I could have imagined.

Immersed in the unimaginable. No end in sight.

Two excerpts from Clusterfuck this morning:

Decolonize This!
Clusterfuck Nation

"Now that Thanksgiving with all its racist trimmings is put to bed, will Americans be able to “decolonize” their minds? Not if the masters of universal hysteria can help it. Here it comes, just in time to reignite the limbic channels in your brain with pulses of cosmic terror on the runway to Christmas: The B.1.1.529 Covid-19 variant out of Botswana. It’s a beauty, with thirty-two mutations on its decorative spike protein, supposedly making it a deadly hazard to the already-vaccinated."

"Up ahead on this runway to Christmas we’ll be waiting to see how many people get sick in the heralded latest Covid-19 surge, but especially how many of these are among the “vaccinated” and re-vaccinated. Many of the really old folks who got their shots early-on in the January-to-March 2021 period have by now lost whatever immunity those shots conferred, since the alleged protection dribbles away after six months. Dr. Fauci and his CDC will do whatever they can to confound the statistics on their illnesses, probably referring to this cohort as “unvaccinated” — which they have already been doing in their campaign to force the latest boosters. Don’t put it past them to simply not report it."

11 users have voted.


book in a few days. She is braver and more resilient than I am.

I am trying to digest in smaller bites and have 33% more to read, but find the outrages revealed increasingly difficult. Dr Mengele’s brutality has nothing on Fauci’s ongoing profiteering on ‘medical’ experiments in both AIDS and other vaccine research at the expense of the lives of foster children and unsuspecting residents on the African continent. That we (as a nation) embrace and offer accolades to this monster, “America’s Doctor”, turns my stomach.

That said, I intend to read every page and recommend the book to all that have eyes to read or ears to listen. If we are ever to stop this perversion of the practice of medicine, we must first recognize the problem and acknowledge the needless deaths caused by the profiteers who now run our public health system. Looking the other way is no help at all.

11 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


Dr Mengele’s brutality has nothing on Fauci’s ongoing profiteering on ‘medical’ experiments in both AIDS and other vaccine research at the expense of the lives of foster children and unsuspecting residents on the African continent. That we (as a nation) embrace and offer accolades to this monster, “America’s Doctor”, turns my stomach.

What he did during the AIDS crisis has been well known since then and here he is once again allowing people to die because he’s gate keeping life saving drugs in order for big pharma to profit. I’m reading the part about how he finally was made to sit down with AIDS activists 5 years after it started and still refused to okay the cheaper drugs that would have given thousands a chance to live. He’s doing it again by blocking the older drugs that have been proven to work. How many people in government know that he did that and is doing it again? I bet there are quite a few who do and yet they stay silent. Hoping that the after life doesn’t treat Fauci well if there’s one. I can’t put into words my true thoughts on this reincarnation of Mengle. But they are there in my mind.

People who think that RFK is anti vax should stop believing what the government tells them and realize that he has just been trying to bring to attention that many of the vaccines are not safe because a lot of them haven’t been thoroughly tested. Gardisal was hurting young women from the beginning and yet it’s still recommended for not only them but for boys too.

The rot in Fauci’s agency is in all our agencies that were created to keep us safe, but have been captured by the industry they’re supposed to oversee. Remember how DEA agents were caught doing drugs during Bush’s tenure? Including snorting cocaine from people’s behinds. This happens with every committee head in congress because the industry gets to select who runs them. Government has abdicated its duty to us so industries can poison us and big pharma can make money off treating those who get sick because of it. They’re still putting toxic industries in poor neighborhoods over people’s objections. We need that revolution to happen STAT!

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

you will be auto-magically relegated to the unclean unvaxxed cohort to be shunned and blacklisted - maybe even forcibly isolated behind razor wire like in Australia - to protect the vaccinated because their vaccines have stopped working.

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7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Be afraid, very afraid.
14 min

As Dr Kory often says, IVM works on all the variants. No reason to be afraid. Be prepared instead.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


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@Lookout @Lookout

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

variant from South Africa and its response to Ivermectin? Last night?

That man continues to make totally bogus claims. It's amazing.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
not dependent on the genetic makeup of the virus unlike the mRNA vaccine which are HIGHLY specific to make the antigen to the spike. This is why Dr. Kory can be confident of ivermectin's efficacy. Ivermectin is a blocker of viral replicase and protease (which all RNA coronaviruses require to make new copies of themselves) as well as human ACE2 receptor (where all RNA coronaviruses enters the type II alveolar cells in the lung in order to infect them).

As long as the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't mutate into an entirely different animal, ivermectin will continue to be efficacious - especially as mutations start to make the mRNA vaccines completely and utterly useless (except for making untold billions of dollars in having to re-vaccinate the entire world every year which I think is the actual end game).

These mutations will require new tests to detect and possibly a completely new vaccine will have to be produced. We have been warned that the extremely leaky vaccines that only target a small segment of the virus encourages mutation - a well known and understood factor for over a hundred years.

Why do you make the assumption that Dr. Kory doesn't know what he is taking about?

6 users have voted.


Kory claimed over a year ago when he spoke to Congress that Ivermectin was a miracle drug that would provide 100% protection against the virus. That was before Delta appeared. There are many erroneous claims in his statement, including the claim that Ivermectin totally stops replication of the virus.
From the video testimony...."We are now in December, this is three to four months later," Kory says in the video. "Mountains of data have emerged from many centers and countries around the world showing the miraculous effectiveness of ivermectin, it basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it, you will not get sick."

Then there is this...

7 Doctors at Anti-Vax Summit Catch COVID-19 Despite Touting Ivermectin 'Treatment'

Current Time 0:35
Duration 1:03


Can You Get A COVID-19 Booster Shot?
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Seven doctors who attended an anti-vaccination summit in Florida have contracted COVID-19 despite the summit touting of Ivermectin and other alternative "treatments" for preventing transmission.

The doctors all attended the Florida COVID Summit in Ocala, Florida on November 6. The event sought to discuss "natural immunity, the COVID recovered and vaccine mandates, COVID vaccinations and children, successful outpatient regiments for the treatment of COVID and obtaining religious and medical exemptions from [vaccine] mandates," according to an event description reported by WFOR-TV.

At the conference, 71-year-old cardiologist and anti-vaccine advocate Dr. Bruce Boros announced, "I have been on Ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I. I have never felt healthier in my life."Two days later, he contracted COVID-19, summit organizer Dr. John Littell told The Daily Beast.

Kory has cited studies on ivermectin that have been withdrawn or debunked. And just this month, another of his "proof" papers has been retracted...

All that being said, I anticipate your complete denial.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
by Sentara used to stop authorizing ivermectin was the ONLY ivermectin study at SAGE that was retracted. It was also the ONLY study they used to prevent the use of ivermectin.

Here's a few more that were not retracted at SAGE:

Ivermectin in combination with doxycycline for treating COVID-19 symptoms: a randomized trial


Patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infection treated with ivermectin plus doxycycline recovered earlier, were less likely to progress to more serious disease, and were more likely to be COVID-19 negative by RT-PCR on day 14.

20-Week Study of Clinical Outcomes of Over-the-Counter COVID-19 Prophylaxis and Treatment


Offering a low cost, readily implemented anti-viral approach, the study regimen may serve, at the least, as a stopgap modality and, perhaps, as a useful tool in combatting the pandemic.

A Recent Achievement in the Discovery and Development of Vaccines and Therapeutic Agents in the Race for COVID-19 Protection and Treatment


Ivermectin is anthelmintic which was approved by the FDA, which also has an antiviral activity for both dengue virus and human immunodeficiency virus. Its antiviral activity is through blockage of IMPα/β1 heterodimer, which is accountable for the nuclear transport of viral protein cargos.22 Targeting the viral nuclear transport process might be a possible treatment modality for RNA viruses including COVID-19, since the viral nuclear transport process plays a significant role in the embarrassment of the host’s antiviral response and enhancing the viral replication cycle.22 In vivo investigation (infection with SARS-CoV-2) has confirmed the antiviral effect of Ivermectin by reducing the viral RNA up to 5,000-fold.29,30

Sentara was previously fine for Dr. Marik to use his doctor's prerogative to choose therapy for his patients. Kennedy spells out in his book how Fauci controls the CDC and NIH to prevent NO prophylaxis WHATEVER to be used for COVID patients - OTHER than isolating at home and either get better or get sick enough to get admitted to hospital. Upon admission to a 'captured' health provider, they can only be administered Remdesivir (a drug Fauci has vested interests in). This has never happened in the entire world till now - where a doctor cannot choose his therapeutics.

‘It’s unprecedented’: Norfolk doctor asks judge to overrule hospital on giving ivermectin to COVID-19 patients
Nov 18, 2021

NORFOLK — A critical care physician trying to end Sentara Norfolk General Hospital’s ban on administering ivermectin and several other drugs to its COVID-19 patients called the prohibition “unprecedented” and “cruel” during testimony in a court hearing Thursday over whether the ban should be lifted.

Dr. Paul Marik, the longtime director of the hospital’s intensive care unit, sued Sentara Healthcare last week, arguing the organization is endangering the lives of its COVID patients by preventing him from using his treatment protocol. He asked the court to immediately issue an injunction that would prevent the hospital from enforcing its ban.

“This is not normal,” Marik testified in Norfolk Circuit Court. “It’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
But after the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Health warned against using ivermectin and some other medicines on coronavirus patients, Sentara officials did their own investigation and decided to create new guidelines ordering doctors not to use the drugs in such cases.

I have asked you time and time again please back up your comments with links.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

You’ve been beating it for a very long time. I think it’s dead.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

TheOtherMaven's picture


3 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.


praises of Kory and Marik and Kennedy and Malone and the whole cast of anti vaxers, and continue to NEVER QUESTION anything they say or write.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
It was subsequently outright banned and is now illegal.

How South Africa’s ivermectin use slips through the cracks
9 Nov 2021

Masilo Mopai’s shift never ends. He’s been on-call around the clock for 14 years.

The compliance officer works at the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra), the country’s medicines regulator.

Masilo always keeps an overnight bag packed and ready in case he needs to leave. When his phone rings at night, it’s usually someone from the directorate for crime investigation on the line, also known as the Hawks. In the daytime, it’s Port Health that calls — with tip-offs.
Sahpra has confiscated millions of rands worth of illegal ivermectin at South Africa’s borders and at pharmacies and doctors rooms.

Mopai is, as always, doggedly tracking the medicine — day and night. It’s passion for the job that fuels his stamina, he says.

“We’re playing a very important role, if we didn’t have this type of organisation in the pandemic – that would be a catastrophe.”

Fauci's cohorts had got a hold of Dr. Andrew Hill and paid him to change his mind. Dr. Tess Lawrie had recorded him on video conference. The new trial with 7,000 participants was abruptly cancelled a month later when Fauci's mRNA vaccine was first rolled out on Feb 11, 2021 in South Africa. It's in Kennedy's book 'The Real Anthony Fauci', Chapter 1: Mismanaging a pandemic. III: Ivermectin.

Cheap hair lice drug may cut the risk of hospitalized Covid patients dying by up to 80%, study finds
4 January 2021

Ivermectin - costing as little as £1.50 per treatment - may help Covid patients
Dr Andrew Hill, who led research, said it could be 'transformational' for medics
But other scientists sounded a note of scepticism, saying more data was needed
In leaked slides published ahead of the study's release next month, the scientists behind the research combined results from 11 trials of the drug involving more than 1,400 patients.

This revealed only eight Covid-19 patients out of 573 who received the drug died, compared to the 44 out of the 510 who received a placebo.

The time taken to get rid of the virus from the body was also faster when ivermectin was taken, two studies included in the research suggested.
The studies compared used different dose amounts of ivermectin, time spans and differed in how they treated their control groups.

Some were double-blinded - the 'gold standard' - meaning no volunteers were aware who was getting the drug, and others were open label, meaning participants knew whether they were getting the drug or a placebo.

'If we see these same trends observed consistently across more studies then this really is going to be a transformational treatment,' Dr Hill said in the presentation.

Trials involving a further 7,100 participants are expected to be published in the coming months, with three more due to be released in January.

3 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@Lookout together.

Here are the headlines at Zerohedge regarding "The Nu Variant"

A Scared Nu World: Here's What We Know About The New COVID Strain
teaser image

Regarded as the most heavily mutated variant with 32 mutations in the spike protein and 50 overall...
FRI NOV 26, AT 8:20 AM
South Africa Backpeddles On "Nu" Amid Rumors WHO Plans To Label "Nu" 'Variant Of Concern'
teaser image

ight now, it appears this is what they're going with: while a breakthrough infection has been documented, there's yet to be any proof that the variant causes "severe" breakthrough infections.
FRI NOV 26, AT 11:01 AM

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

zed2's picture

Is it some expensive pharma industry product?

How do we know these pharma companies are not breeding these virus variants themselves?

They are making a real killing. Corporations are not moral.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


ivermectin. and it is about 30 cents a dose and whose effectiveness is constantly suppressed.
IVM data.png

Check out these graphs of countries using IVM.

And consider the mystery in Africa.
african countries_0.png
COVID numbers in countries that give ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4 per 100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2 per 100,000.”
“Now African countries which do not distribute ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000.”

Our planet brought to you by Pfizer will not permit their media outlets to tell folks we have an effective preventative treatment, especially when it is off patent and cheap.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

It is also available in human pill form, by prescription (if you can find a MD to prescribe it) and you can find a pharmacy to fill it (in my area, most will refuse to do so unless you’re treating a parasite). In my state pharmacists are legally not allowed to practice medicine, but do so regularly and with impunity and the blessings of their employers and pharmaceutical boards. The baseless suppression of this safe and effective early treatment (ivermectin, aka stromectol) is ubiquitous. The neediness loss of life due to this suppression is profound and significant.

6 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

@zed2 Very cheap and effective.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

The government of Canada was wrong.

“Exactly 20 months later, and in response to rising case numbers, the head of Ontario’s Science Table said Thursday that ‘we need two more weeks to flatten the curve,’” opened Baber. “Apparently lockdowns, school closures, passports, mandates, and the erosion of democracy didn’t work.”

“The government subjected Ontarians to the second longest and harshest lockdown in the world, it caused countless deaths and many of us will not rest until we get a fair audit, so history can judge lockdowns fairly,” continued the MPP.

According to Statistics Canada’s official data, between January 2020 and April 2021 there were 5,535 more deaths than expected for people under the age of 65. With only 1,380 of the deaths being related to COVID, “the excess mortality is, in large part,” due to a staggering increase in fatalities related drugs and alcohol.

“The government caused our children irreparable harm with the longest school closure in the world, despite seeking and getting unanimous advice to open the schools,” stated Baber. “For twenty months Ontario’s pandemic leaders denied science by denying natural immunity while peddling herd immunity, now the science caught up and they can no longer deny it.”

“According to a McMaster [University] pediatric surgeon, multiple children died from a late cancer diagnosis,” informed Baber. “The Chief Medical Officer [of Ontario] finally admitted that ‘natural immunity’ is ‘good immunity’ … And finally, the CDC abandoned any plans for herd immunity, because you cannot obtain herd immunity with a leaky vaccine.”

8 users have voted.
CB's picture

financed by Gates and being fast approved by Fauci - a nasal and a viral vector to be used as a booster.

McMaster was part of the Welcome Study paid by Gates to study the efficacy of ivermectin. Needless to say say they set up the parameters (stage of infection, lack of zinc, dosage, outcomes) to ensure the results would be inconclusive. This is also presented in Kennedy's book.

The entire epidemic health care system has suffered from regulatory capture by Fauci, Gates and the drug manufacturers such as Pfizer and Moderna and other new start ups. As we've seen with Pfizer, they've also captured the media to control the narrative.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

Was this a form of euthanasia?

Investigation into COVID-19 in CHSLDs: “euthanized” patients, according to a doctor

Residents of CHSLDs "could have been treated", but they were instead "euthanized", according to a doctor who came to testify Monday at the hearings of coroner Géhane Kamel on the deaths of elderly or vulnerable people who occurred in residential settings during of the first wave of COVID-19.

Dr Vinh-Kim Nguyen worked in the emergency room at the Jewish General Hospital during the first wave of the pandemic.

Patients who arrived from CHSLDs with heavy cases of COVID-19 were, according to him, “surprisingly well after a day or two of infusions or oxygen”. "By hydrating these patients, they recovered very easily," noted the one who was previously involved in the management of Ebola epidemics under Doctors Without Borders.
For patients stuck in CHSLDs, the only measures available were often end-of-life respiratory distress protocols, or strong cocktails of drugs used to reduce suffering, he testified. “These are protocols that lead to death. […] It was in fact euthanasia, ”he insisted.

“What really traumatized me was that I saw patients who didn't have to go there, they could have been treated. "
He also cited “multiple bedded rooms”, “shared bathrooms,” “inadequate ventilation” and “poor air conditioning” as killers during the pandemic.

But the abandonment of the elderly is what scandalized him the most. "We've heard all kinds of things, we've heard people suggesting that the elderly self-confine themselves, as they were the ones who were at risk, so why should the rest of the population suffer? We have not seen an “Old Age Matters” movement, we have not seen the dismissal of school directors. "
The context of the investigation

The coroner's inquest is looking into the deaths of elderly or vulnerable people in residential settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, which account for half of the victims of the first wave.

During this period, from February 25 to July 11, 2020, Quebecers aged 70 and over accounted for 92% of deaths from COVID-19, according to data from the Institut national de santé publique du Québec.

6 users have voted.

health problems after he received his second shot, passed away yesterday from organ failure. Nobody is saying out loud that the jab was the cause, but everybody is thinking it.
Hoo boy...

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

are as suppressed as effective treatments.

Sorry about your friend. Let the waves wash away any sorrow!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout and offer condolences, but I don't think she wants anything to do with me because of our difference of opinion on the jab.
My compromise is to send her a text. I want to help, not be a reminder of this contentious subject.
We are in very rough waters in these times.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

she is in denial about the adverse reaction, but people are people...often scared to face up to their own reality.

Forget it and enjoy yourself on holiday!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout That is all I can do.
It is time for us to shop for souvenirs.
Enjoy your weekend!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

this news item that Merck has acknowledged its Molnupiravir (sp?) anti-Covid drug, now before the FDA for approval, may only be 30% effective, compared to the 50% previously announced. Also might cause birth defects. And could possibly lead to further Covid spike mutations. Other than that ...

Given how close Big Pharma is to the regulatory agency, one might have expected both to arrange to massage the efficacy numbers and just send it through. This almost capitulation though appears to signal there are real problems with the drug beyond efficacy.

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snoopydawg's picture

I’m not sure what to make of it but you can decide yourselves if there’s anything to it. Gates has done some wicked things across the pond. His vaccine for polio hurt lots of children.

Not sure what to make of this either.

That’s all my phone gives me. Can someone post it for me.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
or the hospital has gone completely bonkers. It shows a little old lady with a face mask in a wheel chair with a plastic bag marked "Equipment Cover" draped over her upper body.

These bags commonly carry a standard warning:

“WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep
this plastic bag away from babies and children.
Do not use this bag in cribs, beds, carriages or
play pens. This bag is not a toy.”

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mimi's picture

Why is the COVID mortality rate spiking in Germany?

Because they are idiots, or is it something else?

Folks are seriously scared now.

Enjoy your Turkey leftovers.

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Lookout's picture


and people gather in small places to stay warm.

I feel safe following this protocol, but everyone has to plot their own course.
Screenshot 2021-11-26 at 16-53-18 I-MASK+ Prophylaxis Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 [v18 – updated Octob[...].png

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

@Lookout @Lookout @Lookout
aside from the quercetin and the melatonin. What is the first? And I sleep like a stone without melatonin.

Have a good one, we got a bit of snow here and it is unpleasantly rainy-snowy. Hope you and yours are all healthy and well.

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CB's picture


The two main vaccines they use are the standard killed virus type. In addition, they use continually evolving Chinese Traditional Medicine should one come down with SARS-CoV-2 to minimize effects of the disease.

As a result they have had less a dozen deaths since their outbreak during the spring of 2020 for a current total of 4,636 deaths (3 per million) with total case load of 98,583. Compare to the US with 799,088 deaths (2,394 per million) with total case load of 49,043,709. This with a country that has almost 4 times the population of the US.

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Sorry Facebook, forced universal vaccinations are not the answer
All the science should be considered, not censored
By Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro

As reflected in the WHO’s concerns, sound science strongly suggests that the more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations. Therefore, the more likely those who have been vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. To put this another way, minimizing the number of people vaccinated is the BEST way to protect the most vulnerable – and most efficiently allocate scarce vaccine supplies around the world.

It is this simple Darwinian principle of virology that Facebook’s censors can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They argue mutations will occur whether the virus encounters antibodies generated by vaccines or antibodies generated by those previously infected. But here’s the critical difference: The mutations that develop when the virus encounters vaccinated people will be far better armed to defeat the vaccine than the mutations that otherwise develop from far more diverse “wild-spike” and other viral proteins. So the more people you vaccinate, the more vaccine-resistant mutations you get, and in the vaccine “arms race,” the more need for ever more potent boosters.

And here’s the worst-case – but by no means low probability – scenario: By vaccinating the entire population of the country (and world) with spike protein, you risk developing a “super virus” capable of evading globally harmonized immunity and putting everyone back at high risk yet again.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture

Robert F Kennedy Jr’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health should be front-page news in all the news media in the US. Instead, it has been met with the proverbial thundering silence.

It’s #1 on Amazon and on back order.

Excellent read!

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Shocking stuff. The move on suppressing and literally career ending threats about hcq and IVM, so strategic, and Fauci, his pals, are the ones who make millions. Fauci IS Mengele incarnate.
Remdesivir is poison.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Hopefully lots of people will read the book and see Fauci for what he really is and share it far and wide and he can retire finally. Anything to get him gone. But the damage he did will take an act of gawd to reverse.

Here’s another good article on the new variant. Yves does good work.

Also too MoA has a good review but the comments are even better. Lots of links in them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

and will have to start again from scratch with Omicron? Dirol Good thing I waited.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It’s what a lot of people are hinting at. Plus Biden messed up as badly as Trump did and wasted lots of time getting a handle on the epidemic. Funny how every death that happened during Trump’s tenure was his fault even in dem states, but Biden gets a pass for them and republican guvs get the blame. What’s that called?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

I got to where he double crossed everyone after congress rode his buttocks and still didn’t authorize drugs for people because his masters didn’t want him to. Sadly there’s no one in congress now that will go after him. Pelosi sold out.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

and how immuno compromised people can make variants. He was given antibodies from people who recovered from the Rona and new variants popped up. They died, he got another dose and they came back.

Sneaky little bastards they are. This goes with the one above. The reason I always read the comments.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

shaharazade's picture

Dag.Just when you thought it was safe to go outside they whip a new super duper varient out their biotech butts. Be afraid be very very afraid. Yet be sure to get on a plane and travel to your hearts content cause the stock market is falling. What the fuck is wrong with people? So much fear pumped out its an overload. No truth insight. Biotech the name alone scares the shit out of me. FDR was rightwhat we have to fear is fear itself. Boy are they literally making a killing of this disaster they created. Enough with the ' gain of function' insanity. Enough with biotechnology. Get these fuckers out of here.

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snoopydawg's picture


So much fear pumped out its an overload.

One lady in a midwestern state didn’t know she was being recorded when she said that people aren’t afraid enough of the virus. And many countries had behavioral scientists on their Covid boards to make sure that people got more afraid of them. Canada has its military on board with ramping up the fear factor.

It’s because people weren’t afraid enough for why the swine and the Obama epidemics got canceled early. No fear and people won’t buy what they’re being sold. How predictable that just as deaths were going down here comes a new variant of the Rona. They have screwed themselves by doing this because one day there will be a potent virus, but people won’t believe them.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

zed2's picture

Hurricand Katrina wiped out the power in a large hospital

I am trying to recall the exact story which was documented online in the past but seems to no longer be. My thinking is that one doesnt want to be trapped in the corporate healthcare system we were locked into forever in 1995 in a major emergency. Especially if you are poor person who depends on publicly funded healthcare thats outsourced or offshored to the lowest bidder in a foreign country. This comes with a different set of conditions than the situation we have had in the past.

Please read the following which is from "The scope of GATS and of its Obligations" by
Bregt Natens and Dr. Jan Wouters

"The exemption of measures related to export from the scope of GATS has some perhaps
unexpected practical consequences. For example, measures which reserve publicly funded hospital beds
for residents restrict the ‘export’ of hospital bed capacity and are thus in principle exempt ed
from the scope of GATS and independent from scheduled concessions in the hospital
services sector. Measures that tax ‘exported’ health services or oblige domestic health
providers to provide certain mandatory services for domestic consumers before allowing
them to move abroad are also consistent with GATS. 40
On the other hand, consider patients who go abroad in order to receive medical treatment,
i.e. so-called ‘medical tourists’. Services supplied to medical tourists fall within the scope of
GATS, being services supplied in accordance with Mode 2: (Mode 2 is "consumption abroad"

consumption abroad. Thus a
government’s refusal to reimburse the costs of the foreign treatment may discriminate
against foreign services and violate national treatment obligations. 41 Of course, conditions
apply to this analysis. First, specific commitments on national treatment in the relevant
sector would have to have been scheduled without relevant limitations. Second, domestic
and foreign services would have to be considered ‘like’. Third, the treatment accorded to
like foreign services would have to be less favourable. Fourth, an exception to GATS may
provide a justification for the potential breach of national treatment obligations. However,
from the point of view of the receiving or host state, there are no obligations to treat foreign
patients like domestic patients. Mode 2 only applies to domestic patients moving abroad to
receive a service. According less favourable treatment to a foreign patient entails
disfavouring domestic over foreign services or service suppliers – which is legitimate under

Export measures, hospital services and medical tourism
The exemption of measures related to export from the scope of GATS has some perhaps
unexpected practical consequences. For example, measures which reserve hospital beds
for residents restrict the ‘export’ of hospital bed capacity and are thus in principle exempted
from the scope of GATS and independent from scheduled concessions in the hospital
services sector. Measures that tax ‘exported’ health services or oblige domestic health
providers to provide certain mandatory services for domestic consumers before allowing
them to move abroad are also consistent with GATS. 40
On the other hand, consider patients who go abroad in order to receive medical treatment,
i.e. so-called ‘medical tourists’. Services supplied to medical tourists fall within the scope of
GATS, being services supplied in accordance with Mode 2: consumption abroad. Thus a
government’s refusal to reimburse the costs of the foreign treatment may discriminate
against foreign services and violate national treatment obligations. 41 Of course, conditions
apply to this analysis. First, specific commitments on national treatment in the relevant
sector would have to have been scheduled without relevant limitations. Second, domestic
and foreign services would have to be considered ‘like’. Third, the treatment accorded to
like foreign services would have to be less favourable. Fourth, an exception to GATS may
provide a justification for the potential breach of national treatment obligations. However,
from the point of view of the receiving or host state, there are no obligations to treat foreign
patients like domestic patients. Mode 2 only applies to domestic patients moving abroad to
receive a service. According less favourable treatment to a foreign patient entails
disfavouring domestic over foreign services or service suppliers – which is legitimate under

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